List of all the categories in $city










Top Books on dusseldorf

1. Dusseldorf

ISBN10 Number - 3795462231

Date of Publication - Oct 26, 2006

Number of Pages 24

Publisher - Schnell & Steiner

2. Die ausstrahlung der düsseldorfer schule nach amerika im 19. jahrhundert: düsseldorfer bilder in amerika und amerikanische maler in düsseldorf

ISBN10 Number - 3767530597

Date of Publication - Oct 06, 2008

Publisher - Edition Ruprecht

3. Düsseldorf

ISBN10 Number - 3770015622

Date of Publication - Mar 07, 2016

Publisher - Droste Verlag

4. Düsseldorf

ISBN10 Number - 3934170684

Date of Publication - Dec 01, 2012

Publisher - Klocke Verlag GmbH

5. Düsseldorf

ISBN10 Number - 3491342236

Date of Publication - 1988

Publisher - Schwann im Patmos Verlag

Places in the book - Düsseldorf

6. Die geschichte der kunstakademie düsseldorf seit 1945: herausgegeben von der kunstakademie düsseldorf (german edition)

ISBN10 Number - 3422072292

Date of Publication - Feb 25, 2014

Number of Pages 480

Publisher - Deutscher Kunstverlag Gmbh

7. Downtown düsseldorf

ISBN10 Number - 3770020278

8. Synagogen in düsseldorf

ISBN10 Number - 3770015126

Date of Publication - Nov 13, 2013

Publisher - Droste Verlag

9. Düsseldorf. highlights

ISBN10 Number - 3770015649

Date of Publication - Feb 01, 2016

Publisher - Droste Verlag

10. Ideenstadt düsseldorf

ISBN10 Number - 3770015118

Date of Publication - Nov 26, 2013

Publisher - Droste Verlag

11. Düsseldorfer deportationen

ISBN10 Number - 3770060024

Date of Publication - Jul 01, 2015

Publisher - Droste Verlag

12. Düsseldorf made by me

ISBN10 Number - 3770020227

Date of Publication - Mar 06, 2017

Publisher - Droste Verlag

13. Die düsseldorfer rabbiner

ISBN10 Number - 3770060180

Date of Publication - Nov 21, 2016

Publisher - Droste Verlag

14. Meine kindheit in düsseldorf

ISBN10 Number - 3770013727

Publisher - Droste Verlag

15. Die düsseldorfer schule

ISBN10 Number - 3829604556

Date of Publication - 2009

Number of Pages 71

Publisher - Bayerischen Akademie der Schönen Künste,Schirmer Mosel,SCHIRMER MOSEL,Schirmer/Mosel Verlag GmbH

Places in the book - München

16. Düsseldorf - kulinarische welten

ISBN10 Number - 3770015525

17. Little house in dusseldorf

ISBN10 Number - 1099654327

Date of Publication - May 21, 2019

Number of Pages 80

Publisher - Independently Published,Independently published

18. Kleine düsseldorfer stadtgeschichte

ISBN10 Number - 3791720511

Date of Publication - Mar 07, 2007

Publisher - Pustet Friedrich Kg

19. Umlaut, prince of dusseldorf

ISBN10 Number - 0573122911

Date of Publication - Jun 01, 2012

Number of Pages 46

Publisher - Samuel French Ltd

20. Industriepfad düsseldorf-gerresheim

ISBN10 Number - 3770020022

Date of Publication - Mar 06, 2017

Publisher - Droste Verlag

21. Der düsseldorfer tausendfüßler

ISBN10 Number - 3770060008

Date of Publication - Apr 20, 2015

Publisher - Droste Verlag

22. Düsseldorf. discover the city

ISBN10 Number - 3770014413

23. Die düsseldorfer malerschule

Der Düsseldorfer Malerschule gehörten zwischen 1819 und 1918 über 4000 Künstler an ? eine riesige Anzahl für die kleine preussische Provinzstadt am Rhein. Es entstand eine Kunst, die über die Stadtgrenzen hinaus für Aufsehen sorgte und deren Bilder schon zu Lebzeiten der Künstler Höchstpreise erzielten. In New York wurde 1849 sogar eigens eine Gallerie gegründet, die ?Düsseldorf Gallery?, die allein der Ausstellung und dem Verkauf der Düsseldorfer Malerschule in Übersee diente.0Christa Holtei zeichnet in ihrem Buch ?Die Düsseldorfer Malerschule? die spannenden Entwicklungen nach. Wie wurde Düsseldorf zu solch einer bedeutenden Kunststadt, welchen Einfluss hatten Kunstakademie und der neu gegründetete Künstlerverein Malkasten, welche Künstler und Werke lebten und wirkten in der Stadt? All diese Fragen beantwortet die Autorin in dieser ersten populären Gesamtdarstellung der stilbildenden Epoche.0Anschaulich erzählt sie von der Zeit der Malerschule, die eng mit der Entwicklung Düsseldorfs verbunden ist, von herausragenden Künstlern, von den Direktoren der Kunstakademie und vom pulsierenden Leben in der Stadt mit bemerkenswerten Festen und zahlreichen Kontakten zu Musikern und Theaterleuten.0Beginnend mit der kurfürstlichen Gemäldegalerie Jan Wellems im 018. Jahrhundert, entwirft Christa Holtei ein umfassendes Bild dieser wichtigen Epoche. Viele farbige Abbildungen und Zitate machen die damalige Zeit lebendig, die schliesslich mit der Umbennung der ?Königlich-Preussischen Kunstakademie? in ?Kunstakademie Düsseldorf? und dem Einzug der Moderne endete.

