question. i think part of the issue is the kids deemed as special needs kids placed into the alt ed programs sometimes are escalated, set aside from the students. they feel different, weird, abnormal. that can cause anxiety, some shame, depression. it can lead to bullying. but sometimes, they have to be separated, because they need specialized instruction, more attention, more of a focus, and they just don t do well with most of the students who may not be dealing with those kinds of challenges. but not all of these programs are created equal. what happens sometimes is teachers say you know what, i don t want to deal with this kid, he s dealing with too many challenges, i feel ill equipped to support him or address him so let s push him aside, let s get him out of the school, put him in an alternative education program or alt ed and it s not my program because some of the alt-ed programs are like mini jail, like youth prisons and it makes it worse. patti ann: unfortunately, we have to