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Transcripts for BBC Radio Bristol BBC Radio Bristol 20191206 080000

Is and voters with just days to go until the general election Meanwhile Mr Johnson has come under further pressure over his apparent unwillingness to be interviewed by Andrew Neil he last night issued a direct challenge to the prime minister on air saying it wasn t too late to be questioned as other party leaders had been conservative sources suggested the move would not change anything and it appears unlikely Mr Johnson will take part he has also declined to be interviewed by Julie Etchingham on i.t.v. And while the co-founder of the Bristol firm Hargreaves Lansdown has made a 1000000 pound the nation to the Conservative Party as the election campaign enters its final wake Peter Hargraves who lives in Northeast Somerset and is an outspoken breaks a tear pounded the financial company in the 1980 s. The amount tops the list of political donations for the past week. First Person little take action against any driver found to have broken the law or after some of its buses were accused of speeding down a street in South Bristol people living on Crescent road in no West contacted the police because they were fed up with their calls including buses driving above the 20 mile per hour speed limit even to Somerset Police say they caught $67.00 vehicles breaking the speed limit on their 5 visits to the road but 1st bus I said is not aware of its drivers being involved in any of those incidents Well Emily Jones lives on Crescent road and says it is a big problem when really far Straight To be honest considering it s a let s go to Street think the issue is partly that it s easy to cut 3 t.c.p. Who driving in different direction but I use a think since the bus route to the increase in the right is generally viewed as a bilious street and unfortunately it s who the bus is a speeding a plow and earthquake struck Somerset last night that was felt across the county the British Geological Society said the quake measured 3.2 from its epicenter near the village of her worth and the $25.00 earthquakes are large enough to be noticed by people in the u.k. Each year. The boy from midsummer Naughton is asking for donations for a life changing operation instead of presents for his birthday today Henry who turned 7 today has cerebral palsy and can t walk or stand without help his family have been trying to raise 65000 pounds for an operation and therapy to help him walk which he can t have on the n.h.s. His mum Lara Latcham says they want him to be able to enjoy his childhood we can ban him pray for how he gets around the house how he gets around outside the house all those things where he just have that bit more independence that old children want and especially Henry he s very determined to be doing everything he can on his own so that will give him the motivation we hope and also it means that we can ever produces pain and discomfort which obviously a huge thing because he wants to see that child uncomfortable and in pain all the time a British woman has made a full recovery after suffering a cardiac arrest which lasted for 6 hours or to a show men were hiking with her husband in the Pyrenees in Spain when the cardiac arrest was brought on by hypothermia doctors say is the longest ever documented in the country my husband Rohan says he feared the worst which was that because I was trying to feel for a pulse trying to feel from my fingers were also numb so I wasn t sure if it was my fingers but I couldn t feel breath I couldn t feel on each or anything and the rest the woman will find out later if she s been named carer of the year Tina Wescott gave up her job to look after her dad Larry after he was in a car crash he was run by the charity headway which offers support to patients and carers. But adding now to Friday morning sports headlines with a round up his at her when be face a must win match against the French giants Clermont Auvergne at the wreck this evening if that have any chance of reaching the champion s Cup knockout stages have narry lost both of their games in the competition so Foster Hooper side a currently bottom of their group Bristol Rovers have been drawn to face league to struggle a Stephen age at home in the 3rd round of the e.f.l. Trophy and the Bristol flyers begin their new b.b.l. Basketball League season they say evening as they host the Sheffield shocks and the weather forecast a wet and windy day with temperatures today reaching around 12 to resell c.s. And that s the b.b.c. Radio Bristol News the time now 5 minutes past 8. And I bracing Fisi radio Bristol. Thank you for listening Welcome to Friday show you brace yourselves we re into the last week of the election campaign. A tidal wave of investment waiting to come into the country one by estimates of goods is 150000000000 pounds of investment waiting to come into the country if we can get pretty darn good our dealers the ones as we can use ready to go we increase the basic wage by bringing in a living wage of 10 pounds in a week and universal credit and we control rents in the private rental sector and all this adds up to an improvement in the living standards of the very poorest people in this country we should stop or exit by democratic means and whether that is through this general election or whether it s through people s vote on the specific breaks that deal that has been put forward clearly that needs to to be done that way population you know articulate has risen by 8000000. It s not 80 percent of that is because about the immigration policies we perceive how could you plan or provide future health services if on the open door migration you have no idea how many people are coming something that big up the backside this must be the climate election the future way and it s taking action on the climate and that is it isn t just the fact that it is about right but. It s much matter over the past few weeks we ve been in Weston super Mare Keynsham Bradley Stoke Southmead Shire Hampton and bath herring from you before next week s vote now for people like Sheila from how Cliff in Bristol where politics is concerned she s seen it all now you know not some politician. Because I m 830 my God I was born then no reason to feel happy. And then reset down all my life you know because things keep Go roll I knew then threw it. Down and get on with it she s my new heroes you got to stand up and he got to get on with it that Sheila from the needles knitting group if you have more from that group on Monday s show but let s not forget for many people next Thursday is the 1st time they will have ever been able to vote in a general election and what a time to do it say with May I have got 4 1st time voters so I m going to get them to say their name and their age you could probably guess their age and then we ll talk to them about what they re going to be doing on Thursday so off fast guessed your name place Hi I m Layla and I m 18. And I m Kayla but I m also 18 and I start I may think I m Nicky and I m 18 but turning 19 tomorrow. I m saying your age will be obvious but I suppose it depends when you 10 voting age according to when the general election was doesn t it thank you all so much for being here I m going to talk to you individually a moment but something that I feel as long as you re happy to say there s no hope in you are who are you going to be voting for and why I will be voting for the Labor party I ve been a member of the party for nearly 5 years now and I really agree with the policy so you started really young Yeah I did where did that come from my family very involved in politics it was kind of I was always around politics as a child so I thought get involved and your family Labor voters Yes So start with the family and you re happy with that you haven t asked Wade by anyone who was likely 40 collapse what about you well I think breaks it means breaks it so I m going to voting for the conservatives I think it is the principle issue this election and the conserves will deliver bricks are. You voting as a true conservative or as a tactical it s you know I ve definitely got myself as a true conservative as well but I think that the brakes issue is the most vital and it s only the Conservatives through Boris Yeltsin s deal that will be able to deliver that and 31st of January Alastair you voting for a little Democrat. That s most important issue I m on the exact of the side the fence. Is a national disaster as is the climate and that s why the Liberal Democrats in the strongest parties on the environment noise happening that s why I mean how do you when you became so politically aware. There s probably around $24.00 chances for about 30 more complexity well join the Dems in $26.00 to $15.00 and Nikki Finally you can be fighting for and why I m going to be voting Liberal Democrats as well because like Alice said I think this is a national emergency and I think that the only way that we re going to escape that and rectify that is if we have another referendum because I think that the previous referendum was lies by the believe campaign and we can we can regard that as a democratic vote because because of the lies it was built in the interests of balance I just want to point out that is it true Nikki that at one point you were wavering between live demo and grain is that I was wavering because I think the climb emergency is a massive crisis but I think that when the Lib Dems came out with a manifesto I felt that the the climate scented reforms and Manifesto plans of they had in place. What in line to make proper change so it wasn t as if they were they like Alice said they ve always been forward thinking in terms of tackling climate change and I think the manifesto was the displays that so I was happy with my choice of voting Ok How are you feeling about voting your 1st time does it feel significant I mean you couldn t picked a better time to do it it s a very historically significant election but have you been waiting for this day I mean I think I have very much I m waiting for the state yes I mean I like many people the country feel somewhat was running tryst with the current political system and I think that M.P. s but ignoring the will of the people for 3 years now when it comes to issues like bricks it I think it s vitally important that people can have their say on this through the general election to ensure that they re interested livered And I think to bring opportunity not just young people for everyone to come out and vote really have a voice Alister do you think the political parties do enough to engage with young people I think everyone could be more generally thought sometimes it was annoying how little it seems to young people there s not much action trying to get young people involved in politics. There s no political education schools like you but a manifesto that would be interesting wouldn t it obvious you came from a politically active family we re told the country is divided some people say torn some people say angry is that how it feels to you and your family not within my family most of us are a couple of people on the right but most of us are quite leftwing but I can definitely see how nationally we are divided and it s like it s been very interesting garden up in such a divisive political climate like throughout my whole teenage years like I was 14 or 1514 during the break that referendum so the last 3 or 4 years have been very. Political climate is not always well politics always in politics but in my slightly more longer years and you have never known it to be like this Yeah very interesting time to be studying as well about my politics you Tory says like there s great examples of everything going on minute like during like the 2000 and before that it was really boring to teach because nothing was really going on t.j. Were having a great time Nikki are you going to a polling station next Thursday you re going to do. It do you feel it does not feel significant to you as a 1st time voter Yeah I actually voted in the. Elections and I went on my own and that was it was really exciting but was actually quite intimidating I didn t actually know what the process was I came out and I started walking away from the table and then the woman called off into the old do you want your 2 on your ballot paper yet yeah. I think I m a bit more school this time but it s not quite it s quite exciting Ok Well before we wrap up just a couple of sort of more party specific questions Caleb What s it like being a conservative in Bristol West which is possibly the least part of the entire country I mean I have to ask how does that feel for you I ve got to admit it s not always great I mean I think some of the rankings but the West. Is that the least leave and constituents me on the whole of United Kingdom and I think inevitably with pro bricks a message it s going to be hard for a party like the conservatives going lot of traction or yeah I think it s really important but you ve made consider that actually they have a whole raft of other brilliant policies I think when it comes to more fun if you had a chance when it comes to portraying forces in the police I think that the party to get the job done and I was there Is it frustrating voting Liberal Democrat in a seat like Bristol south which is traditionally a dead cert for labor labor since going to 35. I think going to see someone in my entire life in both a been saved for Tories one for the Labor Party. Lack of support for ups and really annoys me every election time I want to vote for a party I want to vote for change why can t I stuck with whatever I get which really frustrates me and your party leader Jeremy Corbyn he s been in for a rough ride. Out of the way he s getting a lot of flak my house is the Conservative Party leader as well are you a German. Fan I have been for a long time much to a speech about the fact 80 under 18 year old couldn t vote in the leadership election and I was like 14 or 15 I think I have always supported me and finally I know you ve been wavering but you ve told us this morning that you re going down the Liberal Democrat really what do you make of your party leader Gerry Swinson as a political operator I mean since she s come in she s she s become party to fairly recently so I think she s still finding her feet but I think generally in this political climate the Liberal Democrats as a party in general there is more centralized and I think the Bracks referendum proved how polarized our nation is I mean the margin was so small so I think that the way to truly make our nation more unified in the future is to have a more centrally line party to make the majority of people happy and I think whether judgements and can do that we get to find out but I think that the Liberal Party. Democrat Party in general is the party to to make that happen it s been really interesting to me all 4 of you thank you so much thank you you are wrong are voters of today on the future and who knows our political activists are all right and there are n. Pay s our party leaders who you know who I m sitting in front of this morning it s been great to have you on the show good luck next week later Nikki Alister and Caleb all from Bristol voting in the general election for the 1st time next Thursday Don t forget there is a debate tonight on b.b.c. Want to 830 between Boris Johnson and Jeremy cool been an hour long b.b.c. One program hosted by Nic Robertson has starts at half past 8. 17 minutes past 8 right now let s get the news headlines from Richard Forrest Johnson will face Jeremy Corbyn the babysitter alibis head to head debate the same 1st buses to take action against any driver found to have broken the law after some of its buses were accused of speeding down a street in South Bristol and an earthquake has struck Somerset close to Bridgewater last night which was felt across the county I didn t feel it and I didn t cause it just for the record but right let s get the weather shall we be Tucker is it the Weather Center morning they give you warning I didn t cause it either I read the Claire. Oh yeah what I did today it s not too bad it s mild for the next few days we have got some showers out there but also we start to see some spells of sunshine so I think we ll see a mixture today there will be further showers mainly through this morning they will tend to die away into the afternoon a very windy day actually winds gusting 35 to 40 miles an hour but that should break the cloud up quite nicely and very mild with highs of 13 degrees tonight breezy with some close spells frost free and lows of 5 degrees tomorrow probably the better of the 2 days this weekend by Want to isolated showers it should be dry with some brightness and less windy to highs of 10 degrees. Thank you very much beast or as I m afraid to take my 1st time voters I m convinced one of them will be the future prime minister. That everything will be sought it s. Really interesting to talk to those guys as 1st time voters can remember the 1st time you voted Ah I think I probably was university Yeah 19 I remember going to the party says you my parents before I was old enough I never really understood who they were voting from I understood how insignificant it was and important to them while they made me wait outside in the car I just got to travel let s go to St George our problems all morning here on Church Road still closed off because a police incident this is in between some of the road and chalks road just by the King George Pub and Restaurant the road we believe likely to stay closed for sometime probably on mid morning now we think so watch out for Richmond Road people coming off church road causing queuing traffic down which would road on to both roads you ve got queues in both directions along both that road which runs of course alongside even the cemetery there s also a single line of alternate traffic on air balloon road because of road works before it leads on to some hill road and also Church Road getting busier as you had a long pass and George park both those routes busy by around 10 to 15 minutes m 5 south still got the issue with the accident to cause a bump in the middle lane between 19 Portishead and $24.00 Cleaves And so the cameras are confirming that $23.00 and $4.00 are closed with traffic passing in lane one and the queue time roughly around half an hour at the moment on the southbound side between 19 and 20 at the m 481 length closed off going over the bridge between junction want to off and junction 2 for chap Stone Temple lights report to us from Phil imported head there in Winterbourne they are 3 way like to the end of Bradley Avenue in flux but it s lane and it s also slows you had from. French Stapleton along French a park road cute on there is around 15 minutes and watch out for Bristol Airport today with the strike action in France causing issues of flights traveling to from all over France could be affected could be some cancellations flights may be delayed calls the advice to check before you travel on a strike action that started yesterday and will continue until tomorrow you got in last hour 80055 knots when I was a number this weekend on b.b.c. Radio Bristol I leave Val s as we find our way through the tinsel and fairy lights we ll discover why Bristol s must have a time of planning to go green. And come into Syria where to find the song of music in the city as well as the best Christmas fairs and driving like a train we sent a mountain out with an advanced driving instructor to see if you still got what it takes Saturday Breakfast with Alan valves is all happening Bryson early this Saturday and Saturday morning family 6 on b.b.c. Radio presenter. Wake up with a lovely tomorrow morning and then at 9 o clock James Hansen will be here for his show he chance to comedian and actress Arabella we re ahead of her 1st u.k. Tour which is heading to Botham Bristow plus stand up Mark Thomas will be on the show talking about his new show at the tobacco factory in Bristol and the kids read the news this week comes from North Lee s Primary School in Long Ashton is 22 minutes past 8 a priest a woman is up for a national award today after dedicating the best part of her life so far to looking after her dad Tina Wescott from which I gave up her own career in her twenty s to care for her dad Laurie after a horrible car crash left him with a traumatic brain injury Tina s now 51 and she s been looking after dad for 27 years later today she s off to the head to a annual awards because she s been nominated it s. For camera of the year reporter Alex how it has been to meet I m Larry at their home in with Chad listen out for Larry singing he s got a gorgeous voice. I would say Dad was more like my best friend before his accident we go out together in star and go to the pub together and dad would end up singing in an entertainer and everybody he was a real character he still liked to sing. Yeah he was a big character very big. Like. I was at my sister s I just finished my sisters and someone come in and told me that being in a road traffic accident he died 3 times in recess but they managed to bring him back it was very very scary yeah my whole life was turned upside down was a decision fusing make to be a scary didn t come out of necessity now I meant I made that decision I made was an easy decision to make Yeah it was it was He s were fair. Because before his accident it was absolutely amazing and I go to work come home my are numerous darn it up t. On the table it was amazing and always has been has been always been a brilliant diet so when he added that the didn t there was no doubt in my mind that I would be the one caring for him. It s hard in fact the hardest thing about this is probably having to get up constantly through the night because I still do it. And a half to happen in the noise while it was happening 15 to 20 times a night because some of the things which you went through you you stopped on the sofa for 2 years didn t you tell me a bit about how that came about yeah because Doug was getting blood pressure drops saying Go on unconscious and I would have to be there but if you could do things again would you change anything now nothing nothing no. I m still happy to be doing what I m doing. This award which you ve been nominated for was were you surprised to be nominated for it s very very right how come it means a heart it means a lot but you know I got to be honest with you I don t feel worthy and there s other people in my situation you know he s probably got a lot worse than me but I just feel very humble. And it would be nice to get away for a couple of days. Larry because you need a break from Larry yeah yeah. Yeah Joe. I m sorry to see what you mean now. Already very good where. It should be love Play be lovely together expecting to win No not at all and it doesn t worry me if I don t because just to get nominated and to get through to the final is amazing you know believe that to be honest with you. Tina Wescott from which Bristow Tina I think you are amazing Kara s of the song army of our country and special shout out to Dr Larry as well who could sing me wondering Star any time he likes that report from Alex how it Tina is up against 2 of the finalists for care of the year at the headway on the awards in London later today good luck Tina we think. It s a $27.00 John dollars on his rights tell us what he s talking about on the phone in but 1st it s Friday which means we need an edition of election favor with a round up of what s been happening during the election campaign this week has our esteemed politics reporter Pete Simpson. On Monday we were in Keynsham finding out who s seen the conservative candidate Jacob Riis Mall one of the most recognizable politicians in the country he s been kept well away from the media spotlight during this campaign 2 Saturdays ago and you saw it right side more shop window charts and a little old lady the big conservative rose on the other saying we don t apply choose day in the focus was on Filton and Bradley Stoke following a feisty hustings but the Willowbrook shopping center is absolutely disgusting to every single fellow It s just that if that ends and all I want to say is I think this is the standard of our politics in this with the recovery Ok not so it s not our politics our country on Wednesday the Conservative Party promised more money for regional transport like the Metro West train project here in Bristol after a bit of digging we discovered though that most of the project had already been funded and of course that all the other parties were also promising huge investment in future rail infrastructure. Now yesterday we hosted the 1st of all to live radio debate here on Radio Bristol with the candidates from Bath minus independent Bill blockhead who unfortunately is mute but we did get his election agent to explain his policy on potholes. Fill potholes with unused are no longer required to pace then stale Battenburg cake for the color and the texture something about very stale cake that gives you that kind of solidity you might need . Against coming scribbling more than he saying don t forget to mention count of loss which would be the top layer in your part which So that means the dressing on top that would be the dressing I mean or it would stick to the time as well you d hope it wouldn t join us in Kingswood on Tuesday where the candidates there will face voters who have real life experiences of the issues they care most about. Feel that ladies and gentleman it s election fever like the election. I m going to miss selection fever. I suppose technically that s our last election fever. And then he does a sneaky half maybe next Wednesday politics report that to be election fever Wednesday our politics reporter Pete Simpson is off prostate John dot was Harry s getting ready for the phone in this morning not election this morning you did that yes say yes things would next we don t live in Kings with next Tuesday for that one but today we re following on a story which we ve been talking about this morning where would you like the police to speed enforcement unit to go local residents of Jessica road in no worse off fed up or were fed up with speeding traffic and speeding buses making the roads unsafe it s a 20 mile an hour road so they contacted the police they sent their speed enforcement unit over 5 times there and they caught a total of $67.00 drivers it s not known if the offenders with cars lorries or possibly buses were speeding 1st bus say that they are quote not aware of their drivers having been notified about speeding the freedom of measured data from the police show that the majority of those caught speeding were 10 miles per hour over the limit and I am full of drivers were over 35. Mph that s almost double the speed limit of the road now maybe you live on a 20 or 30 mile an hour road but the signs might as well say drive as fast as you like and nobody will stop you from doing it maybe if the police can t stop the speeding motorists where would you like them to turn up where would you like the police speed in Foresman unit to go over 800855949 Have your say on the news or nod. From west to Superman to start filming to them and this. B.b.c. News Radio Bristol. Be back with the phone in half an hour right now they wait 32 Friday the 6 of December You re listening to Emma here on Radio Bristol and let s get the news from Richard also Thank you Emma Good morning Boris Johnson will face Jeremy Coburn in a head to head debate on b.b.c. One the saving with just 6 days to go before the general election last night the presenter Andrew nail made an on air challenge to Mr Johnson to rethink his apparent unwillingness to be interviewed on his program Meanwhile the Bristol businessman Peter Hargrave has given a 1000000 pounds to the Conservative Party Mr Hargraves co-founded the financial firm Hargreaves Lansdown almost 40 years ago a supporter of leaving the European Union the money tops the list of political to nations as the election enters its final wake. People living on a street in South Bristol contacted the police because they re fed up of their calls including buses driving about the 20 mile per hour speed limit even as a must have police say the court 67 vehicles breaking the speed limit on their 5 subsequent visits to crescent right in the West 1st person has said it s not aware of it strivers being involved in any of those incidents well and the germs that lives on the road she says the way some people drive is dangerous even with a speed watch now which is quite visible a detective people. Moving up to 40 miles an hour say just went over the speed limit actually makes it unsafe to get out of your car there s nowhere safe to cross school children also people that live on the street an earthquake struck some a sec Los to Bridgwater last night that was felt across the count say the British a logical Society said the quake measured 3.2 from its epicenter near the village of one worth and he 25 earthquakes are large enough to be noticed by people in the u.k. Each year. Libraries in the bath area are asking for donations of old unwanted books they plan to wrap the books and pass them on through local charities as Christmas gifts to people in the community who might not otherwise get one the books which can be for adults as well as for children can be new or secondhand but must be in good condition. And the boy who s celebrating his 7th birthday today is raising money for an operation to help him to wark Henry who lives in mid-summer Norton has cerebral palsy and his family is trying to raise 65000 pounds for a spinal operation at therapy to help him at the moment they still made another 7000 pounds to be able to book the procedure which they can t have on the n.h.s. And cost 31000 pounds is a moment as they want him to have more independence or better mobility this made operational hatefully reduce the need of as many operations in the future and give him more and more of a childhood we want him to have he wants to be able to walk better with his friends think get around better not rely on me dad has t A s at school as much and have a little bit more freedom we ve obviously explained to him it will help at lax and make him more comfortable and we ll just work harder retrain in those muscles once the stiffness is gone and the weather forecast a wet and windy day with temperatures today reaching around 12 degrees Celsius and those are the b.b.c. Radio presto news headlines the time now is $835.00. Case been a difficult morning this morning Joe what s the latest let s go to Susan joins us the major incident this morning the a 420 church road remains closed now suspected to be a hit and run incident this is in between someone who rode the chalk produced by the King George the Pub and Restaurant the road likely to remain close to mid-morning Church Road there for you come off just by Richmond Road traffic diverted from there up Richmond Road on to both of road so people using both a road slow in both directions along I even view symmetry as a single line of alternate traffic in any case on air balloon road where you can get on to someone who was there for it s slow and also Church Road busy as you go past and George park 1st bus I just told us it affects a few services 4243. 