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List of all the Ngos in others
NGO near zipcode - 0
1) ENPA Ente Nazionale Protezione Animali/ngo near others
2) Salviamo I Gatti Neri/ngo near others
3) Beniculturalionline/ngo near others
4) Secondazampa/ngo near others
5) UNHCR Italia Agenzia ONU Per I Rifugiati/ngo near others
6) ACL Associazione Canili Lazio Onlus/ngo near others
7) near others
8) Calciodonne Calcio Femminile/ngo near others
9) TI PREGO NON ABBANDONARMI/ngo near others
10) Circuito Campano Della Danza CDTM/ngo near others
11) Amati Per Amare/ngo near others
12) Un LIBRO Al Giorno/ngo near others
13) WalleRally/ngo near others
14) Architecta Società Italiana Di Architettura Dell'Informazione/ngo near others
15) Fantasmi Ghost/ngo near others
16) I Mormoni/ngo near others
17) Medici Senza Frontiere Gruppo Di Roma/ngo near others
18) Cucimondo/ngo near others
19) Tennis For Africa/ngo near others
20) WeStart/ngo near others
21) Fondazione Homo Ex Machina Onlus/ngo near others
22) near others
23) Corda Aurea/ngo near others
24) Deep Space One DS1/ngo near others
25) Speakers' Corner Napoli/ngo near others
26) ART Future CRAFT/ngo near others
Keywords :
Ngo in italy
Ngo in abruzzi