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Top Books on ocampo

1. Silvina ocampo

ISBN10 Number - 1590177746

Date of Publication - 2015

Number of Pages 153

2. New readings of silvina ocampo

ISBN10 Number - 1855663082

Date of Publication - Sep 15, 2016

Number of Pages 224

Publisher - Tamesis Books

3. La escritura de victoria ocampo

ISBN10 Number - 9505062265

Date of Publication - 1993

Number of Pages 181

Publisher - Edicial

Places in the book - BuenosAires

4. Victoria ocampo - mein leben ist mein werk

ISBN10 Number - 3351027249

Date of Publication - Sep 13, 2010

Publisher - Aufbau Verlag GmbH

5. In your blossoming flower-garden ; rabindranath tagore and victoria ocampo

ISBN10 Number - 8126001747

Date of Publication - 1996

Number of Pages 477

Publisher - Sahitya Akademi

6. Invenciones del recuerdo/ inventions of memory (biblioteca silvina ocampo)

ISBN10 Number - 9500727366

Date of Publication - April 5, 2006

Number of Pages 185

Publisher - Sudamericana

7. Les vies croisées de victoria ocampo et ernest ansermet

ISBN10 Number - 2283021499

Date of Publication - 2005

Number of Pages 356

Publisher - Buchet Chastel

Places in the book - Paris

8. La torre sin fin/ the endless tower (biblioteca silvina ocampo)

ISBN10 Number - 9500728001

Date of Publication - April 30, 2007

Number of Pages 125

Publisher - Sudamericana,Editorial Sudamericana

9. Policy matters: economic and social policies to sustain equitable development; ed. by jose antonio ocampo.

ISBN10 Number - 1842778366

Publisher - ZED BOOKS

Places in the book - LONDON

10. Claude lévi-strauss, roger caillois, jorge luis borges, victoria ocampo, jules supervielle, georges bernanos, antoine de saint-exupéry et l'écriture en exil

ISBN10 Number - 2913126960

Date of Publication - 2014

Number of Pages 118

Publisher - Éditions Dianoïa,DIANOIA

Places in the book - Chennevières-sur-Marne

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