344453537 with a major diversion meaning they are missing quote last stops diversions in place for those services Bethany s about the m 5 southbound side we had 3 lanes initially closed off due to a bump in the middle lane between 19 Portishead and 20 for Cleveland I can tell you all until just now reopened and the vehicles involved to move to the hard shoulder queuing traffic go for around 15 as it should start to ease now the lines of reopened m 48 got broken down vehicle westbound over the bridge junction one to 2 as you go from Austin Chepstow Lane One of the 2 lines there still closed off something new for you 322 lanes are closed because of emergency repairs as you go from Junction 3 some poles heading out of Bristol to junction to east fill lame one reopened lanes 2 and 3 are now closed to assist with pothole repairs on the m. 32 heading out of Bristol temple lights in Winterbourne thanks to fill importers head for the coals through a light to the end of Bradley Avenue and Flex Petz lane and you ve still got the cues you had from Frenchay to Stapleton along for the election I mean height saw Ray well up and then. I had something open I shouldn t off since up are 6 No no it was since quarter past 8 yes about last 2nd I say anyway for the election I said behave and bring this was heading for all our friendship the state was home a long French a particular 15 it was going so well deserving so well say so you got Emo I feel as you say so. Stop 08594100. And every cent b.b.c. Radio Bristol. On this day stop by the time we get to Friday standards tend to slip Do you have a display the speed limit in Bristol is 20 mph. Come on be honest one resident know West is so fed up with drivers speeding down the 20 mile an hour road she lives on that she complains the police and they sent one of those community speed watch teams out Emily Jones lives on credit or Creswick depending on your position. And he s worried about the safety of children pedestrians and residents our reporter Alexa Cook is with her this morning joining the rush hour How s it going Alexa. Morning you are well we are standing on creasing road and it s been a really busy morning out here watching the traffic was passed now through Freedom of Information request and even some of the place told us that they had seen a speeding Foresman unit to the screen that road 5 times and caught 67 people speeding the police can t tell us if the speed is a buses or cars but the figures show that in the majority of those cases people a teen miles over the limit and a handful are actually driving at over 35 miles per hour instead of 20 days when the police van was almost straight it did make a huge difference or said to give They can t say why because the traffic is so bad and the neighbors the 2 skins let the kids play in the front yard now go evenly here with me evenly How long is the speeding traffic been a problem on the road when I ve lived here for 6 months but my neighbors tell me it s been a problem for much longer I think now we have more buses on the street and with more rate but they are using this as a cut 3 and just joining us and they may have done in the past but since I ve lived here it s definitely been a problem so who would you say are the worst offenders well as much as I love the Metro bus of being a bit greener it does whiz down this road also trucks and you know the old car just kind of doing 40 to 50 miles an hour thinking you know about getting to work on time or whatever people are doing and forgetting that it s a residential street. No way got a statement from 1st class and they say that actually none of those 60 Steven people that the police caught speeding with the what do you make of that. Well I mean I guess it depends on what time they were there and hopefully people did slow down once they saw this this be found I think what s interesting is the fact that they still caught people doing nearly twice the limit when they probably right seeing the fun to try to avoid any fines so I think you know it s it s quite interesting still quite a large number of people who have been caught speeding and just as we ve been standing here in the past you know 510 minutes we re saying quite a lot of people in way that whizzing past us over the speed bumps that doing much in fact. They go as one will know this we don t actually have no impact at all because they are not wide enough so you can just go straight over them in a car so you know if you re a bus or a truck they re not going to do anything it s whole there are the streets in the neighborhood where they ve got speed tables that go all the way across and they re so much more effective people actually slow down and it s just it s just makes it a nicer place to be is that what you d like to say from the council Yes definitely I mean I m I didn t miss it months ago I d like to stay in the area but to be honest I m thinking about selling my house next year because it s not a nice place to live with all the traffic and it s also not safe. And when that spade watch team kind did you see much of a difference in the behavior of the drivers absolutely people slow down well in advance of the they don t want to get caught speeding but unfortunately unless there s something in place that makes them such as a speed tables that s not going to be the case so you d like to see you know be just a bump in this area what happens when you contact the council of bouncer then tell them Oh you can since I haven t had anything back unfortunately so I contacted my local council who has been ill I understand but also I had a chance for and various departments and I just had nothing back in school we will start to look at flying the street asking people to get in touch and again we haven t had any responses so that s just really sad. And what s the next don t you think from here well I d really like a response from the council I d like him to start thinking about the neighborhoods that need a little bit of investment no West is usually neglected when it comes to spend the metro buses cause the city huge amount of money and a lot of road works it would have been nice if they could consider the effect it would help in residential areas I mean yes the speed tables will cost a little bit of money but we all pay taxes on this street Ok Ok And you know we deserve the opportunity to live in a safe place Thank you Elaine thanks for coming out of your warm house it was very great called with St thank you Alexa thank you very much our porter lexer Kirk on President road in no West in Bristol talking to resident Emily there we asked 1st bus about this because local residents had indicated to us that they thought buses were speeding 1st but say despite reports that the police recorded 67 recent incidents we ve had no notifications are made and some set place to any of those events involved are buses 1st west of England have a rigorous internal process backed up by telematics on our vehicles to monitor speed and safe driving safety of our customers the public is our number one priority all our drivers understand speeding is a criminal offense and if we re made aware of anyone breaking the law we would take appropriate action we also asked city council about it but they said they couldn t help us because we re in an election Perrier it not wrong to go before they will be able to use that as you know anyway what have you been saying about this this morning from to sin which shows fulfilled road in which churches like Brands Hatch Wharncliffe gardens to they re not gardens it s like a racing track Eddie and what an underage said speeding is not just an urban issue here in when we get idiots ripping through the town 40 miles per hour plus John Dowell this morning is going to be asking Where would you like a plea a police speed in Foresman unit to go have your say with John on the phone in after 9 It s 844 it s time for thought for the day our guest today is Chrissy Hackett who is a humanist from Bristol Good morning Chrissy morning amah. So today we ve been hearing about a fantastic Bristow Leean who gave up her job to care for her dad and who today might well be named care of the year by the brain injury charity headway this made me think of the heroic work that carers do and also about the many ways we can help people who are going through times of great stress in their lives one of the ways I decided to do this was by training to be a volunteer in a chaplaincy team as a non-religious pastoral Kara so once a week I spend the morning with patients and families at a personal hospital it s always a privilege to be a listening ear for people who need it sometimes we just talk about the weather but often people want to tell you about what s happening to their child and how they and their family are coping sometimes their present challenge or distress gets them thinking about the big questions why me why my little one what can we make of all this suffering or even how can we even begin to face the possibility of losing this most precious person people with a religious faith are often supported magnificently by their rabbis and moms priests and others in their faith community pastoral support is often enrich by a stop issuing a report with a like minded person so that s why there are now about 150 accredited non-religious pastoral care has fallen tearing in hospitals hospices prisons and elsewhere throughout the u.k. So if you re a non-religious person a good listener and you d like to make a real difference to people at difficult times in their life have a look at the humanists u.k. Website and find out more about it. Thank you Chrissie Chrissie Sackets we thought for the day. Let s get the latest b.b.c. Radio Bristol news headlines just going quarter to 9 his Richard Lawson Boris Johnson will face Jeremy cope in a televised head to head debate the saving for the 2nd and final time the co-founder of the Bristol firm Hargreaves Lansdown has made a 1000000 pound a nation to the Conservative Party as the election campaign enters its final wake and a wrestle woman will find out later if she s been named carer of the year the weather forecast it ll be a wet and windy day with temperatures reaching around 12 degrees Celsius. I just said to judge how much travel is the x. I need to get something out of my office drawer didn t say office draw it is a drop so I start to panic a little bit so the piece of paper that I forgot to bring in when I say I think there s enough trouble on the right unfortunately his job is going to send George 1st of all the a $420.00 that s Church Road still closed off due to a suspected hit and run incidents they ve closed it off in between Richmond Road to chalks roads and many taking their full Richmond Road as a diversionary route I want to get on there you joined Beaufort rather accusing bus directions along Beaufort road but you had passed even View Cemetery around the area getting very busy now the single line of alternate traffic is a road works not on the air balloon road before it leads on to some a hill road and also Church Road slower as you had passed and George park 1st bus who told us a number of services are not diversionary route that can t take in the normal stops because of that includes 424-344-4535 extension 37 I ve now seen some people adding around the other side of St George s Park on Whitefield road that leads on to Whitehall Road coming from Whitehall. It was a junction with short road and 48 you ve still got one closed off due to a broken down vehicle heading over the bridge from Junction one OS to 2 chaps and one of 2 is one that s been closed the m. Started to on the outbound side 2 lanes still closed off for repairs between junction 3 at some polls as you exit Bristol up towards junction 2 East feel alone one reopened ones 2 and 3 remain closed as they assist with pothole repairs and those temper lights in Winterbourne causing killing traffic now 3 lights at the end of Bradley Avenue and flex pits Lane thank you Phil for the call imports his head at Bristol Airport today is another day of strike action in France so it does mean something like travelling to from all over France could be affected they started yesterday I was on till tomorrow to be aware of some cancellations maybe delays due check before your flight of course if you got any more you can call our 800855949 am or he s back in the room the radio Bristo weekend of life support trick shots and the Rag Head of Europe France a few years borrows Clermont over the champions. Trophy want to try it on Saturday I m live in Ashton Gate as Bristol take on Star Francais and the challenge Cari was going to get Bristol was again plus since he travelled to promotion rivals for city are really wired and Rovers so he can sell slender in league warm press already was to break through 2 days of live sports stars this evening from 7 b.b.c. You radio Bristol Yes at how doing say with all today s sports news at yet is big match tonight as Bath Robey face a must win encounter against the French giants Clermont Auvergne at the racket that have any chance of reaching the Champions Cup knockout stages having narrowly lost both of their matches in the competition so far Stuart Hooper side Kearney bottom of their group and the director of rugby knows the French team will provide a tough test including. A familiar face in the back line strong side of things you describe a great game of rugby then you can you can pretty much what attribute that to that team they ve got they ve got size up front they ve got pace and power in the back line and they ve got a bath manifold which is interesting yeah sure nobody really played and for years and he s a good man he s a very good man and things done great things for Clermont but obviously come some for having Friday we ll be looking to show and that s when the match kicks off tonight all the build up and the full commentary right here the Friday much starts at 7 this evening now Bristol best center Piers O Connor said he is determined not to give his place in the team having played pretty much more than he expected since his arrival at Ashton Gate having joined the best from the Championship side Ealing last summer he s established himself in the starting line up and is determined to stay there I was a bit surprised when I want to 1st came in how much I was of what was getting before I came I wouldn t have dreamed of the amount of game time I had but now with the game time from last year all I want is to play we can we cower and I just don t want to give it up but I am every moment I have and I want to serve our best rovers have been drawn to face Stephen age in the last 16 of the a.f.l. Trophy the match at the Memorial Stadium will be played in the week beginning the 6th of January but still City midfielder Corey Smith is hoping that he does well enough over the coming months and new contract at Ashton Gate the club captain s been limited to just 8 appearance is over the last season and a half because of injury but he is now fit again and having arrived City back in 2014 Smith is keen to extend his stay was in my contract is up at the end of the season and I was very grateful last year you know obviously when I got the injury the club looked after me and gave me another contract so. Look to repay them as much as I can this year you know hopefully it ll be worth it and I can help us push on and you know if I can earn another contract that would be great staying with a football manager on. Season plummeted to yet another low as their $21.00 defeat at home to Brighton sees them on their worst winless run since 1977 Arsenal 10 points adrift of the Champions League spots Meanwhile Newcastle wrote to 11th after their 2 know when over Sheffield United at Bramall Lane Marco Silver has been sacked by Everton after 18 months in charge and with the club in the Premier League relegation zone Duncan Ferguson has taken temperature of the 1st team and will manage the side for their game against Chelsea on Saturday and he Joshua says he would definitely be bothered if his world title fight with Andy Ruiz Jr was being used to sports washed human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia Joshua bits reclaimed 3 of the heavyweight world titles from Ruiz on Saturday and has faced criticism for the fight being staged in Dariya And finally some basketball news of the Bristol flyer start their b.b.l. League campaign this evening they host the Sheffield sharks at the White Arena thank you very much Ed had written there with all the sports. And embracing b.b.c. Radio Bristol and. Now quick mention for an event I m going to be out on Sunday at the even writing center you know near place castle it s a Christmas dog show and I m judging you had x. . Is in aid of happily ever after dog and cat rescue so it s own son Day 11 am till 3 is a pound entry for adults kids go free and there s the dog show but there s also later of shopping stuff as well so food and drink and chance to do some Christmas shopping so I m really looking forward to it indoors so you don t need to worry about the weather so I might see you and your 4 legged friends at the riding center this Sunday for a charity Christmas dog show I m really looking forward to be crazy it s at now do you know someone who s doing something good for other people their scripts mess Emma s Christmas day be seen. All through December I m recognizing those people that I am as Christmas heroes. And today s heroes are a whole club of people every year the Keynsham lions with the help of Father Christmas collect money for good causes they re also doing a special visit to a certain part of the town the share. Telling me all about it was in Ken den the club s president almost all of December 1st this week we go out with the sleigh at night round all the housing Keynsham and solve that collecting and Santa is on the sled and hundreds thousands of children come out talk to Santa and get a very small gift from them and we re hopeful that their parents donate a few pence as well into our pocket to help all those old through the year and I wish you many ways because we did this for a while haven t we raise over the this December period we normally raise something around 5000 pounds is pretty and yet yet the people of tension and surroundings are exceptionally generous and want to use that money for. The kind of things we do we tend to do. Local things so we gave about a 1000 pounds to help the young carers in the area to go to the Pancho into this year we re getting about 500 pounds of Mencap people can go to the Pancho we provide them and then join the year we also host children from churn a bill we give them a barbecue and a little bit of money by the State Children s Journal children s lifeline I ve heard about that yes it s a very special project now all say this year is as part of your visits with the Santa s sleigh you re doing a sort of a bit of an extra special one on you can you tell us about that or is it supposed to be a surprise no no no we re visiting an area not for collecting money. Supporting a fantastic community Tintagel flats in Keynsham. The Chair their community social insurance nuke in we said look can we help and she said yes if you can come along with Santa and the sleigh we ve got a decorated Christmas tree donated we ve got mince pies and Carol s around and drinks and gifts for each child into intangible flats all named Connelly donated by the local Co-op and could we distribute them on December the 19th and I know they ve been my committee had to have an eye to China improve their community spirit and bring people together they have they have they ve done an awful lot of work it had a bit of a name but that was are always unwarranted but. John was a recognizable nearby community award and I think they re nothing $500.00 pounds it s a 0000 that you know it gives some to for an extra visit I love that it s yes yes. And how many of you were involved in all of this how picks it up very small only 13 of those really I expect this to be a cast of 100 euro not our club has a lot just for 30 with 13 we do all we can I m one of the younger ones amor. But we have plenty in the eighty s and they get out walk the streets just so they can help others. In came down President of the Keynsham Lions Club they are today s Annas Christmas heroes. On Monday we met could come from Child s Christmas in Weston super Mare him and his wife in the team a busy doing wrapping today to deliver presents to children hey don t normally get them on Tuesday was the lovely cake from heartfelt vintages offering you a place a sanctuary a free competition if gets a bit Mark. Bristow Christmas market chaplain Adam on Wednesday. And imagine the founder of a box community yesterday our 1st week of Emma s Christmas heroes you re all pretty and feared like to nominate a person or a group then email may radio don t Bristol. And Christmas come to be seen best. Here for May have a good weekend whatever you re doing and I ll be back on Monday morning from half past 6 been listening to Emma Britton John Davis next time a thank you very much indeed local resident residents on the credit road in no West they were fed up with drivers just not observing the 20 mile an hour zone that s on the road so they called the police to do a speed watch and the police went there 5 time a speed enforcement unit went there 5 times and caught $67.00 motorists speeding some of them were at least 10 miles per hour over the limit a few of them were 15 mph over the limit 15 mph over the limit almost double the speed limit where would you like a speed enforcement unit to go away 10085 fire. $9049.00 Tell me where you d like a speed enforcement unit to go after the news. From Weston super Mare to power so I m going to them and this. B.b.c. Radio Bristol. And with a b.b.c. Radio Bristol news that 9 o clock rigid laws the voters will be given one final chance to watch Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn debate tonight in a live television program before next Thursday s election Mr Johnson hasn t responded to a direct challenge by the b.b.c. Presenter Andrew nail to accept his invitation for an interview he Senior Conservative cabinet minister Michael go through the night the Mr Johnson was avoiding scrutiny Brown has given more than $100.00 interviews during the course of the campaign so far and to be an opportunity for the prime minister and leader of the opposition the only 2 people who can be Prime Minister after the general election to go head to head I don t think there s ever been an occasion in any general election when any prime minister has submitted or accepted to debate opportunities against the leader of the opposition that s unprecedented labor setting out it it s plans to use a small support small firms it says it would set up a network of small business advisors in post office branches he would help them bid for government contracts and they Bristow businessmen paid a Hargraves is given a 1000000 pounds to the Conservative Party Mr Hargrave co-founded the financial firm Hargreaves Lansdown almost 4 decades ago a supporter of leaving the European Union the money tops the list of political donations as the election enters its final wake. People living on a street in South Bristol contacted the police because they were fed up of a cause including buses driving about the 20 mile per hour speed limit or even a Somerset Police say they caught 67 vehicles breaking the speed limit on their 5 subsequent visits to Crescent road in Norway last 1st person said it s not aware of its drivers being involved in any of those incidents where Mary Jones who lives on the road says it can be dangerous as much as I love the Metro bus of being a bit green and it does whiz down this rage also trucks and you know the odd car just kind of doing 40 to 50 miles an hour. Thinking you know about getting to work on time or whatever people are doing and forgetting Actually it s a residential street 51 year old man will appear in court this morning charged with the murder of a 12 year old boy in an apparent hit and run outside a secondary school in Essex Harley Watson died after a car struck a group of pupils on Monday. Cara from Bristol has been shortlisted for a national award Tina Wescott from which I gave up her career in the twenty s to become a full time carer for her father after he sustained a traumatic brain injury she is one of the 3 finalists for the title of carer of the year at the headway annual awards later today it means a lot it means a lot you know I thought to be honest with you I don t feel worthy and there s other people in my situation you know he s probably got a lot worse than me but I just do feel very humble just to get nominated and to get through to the final is amazing you know him leave it to be honest with you. And oppressed a British woman who suffered a 6 hour cardiac arrest brought on by severe hypothermia while she was hiking in Spain has made a full recovery order a showman who s $34.00 said her recovery was like a miracle medics say it s the longest cardiac arrest ever recorded in Spain has a reporter and the more last month Audrey scheme and was out hiking with her husband in the Catalan Peyronie s they got caught him by weather and she fell unconscious her husband thought she was dead he couldn t feel a pulse or see her breathing but the same freezing conditions that caused her bonus also saved her and stopped her body and brain from deteriorating in hospital doctors used a special machine to remove her blood infuse it with oxygen and then reintroduce it a defibrillator restarted her heart and 12 days later she went home with only minor problems. Alex. Get. Good good. Good. Good good. Good. Good.

