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Transcripts for BBC Radio Merseyside BBC Radio Merseyside 20191218 140000

Kudos. To you. Tube. Guides big. Bucks to buy. Books you ll move. The brings up. An old. School in. The below a. Loop you. Kook you. Come on the. Drive. Back to the cold. Climates. Like. Shadows exclude. Cool movie You Tube. Thank you guys take you. Through our lives we ve we ve shared review show our viewers to we ve. We ve. This today even. Is opening the show for the staff that. We did with today folks is Wednesday afternoon it is b.b.c. Radio. Music Show so you ve got 2 hours with me. And I can tell you that we are in for a little Christmas cracker of a show today. I am so excited to be working on guest into the studio we are going to be joined by the brilliant Stevie O Connor the horror came from as I m going to name. He is a brilliant country music singer based over in the well has been wowing crowds for the past few years. And so he s going to come in whilst this afternoon so we re looking forward to welcoming him in with those. And then on top of that we ve got loads of great music coming your way we ve got some Jackson Browne with the Doobies on the way out of the nails loft girl I m going to play you so Vincent as well oh and then on top of that we have got 3 gorgeous little twinkly couldn t she Christmas numbers feel wild west Wednesday it is going to be a good. Neighbor . And so. B.b.c. Radio traveled to be. There with a long train running now then quarter past 2 Wednesday afternoon we can have a look at the very 1st time how the roads are doing this afternoon all we know is absolutely awful yesterday ad but fingers crossed things are looking a little bit better today maybe after Mary Jane you know it s going to say actually certainly a massively improved situation too over this time yesterday old in front of the m 56 we have got a bit of a delay in the I m 62 approach and you can tell me you know what the. Repairs there on the slick roads caused a bit of a keep the rain carriage way so continue to keep it I think by and large. Maybe just a bit breezy around Nantwich one of those temperatures the a 51 need to be received round about if you can update made it to be an 8514953 and Shepard b.b.c. Radio actually side trouble could still fingers crossed it s going to stay like that makes this afternoon. I have to say as well. When you had the biggest. When I was a kid. You know. I used to have Stephen still. Want to kiss them before bed so I. Just totally got to get you. Tony. Every weekday morning. I m going to sit. In the show for me. When I pack my lunch in the morning. And food cook each day. To me. Both back on. Cold throwing. Bottles down. To morning light. Streaming I get up going to. Run say. I want to know what came of the changes. To. The only good food to me there s some good. Chart going by. The way governor. Morning late come streaming get out. Of. The. Car if. You really love and stood up for the illegals and. Say. Should. Causes. The. Fastest train. Slug. Cooed love the. Straw polls the but. He knows it all the smoke is enjoying. A. Long. Long long haul there are. Costs. And there s me saying it s. Going to find long so for good. You can show me. This thing called lose. A. Song. Strength has gone to. Morning. Street. Get to. Get it up. I. Spent. A. Choose. For the protests. Started out as. Only 2 so. Could be that could be the full voice Mr Jackson Browne there with the prince and back. Welcome to Wednesday for how we doing today middle of the week and you know why I just wanted to file a special shout out right now. Because I want to dedicate that one to Sam and Chester Good afternoon sound says Jan it s me bet they tomorrow but Jackson Browne today will be fine thank you very much well happy birthday to you Sam And Sam also says I just make people aware that Judy Collins is on January 11th Grand Central as well and the closer they go. They shout outs and we ll get messages all the same time thank you very much for that So here we are then Wednesday afternoon I hope that you all well we have got only the finest of musical trucks to enjoy together today. And we are also going to be visited in the studio by a fellow who was already blazed a final reputation for himself as one of the leading country music singers in the whole of the u.k. Is called Stevie O Connor and Stevie k. Recommended to as you might remember a few weeks ago by one of our early guests than a set up a little listen and then we did just that we thought we got to get him in before the end of the year so that is exactly what we have done for you this afternoon. And yeah I would describe him as a we re all Wayland Jenny. I think that you are going to move him so he s going to be among those in just a little while and then you have got some lovely stuff coming out for you today you got one or 2 Little Rock you know Mrs Wells who can make you Wednesday go with a bit of a new. And then later on we have got all midweek country music trio it s wild west Wednesday. And it is a little bit of Christmas country that we re getting today is use of played a blinder as usual with your fine tuned suggestions and so we have picked them out of the bunch chosen them we ve got 3 local choices capital the 2nd out. So we just need you now where are you all next Wednesday perhaps you are out and about shopping you may be stuck in a traffic jam outside one of our lovely retail. Maybe you are hiding in the house you are going to ball home build your way through to the new year out of laziness. So let s know how you re spending your. Wednesday afternoon of course if you got the children suggestions for us as well it s funny isn t it as we saw of. Run out of time towards the end of the a I forget some crack in the suggestions in this week. So if you can t get around to the next week then just put them on the big list for the new year so is a well 3 to 3 measure the start of your message if you text or this afternoon you can up a little phone chat with Nicky as well 080731323 if you want to email me today Jennifer dot so is it b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. We all all ready and reverence go on the attack as well is Afghanis. Talking about. Music in the mountains Hollands that we have got here a messy sod I have got a lovely little treat for ye from one of our faves Mr Robinson s on it s on the way after The Office little slice I think it is of Christmas boob like. all. Fit for this fool dear to me. One small. Through the years. We all will be together. Through. The good. Crude. The government. The aim. To. guitar but it sounded right up my street oh yeah bit of cool Nils Lofgren for you there was back it up before that yes went off a slow slice of Christmas Blue plane always a beautiful track and you got to give it to him is counting on at the market as a people with a voice like that to blame a really and I don t want to say very em good afternoon and also a big thank you to fail filled often chilled Molo fail because Phil s just got in touch to say Jan I went to see China crisis last the day they were on the Calvin and it was a cracking Christmas show it says if you get the chance could you give tragedy a mystery Well Oking going to Catholic style which you know I don t know whether we re going to squeeze them in today however leave it with me for tomorrow Fellas if we can get on that plus as well isa jesters an absolute peach of an Eagles track for us one of the lesser known and choose at which I think I m going to my open the new year with if that s alright with you Phil so thank you very much for an old solo to James as well as if you with those Yesterday we played some Dorothy on the show we were saying what s happened to defeat Wes Duffy of n f m m in a few years and she says and Jane says Amgen funny that we should mention Dorothy and where she is a knew that she was working on new music but tonight she s just announced that 2020 is going to be a comeback e.a.a. So there you go we re going to have some brand new to feed for 2020 social look forward to haven not ever 2019 has been an absolute g.a.m. Of the year as well for music and certainly local music mean been talking quite a lot. Recently about the amount of talent that seems to be in and around Liverpool him as he signs at the moment and one of our brightest stars as out an absolute belter of a year and that is Robert Vincent and it s always a delight when he comes in the studio he was with us about a month back now to play a couple chooses and that is because he is going to be putting out a brand new album in 2020 we know that is called in this town your own. And as much as a. Great success so far I honestly think that 2020 is going to be used is good just going to be the year that he just goes massive So Paddy in the day Ingle current search area last week to say before the year is out is there any chance of another play of Robert Vincent and so that is exactly what I ve got for yet today it is the lead track to be taken off the album an absolute beauty is this is this town. You gotta see. And you do. And. In this town. Because the shadow. She s the latitude from. New Zealand we ve been. In this among people. You didn t know your friend the No you follow. This little holy land He the. It s hard to count the times it s who s. On Ishaan boots soles a goal. Is to. Use Is being. Isn t it that you go Robinson with a stone taken from his forthcoming brand new album in this town you own a car remember he said I m thinking in my head it might be around February time I might have that completely wrong but whenever it is you can guarantee that going to get him back in to play for us again beautiful robins that likes to party in the dingle as well he suggested that we got more of them as he saw a talented with those as well not because it is time for a little bit a lot of music on the show and if you choose it a few weeks ago you might remember that we had Maggie Louise in the studio with us and just as she was leaving she said of the Everett Stevie O Connor in the studio with us and we said no when she said You gotta get him on and so when we had a little listen to me so yeah we ve got to get him on and I m very happy to say that is a very set in front of me now I love Stevie afternoon thank you so much for coming in and you look fantastic as well Steve s got most beautiful Stetson hat on with a lovely beaded beaded boundary around beautiful guitar as well and his I ve just nicknamed you have you on this afternoon the hurricane from Bromberg you re like the we re also wanted to Wayland Jennings on a face so the photograph so if you thought it s wavelength reincarnated am I So tell us a little bit about you and your music journey to the way you are now Ok so one obviously I m not from the where. But I just I do self subscribe to being a bit of a plastic we re all square all these states you ve been here over a decade and you get a passport that I happen to raise or 3 people boys in Bramber and Marta Brown broker or so I think that comes from the fact Latinos Yeah I m one of you know. But yeah it s been a great year over the last 18 months kind of a break a. Fax to my wife s very Give me a push proverbial to say get used to fighting and the more movie played a lot more you had a following and you know of it we talk by lay around but you know a couple of words of come the way and it s been a great year because we were just chatting as well because. You have got an album coming out in the Nguyen it s going to be your 1st album but I was quite stunned because it s actually going to be The faced recorded music that you put out despite I mean you ve already you re not if you ve got no music out there I met you when awards left right in center Yes be quite president it really but I think was a bit of a ploy of ours because for me music 1st and foremost play Lloyd Yeah the crowd the strategy was you know you have to come see him play life and then from that we gain a following and as you said yeah we managed to get a couple nominations I picked up a female a female and I think it s Ok to tell you the year. And at the very same age this year and as I just said you know could you musical. So it s great to be recognised and as you said not have actually and if you don t dish the waves it s not my usual I mean with accolades and not with any any music out and you know you mentioned that it was your wife who said come on and I often wonder about how many people you know saw away took away in the houses in the budget I know just amazing but they never have that push to go and do it Bull Music seems to be something that s always been a part of your life you know maybe not go out and do it I was always Country music yeah for sure I mean I grew up from Willie Nelson you name the man himself Wally Jennings not a limit on or. A love that Texas ain t for the most part or the organ of British country music scene a lot of people already considered me more an American Oist version of of course music but it s something from an early age I remember Don Williams record you re my best friend yet the age of 5 watch my grandparents danced to that record you know and from that moment have been a certain sort of discipline enough for me in the paper and yeah I suppose. It s becoming more prominent not because for whatever reason coach musical a professional. And it s been one of the biggest Royson joiners of the years really so I guess I ve always been a backward it was just it when the wave took me to a situation where courage music was a little bit more so accepted if you want yes sometimes you say Country Western people have a certain look or they have a certain object of what that means I think it s more like people seem to prefer to call it like America and like the Yankees but at the end of the day I mean it s 3 chords and the truth is the site is that it s that type of storytelling that I think you know each generation falls in love with you know I don t think it s a good thing could you please explain them things you can come back in a 100 years I m going to music still going to be you know did a great figure by is well it s for me to join or is it anybody can get involved in the john or is it my way you are where you ve come from if you go out and you going to shoot it s a rush through the ranks so to speak and that s why people like you play before of offense and you know doing incredible now and I remember Robert Finch Leben 12 years ago when he was playing in a cover band actually called by one no name so I know to follow him. Try to play drums from once actually but it s great to see that it s probably in the last 3 years that he start to get some of prominence and people waking up to some the town not only do we have in this region but not John really you know so we re going to do a couple of tunes for us so you re going to do 1st so the 1st one I m going to do is a song called Willow So we ve got Stevie O Connor in the studio with us sir. 3. Weeks. Call her. Hanging. 2 6 down. Hard. On the left a. 6 6 6 6 to. 6 find. A. Now we. Are. Not going to be. 6 up. To. Go hang. Just to color. Hanks and. Never. Say. Never 6. And he. Has a strange. A . A. Well the power in your rice is a reliever allows Steve you know going to Gotland in the studio with us this afternoon with his truck Willow and is that one of the ones that is going to be on the new album he s so excited so what s it been like them for someone who s been I mean could you talk to are all over the place you get out they get in for a long time to kind of go into the formality of a studio was it something that you as a thought that you would you know cook a few years ago that you would go into a studio make an album I always thought it would be perfect and always run away from and I think the response was a bit of a perfectionist and even now in the studio here song cuts in re cuts you know and then you realize Steve you just got to get it right yeah and there s like I said earlier on in the last 18 months Lane So like tonight people want to take away and it s a way of expanded it but it s fantastic I am in the studio but also don t for me because I m not well so no one has a live act some of the struggles you have in studios reproduce and yeah life signed Yeah. When you live I mean you usually backed with a band or you re out there solo yob quite flexible so I play of course play my over kick drums that s more the acoustic matter of stuff but I also play with a 5 piece band so we re known as Ross Nancy s and that s 4 for 4 more of the festival circuit and yeah I bet that that s quite broke us yeah yeah you call it good honky tonk you know. What s it been like picking the songs for the album of these songs that you ve had so of in your back pocket you had like you know a lot of them have been played life but because I ve gained such a following I want to give them something back so I feel you re going to see a bright 505050 percent of what I ve played over the last year it will feature some of the ones really you know when we played Live had a good response to and then there d be 50 percent new material and I think that s noice is a good idea for those that find me and you know. Fans come to gay after gig to give something back to them but also give some. Of the news something I mean for to that part of it yeah because sometimes there s a set represent in music played life so I don t know the song as I heard it you know like yeah I guess that is supposed to have in a song live as well you know you ve got like the atmosphere of the place and you know on the night out in my if the best night out of your life you know the song when you re out there but I think as you say to take something home and to be able to capture that little nuggets of magic here and how that played the people in the road how you have something special for those who are seen especially the band we play so ror I mean all go with. Every intention to play the setlist and in fact always deter from it you have known who s in the audience and you know it s it s really a great live show you know I m plugging out but you know I always say you can see Stevie like it it s an experience and I think that s why we ve gained so many festival builds this year playing with some great people get in Mainstage slots you know and of course for the most part they want to hear music for even get on those yet if it were my 50 yes I said just just book a chain or you know you can get and then you get it right we are going to squeeze one another one in the full 3 o clock so what you re going to do for Ok so for play some little bit more traditional country considering you mentioned the great Willie Nelson This is a song I wrote for my grandparents in earlier on the show or talked to by the likes of. Grandson watching those 2 dance and 2nd part songs really did my grandfather used to dance this song with my 9. And then when she passed away in 4 she stopped since this is a bit of a tribute to my nan and this is Limerick girl. I m remembered. Wrote though. The dying. On. The. Band or trying. To touch your needle scratching. Song. At the moment to get over and go. On. The March. For the storm you all. Were where she had matching his girls and they all were to fall. Like she was the most strangest. Good day the whole. Were good Coleman and grandsons like me was for. Those k. To. Gold. Oh man the show the only. Planet you aren t suited. To carry. On. Thanks to. The rigor of this call. Government. Home will do. Better. Over that he. Will. Go on. During. A 3 Richter home. Who. Is carrying. A. 2 should approve the cane. Moment. During a game or your home. Brings . Home. A lovely song what a lovely story behind it is of a Stevie O Connor live in the studio with those the stuff the new and so people want to keep. It with. That of course the arrive at the new album it s just. Music and we got any website this openness has to be to do Stevie O Connor doc. Where of tauren in the new releases and oh thank you so much for coming in this afternoon. To the sky how sad. Sad. The Rex will ride the White Swan And now we ve still got plenty more good music for your Wednesday afternoon including of course wild west Wednesday coming up in the 2nd hour of the show but right now it is 3 o clock on u.n. Staff the names we get all the latest b.b.c. News the grain life good afternoon the High Court has ruled that John Downey a convicted member of the Ira was an active participant in a bombing in Hyde Park in 1902 in which 4 soldiers were killed the civil case was brought after a criminal trial collapsed in 2014 because it emerged downy had been given a government guarantee against prosecution a so-called on the run letter marked whose 19 year old brother Simon was among those murdered spoke outside the Royal Courts of Justice he says the period families feel that justice has at least last been redeemed in order to die in court before boy the British government very thought maybe that we would walk away and that day when there was a study of the prosecution promised case that would be it believed very we are stronger than the report the case or which way forward today we have found George Bush and we as victims will not let government let us down. A police constable is among 16 people charged as part of an investigation into allegations of child sexual exploitation in West Yorkshire The charges relate to alleged offenses against 3 teenage girls in Halifax between 2000 and. 6 and 2009. The head of the company looking to develop the now derelict former Parkside colliery Newton when I was hopes regenerating the site will bring 4000 jobs to St Helens Park site regeneration a joint venture between the local council and Langtry of one outlined Planning Commission to develop the site it will need government approval and a more detailed plan for further consideration and it s not clear yet what businesses would ensure we move in Chairman of the regeneration company John Downes knows Parkside well and thinks it has great potential I used to work at the colliery was so. Well the bulk of the day if you speak in the seventy s there were 2000 people employed because there is so you know with the sort of full development of the site which of these are the look it s a sort of double protesters a gathering at Capitol Hill in Washington where the House of Representatives.

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Transcripts for BBC Radio Scotland MW BBC Radio Scotland MW 20191215 000000

