Haryana Chief Secretary TVSN Prasad on Tuesday said that the functioning and efficiency of the employees will be improved to ensure the timely completion of governmental tasks. He also instructed the officers to maintain complete cleanliness in the offices.
He was assessing the
Amit Kumar Agrawal gets additional charge of Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam MD; Ashima Brar posted as additional principal secretary to CM, replacing KM Pandurang, who is state warehousing corporation MD
The meeting will take place at ITC Grand Bharat in Tauru, Nuh and will see the participation of G20 member nations as well as Sherpas and delegates representing invitee nations.
Committee of Examinations on Tuesday notified the rescheduling of the departmental examination for assistant commissioners, extra assistant commissioners, tehsildars of revenue department, officers/officials of forest department, co-operative department, and SDOs/BDPOs of development and panchayats department