Dec 31, 2020 A Somerset man is facing multiple charges after being involved in a minor collision last week. Gary Wayne Godby, 60, has been charged with Possession of Controlled Substance 1st Degree, 1st Offense (Methamphetamine); Possession of Marijuana; Drug Paraphernalia - Buy/Possess; Operating a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence of Controlled Substance, 1st Offense; and Parole Warrant - Flagrant Non-support (Felony). According to Pulaski County Sheriff Greg Speck, Deputy Branson Patterson was investigating the wreck -- which occurred on Bend of the Lakes Road at approximately 9:07 p.m. the night of December 22. Godby had been driving a 2015 Chevrolet Cruze. Through his investigation, Dep. Patterson learned that Godby was wanted on a parole violation warrant from Campbell County and arrested him. Following the arrest, the deputy located a small baggie of suspected methamphetamine on Godby's person as well as another container of suspected meth and a small amount of suspected marijuana. Dep. Patterson also located a couple of clear glass pipes on Godby, which authorities say is consistent with the use of illegal drugs.