Show represents everything that is amazing in this country I think the people personify what you what is great and it s just been an absolute privilege for. Well as the news know this sport with Stephen caps Hearts manager Daniel standalone Mattie s has say did not deserve to one as they suffered a one no loss the bottom states and Johnston and has 1st game and charge Callum Hendry s goal takes the saints above hearts and the Premiership will Hamilton slumps to the foot of the table after a one no loss to Aberdeen to move up the thought ahead of Motherwell Rangers and Celtic are both in action on Sunday Steven Gerrard s they travel to felt park to face Motherwell Well Neil Lennon Sayed Horst helps me develop on the an 80 they extended their lead to 13 points and the championship after I won no one offered our broth Sam Stanton grabbed the only goal of that game well 2nd place to and from a as for the few that he won by Partick Thistle and rock big Glasgow Warriors scrum half George Horan says they lost a lot of share was devastating European Champions Cup match and the 12th 7 to the visitors and leaves them on the brink of exits in the pool speech and then Cricket Scotland beat the United States by 4 rockets and the waddle Cup League 2 and that s your sport Scotland s rather further share is pushing across much of the country with some snow on the hills winds tending to ease lows of Maine is 2 to 2 Celsius and the morning will be a break with lengthy Jai and sunny spells for most but with some scattered showers especially for the West and later in the day for the safe falling snow on the hells and that s the latest b.b.c. Radio Scotland Yes You re listening to Billy s still b.b.c. Radio Scotland. Yeah 55 minutes of the programme remaining Coming up we have music from Bruce Springsteen The Everly Brothers and the brand new single from Fran Healy and Travis but the time exactly 5 and a half minutes past midnight Greg was going to get increased the volume as we wake up the neighbors. We ve. We ve. We ve. We ve. We ve. We ve. We ve. We ve. We ve. Got. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you thank you. Thank you thank you thank you thank. You thank. You Thank You. Thank you thank you thank you thank you. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank. You thank you thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks. Thank you. Thank you thank. You thank. You thank you and thank you thank you thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you thank you thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks. Thanks. Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks. Thank you and thank you and thank you. Thank you. Thank. You Thank You Thank You A slight change of musical direction I think you could say for the program but nobody thing there we walk up the neighbors with a couple of all tank disco classics from a 1980 from the album state to a legendary discard to suddenly was taken from us and 1988 unmistakable sound Vester of course and a song selected by the u.s. Library of Congress Congress for preservation in the National Recording Registry and there were quoted as saying this is discourse great gift to pop music and of course it was Sylvester in the disco classic You make me feel mighty real and I was preceded by a trite quote normally gets played in the can a short on funds akin to 3 and a half minute a radio version from a but very rarely if ever does the fill 10 minute 54 2nd version that was featured on the album of the same name and also in the soundtrack of Saturday Night Fever 19761977 respectively recorded at the Sigma sound shitty or in Philadelphia and a song inspired by the movie tearing a fan or inducted into the song writing Dance Music Hall of Fame in 2008 the unmistakable scent of a trance of course and disco and found I m going to play for those track both of strikes for at least a who s listening and as usual from the West End of Glasgow this is Billy Sloan on b.b.c. Radio Scotland I see in the program tonight do you have a favorite song which is inspired by or in any way mentions crying or shedding a tear and we re being inundated with some great shows if you want to nominate your truck get in touch via text you can send us a text on easier to find you can send us an e-mail to Billy Sloan show. Don t you keep on Facebook and Twitter the same as Billy Sloan show Hugo says How about cry to me by Solomon Baucus also be nominated by Nick highly and Vanessa says Cry Baby Cry by the hit tones a track by the Everly Brothers which I wouldn t if you were going to be playing in about 5 or 10 minutes time and also cry to me by Solomon Burke Chris children from Tottenham Don t they were north London again maybe switched on a bit late because you know many are great record cold 96 by question mark and Stevens It was actually the thought trite we played on the programme so if you listen to the programme back on the b.b.c. Sums up you will hear the thud record played on the track and also. By the storm Rosie s is an immense track just like the rest of the album of course it comes from the Rosie 2nd album in 1904 called The 2nd Coming and he says the song for me does not get the credit that it can only agree with those sentiments Ok We re going to play this next track it was going to be a cover version of the song by Lulu and Elton John for my great record in 2002 a great little album called together but has got in touch and we decided to kill a flipper and go back to the original version and she says it is just a perfect timeless record which sounds as good today as when it was fussily still way back in 1980 and it always gets me on the dance floor so special. About the 1980 and album call conscious this is war and a brilliant single call teardrops. As nominated by Sandra Butler from the album conscious That s the sound of a woman I can warm Ike a song called written and also produced by sessile and Linda White and a great song called the tear drops and they were going to play is a say they all join and live action says maybe check their own You Tube clip because they really do a great version of that particular track Billie Sloan on b.b.c. Radio Scotland I ask you on this program tonight do you have a favorite song about crying or shedding a tear scent as a text or 295 send as an email to Billy Sloan sure b.b.c. Doc who don t you can on Facebook and Twitter the sepsis Billy Sloan sure Michael in Glasgow says Herbert shampoo Teal s by one or crocodile crying by Martin Stephenson and the deal dainties Paul is listening in from North Wales he says my choices cry cry by joy not wait and while Really Barry says I ve known John for over 35 years not only is he a great performer but he s also become a great friend and I remember we bike Paula way back in 1987 when our search was not quick and while Willie ballot for the 1st time ever lay a lot of people in the old we were so testily one choose the night they were doing the single at that particular time called core baby that s really free and it s going to be one of the best ever clips life clips in the history of horse Altos not really a same something and there Richard Rogers gets in touch he says this song has got to be the definition of the topic on Tonight Show and he says it s cry to me by Solomon bargain or nominations for sure log lice being nominees Alfie written by but Bacharach and how David not quite sure what version you re talking about Prism has the syllable like version which was that because single and there and this part or she says it doesn t have cry in the title it doesn t have to tell if it s in the lyrics she says by guarantee it will meet you shed a tear and there Jordan Mike is listening in Vancouver in Canada and he s a few nominations Julie Covington s Don t Cry for Me Argentina or Big Girls Don t Cry by fair cases herber or yours born and no more tears and also go no by the medieval is of course featuring Daniel winger. Lead vocals which it includes the line in the lyric go now before you see me cry it s a brilliant song and the l Iran a robber McGuire near her nominated my sentimental friend by Herrmann s him as author of the great single from the 1960 s. Brunell does not agree he says all Helminths here much you can never be a Smashy and they see moment he says the song certainly made me weep I think it s a great song but each to his own Ok I promise you a truck from The Boss Bruce Springsteen This is from a the performances from his brand new movie which is called West on Stars coincidentally that s also the title of his 19 this should be album and he reckons that the album was influenced in a big way by brought back right Glen Campbell Jimmy way people like that he recorded the song with a full orchestra in a barn adjacent to Sosa New Jersey and this is a boss and I great try from western stars called to sew on train. You wonder where Bruce Springsteen gets all his energy and not only did he spend more still 2018 performing on Broadway that are one month short and Broadway was only supposed to be over but for 5 weeks ended up for being something like 12 months solid playing 5 or 6 shows a day and somewhere in the middle of all if and the trying to not only write but record a brawny album which is a great record called West on stars on the war does is that Springsteen s not going to chew of this particular album he s going to keep his gun powder dry and he s going to write another album yet another album and tour in 2020 with the e. Street Band I m certainly looking forward to that effect as well from the album west on Stars and a great song called Tucson train asking on the program tonight do you have a favorite song about crying a shedding a tear in some ways. Shape or form and Jimmy Russell gets in touch he says faint subject for a hellishly way Saturday night Billy says a few song titles etched on my taxi windscreen and the outyears in heaven by Eric Clapton No Woman No Cry by Bob Marley in the Willows don t cry by Guns and Roses and last but by no means least stop crying your heart by oyster s all saw. Todd and thoughtful get in touch Normally it s a great song crying in the chapel by the king of rock n roll Elvis Presley Chris Lane from Tottenham goes by concerts sorry I missed the start of the program he says try raindrops falling from my eyes by the late magnificent the clock he says the rain stopped 5 the rain stopped the train 5 minutes from Tottenham I think is the train stopped 5 minutes from Tottenham and you missed the programme but listen to it once again on the b.b.c. Sounds up when you hear a question Martin Mysterians and 96 years as the 3rd record in the program David and Bayliss and says Bob Dylan side eyed lady of the Laurence on the outstanding double LP Blonde on Blonde he says it just about fits I think he says I will give you a 12 minute break he says Fill 2nd side of the 2nd their piece is filling up Dylan s baby stop crying from the under-rated changing of the guard among the have to say that s one of my favorite Bob Dylan tracks maybe trying to slot an over the next few weeks Ok Once upon a time I was lucky to see this guy open for Tina Turner 100 park in Glasgow he played all his band s classic as their song once again when he guested with Bruce Springsteen and the e. Street Band in 2009 in Madison Square Garden as part of the rock n Roll Hall of Fame 25th anniversary concert and I m a huge fan of John Fogarty formerly of The Band Of course Creedence Clearwater Revival Let s go back to 1984 as thought should be our bond solo album is a great record called center field and there the video for us was absolutely fantastic maybe later on Checco a new chip because it really is well worth seeing once again and the song was a year s top 10 this is John Fogarty and the old man down the road. If you remember the video for the trike of course the camera follows the ken a guitar lead right as it sneaks its way through the the desert sands and ends up with a John Fogerty himself playing guitar in the middle of the desert from in 1004 and a brilliant singer called the old man down the road Billy Sloane b.b.c. Radio Scotland here with you until 1 o clock in the morning 21 minutes of the program remaining still going along great nominations from people to nominate a favorite song about crying or shedding a tear me just says Teele swallowed he says if no f. Saw a not already suggested my nomination would be 2 years on my pillow by Kaylee he says I ve just chin than Billy sort of what you offer that s your and of course t. Isn t my pull it up as I pick it for was Johnny Nash Gregg. Joni right yeah thank you Joy that was a good song joining us and also Elliott on with a guy who was listening to the program from me all the way from Europe quite a gentleman by the name well just look at the piece of paper called Alfred is a quote Tino listening in from Europe and I can tell you the losing Kenna I hope I m pronouncing that correctly says Hi Billy next topic tonight my choice would be I started a joke performed by Robin good and it s goodnight from Brazil listening in from Brazil flew on a quest we says the Blue Nile the trams and Sylvester 10 a 10 so far and then Marie Dunlop says My name is Anne Marie Dunlop from here and I would like to play the last Christmas by Army says this she says the song was one of the greatest track that George Michael of a role and it s so sad that he passed away on Christmas Day Brian Drummond says these are the days of a lace by Queen he says that guitar solo by Brian Mead does have so much feeling in the fact that Freddie Mercury is lamenting of us past choices very sad given the circumstances that he was in at the time and he McAlpine says there s no obvious tear jerking about it but perfect circle by r.e.m. Has made me emotional since I was in my teens I think it s a quite often really magnificent song Ok we had a lot of nominations for the Tracks of My Tears by Smokey Robinson and the miracles which we played l. In the program and this is the 2nd most requested track that we ve had topic try to arrive in the program tonight has been nominated by Scott Markham torsion faith Jordan Davis and Bristol Stirling Gorman in Glasgow from the band of course. King of birds and they got the nickname and Simon McQueeney and it s a song which I still in quite rightly was a point so it was written of Coron by a Carole King because she collaborated in the sixty s in with a gentleman called Howard Greenfield who are slower for new Sadak of the got together one time and want a morally and this was the end result and there s a great trite written in 1962 and it was a Yukito. Top 10 hits for 2 musical legends don t unfold this is the Everly Brothers and the classic sound of crying and the rain. Again and. My. C.v. And my brother heard me. I got my. Life my. Back. My. Game. My way. To send my. Love. My. Would. Be. Stormy. Can. Be. Some day when my. Mom says. To. Me my. Band. Name. As nominated by a whole host of listeners the evilly brothers and crying in the rain Ok last saw the night lisc I celebrate his 70th birthday he s an absolute musical legend and this is the title track of his 62 the album a 2011 he is Thomas Allen ways and this as bad as me. On the. Older colors. I. Think I ll. caliber. Delhomme to procure. Goods and assure you. I think I got the name wrong but Dina Lucianne is listening in all the way from Brazil so let s play that one for Dina Tom Waits bad is me from 2011 let s go to 960 the Small Faces on the afterglow of your love. It was featured on the band s classic album All good things not gone flat but that s the single version of a chemist slightly sped up from the version of the album Koren by Steve Mario and Ronnie Lane the sons of the Small Faces article of your love and it was released just around the time that Steve Mari was leaving the band to go off and form humble pie a quick mention to James make. Offerings as usual everyone he says I m enjoying the shore says I would like to suggest ways to cry by George Martin and. Nominates Roy Orbison in kiddie allowing singing crying or Teal s of a clown by Smokey Robinson and the merry cause Ok the bring you single from Travis is a teaser for the forthcoming album which is going to release sometime and 2020 the brand new one from from healing the band this is kissing and the want. I caught the band s movie which was premiered at that Professor later that l. In the year was shown over the past 7 days and sky out his cold day almost fashionable which sums up front helium the gang that s Travis and a song featured in the movie the brand new single from the band cold kissing and the when will sadly we re at the end of the program a whole you can judge we ve had over the past 2 fellows 55 minutes or so and needless to say Gregory night unless we win the Euro Millions made we will be back to do it all again on b.b.c. Radio Scotland this time next Saturday night at 10 o clock kicking off of course Ok this is a final try to find a nominee if you try to buy the likes of David McMillan Jimmy make their own and also p. Parker who says not only is a great song but also a great video too if you remember the video it was a sequence of different people the faces all kinda dissolving into one another and it really was the video that sold the song the biggest ever hit for the jewel of Kevin Godley and low crime let s go back to March of 1985 from an album called The History next volume number one this is Godling crime and we will play out with their great single a song called cry. They started having hits with a band called Hot Legs in the 1970 s. Morphed into the mighty 10 c.c. And of course that was godly Ancram and can a soul jewel capacity and a song from 1985 called Cry have a very good week and that was we approach 1 o clock we join our friends and 5 life for the rest of the night. This c.b.c. Radio 5 Live it s 1 o clock convoy of lovers we were good local radio stations from across the b.b.c. This is up all night I m Dalton at a bar the main news this hour a British tourist shot dead in Argentina last a full day in the plaza raised to give Liverpool at Temple a leader you can listen to this program by download We believe the results are for music radio broadcasts of these rides to the program so you don t miss the next episode. This is b.b.c. 5 with very devious it is on for barbers chemical Also good morning a British tourist has been killed and his son s been injured after they were shots during a suspected robbery in Argentina the 1528 year old man reportedly attacked shortly after arriving in Buenos Aires our correspondent Simon Jones according to the Argentinean media there was a father and son who were outside a luxury 5 star hotel in the waterfront area of the city and it s understood they were approached by at least one person on a motorbike who tried to rob them now some sort of scuffle ensued one of the men was shot in the chest another was shot in the fire the Foreign Office says it s supporting the family and one s been charged with murdering a 15 year old boy in a village in Cheshire and weeks Rhonda was found dead in Ashley on Friday morning but the mason from notes for it he s also accused of possessing a blade in public is doing course on Monday. Will set out his Queen s speech on Thursday it s the government s plan for new laws in the year ahead the conservatives say it will include a commitment to increased spending on the n.h.s. In England un climate source have been extended for a 2nd day because of disagreements between delegates and go see 8 is in Madrid are working towards a deal for countries to commits new Colburn emissions cuts by the end of next year . And many small islands states of pushing for more targets the Norwegian. Environment Minister Elvis tune is there overall the problem is we have a climate crisis situation and the science is crystal clear and even though we can improve the text mode it will still not reflect the ambition will that is needed for the world to. Do what is necessary and he went a timetable for the train starts today rail passengers are being urged to check before the travel plans to cut journey times increase service is groups across the country changes caused chaos last year but operators insists they are prepares this time around spoiler alert now if you don t want to know who took home the glitterball trophy on Strictly this year s series has been won by donated by only caring the former Emmerdale stark Helvin Fletcher and his partner Ota maybe say entertainment correspondent Lisa is in but it s been quite a journey for a Celt inflexion who a few months ago didn t realize he was even going to be on this year s series he was a last minute addition to the program s celebrity lineup replacing the Made in Chelsea star Jamie learned who injured himself in June rehearsals Strictly Come Dancing is now more than 15 years old and it remains one of T.V. s most popular shows that is the 5 Live news Katie s good sports templates clear and a 3rd clean sheet in a row for Liverpool and most eligible gave them a 2 No when over one 3rd in the Premier League to extend their lead at the top 2nd place lesser dropped points after $10.00 draw with nor it Liverpool boss Eoghan club has rejected ideas about expanding the Champions League the European champions have a current 60 congestion which saves them play 8 matches in 4 weeks on 2 continents elsewhere anyhow says it was a lot of soul searching that led his side to one nil win over Chelsea it ends their 5 match losing streak West Ham meanwhile got a crucial one goal when I have a Southampton that means them 4 points clear of the drop zone there also wins to Sheffield United he moved up to 5th and Burnley the new cars. So the union Saracens defense of the European Champions Cup is still on they be monsters $156.00 it means both sides can still make the quarter finals American world record holder day has been tied to b.b.c. Sports personality as well sports star of the year the Kenya became the 1st person ever to dip below the 2 hour mark in a marathon in a specially planned event in October this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound it s small speak of the moment when the weather a cold and windy don t rain in Hill snag pushing cross many parts of the country followed by 20 spells and heavy showers into Sunday brisk south westerly winds will bring more shallow so many of us some of them have been completely wintry over the hills drawing the Northern School in our school meals and increased stock Ok Laura what seems to be the problem is that basically my Polish friend got big thing about where we know every single day. I don t I don t care about that box if I think I do I do it enough I think if you get it somewhere different I love you for it if you are done here he will return to making up excuses that I say almost all the way when I was already gross margins going easy going be even Nigel s time to discuss some stuff but before I with my sister socks they missed it too I was nobody like the school meals and Chris stock Saturday morning from the.

Radio-program , Lead-guitarists , Kennedy-center-honorees , American-guitarists , American-composers , American-rock-guitarists , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , American-rock-singers , American-soul-singers , American-pop-singers , Musical-quartets , British-rhythm-and-blues-boom-musicians

Transcripts for WDDE 91.1 FM WDDE 91.1 FM 20191214 020000

That is a performance of all mirrors it s angel Olsen in performance for the World Cafe her new album is all mirrors available now Angel welcome to the show thank you so the record originally even though it is this very beautiful lush layered record its initial beginnings have a little bit to do with the record you would never associate with that which would be Nebraska from Bruce Springsteen is that correct Yeah well I I made. A stripped down version of these songs sort of along the lines as my 1st e.p. Strange cacti interest home recorded so that was the goal and then eventually the songs grew and I wanted them to take on different forms and so now I have 2 versions of them but no one has heard you know the other version and yet when did you realize the songs needed something. More after you recorded it when you were sitting and living with them well I had I had gone on a solo tour and performed a lot of the songs and knew that they could grow and become other piece but I also enjoyed the way that they were stripped down so I just wanted to continue to do that I guess it was more of an experiment to see if I recorded these songs in the form that I wanted. Would it allow me to collaborate more on them and the truth is that yes I did and so a lot of them change form completely. Which was it was difficult at 1st and then became really really fun when you say difficult at 1st and then lead to fun what was what was that sort of aha moment. When I started to realize that the collaborators involved the string Rangers and Jon Congleton had these textures and mind it didn t immediately make sense to me. Some of the arrangements were so crazy that I was I wasn t sure if they would work on the songs and I had to allow myself to imagine them in a different way and I had just recorded a solo version of it so I needed to sort of separate that experience from this other experience and so that was the hardest part and then once I was in it and saw the that certain textures and since and strings had a kind of pattern within the record it started to make more sense it s cool that you have these these collaborators but I also read that part of this process was was also taking control in a certain way and that. I want to make sure that this right but the people that maybe you re backing band that you had worked with in the past you went with a different group of personnel when you actually recorded the record I want to make sure I get this right Ok so I made these songs I want to strings on them it didn t make sense to ask my backing band which had been a rock n roll band to be a part of the project initially and I wasn t Yeah it was all kind of coming together piece by piece every part of it so. The drummer ended up being the one person of the backing band that was part of it but I had to kind of be like hey you know this is the 1st time that I m not working with us sort of the director of what s happening this guy Ben Babbitt and I are working together and we re coming up with the parts for the songs you know will come to you after we re finished with them and it was this sort of backwards thing but I needed to take a minute away from the way that my woman and previous records had been done because this one just it just didn t require the same. Feeling and I knew that it would need bass and drums and all of that but I didn t know exactly how or how many songs would need them and then eventually I realized all of them would but at 1st I thought of some things would just be strings only got it you know so it was a lot of because I didn t know who I would need I just decided to do that sort of last so in the middle of the project I don t want to call people in and say hey can you come over now I just wanted to be clear and so yeah it was hard it was hard to say hey I don t want to be a part of this because it s really different you know it s hard to do that yeah I admired candor and honesty talking about that we re talking to angels in the new album is all mirrors this is The World Cafe You know the critical response on the record has been nothing short of incredible just a lot of the major to do publications have really embraced that record and sometimes after a little bit of a sonic shift there s always that are they have been doing their sound or anything like that Were you surprised with the response that you ve received critically on this record I was I don t think every record will be like this in the future you know I shifted sounds because I needed these songs to fit into a different. Background and I am surprised because you know a friend of mine was saying that oh they ve got the new record on at this restaurant it s a really nice restaurant and they re blasting it and I was like oh I better be careful because they re speakers because it s pretty loud at points unexpectedly and it s in my mind I was just very surprised that anybody would be listening to it sort of casually because for me that s more of the previous record that I made and this one is more maybe it s not for everybody because it s so focused we re talking angels and here her new album is all mirrors this beautiful record a full song on the record that we really liked that we re going to hear next called chance can you tell us about it. So chance I wrote it was one of the last songs I wrote for the record and. Yeah it was one of the most difficult songs to to mix because it was so lengthy and it didn t seem as as difficult when I recorded it solo but when we added strings and all of these arpeggiated shins and stuff on piano and there s just a lot going on but it ended up being in the end my favorite track of the record awesome or we re so glad that we can play it and like I said the band is tremendous This is a live recording folks here on the World Cafe it s Angela Olson in performance this is chance. This is. To. Move. Love this. In performance for the World Cafe it s angel Olsen summer. Something light hearted because I read that you are a cat person I am. I m actually you are but you re not a great. First for me man you interviewer knew all the world. Crazy Cat Lady how you call yourself a crazy cat lady no more than one I mean I m not crazy yet but I worry that one day I ll be living alone I know I ll just accidently eat her food you know I mean you know the musicians take pets on tour do you know anybody who s done that. I can t take Violet on tour she s huge She s at least 16 pounds Oh you have a child she s like she s really fluffy and really big Ok yeah it s kind of amazing Yeah so someone is going to watch her someone staying with her and hanging out and she s got that organic cat food because she s got her furs grape Yeah she s going to be so happy to see you just wonder what I face time her last night do you have one of those pet cubes where you can do the laser pointer where you like feed them you can and they can hear your voice ha I need to work on that maybe some someone can bring that to the show tonight. That would be a great after the show I mean I have violet time for myself we re talking to angels in the new album is all mirrors thanks so much for coming in sharing the songs with us and sharing some stories behind them thanks so much for having me you got to come back and see assume that s angels and we ll be back in a moment on World Cafe. This week on This American Life big running theme was Bob s importance particularly in Brazil the epic story of a building super and he claimed that there was a cause in the constitution of Brazil that gave him immunity from any prosecution whatsoever and that in fact he could as he put it go and kill the president and he would still be immune to stories of supers this week Saturday have won on w. D.d.e. From Delaware Public Media. Stand for mean joins us this week on the mountain stage along with the birds of Chicago fruit bats Cataldo and office culture Hi This Claire of Sandra mean join us this week in my performance on Mountain State. Saturday evening at 8 on Delaware Public Media. Welcome back to World Cafe thanks so much to our guests . And thanks to our producer John Myers for his work. Back into it with Ray Lamontagne. a. READY a warning in front of it that you will cry if you are in any kind of emotional state that is r.e.m. With everybody hurts I ll be back in a moment after I get some tissues and World Cafe. 2019 was a year full of musical highs and lows but we ve been keeping a list of our favorites I m Greg Cox and I m Jim got as well countdown the best albums of the year this week on Sound Opinions it s all. Soft. The way the for. Sunday evening at 7 on w. D.d.e. From Delaware Public Media. New Orleans grew from a mix of French Spanish and African cultures musicians joined in the creation of jazz says our guest clarinetist Charlie Gabriel when jazz spread to Texas Western Swing was born and continue today with the Quavers sisters join me for Creoles and cowgirls on American roots from N.P.R. s. Sunday evening at 8 on w.t.v. From Delaware Public Media. Welcome back to World Cafe into new music from Samantha fish absolutely shreds on guitar this is bullet proof. The area. The whole of the moon from the water boys which is not the case today it is not a full moon it was yesterday would have been perfect the 2nd full moon on a Friday the 13th in just a few months Alas we escape but shout out to our affiliates nationwide including w o u b in Athens Ohio and I remind you to stay out of room for $28.00 in Wilson hall and w s u n the cross Wisconsin which isn t haunted as far as I know we produce the show from w x piano at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia I m Calais Oh thanks for listening to the World Cafe. From the campus of Delaware State University this is 91 point one. Over also broadcasting on $88.00. In collaboration with the University of Delaware and the brand you want to read clay school districts This is Delaware public media source for n.p.r. News more Americans have died from a related overdoses than in all of the Vietnam War She will always be the shadow in the room the thing that s missing from every major of them in my life from now on. It s very difficult to look back on a decade of one of the most devastating public health crises of our time next time on All Things Considered from n.p.r. News Sunday at 5 on w. D.d.e. From Delaware public media support for Delaware public media comes from Christianity care as doctors nurses and caregivers and as neighbors and friends Christiana Care is a partner in everyone s journey to greater health and well being why do they do it for the love of health hey everybody you are listening to World Cafe My name is Calero 40 years ago on December 14th 1989 the only band that mattered released one of the greatest double albums ever today we re looking back at the history and the legacy of the clashes. Yes London Calling the masterpiece from The Clash and today we will dive into some of the originals from the album like Rudy can t fail. And some of the great covers that came out of London Calling like any Lennox s version of train in vain. Projects like the best boleros and Big Audio Dynamite. It s an hour with The Clash on the 40th anniversary of London Calling coming up on today s World Cafe. It s such an incredible album I am so happy to spend time with it and we will have time for class related projects including Joe Strummer and The Mescaleros Here s get down Moses here.

