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Top Books on hautes-alpes

1. Les alpes the alps

ISBN10 Number - 2847990771

Date of Publication - Jan 18, 2006

Publisher - LIBRIS (�DITIONS)

2. Alp

ISBN10 Number - 3858696226

Date of Publication - Sep 15, 2014

Publisher - Rotpunktverlag

3. Alp

Die Bergwelt im Wandel dokumentiert auf höchstem künstlerischem Niveau Heute wie vor 150 Jahren: Ein preisgekrönter Fotograf auf den Spuren der Fotopioniere des 19. Jahrhunderts Die atemberaubende Landschaft der Alpen übte schon auf die Pioniere der Fotografie eine unwiderstehliche Anziehungskraft aus. Seit den 60er-Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts nahmen Fotografen die Strapazen einer Gipfelbesteigung mit Steigeisen und einer viele Kilogramm schweren Fotoausrüstung auf sich, um die glanzvolle und einzig schöne Firnenwelt ins Flachland hinunter zu zaubern . Diese einzigartige Bergwelt hat bis heute nichts von ihrer Faszination verloren. ALP vereint drei Serien des Fotografen Olaf Unverzart, die in den letzten zwölf Jahren im gesamten Alpenraum entstanden sind. Dabei nimmt er auch die Mühsal des Aufstiegs mit einer analogen Grossformatkamera auf sich, um neben der überwältigenden Schönheit der Landschaft auch die Veränderungen durch Klimawandel und stetig zunehmenden Tourismus zu dokumentieren. In feinfühligen, farblich reduzierten und unprätentiösen Fotografien erfasst Olaf Unverzart die fragile Balance zwischen der zeitlosen Erhabenheit der alpinen Gipfel und den von Menschen verursachten Eingriffen und Zerstörungen dieser Landschaft.-- An accomplished young photographer, Olaf Unverzart, takes on an age-old subject and transforms the way we see the Alps. Serious Alpine photography began in the middle of the 19th century by photographers who lugged large plate cameras into inaccessible regions to produce some of the most spectacular images of their time. Nearly two hundred years later, Olaf Unverzart has photographed the Alps and given them a 21st century perspective. Disappearing glaciers, the steeply inclined asphalt roads of the Tour de France, machinery crushed by avalanches, or huge cement fortifications imbedded in rock and defying nature--Unverzart's large-format images focus on the marks humankind leaves behind when attempting to master nature. He also documents nature's own power--in the form of avalanches and mudflows--when it overcomes these misguided efforts. Much more than another collection of nature photographs, this volume is a powerful reminder of the ramifications of human intervention toward Earth's most majestic features--a story told without ideology or didactics, through the eyes of a keen and hopeful observer.--

ISBN10 Number - 3791349953

Date of Publication - 2014

Number of Pages 192

Publisher - Prestel

Places in the book - Munich

4. Alpen - alps - alpi - alpes 1

ISBN10 Number - 3854911866

Date of Publication - Jun 28, 2018

Publisher - Kompass Karten GmbH

5. The alps

"A thrilling blend of contemporary travelogue and historical narrative about the Alps from 'a graceful and passionate writer' (Washington Post). For centuries the Alps have seen the march of armies, the flow of pilgrims and Crusaders, the feats of mountaineers and the dreams of engineers--and some 14 million people live among their peaks today. In The Alps, Stephen O'Shea takes readers up and down these majestic mountains, journeying through their 500-mile arc across France, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria, and Slovenia. Along the way, he explores the reality behind Hannibal and his elephants' famous crossing in 218 BCE; he reveals how the Alps have profoundly influenced culture from Frankenstein to Heidi to The Sound of Music; and he visits the spot where Arthur Conan Doyle staged Sherlock Holmes's death scene, the bloody site of the Italians' retreat in World War I, and Hitler's notorious vacation house, the Eagle's Nest. Throughout, O'Shea records his adventures with the watch makers, salt miners, cable-car operators, and yodelers who define the Alps today"--Provided by publisher.

