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Apartment, and she is cooking . Well, my instructions were to drop him off and come back and help cook. Then i held them captive. Mommy, love you. As soon as the she is over, ill be home to help you. I dont know how much help i am, but dow love you. Were in trouble. It is my fault. I dont know if you know this, i know how Big High School football is in texas. They made shows about it. This is interesting. In philadelphia, the philadelphia area, they play Big High School Football Games, on thanksgiving, today. Like at 10 00 this morning, some of the biggest rivalries will take place, and sabina decided to go. She had to choose one. And it was hard to choose. But there is a huge crowd already in this cold at 9 00, where are you, sabina . Reporter we are geared up ready to go, here at ridley high school. And the Football Game is about to start in about an hour, but hey, guys. 8,000 people, expected. Listen to that cheer. Get up, get up, lets go. The superbowl of our area. Guys, back to you. Yes, the superbowl, ridleys playing inner borough today. Big game. Another one, off the top of my head, because some friends every mine are going west philly versus overbrook. Oh, thats a big one. By the way, quick, thank you for people joining us at 9 00 our good day feast this year from little lion, great restaurant that alex and i go to all the time, kind of on our way home, third and chestnut. Well, at third and chestnut, i dont see any chestnuts. Oh, well you can get chestnuts at winter fest, you know, opening tomorrow. True. Ill have those details tomorrow. But look at this turkey, 30pound turkey, thats a big turkey, isnt it, grandpa . Beautiful. It is glistening, isnt it . What i would like to do, take one of the legs. Grandpa, your favorite part of the turkey . The leg. You going to take my grandpas leg . Look at this face, youre going to take his leg, really . Make a sands face, grandpa, make a sad face. We will ravel for that. Oh, well ravel for it, okay. Watch this. You touched it now. Thats yours. We got two legs, thank goodness. Most turkeys ive seen over the years, ive had two. Columbus farmers market, is open today. Open until 3 00. Open until 3 00. Steve is finding suffer. They say go to building five because the food is very good there. Just giving you a heads up. You know what, thats a long walk, at least i can show you, there is a food court, build that burned, and they rebuilt. That looks like the size of depford mall. All right . So here are the signs on 206. Right . You can see, they got the Little Farmer out there, with the overalls, the hey hat on. But, this parking lot is like one fifth of the parking. You can see, amish market, see the covered wagon back there over the door on the far right. Now we walk fast, look at the flags up here. Theyre blowing. Thank god it is sunny out here, because we got pretty good windchill right around freezing, but would you think, that would curtail the crowds here specially on thanksgiving morning. But there is a mob scene here, this is like the size of the crowd would you find at an eagles home game only a little bit more cooler and calm, and again, lack of beer here, but thats the only difference, because it is the same crowd size. And there are so many vendors, i dont have an exact number, but theyre in the hundreds, and everything from new stuff to old stuff to antique stuff. That is hundreds of years old. Get everything you can think of on everybodys wish list, insense, oils, clothes, music, and again, come on over here, greg there is way, down here. Just to gave you a sense of the size of it, we have been under these under hangs. Like 20 of these. And it is just vendors as far as you can go. Fresh vegtables, and a lot of people selling a lot of the hats and gloves that you are going to need. So, smart move here, you can buy things, if you dont come dressed for the weather, you can certainly dress for the weather after shopping here for two seconds. Everything super cheap. It is also credit cards as well. I noticed one thing this morning, the first sheets of ice here, theyve been putting salt down. But any kind of water thats on the grounds from the rain this week is frozen. Look at that sign, spices and honey, if we were to change the name of this show. The two hoses of the show, mike you would be the spices because you never know what you will get. And then alex, you are are smooth and sweet like honey, spices and honey,. Spices and hon. I welcome to spices and honey. Ya. You like that, you like being honey more than spice . Yes, i think youre speights. I well, im flog but hon. I is that right. Right, dad, grandpa . Im hone . Is she sweet . What . laughing . Oh, not going to answer the question. And i know better than ask