Radio-program , Cats , Rhythm-guitarists , American-folk-rock-musicians , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Moon , Collaboration , Project-management , Radio-wdde-91-1-fm , Stream-only , Radio , Radioprograms

Transcripts for KCSB 91.9 FM KCSB 91.9 FM 20191213 020000

Says he could never cue what they. Find never. A just the fashions Chinese didn t critics needed the songs a song just as true tonight as they the struggle who carried. Those struggle we will. Win the soul move freedom rings out loud from the valleys and from here to us where people stand up full of the rights Phil Ochs He s with us do Phil Ochs inspire. Us to. Yes he dies this is Dick flax this is the culture protest. And tonight we re going to observe 2 anniversaries connected to 2 of the foremost troubadours of the last half century political we conscious troubadours if you will and the 1st is obviously Phil Ochs. Billy Bragg we just heard him sing a tribute song to Phil Ochs memory Phil Ochs was born assembler 191940. He died at a very young age he died at age 35 he committed suicide. And next year will mark a anniversary of that as well as he rounded off the 80th anniversary of his birth. Phil Ochs was not the most well known of the remarkable group of singer songwriters who came on the scene in the early 1960 s. He was a contemporary of Bob Dylan of the Tom Paxton of Joan Baez and a number of others pioneers of. The the so-called folk song revival. Children if you will of Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger who wrote new songs based on traditional melodies and instruments like guitars and banjos at 1st any rate new songs to congeal with contemporary reality but rooted in the folk traditions that was Woody Guthrie s project it was Pete Seeger s project and it became. Something that Bob Dylan and Phil Ochs and the others tried to do with even more fame and success then then their father figures well Phil Ochs had less of that fame and success. Because he as Billy Bragg implies was not only not compromising but one thing too can connect his work and his life and his actions much more closely with the movements of his day then Dave even. Joan Baez let alone Dylan and the other troubadours. He. He was there at the rallies he was conscious of his role. As a performer in aid of movements and he sang as we ll hear some samples of some pretty bitter. Songs about the powers that be and he also wrote some beautiful songs. As well and we ll sample his work tonight but the other person we ll turn to before our hour is over John Lennon whose death was observed 1980 December 11th. That murderer cut short his young life and we won t do as much with John Lennon s work as we are going to do with Phil Ochs tonight because you may know much more about John Lennon s work than Phil Ochs but we ll pay due notice to the convergence of these $2.00 anniversaries about 2 troubadours who gave much and died young. Last week in the program we did about Seattle we also took note of the anniversary of the Free Speech Movement in 1964 in December. Of 1964 at Berkeley and we played at the end part of one of Phil Ochs songs Phil Ochs was inspired by the events at Berkeley to write a song that still spite some references that might not make too much sense today the song still probably rings shrew for a lot of students on American campuses so we let s reprieve is this Phil Ochs classic from 1964 or 5. I was just a student here and Claire but it s hard to read through their eyes for the books that you like to bear. To make a promise not to love. Because of this I. Say And now. Given me. My name to get around this campus life I need a plan and years learning. Bomb somebody. Got something to say there I m gonna say that. I wish that you make up your mind I wish that you decide that I should live as freely without sound. And clubs are the right. Hand And I ve got some say it s fair to say you. Like To Be My father you like to be my dad and give me a kiss is what I m good at spank me a wound. That stands out of my soccer club out of my. Guts up. Say it out. And things that. Are in here. But I ve got a friend or 2 longer live on. Respect our elders justice love is the. Guts of the say. I ve read of other countries where the students take a stand maybe even jewelers rather later. Now a cause of clubs were all sold out and how. Sir I m not saying I m. Proud on a gain antenna is a lot to do but if nobody listens my policy is to hit men and young. Or not when I ve got something to say it s not a science now. Son. But it s time to read through their eyes from the 2 touch aloud to. Sign the megaphone as I ve learned some egg on I ve got something to say Sarah I ve got to say and I. Think you know that song could be re written an updated tribute to Gretta might make sense in this kind of context she s sure demanding to be heard and is being heard. And some of the. Conditions that drove the Berkeley revolt and that drove that song no longer obtain but we are in the midst of a new generational rising and for good reason since the future for this generation now rising is so uncertain so precarious so frightening still looks song still pertains more than 50 years later. Phil had. He was frustrated with the fact that someone like Dylan had so much more recognition and fame an audience than he did and yet he did create a number of songs that became standards and may still be ones that people know and saying. And one pretty striking one. A song that has been adopted by military marching bands and people like Anita Bryant and other right wing people as a as a patriotic anthem. He Phil Ochs I think had something more in mind than simply celebrating this country listen closely this is from a recently released cd of the last concert he ever gave which was 1973 and by then he was suffering quite often from depression. Feeling that the world that he had hoped to bring into being was not happening. Many factors perhaps contributing to his. Ultimate demise but here he is in concert. I think he d 73 but one of his early songs is what he sang that night. Michigan with the impression that I was some kind of unpatriotic guy from. Case anybody out there wondering what s going on here. Sing to you a patriotic song I wrote when I was a kid I thought that there was some hope in this country I don t usually sing and only sing it when it looks like there s some kind of. Promising thing happening right now a promising thing is the fault of the federal government. So yeah he s singing this song at the midst of the Watergate controversy the fall of Richard Nixon that s why I want to play it tonight Come on take off with me through this green and growing life. To the meadows and the mountains and the. Balmy the There but for fortune Phil Ochs that was a top 40 hit by Joan Baez I don t think she had more than that one. Pop hit but Phil Ochs wrote it s as you can just heard Phillips was capable as I remarked earlier of. Being able to write some really beautiful songs one of the most to my ears beautiful ballads. Of our time was like several of the songs recorded by a number of people in the early to mid sixty s. This is. Very Young Phil Ochs. Visions of shadows. To know none of them. And. Of the change the. World spinning. Then the. Swing through a painting. On the stock. Journey Through the. Subway gate. With change in the room. Of Magic. And then. All fares of the. Morning and bring their small. Golden drops of. Change the. Good strains mellowed the. Spires were times burned cold the puddle in the wind and where Papa steer the search there are strings and so. Whole of change and the. Tears will be. Playing now a. Bottle. Of water it will fall. On Mon. And only here on the rolling show of. The change. Not as close. As. The. Leg needed. Well to give you an idea of the. Sort of versatility of Phil Ochs as a song make her. Here s a very contrasting couple of songs this one is unusual display of might say the power of a song. It s called the draft dodger rag it s a humorous song but in the course of. This song he s actually describing a series of ways that a young man might find to evade the draft. And these are always some of them a bit exaggerated but they re all on the same track that was used by many many kids in the Vietnam era. Not to protest a draft that was a more open public act of resistance but to figure out how to get some kind of exemption or deferment based on your condition very clever song by Phil Ochs and a instructive one quite possibly numbers of people listen to it. I ve found it s advice of use. American. American time. And when it came time to search. The room. When I got to. This. Day and I got a Rogers plane. Carrying I m like a bat in my. Career hard. Work and then. I got it. Back I m allergic to flowers and. To get up. To 2000 I got the weakness. In the heart to reach my knees and it. Probably started to. Carry a. Lot of my life. Yes thinking my career. Is a. Show in la. Thing you got a season. Or there and. Given how. The 1st. Thing in my career. Is not. Working at the plant. Even mention bone spurs. And it occurred to me I was listening to that we ve had at least 3 presidents Trump Clinton and George w. Bush who evaded the draft in something like the way that that song recommends or indicates might be possible. Well Phil Ochs wasn t always laughing to say the least at. At the military and authoritarianism and us imperialism but he wrote some of the most important and I guess lasting songs about all of that. In the. Telling. Be on their backs. To the. Is there any. Good. You know. Is there any body hair good thing. With. My. Wow I. Was shaking. There and. D good things there s a man in taller. So . I was. On a street. Called. The. Route of the. Show. I d like you. To take all the way in the States. Is there. Was. I want to wish. I was on a street. Call his name. Out of the. And they re not afraid. I d like to ask. These. Why don t I have to ask him what it I don t think Phil Ochs new how powerfully influential songs that he did like that and the others we ve heard were in helping to shape the anti-militarist anti-war feelings of the generation it s not that these songs were super popular he got a good deal of notice but they were cherished and they helped I think raise the commitment of quite a lot of people. That s the power of song One hopes to be able to achieve that. Kind of effect Phil was and I can tell you from some firsthand in King encounters with him. Always upset with the fact that he didn t know what he was accomplishing to be probably because he measured. His achievement too often by the commercial indicators. It s very hard to know if your song that you ve dropped into a pool has had ripples that go out and chip reach and change people and it s really the tragedy of his life he killed himself one presumes with a great sense of loss and disillusionment and failure and yet. His memory can continues and he inspired quite a lot of younger generation people especially in the d i y the punk movement there were there are a number of tribute albums that were done by. Punk oriented musicians in the in the eighty s and ninety s and in a farewell concert or not farewell but a tribute concert to him Sunny Oaks a sister has tried to keep Phil s memory alive by I knew all. Song fests of Philip songs and here she s joined with a number of other performers at the Kerrville festival folk music festival I guess this is. In the ninety s but maybe after and they re saying one of the most magnificent songs I know by Phil Ochs very poignant song. Given his demise but a song that any of us can use and saying. As a way of of affirming our lives. There s no pain says this. Mom. Freedom for a. Long. Time Well tonight we re getting the results of the British election and I m not sure fully what they show but the hope for maybe miracle that. Somehow labor Jeff Corwin Corben could. Gain a victory hasn t happened still it was a powerful movement that emerged behind him and labor thousands of people rallying and canvassing and seeking to overturn Boris Johnson and the Tories and. I m not sure if it s such a bad thing for the future that Johnson has to come into office and face the disastrous consequences of the policies that he has articulated and the promises that he has made with no clear path that fulfill them and his own. Various chick Amory s and. Failures as a human being in my humble opinion and any event I had a couple of songs that came out this week and that s one of the signs that a movement has come into being is that songs are being created and in this case 2 songs were released in the past few days in Britain. One by Brian even though the great creator of musical innovation electronic and other I He wrote a song called Everything s on the up with the Tories a satirical song and the highly popular and Molly Sunday. Took her song called You re Not Alone and did a video around it in support of labor and even though the songs did not have what they re presumably desired effect of electing labor they re worth listening to as a sign at least my intention to say that the movement that s emerged can t possibly be over it s just beginning. Everything s Ok I told her a. But to me she s. A. Keep. It s a yes or a cut. The song you. Sing song create the ball. That s the. Goal. Cutting back on. Say Ok let s. Take something out of her a bit. Slow play a let s cut it s. Like. A. Sunday. To. Claim. People on the street. Cry to. Her. If your. Chest or how rude the room to the future those narrows. It s like oh well a guy rose. Right to the bone told. Where scraping the bottom. Playing. Softly. To sleep that costs. Up. Cut. I. Am now. Is the underlying theme of that Christmas song that John Lennon and Yoko Ono recorded so many years ago that sentiment war is over just sort of declaring an end to the war. As a way of resisting it is something that occurred to Phil Ochs some years earlier and he did a song and for a rally that he helped organize called the war is over rally I think it was like 1967. The Soldier. Says. To. Me. He s the. Director. Randomly. 3. Was this guy with a. Solar . Array. A love. The Prom was. Still. Made. Very hard to his painting. Lives and just to live. Life. It s too late. My. Son. Was. A. Little a he s not. Worth the try this car. Sold. His was. Married to. A close. In the car. He. Told me to stay he can cause what he s. Told. So here I am the culture of protest our fusion of tributes to. Phil Ochs on the anniversary of his. Birth in December 19th John Lennon the anniversary of his assassination on December 11th and of course we can t depart without this last word from John Lennon. One of the most important last words everybody could ever deliver. You right wing pundits you corrupt politicians greedy corporations. And I m William York we re. On this scary apes opinion. Feet to the fire new rotten shame box.

Radio-program , American-pacifists , American-socialists , Vanguard-records-artists , American-anti-vietnam-war-activists , American-male-singers , American-singer-songwriters , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Civil-rights-activists , American-folk-guitarists , American-singers , Elektra-records-artists

Transcripts for BBC Radio Scotland MW BBC Radio Scotland MW 20191208 000000

Yes 2 great songs nominated by some listeners to the program tonight we re asking on the show what election coming up next do you have a favorite track which is go above a political theme and those 2 songs really do for the. The Sex Pistols in the u.k. From 1977 from the Debbie album Never mind the you know what he says is inspirational but still is relevant today if anything more than ever and it s also been nominated by Robert Maguire a near he s thanking us for a great show. 1900 from the Debbie album inflammable material a great record which is some fantastic tracks like suspect device wasted life by wire love and of course that great cover of the Bob Marley composition join he was but this was trying number 12 nominated by Jon Hamilton who reckons that the song quite rightly caused quite a stir when it was released a way back in 1979 and that was a sale f. And a great track called alternative Also if you want to go and see the band The good news is they re going to be coming your way in the month of March they re going to be playing their traditional sent Patrick s night celebration of the bonding was going the 17th of March and 2 nights later you can cease to flow from those at Troon concert hall this is Billy slaughter on b.b.c. Radio Scotland Greg I hear it with you until 1 o clock in the morning and we re asking the program tonight do you have a favorite track which is a go but of a political flavor and if you want to send your nomination sends a text to 0295. Send us an e-mail to Billy Sloan show b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. And on Facebook and Twitter the search is quite simply Billy slowing down he says hope at 10 commandments by the specials Heather Hunter says Hooverville for me by the Christians between Night choice Rob spark impressed with his nominee to kick over the store by the Redskins the statues rather by the Redskins shiny Punk says wasted life Bice the flow fingers This is a song which gets to the very heart of the Troubles in Northern Ireland and both joy in Glasgow and in Ted Mackenzie pick a classic tracks from the 1960 s. Eve of destruction by Barry McGuire and in Ted says the song is a snapshot of the political world in the 1960 s. And Kenneth McKenzie has nominated one in 10 by you be 40 and working class hero by the late great John Lennon and to keep the pot boiling I m going to choose the strike it comes from an album released in 1989 called Spike the beloved entertainer it was the album by Elvis Costello and it s a great record which includes the hit single Veronica co-written of course with Paul McCartney but the strike when it was released it caused a bit of us though because when the lady in question the subject of the song passed away a few years ago it was kind of released and caused a controversy all over again this is Elvis Costello and the politically charged trump the dot down. Where he s been. The study. 6 is there. You. Know all the pretty. Clear is coming. That Chad is. Bad Good. Too soon. I ve had a lot of soup a bit on sin and. Try to. Do. Spirit. We just. Promise. a. Long. I think I did good. And. Bad if you. Could. Lead. To air. Yeah I think it s fair to say having heard those lyrics are way back in 1009 the Elvis Costello was not make fun of the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher but it s one of his finest over compositions in my humble opinion a great track from Spike the beloved entertainer cold trump the doctrine and it s also the nomination of Ian Wilson who also a chooses killing the cabinet by the trash can Sinatra s and a liar by the Sex Pistols asking in the program tonight with the election looming on Thursday do you have a particular favorite pop song that s been inspired by some kind of politic political figure or political agent if you want to send a text send it to easier to 95 send us an e-mail to Billy Sloan show b.b.c. Taco dot you can and Facebook and Twitter the sepsis Billy Sloan show Alex King says although it s probably unplayable Holbert party political beep beep beep by distorted truth don t know Lot one Buttrick Oh and also Bruno says Herbert Jeremy bipedal John a quick mention to Susan and organ like she says one might be glossy or by John Grant particularly the references to what we call democracy being more like hypocrisy I think it s an absolutely fantastic song and she also nominee is another track which he reckons sums up what we re talking about in the program tonight and it s manifesto the title track of the Roxy Music album she says it s just an all time classic uplifting and inspiring lyrics to to rock you to the grave all I can tell you hang on to your hearts isn t because we ve got Bryan Ferry trite lined up and about 3 or 4 songs Donald and Arc none data hope I m pronouncing that correctly says hello Billie and they smell suggestions and I hope it lies by g.g. Kill all the best and a quick mention to Craig and Jenny who are listening to the program on the way home to Dundee from a superb gig backstage at the green with chain a crises Eddie and Gary saw them a few years ago and Glasgow they re absolutely fantastic and Genting Donahoe says I had a great day I went to see a lot and Mary held the pan taught me a real community hall it was great fun is on until the 30th of December and she says My choice would be give me some. Truth by John Allen in war but on the subject of pronto and choose the night I went to see Jack in the bin stop with the king s Alene see Smith Jonathan Watson and Johnny white what an absolutely fantastic form and if you re going to go and see one of the punters go and give all the punters stars just support they really are working very hard and theatres all across the country Ok talking again I. Don t at all and more in Glasgow and saw a guy live in concert I hadn t seen for something like 30 or 35 years and it was good to see the legendary Graham Parker bike plying his trade in the city celebrating the 40th anniversary of what I think this is best album a great record from 1971 called squeezing out sparks and he was performing a say largely made up of trite from that particular obl to a packed house or more on Wednesday night after the show in a St Some albums etc etc say tight the fans and I bought a copy of a brand new album that is just released called squeezing out sparks the solo acoustic 40th anniversary where he s basically going into the studio and recorded acoustic versions of all the tracks on a particular I will and I m going to play one for you know this is one of the highlights of the shore and more on Wednesday night this is Graham Parker and I agree acoustic version of passion is no ordinary What. Hour. Me. And you. Bad choose not. Not just another sound on. Going to hear. Not just another sign up. To here. Not just this. There s the general election across the b.b.c. Spare a few minutes a good time will you be voting in the general election with so many voices vying for your attention during the election why she s Murty. To get lost in the noise. But you can cut through it all. For the election explained to check the facts and to make sense of it all go to b.b.c. Documentary u.k. Slash election the power is yours yeah we re asking on the program tonight do you have a favorite politically charged song and we get a great reaction and it ever since Sco struck a says high billing Grego he says What a great start to the show with the b. 52 success on the subject of political songs I suggest stand though Margaret by the beat which he reckons is a great try Chrissie boy says Excellent topic tonight I d nominate Washington Bullets by The Clash from their album Sandinista or London Calling the track in question would be the brilliant club don t know and far far says the streets by the poor as he says in the mid 1980 s. I love my annual pilgrimage at this time of year to see the band at the bar and in Glasgow at the height for me of the life powerhouse and Jimmy in. The pilot John arbitrating he says her birthday next week and I reckon that s a great song and Jimmy MacDonald gets in touch from our he says it was great to hear the on the program a little of course we played the band s brand new single which is a great song called I don t want to get wise and if you want to go and see the who are going to be touring with an orchestra that should be pretty interesting they re going to clean live the hydro in Glasgow on March the 20 thought of 2020 and Jimmy reckons that the still making great records after all these years the Brian yob I m cold quite simply who has been getting rave reviews across the board and he says I m going to suggest an artist with a real local connection and the artist in question is Gil score heroin whose dad once played for Celtic and Jimmy quite rightly says he s performed many political and. Protest songs over the length and breadth of his incredible career he says but I m going to pick the Revolution Will Not Be Televised and also Johannesburg he says both are great songs on the still hit the spot today and I guess is listening and for more draws on and he is nominated what side by Jackson Browne vicious circle by lorries and of course the obligatory and the very well deserved and well received Paul Kelly weekly strike it is a great song called from what things big things grow and it s a very powerful political song about giving land back to the Aborigines Ok I promise at the start of the program the brown you single from the brand new Glasgow man to a cold ankle in the going to be releasing their debut album alley in 2020 and this is the title track from of the follow up to fame shame which we played a few weeks back on the program this is on killing and a brand new song called Casino. Yair fine but assuming that that s the Glasgow band ankle in their brand new single continentally also the title track of their forthcoming Debbie album featuring color Gaffney and vocals and a great new song Coco seen if you want to go and see the band like the slot in some days I can tell you that in l.a. February the 15th of February to be exact they re going to be doing a gig a place called the dread north and Bathgate so get along and check them out this is Billy Sloan on b.b.c. Radio Scotland here with into 1 o clock in the morning exactly 25 minutes of the program remaining and I m asking in the show tonight with the election looming and Thursday do you have a favorite politically inspired chart strike Morgan some great really great air responses from a al McKenzie says Herbert power to the people by the great John Lennon Gene Jones says band deal or also by the like in Viva La Quinta gadda hope I m pronouncing those 2 trucks correctly by Christy Moore and also freedom come all ye by Him who is gin points it was actually a song that was performed on the previous show and she says a I also think these tracks more than firmly pen my colors to the mast also Sean was gets in touch he says Enjoying the show tonight just back from seeing Martin Joseph who was superb as usual and he says Herbert has song Here come the young or lays in the balance by Jackson Browne and on the subject of a Jackson Browne. Angus gets in touch for more dross and they he has of course nominated Jackson Byrne as a tool to a few moments ago and it was a track call that site also Nancy in front of listening in from Galashiels and they have nominated a great track by Craig and Charlie Reid The Proclaimers a brilliant song co-captain and an alice of care says her Genesis get ammo by Friday it s as relevant today as it was in 1973 and James McMillan says it make Mark an Rather says great theme as per usual Billy Herbert the new madness strike building than boys he says is bang on for the times we live in Ok I promise you something from Bryan Ferry The good news is the just announced a 60 Yukito and he s coming here we can see him. Live at the armadillo on the thought of March and this is a song from his broken album release in 2007 he s a huge fan of Bob Dylan and he released his 12 shitty album which is a great record cold Dylan esque and which he did favorite doll Bob Dylan classics things like just like Tom Thumbs blues Knocking On Heaven s Door positively 4 sheets in him but 3 also for me was one of the pick of the bunch on album and I cannot recommend highly enough from 2007 Bryan Ferry and a great new song called The Times not a new song of the Bob Dylan classic The Times They Are a change. Lamie I wonder if not try to be in the set when he plays the armadillo in the 3rd of March 2020 from the album Dylanesque in 2007 a trike which could there definitely be a topic strike on the program this week Bryan Ferry and his version of the Dylan classic The Times They are changing quite shirt to Chris Anderson he says Herbert Frankie Goes To Hollywood to tribes maybe not 100 percent political Bush certainly anti war a nordo in that the political class is of course if you remember the American president Robert Ray Ronald Reagan was portrayed in the video of Governor Kaine a fistfight and a son per. Above a gravel pit with their mayor that the Russian president same was a fantastic video and David McMillan says Herbert shipbuilding by Elvis is still on the track that we played previously in the program trump the Dr he says both were blatant attacks on Margaret Thatcher and also a quick mention to can drum children from Manchester said there are so many money street preacher song to choose from we would choose a gold against the soul of America and socialist Serenade and also on the subject of the manic Simon MacQueen he says freedom of speech won t feed my children or imperial body bags are both political in the broad sense and there s a fair amount of both in both of those 2 songs by the money Street Preachers Ok the Brian Yaba from our show does a great record called faults non-dance this is trying number one asteroid and poison reaction. Yeah great stuff the combined talents of Willie Campbell and Charlie Clark the band a cold Astrid from the album fall stand dance and a great new song called Poison reaction Billy Sloan on b.b.c. Radio Scotland 15 minutes of the program remaining still asking you to nominate your favorite trite which is go above a political flavor and a in some sense says oh but Creedence Clearwater Revival Fortunate Son written of course by the great John Fogarty He says it s one of my favorite songs over and Dame operatory gets in touch regular listeners to the program he says How about Ken by Kate Bush that was a cain of a novel a song I guess she could. That was written for an episode of the comic strip which was about the g.o.c. Was akin to make you think of the g.o.c. In London and it was all about Ken Livingstone and also. Bloody revolutions by cross he says I think this is how well people fell about politics this particular year Ok it s a brain I ll blow but let s go back to the 1960 s. One of the soul classics of all time this is fun tell Abbas on the sons of Rescue Me. Yeah a classic single from the 1960 s. 1965 to be precise from an album called the new look on the legendary Chess Records label the Center for intel about us and a great song of her own ball say that their land taken deservedly so a great track called it Rescue Me quick mention to Brian Dawe he could get in touch Normally it s his favorite politically charged song would be nothing ever happens by Delany tree he says Justin Curry was referring to the effects of politics on society and the brilliant lyrics for the song and also Scott Mike in touch gets in touch from Fife and says elite one because I ve been to the chain a crisis but will listen to the shore again on sones up by I would choose one get filled again by the who that would be my choice of course it was mentioned by some the l. In the program and includes the immortal line meet the new boss same as the old boss don t forget the who are going to be live at the Hydro in Glasgow on the 23rd of March 2020 talking of the hydro this pond are going to be there on the 11th of March the previous night they re going to be playing live at the p. And g. Arena and their March and Aberdeen and it s all to fly the fly for Bryan Young which is a great record cocaine there are a lot of shitty album This is Kelly joins and stereophonic the brand new single from the album this is the stereos with Don t let the devil take another day. Hellenic From the band s 11 studio album all kicked off for them in 1997 of the great debut Cold War tickets are owed but that s the follow up single to bust this tunnel which we recently played in the program that s Kelly Jones stairway phonics and a great new song called Don t let the devil take another day in as a said I m going to be live in Aberdeen of the arena on the 10th of March on the following night March the 11th life of the hydro in Glasgow a couple of quick final messages we have Bill Kennedy who says we don t need another fascist group flying by Heaven 17 he says much of the band s output had a real political edge he says and this one would be my choice and also a quick mention to Frederick Michael has low he would know many It s Alright Ma I m only bleeding by Bob Dylan he says as a visceral subdominant Hardage deconstruction of American political and social morality and it s surprise an unsurprising and my humble opinion well I hope you ve enjoyed the show all been slightly shorter form this week Greg and I will be back next Sunday night to do all again and I hope you have a very good week maybe own a boat see a couple of gigs and let s finish with an I m a politically charged. Trying Let s go back to 980 the 5th album by the legendary Patti Smith was a great record cold dream of life and this was the big single from the Koran with the late husband Fred Sonic Smith the strike was absolutely brilliant at the time and used a way back in 2014 by you to as the intro tape on their Innocence and Experience world it s a classic song we re going to play it with and this is party Smith on the side of people have the power. Radio. From across the. Arm door to. The menus on 5. Promises to give a lifetime ban to anyone found guilty of racist abuse after yesterday s Dolly. Redemption for. The heavyweight champion of the wild once again listen to this program by downloading. Music. But you subscribe to the program so you don t miss the next episode this is b.b.c. 5. Live. Thanks doth announced the Josh was reclaimed his world heavyweight title in his remarks against the rules junior more nuts in sports in a minute says it s been inundated with reports of racist abuse during yesterday s Manchester Darby Man City says he is working with police to find those responsible and anyone found guilty will be handed a lifetime ban our correspondent John Morey was at the at the at it was during the 2nd half when Manchester United were leading to know that midfielders frayed and Jesselyn God went over to take a corner Fred was struck by one of several objects thrown from the stand and the United manager early going to social confirmed afterwards both players were the target of racist chanting by one man in the crowd the anti racism organization kicked out said they were inundated with reports of alleged racist abuse the conservatives are pushing for a plan to allow entrepreneurs to come to the u.k. Even if they don t have a job offer if the party wins next week s election it wants to implement a point based immigration system that would also be a fast track for people working in the n.h.s. Labor is focusing on social care on the final push for votes ahead of Thursday Jeremy cauldrons promising free personal care at an angle and an extra 10000000000 pounds funding scientists are warning that climate change and pollution are depleting oxygen in the oceans threatening many species of fish they ve identified about 700 sites with low oxygen compared with 45 in the 1960 s. Back at Hobart is from our fish which campaigns for Sustainable fishing. Basically the ocean is absorbing all of the excess carbon dioxide and excess heat that we have been producing from how fossil fuel burning activities and it s actually buffering us from the worst of the climate crisis so but it is starting to really have a big impact and it s starting to break down as a result West Coast my long passengers will have to look out for new logo from today taking over the services from Version trains which has run them since 1990 said.