ISBN10 Number - 039324685X

Date of Publication - 2017

Number of Pages 318

6. The alps

ISBN10 Number - 0195309553

Date of Publication - October 12, 2006

Number of Pages 272

Publisher - Oxford University Press, USA

7. The alps

ISBN10 Number - 3856347801

Date of Publication - 1987

Number of Pages 84

Publisher - De Clivo Press

Places in the book - Dübendorf

8. Alps

Date of Publication - 2013

Number of Pages 458

Publisher - University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

9. Alps

Date of Publication - 2018

Number of Pages 268

Publisher - Creative Media Partners, LLC,Franklin Classics

10. The alps

ISBN10 Number - 0979088828

Date of Publication - Nov 01, 2008

Number of Pages 144

Publisher - Flim Forum,Flim Forum Press

11. The alps

ISBN10 Number - 1428637095

Date of Publication - July 9, 2006

Number of Pages 284

Publisher - Kessinger Publishing, LLC

12. The alps

ISBN10 Number - 0342726439

Date of Publication - Oct 13, 2018

Number of Pages 268

Publisher - Franklin Classics

13. Alps

ISBN10 Number - 1566956404

Date of Publication - Jan 01, 2019

Number of Pages 2

Publisher - Natl Geographic Society Maps

14. The alps

ISBN10 Number - 0548127166

Date of Publication - July 25, 2007

Number of Pages 284

Publisher - Kessinger Publishing, LLC

15. Alps

ISBN10 Number - 0920620469

Date of Publication - Oct 16, 1983

Publisher - Whitecap Books

16. Alps

ISBN10 Number - 0244679258

Date of Publication - Apr 07, 2018

Number of Pages 38

Publisher -

17. The alp

English translation of Sez Ner

Date of Publication - 2014

Number of Pages 96

Publisher - Dalkey Archive Press

18. Des alpes traversées aux alpes vécues =

ISBN10 Number - 3905312069

Date of Publication - 1996

Number of Pages 115

Publisher - Chronos-Verlag,Losfeld

Places in the book - Zürich

19. Tartarin en los alpes/ tartarin in the alpes (spanish edition)

ISBN10 Number - 8475252893

Date of Publication - Sep 15, 1985

Publisher - Anaya Infantil

20. Pioneer work in the alps of new zealand; a record of the first exploration of the chief glaciers and ranges of the southern alps

ISBN10 Number - 0344952746

Date of Publication - Nov 08, 2018

Number of Pages 432

Publisher - Franklin Classics Trade Press

21. Pioneer work in the alps of new zealand; a record of the first exploration of the chief glaciers and ranges of the southern alps

ISBN10 Number - 0342909002

Date of Publication - Oct 13, 2018

Number of Pages 432

Publisher - Franklin Classics

22. Collections d'auvergne - rhone-alpes, de nouvelle aquitaine, d'occitanie et de provence - alpes - cote d'azur

ISBN10 Number - 2503583407

Date of Publication - Sep 01, 2019

Number of Pages 430

Publisher - Brepols Pub,Brepols Publishers

23. Huts of the swiss alps: hutten der schweizer alpen, cabanes des alpes suisses, capanne delle alpi svizzere

ISBN10 Number - 3859023462

Date of Publication - Sep 03, 2011

Number of Pages 416

Publisher - SAC Publications,Switzerland

24. Le guide des champignons des alpes - découvrez les champignons des alpes ainsi que des astuces de terrain et des remarques de cueillette

ISBN10 Number - 2915031126

Date of Publication - Jul 17, 2003

Publisher - TETRAS

25. The flora of the alps

ISBN10 Number - 0344185842

Date of Publication - Oct 25, 2018

Number of Pages 354

Publisher - Franklin Classics Trade Press

26. The exploration of the alps

ISBN10 Number - 0344986829

Date of Publication - Nov 09, 2018

Number of Pages 268

Publisher - Franklin Classics Trade Press

27. The israel of the alps

ISBN10 Number - 034179094X

Date of Publication - Oct 07, 2018

Number of Pages 346

Publisher - Franklin Classics

28. The hunter of the alps

ISBN10 Number - 1375078607

Date of Publication - Jul 20, 2017

Number of Pages 40

Publisher - Gale NCCO, Print Editions

Keywords :

