says they have a monopoly on minority interests, you know asking an african-american candidate mo, to get out of the race. so they can defeat a hispanic american, marco rubio. it has nothing to do with race. nothing to do with ethnicity. has to do with the fact that right now this race looks very tough for the democrats and marco rubio is pulling away within the current die s of the race. i think there dynamics of the race. i think there are a growing number of democrats who say we are going to make this race competitive and sean: up to recently republican governor of florida who has a record of working with both sides of the aisle. sean: what about the 1.7 million that voted already in this race? what do you say your vote doesn t count if you voted for the democrat? sean: pretty much. the african-americans of america love bill clinton he
says they have a monopoly on minority interests, you know asking an african-american candidate mo, to get out of the race. so they can defeat a hispanic american, marco rubio. it has nothing to do with race. nothing to do with ethnicity. has to do with the fact that right now this race looks very tough for the democrats and marco rubio is pulling away within the current die s of the race. i think there dynamics of the race. i think there are a growing number of democrats who say we are going to make this race competitive and sean: up to recently republican governor of florida who has a record of working with both sides of the aisle. sean: what about the 1.7 million that voted already in this race? what do you say your vote doesn t count if you voted for the democrat? sean: pretty much. the african-americans of america love bill clinton he
was very popular with them. it is disappointing he would do that five days after an election. it is appalling to think they are going to try to pull their own democratic nominee to help a guy that like you said is probably a sore loser. i don t know it is hypocrisy. this is another reason why people lose faith in their governance that s one of the problems that we have across the board. people are losing faith. that s why we have to restore the belief that our governance can prosper again. that s the only way the country is going to move forward if people believe in their governance this is an example of setting us back once again. sean: the treatment of conservative women in this country. we all know about governor palin, jerry brown the phone call, recorded conversation referring to meg whitman as a whore. we had joyless behar on the view referring to sharron angle as a bitch.