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Top Books on sata

1. The roads to sata

ISBN10 Number - 0708926541

Date of Publication - 1992

Number of Pages 604

Publisher - F.A. Thorpe

Places in the book - Anstey

2. Sata ineko

ISBN10 Number - 4877370153

Date of Publication - 1997

Number of Pages 271

Publisher - Kanrin Shobo

3. Sata storage technology

Date of Publication - 2007

Number of Pages 464

Publisher - MindShare Press

Places in the book - Colorado Springs, CO

4. Sata ineko ron

ISBN10 Number - 4756401627

Date of Publication - 1992

Number of Pages 386

Publisher - Orijin Shuppan Senta

5. Sata ineko (sakkka no jiden)

ISBN10 Number - 4820594044

Date of Publication - 1995

Number of Pages 278

Publisher - Nihon Tosho Senta

6. Mefi, sata y monio

Date of Publication - 2011

Publisher - Kalandraka

Places in the book - Sevilla, Spain

7. Sata ineko (jinbutsu shoshi taikei)

ISBN10 Number - 4816912401

Date of Publication - 1994

Number of Pages 249

Publisher - Hatsubaimoto Kinokuniya Shoten

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