Radio-program , Road-safety , Medical-emergencies , Law-enforcement , Elections , Causes-of-death , Members-of-the-united-kingdom-parliament-for-english-constituencies , Political-science , Road-transport , Areas-of-bristol , Road-traffic-management , Neurotrauma

Transcripts for BBC Radio Bristol BBC Radio Bristol 20191204 060000

So the care how he s now raised more than 2000 pounds by wearing his shorts every day and through other fund raising events and today s weather cold dry partly cloudy at 1st this morning with some early brightness but also a few folk patches that might be slow to clear after that staying dry with sunny spells like winds and highs of 7 today a chilly $45.00 degrees Fahrenheit this evening in tonight clear skies. But as the night unfolds building from the Northwest mainly dry overnight with a small chance of a light shower and lows of one Celsius that s 34 Fahrenheit b.b.c. Radio news it s 4 minutes past 6. That was why I m an Edge Of Heaven while George Michael could be number one off the back of the film called last Christmas that speech is songs from George Michael and his time with last Christmas the song could reach the top spot in time for Christmas this year watch this space that he has got to fund his hands lots of storms a and also Louis capacity and the x. Factor finalists released a chart single as well as a tough battle for this year s Christmas number one right welcome to mid week Wednesday on the downslope schools the weekend the weekend is edging ever closer to good news and this is the hof why home. So question for you is it where we Wednesday are you struggling to get itself through the wait or is it Wonderful Wednesday because you want. Doing just fine thank you very much you much through the aftereffects of a hectic I m busy week feeling a little bit jaded or maybe you all refresh you woke up this morning after a good night s sleep thinking I can do this I m going back I want to gauge the mood please all of the area right now is it weary Wednesday or Wonderful Wednesday for you back to yesterday for song Gone Wrong we had this close from our politics reporter Pete Simpson. What did he say he said this instruction workers claiming responsibility for a large town the answer was we built this city from Starship construction workers claiming responsibility for a large town We Built This City let s do it again b.b.c. Radio Bristol sound. All right pace back with Wednesday s cryptic clue can you on the gravelly can you decipher it can you give me the song title we re looking for from today s close pay what is it today the horses at the farm fair that you keep on seeing now I m going to hazard a guess this will be a rollover this is quite tough the very best of luck the horses at the funfair that you keep on seeing the horses at the fun fair that you keep on seeing is a clue to a song that you do know which I will play if you can get it correctly you got 10 minutes and counting Go go go take a 20 travel street and start your message which takes said charge to your standard message rate premising a taste of b.b.c. You don t get it you can forward slash local radio privacy. Was. No. No. Joe left and done stop now since arriving in 2015 had debut album has eclipsed 4000000 sales worldwide and spawned 40 that s 40000000 single cells that s the next one adrenaline fueled feel good dance floor anthem of positivity and self empowerment don t stop now it s the 1st track from a new album which will be released next year and 20200 the song gone wrong this is a quote The horses at the funfair that you keep on seeing and I thought you might struggle but have a guess one trouble 3 j.l. To start your message I have news the man we hear nothing of all year has been taken out of the deep freeze storage just in time for Christmas about the crooner of the festive season. And he s coming to the way. He s coming to Boston next July. July 24th that s a Friday. Michael bublé is coming to buy. Tickets for this will go on sale tomorrow morning the same October but. We will find out what s on breakfast and is he. Just a 2nd to the police. Alex . Alex Alex Alex. Alex. Alex. Alex Alex slow. Slow slow and slowing the banks. 1111 Out the police and the message in a bottle it is early but 1st it is 620 travel news very shortly but 1st let s find out what s on the. Show from 6 that good morning yes the star of Today show is an 8 year old boy from St gif it is named Zane he s been doing something special for his granddaughter lives in a cabin in St Joe has been wearing shorts every day of the year every day he s still doing it now even now is like no one is going to now even as pajamas a come off so they would be short sighted great and it s because he s grounded in a cab home and you wait to hear his story it s so lovely he s the the true star of today show we re going to hear about the trees that were patented under the cover of darkness at the University of Bath without permission so most of seems have been dug back up we ll hear about what happened there and as you mentioned Joe the boob is heading to Bath exciting news as Marco big plays announced that he ll play the Royal Crescent next summer when was the last time anyone played the Royal Cross I was going to say I got no idea 2003 Who was it the 3 tennis 17 years ago was the last time someone played the row well haven t Emma s Christmas heroes and a live performance from one of our b.b.c. Radio Bristow Christmas celebration x. I have it on good authority that as of yesterday fewer than 30 tickets left what 30. Houses a venue how long is that I think we take nearly somewhere between 350 and 400 I. So there really aren t many tickets left so you are going to have to get a regular Anyway I ll be back with you from our 6 year I talked to his own. Before that the answer for song Gone Wrong people are getting it right if you ve not heard the clue this is the final time you re here at the horses at the farm fair that you keep on seeing Russell on travel take a guest shortly 1st an update for you on the roads. Making a note of that I can have a little think while you re going through the other wrong answers there is still this reduced self Western rail service running into and out of Waterloo Station in London because of industrial action it left no service between Bristol Temple Meads and audiophile junction All Souls Bre and there s a reduced service on a number of other lines as well so that disruption continues because of industrial action roads don t seem too bad I m not aware of any accidents or incidents going on there s a bit of a 4 which is looking slow coming in on the Kenshin bypass short queue as you approach the the ring road the road itself doesn t seem too bad there is another route coming into wards Bristol which is looking very busy is Mr down right on the I $38.00 which looks very slow but the rest of it not bad at the next stop takes around 20 minutes. This is. A time and a family kept to me and now my Christmas waste is strong my family me just feelings you eat Christmas wishes to make everybody happy and old Christmas Day a snail you strike you as a straight shooter and have a pleasant a professional parent will be shown a mountain bike I normally get lots of chocolate on Christmas and I love 1st in spending time with my family and in noxious food I can sing down to Christmas 2019 the street is for everybody she just feels they were pulled out I always feel happy Christmas. B.b.c. Radio Bristol. So every single day on the show Monday to Thursday we give you a cryptic clue your job to crack and work out what song we are on about today s Clay was the horses at the Fun fact that you keep on seeing Let s go to the tax Roger in Cleveland was gone for carousel by the Hollies it s a great guess but it s not right same suggestion by Casey and am getting it right just one person who s worked it out Judy and no well done good work Russell what do you think. You know of the only thing that popped into my head I know it s not right because he wouldn t use the word in the clue but ride a white horse I say. Don t know of anything else so this is the close knit maybe the horses of the fun fact that you keep on seeing. From Pete Simpson is coming around again called. The horses at the funfair that you keep saying these come round and round on the carousel to. Display this was the song Gone Wrong thank you rush so we will talk James Moore. On b.b.c. Cali Simon coming around again next year menswear sales will outstrip women s wear cells can you believe for the very 1st time earlier on the show we start to personal brand started hems we uncovered men s attitudes towards clothing and styling has changed how social media has created an impact and how the industry has responded to that need such a good jack of final parts you can hear it some more oh I will uncover how attitudes are changing from the typical man s man who wouldn t normally touch more and what effect it s having on men forming relationships more tomorrow from hems the passing O Brien stylist on the show tomorrow. Everybody s getting. Me in the. Woods trying to. Say. This is. Just. As well. Let s turn. This. That. Was. Was. Ed Sheeran and Kelly that was beautiful painful to stand by for breakfast on Wednesday. While this all beautiful people now up thanks a lot so could never see b.b.c. Radio Bristol. He can live in hope and good morning welcome to Wednesday s breakfast show with me on the team I ve got a grandpa on say to e.s.d. De Niro essay Cheers day no let me start on Monday night I didn t deploy the frost cover on the windscreen when the morning rocks on it last night I didn t deploy the frost caucus he said it wasn t to be frozen morning rocks that tradition I can t cover right I think it s going to put on until next April and see how we go right let s get things started shall we for this Wednesday here with the b.b.c. Radio Bristol News is Keith good and the Conservative Party say it will make funding available for the Metro West project involving rail in Bristol if elected next week Metro West face to which involves building new stations that are actually down Henry a north Filton is expected to cost in excess of 65000000 pounds it s the latest in a long list of public spending pledges from all parties Labor says it intends to cut rail costs by a 3rd and. Early electrify the Great Western line b.b.c. News has discovered that to counter terrorism programmes attended by the London Bridge attacker has been car have not been fully tested to see if they re effective while in prison can complete the course for people convicted of extremism offenses and after his release went on a scheme to address the root causes of terrorism home affairs correspondent Danny sure has more during the 8 years he spent in prison has been can went on the healthy identity intervention program last year the Ministry of Justice published the findings of research into the pilot project which found it was viewed positively by a sample of those who attended and ran the course however the department has not completed any work to test whether the scheme prevents reoffending or successfully tackles extremist behavior there s also been no evaluation of the impact of the distance in disengagement programme which counterpart in after his release last year government officials pointed out that the schemes have been operating for long enough for the results to be assessed but a spokesperson said all offended behavior programs were kept under constant review the cost to build a new recycling center in South Bristol have increased from 4 to 7000000 pounds the new facility at heart cliff way was a key pledge of the current mayor in Reese last night Bristol city council s cabinet approved plans to increase funding for the project which is expected to open in 2021 and a new study released at an international climate change conference in Madrid says the growth in global carbon dioxide emissions are slow this year but researchers have warned that more still needs to be done about the growth in oil and gas consumption our environment correspondent Mark McGrath reports 2019 has seen coal use fall sharply in the u.s. The e.u. And India where a strong monsoon saw surgeon electricity generation from hydro power a weak economy saw coal for energy also fall in China however these gains are offset by a strong rise in the use of natural gas and to a lesser extent oil. Despite the rise of renewable energy in most parts of the world according to the authors it s merely slowing down the continued growth of fossil fuels and the weather cold dry and partly cloudy this morning with some of the brightness but also you might get a few for patches here and there that could be slow to clear there after staying dry and sunny spells towards the 7 Celsius $45.00 found hard b.b.c. Radio Bristol News It s 635. In every single b.b.c. Radio Bristol. So only show today the brood play is heading to both of you heard about this and I had a bit of debate in the office yesterday about where we were more excited about the killers Ashton Gate all the people I am past now in the interests of being open and honest obviously for me it s the killer s all the way however I do acknowledge and appreciate how significant the boob play is a new dawn. It s a new day. It s a new. So Michael b. Player has announced Hey starting his u.k. Tool next year right here he s going to get the paper lays him back. The Grammy Award winning singer is going to stage an opening a concert on the Royal Crescent on Friday the 24th of July Now this is the fast time the crowds it s been used to such a large event since 2003 when the 3 tennis performed excuse me this is. Me. Now the hall buying tickets for concerts things I don t know about you it s a bit complicated these days. Now I know fans will be shouting at the radio and don t tell about it don t tell us it s coming. I m a fat man with the long. There s a special priority pre-sale if you re with a certain mobile phone company today then a presale from Ticketmaster tomorrow and general sale on Friday. Oh yes I m not bothered about the end but I know you ll be excited. I got my copy paste Grace just you know it just wouldn t rush to get tickets I ll hear about it through you I m sure you re going to love him the big plays coming to baths 637 it s Wednesday morning now some of you might be frosted up this morning I got caught out some allow a bit of extra time for me to speaking of the freezing weather he s been wearing shorts every day all of the year 8 year old saying from start to fit in South gloss as are the shorts on every day so far in 29000 e-mails to Ben s. Been doing it regardless of the weather to raise money for a very special reason our reportage. Hanson can tell us more morning James morning ever it is so new p.r. Out this morning I m huddling in sawing our little radio Bristol Vonn this morning while speaking. On wimping out but 8 year old Zane as you mentioned doesn t have that option he will be going to school today dressed in sure ensure even in this weather even in December he s been doing it for every day of 2019 so far so even when we had all that snow back at the start of the year he was short than he s been doing it to raise enough money to send his 85 year old granddad Douglas on a trip to the seaside Zane came up with this idea after he visited New Zealand on holiday and he wanted to gave his granddad a getaway of his own so he set out to raise 500 pounds originally to send Douglas and his friends on a day out to the beach as well as collecting money for wearing shorts ains also raised $343.00 pounds from a charity backpacking visit to a supermarket in yeah 8 he raised a further 450 quid a coffee afternoon he organized as his local Baptist church all of which means rain has now raised more than 4 times his original target he has smashed 8 he s raised more than 2000 pounds at the moment says he s keen to continue fund raising into next year apparently he s already looking into new ideas for him and his friends but it means his grandad will be able to go on that trip to the see saw his own has been so determined to send him on apparently he s grown and already looking forward to it and already thinking about the fish and chips that he s going to say he s going to go off to the seaside could see if his grandsons I mean at some point in 2020 we re going to be meeting Zane this morning and his mum Lucy and hopefully yeah we re going to chat to. Douglas as well a bit later on I know you re going to pop and see Douglas which will be lovely hopefully I ll be able to have a chat with a sane is definitely going to be the star of today show I m assuming James in honor of Zayn you are currently wearing shorts. James Hansen what you think I want to let. This poster waste of time why don t you come on James get in the spirit What s wrong with the amount I did I should have insisted James maybe just cut off the legs of your trousers they re not good ones are they so yeah I know all jobs you know get some scissors and just maybe roll roll them up in honor of Zain thank you Jay responses like get lost in part of your job requirement I love this story 8 year old Zane will be the star of today show he s from state gifted it s 20 to 7 Good morning Joey Ronan how away alright thanks are you now I got in a pickle when I tried to describe about my frost covered let me explain Ok So Monday night into Tuesday deployed the frost cover woke up Tuesday morning no frost Ok last night Tuesday into Wednesday check the weather forecast no frost forecast didn t display ploy the frost cover the Smalling blame in for us can t win this is ridiculous promise you do want to deploy if it s going to rain because then where do you put it when you take off your car because you got a big sort of a new butter carrier bag in the back of your car. That s where you get paid the big but yeah I wish and I said it 1st out there this morning paper should do papers on that front page of The Times today off the pieced 1000 slushed up skiers end up hurt every day have you ever been skin I have actually went skiing last year skiing is not my thing and been for about. 20 years more than a 1000 Britons are injured every day during the ski season because of drinking on the slopes according to one of Britain s biggest insurers friends of mine wanted to do that and they did and I had one and when I m not going to risk it it s just no point isn t clear when the word pray ski after asking yeah but not before you go out but sometimes you can go up a mountain you can be skin all day stop for a drink and then ski back claims data from a big insurer says nearly 400000 ski. Years of suffered sprains and almost 300000 cuts or breeze over the past 5 years after crashing while under the influence a further quarter of a 1000000 have broken a limb and one in 11 needed to be transported off the mountain when you think about it it s almost like putting pubs along the motorway you know you wouldn t do that would you wouldn t do that of a mountain that s perfectly Ok. I think I m not being funny if you were making a claim to ensure you know going to turn that you will face when you get a bit quiet when you ve gone awry Trieste Yeah you re on a jump out of nowhere not that I m advocating lying obviously not how would you describe. This in the sun this morning this is a very happy man this is a gold hunter who discovered a record breaking not get all the bed of a Scottish river chicken nuggets not just a chicken nugget know a gold nugget he stumbled across it after using the sniping method now tell us about this because I ve never heard of snow but I it s in which gold hunters use a snorkel. And life face down in the river like they need it too much think this is what this guy did is name is Lee Palmer and he uncovered not one but 2 pieces of gold which fit together and form like a donut shape with a hole in the middle how much is it well it s worth $80000.00 pounds it s the biggest ever find of gold in the u.k. . In the Daily Mirror today honey sandwiches stop bugs scientists have developed high tech honey sandwiches to fight superbugs No it s not not having to eat them they put traces of manure honey between layers of mash used in surgery the slow release of the honey inhibits bacteria for 3 weeks now I would like to point out here the. Just from personal experience I have no evidence but from person experience when my dad had his trip or heart bypass at the b r I in 2. 2002. The the thing on his leg where they take the artery out of your leg that the wound never healed dad was diabetic healing his healing was absolute rubbish and we tried everything absolutely everything to go back 17 years 1718 years many county that s what out slathered his leg in a new company so it out now is before my new company was really popular he could get in the supermarket the stuff to drive to the next town to buy it from a fancy health food shop and it was really expensive and you live in Illinois so that was quite a long way to go in a mansion Yes in a mansion not new coming it s all of the age of the business you had here yes opinion now as we know sending Christmas cards dates back a long time talking back to like Victorian times but one head teacher has white for a band his pupils from sending cards to each other claiming they are bad for the environment this is Jonathan Mason who s accused of rank hypocrisy because he told all the parents about this new plan to only allow people to send one called to the whole class by sending out a letter to all of the parents I mean I like a Christmas card for the Christmas card I m right in mind on Friday night going to do a Christmas card is on the list anyone who s been nice to me Ok but you know it s a long list it s a fairly lonely excellence that my a lot of my friends are doing that I m not daring counsel into a charity donate to charity and send a card or somewhere that I have charity Christmas card look at what I ve done go to go to a charity shop well they ll give you one yet I ve got charity Christmas cards if you anyway so I m not impressed with the times and the card they re recyclable on or they well yeah presumably Christmas there s nothing weird about them is that this is got too much glitter on the front of an actor to get Anyway thank you had teacher you are officially the Grinch. Quarter to 7 Wednesday morning in. The 4th of December listening to Emma here on Radio Bristol Let s get the news headlines from Keith the Conservative Party says it s going to make funding available for the Metro project involving rail in Bristol if elected next week labor the Lib Dems also say they have plans to enhance transport infrastructure in the region if elected the cost to build a new recycling center in South Bristol has increased from $4.00 to $7000000.00 pounds and the 4 artists nominated for the Turner Prize are going to share this year s award after they urge the judges not to choose any of them as a single winner and today s weather cold dry partly cloudy brighter later on tops of 7 that s 45 this evening and tonight Clear Skies is going to be dry frost and fog by the morning minimums of one that s 34. When you smile you know how to spend a story that we didn t do Ok we do after the traffic on believable Joe He s got the truck for let s go to now the I 37 that s the wells road there is gas main work temper traffic lights are on that stretch of road at Rick road until the 16th of December in Seoul in South Los watch out for the Gloucester Road temperature the lights are there was well just Morton Why for a further 10 days or so in no I am road house gas my work again you got tempered lights and on the trains don t forget still problems on South Western Railway most of the network has replacement buses as well because the strike action lasting how many days and. 27 days it last until December the 20 if no service there were tall through Bristol just so you know on Southwest and roadway if you got any more on the roads you can let us know you can call our 80085594 as the number d.c. Radio freestone fishies b.b.c. Radio Bristol Christmas celebration is in Agent b.b.c. Children in need we ve got 4 amazing quiesce including the vocal works gospel choir is a full week take that. Is . And she s doing the 17th of December and the answer means tickets cost 6 pounds 5 pounds of the ticket price more fantasy b.b.c. Children in Need to book your ticket skater b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Forward slash radio we re still being nice see you radio Bristol magine see last minute substitution for the newspaper review just to apologize if you re eating round I haven t vetted this is could be any I mean really really really sad but it made me smile it made me laugh and it s one if you had your what on earth is wrong with people but this would make your eyes water this is about an artist called Hayden K. s who is selling his recreate sions of bags of poker for $500.00. What they are created by painting a 3 d. Resin cast of a dog poop bag and it s there on a Clint why I don t understand the thought of what why anyone 800 pound 100 quid was on display that Jude Law books and by the way he is a big fan of his work he needs have a chat with himself in the sun today. And I get what you have has got you in the secret. After he likes I look forward to that like some parts anyway we re not going to mention a story that at 12 minutes to 7 Wednesday morning you re listening to Emma Britain a radio Bristol that s got some sports shall we Alfie Reynolds is here good morning good morning Emma thank you Bristol Rovers assistant manager Joe Dunn has said the club won t rest players for tonight s a.f.l. Trophy match at home to Leyton Orient is the 1st knockout round of the competition and Dunn says it s another much they want to win it is another game to improve on the things to our fighting games I think we we we ve only lost so words it s about getting to the next round it s about all these little things prize money it s about keeping the momentum in the wrong keep in conference and keeping competition for places keep in place hungry so. We won t have this competition. Last night locally potent Rovers drew near no way of showing in the f.a. Trophy The replay will happen next week and the winner will face baths. City in the 1st round in last night s premier league football 10 man Crystal Palace defeated Bournemouth one no to move up to 5th in the table Manchester City 141 away to Burnley tonight there are 6 matches the pick of the bunch sees Liverpool host Everton in the murky side Darby and Joan as a Marine returns to Old Trafford as his Tottenham side faces former club Manchester United in the women Super League Birmingham host Tottenham boss director of rugby Stuart Hooper has said number right to leap a farmer Tao is nearing a return to action the Welsh back rower missed this year s World Cup with a collarbone injury the club of also confirms that Massa and Charlie Hughes will not require surgery on m.c.i. Injuries they will both be out for 2 or 3 months Hooper looking at the positives said he s glad to have Faletau back among the squad as our players near the end of their rehab journey spend more time in around the rugby programme and we integrate them as and when is appropriate guided by the by the guys in form soon or so the external specialists that we ve been using for interviews goes and is there or thereabouts so you know we ll start to integrate him and then hopefully build him back into the rugby program sooner rather than later but is there still was still a point there s no determined on friends I m finishing with some cricket and England have appointed g. Tim Patel as their spin bowling consultant for that source of South Africa and for Lanka the workshop and former New Zealand off spinner was part of England s backroom team in the recent t 20 series win over his home country thank you Alfie Reynolds with the sport a week on Sunday sporting stars will be in Aberdeen for this year s b.b.c. Sports Personality of the year among them will be our very own local unsung sports hero Georgina mole who set up and now runs a check up in South Gloucestershire Georgina has a condition that affects the joint she s a wheelchair user she has to have round the clock Kat She s an absolute legend in her community now after we surprised Georgina with her nomination the next big dilemma. Was what to wear to the big event where offers of help have been flooding in as our reporter Liz Bacon s been finding out to Tina Moore has always been a follower of fashion but never before has she required a ball gown and she needs something bespoke Thank goodness for seamstress Rachel talked till he responded to her calls for help she s got 10 days to complete something special something that s comfortable and glamorous at the same time unlike a normal dress if she was wearing an ordinary people dress she d have a lot of bulk and in the 3rd to sit on which isn t that comfortable and can affect the status of the dress when it s all tucked in underneath her so you wear creatine it where the children the netting is just at the front of the dress rather than all the way around and it will still give her the shape and the look of the dress that she wants it will be much more comfortable for her to wear so we can someday Georgina will be at the Sports Personality of the year it will be a celebration of what she s contributed to the game. She set up a club in South Ossetia and continues to run it every week it s like a game of French bull for players who use chairs and while Georgina is there celebrating her club she ll also be looking out for a hero of her own a lot of people disagree and maybe Marius like my sporting idol because he s out all these injuries and he never gives up he just keeps going and I just love watching tennis my favorite sports hobby looking out for is in Scotland so I m ready hoping for. Mom and Dad will be by her side her nomination is the West Sun song Heroes made them realize how much their girl has given to others so it cane you Source think exactly how much you just do because you saw take it for granted you know we we go every week to help. But then when you sort of we looked at it and saw us taking over a life. Jordan his work has touched many people not only is Rachel giving up her time to make that dress the dinner City actress Emma Samms has donated some beautiful silver lace so it all means Georgina will go to the ball in a made to measure fairytale dress Yes Sounds perfect that report from Liz bacon the b.b.c. West unsung Sports Hero Award winner Georgina Moore is from chipping Sabriye and she s off to Aberdeen a week on Sunday for the big b.b.c. Sports Personality of the Year ceremony and I reckon she s going to have a fantastic time. And the Brits b.b.c. Radio Bristol. 6 minutes to 7 o clock on this Wednesday morning as you wake up we re in for another cold dry cloudy morning dry with some expose there later in the day top temperature only 7 degrees Celsius and there is a frost in places this morning so maybe a lab of actual time if you need to do any scraping Let s get the latest on the NATO meeting that s going on Boris Johnson will say Britain s commitment to NATO remains rock solid when he and other leaders including President Trump meet for talks this morning at a hotel in what part very glamorous discussions are expected to focus on the growing threat of cyber attacks and security in space but cracks of emerged in the military alliance as it marks it 70th anniversary with Mr Trump strongly criticizing the French President Emanuel McCrone and Turkey odds with other members over its operation in northern Syria but so what is NATO exactly we talk about last night or this NATO that but do you remember how it came about some what it stands for and what it does is our reporter James Alexander NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization it was set of in the aftermath of the 2nd World War representatives of the. Countries came together with the aim of protecting Western Europe from the Soviet Union the original members included Britain Canada France Italy and the United States who provided most of the money the alliance was founded on a principle known as collective defense NATO member countries agree that if any one of them was attacked the others would come to help. The North Atlantic Treaty was signed with great fanfare in Washington in 1949 but then u.s. President Harry Truman told the assembled dignitaries the partnership would deter aggression and safeguard freedom if there is any evidence. It is there will. Be since then NATO has expanded to $29.00 member states with countries joining including Germany Spain and Turkey with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War is now focused on more diverse threats like terrorism and cyber security but some believe the organization has lost its way President macron of friends made headlines last month when he described NATO as brain dead with no clear focus about its long term goals. Are still the default NATO is a collective defense organization but against walked or against who who is our common enemy we need to clarify that u.s. President Donald Trump described the French comments as nasty but Mr Trump isn t exactly the biggest fan of NATO either he s previously called it obsolete and threatened to cut u.s. Funding unless European allies spend more on their own defense want to keep NATO I don t want them to pay I don t want to be taken advantage of we don t want to be the stupid people anymore Ok for 7 decades NATO has helped keep peace in Europe but behind the scenes a battle is brewing over the future of the most powerful military alliance in history. B.B.C. s James Alexander there with the latest on the NATO summit that s happening at a hotel in Hartford to day now there really aren t very many tickets left for the b.b.c. Radio Bristow Christmas celebration. At the last update yesterday we had fewer than 30 tickets left really not many and so you do have to get a wriggle so if you haven t got yours yet what on earth are you waiting for. This is the big act Academy of Performing Arts they performed last year and they ll be there they share as well the actually be in the studio later this morning performing live for you. Tickets cost $6.00 pounds 5 pounds of the ticket price will benefit b.b.c. Children in need and to but your tickets because there are not many left go to b.b.c. Doc ek forward slash radio presto our Christmas celebration is on the evening of Choose day the 17th of December at the Am sun rooms on Queens Road in Clifton. Yeah my car wait to have the big act Academy performing arts singing live on the show later this morning. Good host this year as well oh you know. So because I m I m cheap slash to charge anything James got to travel to soon from the cameras in quick you come from the cheating road 7 road slow tools Dmn Fulton on for around 10 minutes also rose Green Road past Green Bank cemetery to the top of Roy Hill work makes the fish pond road just by useful park a short cube around 5 minutes. And don t forget on the trains on southwestern railway we still have that long run of industrial action that replacement buses are running in some areas of the network but in Bristol there is no service at all if you have any more 800855949 is the number. From Weston super Mare to the I m going to them and. B.b.c. Radio Bristol thanks it s 7 o clock on Wednesday the 4th of December You re listening to Emma Britton here on b.b.c. Radio Bristol with the news Keith good and the Conservative Party has announced the availability of funding for the Metro West project in Bristol and South Gloucestershire if they return to power next week Pete Simpson reports the Tory say for next year Metro mayors around the country will be able to bid from a part of 4200000000 pounds for City public transport projects for Bristol that means potential funding for Metro West phase 2 which involves reopening the Hembery line with new stations at North Filton and Ashley down the other parties have all promised rail investment to labor plan to cut rail fares by a 3rd and fully electrify the Great Western line the Lib Dems have promised to reopen smaller stations and fund like trail the Green Party say they ll create a new golden age of train travel and the BRICs it Party says it too will invest in railways free from e.u. State aid rules b.b.c. News has discovered that 2 counter-terrorism programmes attended by the London Bridge attack a man can have not been fully tested to see if they re effective while in prison can completed a course for people convicted of extremism offenses and after his release went on a scheme to address the root causes of terrorism our home affairs correspondent Danny sure has more details during the 8 years he spent in prison those men can went on the healthy identity intervention. Program last year the Ministry of Justice published the findings of research into the pilot project which found it was viewed positively by a sample of those who attended and ran the course however the department has not completed any work to test whether the scheme prevents reoffending or successfully tackles extremist behavior there s also been no evaluation of the impact of the distance and disengagement program which account took part in after his release last year government officials say the schemes haven t been operating long enough for the results to be assessed but say such programs are under constant review the cost to build a new recycling center in South Bristol has increased from 4 to 7000000 pounds the new facility at heart cliff way was a key pledge of current Bristol memories last night Bristol city council s cabinet approved plans to increase funding for the project whose it is expected to open in 2021 a 2nd world war veteran who escaped the battle of Dunkirk by paddling out to sea on a shed door has died at the age of 101 less rather further from Lincolnshire later survived being blown out of an aircraft and was a witness to the great escape the international Bomber Command Center says he d served his country to the highest standards Tom Harrigan looks back at his life as a young army recruits less rather food was dispatched to Dunkerque 1940 cheering the evacuation of the French ports but fighting a regard action his division became trapped fearing he d be captured Mr Rather found a large door which had been blown off the shelves and put out to sea he returned to England wearing only socks and a blanket but there was more drama to come he joined r e f Bomber Command s and was shot down during a raid over Germany in 1943 he was sent to a prisoner of war camp where months later some of his fellow inmates launched the infamous Great Escape Cleveland s Curzon cinema is optioning old roof tiles which have been turned into works of art 39 original 920 s. Tiles have been decorated by. Animators actors artists and illustrators including admins Nick Park and Peter looked a lot lot bigger problem for the 1st time in its 35 year history the prestigious Turner Prize has been awarded to all 4 shortlisted artists they will now share the 40000 pounds prize money our arts editor will go puts was at the ceremony in Margate Here s something quite extraordinary it would end in for the editor of British Vogue announcing the 29000 Turner Prize for artists. Themselves into a collector. The prize was awarded to all 4 nominees collectively Helen Camac one of the shortlisted artists spoke on their behalf when there is already so much that divides people we feel strongly motivated to use the occasion of the price to make a collective statement maybe awards like the Turner Prize and the booker which was given to more than one writer in October a region the sell by date an anachronism from a bygone binary age winners and losers Alfie Reynolds has this morning sports headlines good morning Bristol Rovers are looking to progress into the next round of the a.f.l. Trophy when they host Leyton Orient in the 1st knockout round later Crystal Palace up to fit in the Premier League after they defeated Bournemouth one know last night there was also a for any shorts in the snow on a scale of one to 100 how cold was not fish only fish say. I like it now why are you doing the same why are you wearing shorts every day because no one can let s go down and she and I He wants me to take him or I will take you to the seaside and that s a question chips and maybe snow ice cream and that s a great idea where did you come up with that idea Why did you want to do that so I wanted to do it Ok as so I can use from using it to.

Radio-program , Traditions , South-gloucestershire , Development , Areas-of-bristol , Christmas , Professional-sports-leagues , English-singer-songwriters , Appropriate-technology , Fasting , Journalism , Law-enforcement