Radio-program , English-rock-keyboardists , Island-records-artists , Columbia-records-artists , Presidential-medal-of-freedom-recipients , American-rock-guitarists , English-male-singers , English-rock-guitarists , Warner-bros-records-artists , Polydor-records-artists , Virgin-records-artists , English-rock-singers

Transcripts for BBC Radio Scotland FM BBC Radio Scotland FM 20191208 000000

I think it might have been a. Precursor of what could be done but we have our ass backwards resigned to get them back Scientists say a new report which shows the out solutions are becoming starved of oxygen is further evidence that urgent action is needed to cut greenhouse gas emissions the findings were published as a un climate conference in Madrid environment secretary Rizana coming addressed an audience there this morning warning work needed to be done across the borders to limit global warming but Jamie Livingstone from Oxfam Scotland says simply increasing targets will not work only those we will continue to make matters worse under a climate justice approach as well as reducing our emissions we need to support those who are being hit 1st and worst in the world s poorest countries who did little to cause this kind American city police been arrested in connection with an unexplained death in Aberdeen had follows an incident in rather Eastern Crescent to l.a. This morning and the discovery of a man s body Well that s a new snow sport with Jordan got Stephen McGuire is through to the final of the u.k. Snoo could championship he s beaten Mark Allen by 6 frames to not he ll face challenges during John way who lifted the trophy in 20052009 hearts of appointed Daniel stand as their new manager the former boss has signed a 2 and a half year deal with the club following the departure of Craig Levine 5 weeks ago well they lost one deal to Motherwell today in the Scottish Premiership who moved up to 3rd thanks to Hibs beating Aberdeen 3 never cease to wrote in rugby Glasgow worries as a thrilling Champions Cup encounter they beat Shell 27 to 24 in France to make it 2 wins from 3 don t consult us had a good day at the European short course women s championship in Glasgow he s qualified for tomorrow s 100 meter individual medley and 100 meter freestyle finals and Anthony Joshua has become a 2 time world heavyweight champion with a unanimous points victory over Andy Ruiz Jr That s the latest sports Amanda has the weather well it s. And Wendy is that in extends to all parts aside the westerly winds will be strong reaching force for the West Coast and over the Northern Isles overnight frequent showers across much of the country few in the Northeast b.b.c. Radio Scotland news sports and weather you re listening to baseload on b.b.c. Radio Scott. Yeah we move into the 2nd and final hour of the program coming Great songs by some listeners to the program. Coming up next do you have a favorite track. And those songs really do for the. The Sex Pistols in the u.k. From 1977 from the Debbie album Nevermind the you know what he says is still as relevant today more than ever and it s also been nominated by Robert Maguire and he s thanking us for a great show. From the flammable material a great record which is some fantastic tracks like suspect device wasted life bar wire love and of course that great cover of the Bob Marley composition was this was trying to. Join Hamilton who reckons that the song quite rightly. Was released away back in 1990 and that was. And I great track called Also if you want to see the band The good news is they re going to be coming our way in the month of March they re going to be. Patrick s night celebration of the thing was going the 17th of March and 2 nights later. Concert. Hole This is Billy saw on b.b.c. Radio Scotland Greg and I hear it with you into 1 o clock in the morning and we re asking in the program tonight do you have a favorite track which is a go but of a political flavor and if you want to send your nomination sends a text to 0 to 95 send us an e-mail to Billy Sloan show b.b.c. . And on Facebook and Twitter the search is quite simply Billy slowing down he says hope at 10 commandments by the specials Heather Hunter says Hooverville for me by the Christians but read my choice Rob spark in press with his nominee to kick over the store by the Redskins a starch is rather by the Redskins shiny Punk says wasted life Bice the flow for this is a song which gets to the very heart of the troubles and Northern Ireland and both Joe and Glasgow and in Ted Mackenzie pick a classic trite from the 1960 s. Eve of destruction by Barry McGuire and in Ted says the song is a snapshot of the political world in the 1960 s. And Kenneth McKenzie has nominated one in 10 by you be 40 and working class hero by the late great John Lennon and to keep the pot boiling I m going to choose the strike it comes from an album released in 1989 called Spike the beloved entertainer . By Elvis Costello and it s a great record which includes the hit single Veronica co-written of course with Paul McCartney but the strike when it was released it caused a bit of us though because when the lady in question the subject of the song passed away a few years ago it was kind of released and caused a controversy all over again this is Elvis Costello and the politically charged trump the dot down. Ok. This. Is the. Day she s been. Brought and it s clear is the black man. Lives to. Visit hogging by the. Day. When their lives live. Longer. True. The sickness Cumani say it all ends the same. Tried to. Spruik. We just believe is the. Problem is. The flaws. Of the dream. You know I think it s fair to say having held those lyrics away back in 1989. Of the British prime minister Margaret thought to burst one of his finest of our compositions in my humble opinion a great track from Spike the beloved entertain a cold trumpet are done and it s also the nomination of. Killing the cabinet by the trust Council not just an ally out by the Sex Pistols ascii in the program tonight with the election looming on Thursday do you have a particular favorite pop song the spin inspired by some kind of politic political figure or political agent if you want to send a text send it to easier to 95 send us an e-mail to Billy Sloan show b.b.c. . On Facebook the sepsis Billy Sloane show Alex King says. Although it s probably unplayable Holbert party political beep beep beep by distorted truth don t know that one ball trick oh and also Bruno says Herbert Jeremy bipedal John a quick mention to Susan and all her life she says one might be glossy or by John Grant particularly the reference to what we call democracy being more like hypocrisy I think it s an absolutely fantastic song and she also normally is another track which he reckons sums up what we re talking about in the program tonight and it s manifesto the title track of the Roxy Music album she says it s just an all time classic uplifting and inspiring lyrics to to rock you to the grave all I can tell you hang on to your hearts isn t because we ve got Bryan Ferry trite lined up and about 3 or 4 songs Donald and Arc none data hope I m pronouncing that correctly says hello Billie and they smell suggestions and I hope it lies by g.g. Kill all the best and a quick mention to Craig and Jenny who are listening to the program on the way home to Dundee from a superb gig backstage at the green with chain a crises Eddie and Gary saw them a few years ago and Glasgow they re absolutely fantastic and Genting Garner who says I had a great day I went to see a lad and Mary held the pan taught me a real community hall it was great fun is on until the 30th of December and she says My choice would be give me some truth by journaling in or on the subject of panto s and choose the night I went to see Jack in the bin stop with the Kings Elaine see Smith Jonathan Watson and Johnny white what an absolutely fantastic form and if you re going to go and see one of the punters go and give all the punters stars just support the really are working very hard and theatres all across the country Ok it s all going to get no on a wooden scenario and don t all and more in Glasgow and saw a guy live in concert I hadn t seen for something like 30 or 35 years and it was good to see the legendary Graham Parker bike plying his trade in the city celebrating the 40th anniversary of what I think is his best album a great record from 1971 called squeezing out sparks and he was performing a set largely made up of tripe from that particular. Well we ll talk. More on Wednesday night after the show we can maintain a sane some said to say tight the fans. Of a brand new album that was just released called squeezing out sparks the solo acoustic 40th anniversary but he s basically going into the studio and recorded acoustic versions of all the tracks on a particular album and I m going to play one for you know this is one of the highlights of the show or more on Wednesday night this is Graham Parker and I agree acoustic version of passion is no ordinary Watt. Not just another Santa. Not. Not just not the sun s. Batch. Not just another sound. Choose here. Not just another some. Choose. Not just some. The general election across the b.b.c. Spare a few minutes to get on the voting in the general election with so many voices vying for your attention during the election way she s marching. To get lost in noise prevent. Harm but you can cut through it all. For the election explained to check the facts and to make sense of it all go to b.b.c. Documentary u.k. Slash election the power is yours yeah we re asking on the program tonight do you have a favorite politically charged song and we get a great reaction and a Davis in the Scotia. Grego he says What a great start to the show with the b. 52 says on the subject of political songs I suggest standard moderate by the beat which he reckons is a great try Chrissie boy says Excellent topic tonight I d nominate Washington Bullets by The Clash from their album Sandinista or London Calling the track in question would be the brilliant club neck and far far says the streets by the poor as he says in the mid 1980 s. I love my annual pilgrimage at this time of year to see the band at the bar one in Glasgow at the height for me of their life power was. Jimmy in. The pilot John arbitrating he says her birthday next week and I reckon that s a great song and Jimmy MacDonald gets in touch from our he says it was great to hear the Who on the program Marilyn of course replayed the band s brand new single which is a great song called I don t want to get wise and if you want to go and see the who are going to be touring with an orchestra that should be pretty interesting they re going to cling libeler hydro in Glasgow on March the 20 thought of 2020 and the Jimmy reckons that are still making great records after all these years the Brian yob I m cold quite simply who has been getting rave reviews across the board and he says I m going to suggest an artist with a real local connection and the artist in question is Gill score Heaven His dad once played for Celtic and Jimmy quite rightly says he s performed many political. And protests songs over the length and breadth of his incredible career he says but I m going to pick the Revolution Will Not Be Televised and also Johannesburg he says both are great songs and they still at the sport today and. He is nominated what side by Jackson Browne vicious circle by lorries and of course the obligatory and the very well deserved and well received Paul Kelly Wheatley strike it is a great song called from things big things grow and it s a very powerful political song about giving land back to the Aborigines. The style the program the bring you single from the brand you go to a cold ankle in the going to be releasing their debut album early in 2020 and this is the title track from of the follow up to fame shame which we played a few weeks back on the program this is on a brand new song called Casino. I ve Yeah fine but assuming that that s the Glasgow band ankle in their brand new single continentally also the title track of their forthcoming Debbie album featuring Conor Gaffney and vocals and a great new song Coco seen if you want to go and see the band lie the Sloan and some days I can tell you that an elite February 15th of February to be exact they re going to be doing a gig a place called the dreadnought and Bathgate so get along and check them out this is Billy Sloan on b.b.c. Radio Scotland here with into 1 o clock in the morning exactly 25 minutes of the program remaining and I m asking in the show tonight with the election looming and Thursday do you have a favorite politically inspired chart strike Morgan some great really great there responses from a al McKenzie says Herbert power to the people by the great John Lennon Gene Jones says Bandito also by the like in Viva La Bella gadda hope I m pronouncing those 2 trucks correctly by Christy Moore and also freedom come all ye by him was gin point so it was actually a song that was performed on the previous show and she says a I also think these tracks more than firmly pen my colors to the mast also Sean was gets in touch she says Enjoying the show tonight just back from seeing Martin Joseph who was superb as usual and he says her best song Here come the young or lays in the balance by Jackson Browne and on the subject of a Jackson Browne day Angus gets in touch for madrasa day he has of course nominated Jackson Browne as a tool just few moments ago and it was a track called what side also Nancy in front of listening in from Galashiels and they have nominated a great track by Craig and Charlie Reid The Proclaimers are brilliant song co-captain and an alice of Genesis get by Friday as is relevant today as it was in 1973 and James McMillan. Says it make Mark in rather says great theme as per usual but the new madness try billing than boys he says it s bang on for the times we live in something from Bryan Ferry The good news is the just announced a 60 Yukito and he s coming your way you can see him live at the armadillo on the thought of March and this is a song from album release in 2007 he s a huge fan of Bob Dylan the new releases 12 which is a great record. And which he did favorite doll Bob Dylan classics things like just like Tom Foreman s blues Knocking On Heaven s Door positively 4 sheets in him but 3 also for me was one of the pick of the bunch on album and I cannot recommend highly enough from 2007 Brian and a great new song called The Times not a new song version of The Bob Dylan classic The Times They Are a change. Sumitomo I wonder if the track will be in the set when he plays the armadillo in the 3rd of March 2020 from the album Dylanesque in 2007 trike which definitely be a topic strikes on the program this week Bryan Ferry and his version of the Dylan classic The Times They are changing quite shirt to Chris Anderson he says How about Frankie Goes To Hollywood to tribes maybe not 100 percent political Bush certainly anti war a nordo in that the political class is of course if you remember the American president Robert Ray Ronald Reagan was portrayed in the video for a fist fight and a sun per. Above a gravel pit with a mayor that the Russian president same was a fantastic video and David McMillan says Herbert shipbuilding by Elvis Costello all the track that we played previously in the program trump the dark though he says both were blatant attacks on Margaret Thatcher and also a quick mention to can draw from Manchester said there are so many money street preacher song to choose from we would choose a gold against the soul of America and socialist Serenade and also on the subject of the manic Simon MacQueen he says freedom of speech won t feed my children or imperial body bags are both political in the broad sense and there s a fair amount of truth in both of those 2 songs by the Manic Street Preachers Ok the Brian yobbo from our show does a great record called faults non-dance this is trying number one asteroid and poison reaction. Yeah great stuff the combined talents of Willie Campbell and Charlie Clarke the band a cold Astrid from the album fall stand dance and a great new song called Poison reaction b.b.c. Radio Scotland 15 minutes of the programme remaining still asking you to nominate your favorite track which is go above a political flavor and a in some sense says so but Creedence Clearwater Revival fortunate song written of course by the great John Fogarty He says it s one of my favorite songs over and Dame operatory gets in touch regular listeners to the program he says. By keep was a cane of a novel a song I guess she could. That was written for an episode of the comic strip which was about the g.o.c. Was a kind of Mickey take of the g.o.c. In London and it was all about Ken Livingstone and also. Bloody revolutions by cross he says I think this is how well people fell about politics this particular year Ok it s a brain of low but let s go back to the 1960 s. One of the soul classics of all time this is from tele boss on the sons of rescued me. Thank. You. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah classic single from the 1960 s. 1965 to be precise from an album called the new look on the legendary record label sent a fan tell a boss and I great song. And deservedly so a great track called it Rescue Me quick mention Bryan Dawe. His favorite song would be nothing ever happens by he says Justin Carney was referring to the effects of politics on society and the broken leg of the song and also. Because I ve been to the chain of crisis but will listen to the shore again on seven s up by would choose one get filled again by the who that would be my choice of course it was mentioned by some to Ellen the program and includes their mortal line meet the new boss same as the old one. No forget the who are going to be alive I don t Glasgow on the 23rd of March 2020 talking of a high dollar sponsor going to be there on the 11th of March the previous night they re going to be playing live at the arena and their March and Aberdeen and it s all to fly the flag for Bryan Young which is a great record Coltrane they re all love and should be album This is Kelly Jones and stereophonic the brand new single from the album this is the stereos with Don t let the devil take a novelty. A . From the band s 11 studio album all kicked off for them in 1975 great debut Cold War tickets aren t but that s the follow up single to bust this turn which we recently played in the program is Kelly Jones stay with phonics and a great new song called Don t let the devil take another day in as a said going to be live in Aberdeen in the arena on the 10th of March on the following night March the 11th life of the hydro in Glasgow a couple of quick final messages we have Kennedy who says we don t need to know a fascist group by Heaven 17 he says much of the band s output had a real political edge he says and this one would be my choice and also a quick mention to. Frederick Michael has low he would know many as all right I m only bleeding by Bob Dylan he says. Deconstruction of American political and social morality and its surprise an unsupported and my humble opinion well I hope you ve Arm. The menus all 5. Promises to give a lifetime ban to anyone found guilty of racist abuse after yesterday s dollar. Redemption for. The heavyweight champion of the world once again listen to this program by downloading. Music. That you subscribe to the program so you don t miss the next episode this is b.b.c. . Thanks Dr Nancy Joshua s reclaimed his world heavyweight title and his rematch against Andy Ruiz Jr more nuts in sports in a minute kick it out says it s been inundated with reports of racist abuse during yesterday s Manchester Darby nonsense he says he is working with police to find those responsible and anyone found guilty will be handed a lifetime ban our correspondent with the s.c. Out it was during the 2nd half when Manchester United were leading to know that midfielders frayed and Jesselyn God went over to take a corner Fred was struck by one of several objects thrown from the stand and the United manager early going to social confident after words both players were the target of racist chanting by one man in the crowd the anti racism organization kicked out said they were inundated with reports of alleged racist abuse the conservatives are pushing for plough through to come to the u.k. Even if they don t have a job offer if the party wins next week s election it wants to implement a points based immigration system that would also be a fast track for people working in the n.h.s. Labor. It s focusing on social care on the final push for votes ahead of Thursday Jeremy cauldrons promising free personal cat and glint and an extra 10000000000 pounds of funding scientists warning that climate change and pollution are depleting oxygen in the oceans threatening many species of fish they ve identified about 700 sites with low oxygen compared with 45 in the 1960 s. Back a whole bodies from our fish which campaigns for Sustainable fishing. Basically the ocean is absorbing all of the excess carbon dioxide and excess heat that we have been producing from how few burning activities and it s actually buffering us from the worst of the climate crisis but it is starting to really have a big impact and it s starting to break down as a result. My long passengers will have to look out for a new logo from today taking over the services from Version trains which has run them since 1997 the new operator promising more than 260 after services by 2022 when the Japanese bought train started placing the old ones 20 miles from the Modern Railways magazine The shouldn t be the same sort of teething problems who sometime soon elsewhere because effectively they re taking on the whole business the management team stays the same right up to the managing director so for most of them it s business as usual all they do is change the biology of the Shouldn t be any drop in performance or in quality at all it s just going to be interesting how the staff get used to working for a new overall management company where they want to be changes Dame Helen Mirren to read bedtime stories to the crowd count overnight in Trafalgar Square in London as part of a global effort to raise money to tackle homelessness Will Smith if there is another big names of course in the world s big sleep he s taking part in New York Times Square Katie Smith has the support and see just us says I m a warrior at heart it s also reclaiming his world heavyweight titles from Andy Rees Jr The fight went the distance in Saudi Arabia with just her winning by unanimous points decision he s only the 4th heavily weight champion in history to win his titles back at the 1st time of asking well a.j. Has also called on fans to head over to the 5 live Twitter and tell him who to fight next Pep Guardiola says Manchester City have to try and continue in the skies a race that now 14 points behind leaders Liverpool after losing to want to rivals United at the Se had while Liverpool were in trouble once again they beat Bournemouth remail away a stunner from Sunday in men was just one of 5 The Tottenham as they thrashed Burnley Everton climbed out of the relegation zone with a 31 win over. Chelsea and it was goalless between what that and Crystal Palace in Scotland have appointed former Bonzi boss Daniel Stendhal as then the manager and at the u.k. Snake a Stephen the quiet alibi 6 frames to Nel to pick his place in the final he takes on China s decision way for the title this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. South small street. On the weather well for most of those overnight windy as well Sunday looks windy with of a gal s in some parts showers in the north west. Times it s sunny and showers expected in the south. About 9 Celsius clear. Night. To anyone else. Places a huge premium lead Sunday for Aston Villa against Leicester strike against me is that a fetus is. This is a whole lot of fun and I m Dawson added by coming up with the programme in a moment some of the experts made of the clash in the news where they both sense the Joshua reclaimed his world towards those who also hear about the demise of Virgin trains on the west coast line is they say goodbye decades of operation with the losses scheduled train to London from Manchester from virgin and that s not a track by the way it really was the last train to London from Manchester. Nice rather Virgin Trains summer cold it was almost.

