that s the focus of tonight s angle. at the end of his speech today, i don t know if you sathw it at the white house. biden ended on a note that wase. it was sweet. iitt was u itni wasfy unifying or simply nothing, nothing beyondg our capacitybeyond get done if o it together. so god bless god bless you all t that we can figureo out how to come together better than we deve so far , because a lot of people s lives and futures depend upon it.ou act ua if you actually believe that, then you re juste th as ne as one of those poor rejectedthe girls on the bachelor. r never stop fighting for you, don t you?yo u.and rachel, i know you don t mean you re going to put me in this. all right. well, i could be is i promise you, it s the truth about this administration and the democrat party in general. the demoparty init s not funny . i in fact, it s dark and it s sinister. while they ve been busy destroying our prosperity, our borderrder, an and our safeo they ve also been
n ordered to evacuate as hurricane rita now is bearing down on the state shr gulf coast in just a moment.t. florida governor rhonda santos will join us first herest with the very latest from thisrs category three storm weather. in meteorologist ian oliver is with us in thisoliver. looks like it s going to be a direct hit right over. looks like somewhereoks li nortr fort myers, right towards tampa. yeah, anywhere from naples. igto the southern part of tampa bay, the mouth of tampa bay: stl still a reasonable scenaril o ao here. this is a monster of a storm, still a category three , as your mentioned,ee max, winds at 120we miles per hour. we actually had this inner eye wall that s been degrading, but there s an outer one that s forming. what that does is it spreads out the wind field overh a much larger area. we ve seen these impacts starttw already. tornado warnings throughouarnint the afternoon and evening across much of south florida. we ve got some active onesh flom right
unfortunately, that is all the time we have left thishave f evening. as always, thank you forse set y joining us and making the show possible. please setr dv dvr so you never, ever miss an episode of hannity . don t forget for news any time. fox news, .com hannity .com. e u and in the meantime, let notweri your heart be trouble because laura ingrahamng, the ingram angle already to take it frome e here and they goadt a killer kick . it s not going to be an adame aa schiff show, i ll tell youda tht . oh. my gosh sean. first of all, our heartsflorid and our prayers go out ta.o the people of florida. this is going to be a brutal storm and there are a lot of elderl y people who don t wants. to leave their homes, but s if must leave their home they haven t left them. we have tor sayth prayers fori- them. this is going to be really bad.p we re going to have a press conference, it looks like from. chec, from arounconferend the ss coming up. but thank you syoo much. and we will check back