Transcripts for BBC Radio Bristol BBC Radio Bristol 20191203 120000

Academic academic from the University of Bristol as very concerning a packed audience of Bradley Stoke watched the election candidates clash over breaks it and defense spending yesterday the Willowbrook center and Bradley State Radio host the debate last night for voters in Filton and Bradley Stoke which was created in 2010 and that s always been represented by the Conservative Party after almost 2 hours of debate the voters gave their verdict to b.b.c. Radio Bristol what worries me is people in this country are fighting for the banks x. It s disgusting I wondered at at least people talking about improving public transport or making sure what they are doing could have elections that they re doing to address their carbon footprint and there were several claims made by various candidates that I just don t know if I can believe but I don t have the means to tell them the candidate standing at Filton and Bradley Stoke or Elaine Hardwick of the Citizens Movement party u.k. Louise Harris of the Liberal Democrats Jack repressed the representing server tips very throw for the Labor Party and Jenny Vernon the Green Party now international star Michael bublé has announced an open air concert the baths rolled present on Friday the 24th of July next year it s part of his 2020 u.k. Tour and tickets are on sale to all members of the public this Friday it s the 1st large scale music event at the Crescent for 17 years and today s weather this afternoon dry bright and sunny spells a gentle southwesterly and highs of 8 Celsius 46 for on height b.b.c. Radio Bristol News It s 4 minutes past midday. Let s find out what s happening on the roads with Alan Philips a good afternoon if you re travelling at westbound on the ring road you ve got a key with 3 or Emersons Green but the I m 32 is fairly quiet as is Fishponds right if you heading down Gloucester Road but Sloane patches on the a $38.00 foot temple gate seem to be flowing freely as is Wells road and path right now northbound Honk if way just a bit slow moving its awards the a 38 but fairly quiet through at least in and Western no issues if you heading out towards the. If you heading into a 4. Because of ongoing strike action so it s worth checking the travel on the trying to. Find 5909. The welcomes to Tuesday s program. I love. The way through. Picking up some interesting. Stimulating conversation. Maybe the bump along the road but looking for a wonderful. Joining us. Clearly . 11. Well you get the lovers and then you get Sandra. How are you Sandra very well no pushover all you have been trying trying to Sandra for many months now going nowhere cause you re in a relationship you wait to the party season comes along a couple of drinks inside both of us and the way a very warm welcome nice to see you Sandra how are you Ok Well thank you Sandra hasn t been in prison she s actually been working in Somerset with our friends there and if it s a nice environment in Somerset isn t it they are very very friendly and yes they got a lovely new studio complex just outside Taunton with a wonderful facilities I m told yes it is and always a 1st just look at it it s quite well there you go Well thank you for coming in today nice to see you on today s program while perusing the press lot of the papers today indeed the b.b.c. Website highlighting the story the lot of these festive drinks produced by the coffee chains you know the name. The coffee chain s have got tons and tons of sugar in them would you ever go for a cinnamon Christmas special or a spiced gingerbread something like that I did not sell an hour packed with point not so long ago do you mean this year or some years ago this year it was easy because it sort of blinking at me and I feel when they use well I think somebody else was buying in moderation They re Ok but $23.00 teaspoons of sugar it s a lot isn t so you had 3 of those a day every day for a month by Christmas you d be very Porky wouldn t you Porky and seeing the doctor probably to get checked it would affect your blood sugar levels would net I think in moderation maybe one perhaps 2 over the Christmas period but that is a lot sugar in one thing what about the whole business of introducing the Christmassy spices to the range do you think that s appropriate or should we do all year now just to Christmas I think Christmas is just an hour in any I mean I don t know what they say people that it is 6 in the coffee shop and a lot students day but as you know things today you know if you re busy woman exactly I mean you re working right now more or less anyway let s talk about these Christmas specials or courses it s a way of making money is generating income isn t it because they re not didn t give them away you re probably talking 34 maybe even more pounds to buy one of those so Dr off I want to go to a coffee shop they d say you want you know medium small or large where if you just go for the smallest That s more than adequate with the large ones like Pocket c. Rushing around all day palpitation both those you ve got up terrible school heads and we all remember I think the school headmasters and had mistresses childhood they can have a profound effect on us they can be scary particular my days when you ve been a white but of course they can be iron rulers or they can have a gentle touch Do you remember the heads when you were at school. But the head teacher member certainty is and I m the head teacher at my secondary school is divine. And there were certain teachers at school that was sort of that would stand out say we Scott was the music teacher she was lovely Mrs Finley in secondary school she was Scottish lady with a chick to a chain full of keys but she would be coming before she she arrived and she was quite strict but strict but loving you know and just wanted good for you basically and say essays are the ones that pop into my mind and my daughter s teachers I probably know them a little bit better they have their favorites but yes there are certain teachers that do stand out at school we had an exchange teacher called Mr Euston from Canada for a year as my reception teacher and when he turned up all the class were lined up outside the classroom this was in 2nd year in secondary and he got to the head of the queue and want to kill he said Take that smirk off your face and whacked him across the face and that was the 1st thing he said to the class and we thought of these days be in jail when a actually he turned out to be a lovely teacher and he did an Elvis Presley impersonator but it s funny how times have changes now I can t see my mom and my mother stand for that following business school had this talk about that horse of the Year show not have seen on television in the past and I ve talked to John Dollar earlier on and he said that yes she rode a horse of the horse of the Year show I would have thought it was one of the top not potential award winners it might been like and I know a Shetland pony or something it was just for the. Fact it was a if you seen the horse of the Year show on television in the past but they do all these fancy sort of Jim Cana type things and special competitions you know it s nice and it has an air of his middle to lower upper class ness of ita Because it to afford a horse or even just to go horse riding you need a bit of spare cash don t you the expense of friends but they re dedicated I mean these young girls and the principal are young girls they love grooming them don t they and they put a lot of effort into they love the animals no doubt about it it s a special special animals they are they re more intelligent than we are My guess in the 1st of the show is to enforce. The noted local organic of gardener and his 1st book was about vegetables his 2nd book is about fruit it s a friendly guide to growing fruit organically I m not sure where you are at the moment we ve got access to a garden do you grow anything yourself take care anything in the garden or of a house plant when you go to go for a fruit or to Herb s we re talking about just Later different plants and we have occasionally we can buy those off one s property to make only die off after my own at great straggly and mainly plants I m very much into having a variety and at the moment we re trying to do is get a selection of the East to have in. Our growing days as well as what I ve got before your mother is a big presence in your life isn t she she works then she s still in the bush you influences you and you yourself you re in charge you see the way that life moves on now Tim Foster s been doing courses for many years on growing things organically he was ahead of the curve because these days very trendy here tell us about the joy of organic The big reveal who went to 46 different churches over 46 days was quite an effort Smiley Miley is on the show all this week formally from b.b.c. Radio One of course the Old Road Shows to go around the country remember bits and pieces the quiz the used to play you re shaking your head up for my youth. To play little short snippets of songs and the contestants are they hyped up from the audience you stuff it Weston super Mare so massive crowds hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people there brilliant stuff it was a little and a very smiley Miley was in charge of the transportation and to do a thing with us to guess how many miles they don t between each location it was wonderful Plus the top 10 pleasant things to stand on let me put this in context on yes they show it was unpleasant things to stand on so pleasant things to stand on today s the top 10 in the 3rd hour the show we re going to talk about Reaganism with Macaulay from the charity Viva which are an international charity based in Bristol and they ve organized the world s 1st vague. Hall glass roast will be asking them what s the point plus 00 is born by a bizarre coincidence I decided to Ozzy Osborne last week as my feature and it s his birthday today you know you know I didn t know I flew in the paper a 71 because he took hold of the not a lot problems of the head should have stuck to begin diet or that plus Sandra will pick a dude of the day in the 3rd hour someone who was born on this day the 3rd of December but if you d like to influence her amazingly Sanda has remembered the phone number even though she s been away for some time to. Wait out the date 5599 give us a call. Julie and then start now you change your local radio station this is b.b.c. Radio Bristol Steve Yabsley with you on this choose a the 3rd of December thank you for your company do get involved with the program you can phone text or email or give you all the details in a moment perusing the press look at newspapers now most of the papers today covering the story about festive drinks produced by coffee chains which are packed with sugar we re talking about. Gingerbread cinnamon seasonal lattes hot chocolate swith Karam our own cream apparently some of these Christmas specials have massive amounts of sugar up to 1420 teaspoons for massive stuff do you drink these sickly sweet monstrosities How could you 2 go lie down afterwards what is your view of these very very sugary Christmas treats at the leading coffee chains school heads what is your memory of your old school head teacher wonderful person or absolute hell did they have an influence on your life or did you pretty much ignore them for the whole time that you were in school ever praised by the school head in some way. The wrong end of their anger tell me your memories of the school heads in the past the horse of the Year show have you ever been to the wonderful horse of the Year show perhaps you ve watched on television or are you still a big fan would you like it to happen every day of the week What is your view of the horse of the Year show Tim Foster is my guest in the 1st of the show he s a local organic garden and he s been working in the area for many years and runs an awful lot courses teaching people how to bring on their own organic fruit and vege and his brand new book is called fruitful life it s all about growing organic fruit in this country. Tim will tell us all about that when he joins me in about 10 minutes time the big reveal who went to 46 different churches over 46 days any ideas suggestions welcome there s no price for that just a bit of fun Smiley Miley 20 miles on the show all this week with more of his memories of an interesting career over the years and he would join us in the 2nd hour of the program to get the top 10 pleasant things to stand on this is the other side of the coin to yesterday s top 10 which was unpleasant things to stand on if you d like to suggest something then please do get in touch you can text of course text a torn travel string instead you miss each weekend texts a chance to stand at miss a train see up pissing it is at b.d.c. Page eating food radio pay to see a. 3rd of the show going to join by Roshi McCauley from the local charity vivre. Organizing a big Christmas fair this coming weekend featuring the world s 1st vegan hall close roast she will give me details of that whether it s actually edible or not Plus our special feature today is a celebrate $31.00 on Ozzy Osborne this is birthday today $71.00 today cause famous singer in Black Sabbath an interesting character I would say in and ignite a character or perhaps a buffoon depending on your point of view plus we ve got do the day if you want to suggest someone who was born this day the 3rd of December please do get in touch usual ways you can apply descend on t.v. See radio based bricks and not be celebrating only you lovely people die doing good things for others to scripts less in Alice Christmas heroes James 29 as we head to the all important festive fictious keep in touch with your see. On the sand in the city having a gas. For the most important hot seat of the year forget council leaders and the politicians this is the one you have been. 84 on Christmas Eve The big man himself Father Christmas will be here to take your calls and answer your question still send on b.b.c. Radio based. We have a very exciting e-mail this morning about the evening with Michael bublé performing in the most picturesque and beautiful outdoor setting across the u.k. He s going to be a bath Royal Crescent on Friday the 24th of July now with the summer in this country you can never fully be confident it won t be bucketing down with rain maybe even snow lying on the ground but let s hope it s a bonnie evening because it s a super setting I mean bathrobe present is the perfect location for a concert like that they ve had a few in the past but not for some years but that is going to be an absolute stocking evening if it s a warm summer s night Michael bublé all the way from Canada performing a bath Royal Crescent on Friday the 24th of July I don t know much the tickets cost about they re a package if you want the luxury ones or you can get priority ones and general ones maybe you can even meet him if you re lucky but be a lovely event I m sure he s also playing other places he s playing around the country playing a couple of castles Cardiff Kaesong Warrick Castle Exeter castle that it seems to be specializing in castles and presents anyway that will be a lovely evening in Bath I m sure whether it rains or not Michael bublé in the middle of the summer those tickets are going to go soon let s turn our attention to today s puzzler competition the puzzler. My my wife made cakes for my daughter of what was it 4 years in reunion a school reunion that she had on Friday and she makes fairy cakes and she put icing on top but what did my wife stick on top of the icing suggestions welcome So we re talking about fairy cakes here with icing and something was stuck into the icing on top of these fairy cakes what could it possibly be suggestions welcome the prize is another imaginary box of fudge we gave away one yesterday on the show. Fudge has never been more popular and this luxury box it s a high grade product from the home of perfection that is Bolivia and Bolivians have been making imaginary fudge for an incredible 2000 years no one can touch them for quality and flavor Now today s fur is very very tasty as my personal favorite actually is Roman Razan you get 24 squares there is a slight hole in the corner not perfect I can say by a turkey vulture but by a crooked postal worker I m afraid this is a big problem not just in this country but in Bolivia in the postal service a lot of the people there are underpaid and corrupt and they do pack away the packets so it s not affected the fudges the integrity of the fudge is Ok but just take the package it s got a little bit of a hole in there from a Bolivian postal worker nothing to worry about delicious So if you like to win that imaginary box of fudge answer the question what did my wife stick on top of her fairy cakes in the icing sugar suggestions welcome give us a call cool Steve free on anything as an 8 find 9094 knowing. The text is 81 triple 3 Start your message with the word yobbo Plus you can email Steve don t Yabsley at b.b.c. Don t code or you k. Now the top 10 today is pleasant things to stand on and Mike in Fishponds has been in touch your own 2 feet the threshold of a home of your own These days the 2 things and on the Sara Lee related many thanks to Mike in Fishponds if you want to suggest pleasant things to stand on do get in touch a little cookie my favorite thing to stand on is lightly frozen you bare is on a frosty morning it s bubble wrap for the feet that s cookie our listener of the year she s not a deviant that s just what she likes to do hello to John or. On top of the fairy cakes jelly babies jelly tarts and jelly beans Well I can tell you John of the 2 of those She s used in the past she s definitely used jelly babies and she s definitely used jelly tarts she hasn t used jelly beans we re not too keen on jelly beans or the like appreciate that the nuance difference between them is quite small No not correct on this occasion you re in the right direction though I mean it s a sweet object what did my wife stick on top of her fairy cakes suggestions welcome to get in touch you could win a lovely lovely prize there s imaginary for just Gerry and redolent was it smile smile. At you can have to rescind that and correct the spelling Gerry later on in Winterbourne nice things to stand on a nice woolen rock with bare feet and run and members his head master was very severe when he administered the cane we should have been so naughty should you thanks to Ron in Winterbourne there s a man who went on to become a teacher as well hello to Jack in her field was a seed pods from a liberal and I m tray that was stuck on the fairy cakes it s a very strange suggestion Jack but thanks anyway it s not correct. Now we re talking about drinks on the show today with loads of sugar in them what about hot chocolate a Christmas of the cream on top. Of this sorted Carol now. Just what you want to warm the room up because. Jerry in red Lynn was actually trying to put forward a smiley Miley on top of the fairy cakes it s a it s an old suggestion when you think about it because the smiley is about. 5 foot 10 and these fairy cakes are 2 inches tall and most. Also there s only one of him and there were about 24 fairy cakes young really thought through the answer Jerry but I appreciate it nonetheless. She got the right answer for the big reveal I m not going to reveal that yet and she s also going for a chocolate buttons with something that has been employed in the past but not right the buttons also suggestion of Trish in Tata dime together with rainbow drops all roads none of those are correct there thank you for your messages John has had a few more Skittles rollovers and chocolate buns Now these are all lovely things on top of a fairy cakes or thing that a child would lap up smart is flake. Know all close but no one s got it correct. Shorty on the program we ll be talking about organic gardening with Tim Foster but before we meet him it s going to take on the road situation with all of a hat importers head on Wyndham way the a 369 is the off peak road which caused delays again it s taking back on to the end of the port $300.00 coming in was about road which queues in Bristol hang grove on Airport Road and through westerly on westerly road as well on the trains on South Western Railway industrial action continues so there are no southwestern services between Bristol and or between Westbury and Yeovil junction. Limited service elsewhere journeys between reading and Oxford are either being cancelled or seeing long delays of up to 30 minutes is because of track repairs being done at Apple for it and yet they call us a few hands free 080-085-5949 re the embrace still have a platform like for people like myself and like the guys from the state school to know that it s that such a brilliant idea played with. It s not something that comes along very often so to other artists on the upload some tracks and. Respect what you do and for everyone playing your content Gayton b.b.c. Dark Angel you can. Play a brilliant and like to thank you so much like on behalf of all of us like it s been such an experience playing with. Is great as hell there s so much weeknights from Saturday on b.b.c. Radio in Bristol. With the time I was 25 minutes to one you re listening to local radio stations b.b.c. Radio Bristol and I m delighted to say I m joined by my guest of the day it s time for us to the local organic on the team thank you for coming in thank you for inviting me along not to and I Tim has written a new book called fruit for life a friendly guide to growing fruit organically is described as a ripe peach of a book and it s a supposed assist of volume to his earlier but which was about vegetables and tim has taught organic whole to culture and courses for around 20 years in this area thank you very much for coming in today you well very well yes how about your right not to have been rather busy today but it continues it s lovely to have you when now before we talk about the books which we will do in detail a moment let s talk a bit about your background I come in where you re from originally where were you born on from the middle and Ok you know sites I mean them in fact okey cokey used to go a little bit in Europe so I have been here get rid of it completely now nothing is very pleasant Now tell me about your background you ve got a degree in how to culture and you keep a couple of allotments these days with your interesting gardening something that started when you were a child. Yes and it seems to be you have a very common occurrence when. People interesting horticulture it stems from when you re a child particular seems for some reason grandparents Yeah I ve heard that before I mean do you have any particular memories of being in the back garden with your grandparents I do yes yes you have been told to get out. No it was always a wonderful experience really yet now you ve gotten professionally I think since you left school so did you go to some sort of college directly after school straight after no gap years there in those days a long time so why did you go off to in those not in one of the few places which did the courses. At that time and now suddenly no longer doing them what was the course you actually took specifically that call it was a degree in horticultural science I think is very sounds very flash but actually not much use in the end did your parents push you in that direction or try and steer you away from it no no they were both both librarians So if anything I should have been had my nose in a in a book all the time well the outdoor life I think is preferred Well I mean I love books but want to moan when want to be in the indoors all day with them and you ve been teaching organic gardening courses in and around Bristol for many many years when did your interest in specifically organic food began organic food gradually probably when it came to Bristol actually so that s around 35 years ago what brought you to the city work I think it was there was not much work around at the time in the early Eighties you might remember and yes and so I got a position as part of the co-op Riverside garden center right and we started building the garden center as soon as I got down here and then working from there on went without is a wonderful garden center but it s slightly under threat at the moment is the thing about rebooting a road near I want to disaster Yeah well I personally hope that doesn t happen because I think it s a lovely and she says a garden center which is a co-op which is quite interesting and not many of those around or that there aren t co-ops have this kind of inbuilt mechanism to destruct at a certain. But Riverside has kept it going and all this time and obviously when when we were setting it up initially it was supposed to be a totally organic garden center who I didn t know that yeah as well as where you had to bend to market pressures there was that problem yes we kind of got a little bit more real at the end of it and we decided that having other items for sale we could at least talk to people about it you could proselytize a lot and they ve got a lovely cafe there if you ve been there in recent years but it s a super place I still pop down there and say hello and it s a lovely cafe You re quite right it s delightful Well I don t know what is the future as far as rerouting the road goes I mean it s been positive as a theory but I hope they can come up with some other solution because it s a unique site there is that alongside the waterway it is it s an old it was the old salt for road gritting and all of that so it was kind of recovered by the garden center and made into something rather lovely and it really would be a shame to lose it so you say that you got into organic food when you came to Bristol and you know what it was that the put you on that route did you have some sort of a not not a major event but it was this gradual realisation of the amount of chemicals that are in our food plus the fact that our food over the past probably 60 years has gradually been depleted of nutrients and that s as a result of chemical farming. And you may have heard Isabella tree who is this wonderful woman from Sussex and he s done this Wilding project and she was on the radio as well recently and talked about the fact that if you. Want to eat tomatoes for particular nutrients you have to have 10 nowadays to have the equivalent amount of nutrient as you would have done 50 years ago so why have the nutrients sort of been sucked out of them what s occurred to them organically then or well because the ground has been covered in. Chemicals particularly very heavy with only a few major fertilizers that displaces the other nutrients from the soil and gradually over time they get lost and so those trace elements if you like other things which provide us with the vitamins and minerals and indeed enormous amounts of water as these days aren t even grown in the ground or they are grown sort of high up and with these particular water systems that they are hydroponically That s exactly it is it s called harder panics Yes and strawberries as well yet which I don t agree with the talks not naturalists it when it isn t I mean there would be arguments to say that you can supply the same nutrients in the water as you could do in the soil anyway but I think what there s a major feature missing from hydroponic system and that is the ability of a plant to interact with what is in the soil interact with the wider natural world at the margin that as far as organic goes I mean you go back to well maybe but the war time just before that there were not many chemicals used on the land and then they came in swathes and swathes of a crisis point I suppose in the seventy s when they realized that some of the chemicals they were using that were really severe yet to this day many unnatural chemicals they use this form of fertilizer on the ground on they it s just still a huge range they keep testing them they keep checking that they re safe they put them out and then eventually they re withdrawn because they then discover that there s something not right with them and even if they were perfectly safe for human health which they are clearly not. The biggest worry is the effect on the wider environment now you must meet naysayers over the years who say that organic stuff is overpriced and no better for you than the cheaper stuff what do you say to those people when I think they re wrong. It is more expensive but you can get around that in a whole number of ways like the Bristol farmers market they have organic stands there are. And on what ladies road Saturday morning there s Lee court farm with their organic vegetables. And they re cheaper to buy like that and just want to grow your own at us has to be the cheapest way of getting organic vegetables where the mantra I think is to eat less but eat better I think that s a fairly common statement and very wise to know you have extensive experience of how to culture of course through your work of the years in gardening landscaping nursery work garden center work tree work market gardening you ve been involved with thing where we City Farm for how many years now you ve been doing a course there. Not that long the course actually moved around a little while and it s kind of landed there for probably about past 5 years you start in February doing work through the years all right yeah and you teach all the basics of theory impractical and you re still working hard you don t do so much for time gardening now because you tend to do courses don t you yeah your body is playing a little you now so that is the problem for outside all the time is quite tiring isn t it and you know being outside in the elements it can never wearing effect on you it can I mean it is wonderful to be outside and not d. Trying it out as much as possible in fact I am but working hard full time I think is is quite difficult on the on the on the body indeed just generally speaking in this country there are far fewer people doing that and that that is one of the reasons that people living longer they don t do the hard labor on the land that they would have done 50 years ago it s true yes it would have taken its toll it s very very difficult it s no wonder people drop dead sort of 3 or 4 years after they retired in times past because they were literally worn out when they they were here now your 1st book which was published I think in 2013 was called good earth gardening a friendly Guide to Growing vegetables organically that was a paperback with lovely illustrations that you produced a practical and light hearted guide the principles of organic gardening entertaining yet underpinned by sound science tell me a little bit about that 1st book clearly it was about vegetables how did it come to being. Well it s because I ve been teaching particular the little organic course want to say which is not. A convict her to meet a certain point why not just put all the notes of made all together and put it in a book and clearly that s never going to get anywhere but a friend from down the road who just happened to be a publisher decided to take it on and then well just have to do it and that was a publisher pomegranate book so I don t think exist any longer do they but you can still get out of the book can you you can still get hold the book it doesn t exist still but he s decided not to do anymore publishing which is why the current one well the book is available you can search for online a practical guide laid out with clarity and full of good tips that s the 1st book by Tim called good earth gardening now that was the vegetable one the brand new ones just been published it s called fruit for life a friendly guide to growing fruit organically and we ll talk about that in detail after this. Something just between you. Can tell you something just between. When I. Was. Sat. With. Those marshmallow and churches here with me Steve with you on this Tuesday lunchtime I guess at the moment is a local organic garden a Tim Foster we were talking to him a bit about your background in that 1st book of yours good earth gardening which looked to vegetables Well a few years later you ve come up with the fruit equivalent haven t you what brought this one on then it was. One of 2 requests believe it or not yes that surprised me as much as I am. That I was in the vegetable book for. Isn t covered and it was worth it given a go well the new book is called fruit for life a friendly guide to growing fruit organically we should mention your lovely illustrations you ve done those yourself I think of a near 100 yes it keeps them off the street how to grow every fruit you can think of and it really is a lovely list because when we talk of fruits in this country you can discard an awful lot of the exotic sin the citrusy ones can you know yes that was that was a handy statement to make is that it is covers the fruits which grow in this country yes the citrus and there s already a lovely tropicals mangoes in them to serve as an adult to that what are your views on importing fruits and vegetables from overseas you know to fill in the gaps in the seasons in this country. Big fan of seasonality and so you can take the example of strawberries and grow strawberries on my allotment and the anticipation and the joy of when they actually appear and you can stroll down there and just pick them ripe off the plot is just wonderful and when they finish Ok it s sad but that s it and and I just revel in the in that that they are there for that time and the enjoyment they bring Yeah and also I think if you pick them at that particular point in their life cycle when they come into being then they re at their peak of perfection on the way because that well generally commercially grown ones are picked under ripe and that s for ease of transport Yes and the end result of that of course is that the never taste is quite as tasty as you are indeed and you get things like I know asparagus is imported from Peru Yes which is appalling and to me very bland to taste as well whereas if you get asparagus during that short season in this country which has been grown locally in Somerset whatever perfect with a bit of butter in it well with that about butter of course goes on I m going to listen to your hog roast. And know you can put a bit of olive oil on and they will as far as you re quite right about the asparagus be. Because it starts changing the moment it s cut and they do say you should actually take your little Primus stove down to the allotment so you can eat it as soon as you can well quite tricky to grow the oldest But I ve you grown asparagus yourself we have it on the lawn Yes You re wonderful but they re precious each spear is a little golden piece of preciousness isn t it anyways fruit we want to talk about now as I mentioned the new book by Tim for life how to grow every fruit you can think of that grows in this country complete growing instructions for apples apricot blackberries blue bris cherries damsons figs good brisk grapes hybrid berries Kiwis now Kiwis an odd one because you would associate that with this country but you can grow them in Britain can you you certainly can it just needs a bit more of a sheltered place perhaps. A south facing wall or something like that the trickiest thing with them is the amount of space they actually take up but otherwise yes you can easily get a crop you also mention medlars Mowbray s peaches peaches again it s not a fruit I would associate with this country you can do if you just got a bit of sunshine have you on a warm warm exactly that yes it does need that protection it s not so much that they don t like the cold temperatures it s that they don t cope so much with the wet and particularly the certain diseases which they pick up in wet conditions let me just complete the list this pears plums quinces raspberries red currents rhubarb strawberries and indeed other fruit Let s talk 1st of all about positioning I mean you sort of hinted at them but each particular fruit has its own preference as far as it where it s positioned in the garden isn t it it does you can find something for every bit of the garden yes it depends on the size of your garden of course you also mention tools I mean they re the basic tools that you do anticipate most gardeners would have but you talk about planting in the tools are essential for that also harvesting is where you need the appropriate tools then you yes I mean you can go completely overboard and get a long handled fruit picking things but yes a. Pair of secretary and. Something to plant the. The Bushies in the 1st place and I think you re off you also talk at the various techniques some fruit of course would just have a very similar technique apples and pears I daresay not that different but some fruit would need a particular technique and a few insider tips which you sprinkled in the book yes along the way some things are lost certainly there s a lot of myth around certain fruit grapes are a great example and then if you get the basic principle behind what to do when you re pruning the great it s so so easing there you look at pruning propagation pollination I m going to ask you about that in particular with reference to insects because we ve heard about this insect apocalypse in recent years and everybody has the personal experience of the insects not being on the windscreen in the front grill of the car like they were when we were kids clearly there s a lot fewer insects around these days how is that affected pollination Well it s interesting you say that because the biggest problem and what you re describing that the windscreen effect is because when you go through the countryside that s what you would have got but it s the countryside is bearing the brunt of the demand eyes of the insects and a lot of our countryside even the green fields are actually mana crops and sprayed to give no problems whereas one of the great refuges of insects and this was shown by research at Bristol University. That allotment sites are one of the best sites for wildlife probably better than Nature Reserve did you get a lovely mixture that s exactly it s there s a huge range of habitats and plants and all manner of different. Situations that insects can hide and live Yeah I mean just as a broader world view it seems like we re sleepwalking towards some sort of terrible apocalypse that nobody s even waking I mean a few people are now but it seems bloomin obvious that if you use Mondo crops are you going to get rid of essential insects which are going to profound influence down the line it s seems to be this. Kind of it s driven as a lot of decision making is by the money principle and and it s really hard to get out of that but you kind of hope the politicians will have got the message by now when you well you also look at pests and diseases it seems every fruit you can name and indeed vegetable it s got some particular pesto disease that it s it can be subjected to yes but then again if you get the balance right with. The complete range of plants particularly mixing in flowers in amongst the fruit then a lot of the pests and diseases are actually controlled or minimized at least Yeah I mean slugs are probably more of a problem for vegetables and fruit but how do you deal with slugs. I want to know about. Is it brutal know that I m a vegan so I kind of want to let them sort themselves out and you can talk them out surely Well you can whisper occasionally. The worst thing I do is a be a trap Well it s a good way to go but that s what I thought Ok you also look at the storage of fresh fruit which is important if you store it correctly or indeed if you store it incorrectly you can make a big difference can t it it can be with the softer fruits I suppose the softer fruits some respect the softer fruit because you can freeze them. It s the larger fruits like apples and pears where you ve got to find these bulky fruit gotta find some space for it and it s nice to be cool but at the same time not to try not to wet and it s not that easy What would you say is an easy fruit to start off with I mean just moved into a new house you ve got a back garden you never garden before what fruit would you point people in the direction of I suppose I would go for the soft fruit because even if they require a certain kind of pruning it is very very easy to do and and in a small garden in Bristol you can feed any amount of suffering and what about the other end of the scale what is tricky what takes the most time and technique to really get the goods at the end of the day yeah you can really go for the complicated stuff the worst I think I ve tried to do. That is growing plums believe it not as a fan against a wall on those beautiful shaped fun trees but the pruning of it is actually quite a tricky one and yet plums a lovely now you ve condensed a lifetime s knowledge into this book and the one before it if people want to get hold of a copy how can they track time for life that very nice of you. It s available in Bristol at various shops like. Current harvest on the Gloucester Road and Riverside garden center. Is the better food company also has it or it could be directly from the publisher it says Bath based publishing Ok well it s a self published book and they ve helped you out with Alvin they were very decent they took pity on me and we should also mention that the book although it contains a lot of hard knowledge and information is a cigar lighter side you include random nonsense. But that s a fair description of my entire life I think the movie thank you for coming in today Tim real pleasure to see you again every success with the book thank you very much indeed for inviting me that s Tim Foster the local organic gardener that new book of his is called fruit for life a friendly guide to growing fruit organically and the one before which was about vegetables is called good earth gardening. Please please. Every time I guess to. Have it something else I would say. Let s get some up Rita Ora what a character my thanks to Jim Foster for coming in the local organic garden the new book of his newly published is called fruitful life. In the next hour the show we re looking at tandem bikes The Crystal Maze Smiley Miley will be on the program Top 10 pleasant things to stand on and we ll take some more of your messages. From Weston super Mare to power to them and. B.b.c. Radio Bristol. The Times want to talk to the news desk is quite good a man who carried out a campaign of bomb hoaxes against targets and even in Somerset as well as around the world has been jailed for more than 4 years 24 year old Andrea s Dowling made a total of $107.00 bomb hoaxes including $75.00 in the u.k. In which he claimed to have planted bombs containing dynamite sarin gas and radiation at schools and police stations and shoot any survivors of these attacks with assault rifles. Affected over 44000 pupils at British schools international star Michael bublé has announced an open air concert at Bart s role crescent on Friday the 24th of July next year it s part of his 2020 u.k. Tour and tickets are on sale to all members of the public this Friday it s the 1st large scale music event at the present for 17 years New research from the University of Bristol and 2 other universities has found that patients in the Southwest are the least likely to receive physio therapy after a hip or knee replacement that s despite post operation physiotherapy being recommended for a minimum of 6 weeks the results which also found that patients in London and the north east where the most likely to receive physio have been described by an academic from the University of Bristol is very concerning Dr Emma Clarke is one of the academics behind the research we found some surprising things say for example older people well last night. To get physiotherapy than young people which is probably opposite of what we would expect and we wonder we speculate if this perhaps reflects some individual willingness to say he can take part in physiotherapy Donald Trump has said he will stay out of the u.k. Action and is ready to work with anyone and number 10 the u.s. President is in London for a NATO summit to did however say he was a fan of Brecht s it and deny the n.h.s. Would be on the table in future trade talks are assistant political editor Norman Smith says the Us president s comments will be welcomed by the prime minister has given bars Johnson an almighty helping hand in the middle of an election campaign having pledged to stay out of the election campaign not just by in effect giving his backing to Boris Johnson saying is a very capable guy but also again reiterating his support for breakfast but above all and most crucially quashing or trying to quote the Labor claims that the n.h.s. Would be on the table in any future trade deal of Com has rejected a complaint from the conservatives after a melting ice sculpture was used to represent Boris Johnson during it around a maximum of 8 Celsius $46.00 Fahrenheit tonight again dry but chilly with a mixture of clear spells fog possible by dawn and frosty with minimums of minus 2 that s 28 b.b.c. Radio Bristol News It s 7 minutes past the hour. Let s get the latest on the road situation with all of the head importers heads on Windham way the a 369 this off peak road which is causing hold ups Anglo s Bristol the long term works on Airport Road and making things for a slope and through westerly on west of the roads there are delays because of temperature of lights Bristol bound on the m 5 between junction 14 for 3 and junction 15 the Allman sprints change name one of 3 as close as a fitting in a pothole but traffic is looking Ok South Western Railway there s the industrial action there in the southwest and trains between Bristol and so. And a very limited service elsewhere as long delays of up to 30 minutes between reading and Oxford and the odd cancellation as well as the doing track repairs at Apple for it and he updates its own 800855949. The b.b.c. Radio Bristol. And welcome to the 2nd hour of the programme in this hour of the show we re trying get a winner in the competition what did my wife stick on top of her fairy cakes. Plus we re looking at tandem bicycles is that the sort of thing you re into. The Crystal Maze Now that s made in Bristol these days you re a fan.