Accessories in france , Accessories in provence alpes coted azur , Accessories in hautes alpes , Accounting in france , Accounting in provence alpes coted azur , Accounting in hautes alpes , Advertising in france , Advertising in provence alpes coted azur , Advertising in hautes alpes , Agriculture in france , Agriculture in provence alpes coted azur , Agriculture in hautes alpes , Airport in france , Airport in provence alpes coted azur , Airport in hautes alpes , Amusement park in france , Amusement park in provence alpes coted azur , Amusement park in hautes alpes , Animation in france , Animation in provence alpes coted azur , Animation in hautes alpes , Apartments in france , Apartments in provence alpes coted azur , Apartments in hautes alpes , Appliance service in france , Appliance service in provence alpes coted azur , Appliance service in hautes alpes , Architect in france , Architect in provence alpes coted azur , Architect in hautes alpes , Armed forces in france , Armed forces in provence alpes coted azur , Armed forces in hautes alpes , Art in france , Art in provence alpes coted azur , Art in hautes alpes , Artisans in france , Artisans in provence alpes coted azur , Artisans in hautes alpes , Association in france , Association in provence alpes coted azur , Association in hautes alpes , Astrologist in france , Astrologist in provence alpes coted azur , Astrologist in hautes alpes , Athlete in france , Athlete in provence alpes coted azur , Athlete in hautes alpes , Atm in france , Atm in provence alpes coted azur , Atm in hautes alpes , Attorneys in france , Attorneys in provence alpes coted azur , Attorneys in hautes alpes , Atv service in france , Atv service in provence alpes coted azur , Atv service in hautes alpes , Auto works in france , Auto works in provence alpes coted azur , Auto works in hautes alpes , Automotive service in france , Automotive service in provence alpes coted azur , Automotive service in hautes alpes , Badminton in france , Badminton in provence alpes coted azur , Badminton in hautes alpes , Bakery in france , Bakery in provence alpes coted azur , Bakery in hautes alpes , Bank service in france , Bank service in provence alpes coted azur , Bank service in hautes alpes , Bar in france , Bar in provence alpes coted azur , Bar in hautes alpes , Barber in france , Barber in provence alpes coted azur , Barber in hautes alpes , Beach in france , Beach in provence alpes coted azur , Beach in hautes alpes , Beauty service in france , Beauty service in provence alpes coted azur , Beauty service in hautes alpes , Bed and breakfast in france , Bed and breakfast in provence alpes coted azur , Bed and breakfast in hautes alpes , Beer garden in france , Beer garden in provence alpes coted azur , Beer garden in hautes alpes , Bicycle store in france , Bicycle store in provence alpes coted azur , Bicycle store in hautes alpes , Big box retailer in france , Big box retailer in provence alpes coted azur , Big box retailer in hautes alpes , Boat service in france , Boat service in provence alpes coted azur , Boat service in hautes alpes , Book store in france , Book store in provence alpes coted azur , Book store in hautes alpes , Boutique store in france , Boutique store in provence alpes coted azur , Boutique store in hautes alpes , Bowling alley in france , Bowling alley in provence alpes coted azur , Bowling alley in hautes alpes , Brewery in france , Brewery in provence alpes coted azur , Brewery in hautes alpes , Broadcasting media production company in france , Broadcasting media production company in provence alpes coted azur , Broadcasting media production company in hautes alpes , Building service in france , Building service in provence alpes coted azur , Building service in hautes alpes , Business service in france , Business service in provence alpes coted azur , Business service in hautes alpes , Butcher shop in france , Butcher shop in provence alpes coted azur , Butcher shop in hautes alpes , Cabinet in france , Cabinet in provence alpes coted azur , Cabinet in hautes alpes , Cafe in france , Cafe in provence alpes coted azur , Cafe in hautes alpes , Campground in france , Campground in provence alpes coted azur , Campground in hautes alpes , Camping in france , Camping in provence alpes coted azur , Camping in hautes alpes , Canoe kayak rental in france , Canoe kayak rental in provence alpes coted azur , Canoe kayak rental in hautes alpes , Car rental in france , Car rental in provence alpes coted azur , Car rental in hautes alpes , Car service in france , Car service in provence alpes coted azur , Car service in hautes alpes , Cargo service in france , Cargo service in provence alpes coted azur , Cargo service in hautes alpes , Carpenters in france , Carpenters in provence alpes coted azur , Carpenters in hautes alpes , Carpet store in france , Carpet store in provence alpes coted azur , Carpet store in hautes alpes , Casino in france , Casino in provence alpes coted azur , Casino in hautes alpes , Catering services in france , Catering services in provence alpes coted azur , Catering services in hautes alpes , Cemetery in france , Cemetery in provence alpes coted azur , Cemetery in hautes alpes , Cheese shop in france , Cheese shop in provence alpes coted azur , Cheese shop in hautes alpes , Child care in france , Child care in provence alpes coted azur , Child care in hautes alpes , Chocolate shop in france , Chocolate shop in provence alpes coted azur , Chocolate shop in hautes alpes , Church in france , Church in provence alpes coted azur , Church in hautes alpes , Cigarette shop in france , Cigarette shop in provence alpes coted azur , Cigarette shop in hautes alpes , City in france , City in provence alpes coted azur , City in hautes alpes , City hall in france , City hall in provence alpes coted azur , City hall in hautes alpes , Cleaning service in france , Cleaning service in provence alpes coted azur , Cleaning service in hautes alpes , Clothing store in france , Clothing store in provence alpes coted azur , Clothing store in hautes alpes , Club in france , Club in provence alpes coted azur , Club in hautes alpes , Coach in france , Coach in provence alpes coted azur , Coach in hautes alpes , Coffee in france , Coffee in provence alpes coted azur , Coffee in hautes alpes , Coin service in france , Coin service in provence alpes coted azur , Coin service in hautes alpes , College in france , College in provence alpes coted azur , College in hautes alpes , Com in france , Com in provence alpes coted azur , Com in hautes alpes , Commercial industrial in france , Commercial industrial in provence alpes coted azur , Commercial industrial in hautes alpes , Community service in france , Community service in provence alpes coted azur , Community service in hautes alpes , Company in france , Company in provence alpes coted azur , Company in hautes alpes , Computer company in france , Computer company in provence alpes coted azur , Computer company in hautes alpes , Construction in france , Construction in provence alpes coted azur , Construction in hautes alpes , Consulting in france , Consulting in provence alpes coted azur , Consulting in hautes alpes , Contractor in france , Contractor in provence alpes coted azur , Contractor in hautes alpes , Convenience store in france , Convenience store in provence alpes coted azur , Convenience store in hautes alpes , Cosmetics in france , Cosmetics in provence alpes coted azur , Cosmetics in hautes alpes , Cottage in france , Cottage in provence alpes coted azur , Cottage in hautes alpes , Country club clubhouse in france , Country club clubhouse in provence alpes coted azur , Country club clubhouse in hautes alpes , County in france , County in provence alpes coted azur , County in hautes alpes , Creperie in france , Creperie in provence alpes coted azur , Creperie in hautes alpes , Crperie in france , Crperie in provence alpes coted azur , Crperie in hautes alpes , Cupcake shop in france , Cupcake shop in provence alpes coted azur , Cupcake shop in hautes alpes , Cycle in france , Cycle in provence alpes coted azur , Cycle in hautes alpes , Dance in france , Dance in provence alpes coted azur , Dance in hautes alpes , Decor in france , Decor in provence alpes coted azur , Decor in hautes alpes , Deli in france , Deli in provence alpes coted azur , Deli in hautes alpes , Dental in france , Dental in provence alpes coted azur , Dental in hautes alpes , Department store in france , Department store in provence alpes coted azur , Department store in hautes alpes , Designer in france , Designer in provence alpes coted azur , Designer in hautes alpes , Dessert shop in france , Dessert shop in provence alpes coted azur , Dessert shop in hautes alpes , Disability service in france , Disability service in provence alpes coted azur , Disability service in hautes alpes , Doctor in france , Doctor in provence alpes coted azur , Doctor in hautes alpes , Drive in in france , Drive in in provence alpes coted azur , Drive in in hautes alpes , Dry cleaner in france , Dry cleaner in provence alpes coted azur , Dry cleaner in hautes alpes , Duplex in france , Duplex in provence alpes coted azur , Duplex in hautes alpes , Education in france , Education in provence alpes coted azur , Education in hautes alpes , Electrician in france , Electrician in provence alpes coted azur , Electrician in hautes alpes , Electronics in france , Electronics in provence alpes coted azur , Electronics in hautes alpes , Emergency service