Radio-program , Island-records-artists , English-male-singers , American-rock-guitarists , English-rock-singers , Warner-bros-records-artists , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Columbia-records-artists , Musical-quartets , Polydor-records-artists , Presidential-medal-of-freedom-recipients , Virgin-records-artists

Transcripts for BBC Radio 4 Extra BBC Radio 4 Extra 20191206 200000

Developed from the original transcripts from the Society for Psychical Research if it reimagines extracts from a series of Salem says that famously took place in the House of Crandon the wife of a Boston surgeon marjoram claim to be a medium able to channel the spirits of her dead brother Wolf she was visited by the reach the famous and the scientifically incredulous writer amused him for he explores the goings on at 10 knowing streets beginning with the testimony of Marjorie Crandon son. I was writing about j.p. Ryan had others it were about 13 years of age I believe when Ryan visited your mother in 1026 I think I met Ryan and his wife did they have dinner with your mother and father before they went to the seance I think so according to a book I read these dinners were very friendly and interesting and there was a lot of talk I think so yes because they were scientists of the world reputations of these dinners did you have dinners with them sometimes do you remember a particular one now I don t do you remember the 4th floor room where the seances took place was it kept only for the seances or was it used for other purposes. Journey were 151925. At the Marjorie 3 getting a hold this evening 8 pm to 10 st the details of that control were. A search of psyche and clothing with searched come or no by Miss. Satisfactory to miss. It be braided still picture a wire threaded through with a rubber tube being tired around each wrist and ankle with several nods plus individual knots by Miss. C. Stripes up surgeons tape picks along to the lead on each forearm over a wire a lash. D. Surgical tape wound 2 or 3 times around each forearm both above and below a wire lashing and over a long dead today little strip. Cabinet thoroughly searched. Media madness controlled by Miss who had been in charge of medium during search of capping that. G. Head controlled by padlocked dogs fastened to rear of cabinets locked by Mr a belt buckle on Done Done back up fastened with padlock and small keys. A group of people in a circle. Enormous irregular ring. Looking at it from the top as if there is an opening on the ceiling and. Crowds of people around the circle but I can only see there caps. A large bleak space in the middle of them. About $25.00 foot diameter. Trapdoor in roof roof slightly rounded one wall rather than a passage to the left a big clump of trees. For port holes in right hand wall. At the bottom of them shelf and below a grating. Where that stops a piece of polished wood begins that goes at right angle covered with dark colored velvet. No people. To left large looking glass upright as if on a wall. I can see my own face in it perfectly. Oh there is someone behind me. Oh do speak a little louder. No she didn t oh really. Can she see oh do come a little closer. How did it happen. Lifted what. A teacup. Did you laugh. Oh I really can t hear you. He suspects this but he is frightened at finding himself face to face with this terrible reality. And tries to cover it over with a curtain to see where everything s clear. This variance science or foreign. I thought its absence. Behind a sense of insecurity in the face of danger by the sense of discouragement why don t we sense this absence an absence that undergoes most complex elaborations and manifests itself in many indirect ways. No one is free of absence. Take from that the absent it s only as present in our subjective functioning ever absence was conscious we should be unable to function normally. It must be properly repressed to keep us moving with any modicum of common I know very well that to oppress means to create apps. I never relax much from the lines. But it happened in x. You watch. Magical bottles like this do you place to hide anything well away greeting answers. But. What puzzles me is that in all I read Walter never gave any serious information about what was happening in the next world he joked very much and make a very amusing remarks and be very playful Is that right. Isn t it strange to you that none of these serious people thought of asking him serious questions about what the next world was like Oh I think they did I think there are many questions like that. I can t remember. I cannot remember anything he told me. But. Did you see any of the physical manifestations the hand things like that well I was at a science when I saw a donut as they called it being put onto a hook. I think the fantastic thing that I ever saw. Crash and I went up to investigate the next morning and there was this cabinet built that was smashed and. I couldn t imagine how anyone could smash into pieces. I didn t have too much conversation with anyone. I was able to assume anything I could never figure out. Cabinet got smashed into little pieces as you are a medical doctor. That your mother was not aware of what she was doing in her trance I mean all the physical things like producing from the region are. Definitely think that. Someone s hands on me. Trying to cover me. Over the region of the light disappears. Another. Keep away from here and give me a chance. I dream of insects falling off my head I stand. There tortured. They repeat except for terror. Oh are of one s own wishes to return things. One s own Drac of country. They come to new something about the power of Asians of the world. Can t get to Valley. From a young terriers. But what happens in the moment diaf bads magical thoughts if you claim that a concept is not present even within its return you can t. Return. It has always been. Is this why you tell. Us I m rich $1000.00. For a. Diet. I will pay for our. Choreographs for disappear. Ways the same. In return. For to. Listen see. An. F. T. C. K. The mass struck the top of the table violently. The basket was flipped over and the small ring were raised in the air and then the parent Lee sticking to the end of the structure with great speed. The blow was like a seal s flipper. D.s. Request for Clark was put on the table at the last hand luminous side towards d.d. . Against it I saw a mitten like structure creeping forward near him. And the fly was stunned on its back. Its surface was now flipped several times and its end was curled up to. The structure had changed its shape. Like a projection 5 inches long and one inch and broad now extended from the main last which also had no longer a clear outline but was broken up irregularly like amputated fingers. As the structure was thrown about there was convulsive movement in all 4 arms of psyche. Our head then went several times on the table lying on its left side. Finally out of that room. Take stock of those around you hear them talk question in precise terms their surroundings themselves which would seem to point to them having ideas on the matter. But start to analyze those ideas and you will find that they hardly reflect in any way the reality to which they appeared to refer. And if you go deeper. You will discover that reality. There is not even an attempt to adjust those ideas or any for this matter. Right the contrary. Through these impressions I try to cut off any personal vision of reality. What kind of reality when the reality of this room where of my own not been chaos Hello I m rich dove for my family I was inspired to write then lame street on hearing about the life and medium sleep of Marjorie Crandon not a Glee a working class woman divorced with a child in 19 twenties Boston struggles to place yourself within the years to crack the context seeing counters falling remarried through sheer psychic powers and their wrecked voicing of her deceased brother Walt their secret in an environment of oral communication. Harnessing the power of the beyond and the press we axes and explore and the interplay between hearsay and true and magical ability to conjure the voice of her brother. That was 10 Lime Street created and written by me. It featured the voice talents of Brant which it didn t Rebecca Cronshaw the composer always chains sound design was my role part the Foleo sists was Julie rose bower the recording assistant who was key and Ron Morgan the recording engineer was Robot plumber it was a production for b.b.c. All and all it s counseling and I m Rebecca Jones and you ve been listening to new creatives on b.b.c. Radio 4 extra dramas created by young artists supported by b.b.c. Olds and Arts Council England you can find out more about new creatives on the b.b.c. Arts website or search for new creatives on b.b.c. Sound. Of the. New Creative dramas was produced by Peter McHugh. These days with the help of science old bones can tell new stories so next week Radio 4 extra explores 5 sets of bones the series starts with the remains of child s burn an 18th century Irishman who suffered from gigantism condition doesn t just impact on the growth of bones it also causes many serious painful and life threatening conditions which also affect one of Byrne s descendants Brandon Holland I feel a great affinity with him I mean I discovered for example that he went to London at the same age as I did he lived and worked literally within a few minutes walk of where I worked he had the same condition and of course the murder different was mine a student has worsened and the more I find out about him the more sympathy I heard because he chose to exhibit themselves who are of making a living but I can t help home in the feeling that he would have been extremely uncomfortable in that sort of environment an 18th century set of bones in new treatments for gigantism in the 1st part of the series Bones stories next Monday to Friday at a quarter past 2. Every year around $8000.00 people pay homage to John Lennon at his childhood home in Liverpool in the Lennon visit has now made by the way in 2009 to Mark John Lennon 70th Alexei Sayle takes the tour himself and other visitors as well as the custodian of the House why they do it when I left Liverpool at the age of 18 the city seem to be collapsing around me out of ideas and out of luck now when I retain I see smart shops bars art galleries and museums of nearly everything and there is one unique export which the city now where x. Is enthusiast Italy as it once imported cotton and molasses the Beatles. Last summer I took the National Trust chaw to John Lennon and Paul McCartney s childhood homes I was more moved than I could have imagined this year I m back at John Lennon s house Mendips to talk to the many people who visit and to find out about the extraordinary life of the custodian of the House Colleen hall the National Trust starts in a minibus outside a new hotel close to the album because if you would wear your belt or stuff because it s going to be a white the full ride is just it shows perhaps just that said Thank your many lives but I m sure. We all so close to anyone I know I know you ladies on your. Own that that s the case you know especially doing a show or in your hometown and the guys talk about you know people some think it is the pub where Richie frets you got his edge you can see that I never just drove past and I m among shreds now it s so sad. I said it will be. A shrine one. For. Us. As much as the House it s calling by finding throughly he actually lives here to me inhabits a strange twilight Well somewhere between the 1950 s. And now as he chokes I sometimes wonder whether he knows about 911 and if I show my cheap mobile phone what he think I m a wizard and he areas well you get the gates of 251. Ladies and gentleman like to welcome you to Mendips which is of course the childhood home of John Lennon This is where John lived for 18 years from 945 when he was just a 5 year old boy right through till 963 when of course she was 23 and in that famous as one of the Beatles it is. Now legendary half the. As you mention my thing for taking pictures. Of course presenting a program for Radio 4 means that I get a special private tour from calling where I can take as much research time as I like and ask lots of pets and questions one of the things that you child may hear last time I was here was there s always been that thing that John seemed. More middle class because of the house than Paul but what you just said how you thought they came to acquire this house maybe in. A quiet Well Mimi and George were living in a house directly behind Mendips in 1982 when they saw that Mendips had become vacant in the war if a property was vacant you could take possession and I think that s how they came into possession and here we are at the back door this means kitchen the house rule if you like here and that all visitors come to the back door this is very much 1950 s. For somebody brought up in a pool 950 s. This is it this is how my house look drying rack for instance I mean it s rather you know it s kind of an elaborate kind of hoists we could drive. Over the Coker so you can actually get the smell of cooking into. The house where it was everything to. Lead this this contraption and then I thought your life must be extraordinary He seemed like a kind of a cultural lighthouse keeper in the way we live in the back room do you know upstairs. As one of the borrowers radios I live he lives in. And then you sneak out at night yes and you cook chicken chicken. Is that one of the cupboards there that opens up and in fact behind it is a secret to he s made fridge you re absolutely right it is in some ways a strange life and I love the idea of being a lighthouse keeper or one of the bar. I think that s. What I do use the house you know when nobody s here but I don t stay confined to the one room that is dedicated to me upstairs I move out and spread around and I do have things hidden the way the reminders of my childhood are everywhere in this house it s poignant stand on settling to find the Minucci eye of your past so powders in the night time drinks in a museum I ve got that through me through which is this elaborate kind of. Arts and Crafts drawing there s a youth in a kind of target off the shelves. And a woman again in a kind of Grecian outfit she s holding aloft laurel wreath and she s about to annoying to this lad this heroic boy who s Schwarm 250. John that is that he s being crowned as if he s you know defeated the Spartans and he s swung 250 yards and just really it s not you know membership card hell fire. Collins George takes you from the morning room home of John Lennon s for me sit if you get into the living room where Paul and John 1st played together and then to the porch Well it was in this glazed poor church that the boys John Paul would come and sing play support self told me he said we looked plain in the porch because it s got a great bathroom acoustic we call it our record chamber and of course it hear the sound of getting takes the boys word step closer to that rock and roll sound when you re on the show one of the our neighboring things is the number of people who come to visit on officially every few minutes new people will arrive and stand at the gate taking pictures with their phones the national Tristram s 4 shows a day doesn t it but continually while your inside on this side of the wire on the other side of the wire there are taxis pull the porno with people who ve paid a lot more surprise but aren t allowed beyond that Gates but you feel a slightly ambiguous relationship with those those people on the other side of the gates who can come in really and they ve paid some taxi driver often only to bring him in part of the reason for us to be able to open this house in the area that it is is that we agree to push people in and to restrict the number of people who can actually come into the house if I m doing the gardening and I m out there saying you know give you 50 quid to come in or something like that and you you have to say no and I feel awful sometimes saying well I m really sorry however you. People stories yeah I ve learned to be resilient. There are plays. And. People come here for all sorts of reasons they re bringing. The stories and emotions into this house that I m not a world so I have to be respectful of that s what. And which people can come and be close to John in their own. Lives. And they want to see where the Beatles lived we were at the concert at the Allen White. Hall and nice to see where John King probably always wanted to learn more about them that s my era getting an essence of who John Lennon was his child and his life his struggles his challenges and his successes and just feeling that you can feel that when you come here and experience it I like the idea of them all in the living room in the fan stream in the house where they weren t supposed to be . Playing instruments still magically know what it must ve been like. It really is overwhelming That s about the only word that I can use for it just thinking about all the things that happened in this little house with John and Paul really getting together for the 1st time and it is extraordinary the drama pulls out in the polls that. It really does have an amazing acoustic just after we broke up in this living room here my wife and I went in there and we re doing a bit of singing and it is amazing how much. You know listen do you want to know What secret do you promise not to tell. Clothes. You go to a lot of historical places and people have been dead for hundreds of years. You come here and it s during your lifetime and so it s. Just excited about being here. Melancholy or yes. Of where it all started so just to be just to be here with the story and it s really exciting because not just choice for whom this house evokes memories my Cadwallader is John Lennon s cousin he was charged by Yoko Ono who bought this house in 2002 and gave it to the National Trust with restoring it back to the way it was when he was a child when I was old enough to do things good news a very practical lady we started visiting women on the weekends and I would take over the jobs that John didn t want to do like mowing the lawn and weeding my cousin David Knight sort of became the mini sort of handyman for the mid fifty s through to me went on to pool in 645 we were here nearly every weekend he tell us how you came to be involved with you know the house as it is now and during the eighty s and ninety s I lived out in Cheshire could I worked at Barclays Bank and all of a sudden after the run of usual correspondence and calls with Yoko she said Oh Michael we re doing we re doing Mendips we re buying a house we d like it to be restored as it was when John was here so I said Ok I ll I ll do that the lovely thing about it was when we 1st came in the house still had a spirit about it I think the main thing was that the people who lived here for most of the time since me left they hadn t bothered about really beyond that then we started getting down to things like what was it like when you were here and it became to sort of draw out a lot of things I had not thought about for 40 years but occasionally in frustration I did have to say to them Look I was a child the latest i was he was a teenager and I wasn t sort of examining the paint work and picking up the carpets to see if the floor. I think to be fair the trust has done a fabulous job here and it really is just like coming home to me as it feels you know I don t catch my breath every time I come in still it s strange really there s just so much family history was here apart from my own house my parents house is the next biggest. Influential place in my life it s still a shock to find your childhood reproduced. Almost a bit but it s quite nice in a way because if we re talking about the time of the thing I recount is when they made the Please Please Me album he was living here with Cynthia and I came over as usual I think on the Saturday morning this time. We made an album. When I would. Suspect We did seem a very happy time and there s a danger to. The past so. Sometimes I do wish I hadn t been such a teenager and I had a bit more about the place. Where. I was looking That s a photo of the famous Wilson fate gay said Right yes yes point. A junket Yeah yeah the local paper said that I wasn t actually probably because I was sitting down and maybe thought I was one of these kids in the crowd but the local newspaper there was a story saying drama Michigan. Is a really. Local rag again calling Hansen was on this the drama with the quality men John Lennon s ban before the Beatles he self-deprecating about how he joined the group oh went down and met John in the other lands and took me down to the fact that I had a drum kit which was fairly red and it didn t matter that I couldn t play as. Least memories of this. I didn t come here initially and join the group a number used to come and I do remember the hassle in the front room that sort of me. Me me. And I never knew it I used to knock at the front door and be invited in all the other lads tell me they were told to go around the back and he would say John your friends here I Remember Me Me as the 1st adult that really talked to me like an adult I should talk to the other wives on an equal kind of power although she was a sort of a formidable woman a cross between a head mistress and a librarian I always thought. She would invite us into the a little back room there for cups of tea and we d sit around cups of tea and we would talk just did she seem happy to have you that Mimi wasn t one to let you see whether she was happy or sad to be honest with me movies always me me you know if you must have enjoyed it in so make because you wouldn t tolerate it otherwise you just you know just kicked as I wouldn t say yeah I always knew the 2 going to be bake the gals are piled around with you know we didn t want them to be for us because you knew you d lose them and you know in 3 to Norris Frieda Kelly at the time had an enviable job amongst her peers she was The Beatles fan club secretary would you come to this house a while into old patterns houses on how I started to and that was. In 62 they had the hit record and then they you know Please Please Me people found out the how much us outside Liverpool and they started right into their home addresses so the parents were getting a lot and you now Mr Mrs Housman fine with it I used to call Mr McCartney Uncle Jim He was Ok he to basically put Mamie and Richie s pans out and hire e they didn t really know what to do so the used to come in and then they said they asked Well Richie actually asked me what I can do is made and I said No I ve got too much you know I m going to time and he said well known does know what to do then I said well look I ll show you the percent of the Simpsons where. Sensor painting to ring go in 1963 or something can you get around to answering her letter in 1905 or something. A lot I remember when he came into the office it was me and my chop up and he said to me can you do my and I said Not really I always had you know we could work around you if you so I said Oh all right you will bring it in and I remember he proceeded about 11 Lass s in a plastic bag and I think the whole to say that oh you go up and but with me me and me was quite good I would come once a month so how much mail with the baby in the house it was quite a loss you know you know. So you Hoffa Sockeye would go through you know we mean me so you didn t come back to this house to 2008 I was actually apprehensive about coming and then when I got outside I left who I brought it was an American group I brought with a Fred and I let them go in and it was just odd it was sadness you know but also when I walked in I was so what they ve done what they ve tried to do I ve lived all these memories flashing back to me and when I left I felt a lot happier you know yeah. I mean there is you could say it was totally aspect to this other guy but you felt. You know his son John is wow you know him. But I didn t lift it when I just thought this is a step above kids and it s like a memory box you know things clothes and he think he forgot me I mean I walked him hey just came on the floor and then when I left other stuff oh he s reading things you know stuff you. Know. That we grew up in the Times of bagels so we just one of the chemistry what it was really with them and really. Really why just annoyed me you recently is that somebody thought yeah relating my hope I would have made a way to you know yes the fact that John you know John which he is. Now I mean do you feel that you have a sense of that. Here some think so our sense to you know Susie the plaque. It just gives you yeah yeah yeah very well to. Show the 2nd choice of the date telling us just. Waved them off and like a kind of station master I thought in the Railway Children and now you ve got a break in which for you launches are you very kindly make me coffee then when I have once in the I mean what you usually do in this period it isn t just dinner for me obviously I have a long show on a day like this I will sit in the garden of a moment s thought I m always aware that the garden needs doing or I ll need to come in and sometimes I have to kind of strip the shelves in here all the crockery and wash it because that you know they get dusty basically the long dinner there is for me to do all the housework to get the job well I applied for it I was with some friends and they said they d seen an article in the news in the times that the trust was looking for a custodian and they jokingly said you re just a chump for the house and well I realize that almost bought all my friends for most of my life by interest in the Beatles particularly John had just taken early retirement as a teacher and so I applied for it and I mean you don t come across as an obsessively I mean like some of the people that come through clearly you know there s a there s an aspect of Trainspotting about b. You don t come across by that story well I m really pleased to hear that because I think of myself as a fun but not a fanatic I do have other interests you know I love music in general I write about it I like to travel I ve got a family some people are interested in you for. This it s dawned on me lived here over the years that suddenly you re the man who lives in John Lennon s house and it gives you dare I say and I don t mean this in any kind of bigheaded way it gives you a certain mine and mine a celebrity and of course people like to you know get to know you maybe because it gives an opportunity for for them to come to the house as your friend and you see. You realize that maybe these invites to things because not because I m calling the whole book because I am. John Lennon s house here from Indiana Beatles fan from way back where I do you feel about just in John s That was the reason I came to Liverpool I had to stand in Mimi s house. All you dreamt it would be very much I love the way they ve kept it in the summer Yeah it s very very nice I mean I probably wouldn t be tempted to come if it hadn t been for the Beatles connection but it s lovely to be. A young man in this town it s just fantastic it s like ghosts you can really feel him growing up here I think it s very own Now it s on the lawn having lunch on John Lennon s lawn and you can things that Mimi would never have dreamed of peppers stuffed with cream cheese imitation chicken slices made out of Quorn and symbiosis on the head of more than $150.00. They re not real friends you know. There s no come to see you they don t like you they just come to see that I have to understand that it s nice to have it kind of ripped in. I guess that cat. You know if s. Mrs Mrs Rochester really cannot really she or the windows it catches fire between them how many people being here and since she been here well that s hard to estimate I would say it s. What 7 times 856000 people. So I have a lot of friends. Which ones stand out as there are I mean there are what you might call celebrity guests who stand out so James Taylor Bob Dylan amongst others Bob Dylan arrived unannounced on the Friday afternoon and the last afternoon tool booked in under another name so there was himself and 3 others and 2 ladies a thing from North Wales and when he got on the bus because he was wearing a hoodie the ladies from North Wales already and in the seats didn t recognise him the group that will leaving Mendips obviously clocked that it was Bob mobile phones came out people. Trying to take pictures. And it was at that point one of them said to me who is it and I said is Bob Dylan and those 2 ladies were delightful and I just said wow and they said look we ll look after ourselves you just show him around. And he was just someone who was obviously I felt really interested in the house and you know what happened in the House where John would have written songs where he and pull all the musicians would have played the nicest moment for me was talking to him about just William we were standing in John s bedroom and he saw the book on the bad and he wanted to know about just William and the Outlaws for me that was totally surreal talking in John Lennon s bedroom to Bob Dylan who I compare like to Shakespeare a modern day Shakespeare about. John John Lennon and just William. d let me take you. Out there in a way from Sussex welcome to Liverpool Yeah it s a great was a great heist you know billions of people up here grand jury think you d be you d be taking a holiday in living here it s so I mean it s huge if you d said that in the eighty s when it would be as kind of a trade concept a holiday in your own words as my 60th birthday so on mobile apps always want to see the homes of the Beatles didn t take a lot of persuading being fan myself and the she s actually seen the ones play live for I think she watched them sit she couldn t hear them because everybody screamed in those days just coming here to this house just makes people join in and come alive again it s it s incredible. He was tried as middle class go in but you can see where he got his age to his personality with his visits to places like straw he feels very. Red. I guess one of my most vivid memories is of the minibus turning up into ladies in traditional Japanese cost you got off the bus they were very very polite very quiet they came in and they listened to my talk as soon as I d finished they were straight up the stairs and they must have gone into John s bedroom and then suddenly we all heard this amazing wailing coming from upstairs and so I raced upstairs where one of the ladies was lying on John s bad. Didn t in tears obviously very very obsessive what it emerged was that as a little. Living in Japan she had a very tough childhood it was the music of John Lennon and The Beatles that had given her hope. House Yeah who would ever think that coming from you know British. Liverpool I think my friends that I grew up with if they heard. Or were. Said When people stop believing in religion that they believe in nothing but their believe in anything I mean there s a kind of an aspect of a secular kind of way. My bitchy. Some people I think that s true the majority of people I think most people have a different perspective on John recognized that he was all too human and I think that gives the appeal that he has that he you know he was John Lennon warts and all and he didn t try to hide things but for some people I do think there may be an element of you know that they re here it s almost like a pilgrimage. If you just. Make sure. That visitors was presented. By Stephanie it was 1st broadcast in 2009 to John Lennon 70. Which makes this year he would have been 80. This is this is. Radio 4 extra extra. Carlo This is Jim Lee It s 9 o clock and almost time to talk pod cast with Amanda little and in fact the pick of new podcast for December is next Angela bands will be here for Fridays comedy club 10 and later a celebration of the pub landlord and landlady with Pops disappearing at around 3 a day and then lot and then ladies reflect on what we re in danger of losing this side of the buildings 1st orders is the saving at half past midnight. First though here s Amanda. Hello and welcome to punk guest Radio Hour with me Amanda little end the show where we recommend the best book casts and chats the people who make them this week we ll be speaking to broadcasting giant David Dimbleby about his new series The Sun Kings a 6 part in-depth look at the media mogul Rupert Murdoch will hear how David was introduced to park casting and how it compares to his earlier work I absolutely love doing it it s exhausting I mean it s far more tiring than making a television film. And we ve more recommendations of great podcasts out in December from true crime to comedy to conversation we ve got you covered right up until Christmas joining me as usual for our monthly round up is the writer and t.v. Critic Scott bright and. First of all we thought it s important to mention that this is an election for. We realized obviously that s what we re hearing about the minute but it s quite nice to have David Dimbleby in a non election related way yes and he asked about what it was like to actually not be taking a look at. Election this year yeah he said a word to say about that coming up secrets for you to hear Well we ll start off with the poll casts to make you laugh because that s what we all need always but especially now as the nights are dark here very dark it s going to dark Why is this happening I swear this didn t used to have and last year I m going to Iceland during Christmas writing that user of a family holiday and we only realized after we booked the trip that we ve only got about 4 hours of sunlight a day sunrises at $1127.00 in sunset to $44.00. Sounds horrible but I knew it would be lovely Yes So you definitely need to be made to laugh 1st of all this one s called but where are you really from and this is the latest from Asia network s deep down and Desi podcast and this series sees an AK bar name daedra and so now Patel chatting to guests about their roots in a funny and engaging way and you particularly enjoyed this one with Harlan Yes I think it is because I mean I co-hosted show with you know how often I can 5 live but where I m only in the same room with him for an hour and of course we only talk about t.v. So of course they hear about his life is his family what would he think about being British about his upbringing this is really quite interesting is a bit like having it s just spy on your own colleague It s great thank you so much for doing this podcast and with all the guests I start the same way and ask the same 2 questions and you can answer this have you like on the questions are Where are you from but where are you really from oh my god how many times I answer that question I want answered that question in a pub in the Bogside of dairy which is known to be quite rough place right and it s called the Bogside in and the windows are all brick top so you can t look inside this pub and I no longer with us this is just so maybe 5 years ago and I m walking through the Bogside honest. Sunday afternoon because Radio one a during an event in Derry struck Londonderry and I decide to wander out into the box side which is quite notorious Republican Catholic area of dairy and I see this pub and I think to myself I can not walk into this park right there already cause almost stopping screeching as they see this brown fella walking through this part of Northern Ireland I think this know why I can t go into this pub right if anything it s going to be good for an anecdote which I can tweet while in a and e. And here we are Ok so. Exactly and here we are so I go up to the door and there s this fella it looks like an extra from a danny dyer document tree he looks a little bit scary this bloke said Is it Ok for come in so I looks me up and I guess why we re not I m not good accent Yeah and I was a.