Radio-program , Sustainable-development , Foods , Environment , Towns-in-gloucestershire , Areas-of-bristol , Ecology , Confectionery , Horticulture-and-gardening , University-of-bristol , Labor-disputes , Writers-from-new-york-city

Transcripts for BBC Radio Bristol BBC Radio Bristol 20191130 100000

Dear Bristol why he did the challenge in Ogust we found out my dad had to say killer cancer and I wanted to raise money for question cause she really were helping them and I love football so I so I can try helping fund raising and football together to help my dad one of the Minerva owls from the bath sculpture trail is being donated to the Royal United Hospital in Bath in memory of a 13 year old girl who died from cancer even Clover had a brain tumor if his parents have too many of ours and have decided to permanently loan one of them to the hospital to say thank you for the cash she received Brian Clover is a dad and runs a charity called Evey s gift which helps parents with costs when their children are in hospital in a way it s good in that it helps focus because of something else to think about but if he was alive the chance he wouldn t exist so it s a real double edged sword there are days when you think you re doing something great and then you wake up and look at. The line for me doing this so it s it s tough. And in sports Bristol City host Huddersfield in the Championship and Ashton Gate this afternoon looking for their 1st win since the international break they ve picked up just one point from their 2 games in the last week which leaves them 7th in the table head coach Lee Johnson hinted he may make some changes after Wednesday night s heavy defeat at West Brom but assistant coach Jamie McAllister says whoever plays they need to see a positive reaction strong scored a lot games so I was going to stop the boys a star they want to show their strengths and goals and go on and pours us transcend opposition and as an 11 on and 18 on a day or more a match for anyone looking at the weather it s a largely fine morning with some spells of sunshine a brisk south easterly wind may bring the odd shower the afternoon will continue to be fine chilly today with highs of 7 degrees tonight will be dry and cold lows of one degree then b.b.c. Radio Bristol News It s 4 minutes past 10. Thank you. Charley power Thanks James still not looking too bad but it is queuing on the slip road on the m 5 in both directions a junction 17 for Cribbs Causeway guessing it s some shopping traffic heading into Cribbs Causeway itself the m 32 and you found one way looking slower into Bristol City Center the a 432 Fishponds Road also where busy in both directions are but moving that s just near to were Eastville park the center of picking up the Christmas Market on today started opened at 10 o clock and delays still of up to 30 minutes on cross country between Birmingham New Street and Shell and asked you to points failure could affect ongoing travel if you are heading anywhere from Bristol Parkway or from Temple Meads or any update say from the go give us a call 800855949. Thanks James Harrison b.b.c. Radio Bristol. City. Would see. Us. I. Want to get in touch this morning let me know what you are doing a one triple 3 tech start your message please with the word Bristol and you can e-mail James Don Hansen. Tweet baby c.r.p. Or you can call for 480-085-5949 Time now for this week s The kids v the news every week on the show I visit a different local primary school and put events in the week s news the boys and girls that this time I ve been to rock so Primary School in north some of. The new war film has just come out of the cinema recently Fraser. Now I don t know whether you will judge me for this I haven t even seen Frozen One is that my ads I have I have frozen ones tell me what happens in frozen one well basically a Honda needs to find this out and there s this new friend who d own lab which is my favorite character so who wants to go and see frozen and who really isn t fast I would really like to see it because I got a phrase it to add. Forward to saying frozen. Because phrase inches is for girls. What you make of it is frozen just for girls. Scientists at the University of the West of England who developed the robots the can coach wast your running on a treadmill if you could invent any robots what would it do my really give me money if I need to so everyone infinity money I could get it and just buy stuff and get rich ever. Come make pizza slice pizza bring me a truck or bolt the toasting robot that makes toast 3 seconds because I hate having to make toast that s going to say toast is do it pretty quickly already burger is not quick enough yet not quick enough yet and spreads like to has a cupcake more Park made elative cupcakes and it can be a punch in books and eat cupcakes every time I m one to one make me feel so tell me about your robot if you can invent any robots what would it do so basically it would do all your homework and school work for you and so you could just just like stay outside playing tug with your best friend and he would literally just be sitting at your desk with a pencil in its ear and to see. And do if you re what robots would you invent if you can invent any robot it would change the environment to a better place and a little civvy a singing church but anybody who really wants to saying that they can t find the right kit to do it would be kind of like half an eco robots half Simon Cowal Yeah exactly Ok. What a very is definitely a lemonade. Infinity lemonade in the broadest of. The lemonade robots yes are you going to get an income of this year and if so what kind of having calendar is this we always have the same one it s just this big wooden box with loads of slots so you can pull out we wait for ourselves with just a box of a stuffed them and if there was a gummy bear would get at our house we have our own Christmas tree one that we painted and it has little drills see can take and now turn those things inside though the numbers on them are you getting an average calendar this year yes but not one noblest tapi screw into the. Pulls out. Short clips so the pancakes like to think they might not often calendar Well I ll get. To make you. Think kids need a. Little rag so primary so. Thank 1016 Terry the auto man on same with his agony uncle Harry solving your problems 1st should we have some out of context. Why not the other She s very good you know . B.b.c. The. Whole weekend of life support continues. Maybe you see radio Bristol Saturday morning in the West Country you re on the James Hansen show and Terry the old joke man I say it is time for de Terry good morning good morning James a comedy Ace is the end of November and sings a baby well tomorrow 1st day of December I can t believe it like I mean Christmas is around the corner and I cubes is getting baked like you and I often come in the person I am having guy as come we open up like it was a process or Terry the old man advent calendar just give me an idea write that for next year much until it s the next day we got some more question stands in for Terry because of course he is all regular agony uncle solving your problems or trying to jack into us and he was the 1st one day Terry I ve been put in charge of organizing this year. Office Christmas party but I ve left it all to the last minute every venue seems to be booked and I ve got no ideas of what to do any suggestions or was always an ordinary what today I mean obviously a tradesmen I saw trader. Is always see what you do obvious or you just used to be what are you know going to say to do even have a Christmas party can you do like you know they get tax benefits they need a office lot so you know whatever it is you season get. Whatever common at bars and all that we could do something different and a right pain Bolin or. A tribute band or strictly come dancing style fast true and also maybe that we depends really jack into us and what. During the day doesn t have to be in the evening do a nice lunch you probably find more venues are available at lunchtime a nice lunch you could maybe the office might write off the afternoon a bit if you can have a few drinks over the lunch and then also a late lunch or something like that. What you can get away with at work what a budget isn t all that. Hard and I ll. Email me privately and I ll tell you what traits and I mean. It s a little bit you know when you re just a little. On top of a crane. Well. There s an idea for you Jack you know the question here for Terry the old job I don t see a Terry from Karen in Redland Terry my son has just failed his driving test for the 4th time and is really beating himself up about it I ve told him it s not the end of the world but it might sound better coming from you can you give him any words of comfort or advice or is there are felled on me 1st time. But you just got to relax don t worry about there are no yes Big yourself or no I m going to kind of never go in there or whatever runs up. You know I mean just I think almost would work I mean I m not saying trying to make a mistake early on but when I took I passed 1st time and I was very lucky because I made a mistake that turned out to be a minor early on but I thought it was a major So why within the 1st 5 minutes thought I had failed so the pressure was off for most and I wasn t that stressed because I thought I d failed anyway so clearly the rest of the driving test run quite well because I wasn t feeling too nervous and I was stunned when the driving instructor with the end that I actually passed so maybe if you find a way of just taking all the pressure off you you might do well to. Ask what b.b.c. Radio burst along or something to structure exactly exactly that are so very good suggesting on a Saturday morning Exactly yeah I mean you go Well said. Nothing question here from Mary in Bradley Stoke did Terry I m hosting a dinner party next week but the guests include 2 vegetarians a vegan and someone who s gluten free I m struggling to think of what I can serve that will please them all any ideas or I mean your stuff is now. Free veggies and. While they can all just go on what can also be. So she can see they can cook boiled Roy. We in Yes Can they like while they can offer like onions and peppers. It. Sounds like a great dinner party. I mean there you go enough that s not all male I mean it s just plain you know some so. I tell you what I love the French onion soup in one that can t make it myself but a friend oh no yeah French Onion French Onion but. Without the crude Soames that we are you might do that as a start and then. Main course. Peppers and onions. The result. A result but you got cheese and it was only. What about. Or. Soil. Yeah Mary you ve got your work cut out there really jacket potato. Jacket potato and baked beans that would work that we saw in the party like that would work and then putting is a bit easier you could just do some sort of fruit to it like a fruit salad fruit salad and some condensed milk oh no because I know. This is. Connect you could do coconut milk instead yeah why oh I see Mary I think we re saying French onion soup to start then. Jack would say so we baked beans then fruit salad with some coconut milk and ice penny sauteed if you have any color and really inquiries or any other problems that you would like to submit email the main James dot Hanson out b.b.c. Doco to t.k. Or call our 800-855-9493 extension 2 call and Terry their job I will be back next week in December Terry assembler looking forward to James a seeing December. The edge of and. Was. The. Even Jack Savile writing a greatest mistake 1030 b.b.c. Radio address to Saturday morning hello good morning this is James on the James Hansen show focusing it Kate Rusby will be here soon ahead of her Christmas show at the forum in Bath. Just a legend of the folk music scene and it seems every year she comes back to Bath with a different Christmas show and they re always brilliant so looking for chatting to Kate very soon your weather forecast for today on the weekend getting noticeably colder it will be a largely fine morning with some spells of sunshine once early mist clears a brisk south easterly wind may bring the odd shower and then this afternoon will continue to be fine chilly throughout lows today of 4 Celsius 39 Fahrenheit it was pretty mild come earlier in the week for the last couple weeks I think that s changing tonight to be drying cold with clear skies remaining breezy with a moderate north easterly wind lows overnight of one Celsius $34.00 Fahrenheit and then tomorrow Sunday breezy with a moderate north easterly wind and staying fairly chilly it will be dry though with spells of sunshine but also banks of cloud top temperature tomorrow 6 Celsius 43 found night for tomorrow morning on radio breast or 5 o clock in the morning the March. Evan show this would be worth it Martin catching up with world champion boxer Jane couch and of her visit to the Helena Christmas fair 6 o clock tomorrow Sunday breakfast Lucy tag starting marking the start of Advent and then 10 o clock tomorrow the madness that is clueless with Richard Lewis. The right time to get a check on the road says Charlie Power thanks very much James the 5 southbound slip road closed for roadworks at Junction 18 for the m 49 and in both directions the entry slip road is closed for roebucks 30 so that means there s no access to the m 49 at the moment or elsewhere is looking slow on the west bound m 4 heading into Wales now especially 24 through towards $26.00 extra traffic heading into Cardiff for the rugby international taking place today elsewhere the a 432 Fishponds Road at least will that s looking slow in both directions Also we re looking busy now on the temple circus generated system the south barely 46 asking down towards junction 18 the v.m. For South field coronation road busy near the Bedminster bridge roundabout and busy to into the center near the bridge into a park and ride on the path road also still got delays of up to 30 minutes on cross country between Birmingham New Street and cello spa that s due to that point failure may affect your journey if you re taking a train or someone today to do check before you travel but any updates say for legal give us a call 800855949 p.c. Breaks down to Sheen s b.b.c. Radio Bristol Christmas celebration is in aid to b.b.c. Children in meet with got 4 amazing quiesce including the vocal works gospel choir to the songs with. The sun seems to descend into December and some rains tickets cost $6.00 pounds 5 pounds of the ticket price more than. Say b.b.c. Children 8 kids go to b.b.c. You don t think a poet slash a radio or stole a radio break down. Below . Women who spend some emotional 10 or 37 fighting a k. Rudd in a moment. Really save a lady and I m going to tell you because you re listening to James Cameron same old b.b.c. Radio Bristo late and use it to be cheaper than Richard Lewis about his. Ultimate 11 that he got no rolling say this morning and join Laura as she makes people who are doing something completely new. So close off the name sad. But I support join Jeff Rense men like Aston gay for build up commentary on reactions to Bristol City Championship clash with Huddersfield Town and Jeff are joined by Bristol City say Yo Ma Ashton for a chat model be interesting 6 o clock tonight biggie Wonderland David y 2 hours of classic disco 8 o clock b.b.c. Introducing the sound bottom and Richard pates and then 10 o clock tonight Saturday late show record would. Be James Harrison Shane b.b.c. Radio Bristol. Kate Rusby is a multi award winning singer known as the queen of British folk music she s got a new Christmas album coming out called Holyhead and she s coming to the foreman bar on Wednesday the 11th of December with her show Kate Rusby a Christmas and Kate Rusby Santa Hello good morning hello how are you doing on very well thank you thank you so much going on the show nothing else thanks for having me Oh pleasure it s basically a Christmas tradition now isn t it a Kate Rusby Christmas show yeah so we we ve been doing the Christmas tour now for about 12 years I mean it s not it s not the same to reach changes most years you know but but yes we ve been doing touring at Christmas for 12 years now and way back when well 13 years ago I decided that state I m going to take some of these songs from our local area out around the rest of the country because they were kind of lost from the rest of the country so I decided right we ll get a brass quintet together and we ll get the band and will go out and we ll have a good laugh and here we are 12 years later. And when you talk about your local area I mean you re a Yorkshire go originally only and I am yeah yeah from so I was from South Yorkshire just outside and here in South Yorkshire we have this strange thing where we get together everybody just certain people do it and they go to these certain pubs that have been holding these Christmas things for generations and like I was saying you know that the carols and Christmas songs that were once across the country and the Victorians came along and got rid of most of the happy ones and the ones that have a big ruckus sing along color says. But the people that loved singing them around. It took him to the pope s And then they stayed in the bin kept alive you know being passed on so once I realized oh my goodness still the people need to hear these because you know because I because I ve been brought up here I thought everybody knew them but then of course as I was touring around I realized that people didn t know anything about the song so I went right we re doing it so so we did it. Yeah 12 years later and 5 Christmas albums so yeah I m clearly wherever you take it in the country people respond to the music I mean both in particular humans have several times now over the years why do you want to come back to places like bath all because it s absolutely rebel not know only as a beautiful city of costs but but also the audience there are just up absolutely amazing and you know on the on the Christmas tour we get to play our favorite towns and in cities so we do choose them quite carefully so so a city like bath you know coming there at Christmas time is special in itself a good Christian thing as well beautiful I know you see Yes and that s one of the great thing about doing the Christmas to us is that we get prime town center parking so I can go to the shops and like that we do I go and I ve got a little list right so in Bath I need to achieve this for so and so so I m going to do that oh no no but I hope that no I just love it and love coming to the forum it s just gorgeous yeah and so the show is called Be a Christmas last Wednesday the 11th of December for I m in bar you ve also got this new Christmas album this year is your 5th Holyhead tell us about the album Well I called Holyhead because I decided recently that anyone that adores Christmas music as much as I do is quite clearly called a holy head so I invented that there the phrase So it s not an album about the town in Wales where you get the flat I wanted that is a little holy like you like because they call you a petrolhead you know you re calling your holy had a holy head yes so I just thought it would be the perfect name for an album you know so yeah but we ve got great fun making it I mean obviously when. We ve got one when we working on a Christmas album. Inevitably you ve got to do it at the wrong end of the year so after last year s Christmas to away thought Christmas and we had new year and then I was working on the next Christmas album so I ve been doing it like through spring and then we finished finished the record and just before. So we thought it down for a little while but it is really strange you got to get your head around it you know doing it at the wrong end of the it s quite funny what the album is called Holly had less era tracks from the album your choice Kate s what your hair oh my choice I think will be Christmas season comes. To me. Strong. I would bet with folks saying a case that was Christmas is Mary from her new album Holly had Kate s also bringing her new show Christmas to the foreman bar a Wednesday the 11th of December. Brought Asinorum Christmas album this year we have a whole philosophers poets and kings tell us about yes so so so we recorded philosophers at the end of last year and so whilst I was promoting that came out in May The Shia So whilst we were out promotion that we re actually back to and fro the studio finishing off Holyhead also so it s been a crazy year but it s only a little when you talk to people like me about one album Auster writing another and then it kind of flips around again does not make it quite difficult it does actually sometimes yeah because I forget what time of year we re all seem to have this default setting if a car remember what month we re on it must be April so I revert to April would go. But yeah I mean it does do sometimes get a bit mixed up but you know I ve been touring and making albums for 27 years now so come kind of used to the upside down to solve it and also the thing of planning 8 to 18 months. Vance you know because that s how long the it is books that far in advance so you know 2 is 2 is planned an album s planned Also if you ve got to plan it quite far enough and also holidays so I can just be a mother that s also quite nice to put in the best of times absolutely you same like a very prolific songwriter case I mean just the number of albums you ve released in recent years would suggest said Oh you always wrong thing pretty much of you always go I did this for songs in your head or do you always make it like a weekly a drawing it s never well I say no I kind of always have ideas going on and you know I absolutely love the record mechanism I m on phones these days because it makes it so much easier you know you stuff to carry around a little dictaphone all them years ago when we did our phones the thing I do you learn is no no no and then you go down ass clever Absolutely and even when you know back in the day when we did of mobiles there was one song I wrote years ago called and meet the stars and I was away on tour when I was writing it and the only thing I could think about to to record it was to to ring myself up and leave a message on my answer machine thing in the field lines from you know which I ve still got some where I think the little tape so so yeah I mean but but but but but also because I do normal gigs as well as Christmas gigs I like to keep both things quite fresh so usually a do well to one year I ll do a normal album a lot and almost a huge album The Next year I ll do a Christmas album so for the last few years I ve been like alternating How would you sum up the State Super says folk music of the moment cats I mean it seems from the outside to be in a very healthy place is that the impression you get from the inside. You know looking back call them years ago when I 1st started off you could count on one hand the young people playing you know a nun to the audience and all the rest of the people playing folk music at that time were all our parents generation which were you know that the generation that were around the original sixty s folk revival really so but that because there were some you young people start playing younger people start. To watch also and then they stopped playing and he s just kind of snowballed and snowballed and now there s all manner of influences comin in because of course music is so much more exciting easily accessible these days so the influences come into the saying you know it s his dad so it s making it so diverse and vibrant and you only need to go to a festival you know to see the huge diversity and the people from all walks of life the coming to watch the music as well any age is any jobs you know everybody s welcome and everybody s embraced in it and just so it s been the most vibrant and healthiest I ve ever known and you can say. They form involved on Wednesday the 11th of December and you Christmas album is called Holyhead it is quite Rusty thanks so much thank you but how did they. You. Told me if you died a few. Weeks back struck by. What was cut. Was. Winning the rings and rings. True. Can you. Some of these. Golding is of course. To save b.b.c. Radio breaks to find you very much like a recipe for coming on the show you can say you have to have Christmas before I m involved when you say the 11th of December and I need Christmas album out now called Holyhead. Or I would love to me at 11 warnings of course Hello good morning good morning how Phil ridiculous for asking that we do have to yeah how prepared are you for the fact that tomorrow is the 1st day of December all you December ready are you Christmas ready Well I m just hoping it you know the day will just roll in like all the others are not prepared to at all I ve got to be honest my partner s going to get a Christmas tree today they say you know quite early I think well we like to enjoy it for the full stretch far enough to have a massive Christmas lover so last week he went and got I told you something sort of big but it was a Father Christmas kind of face. Lights up so we ve got that now he s going to go get a tree and I just kept saying to him. Just buy you one that is just go small a smaller than what you actually think yes he does not have any sense if I said How big is a meter. He just has no. No idea for Porsche 9 so it will be meaningfully oversize are there which fills me with dread the only thing that makes it likely to be smaller is that he won t get anything really big in the car with little one in the back seat is true so I m hoping they re letting us use up to the roof of the car. All Anything is possible James so I m not ready but it doesn t matter because the other half is just going out and buying random things and filling the house with it in time for Christmas which is part of what is about I am going to Crystal service tomorrow noise like a messy church type thing when I think now that the both Christmas market is started and I go back to places like the Mala going to be hit today and tomorrow people in Christmas shopping all like I think so kind of feels like everyone starting properly this weekend yeah I know apart from me and all my notes I was cut off after 11 so I know this is sort of one of those slightly cliched things but you do get to the end of a year and think back a little bit about how it s been and if you ve got some other things that you would like to do next year is there a classic reflective time so we thought we would catch up with a couple of people he did that and actually decided to make a change and do something completely different while we re going to talk to them on the show also a bit on your brain and how that adapts to change what can you do to make it more adaptable flexible and you know if you are thinking right you ve got some goals that you want to achieve So talk about that we ve got someone who makes me feel good about getting older I know I m not old but honestly when I talk to her she just gives me so much energy she s energizing to she is a documentary photographer Alex rate is oh really yeah she s. Brilliant throwing in a little bit about how to look after your legs and feet nice with the club that I never even knew existed I ve entered another world they re a great bunch of women come. Off to a vehicle ocean for us and we ve got a little snippet of the b.b.c. Disability poll cast on the program talking about managing pain and crazed disease but competing a really high level you know chasing gold pardon pics I also excellent well worth a listen well that is a jam packed show. That s crammed in the still some on the left as well Laura all the way from 11. Top. All right now with tomorrow the start of Advent It s the top 5 alternative advent calendars. I promise you these are all on sale in the u.k. a Number fall it s a pet advent calendar lots of places doing these now you can get separate ones for dogs separate ones for cats pets advent calendars and now a thing. On a forward to the printing goals advent calendar The only difference with this one is that instead of $24.00 windows there are only 12 probably because you get a mini tub of Pringles for each day so if I did it for $24.00 days it would be a normal. Number 3 alternative advent calendar it s the protein advent calendar containing muscle building protein products in each window. And it s the pork scratchings advent calendar containing 24 baits of individual polka cracklings that is a thing of the number one alternative advent calendar I kid you not pay for a better advent calendar. With your fans. Which saves. The. Spin. Radio Bristol. It s 11 o clock this is hour in James good morning police in Stafford is searching the home of the 28 year old man who was shot dead on London Bridge yesterday after carrying out a series of knife attacks. A former prisoner who d been convicted of terrorism offenses had stabbed 2 people to death and injured 3 others before he was killed by armed police Steve Hartshorn from the Police Federation for England and Wales says the officers at the scene had a tough decision to make they were confronted by what we thought was a person born explosive device which obviously varies their risk assessment greatly and they have to take more decisive action because of the proximity of members of the public and indeed themselves but you know they re all very brave yesterday they all run forward members of the public on police a lot like with the job and it does make a very impactive situation and that. Decision to pull the trigger is never taken lightly Meanwhile extra high visibility police Troels patrols are being carried out in busy places in our area after the London Bridge attack and the mashed achieve constable of Avon and Somerset Police says they re putting on more patrols to reassure the public more than $140.00 trains are being laid on today for the 1st Saturday of the bath Christmas market it means an extra $60000.00 seats will be available to take customers to and from the city James Davis from the franchise told b.b.c. Radio Bristol more people used to train to travel to day one of the bath Christmas market than they do on the 1st day of Glastonbury festival we ve quite a few events throughout the great Wish Network ratings for the. Last week so Christmas it is one of the easiest of all the. People in Bristol are getting the chance to take trees and plants home today that have been left over from a new planting project a scheme to plant 1000 trees has been taking place with the latest events being held Miss South Main Hospital and big brook and the trees that haven t been planted at the sessions are being redistributed today at Neptune statue museum to looked or is from plastic pollution action and awareness projects that s the charity behind the plan Saturday they should register online for a free a plant and then they should come and collect it by the napkin statue opposite he put drugs from 11 tale back 2 or 3 pm We actually have a volunteer our Lord Mare is going to volunteer for us as well as the high sheriff of Bristol and his wife they re all going to come down and volunteer for us and what we want to do is we re going to give a plant to every resident they have a place to plant. A collection of more than 60 vintage and rare pedal cars will be your Dauphine spruce still today David Morrow has spent the last 60 years assembling the collection which includes the time Jack us Rolls Royces about Gatti and an armored car and by plane they ll go into the hermit East Bristol auctions today and could fetch more than 100000 pounds between them and the stories from the auction house customers respect to their interest in buying them have the real thing and they want a miniature version next to it in the gallery so you know the people out there that have lucky lucky enough to able to get these you know life size eat out Jags they want the miniature versions to display next to it or something for their children to use and in sport Bristol City will try to bounce back from only their 3rd defeat of the championship season as they host Huddersfield and Ashton Gate this afternoon the loss leaders West Brom leaves them 7th in the table 11 points above their opponents how does field of improve though since Danny Kelly took over as manager and City coach Jamie McAllister is expecting a tough fight real good results and in the last 6 games I ve got top players as them that s the real strong squad they want the permission a stronger a strong squad form up and when you look at him you got some good players and him but again. We ve got 4 stars on what we do and how we react on the Wednesday. And want to put on a show in front of fans looking at the weather it s a largely fine morning with spells of sunshine a brisk south easterly wind may bring the odd shower highs today of 7 degrees b.b.c. Radio Bristol News It s 4 minutes past 11. Good morning thank you Aaron All right let s see what s going on then in terms of traveling around where any delays are his tally thanks very much you know it s looking fairly busy out there now actually 1st of all the northbound m $49.00 that s closed for roadworks between junction 18 of the m 5 through towards the for Prince of Wales bridge junction at $22.00 the northbound side of the m 5 that s queuing on the exit slip road at Junction 17 for Cribbs Causeway some Christmas shopping traffic heading there I think and also queuing on the a $370.00 ran about Jensen $21.00 of the m 5 down towards at Weston super Mare the West Bank.

