laura: hello, everyone this o is laura ingraham from the ingraham angle and it is going to be back but what about the disappearing acts, that is the focus of tonight s angle. we saw over the weekend was andh utter collapse of whatever shren of credibility of the biden administration add remaining. now, they dug deeper ontoed b coblatant lies. first the so-called bipartisanis negotiations on the very border crisis that the white house itself precipitated.n now, after alejandro mayorkas and biden green lead, what is it, 12 million migrants into the united states already, they think they can force republicans to agree to a bad deal or get the public to blame them if they don t. what fraud spirit i will dip inton that in a minute but thee second light and post the secretary disappearance act.cret speak of president respects the fact that lloyd austin tooke htransparency. he respects the amazing job he s done a secretary. and now handling the crisis ovem the most three yea
where was mitch mcconnell? and any senior leadership when the biden administration wasla making a laughing stock out of all of us on the border issue? so anything drafted by some chamber of commerce punky on immigration is meaningless. alejandro mayorkas will simply take the money andmo use it to settle migrants in the united states more quickly, moro efficiently. isn t that great ?kf republicans should get out of ridiculous negotiations. we invited senator lankford whoy is reportedly leading these nctalks but he could not join u but he did say once the full text is out, you will come heren s.and answer all of our questio. i look forward to thatankl interview. look, there was nothing personal towards him or frankly anyone. this is an issue of our countryr anond that is preservation. but we strongly recommend that langford refused to be the facke of the spirit asked marco rubio how that worked out for him,