in france , Emergency service in provence alpes coted azur , Emergency service in hautes alpes , Employment agency in france , Employment agency in provence alpes coted azur , Employment agency in hautes alpes , Energy company in france , Energy company in provence alpes coted azur , Energy company in hautes alpes , Engineering service in france , Engineering service in provence alpes coted azur , Engineering service in hautes alpes , Environmental in france , Environmental in provence alpes coted azur , Environmental in hautes alpes , Equestrian center in france , Equestrian center in provence alpes coted azur , Equestrian center in hautes alpes , Event in france , Event in provence alpes coted azur , Event in hautes alpes , Family in france , Family in provence alpes coted azur , Family in hautes alpes , Farm in france , Farm in provence alpes coted azur , Farm in hautes alpes , Farmers in france , Farmers in provence alpes coted azur , Farmers in hautes alpes , Festival in france , Festival in provence alpes coted azur , Festival in hautes alpes , Finance in france , Finance in provence alpes coted azur , Finance in hautes alpes , Fire station in france , Fire station in provence alpes coted azur , Fire station in hautes alpes , Florist in france , Florist in provence alpes coted azur , Florist in hautes alpes , Fondue in france , Fondue in provence alpes coted azur , Fondue in hautes alpes , Food in france , Food in provence alpes coted azur , Food in hautes alpes , Food service in france , Food service in provence alpes coted azur , Food service in hautes alpes , Football in france , Football in provence alpes coted azur , Football in hautes alpes , Footware store in france , Footware store in provence alpes coted azur , Footware store in hautes alpes , Forest in france , Forest in provence alpes coted azur , Forest in hautes alpes , Fort in france , Fort in provence alpes coted azur , Fort in hautes alpes , French in france , French in provence alpes coted azur , French in hautes alpes , Fruit vegetable in france , Fruit vegetable in provence alpes coted azur , Fruit vegetable in hautes alpes , Funeral in france , Funeral in provence alpes coted azur , Funeral in hautes alpes , Furniture in france , Furniture in provence alpes coted azur , Furniture in hautes alpes , Furniture store in france , Furniture store in provence alpes coted azur , Furniture store in hautes alpes , Garden in france , Garden in provence alpes coted azur , Garden in hautes alpes , Gas company in france , Gas company in provence alpes coted azur , Gas company in hautes alpes , Gastropub in france , Gastropub in provence alpes coted azur , Gastropub in hautes alpes , Geographical place in france , Geographical place in provence alpes coted azur , Geographical place in hautes alpes , Gift shop in france , Gift shop in provence alpes coted azur , Gift shop in hautes alpes , Glacier in france , Glacier in provence alpes coted azur , Glacier in hautes alpes , Government service in france , Government service in provence alpes coted azur , Government service in hautes alpes , Grocery or supermarket in france , Grocery or supermarket in provence alpes coted azur , Grocery or supermarket in hautes alpes , Grocery store in france , Grocery store in provence alpes coted azur , Grocery store in hautes alpes , Guide service in france , Guide service in provence alpes coted azur , Guide service in hautes alpes , Gym in france , Gym in provence alpes coted azur , Gym in hautes alpes , Hair care in france , Hair care in provence alpes coted azur , Hair care in hautes alpes , Hardware store in france , Hardware store in provence alpes coted azur , Hardware store in hautes alpes , Health in france , Health in provence alpes coted azur , Health in hautes alpes , Heating in france , Heating in provence alpes coted azur , Heating in hautes alpes , Hiking trail in france , Hiking trail in provence alpes coted azur , Hiking trail in hautes alpes , Home goods store in france , Home goods store in provence alpes coted azur , Home goods store in hautes alpes , Home improvement in france , Home improvement in provence alpes coted azur , Home improvement in hautes alpes , Horse in france , Horse in provence alpes coted azur , Horse in hautes alpes , Hospital in france , Hospital in provence alpes coted azur , Hospital in hautes alpes , Hostel in france , Hostel in provence alpes coted azur , Hostel in hautes alpes , Hotel in france , Hotel in provence alpes coted azur , Hotel in hautes alpes , House painting in france , House painting in provence alpes coted azur , House painting in hautes alpes , Ice cream in france , Ice cream in provence alpes coted azur , Ice cream in hautes alpes ,

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