Radio-program , Christmas-in-germany , Christmas , Calendars , Areas-of-bristol , Advent , Food-ingredients , Vegetarian-cuisine , School-terminology , South-gloucestershire , Yeovil-town-fc-players , Scottish-footballers

Transcripts for BBC Radio Bristol BBC Radio Bristol 20191119 170000

South Gloucestershire was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015 I don t live in the shower Well all of that and I just all gotten under my chair and I ve always been inclined to go and get things checked by my doctor which is what I did and she looked at it and no one I suspect it s just. For checking the breast cancer 1st reaction so 1st reaction was probably about the lump and then of course the dark fruit discover the next to be breast and. So yeah it was a bit a surprise Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson are preparing to go head to head in an i.t.v. Debate in Seoul for the saving is the 1st of the general election campaign for the 2 candidates seeking to become prime minister a better music festival that attracts tens of thousands of people every year is to move to Ashton caught love save the day has been held in a small park since 2015 but organizers have confirmed 2020 will be there last year there a licensing application has been approved by North Somerset Council to move the 2 day festival to Ashton court which has a larger capacity of nearly 40000 and finally a rare original vintage 1960 s Rolling Stones poster from the coast and hall that was discovered in a loft in no is expected to sell for thousands of pounds later this month if he chose the stones on their 1st British tour is an incredibly rare survivor from one of the earliest Rolling Stones concerts performed just days after their appearance on the 1st ever Top Of The Pops. Andre stone is the auctioneer who ll be selling the poster. During our research what we did actually discover the poster from the course in all. The 965 sold to paint that I could find who were there you know this one here you know the 1st tour that they did where they came to Bristol and it was just about oh they were on the cusp of becoming really really famous and I would how I would say that I don t know any of the men exist because nobody would have kept the souvenirs they weren t particularly well known at that time. So let s see how we get on to be able to. Present Now to the sport of Bristol Rovers or away to National League side Brumley the saving in their f.a. Cup 1st round replay the 2 sides drew one all at the Memorial Stadium 9 days ago the winners of tonight s time will host Plymouth in round 2 and this commentary from Hayes lane that s on Midway match with our coverage starting after the 7 o clock news and weather forecasting fine overnight lows tonight around 3 degrees Celsius it will be another mainly dry and bright day tomorrow with temperatures tomorrow reaching around 8 degrees Celsius and that s the b.b.c. Radio Bristol News the time now 7 minutes past 5 thank you very much indeed Richard I thought you d never start. A long news bulletin but very well put together as and if you get it it is the Rolling Stones and I know that. There s more on that coming up and yet there is more on that coming up yeah and while we re on this grammatical error Well you know. I can kind of well I was I. Was did I was the classic y all and your thing you know you are your shortened version your and your and he just can t even express. The length and didn t say sorry sorry to make you feel better I do it. Yeah to Sergeant snow or get over it because later someone right let s go from. Thank you both so if you know me I m 5 going south on a slow traffic from Junction 18 to 19 from Portishead traffic is set to about 50 miles an hour so slowing things down there the m 4 save both directions looking pretty safe and junction $930.00 am 30 t. Junction 20 for the m 5 around the change that s also slowing things down at that junction as well come right in both directions east in go down a very slow a round the m 5 junction 90 in the road works area on the roundabout lane restrictions in Tempe traffic lights are in place for the works there is affecting all approaches on the roundabout so just be aware Mrs Green tea will me a 417 for this one line blocks queuing traffic due to a broken down vehicle so that s around the drum way round about the station rage link. To heavy traffic between Greystock way and the m $32.00 junction one for Hambrook And then finally a quick look at the maps it s looking very busy around Ashton Gate especially on Ashton road which is then also slowing things down on the winter state worried when State of the passed and also congestion on Clannad road than in the opposite direction there keys on Bruno way is traffic gets into the holes area said leave about 10 to 15 minutes actually travel time on one approaches the funny thing to do that is now give us a call in 0880599 but only if it s a from the group d. So be more travel news in 15 minutes like you very much indeed might. Have and The going gets tough the tough get going 13 minutes past. With you on a t s day evening he s going to tough it out tonight then this election debate i.t.v. . And and it is Boris Johnson the prime minister says Labor leader Jamey Copenhagen is going to win that debate tonight us but it will be a lot of mumbling involved if you notice that the. Both kind of do that are you going to be watching it are you going to be turning on tonight or is a turn off for you tell me what you think I want to pull 3 start the message with Bristol it s already been pointed out to me that it clashes with Bristol Rovers and f.a. Cup 1st round reply Bromley which we are of course going to be bringing you commentary from b.b.c. Radio best of from 7 o clock this evening but if you re not listening to that will you be watching the debate tonight have you engaged with the whole thing or have you had enough of the whole thing and what you think I want to pull through is that the message with Brit so you can tweet me at Cadwell to is how you do that now we ve got an idea finally of what a new 17000 seat arena on Filton airfield is going to look like the owners why t.l. Want to redevelop the Bradleys and hangers into a new arena with a conference hall and leisure facilities it does look very fancy indeed to previous plans for an arena in the city center were scrapped in 272018 respectively the idea of building a stadium at the airfield was 1st talked about earlier this year but this is the 1st time that we ve seen formal plants and rebuilding and is the managing director of the white e l a Rena complex we form a submit finalize our planning application this week which which is a significant milestone and you know that s to bring forward 100 percent privately funded built and operated exciting 365 arena complex it s really unique it s a hybrid design without going too technical but it really will you know put Bristol head of its competition certainly across the u.k. If not across across Europe 17000 in full capacity but we can come all the way back and we can attract shows in a theatre style for 4000 people so I m really excited about that design and I think it s. It s as a venue that you know autists and comedians and event organizers will really want to come and performance we can hope and rebuilding him who is managing director of the by tailoring a complex Well here s what people in nearby Brant tree make of what would be the 3rd largest arena in the country right on their doorstep the farmers already there so yeah there s. No additional problem really apart from is going to bring render so much traffic to a ready poor infrastructure of a. Regular design I think it s a good idea for you to place having to go to Cardiff if you want to see somebody really really famous. And we re really pleased they had a concept they re coming here and we didn t hear anything to my son lives right next to it he said it was a minimum so we re really really pleased and yeah massive attack played on the site last year didn t the former marriage bristle George Ferguson says it s poorly thought through and the plans for an arena in the city center should never have been scrapped in the 1st place what we re doing is we re exchanging a people s arena or a green arena arena that people come or can cycle and come by public transport easily too because it would be right in the. In the side West s public transport but we re exchanging that what basically is going to be a pretty dirty arena. Transport because. Unless the plan is a condition it s making on the delivery of the the top a public transport on the railway but the railways are in a way it s token because you d have to change trains to get there and people to bother said drive and this is an arena that would be Bristol s a return to the white c.l. Arena. If this was the b.p. Arena young people wouldn t be going to it because we re now in the extinction rebellion where people really care about these things. The fundamentals are wrong and actually it shouldn t get planning I don t see it s of any real benefit to Bristol having it stuck there it s not going to help the thriving city center it s not going to help. The climbing high street that s a former Bristol George Ferguson remember of course he wanted the arena to be built in the city center by Temple Meads and he pointed out transport there and that is going to be something that no doubt and it would have been the same with if we d had one in the city center of course that is something that no doubt is going to come up time and again I had a chat with Marty Burgess the chair of Bristol at night which supports the city s night time economy to us having it on the rain is going to be a piece of the city when I understand the confidence apart from the ones Ashton Gate You have to travel out of trying to play Cardiff Birmingham London was having our own arena will be great Do you have any reservations about where it is for example very very few I mean ideally yes great hover in the rain in the center but we haven t yet managed to pull that off and far as I can see if we can we haven t been able to afford it yeah I mean why Chiles seem to want to build one like they re going to get one of the grants we are on for the behind it would you have rather it s had some impose some financial impact from this city you know to be a an arena for this city would Iraq that there was financial impact on the sentry Not really I think given given where we are economically I think it s great because the fact that let s go back to the location because you are chair of bristle at night so you care about you know the economy abreast of this that she would be in South Gloucestershire wouldn t it so not I think like a minister in the progress creation is going to go still many. It s just within the boundaries but I mean that whole division of Bristol source close enough some of them were actually one city region and so yeah I don t think I think Bristol like I might spend most of my young as a child any self said and thrive a lot of stuff in there I never say are fast bosses and I ve always said so yeah and I suppose also of course very much depends on where you live if you re in South Bristol then you would have been happy presumably if you wanted and Rina temple made in this case if you re north Bristol much better if it s going to be here you know I think that there is now a good non city to connect north and south better I mean if you are living in. Osho at this Irena then yeah you need to be able to get there so yeah I think the city really doesn t travel as connected and high people so people from France Presse So who I believe it would have been the same so that when center if you go if you re from follow in the sense or not is not the best and easiest to get around I think there is a very much pressure on the city who is connections are because of that location as well you know it s quite near Cribbs It s quite near the m 4 and 5 interchange arm and spring what do you think about the potential for the transport chaos that this could create if there s a massive gig or not how is this city going to cope with that how to cope with it and sent them in if there was a massive gig in the center of the whole city would clock I think that as you said there s a huge burden there on I suppose the city have got. To do something so I or connectivity and. I think it would mean the same with everything from what the say 32. Weeden its way through the city center would have been just as much tonight I think coming off the m quite Amcor in where it is now do you feel like that is a big bad and neither the potential problems of transport I mean which we talk about every day don t we on in the city. Yeah I think. I think they should sue the student oxygene see the sort of collective the problems we do have as a city we don t have you know I would have a mass well told. The boss is not brilliant. And there is no burden on. The city unlike those who like to sit down learn the problem and be. Caught to they soon are now bigoted wouldn t it Marty Burgess they re the chair of Bristol at night which supports the city s night time economy generally very very positive about the idea of having this arena Filson brothers and hangers there I mean something we ve talked about a lot haven t we are baby Sea ready abreast of she makes some very good points that if you are from whole field Filton patch right you are going to love the fact that the arena is up there if you re from South Bristol it s a heck of a long way to go to get there and so you would have preferred if you wanted an arena at all and the one next to Temple Meads station George Ferguson points out there that if you had it next to a station people would have used public transport to get there or would they have there are so many more questions out there if you would like to see those pictures and it does look you cannot doubt that it looks very very nice in the pictures hasn t been built Yeah of course you can see those on the b.b.c. Radio Bristol Facebook page or Twitter or online at b.b.c. Don t code u.k. Forward slash Bristol go in have a look and tell us what you think and there are loads of comments already under those particular packs. And surprisingly consists of course is a very big one for the city 24 minutes past 5 let s check the rights all of a has the very latest Hi Audie other Clare on. Ring Road between the dram way round about the Emersons Green and the size and Hill roundabout on the outskirts of Warmly a vehicles broken down is taking a lane sickles and cues from the I m 42 direction is backed up as far as of the down and roundabout now the whip quick roundabouts airport roads in one grave also on the ring road to slow because of road works which footage on has Lee Hill the a 37 there s a collision reported there which is starting to cause some queues especially heading away from Bristol temple way and because of the road works the port city bound is really slow on the m 4 London bound between 20 the prince change and 19 to the m 52 is also heavy so for the doing works on Bath road where it s backed up to the globe around about Euston Ingle doing though on the a 369 those road works have finished for now so it s not as bad around there but further along into Port Said most of the port 300 is slow going any updates it s only 80085594 Mind you very much indeed just a flavor of some of those comments after we put the plans on all the pictures I should say it s very handsome pictures of this potential arena that s what we ve put on the b.b.c. Radio Bristol Facebook page just a flavor of some of the messages that we ve had under that Wendy says I love the plans however I will believe it when I see it yes Wendy totally get that Kareena says it looks great but they ve been so many plans and ideas that looks promising the area gets excited and then bam it s all off so I ll hold on to my excitement for now and Dawn says not a fabulous plan for Bristol they fabulous for South Gloucestershire especially with Rovers destined for a ridiculous location too says Dawn and quickly Terry says great plans but in the wrong place good old Mother b.b.c. Radio Bristol Christmas celebration is on Tuesday the 17th of December at the Ensign rooms on Queens reading Clifton in the Bryson will be hosting. This is a person Christmas celebrations there will be seasonal readings merry Christmas for the set screw and. Special performances from the home host of musicians and biased to share the festive evening is in aid of b.b.c. Children in need tickets cost $6.00 pounds 5 pounds of the ticket price to benefit b.b.c. Children in Need to book your tickets to go to b.b.c. Dot com to ek forward slash radio Bristol and follow the links. Like let me live I. Said. Maybe a little. Bank Goodness. Is he ready in Brazil now is found in a loft in knoll and is expected selfless thousands of pounds when it goes under the hammer next month a rare and original vintage $960.00 s. Rolling Stones poster from Colston hole featuring the stones on their 1st British tour with the run and Marty wild also on the Bill Andrews style is you actually he s going to be selling the poster. For 5 really rare posts that we are saying is probably the only piece of valuing poster from the concert that night. Come to us from a local person I think they moved into a house in the right 1900 for an old and I They were kind of sorting out that they came across in the loft of Cedar Fair by the previous owners and it kind of stayed with them ever since they subsequently moved house and then I think they were having a spring clean they re going to get what I would pay for doing throwaway And I think they happened to see one of our somewhere and I would just go and get it checked out and then they brought in to us and we discovered this wonderful rare poster it s mostly text so it s right 90 percent text and then there are any little quite poor quality black and white printed pictures of the Rolling Stones and a few of the other acts that link you to the one that broke. Those big bands especially like the Rolling Stones and The Beatles and those early concerts they would play maybe 4 or 5 songs at the end of the night and it was all kind of about kind of building up the suspense for the main act of the night and you know if we paid some of the prices that tickets are these days for maybe 4 or 5 songs I don t think we d be best back and it was it was all about kind of like you know like always like a gang show or you know you have your friends who are from coming dime further on the bill so it s kind of like these great kind of musical events and some of them some of those posters you know not necessarily this one of those this is got a lot of acts on it so you know you see like the Stones Hendrix and hundreds and lots of other people on these concerts on the same night you know these days we call a festival and it goes on for about a week or. So during our research or so we did actually discover that a poster from the coast and all the after 965 sold 410000 pounds that I could find 2 of those in existence was this one here is obviously the 1st tour that they did where they came to Bristol and it was just about as they were on the cusp of becoming really really famous and I would have I would say that there are any of these places in existence because nobody would have kept them or souvenirs they weren t particularly well known at that time and I think this one survived just through probably luck I would imagine so yes so let s see how we get on of the. Deal today he s going to be signing that paper at a house in gray so I know that. I m one. Of them and. B.b.c. Radio presto weather and sports on the way this section is we d like to thank you Clare Good evening plans have been released for a new 17000 capacity arena Filton airfield the owners why t.l. Want to redevelop the bribers and hangars into a new arena with a conference hall and leisure facilities 2 previous plans for an arena in the city center were scrapped Well Marty Burgess the chair of Bristol that night which supports the city s night time economy disputes claims the scent city center is missing out Iraq but there was financial input from the country not really I think . Given where we are economically I think it s great that. Standard Chartered had announced that it won t renew its sponsorship of Prince Andrew s charity Pichot palace the multinational bank said it had made the decision for commercial reasons that Jake of York is facing a barrage of criticism following his b.b.c. Interview in which he discussed his friendship with the convicted sex offender Geoffrey Epstein. Around 60 pupils at a primary school in north Somerset are being told to stay at home because of a suspected flu outbreak vaccinations of people s outback quote Jr was brought forward by 5 days after many parents reported influenza like symptoms in the children testing is underway to confirm if it is followed Jeremy Corbyn embarrassed Johnson are preparing to go head to head in an i.t.v. Debate in Seoul for the sailing is the 1st of the general election campaign for the 2 candidates seeking to become prime minister the rest of me is a festival that attracts tens of thousands of people every year is to move to Ashton court love saves the day has been held in a swell park since 2050 but organizers have confirmed 2020 will be there last year there are licensing application has been approved by North Somerset Council to move the 2 day festival to Ashton court which has a larger capacity of nearly $40000.00. And has just been hearing a rare original vintage 19 the sixty s Rolling Stones poster from the coast and whole discovered in a loft in no is expected to sell for thousands of pounds later this month if the stones on their 1st British tour is an incredibly rare survivor from one of the earliest Rolling Stones concerts performed just days after their appearance on the 1st ever Top Of The Pops and 3 stone the auctioneer who ll be selling the poster explains more about how the owners came across it in the 1st place and come to us from a local person I think they moved into a house in 1984 and know all and as they were kind of sorting out that house they came across in the loft office he left there by the previous owners and it s kind of stayed with them ever since so you ve subsequently moved house and then I think they were having a spring clean they re going to go what s outpatient doing and I would just go and get it checked out and then they brought in to us and we discovered this wonderful rare poster and those are the p.b.c. Radio presto news headlines the time now is 535 Thank you Richard let s get the weather forecast for me in fact a sin Heigho. Hello there. About 8 degrees down the center of Bristol 7 degrees or . So not that much variance with elevation at the moment it s not going to be a particularly chilly evening or for that matter a particularly chilly night certainly not as cold as last night not expecting any frost or fog for that matter and indeed the breeze from the southeast will become quite noticeable through tonight they will stay dry and tomorrow will then be a breezy day with temperatures up to about 8 or 9 degrees I will probably find on balance that brings a brighter day compared to what we ve just had still cloud around certainly but a better chance of seeing. Developing in amongst all of that probably if anything a tendency them towards more cloud invading from the southeast as we head further into tomorrow evening. Thank you very. Closed. They ve stopped all the traffic now to try and shift on the hard shoulder of the m 5 is now blocked at Junction 18 from a from out and it s come to a standstill not quite as far as junctions 17 for Cribbs Causeway but it s not far off the ring road coming from the direction between the dram way roundabout the Emersons Green and the roundabout close to still broken down vehicle taking a lane those delays are towards the whip quick round about the down and Sequoia holed up around there separately on the ring roads airport road in Grovers road which cues which church on on the a 37 there s been a crash which you can get around but it s very slow at the moment both of those queues are heading towards restore of which Temple really busy through the road works both ways on the stop start between 3 St Pauls and junction one for the ring road to the port way inbound and Bruno way coming in as well so they re doing some works on the a 4 on Bath road that s causing hold ups now into the carriage way coming from Bath on the a 4 and the bottom of Penny quick Hill but any updates. Cavanagh b.b.c. Radio Bristol could be hit with early maybe. 90 minutes to you telling me are you out you know I m just guessing I m just guessing guessing Ok yeah maybe mid ninety s go ask me are talking about me no you know whatsoever it s good to know it very very good to me Jeff Toobin is here with all his musical. Knowledge incredible almost all forms of all. This well. The Lakers are playing tonight yeah fake up replay Romley of the National League their 2nd in the 5th division so to speak did you want to piece up the mammoth couple of Sundays ago the winners of this one home to Plymouth it s all on the midweek match join Richard after the news at 7 a probably probably find a 3 g. Pitching 30 service that could affect Rovers team selection tonight at 7 Rose boss Graham Coxon he knows it will be a severe test yes to my vision of. This normally I don t see them as an all the team I see them in there in the National League and they may soon be in the Football League but it s a big big challenge it s a tough challenge to really really really solid strong opponents and it s probably the. Weather was when the draw was made they were top of their legs it was the worst possible draw if you re going to get a National League Ok and full commentary on that South Africa World Cup winner from swallow could feats of a Harlequin 2nd match of the Champions Cup for bar forgot to win really having lost at home to Wall Street at the weekend 3 welcome players played against the Irish side Joseph McConnell he and Underhill have 3 more players could play this weekend Watson function ego and the aforementioned front swallow this is what she would Hooper told us today about low back in training he was brilliant we spoke straight after falling over and you know he had to turn back inside. He s finished international career with 76 caps and a World Cup when he came here he had he had 7 caps are very proud of his journeys I was so Africa very proud of him and he had a bit of time often a better time to celebrate and rightly so and now he s back he s back in the building and he s training with us anything else to hear tonight at the Cardiff City Stadium it set Wales against hungry winners who will qualify for Euro 2020 the losers will go through the playoffs a story in Spain Luis return to manage the Spanish national side he stepped down from the job really tragic tale he s young daughter tragically died of bone cancer earlier this year he left the job initially to care for her but he s now gone back into the role like a scrum tonight from 6 of them want to chat with Ian Smith he s the chair of the Bristol referee society a 4 year term as a few months into the job wish I was getting on for each one of the table etc etc and a chat with Anthony Watson from the bar for campaign expect he ll be involved this weekend at Harlequins having returned from the Rugby World Cup and also a chat with Henry Harper who plays for Clifton rugby there up to Ferdinand to south Ok Very nice indeed exactly the scrum from 6 o clock this evening and then that s followed by the midweek match from 7 Richard Hoskin hosts in that one and live commentary of Bristol Rovers f.a. Cup 1st round replay at Bromley as you had commentary also available online kickoff 745 it s all happening tonight isn t it if you are I know there are lots of wells people in this part of the world so if you re well should be probably listening to or watching that well as much bristle Reivers playing tonight is the t.v. Debate everything happening on a random Tuesday night in the vendor quarter to 6 now b.b.c. Radio Bristol on the way your song is back not the turn of Tim Gregory picking 2 tunes that really float his boat his keen meanwhile and the way I feel. Oh. Oh. Class south on the m 5 at Junction 18 free from mouth it was blocked due to a collision on the hard shoulder us all lanes ripened slowed need each junction 17 for Cribbs Causeway coming from the drum by a roundabout I m a sunscreen too was the sliced and Hill roundabouts on the Ring Road has a broken down vehicle taking a lane those delays are pretty much to the quick roundabout for down. And surfacing you from the m 52 direction airport road in hang Grover s road which cues as well on the ring there which church on has Lee Hill on the a 37 there s been a crash you can get around but really slow especially towards Bristol temple way and temple gate in the city a cocked up because the road works it s busy on the road from poor fields towards East and the poor way city bound from after silver way lights at sea mills so for to throw the a for doing some road works to laser through the globe roundabout and on to the a for your carriage way coming from Bath and the bottom of Penicuik Hill as well most approaches towards the cold Ashton roundabouts The $420.00 and the a $46.00 like any updates call us to be hands free 080-085-5949 extension 0 b.c. Radio Bristol sure took about the windscreen incident it s Ok breakfast with an embrace and so what do you do when Scream is off the wall I stopped I thought right in the blue I got a little sort of precautionary bag of bits and pieces look in the bags and cannot find my scraper on the wall do I will grab the D.I. s or spray on the windscreen windscreen was all that full get rid of all the slushy icy stuff job done don t waste way to start your day so I ll go trace break 1st I saw this but was a lot heavier you know I remember breakfast with them embracing looked at it the spray on bleak. Days from success in goal my goodness on b.b.c. Radio Bristol goodness knows what Jay Leno was his as having. Breakfast a bath barber who offers free haircuts to homeless people is expanding his project to Bristol and there s extra help on hand in bus city center for people with dementia or a disability who are out Christmas shopping and is that some are from half past 6 always a great listen as you have your breakfast and get the day started now it s time for the week s delve into the box where we hit 2 musical choices and today it s the turn of Dr Tim Gregory Tim is a former Ph d. Student at the University of Bristol and keeps an eye on the skies and also the rocks in the lab when I m not in the lab music is one of my biggest interests I ve always been in bands throughout high school and 6th form and university and I listen to a ton of music in my spare time. One of my favorite bands is the Smiths I m one of my favorite songs does ask I think is one of Johnny my best guitarist and Maurice s voices Angelica s at the. Roots our son was still you was told things are done such a room area I discovered the Smiths in Manchester shortly after living death and my undergraduate degree back in 2011 I was missing home quite a bit and not really knowing many people in Manchester the Smiths were always death of me to listen to at the end of the day when I was feeling a little bit lonely and a little bit lost soul was. Not allowed a little over a period but pretty much my entire undergraduate degree the Smiths of the only family that I listened to everything else was kind of cerebral I delved into the singles in the Besides I absolutely love them to bits and this is one of my favorites the last time I listened to the song was the small man while walking into the lab I m told and told it was told. Oh the tears are loudly trial runs through the town there s a particular line and ask when Morrissey sings in it to read a line which can you read that s exactly how I think about science as he is the language by which we describe Micha So this song really strikes a chord with the room. Next song is far out of 5 but the acting monk is off the new album Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino. In a match and I m just really stuck your free trial. And error. The and to. Get someone to let you go in the restaurant. And love that it meant this is I was a teenager that 1st few albums were a real slice of life of what it was like living in the north of England as a teenager but the latest album Tranquility base is very different to their old albums it s more of a concept album about the hotel and casino on the moon and being a space enthusiasts it strikes a chord with me I would love to visit the Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino some point in the future when humans won and settle on the sets of that name. Was I. I. I. I really love the Arctic Monkeys since that 1st album came out and I feel like it s one of the only bands that I followed the career old with and in a in a weird sense I feel really proud of them I just all Rawdon a lot from Sheffield now and real estate on the Moon thanks to our. Brilliant choices but we didn t have Rocket Man we didn t have Space Oddity disappointed I don t get him Gregory that full of ph d. Student in Bristol and he is a space ex-pats and big thanks to him for his choice of your song this way which I am always endlessly fascinated about I love the things that make you take what you listen to while you listen to them and when was the last time you had that particular music because quite often is a very key moment in your life all maybe you just listen to every day and you love it because of that now tomorrow Texan singer songwriter Jarrod Dickinson is going to be in the studio with me I m sure I ve met this man before and that is 2 Texans in 2 days the musicians we had. Today. He s going to be in the studio with me as your knowledge of course with Wednesdays connection that is all from 3 o clock tomorrow afternoon but read books to wrap up the show lean on me and then Jeff with the scrum for that followed by the midweek match on the way thank you thank you thank. You and should say a. Few hours. To you Radio Bristow. Stand by Geoff 20 minutes is next with the scrum not 6 o clock with the b.b.c. Radio Bristol News Richard Lawson plans are being released for a new 17000 capacity arena on felt an airfield owners white here want to read about the brothers and hangers into a new arena with a conference hall and leisure facilities to previous plans for an arena in the city center were scrapped the idea of building a stadium at the airfield was 1st talked about earlier this year but this is the 1st time the formal plans of the my public the former mayor of Bristol George Ferguson says it will be bad for the environment and the city s economy what we re doing is we re exchanging a people s arena or a green or inner Reno that people come or can cycling come by public transport easily too because it would be right in the heart in the size West s public transport hub we re exchanging that what basically is going to be a pretty dirty arena. Of transport I don t see it s of any real benefit to Bristol having it stuck in a help d thriving city center it s not going to help the climbing high street. Well Marty Burgess is the chair of Bristol at night which supports the city s night time economy she was asked whether she had any reservations about it being built how side the city center Larry flowage see you I mean ideally yes great to have a meaningful center but we haven t yet most poor also and styles I completely it we we haven t been able to fully yet I mean White House seems to want to build one like they re going to get one off the ground for the hour and put it behind a number of companies and institutions are reviewing their relationship with Prince Sandro following his highly criticized b.b.c. Interview about his links with the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein this afternoon Standard Chartered Bank said it is decided not to renew its sponsorship of the prince s tech initiative Pichot palace which aims to help entrepreneurs around 60 people at a primary school in north Somerset are being told to stay at home because of a suspected flu outbreak vaccinations of peoples at back Will Genia was brought forward by 5 days after many parents reported influenza like simpler symptoms in the children testing is underway to confirm if it is flu. And you campaign has been launched to highlight the number of men who are diagnosed with breast cancer every year around 370 men receive the diagnosis and of those more than 80 die from the disease they ve Tolbert from South Gloucestershire was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2015 I found in the shower and all of that and I just all on the much are on a low it s been inclined to go and get things checked by my doctor which is what I did and she looked at it and so on I suspect she is a. Breast cancer 1st reaction so purser absolute probably about a month and then of course the dark fruit discover the next to be pregnant. So yeah I was a bit disappointed I pressed on music festival that attracts tens of thousands of people every year is to move to Ashton court love save the day has been held in his full park since 2015 but organizers have now confirmed 2020 will be their last year their licensing application has been approved by nor Somerset Council to move the 2 day festival to Ashton court which has a larger capacity of nearly $40000.00 and finally around $100.00 props and costumes from friends are set to go under the hammer fans will be able to get their hands on an invitation to Monica and Chandler as a wedding Joe is stuffed penguin and Rachel s Hawaiian print dress being auctioned off as part of the 25th anniversary celebrations of the t.v. Show is what research shows are a way to nationally side Brumley the saving in their f.a. Cup 1st round replay the 2 sides drew one all at the Memorial Stadium 9 days ago the winners of tonight s tie will host Plymouth in round 2 and this commentary from Hayes lane that s on midweek match with our coverage starting after the news at 7 o clock.