Radio-program , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Polydor-records-artists , Apple-records-artists , American-male-singers , American-rock-guitarists , American-singer-songwriters , Glennon-family , Yoko-ono , John-lennon , Parlophone-artists , Social-classes

Transcripts for KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] 20191205 110000

They pose a $1000000000.00 a year risk in the West due to flooding mudslides and other impacts and that risk is only expected to increase with a changing climate Tom Corrigan is a research economist at Scripps who led the study atmospheric rivers are predicted to get longer wider and wider over the coming century so as these storms become more intense we must be prepared for increasing in the economic impact coroner who is at the United Nations climate conference in Spain says it s another reminder of the need to cut climate warming emissions and to prepare for the change ahead Nathan Rott n.p.r. News you re listening to n.p.r. News from Washington. The man acquitted of killing black teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012 is suing Martin s parents their lawyer and Florida prosecutors George Zimmerman alleges they created a conspiracy to get a fake witness to testify against him Zimmerman is seeking $100000000.00 saying he cannot find work and regularly receives death threats Martin s parents say there s no evidence backing the allegations now so is going to try again today to launch a space x. Capsule to the International Space Station N.P.R. s Jon Hamilton reports the cargo includes some unusual rodents they re known as mighty mice because they re genetically engineered to have twice as much muscle as a typical mouse and scientists want to find out whether the animals can stay bulk up during a month on the space station sage and Lee is a professor at the University of Connecticut and the Jackson Laboratory we want to know what will happen in a setting like microgravity where you have lots of muscle loss throughout the body muscle loss is a major problem for astronauts who spend weeks or months in space lease says if the mighty mice remain strong it may be possible to use a similar approach to protect human space travelers John Hamilton n.p.r. News at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida a published report says a Chinese business woman convicted of trespassing at president trumps Florida resort has been handed over to u.s. Immigration officials the Associated Press reports Eugene Jang was supposed to be deported when Jang was arrested at Trump s resort she was carrying for cell phones and a computer this raised questions of whether Zhang was spying I m corps of a Coleman n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include I drive maker of remote p.c. Providing real time remote access to computers anywhere and featuring remote p.c. Vision and augmenting reality support to learn more at remote p.c. Dot com. You re listening to World Cafe arena Duras the Byrds The Beach Boys The Mama s in the Buffalo Springfield in the mid sixty s in Laurel Canyon l.a. They were electrifying folk music and putting on the radio for the 1st time they were making the music that would make music history. On that amazing moment. All telling stories to. The film s executive producer and visit his conversation with her along with the film s director and music industry veteran Slater in the canyon is now streaming on Netflix it s got a soundtrack full of covers done by Jacob Dylan and a band featuring guests like back Fiona Apple and. We ll hear. With Jacob in a bit but 1st here s Jacob Dillon. With the echo in the canyon band performing the plays on the album Slater who produced and directed the film it s really an amazing undertaking guys congratulations and welcome to World Cafe. Thank you for having us here yeah it s a pleasure so 1st of all the crazy band that we just heard perform live They re incredible and where do you find them. In a deli it really yeah not really you know you never know where you re going to find inspiration or a great musician there is a there s a deli in Los Angeles counters and in the early ninety s it was a place where Jake up and the Wallflowers had 1st started playing and it was a whole scene going on in Fairfax Avenue and in l.a. And but so will occasionally we go back there and I need Tuesday nights there s a jam session and some of those guys were there and so you know they became part of the of the band. And then in terms of assembling casts the folks that you have talking in the movie you ve got Eric Clapton David Crosby Graham Nash Stephen Stills Lou Adler Michelle Phillips This is like the most amazing rock n roll Rolodex that I can imagine So how did you go about approaching Are these people that that you know through your travels are you flipping through your phone sort of and thinking like oh yeah we should call this person we should call this person or their wish list I think most of them you know I think we knew personally or had connections to to be able to reach out some not the ones that kind of came up as I want to long were because the story was developing in a way that we needed to speak to certain people that maybe weren t the original number of people that we talked to tell me somebody like me an example of that. Well I m like maybe Lou Adler was somebody that wants a story really developed became clear that we needed to talk to him if he was willing and for people who don t know who he is why seen him sort of part of the story want to give some of his well Lou was responsible for recording all of the Mamas and Papas records and among many other great things don t produce or it s he produced Carole King but you know for us it was really looking at the songs and then the songs and performing them and then and then going to the authors of the songs to find out why they were written and what was going on at that time so those songs became the entry point to the bands and then we wanted somebody from either the author of the song if they were alive or someone from the band to talk about what was happening a why the song was written because there s always a great story behind every song yeah there is give a favorite story behind a song from the movie that you learned along the way well I did not know that the Mamas and Papas 1st single go or you want to go was. The subject of that song was Michel and the nature of her relationship with John Philips which was a loose one I guess well let s we have we I really have a clip of that part that that was to me also one of the standout moments in the film so I should just say for people for we hear this clip that. Michelle Phillips is married to John Phillips in the Mamas and The Papas and then she also has a moment with their fellow band mate Danny and here s what she says about that on the cover of our 1st album I m lying back in Danny s arms this is before we got cut really the 1st night that we were together we had all been sitting at the table and John and Cass looked over and they were asleep and that s when Denny just got up and he walked over to the sliding glass door and off we went I was raised in a very free atmosphere to me having an affair was not as serious as it was to the rest of them I had had an affair before Danny when John and I had 1st gotten married so it was something that John had already experienced just me and that s when he wrote Go where you want to go. So as somebody who talks to artists about personal stories sometimes I know I know who did it can be. It s a really intimate thing that you re seeing with somebody especially when you have a kind of relationship with them where you feel like you re just talking which is sort of ideal territory for interviews and then people are also going to see it. For you being sort of like the witness to all of these stories in the movie as we see them like what s a moment like that like re sitting across from Michelle you re hearing the legend of this song and it s a really personal moment that I m just telling you about. Well both you have backgrounds in journalism an ending that noted pretty early on that people were maybe discussing things with me knew a little more candidly than they might if they were sitting down with a tape recorder maybe because I m another artist I suppose but maybe these have enough experience that they are comfortable doing that and maybe they discuss some things that no one s asking I want to get out there just after all these years I m not really sure but I do know that everybody gave the stories that most of us had never heard before yeah it colors the song in a wonderful way which is my favorite I guess outcome of hearing the story behind a song and Michelle s as a rock in the movie like that this green she s really beautiful We re going to you guys do a live version that recorded a little bit earlier on stage this is what we call you guys that the echo in the canyon band yes that works Ok let s do that this is the echo in the canyon band Jacob Dylan and Jake history in us are our singing leads on this one and here we go Play live on stage. café Echo in the canyon is the band the name of the the album celebrating the music of Laurel Canyon in the mid sixty s is the name of the documentary film that I m here talking to any Slater and sick Dylan about. Another one of the 1st really standout moments for me in watching the film that maybe think like Oh cheese Yeah that is something I take for granted and this is where it started is David Crosby talking about this collective of artists who managed to get poetry on the radio and that maybe before then people s ears and minds weren t as open to hearing the kind of poetic lyrics that came out of that period so maybe Andy tell me a little bit about what the songwriters of that time were doing to change really the course of lyrics in popular music you know I think folk music the folk scene in New York in particular was fully developed in that regard in terms of. Songs that were poetic. And had meaning both socially and politically behind them and in some ways I don t I m wondering if the electrification of folk music would have really happened in New York because it was so rigid that scene but California represents this this place of light freedom anything is possible and I think the fact that McGoohan was experimenting with a 12 string and I m Simon interviewing say Roger McGuinn founder of The Byrds was a fair meeting with the transferring for those of us who aren t on Leica you know last name basis with. Good Ok so I don t know that the electrification would have happened in New York and Roger McGuinn from the Byrds. Was experimenting with a 12 string after he saw a hard day s night and you know he s very good at taking a song from one medium and transposing it into another medium and that really becomes the foundation for folk rock and when they have a head it brings people to California so the Mamas and The Papas common the Buffalo Springfield and and other bands come in and that s the beginning of it and yes the 1st time a song of poetic dad and grace becomes a hit. While we re talking about Roger McGuinn Let s listen to a life of formants. The echo in the canyon band of when you guys did it you showed me written by Roger and dad and Gene Clark of the Byrds 2nd 164 this one I think I want to tell a story that right is totally right about you showed me. Where you know that he and Gene liked the same girl and they wrote that song about her I don t quit that in the movie you know if it is in the Arctic remember that very well as he said it as he said it s you the song Roger said it was on the movie. That he and Gene Clark had a crush on the same girl so they wrote it for for this girl and you said who can pick a girl across the. Crosby seemed to get all the girls Ok. Why did you within the movie that s funny. Because you know the singular art of a good narrative always been there Ok the Bluebirds that goes the bloopers route. Ok now let s hear the thought and here we go this is you showed me. a motion of. Self harm I guess on account of how difficult that was do you find this really difficult Yeah I would say I have a newfound respect for directors you know he should also maybe include you know we originally started the idea of making a movie he wasn t suggesting himself as a director we ve gone around and pitched the idea of multiple people oh wow who either didn t want to or interested in or were interested but just didn t want to make that specific movie I was like a failed rock critic trying to make you know a film like a rock critic so make sure if it serves you know much for fuel survive if you re on that sorry for people though who who for whatever reason don t have name recognition about who you are you re making it sound like you went from being a failed rock critic to like making this movie that was kind of scary to make in between you ve produced some call La Soul albums including Fiona Apple s debut album title in 1960 the the Wallflowers out like your You re I think I just I just feel like I need to correct you on on sort of. Being humble about your career in the music industry but also probably really humbling experience to then feel like you re trying your hand at a new art form for the 1st time I guess for me I mean I just follow my heart my brain follows next if I believe in something or feel something like you know when I met Jacob. I just don t take no for an answer that s echo in the canyon director and he Slater along with executive producer and star Jacob Dillon speaking with Talia Schlanger I m writing a tourist today we re revisiting their chat about the film echo in the canyon tells the story of the influential bands that came out of Laurel Canyon in the mid sixty s in a moment you ll hear about Jacob s experience closing down a guitar shop with Tom Petty for the film in an interview they filmed before Patti passed away and we ll hear some more live music from the band coming up cafe. a lot about his time in the Byrds and their time at Buffalo Springfield as well there s a moment where David Crosby is talking about sort of being kicked out of the Byrds and he says that it s because he was a jerk. And he uses a different a different word but there s a he goes on to say something about bands which is his theory and I ve heard him say this before about c.s. And why and he says lately you know bands get to a point and then after that they start to devolve and then it s like smoke and mirrors and play your hits and he says that to you and then in the film you sort of like to throw up your arms and I want to know what your thought bubble was at that moment when you will because he s right and there s very few bands that do. Continue to be great and have the energy for a lengthy amount of time it does have them for most most groups it doesn t and he s right he s been in a number of groups. I guess you what you re seeing in the film is me acknowledging that he I think he s right because it s something all groups struggle with if they ve been together for more than 5678 years you know they begin to wonder if maybe sound is something else that most people just cannot admit to themselves that are probably as time that that thing that really made exciting on point is maybe gone but the last people ever want to meet that is the people that are in the groups so you know he says that with wisdom I think and I think he also kind of expresses what can also be true about groups which is you know rock groups are for kids really you know because once you grow up it s a whole different thing in at it s a trick if you can pull it off and some have some really great you know they do that but I think he s right for the most part for Tom Petty that the 1st shots of this movie are you Jacob talking Tom Petty and is this one of like Would this be one of the last interviews that he did before he passed you know we ve heard that and I m you know I m not terribly comfortable pushing that at all that forward because I think it s true unfortunately I think it s true yeah but he gave us a day and I think it was a maybe maybe my most favorite day of filming he tell me a little bit about like you guys have a relationship for a long time I think and you inducted into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame Yeah what was that day like with him Yang what was really nice about it is that we got to close down a guitar shop Los Angeles to go shop that we frequent true town in Santa Monica and I think it was really nice for Tom to come down and just close up the doors and it s a great shot that is new equipment all the equipment a lot of energy quirky stuff and I think he had a really great time before filming just walking around looking at the stuff I don t know how often he s able to do that you know in the past. So I thought it was fun is having him be able to do that. But you know he was as much as anybody I think in the film represents a real super fan of that specific music when it was happening and so yes he was Tom Petty and that s that s magnificent and effort and it s own but he s also just like another teenager who he grew up then and he understood that music really really well and he you know he was playing their regular backer throughout the 70s when nobody else was put on the front of his records you know because they came directly from Roger when and where the Beatles so you know he was very important to have a story with something that you d want. People to know about who he is as a person. I wouldn t. I wouldn t project anything in that department you know I don t know what he would like to be numbered as yeah that s I think you know I would just say that what they want things whereas you know I did get the upper 1st group a number of times he was the girl with generous to me and encouraging and you might think well that s pretty normal from that generation but actually not some of those people are not friendly they re not nice to be around they re competitive in their And you hear No really why because most of them are Hall of Famers and should just be totally encouraging going to generations my friends with somebody that was always somebody who matter what his crimes were it was just rock and roll and it was for everybody and he didn t see his time with me I didn t see a difference between age and generations it was just music if that s what I was getting at you re really not the 1st person at all that I ve heard that from about him and his like devotion is just being a mentor in it and a cool human being to other human beings. I think we should go out on a on a Tom Petty tune I ll let you guys pick which one it is affects Ok and I m gonna say Jacob Dylan and any Slater guys thank you so much for talking to me today it s been a real delight really appreciate it likewise called Thank You Thank you and please pick a Tom Petty song which when should it be. That s a good idea. I want to go on record saying I love every song I ever wrote but at the thoughts of the waiting from our promises which is right when I started to be About the film. You can find it now streaming on Netflix back in a moment with more of the music that came. On World Cafe. Kind This is Helen Forster veteran singer songwriter Patty Griffin returns to the town stage after a long absence and talented Brit John Smith brings his songwriting singing and playing as well plus we ll hear a truly awesome each even a word story about a man who s providing site to millions of people around the world this week in the town tune in for in town Saturday at noon here on g p r you can surf the web with any internet connection but there s just one Jeff that the only i.s.p. The directly supports j p r Jeff net is a noncommercial community oriented service of the j.p. Your listeners guild and your subscription helps us underwrite the news music and entertainment we bring you on the air and online you need an internet connection so choose the one it supports your favorite public radio station choose Jeff learn how it Jeff not dot org or call us at 866 Jeff now. World God day you may have just heard we revisited the chat. With Jacob Dylan of the Wallflowers about his documentary echo in the Canyon today but the music scene in Laurel Canyon in the sixty s can keep you right there now with some artists who are making music in a place that moment starting with my favorites Crosby Stills and blue eyes. He Just not for long. In the movie. Oh. Give. A. Good day to. Day. To. Day. before that Jackson Brown s Rock me on the water and Crosby Stills and Nash started off with sweet duty blue eyes we produced this show at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Thanks for listening to the World Cafe from n.p.r. World Cafe is supported by the candy to fund supporting individual dignity and sustainable communities through investments in transformative leaders and ideas learn more at k e n d e d a fund dot org. Recognizes the nonprofit community support of washed ashore art to save the sea in Bandon Oregon its mission is to build an exhibit aesthetically powerful art to educate a global audience about plastic pollution in our oceans and waterways and spark positive changes in consumer habits their staff and volunteers have processed 26 tons of marine debris from Oregon beaches into over 70 works of art in the past 9 years washed ashore is exhibiting at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington d.c. Next year they ll be exhibiting at the Oregon Zoo in Portland washed ashore depends on volunteers to create their animal sculptures volunteer information that washed ashore dot org. 89 point one. N.p.r. News. This is The World Cafe My name is. When you were in school were you a good kid had a kid or in between our artists who were both like Dan. Who stole a sampler from his so he could start making music. Or what is sampling in his latest song home that s on the way he will also hear from this very good student. Starlight from Logan Ledger who built an Apple press when he was just 12 years old for.