my dad. Oh, monterrey is back. We love to see you. Whats this . Oh, we have some dressing stuffing, it all depends where youre from. True. Where im from, we say stuffing. Where did you grow up . Philadelphia right here hometown hero. But you have a little southern flavor. Ive been i mean the southern mac and cheese and stuff . Well, you know, my grandparent and my mom, they all, you know, down south based, well, from down there. So, you know, i learned all from them. You picked it all up . I picked it all up. Lets pick up the stuffing. Squeeze if. I love this dilemma on the table at thanksgiving trying to fit everything in. Just force everything in. Whole smors boring of everything. Now, when i was growing up in kansas, we called it dressing, and it was real gooey. What do you like best . I like it actually inside the turkey, i like to get it inside the turkey. Thats how i like it, instead of on the side like this. Isnt that supposed to be dangerous or something . We live dangerous every day. So, they took a survey they ranked what are the best things to eat besides the turkey, right . So the top five. Number five was pie. And i have to agree, pumpkin pie, even though youre stuffed, i can always find room, doctor mike, for pie with a little whip cream on top. Deck cant. Youre a cherry pie guy. Cherry first then pumpkin. Doctor mike . Shoe fly pie. Oh, out in amish pie you can get that im a chess pie, from the south, grandpa, your favorite pie . Banana pudding. Oh, you like banana putting. Well, banana cream pie my number three,. Okay. Love it. Im a chess pie person, too. Whats chess pie . Southern kind of pie, like butter milk, right . And sugary. Number four on the list, best size mashed potatoes, how can you go wrong for that, little indentation on it. And you pour the grave any it. Company potatoes, have you heard that before . Heard of company potatoes. No. Like buttery, sour cream, thick layer of cheese on top. Oh, it is good. All right, number three . The gravy that i just put on the mashed potatoes. Whether i moved here i got confused, so many people like italian food, gravy, i always thought they were talking this kind of gravy. But different kind of gravy right . Tomato sauce. Tomato sauce, what, youre putting gravy, what, the brown stuff, what, oh, no, it is red. Oh, okay. Put son gravy on your mashed potatoes and it is red . Weirds. Number two is the wine. Hey, monterrey, did you bring any wine . I did not bring any wine. Youre fired. Oh, stop t i brought something. We have to go get it. Oh, did you . Yes, because i wanted to bring little bottle of something. I have homemade wine from somebody in south philly and then oh, i knew, jen would have wine oh, i have whiskey, too laughing . Whiskey. Lets go. Ill be back. Oh, god. So the number one thing that they said, and i agree with this, the best side dish is the dressing we just had. No need to fear. Because i happen to get some bottles last night. Here we go. What do you mean . Thats good. Good, the kids can have some, too, everybody can have some of this. Now, tell me about the experience, because the first im hearing this, what was it like at a liquor store on the night before thanksgiving . Yes. Mike . Oh, you know. Oh, hes allowed to go to a liquor store . He is. We drank cool aid. Apple sider . You get this at the grocery store. I mean, you might be. You cant . They have the real deal there. Well, everybody goes to the liquor store, i just want to know, how many people you ran into. Ill say it was this. I heard that the lines there were longer than the lines at the grocery store, but i dont know how i would know. That will i have no idea. There are Package Stores what we call them here in pennsylvania. So cheers. Cheers. Sure. Cheers. I forgot to open it. Okay . All right. I believe we call them gist. But here is the debate. Explain what a jiff is again . So, it is like a video or expression or something. And they have it on a loop. So, if were you to do Something Real quickly, you gist play it over and over and over again, like an expression, way to express yourself on social media. Okay . The question is a lot of people call it gifs, thats how it is spilled, but there is big debate, is it jiff or gif. Why dont we ask the man who invented the gif or jif. Instead of speaking his five words tonight, instead of speaking his five words tonight, steve is using his own invention, to except his award. applause and cheers . So it is jif. Lets stop debating it. The man who invented it says it is a jif. My debate now, like, if you call it jif and it is right, if everyone else in the world thinks youre wrong, whats the point of being right . Everyone will think youre wrong anyway. Well, if loving is righty dont want to be wrong. Well, we want to be accurate. I know. But