ISBN10 Number - 3770015983

Date of Publication - 2017

Number of Pages 175

Publisher - Droste Verlag

Places in the book - Düsseldorf

24. Düsseldorfs starke frauen

ISBN10 Number - 3770015770

Date of Publication - Sep 01, 2016

Publisher - Droste Verlag

25. Düsseldorf. rezepte & lebensart

ISBN10 Number - 377001586X

Date of Publication - Feb 08, 2016

Publisher - Droste Verlag

26. Spaziergänge zur kunst in düsseldorf

ISBN10 Number - 3763028633

Keywords :

Academy in germany , Academy in nordrhein westfalen , Academy in dusseldorf , Accounting in germany , Accounting in nordrhein westfalen , Accounting in dusseldorf , Address in germany , Address in nordrhein westfalen , Address in dusseldorf , Adult in germany , Adult in nordrhein westfalen , Adult in dusseldorf , Advertising in germany , Advertising in nordrhein westfalen , Advertising in dusseldorf , Agriculture in germany , Agriculture in nordrhein westfalen , Agriculture in dusseldorf , Airline service in germany , Airline service in nordrhein westfalen , Airline service in dusseldorf , Airport in germany , Airport in nordrhein westfalen , Airport in dusseldorf , Alternative in germany , Alternative in nordrhein westfalen , Alternative in dusseldorf , Antique store in germany , Antique store in nordrhein westfalen , Antique store in dusseldorf , Apartments in germany , Apartments in nordrhein westfalen , Apartments in dusseldorf , Appliance service in germany , Appliance service in nordrhein westfalen , Appliance service in dusseldorf , Aqua in germany , Aqua in nordrhein westfalen , Aqua in dusseldorf , Architect in germany , Architect in nordrhein westfalen , Architect in dusseldorf , Arena in germany , Arena in nordrhein westfalen , Arena in dusseldorf , Art in germany , Art in nordrhein westfalen , Art in dusseldorf , Athlete in germany , Athlete in nordrhein westfalen , Athlete in dusseldorf , Attorneys in germany , Attorneys in nordrhein westfalen , Attorneys in dusseldorf , Author in germany , Author in nordrhein westfalen , Author in dusseldorf , Auto works in germany , Auto works in nordrhein westfalen , Auto works in dusseldorf , Automobile service in germany , Automobile service in nordrhein westfalen , Automobile service in dusseldorf , Automotive service in germany , Automotive service in nordrhein westfalen , Automotive service in dusseldorf , Baby care in germany , Baby care in nordrhein westfalen , Baby care in dusseldorf , Badminton in germany , Badminton in nordrhein westfalen , Badminton in dusseldorf , Bags in germany , Bags in nordrhein westfalen , Bags in dusseldorf , Bakery in germany , Bakery in nordrhein westfalen , Bakery in dusseldorf , Bank service in germany , Bank service in nordrhein westfalen , Bank service in dusseldorf , Bar in germany , Bar in nordrhein westfalen , Bar in dusseldorf , Barber in germany , Barber in nordrhein westfalen , Barber in dusseldorf , Beach in germany , Beach in nordrhein westfalen , Beach in dusseldorf , Beauty service in germany , Beauty service in nordrhein westfalen , Beauty service in dusseldorf , Big box retailer in germany , Big box retailer in nordrhein westfalen , Big box retailer in dusseldorf , Bistro in germany , Bistro in nordrhein westfalen , Bistro in dusseldorf , Book store in germany , Book store in nordrhein westfalen , Book store in dusseldorf , Borough in germany , Borough in nordrhein westfalen , Borough in dusseldorf , Boutique store in germany , Boutique store in nordrhein westfalen , Boutique store in dusseldorf , Bowling alley in germany , Bowling alley in nordrhein westfalen , Bowling alley in dusseldorf , Brand in germany , Brand in nordrhein westfalen , Brand in dusseldorf , Brewery in germany , Brewery in nordrhein westfalen , Brewery in dusseldorf , Bridal shop in germany , Bridal shop in nordrhein westfalen , Bridal shop in dusseldorf , Broadcasting media production company in germany , Broadcasting media production company in nordrhein westfalen , Broadcasting media production company in dusseldorf , Building service in germany , Building service in nordrhein westfalen , Building service in dusseldorf , Burger in germany , Burger in nordrhein westfalen , Burger in dusseldorf , Bus station in germany , Bus station in nordrhein westfalen , Bus station in dusseldorf , Business service in germany , Business service in nordrhein westfalen , Business service in dusseldorf , Cafe in germany , Cafe in nordrhein westfalen , Cafe in dusseldorf , Campus in germany , Campus in nordrhein westfalen , Campus in dusseldorf , Car in germany , Car in nordrhein westfalen , Car in dusseldorf , Car service in germany , Car service in nordrhein westfalen , Car service in dusseldorf , Cargo service in germany , Cargo service in nordrhein westfalen , Cargo service in dusseldorf , Carpenters in germany , Carpenters in nordrhein westfalen , Carpenters in dusseldorf , Casino in germany , Casino in nordrhein westfalen , Casino in dusseldorf , Catering services in germany , Catering services in nordrhein westfalen , Catering services in dusseldorf , Cemetery in germany , Cemetery in nordrhein westfalen , Cemetery in dusseldorf , Chicken shop in germany , Chicken shop in nordrhein westfalen , Chicken shop in dusseldorf , Christian in germany , Christian in nordrhein westfalen , Christian in dusseldorf , Church in germany , Church in nordrhein westfalen , Church in dusseldorf , City in germany , City in nordrhein westfalen , City in dusseldorf , City hall in germany , City hall in nordrhein westfalen , City hall in dusseldorf , Cleaning service in germany , Cleaning service in nordrhein westfalen , Cleaning service in dusseldorf , Clothing store in germany , Clothing store in nordrhein westfalen , Clothing store in dusseldorf , Club in germany , Club in nordrhein westfalen , Club in dusseldorf , Coach in germany , Coach in nordrhein westfalen , Coach in dusseldorf , Coffee in germany , Coffee in nordrhein westfalen , Coffee in dusseldorf , Com in germany , Com in nordrhein westfalen , Com in dusseldorf , Comedy club in germany , Comedy club in nordrhein westfalen , Comedy club in dusseldorf , Commercial industrial in germany , Commercial industrial in nordrhein westfalen , Commercial industrial in dusseldorf , Community service in germany , Community service in nordrhein westfalen , Community service in dusseldorf , Company in germany , Company in nordrhein westfalen , Company in dusseldorf , Computer service in germany , Computer service in nordrhein westfalen , Computer service in dusseldorf , Consulate in germany , Consulate in nordrhein westfalen , Consulate in dusseldorf , Consulting in germany , Consulting in nordrhein westfalen , Consulting in dusseldorf , Contractor in germany , Contractor in nordrhein westfalen , Contractor in dusseldorf , Convention center in germany , Convention center in nordrhein westfalen , Convention center in dusseldorf , Corporation in germany , Corporation in nordrhein westfalen , Corporation in dusseldorf , Cosmetics in germany , Cosmetics in nordrhein westfalen , Cosmetics in dusseldorf , County in germany , County in nordrhein westfalen , County in dusseldorf , Court in germany , Court in nordrhein westfalen , Court in dusseldorf , Couture in germany , Couture in nordrhein westfalen , Couture in dusseldorf , Craft in germany , Craft in nordrhein westfalen , Craft in dusseldorf , Dance in germany , Dance in nordrhein westfalen , Dance in dusseldorf , Day care in germany , Day care in nordrhein westfalen , Day care in dusseldorf , Decor in germany , Decor in nordrhein westfalen , Decor in dusseldorf , Defense in germany , Defense in nordrhein westfalen , Defense in dusseldorf , Deli in germany , Deli in nordrhein westfalen , Deli in dusseldorf , Dental in germany , Dental in nordrhein westfalen , Dental in dusseldorf , Department store in germany , Department store in nordrhein westfalen , Department store in dusseldorf , Designer in germany , Designer in nordrhein westfalen , Designer in dusseldorf , Diner in germany , Diner in nordrhein westfalen , Diner in dusseldorf , Discount store in germany , Discount store in nordrhein westfalen , Discount store in dusseldorf , Dj in germany , Dj in nordrhein westfalen , Dj in dusseldorf , Doctor in germany , Doctor in nordrhein westfalen , Doctor in dusseldorf , Dog in germany , Dog in nordrhein westfalen , Dog in dusseldorf , Donuts in germany , Donuts in nordrhein westfalen , Donuts in dusseldorf , Drive in in germany , Drive in in nordrhein westfalen , Drive in in dusseldorf , Education in germany , Education in nordrhein westfalen , Education in dusseldorf , Electric in germany , Electric in nordrhein westfalen , Electric in dusseldorf , Electrical in germany , Electrical in nordrhein westfalen , Electrical in dusseldorf , Electronics in germany , Electronics in nordrhein westfalen , Electronics in dusseldorf , Emergency service in germany , Emergency service in nordrhein westfalen , Emergency service in dusseldorf , Employment agency in germany , Employment agency in nordrhein westfalen , Employment agency in dusseldorf , Energy company in germany , Energy company in nordrhein westfalen , Energy company in dusseldorf , Engineering service in germany , Engineering service in nordrhein westfalen , Engineering service in dusseldorf , Entertainment in germany , Entertainment in nordrhein westfalen , Entertainment in dusseldorf , Event in germany , Event in nordrhein westfalen , Event in dusseldorf , Express in germany , Express in nordrhein westfalen , Express in dusseldorf , Fairgrounds in germany , Fairgrounds in nordrhein westfalen , Fairgrounds in dusseldorf , Family in germany , Family in nordrhein westfalen , Family in dusseldorf , Farm in germany , Farm in nordrhein westfalen , Farm in dusseldorf , Farmers in germany , Farmers in nordrhein westfalen , Farmers in dusseldorf , Fashion in germany , Fashion in nordrhein westfalen , Fashion in dusseldorf , Festival in germany , Festival in nordrhein westfalen , Festival in dusseldorf , Finance in germany , Finance in nordrhein westfalen , Finance in dusseldorf , Fire station in germany , Fire station in nordrhein westfalen , Fire station in dusseldorf , Fitness in germany , Fitness in nordrhein westfalen , Fitness in dusseldorf , Florist in germany , Florist in nordrhein westfalen , Florist in dusseldorf , Food in germany , Food in nordrhein westfalen , Food in dusseldorf , Footware store in germany , Footware store in nordrhein westfalen , Footware store in dusseldorf , Frozen foods in germany , Frozen foods in nordrhein westfalen , Frozen foods in dusseldorf , Funeral in germany , Funeral in nordrhein westfalen , Funeral in dusseldorf , Gallery in germany , Gallery in nordrhein westfalen , Gallery in dusseldorf , Gaming in germany , Gaming in nordrhein westfalen , Gaming in dusseldorf , Garden in germany , Garden in nordrhein westfalen , Garden in dusseldorf , Gas company in germany , Gas company in nordrhein westfalen , Gas company in dusseldorf , Gas startion in germany , Gas startion in nordrhein westfalen , Gas startion in dusseldorf , Gastropub in germany , Gastropub in nordrhein westfalen , Gastropub in dusseldorf , General in germany , General in nordrhein westfalen , General in dusseldorf , German in germany , German in nordrhein westfalen , German in dusseldorf , Gift shop in germany , Gift shop in nordrhein westfalen , Gift shop in dusseldorf , Golf in germany , Golf in nordrhein westfalen , Golf in dusseldorf , Government service in germany , Government service in nordrhein westfalen , Government service in dusseldorf , Grill in germany , Grill in nordrhein westfalen , Grill in dusseldorf , Grocery store in germany , Grocery store in nordrhein westfalen , Grocery store in dusseldorf , Gym in germany , Gym in nordrhein westfalen , Gym in dusseldorf , Hair care in germany , Hair care in nordrhein westfalen , Hair care in dusseldorf , Health in germany , Health in nordrhein westfalen , Health in dusseldorf , Heating in germany , Heating in nordrhein westfalen , Heating in dusseldorf , Highway in germany , Highway in nordrhein westfalen , Highway in dusseldorf , Holiday in germany , Holiday in nordrhein westfalen , Holiday in dusseldorf , Home improvement in germany , Home improvement in nordrhein westfalen , Home improvement in dusseldorf , Hospital in germany , Hospital in nordrhein westfalen , Hospital in dusseldorf , Hostel in germany , Hostel in nordrhein westfalen , Hostel in dusseldorf , Hotel in germany , Hotel in nordrhein westfalen , Hotel in dusseldorf , House in germany , House in nordrhein westfalen , House in dusseldorf , Ice cream in germany , Ice cream in nordrhein westfalen , Ice cream in dusseldorf , Inn in germany , Inn in nordrhein westfalen , Inn in dusseldorf , Insurance in germany , Insurance in nordrhein westfalen , Insurance in dusseldorf , Interest in germany , Interest in nordrhein westfalen , Interest in dusseldorf , Interiors in germany , Interiors in nordrhein westfalen , Interiors in dusseldorf , Internet service in germany , Internet service in nordrhein westfalen , Internet service in dusseldorf ,

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