Radio-program , American-rock-guitarists , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Crosby-stills-nash-young-members , American-folk-rock-musicians , The-byrds-members , American-rock-singers , American-male-singers , Lead-guitarists , American-rock-music-groups , American-singers , American-singer-songwriters

Transcripts for BBC Radio Nottingham BBC Radio Nottingham 20191130 200000

Almost by bands for the show in the past couple of years junction 25 that is it s called Burning delight new in this week by the b.b.c. Music introducing uploader a trio from Nottingham so we play a little music and style of voices all to monkeys in the kooks a but you know they do play in the in the genre a bit sounding distinctive as well quite separate from anyone else they are great junk 25 to keep up to date with and you can head to Instagram up the junction 25 all the music you hear between now and 10 o clock is sourced locally fresh if you like as well and here s an artist who I 1st saw life metronome in Nazim going back a few months and instantly fell for his voice his style and everything else we ve gotten him in he can get in an incredible acoustic session actually with a keyboard player in this very room and that went live on the b.b.c. Website and it is one of the the biggest reactions we ve had to any session with put up for for many years actually and this track is something so special. It s not designed as a Christmas song by a stretch of imagination but there is something that makes this time of year perfect to release this song from Jarrett is called Hold on. To. The for. Every guy. Sadness turns to pick. Him It s absurd. To. Try to. See the stats are. High. Give yourself to. Say. 2 I can t speak highly enough of cherub an astonishing performer he arrived in Nottingham from Nigeria and was 10 years old and so it s been half his life in Nigeria often not even now 20 years old and this will be about a song there is kind of it s certainly not a Christmas song as mentioned before but it s got that kind of same quality of the power of love by Frankie Goes To Hollywood remember that song and it really evokes strong emotions and if the whole point of music is to make you feel something then there s a song there s a master class in exactly that stirring it s just a great great song isn t it Jeremy is their 1st track we played was back in April by him Co paint me in gold is taking a while to to get this one through both of those tracks actually were performed in session by cherub acoustically or stripped back anyway in the studio b.b.c. Daugherty case law to be the place to go to watch that and we have lots of record labels now in our people listen to the show to discover the next new talent and if you have any any inkling of what. Going on Jeremy you should be on board with care of you really really should He s a rare talent and. I want to say across behind what we find out more tools and Instagram Gero music is we need to look cool it s a great song it s beautiful I mean I was a I had my headphones on you actually tried to speak to me and I produced the. I was completely lost yes in that song exactly that s a good good way to to put it actually totally lost and totally absorbed in the song it s a great song it s beautifully stunning performed by Journey as well the track that s called Hold on and it s available in all the usual platforms now Rockport to be ready as toughest challenge will be set after this new track from x. Brinton It s called boyfriend probably. Seeing. Me. Bring me. Out of. Here. At my music want to hear. My excuse. Me. Around here you might. Want to hear. Excuse. Me. It s hard for me to think when you were so. We were close. To me. You saw it for me when you were song. I swear we won t close. It so that you need me. I don t want to. See every other day he. Seems to be. Cut you mean it this time you swear. He saw I don t want to. Rob. Is so hard for me to think when you are so not. To swear we were close. To. Him made me lose a. Mofo he sought for me to say when you were so not a swear we were close. To 0. Lead me. To . Use. Use. Use them no I don t. I don t care that you mean it this time you swear. I don t want to. I swear to god mother thought you saw it for me to think when you were sick. I swear we were closer now than I did so. You made me lose. I swear. I m awful you saw it for me to think when you re so not a sewer we won t close of a now without it so. You need me. Max brand c m boyfriend problems Max is from not seems that ability my entire life force been having to music ranging from classic rock to electronica and started picking up and producing electronic music a 14 developing that hobby since and take it to the next level I m now 17 years old and after putting out music on the maximum alias I decided to expand and take my music in a new direction where Max is high time we were invited into the studio to have a chat really excited by what you re doing there boy from problems of the title of that track from x. Brant very cool vibe on that track on his Instagram page describe yourself as notoriously bad singer I couldn t disagree with Max Brant says we need to learn all you can disagree more and more so that you use a double negative you know you re trying to say I was right say that s that s correct and I disagree that s what I meant but it s on Instagram to make a mistake like me if this is a plain black bear the weekend whose New York sort of news arms are produced by the labyrinth was here really as well as finesse Eton and his friend and peer troop pilot as well he s been a guest on the show Max Brant he that a brilliant new band from Dhabi called Oregon way for you in just 10 minutes time and really excited by what they re doing at the moment they ll be along for you in just a bit and a new track from nuclear on the way to before that but here s part 2 of b. To the radio s toughest challenge this is the one in the office every set nobody will ever get right. That s what I said the Gold has been thrown down so the question is which letter should appear next in this sequence is for that is what s the 5th one so it s an u. . U. So that would be November November unicorn unicorn x. Ray x. Ray unicorn unicorns and you you but what that s a Comes Next no there s no rush for this is no match scramble I will give the answer in an hour s time that if he should stumble across it at any time of the next hour the number to dial for free 806783434 the number to text 81 triple 3 starting you ll text message with the word beat when you e-mail tonight is beat b b c dot co dot u.k. Those letters again and you. And you know I was looking down the the answer column and never get near to get the final one away so you x. You then what s. This new kid here with me. You. Please. To. No strange the air waves have played before a really powerful song from them as well just drawing inspiration from the future house label hexagon pioneered by Don the apple and several other artists in the genre Nuki is a promising g.-o. Already having a couple of releases support from b.b.c. Radio will be as then clearly Jack has finished university and is putting his full focus into finding a perfect new key sound whereas Jake this is final year left in business studies the past spent considerable amounts of hours on Skype and Face Time across the country to work home emusic together and any upcoming plans as well we re good to have you there when you re back in the air if you both are again in the studio to find out what makes you take a good hit here for you guys called here with me it is new key music a new keys and you can Yeah and that s also Instagram page me music if you like to keep up you know with them and what they re up to with that mystery sequence again by the way and then what comes next if you get it right put in the whole thing never know to get a band pops up and get very excited by the mountains with this lot by uploaded their 1st track just a few weeks ago fell for it hook line and sinker and then this week the 2nd track was sensation so it s only right and proper that we rushed them into the studio will be here in 5 minutes just under in fact. Has already been a way. To track them called Hotel on Main Street. With the next. Sent in this week by the b.b.c. Music introducing It s called Hotel on Main Street it s Oregon why good to have you here that s one of those what I think song ends with you coming back to me who took it the whole string Why did it come from it s a song about losing the go basically when it. It s all pre-K. It is channeled into this August. Is the 2nd track loaded in just a few weeks and it sounds very slick it feels like you ve been making music for a very long time and yet the name is new to me so what s the story with the original Oregon My band is mean Reagan was starting to go down way yeah we re looking for people since we left school really but we didn t really find anybody until one day I went to a gig at Rock City to see the vaccines are yeah the blame at this guy John Smeaton and the name are good ways a straight now from near where we practice right on the corner from where we went to school and everything such kind of ties and I want you to how do you fit into the equation that well I was with well I said I saw you the 3 of you vaccines after the vaccine it was just Nathan and let the vaccine tell Yeah but then we ll brought Nathan to a. That drummer dropped out so I went down had a Janet kind of went yeah we don t think she came down from the heavens yes. We were the fan of the but you know had you never heard why now I know they re going to get to the point that I don t say you know material and you know we haven t read is that Ok but you know like we 1st played most people who ve. Gotten you know what we all we all knew it and we all went into the shed and we played it 1st time around and for starters this is actual shit yeah. Because it s like mixed chat in the studio yeah. Yeah. Yeah well I ll describe Dr. Evil by saying So how long ago did this adventure started because listening to the music that we ve had through it feels like you re an established band it feels like you re very good musicians and it feels like you ve connected we all made our own music path before we met each other I think we ve all done a lot of stuff on our own and we met that vaccines gig about a year ago and then we practiced for a couple of months and we had a 1st gig and I want to say February or March. Went down a tree and ever since then it s just been kind of growing from strength to strength I guess so we ve had 2 tracks from you so far is there more material lurking in the wings there is there is there s there s one more single to come we went into the studio and recorded 3 singles so the plan is to get the next one out there it s called gene and then after that we re going to do a couple more gigs in December January time and then we re going to look at getting another single it feels like it s a really exciting time for you Nick feels like you ve said you ve hit the ground running the quality of the recordings that we re hearing here are excellent as well when the songs were schools and also recording yeah I don t really help those that yeah I m a good 5 point you mention things like food fighters and Stone Roses not a thought seemed to be the niche maybe you would you say I think so we spent the 1st 3 days of the record and we recorded everything we listened everything back we went away with the recordings and we not big enough yet we went back in the 4th day and we went just just to make everything. Make it you doesn t mean you only think I think it was like there was like Dave Grohl food fight is just listen to that Ok with a bit of Bit be feeling a bit more how we thought we sounded live and what s it like to see your life what s that experience like we ve always got people dancing about and Raven and. They re all fun gigs would bring like a little sad make me always right get them to dance at the front thing we were doing what I was always got you know we ve got a good man good luck following you from the front door b. When we 1st played you actually from different areas of thought is it me how far apart do you live this neck of it was more close it s not in. 20 minutes away from their side takes me it s a bit of a drawdown don t it but not a 1000000 miles away though no not I d say that definitely worth it yeah yeah definitely yeah. How do you have the conversation about what you d like to do with this band it s always cause it was the only thing I want next year we want to drop our uni. Well you know your 1st festival and I think we re always looking towards big. Venues and with more established band all the time so just very ambitious and we ll get out there really well good luck with it you got a flying start as I mentioned you know every time I feel like in a really good place to do that and we thank you for calling in tonight was the best place to go online to find more about you Oregon way about not Instagram to be the best Ok good to hear thank you thank you. a. Grinning Oh it s. My Frank. Face down on the ground. There one member George Cohn dead hearing here back in September the track called silverfish in the sky a new warning from him this week it s called Resolution is a 19 year old from rural Leicester around Market Hall for those spending plenty time in London at the moment to study that remembers and he writes plays and produces everything himself said everything you heard there was Mr George calm so we re not making music enjoys playing jazz as a drum his 1st instrument was in place it was 4 years old in a big band music says George is a huge part of my life and my family s as well and helped me deal with the. Stresses of uni life particularly in London it was by Palace Island Mike De Marco the warm baths and Little Comets as well a brilliant track that and just the perfect want to get just looking out the the studio window here nighttime slightly misty chilly air hanging as we head towards December and the track perfectly encapsulating a wonderfully written some wonderful construction and beautifully performed 2 is called resolution and it s by George Cohen from the outskirts of. Georgia is on Instagram sounds like George Kahn that s the handle he says if it sounds like George can you probably take my word for. We believe you George but I don t take all the fame for between radios toughest challenge after this track sent in by Lucy dk if you just like honey it s called family drama this is proving to turn it. Or something. So I just. Only I can find. Out about. An hour. Got to The. Other you ve never been. To see a group in the. With Lakhani on that track as well they said bring together some of Taylor Swift s early countrified musical stylings and the r. And b. Influences of salons and as e a and what do you get the unique vibe embodied by the songs of Lucy detail up in Leicestershire England herself penned acoustic confessionals establishing her as a regular on the local gig circuit at 17 she moved to Nashville not explains why when I emailed her saying you want to pop in the Saturday night she said I can t but it does make sense doesn t it so I hadn t realized that she was a sort of. Migrated to want of a description although I guess you re back and forward only to see her Instagram says writing songs in the West Ok maybe London and New York. Interesting to talk about collaborate with various hip hop artists mentioning Lakhani who you heard there as well releasing her debut single Beth s in China members playing that back in September of last year the song struck a chord landing her press features and being played on b.b.c. Radio obvious then 21 she moved to New York do you following all of this it s quite fast pacing fast paced anyway I mean it makes me feel very stagnant with my life really so I guess is in New York at the moment and drop us an email and we ll fly you into have a chat. Be very welcome to come back when the time for the trade the attic it comes from with the program but you don t foresee what a great time here it was but Lauren Hill Sloan s Johnny Cash as well it s Lucy. And if you d like to find out more on Instagram Lucy why you dk is where you need to have full. D.k.k. Talk about the guest coming up I ve been a bit remiss on in that department really around 20 to 10 dubs he will be here we played him last week for the 1st time he s been tracking a week on b.b.c. Radio dog this week he ll be along just after 9 o clock tonight Laura Musgrave will be entered bringing her new truck in we ll have that for you and bubble gum hypnosis who ve been playing for a little ball in the show been trying to catch up with them that will happen tonight it s all to come between now and 10 o clock 10 o clock tonight Devon Daly will be here with a touch of soul But 1st Richard Howell. For a lifetime s could have him back then was replayed which would on the show for time sing a song right from the team so many tracks have uploaded to be introducing been written played recorded by myself at home on Gary s band with an acoustic guitar a keyboard that was can show of the artists that you don t need big expensive studios to record your music and play sometimes your bedroom will do as good message as well a lot more songs to be released and upload to b.b.c. To sing in the future it was by no Gallagher Jeff Buckley the Beatles Rolling Stones the war on drugs and the rest he said many more from all different eras and genres we like it when people mix it up it s Richard how from the question how is an Instagram r.j. How all except the 2 as at the end that you want to r.j. How will vote with you ones at the end of her going to write to the answers then coming in thick and fast to the sex tension question for beat meat what letter should appear next in the season to give you give new n u x e u and huge numbers of wrong answers coming through very few right ones as far as I can see I would be by the extension tonight as usual but really loving all the new music say Conan Claire in the can thank you to means the world to hear that as well and also hello to Lucy Lucy case been on you know she went to Nashville at 17 in the New York at 21 yeah thanks so much for playing my song I m listening in I m actually in Washington d.c. Right now of course she is about that for the city she says but yes back and forth between the u.k. And u.s. So appreciate you playing the song No it was a great song poppin when you next arounds. Over the music hearing been sent in by the b.b.c. Music introducing upload to b.b.c. Dockery is that bt is the place to go look for the upload your music links and through it we are absolute pleasure to play for you but the extension question that we think is n u x u which letter comes next it is really difficult to answer for you in half an hour s time so and you x. You there what do you see anybody with the it s all know can tell you what it s not Rosenhaus and green suggesting might be in an for the obvious reason of being penned Romanek Oh I see yes Ok so and yeah it s not marking jacking from tree they decided to go for the letter l. For no apparent reason which is wrong as well. Well you must have a guess yes so you know to the right and polling Bingham s been on and he mentioned the previous question and he got the wrong kinds of a different reason it was quite interesting. So what s next and you execute them what you think you re free to do all James is there waiting for your call I wait 106783434. The number to take tonight 81 triple 3 starting your text message with the word beat when you e-mail is beat up b b c dot co dot u.k. Says bubble gum hypnosis community Lester you mean the next from bubblegum is on the way of the spear of tests. Track debuted on the show a couple weeks ago called sphere of time by bubblegum hypnosis Vivek from bubblegum He joins me now on the. I m well thank you and yeah we yet know we ve been playing since the beginning of the year almost the it just feels like you re in a real role of the moment every single track that comes through just a bit stronger than the one before. Was the story behind the band s individual Kosovo project and the most the stuff when it comes to that show stuff is like pretty much the old record in Mumbai me apart from the drum chops it was yes and I was in a drama but then when it comes to a lot of Shylock alone. Always changing that mean here in a pretty much but in every day when we play live it s not necessarily the same as a cd version having different musicians bringing their own stars and stuff and right now you re there s a funk drummer playing metal and you know she s interesting a lot you know develops so that s really interesting as most bands look for stability don t they and to gain experience but you feel like you thriving from mixing it up I ve got to the point now where like you know someone says I can t play anymore other than it s just you know is what is this point you know great musicians around the city now you played the cookie just a couple weeks ago how was that for you yeah it s really fun so we started with a didgeridoo jam for the 1st time which is really just thing going sucks with us now for the whole set which is really really cool yeah it s good fun like the crowds are getting slowly bigger and the sets going yeah I m happy in terms of sphere of time the track we just heard that if we come to see you live it s a good litmus test of what sort of material we re going to hear Actually I d say the majority of the Sat is quite heavy and then we have the chill songs as like you breathe. So yeah if you see those sorts quite heavy like very like Sabbath the in a lot of the stuff I mean it s interesting because when you 1st connected with us a few months ago I remember saying your influences with things like King get in this it was a dimension of Black Sabbath and then I was a bit puzzled by the Black Sabbath reference because the tracks you played with nothing like Black Sabbath it sounds like you cover a full spectrum and there s such a backlog of songs are less pretty much like the next few years of releases are pretty much been recorded money to go like is now you or at the University of Leicester So where are you from originally the same ink you in a very plain Milkins in Oxford and so did you have a reputation there before you moved to the history of the big 5 years if he s been playing a long time and I haven t really been paying only so I really play music and I got to uni like a dollar played a bit of guitar when I was younger but I never really did I did it for the gratings United s not really like a passionate thing but yeah clearing out the patience to sort of sit with me and jam with me in a slowly build up my confidence in playing and stuff and a lot of them really for that I want to see like for students in university to connect. With the rest of the last music scene so basically we put on this noise at the high end last year member and then we got in touch with some people from the I don t know if you know it s established in border people like that yeah not so early start a lot networking mean some people around just going to gigs really just talking to people after the Such mean people around I mean the uni scene is good I say that the month seems like more thriving so didn t really offer music anything like our Uni of but you ve been embraced since then not literally. Like at least. If so is bubblegum hypnosis a hobby or something that you d like to see turn into kind of full time venture. To make money off a 100 percent to make a living off a situation without a doubt So what are going to be your steps in doing that I think if I know to gigs yet playing it just like I said we ve got lots of stuff recorded so like you know I can just keep releasing and release and gigging as much as we can me to get out of last and actually that s the one thing I think right now could have played a lot in Leicester it s a big step isn t it actually to to get out of which have a city you started it s a huge next from the now you were none of us Troy Ok. Yes. London trips of in chaos. Get on the national express a big no insolvency. I know you have played in London how was that played in London with it s just it s just a weird one at the moment specially upcoming bands you get caught in a lot of like pay to play sort of things that you don t really want to do and then when you are playing you know that bring people in why haven t I How much can I do that when I m lost a band is or I get better I m sure so as we head towards 2020 what does that hold for you what s your impression for the next year Davy piece coming out general 24th conference room is the title track of our which we planted in September I think yeah yeah that was a fast track I think it s 6 tracks very mellow all of them a very childish sort of goes always been fascinated like concept projects this one is sort of like revolved around space and you know themes are so distant planets etc It starts off quite high energy and slows down throughout the. Oddly. For people to listen to it still to finish if they hit Well I m sure that will happen this if you know what you re doing and I think when you see a bound to mention time in Paul the Black Sabbath in their influences you know. Absolutely thanks for being that. In the New Year thank you for. B.b.c. Radio. You . Know. Tony straw baby you re so fine that s called comrade isn t his mates by better known as Tony Spock Oh here an English singer songwriter musician rapper and record producer born into a family of avid music collector he tells me Tony sport began being curious about music from the age of 7 when he 1st saw to writing poems and playing around with music software on the phone a computer a self-taught musician with a strong d.i.y. Attitude spent many years perfecting his craft by studying his favor artists and trying to make and produce similar songs in his bedroom although not limited to his musical styles range from funk r. And b. Rock acid jazz electronic and hip hop as well to date has released 3 solo projects of his most recent one being cyber space punk funk which blended electronic funk with sound reminiscent of 8 his synth pop really really like such a such a jam is never on baby you so fine that s called by Tony Spark Fun I m on Instagram Tony sparks and though that spark with Azad at the end there Tony s parks so I m saying Tony spot on Instagram there s a set on the end of it there is not even just just kind of fun on the subject of letters so the final shout out to be. Please read his toughest challenge the answer with you in and 50 minutes and you see you which letter comes next in the sequence it is an absolute stink of this of the could be on so will be the is a sign 20 minutes or so and you x. You them or triple 3 starting message with the would be to I can email beat b.b.c. Docs come to. New in this week from home. Anyone s guess. Long. It s. Humble he that he s a. Anyone s guess brilliant track humble he is the pseudonym of the last the born singer songwriter Joe Morel the live band he has seen various lineups over the years including strings brass and drums as well. Previous tracks recorded with a full band and a focus on developing layers and textures he said recently humble he has been performing more raw and intimate songs supported only by a vocal harmony in forces include any Smith Paul Simon Nick Drake Radiohead Jeff Buckley and the like Joe Morel is the man there he is humble he and a great track really good friends from the to words coming in about to that track as well as from Jen who s on the b. And wanted lights traveling northbound saying loving the music it s slightly misty and the music you re playing is perfect for a long distance drive and for late autumn as well and we re also discovering some amazing new artist to boot is well who is this one playing Now I ll tell you it s humble he and Jules will tell you where you can find humble he on the socials Yes on ball he is on all of the so shores and you just have to look for humble he is one of the it is as it sounds humble than h. He is the beat with Dean Jackson and the Supremes team as great as he completes a night more stunning music on the way for you he will be with you in about 40 minutes time for the lower Musgrave s here where you hi nice to be here is it is it Misty out is pretty Yes it is minute Unfortunately this is where music comes into its own though isn t it absolutely you know there s something very special about I m going to play your your song in a couple songs time as well we 1st played I think it s sort of September last year or something like that so yeah definitely So yeah thank you very much invite me for me on my pleasure what s your background as a musician or how did it all start and this is going back some time even just from being it being a child as I m sure probably a lot of musicians tell you. I d just love to sing in 1st and foremost and later on .