no one will know youre being accurate. Wow. High. You brought the liquor cabinet. The wine lady showed. We cant see you. Oh, thank you. First, i have to introduce myself to these handsome guys in the hallway. Because, true. True. And youre gentleman, so you can have a wine glass. Okay . Thank you. You look like a burbon guy to me, any truth to that . I dont know if you heard, but the 76ers, were trust that process around here, 20point win. So this is screw off in case we cant finds, not saying you guys are screw office, just saying if we cant find an opener we have this, okay . And because it is a little bit early, we might want to start with a blush. Okay. But have you ever had south philadelphia homemade wine . I havent. It is really good. Yes. Someone on ninth street gave me this. If we can figure out how to open it. Well, you agree . You can have a taste. There are people in south fill that i have vines, grape vinyls, in their backyards. Yes. Ive seen it. Did that all come from your desk. Just one corner. Okay. Happy thanksgiving. They just want us to keep talking about the gifs. Oh, okay. So here are the top 3gifs with thanksgiving for the family. Number three the look you give when getting asked why youre still single. Oh, thats good. Shut up. Wanted knee read that one. Shut up. Now number two, what you look like when catching up on family gossip. Oh, girl, uncle sam did that . Soandso . Nobody dresses like at my dinner. Ya, ill be in sweats, lets be honest . We can go for another piece of the breast here. Number one, seeing the epp inning spread that thanksgiving spread for the first time. Awe. I think im going to like it here. Little annie. Little orphan annie. Remember, what was it two years ago, when the thanksgiving clap back was trending, everybody was tweeting about the thanksgiving clap back. Remember that . I dont. You dont . Why are you still sing snell. Oh, the come back ready to go. Yes, yessing. So whether you walk in for dinner why you still single . Were you therefore that. Listen that was 364 days ago. I dont remember what i did last night. Dad, you remember the thanksgiving clap back. Im a clap back fan. Oh,. He is the king of clap back. You know one of the nicest things, Organization Called manna they feed people who are in need. So lewes is he a big fan. And with her daughter, too. Im here, come say hello on tv. Just woke up by the way. Listen, were at manna amazing place, this is a meal. George, show everybody what weve got going here. This is the meal that all of you guys provided by buying a pie, and the pie in the sky fundraiser. And, if santa had a workshop that was all about cooking, we are going to go to it, but look at this, still have pie for sale, right, guys . Yes we do. Couple here at manna not many. But we got a few and only 20 bucks on sale. Lets go in here. This by the way everybody is steve korman, the man that made this whole thing possible. Say hello to steve. Best part of philadelphia, these are the people, what fox has done is amazing. Oh,. Thank you so much. We appreciate it. We are blessed to be here. Ill show everybody the workshop going on. Come on, guys, lets go on in here. So literally, think about, like, santa and elves. We got to push our way through the elf crowd. And then get on in to the green beans. Isnt this great way to spend your thanksgiving morning . One of 500 volunteers, right here, so we got green beans, lets go own over here. The stuffing crew is here, hello stuffing crew. We have the stuffing and green beans, the main course here right now, take a look at this, doesnt that look amazing . Now, listen. Ive got somebody, kendel, good job, happy thanksgiving. Happy thanksgiving. How does it feel being here helping people . Feels amazing, just makes me feel good. You know what . You got a good mom and good family. Showing you the right way to do thanksgiving. Yes, thank you. William . I think people know your mom. Oh, hey. How are you . Did you see will . Did i see will. Lets go. All right, sue over here, getting pictures taken right now. So, sue, were alive on fox 29. Happy thanksgiving, everyone. May favorite day. Who are we feeding . Over 500 volunteers, feeding 825 families today, 3400 meals, a record breaker for us. Thats what it is all about, helping more people, we help more people here. Isnt this great . Amazing pie sales. Great pie sales, sue. People we know, we saw high i dillon here, familiar faces and it feels so good. Exactly. And we will go out and deliver right now, happy thanksgiving, back to you guys. Oh, i love manna boy your daughter just beautiful, and lovely, isnt me . And i love when family come together to do service and do great things in the community. Lucy, thank you for that. Lucy and her daughter. All right, we need mashed