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Top Books on aikokucho-nishi

1. Nishi taiheiyo no jidai

ISBN10 Number - 4163428402

Date of Publication - 1989

Number of Pages 229

Publisher - Bungei Shunju,Bungei Shunjū

2. Keizaijin no nishi higashi

ISBN10 Number - 4622008351

Date of Publication - 1988

Number of Pages 576

Publisher - Misuzu Shobo

3. Higashi to nishi umi to yama

ISBN10 Number - 4096261718

Date of Publication - 1990

Number of Pages 290

Publisher - Shogakkan,Shōgakkan

4. Kokkyō no minami, taiyō no nishi

ISBN10 Number - 4062060817

Date of Publication - 1992

Number of Pages 294

Publisher - Kōdansha

Places in the book - Tōkyō

5. "nishi" no nihon, "higashi" no nihon

ISBN10 Number - 4327376574

Date of Publication - 1995

Number of Pages 320

Publisher - Kenkyusha Shuppan

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