Jammu and Kashmir Chief Secretary Arun Kumar Mehta on Thursday impressed upon the officers of the Health Department to make concerted efforts to take the number of Ayushman Bharat- PMJAY (Gold Cards) at par with that of Aadhar Cards in Jammu .
Beneficiaries of the Ayushman Bharat Yojana are facing a double whammy as private hospitals have closed their doors to them and now, Arogya Mitras have stopped assisting them. As many as 150 Arogya Mitras, deployed at government hospitals to assist the beneficiaries, have processing Ayushman cards b
Beneficiaries of the health insurance scheme, Ayushman Yojna, are facing a double whammy as private hospitals had already closed their door for them and now ‘Arogya Mitras’ in government hospitals have also stopped assisting them.
Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy held a review meeting on Aarogyasri, Nadu-Nedu in the Medical and Health sector at the camp office on Tuesday and directed the officials to strengthen Aarogyasri making it transparent, free from irregularities. During the review, he emphasised on reinforcing patient referral procedure under Aarogyasri and instructed the authorities to make