potatoes, because i am i have an idea, monterrey. It is not a good one. But it is an idea. Start oh, look, hes already put the gravy on top of it. Oh, ya. Put it out there. Oh, ya. All right, here is the idea. See if you agree with this. You know the movie, a christmas story . Yes. I want to recreate the mashed potato scene. Do you minds . No. There will be some clean up. She is not giving you a good look right now. Okay, for andy, shoveling the mashed potatoes. So we will recreate that in about two minute. Here, doctor mike, would you like some . Please. Ahh. About two minute. Thank you. With catering delivery from olive garden we make the food and deliver right to your door so you wont have to lift a finger, just a fork. Holy night sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace sometimes you justlways on, need to turn off. Declare peace, with sertas cool to the touch memory foam. The Serta Icomfort temptouch mattress collection. Experience it only at mattress firm. Welcome back everybody, doctor mike, can you help me with this . Big wad of mashed potatoes. So on fox we will have this christmas story live. Ill tell you about that in a second. So well recreate randy, the little brother of ralphy, doesnt like to eat his mashed potatoes. Right. So she is going to play the mom. Okay . And then i invited my friend over, little mikey, and ill be little rand. I okay. I dont like mashed potatoes. I dont like mashed potatoes. No, we dont like it, mom. Well show me how the piggies eat. No. Show me how the piggies eat. Be a good boy. Show them. Thats right. Show mommy how the piggies eat. Oh, thats a good boy. Oh, look at you. So of course, you guys know this scene from a christmas story. Some younger boys. Show me how the piggies eat. Be good boy. Show mommy how the pig he is eat. Oh. Somehow it is cuter in the movie. It really is. I cant put my finger on it. I got to tell you, though, the gravy on these mashed potatoes are fantastic. It is good. Monterrey put his foot in this. Uhhuh. So the reason why we were doing this, and eating the mashed potatoes this way, you know this december, a christmas story is going to be on our station, fox 29 live. Theyre doing live version of it, you know how we did grease last year, kinds of thing. Thats right. So fox 29 is giving you a chance to be there in person in l. A. To see this. A christmas story live. You will get to go to the warner brother studios in los angeles, the prize includes airline flights, two nights hotel in l. A. Oh,. And transportation. So just go to fox29. Com contests. Thats our website. You get all of the complete rules and enter for your chance to win, and youre going to hollywood. Back in my day, my little, well, i had a friends named. Was he your friends . Well, he was a student at my high school. Okay . And ted, ted yolkums. Said do you want to see a human pill be . Oh, no. What . Oh oh, gosh. Grand pop thought that was funny. That casino every how many galore yes . Thats the stuff you like to laugh at grandpa . Me and the hollys. It is great. We have cheddar, cheddar grits . Oh, you have to have some grits. Grandpa, i know you love grits. I love it. Harmony, harmony, harmony. Common in. All right, coming in. Not just grits, you have to have the greens with it. Of course, thanksgiving you have to have greens. Start with dad down there, okay . Slide . So cheddar grit, what else do you have in there . Just put some off on the plate there. Lay it in there, then we will dish it out interest there. Because i think we have a shot of it. And how do you make your greens . Man, without trying to give it away, we braze our greens with some shallots, some garlic slices, as well, and some, i want to say, some apple cider vinegar, thats all ill go. The grits are sitting in whats this goo . It is from the mustard green, the juices from the mustard greens. You got to let the juices go all in the grits. Go all up in it. Got to have greens with your thanksgiving, got to have to, no other way, no other way. Than the you, month err. I of course big football day to ridley takes on interboro in the turkey bowl. And sabina is there, geared up, ready to go. Reporter you guys, who are we going to cheer for . Weve got the bucks and the raiders. 8,000 people expected today. Guys who are we cheering for today . Grizzlys. Can i get a cheer . Can i get a little cheer . Yahoo. All right. Lets get excited. Stay with us, youre going to want to get in on this. After all, whats thanksgiving taking another look at the thanksgiving day parade going on, right now. Im getting sense this one is sponsored by the logan. There is christmas wreath coming down. Is that what that is . You are right that is a big wreath especially for a balloon. Megan, you said you have it . Megan milky way, in the control room happy thanksgiving, megan. Happen i thanksgiving. Sorry about your sweater, lets get to it again. Yes, terrible. Huge moths. Yes. Nice one. So, my friend carroll, general manager over at parx restaurant. I love carroll. She said she went to the Package Liquor store and proud of it. So look at that line. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Because that is one thing you cannot get at last second, you know like today you dont have any wine where do you go . Where . That is true. If you need food you can go to a wawa or a walmart. I believe you just got a tweet, someone said acme is opened. They have earlier hours and they close earlier. Shop rite is open if i know sandy brown. Big football day here in the Delaware Valley because we play High School Football on thanksgiving. One of the biges games, turkey bowl this year, interboro verse ridley. I have both of my flags here i have not chosen side but i have somebody who is a little partial, the assistant principal here at ridley. I am hi. Hi. This is an insane vibe. This is a great opportunity for our community to come together. I can tell you everybody on this side bleed green, multiple generations, we have here families, you have children, grandparents, great grandparents. That is incredible. All thanksgiving it could not have work out any better we are thankful. This is an opportunity we raise money for families in need in our community and our kid come together and, honestly this could not be a more beautiful day. Reporter that is why we do it. Absolutely. Reporter somebody told me 8,000 people expect. Yes, it is more than just football it is about a time for us all to come together as a family and like i said we bleed green here in ridley. You got to tell me about this rivalry. Deep rooted rivalry. Reporter generations. Multi generational, it is, honestly here on the football behind they go all out and crowd here at the end of the day will shake hands and leave but i can tell you for entire game, we will know hoist on what side, that is for sure. Reporter game face on. Absolutely. Reporter we have your girls here they will give me a cheer. Hi, guys can i get a cheer. All right, lets go, lets do it, come on. Here we go,. Cheering. Reporter awesome. You guys are amazing. Can you feel it. The spirit is on. I will be a over here the bucks north yellow. We will give them a shout out too this just happens to be a home game at ridley. Ridley verse interboro. Through go. Turkey bowl. Expecting 10,000 people. Someone just tweeted because we know there is a lot have High School Match ups, you cannot forget about one of the oldest in the city, central verse northeast, and that is a big one going on. Central verse northeast. We gave whole list earlier so dont get mad at us. Anybody hungry. Still hungry. What do you got monterey. Up next we have sweet potato hash, it is not sweet potato, slap it right in there not the normal sweet potato we are used to seeing. What is it. It is hash inside hash it is red peppers and of course sweet potatoes. Keep it all up, saute it up and hit it with some salt, pepper, cinnamon, nut meg, sugar get it nice and sweet. Hope you enjoy it. Were having more turkey this one was sent into us because we have been asking people what is going wrong today. What is happening but this is cute, alyss say just making sure he gets best seat for dinner. That is a dog. Real quickly here and they know not to feed their dog but we found on the internet they said you probably shouldnt feed a dog, a friend of mine said i think i will give them some turkey. Not supposed to give them turkey. Yeah. What is other thing, five things you should not feed your dog or any pet around your house besides the turkey. Ham, can be dangerous because of pork product can create intestinal issues. You dont want that. And dress dressing, mushrooms, raisins, onions. You might have a grape in there too. Sweet potatoes is a no, no because spices and marshmallows lead to an upset stomach. Pumpkin pie is off limit. I would in the want to be a dog on thanksgiving. Ill stay being a human. I dont want to be a dog on thanksgiving. It is a new song. This holiday season, my good friend gave to me. 7 powerball tickets, 6 match 6 chances, 5 cash 5s 4 cash4lifes, 3 pick 3s, 2 mega millions. Happy holidays, rita thanks, joe what a great gift Pennsylvania Lottery tickets make great gifts. Like the new merry millions. Happy holidays and best wishes from the lottery. This is from gwenndo, exploding potatoes on thanksgiving, yikes. Yes. Weve got an explosion, over at gwenndos, William James just said the landlord still has not fixed the oven. That is not good. Supposed to be done last night. What do you do. Turkey troubles. Lets get over, we have not checked in on the childrens table just yet