Radio-program , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , American-singer-songwriters , American-composers , American-guitarists , Musical-quartets , English-heavy-metal-musical-groups , American-folk-rock-musicians , Columbia-records-artists , American-rock-singer-songwriters , Types-of-roads , Guitars

Transcripts for KCBX 90.1 FM/KNBX 91.7 FM/KSBX 89.5 FM [Central Coast Public Radio] KCBX 90.1 FM/KNBX 91.7 FM/KSBX 89.5 FM [Central Coast Public Radio] 20191129 020000

Served as a model for how to provide benefits to independent workers N.P.R. s Yuki Noguchi reports Sylvia s new law creates a system where good workers who work for many different clients or work part time can still earn paid time off eligible workers would accrue one hour of paid leave for every 40 hours they work just like full time employees do until now few gig or contract workers had mechanisms to allow them to accrue such benefits but as the ranks of those independent workers grow more cities and states are contemplating ways to allow workers to access benefits even if they work irregular hours for many clients Yuki Noguchi n.p.r. News Washington President Trump made a surprise visit to Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan today he spent about 3 and a half hours with American troops there although he did not have dinner with him Trump says the u.s. And Taliban have been engaged in peace talks and he thinks the Taliban want to make a deal the Trump administration had broken off talks with the Taliban in September Trump also had a brief talk with Afghan President Musharraf s Ghani White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham says plans for the visit had been underway for several weeks this is n.p.r. . The Canadian National Railway Company says it s ramping up operations as the country s biggest rail strike in a decade comes to an end that after the parties reached a tentative agreement some $3200.00 conductors and yard workers were demanding improve working conditions and rest breaks in a statement the Railway said the strike had forced the company to run at just 10 percent of its normal capacity the walkout gained attention after the release of a recording of an exhausted worker pleading with a supervisor for a break after a 10 hour shift. In Lebanon a meeting to find a replacement for the prime minister collapsed today before it even began anti-government protesters meanwhile continue to fill the streets one month after Prime Minister Saad Hariri stepped down leaving a void in leadership leave them alone a Alan reports Lebanon s parliament suffered another setback in electing a new government that day off to the leading parties latest choice the prime minister a businessman and political novice some your thoughts he d failed to secure the nomination all the meatiest consider him will continue protesters say they want a complete overhaul of the prevailing political class the deadlock is exacerbating an economic crisis gas station operators began the strike saying they can no longer afford to import fuel as the value of Lebanon s layer of drops protesters and now calling for the governor of the central bank to resign for n.p.r. News I m laying on Long Island in Beirut the Buffalo Bills got their 1st thanksgiving win since 1975 today when they beat the Dallas Cowboys 26 to 15 earlier in the day the Chicago Bears came from behind to slip past the Detroit Lions I m deal Willman n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include Jones Day and integrated partnership collaboratively providing legal services for more than a century $43.00 offices 5 continents serving clients as one firm worldwide learn more at Jones Day dot com. It s 6 minutes past 6 at Central Coast public radio key c.b.s. Support for k c b x comes from listeners like you and from waterwise city of Santa Barbara reminding you that now is the best time to plant for vibrant spring color plants need to put down their roots and falls learn more at Santa Barbara ca dot gov slash water wise keep saving water Santa Barbara. From n.p.r. News it s All Things Considered I m Ari Shapiro on this holiday President Trump gave thanks in Afghanistan there s nowhere I d rather celebrate this Thanksgiving than right here with the toughest strongest best and bravest warriors on the face of the earth you are indeed that the unannounced trip was Trump s 1st visit to Afghanistan where more than $12000.00 American troops are serving he took time to recognize individual units and their accomplishments task force loyalty. I like that I like that task force. Hickey you know. We can know where you think you know. And all the president spent a few hours at Bagram Air Base he served turkey to troops ate some mashed potatoes and met with Afghan president and he actually made some news which is why we ve called n.p.r. National political correspondent Mara Liasson away from her Thanksgiving thanks Mark good to have you here hi ari Happy Thanksgiving same to you so President Trump announced today that talks with the Taliban are back on here s what he said about it the Taliban wants to make a deal we ll see if they want to make a deal it s going to be a real deal but we ll see this comes just a few months after Trump called off what had been apparently close to a peace deal did he explain what changed his mind about the prospects no he didn t he called off that those earlier talks he was about to invite the Taliban to Camp David and that was quite controversial inside his own administration it was one of the many reasons that John Bolton ended up being removed from his post as the national security adviser he was against the Taliban coming to Camp David but the president said that we re going to stay in Afghanistan quote until such time as we have a deal or we have total victory and they want to make a deal very badly Trump usually says that about anyone he s negotiating with like China or in this case the Taliban it s unclear what he means by total victory he s never defined it of course President Bush and President Obama never did either that s one of the big problems with Afghanistan but he says that peace talks are back on and one of the big questions is whether they will involve the Afghan government or not those peace talks that were canceled the ones where the Taliban almost came to Camp David did not include the Afghan government and of course the Afghan government unlike that one bit presidential visits to troops in war zones are kind of a holiday tradition I did want to President Obama when I was a White House Correspondent What was the reception like at Bagram today he got of according to our own Franco Ordonez who was the pool reporter on this trip he got a very positive rousing welcome from the dining hall full of troops about 500 soldiers were there to eat turkey and mashed potatoes with the president he took selfies. With the troops and one thing that was different from his last visit to the troops that this is his 2nd visit to troops in a combat zone the 1st one was last Christmas in Iraq there were a lot of make America great again hats in the crowd but there weren t any this time . And did he have a specific message for the troops I mean did he talk about how much longer they might be there well he certainly talked about wanting to bring troops home and that is something that he promised to do as a candidate and he has been struggling to do he abruptly withdrew a lot of troops from Syria he s talked about bringing troops home from Afghanistan although they re still he says they re going to be about 80 $600.00 troops that will be left there but he said that he will fulfill that came a campaign promise he said to the troops that day is coming and coming soon of course this visit comes in the middle of the Democrats impeachment inquiry He s also a how to mulch was weak with his own military leadership in the debate over the Navy SEALs What s the trip like this again the president I think any time the president can be seen as commander in chief especially with enlisted soldiers it s good for him it s one of his most positive roles and his most respective roles and I think that it should be a positive for the president and as you said this comes not just during the impeachment hearing but also after he s clashed with the top military leaders over the abrupt pullout from Syria and over the firing and the handling of the firing of a Navy Seal Trump intervened in a military justice procedure and not all of the military brass was happy about that it s n.p.r. National political correspondent Mara Liasson on the president s unannounced visit to Afghanistan today to celebrate Thanksgiving with the troops Marwa to get back to your Thanksgiving thanks a lot thank you. A Gulf Coast favorite for Thanksgiving is oyster dressing but it might not show up on many tables today record flooding on the Mississippi River sent too much fresh water into the Gulf of Mexico killing oysters and crippling other seafood harvests that depend on salt water to survive N.P.R. s Debbie Elliott reports typically the week before Thanksgiving would mean a busy oyster shocking floor at Bonsa door fisheries on the Alabama Gulf Coast not this year. Only 3 shoppers are working to fill gallon tubs with Oyster made there should be 20 more when there s no wars truce to show they don t have any work Chris Nelson is vice president of Bonsa Corps Fisheries a family run seafood company that dates to 892 he says the Gulf oyster industry is facing its toughest crisis yet this is the worst it s ever been who were in my memory I ve been doing this for 30 years I mean it s it was worse than the oil spill worse than Katrina worse than after I ve been by far Nelson says those hurricanes and other disasters have left the industry more brittle unable to weather the impact of the fresh water inundation that killed off some of the Gulf of Mexico s most productive oyster areas including industry leader Louisiana the water came from a massive release of Mississippi River flood waters through the Bonnie Carey spillway it s a flood gate north of New Orleans the diverts river water and a Lake Ponchartrain to protect communities downriver because of record floods on the Mississippi the u.s. Army Corps of Engineers had to open the spillway for longer than ever before a total of $123.00 days during 2 separate openings it was unprecedented says Reed Henderson with the University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Research Laboratory the stuff 1st time spillways ever been opened in consecutive years 1st time it s ever been opened twice in the same me. Here and was the largest cumulative volume of freshwater ever released from the body care spillway he says that meant more than a trillion cubic feet of fresh water coming through Lake Ponchartrain and into the Mississippi Sound the area of the northern Gulf of Mexico between the central Gulf Coast and barrier islands off shore it s part of what s known as the fertile fisheries Crescent and those fisheries need salty water to thrive hand and says blue crab landings are down the shrimp harvest was curtailed and oysters were all but wiped out with a more than 90 percent mortality rate and we won t even have a commercial oyster season this year and there s just nothing out there for for the guys to go harvest that has local restaurants turning to Texas for golf oysters when they can get them. At sea Jays coastal Grell in Biloxi Mississippi Clifford long saw and instinctively jabs his oyster knife into the sweet spot where the oyster shell will pop open. He s only got 2 boxes of oysters a fraction of what he would take place or this is no member who is supposed to. Get ready for Christmas Thanksgiving and Christmas then there are issues to be launched on is 63 and is an oysterman himself coming from a long line of seafood harvesters for the 1st time this year he was trying off farming in cages a half mile off shore but the freshwater killed his crop about 400000 stars he s trying to start over and put out 100000 baby oysters last week it s risky we hope that the Army Corps of Engineers can figure a way to divert the water a different way so we don t lose our streets every few years. Hopefully doesn t happen every year for sure you know with global warming he News says with more rainfall likely in the Mississippi drainage basin it s time to share the burden I m not saying it wasn t. Called for. But there has to be another way. We don t want a single life to be lost in New Orleans because of flooding but we also the. Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood has given notice that he s going to sue the u.s. Army Corps of Engineers for economic damages and to force environmental impact assessments in developing flood mitigation plans a spokesman for the Corps of Engineers New Orleans district says the agency does not comment on pending litigation but he says a modeling study is underway to better understand what s happening with the Mississippi River he says the system now in place is operating as designed to prevent catastrophic consequences spillway openings are triggered when levee systems below are maxed out during high water. Down on the docks at the luxe a harbor van Dam is scooping quite shrimp from a cooler to sell from the boat the April dong they finally get 20 pounds out here warning he s one of only a handful of fishermen selling seafood from their boats fam says business is slow and the shrimp are hard to come by right now in Biloxi right now I don t have no Sam I have to go all the way to be able to get their freedom that s an 8 hour run for him with extra fuel and he didn t really catch enough shrimp to make a profit I don t know but this year we don t make no money it s awful it s so. He s questioning whether there s a future on the water and he s not alone it s already die Christopher Rhodes is with Mississippi commercial fisheries United he s a 3rd generation fisherman but at 29 years old he s not sure he ll stay in the business the catch isn t what it used to be and then you have something like this happens I mean it s already hard and then you throw something like the Bonnie Carey . And it just brings us the group is calling for Mississippi interests to have a stronger voice Flood Control Policy oyster farmer and media are as they should be part of the solution our futures in our financial futures are tied to decisions that other people are making in other states off bottom oyster farming is new to Mississippi this year and says losing the 1st harvest was a serious setback but she s tending to another crop of oysters now and says she s tentative but excited that this batch will make it to market Debbie Elliott n.p.r. News Biloxi Mississippi. You re listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. This is 90 point one k.c.b. Eccentric host Public Radio I m Andy harp with your key c.b.x. Weather forecast it s currently 47 in Salinas 48 in Santa Barbara and 46 here at key c.b.x. And sandals are bespoke will have partly cloudy skies this evening with a chance of showers winds will be light and variable overnight lows will reach the mid thirty s in the in the valleys in the high thirty s in the coastal valleys and along the coast for Monday the forecast calls for a mix clouds and sunshine southwest winds will be from 10 to 15 miles per hour the forecast calls for King City to hit a high of $53.00 degrees Paso Robles 52 sanding is 53 for the coastal valleys San most of us will have a high of 53 Santa Maria 55 lump up 55 and along the coast Cambria can expect a high of 55 because most Beach 53 and Santa Barbara 58 support for k.c. b X comes from listeners like like you and from Ken s Oana can Zona is soundless visible counties all women s choral ensemble wants to thank you for supporting live music in our community learn more it can Zona Women dot org That s c. a n Z o n a women dot. Well at 620 at public radio k.c.b. X. Coming up at 630 Merissa Waddell will be with you for the Road Home. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from the financial services firm of Raymond James offering personalized wealth management advice and banking and capital markets expertise along with a legacy of putting clients financial wellbeing 1st learn more at Raymond James dot com from Whole Foods Market offering colors and flavors of the season with seasonal produce holiday desserts and Chef created menus Whole Foods Market color the classics and from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I m Ari Shapiro 50 years ago Alcatraz Island briefly became an indigenous Mecca this Thanksgiving hundreds will gather on the island to honor this anniversary Antonia said a hero of N.P.R. s Latino USA podcast tells the story of the occupation of Alcatraz and its impact in the late 1960 s. There was a burgeoning indigenous movement whose goal was to fight for self-determination Ken plants that Professor of Native American Studies at the University of Nebraska at Omaha says mainstream news organizations were trying to capture what was going on the press was having a field day in the sense of covering what is this new natives movement and trying to figure out what is read Power read Power work to bring indigenous history and issues to the forefront of policy there was a focus on reclaiming Indigenous land we the Native Americans reclaim this land known as doctrines island in the name of all American Indians by right of discovery this is one of the movement s leaders Richard Oaks speaking to k. Run 4 News in 1989 he was a Mohawk in San Francisco State student Alcatraz Island the famous former prison off the shore of San Francisco have been abandoned for many years but news got out that there were plans to build a casino and instead when the native activists heard about this they had an idea Richard can you describe to me again what it is you hope to build to build a nation where his argument 1st centuries conquers and settlers stole land from indigenous tribes and struck up treaties they never intended to follow citing the Fort Laramie Treaty of $868.00 which set aside lands west of the Missouri River for the Sioux and a rapper who tribes the activists laid claim to the island and they got in front of news cameras and offered a familiar deal we wish to be fair in our own bone our dealings with the Caucasian inhabitants of this land nearby offer the following treaty we will purchase said Don t the Treasure Island for $24.00 and glass beads and red cloth oppression set by the white man s purchase of a similar i want about 300 years ago the offer might have. In tongue in cheek but activists had serious plans to move on to Alcatraz within a month they managed to organize a radio station a ferry system that would take food to the island and even a small school for children who came with their parents a bill was presented in the House of Representatives in December of 1990 a quote give Alcatraz back to the Indians. But 6 weeks into the occupation tragedy struck Leonard Oaks Richard Oakes The son was one of the children on the island my older sister shared shared following and she had her head on a corner of a brick slab. Split her head from one temple to the other they moved Yvonne Oakes Richard Oakes his daughter off the island and into a hospital in San Francisco but she didn t make it more on the island started to slip after that here s a news report from n.b.c. In 1970 things Ok that apart from the year they ve been. Building seem to be burning down one by one the garbage just piling up the government accused occupiers of stealing and selling copper wiring from the buildings on Alcatraz 1000 month after the occupation began the Coast Guard came in and removed the activists started as a symbolic invasion in November 1969 and later turned into a bitter struggle with a small band of Indians about Alcatraz rever was ended here today and use Paper reporter interviewed Richard right away about Alcatraz to which he said what would become his most famous quote Alcatraz is not an island it s an idea here s indigenous scholar Kent plans that again Alcatraz is not an island it s an idea that what happens on Alcatraz is beyond just the island itself it s a movement and that this movement will slowly begin to kind of take over America the read Power movement ended in the late 1970 s. But it laid the foundation for future fights in places like Standing Rock in North Dakota and the Amazons in Brazil and last year after decades of indigenous activist organizing San Francisco recognized October 8th as Indigenous Peoples Day rather than Columbus Day Hundreds gathered on Alcatraz to celebrate for n.p.r. News I m Anthony a city he them. The opera star to Chile a Bartoli doesn t sing many of the popular 19th century operas instead she prefers to explore the little known corners of the 19th century. Marshallese new album is devoted to music written for the singer named far anally the rock star of his day N.P.R. s Tom Huizenga has this review found a Nelly reportedly could sing $250.00 notes on a single breath to Chile a Bartoli can t quite match that but on her new album titled finale she undeniably gives it her best shot but it was never going to remember. That it was a little over a little a little bit a little bit of the record it of Bartoli has an amazingly agile voice and a whole lot of breath control there was a different reason why fundamentally could do what he did he was a cussed Tronto that means he was castrated before puberty it was barbaric that it wasn t an uncommon procedure for young talented Italian boys and it lasted well into the 19th century there s even a recording of the so-called last distro. He made in 1000 know to. The voices of construct he remained in the upper register as they grew into adulthood and by that time fundamentally was the most revered singer in Europe performing for kings and visited by Mozart he had an exceptional lung capacity which allowed him to sing for long stretches on a single breath as Bartoli does here for nearly 30 seconds. 6 those long arching lines were written for found a Nelly in $736.00 by his mentor the composer Nicola porter put out and Bartoli offers her signature command of the emotionally charged line Bartoli has sold over 12000000 records she s won 5 Grammys and could easily put her career on autopilot but no she calls herself the Indiana Jones of classical music digging for antiquities like this sparkling aria from Porto 735 opera Pollie fame which has never before been recorded. There it was. Very. Hard to lose voice after 3 decades of singing a surprisingly intact even if a little of the creaminess of the early years has leached out an occasional transitions between registers are less liquid the flexibility and the excitement are still there. The album fundamentally isn t the 1st time Barkley has celebrated the custom in 2009 she released 2nd feature which pictured Bartley s head artfully photo shop to ancient marble statues of men and on the new album she again flirts with gender fluidity the photos find Bartoli in full beard moustache and dark eyeliner easily out Depp and Johnny Depp and that s what we should love about Chilean Bartoli a rust less artist unafraid to push her voice and a few binders. They ve been studying. You know what I love the new album is called foreign alley Our reviewer is N.P.R. s Tom Hi Scott d. This is n.p.r. News. We think of Black Friday the day after Thanksgiving as a time of crowds lining up outside stores ready to fight over T.V. s and toys I believe what happened here this morning with. All that. But are consumers and retailers losing enthusiasm why are we doing this why are we paying people double overtime to do be here to serve these not so great customers tomorrow on Morning Edition from n.p.r. News and you can hear Morning Edition weekday mornings from 3 to 9 here on Central Coast public radio key c.b.x. Support for k.c.b. X. Comes from listeners like you and from the 14th annual winter dance Celtic Christmas celebration at 7 o clock on December 18th it s an evening of music song and dance at the low South Bay Community Center tickets are at Boo-Boo records and at Molly s revenged dot com support also comes from Sage ecological landscapes committed to being your central coast landscape professionals and to help you create an environment that is harmoniously balanced with your architecture and lifestyle learn more at Sade s landscapes top net or 805-574-0777. Happy Thanksgiving to you and welcome to the road home I m Merissa Waddell with you until 8 o clock tonight playing Americana music its roots and its branches for your Thanksgiving festivities tonight I ll share songs of gratitude songs about food and home and autumn we just heard the high women doing a song that s perfect for the season crowded table and now here s one by Bob Dylan song in a wonderful version by Tim O Brien It will make you thankful for the gift of music and for the world around you this is k.c. B.x. . Soon to. Use draw. An array. Of need to strengthen. Skin. Before. And. The like of you. Against good draw. Sun. Was something. Happen on. A church they started right on time and used a lot of good. Everything s all just fine except when it came time to let us out to the. Preacher he told us I have one bold thing to say children do you think I. Think about Judgment Good to the Gun movie and. 2 Why not Big Brother no use on me I give you say you lose your lose. My. Live her. Happy I m. Still a long 3 please. And with. A sign. That says. Come on. The future. Is. The lower lip the minute news lose one. More month a challenge. A. Goal cuts. Reaching a stop. Listening to the. Grid from Color like. A. History. Teacher. Told you. a. But I. Think. God. That s Kacey Musgraves on Casey b.x. Singing about something we tend to get a lot of around Thanksgiving family her song Family is family comes from her 2015 album pageant material right before that a pious song Sweet potato pie from Ray Charles and James Taylor Lyle Lovett sang a song all about food called church from his Joshua Judges Ruth album and at the top of the set Tim O Brien sang Bob Dylan song Lay Down Your Weary Tune. You re listening to the road home here on k.c. B.x. Serving San Luis Obispo at 90 point one f.m. Paso Robles at 91.7 and Santa Barbara at 89.5 Af-Am I m playing music for your Thanksgiving festivities songs about food and fall and family and more until 8 o clock tonight when you can hear more Americana on across the tracks. Here s another Pif song it s Lindsay to math. There s pie. In the. Morning. And. His new 23 with the Long Long live. Cookie and when it came. To me. With a twinkle in. Joe this new. Form. Of music they. Congress Dr Net this is we. Eat way too soon to just sit down and Well or in the in the world I live better than he begun the nose in the home grown tomatoes in the morning not in the garden to get to a right to go to our land a man of strength even then it s Come The. Heavenly beautiful. Look.

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