Radio-program , Transport , Streets-and-roads , Areas-of-bristol , Sustainable-transport , Academic-degrees , Types-of-roads , Elections , Streets , English-footballers , Aging-associated-diseases , Oenology

Transcripts for BBC Radio Bristol BBC Radio Bristol 20191018 160000

Good news anything else on the William Hill to these days is generally the real army and shiny happy people as Charlotte is going to do our best and made the news for you it s fun minutes past 5 they gave. The Scottish 1st minister Nicholas Duggan has said she fears enough Labor M.P. s could back Boris Johnson s breaks that deal to allow it to secure a majority in tomorrow s vote in the Commons the main opposition party say they ll vote against it in the prime minister still has to convince some members of his own party including hardline Bracks it supported as business leaders say the deal is only the only one on the table at the moment and will not pass ect it can help end the on Saturday hampering economy. Climate change activists have carried out another day of protests in London despite a ban on the demonstrations in the city Oxford Circus was brought to a standstill this morning while members of the extinction rebellion group also stage process in Westminster with one man climbing the scaffolding on Elizabeth Tower an 83 year old and a 77 year old from Bristol would you in court this morning after yesterday s action when protesters glued themselves to a train a travel agents reopened on Keynsham high street less than a month after the Thomas Cook branch that closed his travel approached administrators to take over the shops giving 1st refusal for jobs to former Thomas Cook employees a churchwarden he murdered and also to inherit his estate has been jailed for a minimum of 36 years Oxford Crown Court heard how Benfield killed Peter Farquaad in the Buckinghamshire village of maids Morton in 2015 after a sustained campaign of physical and mental abuse residents say they re considering a judicial review into plans for 1400 new homes on hangry park the projects described by Bristol Matt Marvin Reeses one of Bristol s largest housing developments in decades was granted planning permission on Wednesday night the festival of female entrepreneurs is being held in Bristol today the 8th annual event brings together 300 bosses as part of a business support network the female startup of the year will be announced in the next hour. 2 female astronauts have made history with their 1st ever all women s space walk Christina cock and Jessica Mayer floated out of the International Space Station at lunch time and should finish replacing defective equipment in an hour s time Dr Katherine Sullivan became the 1st woman to conduct a space for when she was a crew member on the Space Shuttle Challenger in 1904 Ashton Gate set her records out crowd this evening Bristol bears will take on both rugby in the opening game of the new Premiership season 26399 tickets have been sold for the West Country Darby and you can hear full commentary on the Friday night much on b.b.c. Radio Bristol from 6 o clock this evening there should be fear showers as we head into the evening winds easing off where the lows of 6 degree Celsius b.b.c. Radio Bristol News 7 minutes past 5 well down the cellar Yes we got there you see. We did the news of paper for the 1st time in about 15 years because it was the day that the news died right let s say on the roads because of the sun and I thank you starting on you found them way a little something but a slow traffic especially going northbound from the British Bristol dairymaid Bristol city center towards the m. $4.47 bridge has now one line close g to the strong winds that s in both directions between junction one and junction 2 the travel speed has also been lowered to about 40 miles an hour so the lane is close in each direction for safety just to just because of the winds the m 4 going westbound is looking pretty slow from junction 900 junction 21 Friday afternoon congestion there the m 5 going southbound similar story heavy traffic from Junction 19 to junction 24 caved in into Bristol be a 38 but missed a parade to sing a bit of congestion if it St That s just near the as to Superstore and then having a quick look at the maps the birth rate is still looking particularly busy both directions seeing a better queuing traffic but it s especially bad going northbound queuing traffic for about a mile to be sure to leave about 5 to 10 minutes extra And then fine. Really things are beginning to get a little busy around the Aston gate area ahead of the game especially going southbound there s traffic queuing which is then slowing things down on the when to take underpass and when to start road and staying around Ashton Gate is something to bear in mind this evening if you re traveling later on following the game or Ashton Gate the. Road will be closed in both directions after the match they do be aware of that if you spot anything to let us know give us a call on our 880-5949 but only if it s safe and legal to do so not be more trouble than 15 minutes Also if you know how to fix our news computer do you get into. Right now and I counted about 100 references to ast and that there were many asked of us don t get them confused we ll you know I. Have a b.b.c. Radio Bristol. Was I. Was. I. Was. I. Was. Pet Shop Boys 13 minutes past 5 baby Sea ready a Bristol It is Friday afternoon we re going to be back to Aston get in a battle for as time chatting with Jeff about the big match and of course is going to be live on b.b.c. Radio breast all from 6 o clock this evening and telly addict tame right is going to be in the studio in about half an hour s time as well to tell us what he s been watching this week so we wait and see what tomorrow s special sitting a parliament brings and whether Boris Johnson will succeed in getting his withdrawal agreement from the European Union voted straight by M.P. s target has been having a bit of fun today ever the few tweets suggesting that this deal is very similar to to raise a maze but the big difference is it was struck by a man a bit like when women suggest something in the office and it s ignored than a man suggests and everyone thinks it s a great idea and in the studio we have Katrina McWhinnie who s a lawyer. Strategist and she s also been taking part in the festival of female entrepreneurs in Bristol today Katrina welcome to the show Hi thanks have very welcome lovely to have you on and what do you think about this idea that actually it s sort of a similar deal but it s a bloke that didn t. Turn enough to a degree I I can see that perspective however I think pretty much most of it comes down to lack of charm and charisma on trees amaze part I m sorry she just doesn t have the skills of a leader she was fabulous She s a fabulous politician I don t take that away from her she hasn t had the best of jobs and there s very few that would want to do portraits of May has had to sacrifice. In the last 3 years. But I think it s time for the fact she lacked that charisma and charm and was unable to get both. The u.k. M.P. s on side and also those of the I mean it s an interesting point because I suppose in this particular role and Boris Johnson came into this job and said This is what I m going to do right from the beginning and he has not wavered from the at all. And you have to have this element this extra element of persuasion I suppose yes he s been out there he s campaigned quite strongly and being very forthright that it s a Deal or No Deal. Or do or die as I think you say in NY and yet we are going to leave on the 31st of October according to barge Johnson hopefully he ll be able to well. We ll try and remain a political here because I think a lot people are just bricks if a t. Get. Enough of uncertainty in business I just want to get on with business as usual and say that really Parliament can just focus on our home issues Bracks is a domestic issue and there is so much going on on a global scale right now that that we you case it since have to embrace you re going to be watching it tomorrow I m actually going to be in London Are you Ok so we re going to happen is the debate begins at 9 30 in the morning that will be a stop for some M.P. s and then it goes through until around $230.00 now we don t know if the vote is going to be from then on words or we think there might be amendments or something like that so it could be a very very long day to find out whether Bracks that is going to be approved or this particular deal is going to be approved by and pays Yes 1st of all it was capped at 90 minutes and now they ve extended it with no time limit on it which is probably sensible This is a big decision for our country to make. And it does need that time 3 years Ok we probably nobody anticipated it was take this long we have to remember this is just the start of things we ve still got free trade agreements that can take you. Is to decide to discuss and agree upon so even if we do get a deal tomorrow matters have still got to be discussed and we have to agree the free trade agreement if we can with the so I envisage that there may be yet another extension if we do strike a deal on the political on the transition period I would be highly surprised if we re able to strike that free trade agreement. Funding. What s interesting is that . A lot of politicians have said look I m going to wait and see I m going to actually read it the withdrawal agreement you do wonder sometimes if they actually read the whole. Onion and put you on the spot have you managed to digest any of their scent is it very different to to reason Mays I do not digested the full withdraw till I ve certainly read a lot harangued at the moment I simply don t have time to have a look and compare and contrast the 2 documents together at this early stage. But it does seem that there is very little. Digression from trees a maze of richer nor do I think the main one does appear to be the backstop issue in the Northern Ireland will be part of what in place of the backstop comes a concession to a customs border in the Irish Sea designed to quarantine the new Northern Ireland arguably and protect the e.u. Single market there s a lot that has really been a lot of opinion around this I mean junk has just recently said it is high time to complete a divorce process move on as soon as possible. To negotiate the future partnership with the u.k. And Boris Johnson says we have a great deal I mean that s very British isn t. It yeah yeah waving is a yeah Ok where there are. Yeah there s still a lot to be done even if we can get it through tomorrow is still very much. I think the new the new results have come I turned we are now I. Base is that there s $49.00 undecided eyes are 2 not $292.00 names $298.00 so we re still it s going to very very tight it is it s going to be proper no biting for the government I imagine tomorrow now sorry this is more sequels to it than sed a Star Wars actually it s true. It is incredible and now let s talk about because you ve been at this event today festival of female entrepreneurs in Bristol and all importantly you know talking about the women the role of women in business what was the sort of feeling that you got from the eyes women about you know the whole thing what was the general kind of failing you think. What were they saying I have to be honest the b. Word was pretty much dismissed really unfairly from the discussions today so much focus is on bricks it and there is life beyond bricks that there really is business still happens and it s up to you as a business individual to decide what that looks like the politics of sea left and the politicians but we must remember that we do need to discuss about Bret s it between us as business leaders and that is important because you can gauge when is key in this process engagement with your employees with your suppliers and your customers. I would strongly recommend everybody just start engaging I m talking about it not a political level which is very emotive but from a business perspective what do you have to do to continue to operate on a day to day basis do you feel optimistic about the whole women in business thing you know the fact that you have you know a festival in Bristol talking about it today and you must got loads of new ideas out of it and it must have been a good thing to see all those women together I went along with absolutely no opinion of it I m not a feminist in my kind of stand back from a lot of feminist movements. But I have to say I felt really empowered coming away from that today and thinking Right I m going to review my business plan my shattered and I m going to look at things from a different perspective looking at different funding arrangements and just people discuss and the challenges that women actually have in business. You have to be so organized as a woman in business often they are the childcare they have a double burden Reidy. If you re trying to negotiate the logistics of school your children s diaries which quite often surpassed. What is just trying to be a savvy business leader and keep abreast of business changes. Work on your business absolutely Katrina great to have you on thank you so much very much and you will be watching no doubt or listening or somehow big in touch with what s going on tomorrow cause you well thank you so much I could train here is a lawyer strategist and she s been taking part today in the festival of female entrepreneurs which has been happening in Bristol right in the city now talking a breast still at the latest film from Brazil s Aardman Animations is in cinemas today we ve already talked about it the beloved sheep shorn who 1st appeared in a close shave with Wallace and Gromit is taking off on his own adventure in Shaun the Sheep to call Farmageddon with his genius let s face it Britain s most decorated filmmaker and the film s executive producer Nick Park has been talking to our reporter Nicholas tablet. Space beckons for Shawn the sheep in his 2nd film with new friend Lula marking the 50th anniversary of the 1st human lunar landing Nick Parker has watched on as his little creation shorn has grown into a highly successful international star albeit at a stop motion animation average of 2 seconds per animator per day it s just wonderful to see that little character that appeared in a close shave flourishing in a way I had never really imagined. Is a naughty shoot and outside the flock really and as executive producer what s your role I get wheeled in I am sort of consulting on the whole process and comedy punch ups we call them which can turn out like that but we watch the movie about a 1000000 times and see how can we Plus this How can make it funnier visual guy shameless puns. Shaun comes from Wallace and Gromit and it s the 30th anniversary and you have thoughts of returning to them in more adventures might that create new characters it s what I love doing really it s what we all. Doing art and he s creating new characters and yes yes I do have more Wallace and Gromit ideas and you know new characters. We know there s going to be Chicken Run to what stage of development is that are you developing chicken $12.00 with judoka now just waiting for the big go ahead on that will Julius Waller and Mel Gibson be back I don t actually know what the casting is exactly. Also back is the old admin favorite mall 15 part series or 5 minute back then it was about his adventures on the desktop or underneath the desk and now he s moving away from his desk job into the wider world there s so many wonderful c.g.i. Films out there there s a very crowded market I guess in a way the stop motion in the thumbprints helped us to stand out. The great Nick Park from Bristol s Aardman Animations and we re super proud because his brand new film is in cinemas today it is called Farmageddon and it s all about the adventures of Shaun the sea and it s great to see him back as an heir not only in a part but. So much into the film as it is incredible to watch Ok 26 minutes past 5 it s Friday afternoon let s check the travel with the m 48 on the original 7 bridge is open to all because you ll come off and on again via the roundabouts and because of the strong breezes that is causing hold ups Wales pounds and the a $43.00 trying to get towards junction it s also blame one close on the bridge as well and the speed signs of 40 the m 4 Wales Brown through junction 20 for the change is slow but a vast improvement from earlier the m 5 south is busy between 1000 Porter said to junction 21 for Weston super Mare Bristol Ashton Gate kick off at $745.00 for the Bristol Bath rugby game is free parking at the port way and Brislington park and rides and after the match only Ashton road and Marsh road outside the stadium will be close. For an hour or so the poor on the pitch in the Cumberland basin is queuing road which delays on Temple way and temple gates the ring road coming from Emerson s green towards the deanery road roundabout for warmly is slow most of the main routes in Bath are seeing hold ups including around Sydney gardens only $36.00 streets from London Road and coming from the city on the $46.00 from them lit towards Pennsylvania the a 46 will be shut both ways between the cold Ashton roundabout and the m 4 junction 18 roundabout for resurfacing now that is going to be from cops nights all of Saturday and Sunday and until the early hours of Monday and I think of it safe and legal 080-085-5949 extension 0 this weekend on b.b.c. Little. Village. Listen the fun. Listen. Because. It was. Because. It was. Because. It was such an honor to welcome a Taylor Swift and Brandon Ury what a pan and made up past 5. From Weston Superman to ban me to them and get. B.b.c. Radio Bristol will be back to us again very soon indeed to Jack also the weather forecast for the weekend on the way 1st let s get the latest news from Charlotte and even in Somerset Police say a task force set up to tackle bug lorries drug offenses a knife crime is having a big impact 6 months ago they deployed 100 extra officers to concentrate on offenses the public said they d had mice to bounce the number of burglaries have fallen drug arrests are up by nearly a 3rd and there are less knives on the streets superintendent Pete Warren says it s a great start I think we ve really made a difference and if we continue to work in this way Miles of working hard they re passionate about change in undetected and identifying these offenders we will continue to make improvements and I ve got no doubts when the future will be when the top form can stab originate in the country Boris Johnson and his cabinet have been meeting to discuss tactics in a final push to win support from M.P. s for the new BRICs it daily ahead of tomorrow s critical vote the prime minister doesn t have a majority in parliament so the result is expected to be very close his own political correspondent nakedly Boris Johnson will be hot and so far north Tory unit skeptics who say they explicitly there are votes against the deal some former Tories who had to withdraw have backed the deal in principle but the complicating factor is their. Support for an amendment there s going to withhold backing until all relevant legislation is passed which would be an extension would be required and further conditions could be added Yes m.p. Leader Nicolas started meanwhile told the b.b.c. She s concerned Labor rebels could tip the balance in the Government s favor the shadow chancellor John McDonald said there would be consequences for any Labor M.P. s who do so the festival of female entrepreneurs being held in Bristol today has avoided talk of Breck s it the 8th annual event brings together $300.00 buses as part of a business support network Katrina McWhinnie who s a lawyer and Bracks it strategist has been at the events that the word was pretty much dismissed from the discussions today so much focus is on bricks it and there is life beyond bricks that business still happens and it s up to you as a business individual to decide what that looks like the politics of c. Left and the politicians but we must remember that we do need to discuss about BRICs it between us as business leaders and that is important as a gauge when is key in this process of Travel Agents reopened on Keynsham high street less than a month after the Thomas Cook branch that closed his travel approached administrators to take over the shops giving 1st refusal for jobs to former Thomas Cook employees Colin Curtis who manages the new store says it s amazing to be back the surveillance was like I m living a dream at the moment so nice to be back at the response we ve had it s been overwhelming from the time today the support of local customers and traders it s been absolutely amazing and so so so pleased to be back here to help our community say to female astronauts have made history with the 1st ever all women s space walk Christina call can Jessica Mayer floated out of the International Space Station at lunchtime and should finish replacing defective equipment any time now b.b.c. Radio Bristol News 817 that evil do you think that manage with our news computer director over there I think would stump even though it might just stump even then thank you very much indeed right then weather forecast let s get that from Lucy Martin Hurley say. It s not looking bad this weekend there are a few showers to begin with and they could be quite heavy possibly thundery But as the weekend wears on we are going to see more in the way of dry weather to come but it will feel a touch cooler as we move into Sunday so as we go through the rest of today and overnight there is the potential that you could see one or 2 quite sharp showers in between some clear spells in the showers becoming fewer and farther between into the early hours the winds easing overnight as well with overnight lows around 69 degrees Celsius that s 43 to 48 in Fahrenheit tomorrow then they ll be some sunny spells through the morning but still a chance of seeing one or 2 quite heavy showers there showers they will tend to ease as we move into the afternoon so more in the way of dry weather into the afternoon and still some sunny spells temperatures at a maximum 14 degrees Celsius with life so when some a seen today there s going to spend around there to more of a northerly as we move into Sunday and we will see there a dip in the temperatures feeling fresher it will be a chilly start to the day on Sunday with want to have missed and fog possible 1st thing but it looks mostly driver some areas of cloud and sunny spells temperatures on Sunday at a maximum of 13 degrees Celsius that s forecast at the moment thank you very much indeed Lucy to. Say Sunday than 24 minutes to 6 let s check in with all of ahead of the latest on the rise what s happening on. The m 48 the old 7 Bridges restrictions because of the strong cross winds its off and on again by the roundabouts as length on the bridge and speed signs at 40 really slow approaching junction we cues on the a $43.00 as well the m 4 towards Wales Izzy s through junction 20 the prince change the midway across the Prince of Wales bridge all the way to the bring glass tunnels at new ports is heavily congested Ashton Gate restored beads nights of course kick off at $745.00 there s free parking at the port way and Brislington park and rides after the match only Marsh Road and Ashton road will be closed outside of the stadium. From the bridge for. The road traffic lights pretty much towards the Cumberland basin and busy roads in both directions simple way and temple gates have robots to laze to and from the Lawrence who run the boats on St Phillip s causeway slight whip on the high street with a rising crown is heavy because of temperature like the a 46 from well before name was Pennsylvania is jammed up and that road is going to be closed both ways between the cold Ashton roundabouts and the m 4 junction 18 roundabout for resurfacing either side. Nights or weekends until the early hours of Monday any problems to call us if it s safe and legal 88059490. Tell You got it Tim Wright is going to be reviewing this evening tallboy which is on Netflix he s also going to be talking about the B.B.C. s motherland and the circle which is Channel 4 he s going to be here in about 10 minutes time. Haven t b.b.c. Radio Bristol I m back. With Jack in just a moment after this from the set. Just . So. You. See. You. Told. You. You are. You. Told. You a. Few a. Few. Of it for him. She said. But at 20 minutes to 6 at let s say 20 minutes getting on to the. Big game is just a very couple of hours away had a death what s the atmosphere like there now it s quiet inside it s the calm before the storm in many ways clashing right in the fountains village outside of the main ground a pretty busy right now with lots of people enjoying the kind of as you want to leave or a bit of drink but a food but inside the stew is being briefed a few of the broadcasters in position just the way to my right the the analysts from from Bristol putting their computers and laptops in place but indoors it s pretty calm pretty calm I can and massive must of course bristle against this evening. First game of the Premiership season of course bristled when the corresponding win came last season on a Friday night 17 points to 10 a pretty good debuts today about wood and Nathan use that The New Kids On The Block in the summer recess a debut in the Premiership for Barb s Levi Davis he scored 3 tries in the premiership cup Charlie eels captains them for the 1st time asked the captain officially in the Premiership let s say from both camps in a moment outside priest and 1st the personal doctor rugby part is going to be a lot of physicality emotion and so forth everything s preparing to make sure your game is right and that s our focus making sure you know we ve got a lot of respect for Biafran and what they ve done and who they are but ultimately our focus is on making sure we get our game brought on both sides of the ball I think if we go there and stick to our structure and sort of do what we say we re going to do they ve crew it well they ve got some fantastic players you know peter out in playing last year he going to a thing Hughes gave up was there their squad is stronger again this year saying it to be a real handful not only for us there for the rest of Premiership season the soft focus is on us to get tonight but it s a huge weekend in Japan is one isn t yet quarter final stage the well Cup England Australia quarter past 8 in the morning that it s New Zealand against Ireland then Sunday morning it is that Wales France then Japan against South Africa a good look to the park boys in the England side of course and to the Watson. Sam on the hill starts and gentlemen Joseph is on the bench Ok let s talk football now both teams are late tomorrow they are both in good form Rovers for Finley one go to Doncaster who 11th City 6 in the Championship they go to Luton who are 18th to go to new signing on board of course City signed Rhodri doesn t sound very Spanish does he really doesn t sound like a Spanish name but he s been signed to the end of the season Lee Johnson in light of Benteke a phobia a danger a is delighted to have him on board with the injury to Ben a lot of the shoulder to button issue life for young men you know to play every minute of every game from our environment Swanage potentially could play out there but I just felt that we we missed that loose or folks in the books if you like in the shot one. Of the shoulder he doesn t have a fox in the box as nearly Johnson any president it is such a football expression French Open golf course what has missed the cut $74.00 today left in 5 over for the tournament the coach at chew over the leaders at 9 owned Bristol bears women in action tomorrow that away at Harlequins Ok now I m worried about you Jeff you sound like you get a cold. No Ok Ok no cold in the cold like a maybe just a bit chilly No it s all right place something like leaving impressed the license in South Bristol Anyway you sound fine can t wait to hear this so you can see this is a date is just 20 min then he s going to be live on air from 6 o clock this evening and all the build up and then of course a lot of commentary of the much life I m asked to Gates bristle back against Bath rugby it s a big game. And Claim that new one from the script is called The last time and told minutes to 6 already let s say hello to our telly at it this afternoon 10 right type 10 Highclere How are you really good thank you yeah just back from New York and we re just talking about how expensive it is that so so it s very very painful Ok now you ve been having a look at a few shows this week on the telly and let s start off with Top Boy this is a Netflix series is it yes it is an epic series actually started people might remember it started on Channel 4 and it had a couple of seasons some time ago and it did build out some fans there but it never got picked up for another series but it did pick up one very influential fam which was Drake and Drake decided I want to get more of this and so he is actually producer on this series and took it to Netflix and and so the now we have a new season which is actually 10 episodes previously I think they only did 8 across 2 series so it s quite a lot more and it picks up sort of some years after Yeah and for those that didn t ever see the original series it s about basically drug gangs in a long. And it s kind of not glamorous it s about the kind of gritty and authentic life that these people are leading and it s actually got quite a lot of grime artists in it it s Ok no Isn t it actually Walters who is in So Solid Crew is in it Dave is in it as well and they bring a real kind of authenticity to the language and because they kind of grew up in those places the center fictional estate but instead of very much east London and it s absolutely fantastic it s a little bit violent I would just put that that warning out there yeah but it s one of those shows it s it s kind of not too much of a stretch to say it s a bit like the British version of The Wire Ok using the wire Yes I have seen a couple of episodes of that or say that isn t. You know I know it s cliche in France go on about The Wire but it is a little bit like that in the sense that you know it s not such clear lines between good and bad in it you know there s a new character in it Jamie who is a pretty ruthless gangster but he s also looking after his 2 younger brothers because their parents are around anymore and he s kind of doing the wrong stuff but for the right reasons and yeah you kind of swing back and forth in terms of the way you feel about the characters and it s just a minute side from the authenticity that they re generally great actors as well and it s just such a brilliant show it doesn t try to glamorize any of that live it s a lot about the the ins and outs of it and yeah I d really recommend if you ve got Netflix they ve also got the previous series on there as well so you can watch your friends start and have you watch all of it oh I finished it yeah yeah straight through it was it was a bit of a binge a little bit of a binge but I tell you what despite the fact that it s you know quite clearly not a funny series I did have one laugh in it which was this. When you watch the credits it tells you who these it produces were of course Drake is one of them but it was his real name which is all Bri what yes exactly do you know that. His name is Drake Graham Ok I mean I can see why maybe he adopts a dress you need to I m not sure that hot line bling by Aubrey would have had the saying. Same. So I did enjoy I did enjoy that as well as an aside while you re at it Ok I will be back to him in just a 2nd let s do this. I m 48 the original 7 bridge is open to all vehicles but usual stuff will come off and on again via the roundabouts because of the strong cross winds that s causing queues on the m 4 if you heading Wales bound and the a $43.00 trying to get towards junction on the m 4 Prince of Wales bridge all the way towards the bring blast tunnels at Newport is really slow going Bristol Ashton Gate Bristol Bath in the rugby tonight kick off at $745.00 this free parking at the Brislington park in rides after the match only they ll be a couple of road closures Ashton road and Marsh road outside the stadium the Cumberland basin is really heavy and busy in places on when to start road if you are coming from Bath using the a for it s busy approaching so for coming from the Globe roundabout as ever on Bath road through Brislington temple way and temple gates again because of some road works some things happened only a 46 between Pennsylvania and Durham park traffic bunching up their habits queuing back to. The other side almost to the 46 will be closed both ways later between cold Ashton and junction 18 for resurfacing 8 o clock flights Saturday and Sunday and until the early hours of Monday on London Road and the High Street near the Rose and Crown is heavy because of road works and the updates it s 800855949. Radiographs do you want to go into business and find a way of making money or would it be James Hansen saying I saw one crown while. There was. No use so would you expect for your grandma 79000 and. The school. So how do you feel about being sold for a fiver on b.b.c. Radio Bristol. Not impressed right back to Tim right so we ve had Top Boy that series on Netflix and next choice is motherland it s the b.b.c. Production isn t it yet is a b.b.c. Production I don t know if you remember but some time ago they did this kind of sitcom season where they they put 3 pilots on and you were allowed to choose or 20 that was your favorite and motherland was the one that was that was the favorite They made a series it s now back for a 2nd season and this is not quite the writing kind of line up as Yeah absolutely it s great Linehan Sharon Horgan as well so from the from catastrophe from Black Books and it s great to get from pulling all the. Organ co-wrote and starred in and that is amazing. Only got 2 series and then got dropped it s got it s got serious pedigree this this season one I m not sure it s going to quite enter the history books as some of those ones that we ve mentioned how it is still a really good war if you re after something that doesn t challenge you to March is quite genteel maybe by their standards and is actually just a good easy watch you know it will make you laugh then this is $11.00 for you I think it s still got that lovely dry humor that they re famous for it s obviously you know it s called mother land it s about essentially a mainly a group of moms out there if you dads in there and how they re kind of juggling kind of their kids and their work and their home life and all of those things and at the center is a performance by an american Well Martin Yeah who is absolutely brilliant We re used to seeing here really kind of heavy drummers you know she s always playing police officers and lawyers and she s done Dickens and so yeah yeah she was in line of. The person that try to nail Ted Hastings for. Crimes and you know she s often those or thought Erin figures so to see here in this in a comedic role is absolutely brilliant and she s absolutely nailing it and I do really like just occasionally they just hit you with a line from left field like this one dad in it says one point he wants to change Korean he wants to be a children s author and he d like to be like David Walliams But you know less sinister. And. They still eat just you can almost hear it being delivered by any of the writers that you know because I think it s just that that kind of twist of. Line that sort of famous for and just kind of catches you off guard and really makes you laugh out loud so well in a really good cause made a very strong and finally and I think to my being forced to watch this that circle on you know for. So we ve all we ve all been in a situation where she housemate whether it s your partner which friend you get that sort of watching something by proxy this is basically what happened with my wife over the last few weeks is that she has been obsessed with the circle. How to explain it s basically it s sort of like a kind of game show slash reality t.v. So there s $100000.00 pound prize for the winner and it s basically a bunch of ordinary members of the public who are put into apartments and then they are given access to the circle which is a kind of fictitious social media site which is kind of a bit like an amalgamation of sort of Instagram or Facebook or Twitter kind of all put in one. And the big twist is that they don t have to play as themselves yeah so they can be themselves and they can put their own pictures up and talk in their own voice or they can be a catfish and they can choose to be someone completely. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah and they can be completely different people one lady decided to play as her son and used. But the one that seems to be being successful is a chap that s playing as. A single mother and he s I mean I think he s like a sort of late twenty s early thirty s Scouser and he s he s playing this young working mom with a small baby and honestly he cannot keep his shirt on whenever he s talking he has to take a shirt off it s unbelievable to watch but I did have this moment where I was I walked in about halfway through one episode and I asked my wife to sort of explain you know what was happening and she made me feel like I was about $100.00 she was like basically you just got to be an influence to get to the top of being an influence and then you can vote for other people and I was like oh my God I cannot know. How to deal with this but it is the final tonight I want it it s 10 o clock if you want to watch the final and one of the catfish is still in right so one person in there is not who they re. Who they actually are and whether the other players will figure it out still remains a mystery and did you catch any of the episodes with Richard Maitland and I did actually younger woman yeah well Judy. Very funny yeah that is very funny and that that probably is the best bit of the show is where it happened as well to the lady that was playing her son it s very hard for people to talk in someone else s voice they think it ll be easy because they know people that are 20 or they know people that are doing a particular job but you know then they start going you know they start putting you know hash tag lads lads lads in or whatever. And and they kind of get you can kind of see through it Richard maybe didn t last very long but yeah you know I. Love to have been in the room when that was pitched you know like we re just going to check in Richard mainly for a couple of days I felt like that was a genius move yeah that has made this series which I watched about 4 or 5 episodes off but I think those were the key moments because at one point he was flirting with. The son of a Norman. Yeah and Woody thought that he was a young woman called Judy and you know there s a lesson for the ins and exactly and he was doing very very successfully I thought although it was it was light you say like the language is different isn t it and he . Is probably a man in his sixty s now and he was struggling with it but it was very funny yeah very very what I knew then is 60 has been his hand he s 30. Is so true to write brilliant brilliant stuff thank you so much for coming on the show. From Weston super man to bar room for me to them and. B.b.c. Radio Bristol. Thanks for listening see you Monday listen out now to the big match it s 6 o clock with a b.b.c. Radio Bristol News Charlotte downs David and Somerset police a task force set up to tackle burglaries drug offenses the knife crime is having a big impact 6 months ago they deployed $100.00 extra officers to concentrate on the offenses the public said they cared most about interview it seems the number of burglaries have fallen and drug related arrests are up by nearly a 3rd there s also been a big increase in the number of knives taken off the streets superintendent Pete Warren says it s a great start I think we ve really made a difference if we continue to work in this way to my office of working hard they re passionate about changing and detecting and identifying these offenders we will continue to make improvements and I ve got no doubt that the near future will be one the top form can stab originate in the country Boris Johnson s warned M.P. s that if they don t back his proposed break that deal tomorrow the u.k. Will leave the e.u. At the end of the month without an agreement for the 1st time in 37 years parliament will sit on a Saturday with M.P. s g. To vote on the proposals ministers have been working to persuade Conservatives and Labor backbenchers to support the deal Mr Johnson. And says it s vital there s no further indecision really what matters is coming together across the house to morrow to get this thing. I just kind of invite everybody to imagine what it could be like tomorrow even if we have said this and we have respected the will of the people because we will have a chance to move on the festival of female entrepreneurs being held in Bristol today has avoided talk of Breck s it the 8th annual event brings together 300 buses as part of a business support network Katrina McWhinnie who s a lawyer and Breck s it strategist has been at the event is the b word was pretty much dismissed from the discussions today so much focus is on brick set and there is life beyond bricks that business still happens and it s up to you as a business individual to decide what that looks like the politics of see left and the politicians but we must remember that we do need to discuss about between us as business leaders and that is important as a gauge when is key in this process people in Keynsham are happy to see a travel agent back on the high street less than a month after the Thomas Cook brunch that closed his travel approached administrators to take over the shops giving 1st refusal for jobs to form a Thomas Cook employees calling Curtis who manages the new store has been speaking to b.b.c. Radio Bristol 5 star search within myself here in the sprints and hopefully the other poster branches were very saying we ve had an influx of customers on the High Street today even in the pouring rain I think it was the South and welcoming back but it s been absolutely amazing the response we ve had some a time today and lots of comments on Facebook and everything like that so I really really get tributes are being paid to local councillor Mike Langley he passed away yesterday he represented a ward in Brislington for a year is making him one of the longest serving members of the Bristol Labor grape Mike s family are asking for donations to melanoma u.k. In his memory as. Gate is set for a record set out crowd to save one when Bristol Baz take on both rugby in the opening game of the new Premiership season $26399.00 take hits have been sold for the West Country Don t be boss director rugby Stewart says they ve been preparing for the whole season that not just the 1st game is always the last take in the Premiership but you know what we re doing now is we re starting on a journey which every team hopes to take so that it was number $23.00 it s a long journey and it s one which is you ve got to you ve got a plan for a rather spread that goes about it every decent pre-season a lot of preparation work. Which they start because it will be going live to Ashton Gate straight after the weather they ll be clear spells tonight but with showers some of those could be quite heavy maybe even thundery becoming more isolated later only with winds easing lows of 6 degrees Celsius that s 43 in Fahrenheit b.b.c. Radio Bristol News It s 4 minutes past 6 when the latest travel has all of I had. It kicks off at $745.00 there s free parking at the port way and Brislington park and rides after the match only Ashton roads a Marsh Road will be closed for an hour or so outside the stadium there are queues on the way from pretty much the traffic lights so was the Cumberland Basin thereby becoming from the. On the a 4 and as ever 3 Brislington. Because of the road works the m 48 the original 7 bridge is open to all traffic but you ll come off and on again at the roundabouts because of the strong winds really slow Wales bounds nearly as far as the m 4 and the 3 is jammed up trying to get schools junction on the m 4 midway along the Prince of Wales bridge stop starts all the way west towards bring glass tunnels at Newport. Cross there s a collision you can get around but slowly things happen only a 46 between Pennsylvania and Durham park there are clues bunching up there. On the other side towards It s not only a 46 and indeed through the weekend it s going to be closed both ways between the cold and roundabouts and junction 18 for resurfacing starts from 247 on Saturday and Sunday and into the early hours of Monday lastly went on the high streets and London heavy because of some road works for the Rose and Crown Next up. When I.