we have our little friends. Joey portman. Joey portman is here founder of reality mom, mike the fake weather guy is here harassing the kid. Were having fun this morning. We will begin with boston. You will try a brussels sprout s for the first time because your rotten mom has never made you eat brussels sprouts. Shes a great mom. One, two you like mack and cheese. Put it right in your mouth. Chew, chew, chew, chew. I still cant believe it. Thumbs up, thumbs down. Christmas miracle. Okay, cool. One of the things, your gift guide on fox 29. Com i said give us some gifts for every age level, hi, buddy, hudsons here as well. Where are we beginning. We will bring it down to small kid, middle kid, big kid, one of the kiddies little tikes two in one food truck. Cool. Comes with ice cream and hot dog. Here is your dessert today. I love that there is so many features we will talk about that more at some point but these things you handed your kid when you said no screenings at the table. These are retro games from from bridge direct and, and, and,. And what is this, this is really fun, this is one of my favorites. You sit there and find characters. This is about gross things. You can imagine is what gross that is in here. You find piece that is go witt yes, entertainment, keep them quiet and good. This baby right here is cool because it can be remodeled a lot of ways. You want that. You want that. Your mom brought it so you can take it home. Dont tempt him. Okay, sorry. What is great is the kid cozy coupe. Hold on, honey. I know, the buttons not on , safety. Thinks the kid trek costume coupe for boys and girls customize it to be whatever you want it to be. Turn it on. Oh, yeah, all right, what do you do. Im the crazy auntie can believe it. What is that. Big kid. They love things that light up and dance and have fun, right. Yes. And then, the kid that say mom, i could not call you the phone died. A battery charger. Thinks a precharged thing. Well, no you put it on a key chain, they cannot tell you they could not charge it. Okay, got it this one come on over here boston i want to show you this. Dont move too much. It is called sound moves. Come around the front. I love about this. Black friday you can get for 30 off at kohls, target normally 70 you can get for 40. What is great bit, you wear these bands, and you can create a band with your family over 400 different sounds. Now dance. That is it. Whip, nana. No, that is it. Come on. Run me over. Is he stuck in this. Crazy uncle. Thanks, joey, fox 29. Com. Really. This is why they were put at the kid table, it is chaos, and we dent want it over here. Dancing and Everything Else i do want that dance wrist band. He is ready to go home. We didnt have little toys like that growing up, we had to push pedals yourself there, was in battery. Look at them now. God, i love that thing. Lets check on the parade making their way down the parkway right now, it is looking pretty nice. High school band there. Come on back, listen to this, christmas story. It is cold, sunnies out. What you want to do in that parade is get in that sun. We will tell you why in 15 seconds lets look at your, boston not austin lets not be confused what does philly have right now, number. Thirtyfour. There we go. I ams thirsty. All right. So what sit, cold, right. Yes. It is not sunny florida around here. Clear skies, all the way out until you get up toward portland, right, what is that. That is where he is moving. He is moving to northern california. It is like 2,000 miles before you hit any kind of weather. This is some good news. It will get cold this weekend do you see that. All right. So is what tomorrows forecast. Two word. Good deal. Good deal, man we have sun out there. Saturday close call, what happens sunday with the eagles game. Gusty wind. We will hit wind. Fortyfive, 53 what is saturday forecast number. 54 degrees. That is right, we have a new freelancer right here. Best part his parents have been trying to get him to be quiet the whole time, he is most engaging well behaved kid we have in the building. Thanks. Awesome, man. First time i have ever heard that he is fine too but nothing compared to this one. Lets face it were all kid on this show. That is for sure. I have to say i have been checking on twitter, instagram and people are weighing in and they are loving you, grand pop we have some ladies hoff been weighing in. Well, that is great. Is it now. One lady said that you are her new crush. She likes. Tell her thank you. And then one lady said she wants to give you a big kiss. I welcome it. Well, i dont welcome that. This is what i will do i wont let you kiss my grand preponderance because im protective but i will give him a kiss for him. I will give a kiss for this woman who wants to give you a kiss. There