that s something that s been very important for me. standing up for working people. and our campaign staff was the first to unionize in the history of politics. i m very proud of that. and unions aren t just fwor people paying union dues. it s about standing up for all working people. and in wisconsin we see that now with the policies that have rammed down by governor walker since he was elected. now we re looking at paul ryan taking it to a national level and trying to enact them there. and it s not something that s going to help us out at all. yes. here is how conor lamb s winning played according to paul ryan. watch this. i think the candidate that s going to win this race is the candidate that ran as a prolife prokwun, anti-nancy pelosi conservative. that s the candidate that s going to win. but privately cnn ryan told fellow republicans that it was a wakeup call and bear down.
and in wisconsin we see that now with the policies that have rammed down by governor walker since he was elected. now we re looking at paul ryan taking it to a national level and trying to enact them there. and it s not something that s going to help us out at all. here is how conor lamb s winning played according to paul ryan. watch this. i think the candidate that s going to win this race is the candidate that ran as a prolife prokwun, anti-nancy pelosi conservative. that s the candidate that s going to win. but privately cnn ryan told fellow republicans that it was a wakeup call and bear down. he seems to say democrats put forward a candidate exact in name only and coopting a position helped hip win that race. well it s amazing how difference the actual results came out change paul ryan s mine. paul ryan sent a superpac into that district and spent all
pro military action in north korea. there s not an envoy, not an ambassador. he may fire his national security adviser. we can all talk about what that means and the chaos here. if you re a country in asia, japan, china, if you re south korea, you re thinking, who on earth is in charge? is this a serious thing they re doing? who will be getting the work done? that s when you start to see the impact beyond the washington debate. it is and not the just all this turnover in the trump administration and the trump cabinet. i want you to take a look at house speaker paul ryan trying to talk about the republican loss in that special election last night in what was considered a safe republican district. the candidate that will win this race is the candidate that ran as a pro-life, pro gun, anti-nancy pelosi conservative. that s the dpat will win this race. so this is something you won t see repeated. do you buy that explanation? i think in this case, look.
also a sign to democrats that the way to win more votes is to campaign less along party lines. listen to the house speaker who downplayed any trends that this tight race indicates. i think the candidate that s going to win this race is the candidate that ran as a pro-life, pro-gun, anti-nancy pelosi conservative. that s the candidate that s going to win this race. you won t see this repeated because they didn t have a primary. they re able to pick a candidate who can run as a conservative, who ran against the minority leader, who ran on a conservative agenda. you will have primaries in all these other races and the primaries bring them to the left. i just don t think this is something you ll be able to see a repeat of. i want to talk to you, our cnn political writer and analyst here. talking about all the numbers. first, though, the white house is reacting to this today. first two white house representatives telling us it s the fault of a weak candidate,
ran a unique candidate. of course it won t happen again. i think the candidate that s going to win this race is the candidate that ran as a pro-life, pro-gun, anti-nancy pelosi conservative. that s the candidate that s going to win this race. so this is something that you re not going to see repeated because they didn t have a primary. they were able to pick a candidate who could run as a conservative, who ran against the minority leader, who ran on a conservative agenda. you will have primaries in all these other races, and the primarying bring them to the left. i just don t think think is something they re going to be able to see a repeat of. we touched on this a bit earlier, but did democrats get the lesson the speaker laid out? there s a lot of spin there. that s his job, to spin and get his members to calm down. he does have a point that in districts like that, including the ones i just showed you, it matters. we go to capitol hill first. somebody who s talking to these member