Shown is a promo highlighting The Alans, featuring Jason Greenamyer of Salem and his wife Stacy, who will bring their magical skills this Friday to national TV. (Submitted photo) Shown is a promo highlighting The Alans, featuring Jason Greenamyer of Salem and his wife Stacy, who will bring their magical skills this Friday to national TV. (Submitted photo)
SALEM Kids are often drawn to the wonder and mystery of magic tricks, and a few of them might try their hands at magic themselves. While most keep it merely as a hobby, Jason Greenamyer, raised in Salem, managed to turn his childhood fascination into a successful career as a magician.
Around Town: Women United sends health, safety kits to Stark groups
Local companies and agencies in Stark County recently came together to help those in need during the holiday season.
Volunteers from Employers Health, the Student Council at GlenOak High School and Women United assembled 209 health-and-safety kits. They will be distributed to local agencies.
The kits had two adult face masks, four child face masks, hand sanitizer, liquid hand soap and disinfecting wipes. They will be given to Community Legal Aid, Massillon AHEAD and the Urban League of Stark County.
“We want to make sure people have the resources they need to stay healthy going into the holiday season,” said Nancy Bundy, member of United Way of Greater Stark County’s Women United Steering Committee. “Many of our neighbors do not have enough money to buy the items they need to stay safe and these kits can help them get through this pandemic.”