you go. You have to satisfy this woman. Satisfaction this woman. But he is welcoming it. Listen to you the protective granddaughter. Would do the same thing you wouldnt want a man kissing on me. No. Exactly. We will, we cannot that have kind of pie we have to have a real pie. What do you have here. Is chris behind to. I had to bring chris with this one because i have three delicious pies for you guys, put it right in the middle. What is that. This is my favorite, that is a pumpkin cheese cake, excuse me. And whipped cream topping. Very delicious. Of course, we cannot have thanksgiving without American Apple pie and sweet potato pie as well. Okay. Try this one that is amazing my favorite. Dont get mad at me ill eat only this one because this is one of my favorite things in life what . Pie. Pie, the pumpkin cheese cake. Pumpkin cheese cake. Thanks for little lion people are asking this great spread fridays little lion. We will share with our co work hours have to work this thanksgiving holiday. Is it good. God, it goodies. Lets get married. We didnt have any troubles because we have little lion here but people at home are having some and they are weighing in. This one fridays maryann vaughn, our boss here she said back to the rolls rolls and coal sleigh god please let this turnout okay. She has 32 people coming to her house for thanksgiving. Lauren says, not so excited about the grits dishonor show. Looks like we will have to have them next year. She dropped the grits. You cannot drop grits. That would be good for later when you are laying on the floor watching Football Game and you fall asleep. Stick your tongue out. We will be right back. We have a few minutes here before we have to leave you, good day philadelphia feast is coming to a close, i cannot believe we have to get home now and eat. Oh my gosh. Monterey and his name is pronounced monterey. That is right. From little lion at third and chestnut time time to carve. What did you bring out in front. The fourth dessert is Apple Cinnamon bread pudding, whipped cream topping, a real belly filler, that is right. Do not loosen up your belt on thanksgiving then you are not eating right. We have to get your thanksgiving pants on. Yes, sweat pants. So you start with the breast. I carve it straight down unless some people some guys like you like the legs. Rip it right off. Can you rip one right off. There you go get a little thigh with that too. How about that. It looks like roast bees. It is like game of thrones. It is so, soft. Grand poppies going to do just like you. Cheers. Cheers. Take the turkey leg. Boom. I love it. Wait a second. Santas here. Santas here. Hi santa. Well, if santas here that means were wrapping up. I do believe we are wrapping up. We forgot though the grateful gobbler we didnt say what were thankful for this year. Darn it. Okay, so hold on, i dont know where it is. Crystal, corry can you put down that phone and get that gobbler thing over there. Thanks. Usually what we do we like to say what were thankful. But we got excited for. Heres grateful gobbler. It started a week and a half ago. Look at how different that looks. Look at that turkey. Yes, just cover his eyes. So you write down what you are thankful for each and every day and read off things. We have been writing on throughout. Heres one i wrote the very first day. Alex and karen and every day at nine. Yes. There is no feather for you , you have a beginlet. This one says Eagles Sixers yah. Were thankful for that. Our good day viewers. That is from karen. Yeah. Yes. This one says doctor mike. Yeah. Jen fred. This one says thankful to be alive that was me. My woman works me out, jayl e lou is. My family my support system so glad you are here. I cannot read that one, i dont know. Karen wrote my kid. Jen, lets say how are thankful for. Im thankful for our countrys veterans, police who protect us, Fire Fighters who go into the house and all you clowns. Really quickly we have 30 seconds. My beautiful family, beautiful wife and all of you because i love you all. We love you too. My children. That is it. Monterey, oh, boy, family, friend, neighborhood, somerville section of the fill and southwest. Grand pop, what are you thankful. Im thankful to be here in philadelphia with my granddaughter and my son and my daughter in law. I love it. We have to go. Happy t with catering delivery from olive garden we make the food and deliver right to your door so you wont have to lift a finger, just a fork. You guys ready for Quincy Harris . Make some noise for the q. [cheers and applause] hey happy thanksgiving to everyone. Yeah. Happy thanksgiving. How yall doing. Im the host of the q Quincy Harris. Lets give it up for our producer from south philadelphia meredith

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