Radio-program , Business-terms , United-kingdom , Northern-europe , Business , Problem-solving , Western-europe , Island-countries , Travel-agencies , Companies-of-the-united-kingdom , British-businesspeople , Streets

Transcripts for BBC Radio Bristol BBC Radio Bristol 20191010 090000

Ising offering to pay more than $1.00 and a half 1000 pounds was all stowed donated by the public and family organizers of Glastonbury and outs that Diana Ross will be playing at next year s festival she s due to perform in the Sunday legend Slaughter s our music reporter Mark Savage now explains. Early days with the Supremes to have solo career of the seventy s and eighty s. Diana Ross has decades of hits to choose from when she takes to the Pyramid Stage next June she s the 1st performer to be confirmed for next year s festival and said she was coming to Glastonbury with love to get to the event have already sold out with act like Paul McCartney Taylor Swift and Mike $75.00 moved to the top of the. Company with a forecast a mixture of sunshine and showers today temperatures reaching around 15 degrees Celsius and a wet night to come lows around 12 degrees Celsius and that s the b.b.c. Radio Bristol News the time now 5 minutes past 10 as I mentioned in the previous hour Richard do you think when Diana Ross was performing in Detroit and recording from 0 time she thought what I really want to do is stand in a field on a dairy farm in Somerset that would be the apex of my career with a well it s only when it s $75.00 you know it s incredible believe it looks like it s going to be one of those gassers that everyone who has a go to Guy Oh blow it will she have to kill to go to the portable toilets that s what I want and I m. Now would you want to be in front of Diana Ross. So. about out of. The various Is the see what happens on Monday in the Queen s speech as to whether bars Johnson is true to his word as for 3 previous promises they were trying. And didn t we ll follow the story for you of course right to this hour and today is World Mental Health Day and taking care of your mental health should be as important to you as taking care of your physical health so that s about you looking after your mind now that can be going for a walk it could be do yoga it can be doing jigsaw puzzles it can be just sitting in a quiet room with your own thoughts I want to hear from you others that s a good idea I ll try that how do you look after your mental health 10085594 not. How do you look after your mental health maybe you play no Willy. Maybe that drives you potty Anyway we will play you know where the that s what we call a link in my business will play you know where they have to fill God s. Hands. Yes. Phil Collins. I missed again. So today is World Mental Health Day very important day something we talk about a fair bit on this program because looking after the mind sort of helps you look after the body as well and looking after the body can also be looking after your mind. Nobody knows what s really going on in anybody s head and sometimes you don t know what s going on in your own head and you go look after Yeah yeah yeah mind what s going on you had it s important it s incredibly important from a point of view of your mental health maybe now perhaps we are taking our mental health more seriously than we used to and it is like your physical health you have to make certain that you give yourself space time to think not be constantly stimulated for example it s now scientifically and. Absolutely proven the looking at your mobile phone before you go to sleep means you don t get a good night s sleep you re not designed to do that the brain can t cope with it. It will mess up your sleep so don t do it and maybe putting your mobile phone in a draw and leaving it alone rather than constantly looking at streams of information that frankly will make absolutely no difference to your life in any shape or form would be a start going out for a walk what i.t.v. Are doing at the moment is brilliant I was indeed watching us about same during Britain s Got Talent at the weekend and when they start their programme to say have a conversation with people in the living room well done i.t.v. Well done. Talking with people spending time genuinely socializing. Going for a war going for a run doing some exercise doing a jigsaw puzzle yoga. I don t want to say mindfulness because that all comes with the whole Orm thing but just concentrating on one thing rather than 2 or 3 different things what do you do to look after your mental health I want to learn from you you can share it on the program this morning and you may inspire somebody else to go yes that would work for me too what do you do to look after your mental health 080085594 I know treading. On. A finite 94 digital media is not the answer ask Rebecca Vadi it certainly is past 10 time for noteworthy maybe this will help you with your mental health as I test your mind your musical knowledge your soundtrack maybe this will make you feel good it should do if you are not worthy to be no worry courtesy of the b.b.c. And today I m delighted to say that noteworthy is indorsed by both Rebecca Vadi and Coleen Rooney they re both endorsing it as they may not agree on anything but they are they do agree on no where they which is I think a nice touch I m glad that come to gether on that particular point we are playing you round one clue one here it is this is so simple Oh hang on there that sash why such talking on my noteworthy hockey hang on a minute because I ve done this and I thought it was Ok and clearly isn t going to do it again right click there you go right now that should work if you go. That is your 1st clue. Song Title. Artist you got to give me both the song title. And the artist. To be no worthy today. You know this song it s a huge song by a huge artist. 880-5949 This may be around 2 job but if you get around one you are you are worthy a note worthy. 800855949 text 81 triple 3 start the text with the word Bristol e-mail John dot de b.b.c. Dot co dot u. K. Give me the right song title and the right artist and by the power vested in me. Live. The life of Riley and I close with you this afternoon for it s Thursday that means it s the pub quiz Can anyone beat bar spar uni to the current quizzing crown and Claire chance to one of the finalists of our favorite show Celebrity Master Chef I think you know the voiceover on Celebrity Masterchef or indeed master chef and his claim that it s done by India Fisher I don t know whether that s actually Claire cabin or in disguise because it sounds a lot like Claire anyway. Celebrity Master Chef. And other things with Claire cabin of the suffering from 3 and then 6 Jeff tonight haven t I gases all things Bristol Rovers with Jack 20 min from 6 we. Are in around one of the small things noteworthy that is your 1st clue Jess in Comal on Twitter you. Know whether you got it right on round one Leo and read Feel Me and read till you are no where the on round one Paul and Paul are Bryan Adams summer of $69.00 wrong. There s still time there s still time Paul Craig and Ashton born in the USA Bruce Springsteen wrong Phil a long while Green I got my mind set on you Robert Palmer That is George Harrison who sings that particular ditty and you not know where the. Billy bomb can you going Material Girl by Madonna wrong davit man a scrap Phil Collins something in the air tonight that s more to do. No sorry Daryn Bart Rock said it must be love It Must Have Been Love is the correct title and you not know where the it s not right so in Bart police Every Breath You Take wrong so. You can be no worthy if you give me the song title and the artist that s all I need from you. No questions no need to come on air No 3 in 10 just the simplicity of you knowing your music song title an artist please tell me what it is phone for free 080-085-5949 you could be no where the we re also talking mental health today as well World Mental Health Day What do you do to look after your mental health and in world Hi and good morning. What do you do to look after your your mind well the things. Whatever the weather snow rain hail My husband thinks I m lucky. Maybe maybe the good walk is stopping you from becoming batty you know ratty but that s well for that matter that s your rat say you don t. Think. We ll have to cut that bit it s not life. So how far do you bowl cover how Mom Well I leave home about half 7. In the morning yeah. I get. 9 and 10 dependent on the weather and things but I walk 2 different people s dogs I relax and able to get I sought help. Sometimes the dogs don t want to go out. You know when it s when it s sort of in the grips of a windy wet October November I probably get that tell me how you feel when you come back in from walking those 2 dogs great actually and I do lots of both me and my husband we do lots of jigsaw puzzles like crossword puzzles things like that and we both do a lot of walking not taking the car we go to the shot or we ll cycle. Or is it too far we ll take a bus or quite to the pedals and even though we re both in our seventy s my husband still play squash. All. Of that there is a there is a lot of empirical magical evidence about jigsaw puzzles I may say this may seem batty or indeed ratty but about doing a jigsaw puzzle about focusing on a single Tomsk that is good for the mind because it means that the mind has to forget about doing other things. Completely carried away. When I get breakfast and lunch said well that s good for your physical health you know eating rubbish vote and bless you thank you very much for joining this morning I m going to join you want to that well let s a little snack Hylas Good morning Manion you do want for your mental health. Issue in 5 days a week wow. A few lengths something where you just go 150 to answer session 52 lengths. Could you know do you must be big you must be as fit as a fiddle hard on the up but. I think I m Ok I would think you probably more than Ok less $253.00 legs of a pool so when you come out of the pool having done that how do you feel. Well when I was cold shower or recently cold shower curtain and I was so good of a really good for the start of the day really sets you are so you go 1st thing in the morning then yes circularly Bertin and 5 days a week as well it is something you ve done all your life for so now you ve done no I ve always done sport most of my life running one form or another yeah when I reach the stage where I couldn t because of my age and I wanted nearly 70 where I couldn t perform in the chin the way I used to I got very dissatisfied and then I looked around for something else and swimming seemed to be the old all rounder. Well clearly it works for you bless bless you for joining me this morning 5 days a week swimming 52 legs apart as well as thank you very much a day what do you do for your mental health to look after your mind jigsaw puzzles yoga swimming running Tell me what you do it may inspire somebody else to perhaps look after their mental health as well as their physical health and World Mental Health Day. I. Feel really. Beautiful. Soul. Feel. That was. a living come to me. So Have a mac so I almost top post and what do you do to look off to your mental health. Is there at the thing you do on a daily basis or a few times a week just to take stock. Of people who watch t.v. While looking at a mobile phone stop it it s silly. Came in Bradley stoke my hubby helps me I do my family history when I get into it I really concentrate and I learn the family leave me alone I sit for hours just a must in the Internet trying to find people and learn about their way of life a joy to read and says among the other things I do that keep me feeling chipper even after a disastrous noteworthy like today is gardening and days out often involving a long war it s something you can do all year round it doesn t have to be expensive it keeps you fit and in my case I m still scoffing not produce from my garden that I have grown gardening is really good for your mental there s a connection to the outdoors connection to the soil it s a very human thing to do to cultivate and grow things and get your hands dirty it s a very human thing to do I don t like scrolling at a mobile phone what do you do to look after your mental health 1000 day 559490 see a radio Bristol a really big difference with the birth of your daughter your own rulings shoes in 6 radio. You can put that right with 3 to 12 by the way requests from Robert Palmer addicted to love it s not the right answer though Donna in North common you re going for Madonna material girl know why men freedom says Chrissie informed Rita No Mark from. Your saying Simple Minds are live and kicking No Phil Collins in the air says lies in the now no no no no no those who are tweeting on that their Twitter Where s it gone there it is Gary you re also saying Robert Palmer addicted to love in Fishponds no. It s not that. I mean you re a drama you could probably identify from the drums. I normally pretty good but I don t tell you what I guessed no that would be very true because it would ruin the entire format of the program that was there and then then of course we would have to search the studio on fire right. Drug use please it wouldn t be long as a broom cupboard if you re traveling southbound on the Ring Road just go to key for a long while green down towards the Hicks get roundabout take it around 5 to 6 minutes and also temple gate is fairly slow moving as well with 3 at the center now if you re traveling through filtering of course lane is blocked because of a demonstration at Southmead road that s causing some traffic on surrounding reeds pull way beyond 32 in Ok if you heading in on Wells road just a bit busy down towards the 3 legs junction and into winds come got some temper lights on the a 38 just around sit conlang starts looking busy as well and if you heading into both London Road and lower Bristol Road are slow moving but the boats ways and the planes and trains are fine and are more fuel in half an hour it s amazing how people think it s also so glamorous down there and actually you re not you re in a cupboard and I m in a room and no windows there is no shows long in here. You re lucky if you get a pair of working headphones anyway more for you in a half an hour Thank you Farai. John Di b.b.c. Radio Bristol. Sometimes even. When. You go. To some. Of. The material so. We think you know you want to. Believe it is a sign feeling nobody has. The belief. That if you don t say anything. Crazy in Love. So we round 2 of noteworthy which of course follows what round one. Because the 2nd time in just a moment while by Jane who says I m going through chemotherapy at the moment and I often feel noses in order to cope I take my 2 dogs out which sets me up for the day I would even go in the wind in the rain as long as it makes me feel like I ve achieved something. I think Jane has Justin capsulated something in the very last sentence I have achieved something here s the truth and this is my own personal view this is not the views of the b.b.c. This is not based on anything else it s just based on what I ve learned from you who listen to this program and knowing what I have gone through in my 53 years around the sun it s very hard to feel that you ve achieved something on a daily basis because you re constantly having to jump to the next thing or you re constantly feeling that you re missing out and this is why I question the whole mobile phone and use it I sit in the newsroom people just looking at their mobile phone scrolling through feeds all the day they re not getting anything out of it at all there really aren t and then you get people watching t.v. And looking at mobile phones it s it s the sense of achievement that you ve actually done something so I just wonder when you have completed that jigsaw puzzle or you have gone for that war or you have planted that plant or you have baked that cake and you put the icing on it you ve actually done something and it s one of the reasons that I like ironing and I This may sound nuts but when you wire a shirt I on the shirt I wear you take something that s creased you are in it you put it on a hanger you ve done something. Jane I think you re on to something here about mental health and that sense of achievement in a world that is designed to constantly bombard you with information but make you feel like you haven t really achieve anything. Just a thought how you know trading. On. 85594. So 2nd round of noteworthy all I need from you to be no worthy in this actually could be a sense of achievement because if you are no worthy then you have achieved something is you just have to give me the song title and the artist that s all I require song title artist easy peasy lemon squeezy with a cherry on the top here is the 2nd clue. I did tell you that this is probably going to give it to you. Song Title. Artist. 800855949 it s free it s free to Cole Well I mean it s not but I mean you don t have to pay for it I mean someone s paying for all this like. Whole the director general he pays for everything if I were 800855949 coal with you ll guess you just have to give me the correct song title and artist I that make you know worthy you can then gloat all day on the ceiling and indeed until 10 o clock tomorrow morning. a slight girls wet because it was I think last year halfway through the main fireworks display. Down and that Martin Evans and myself ended up singing angels in full by Robbie Williams on stage in front of $10000.00 people because one of the wires that come out hopefully for everyone s sake not least of which yours if you are coming to the down and fireworks display this year on Friday the 1st of November that won t happen Martin and I will be back not singing angels I hope on that Friday for the Can wonderful down and fireworks display raising money for a very very good cause more on that come before the big event itself we are in the grips of round one of the small things noteworthy I can tell you John cat in Weston super Mare it s not he Louis in the news in the power of love. I can see where you going with that it s not right Paul and poor lock Simple Minds Don t You Forget About Me Wrong Polian embracing turn can t get enough by Bad Company wrong you know this song I promise you it s a huge song. By huge artist you ll hear it in full on the news at 111 more clue to calm. You know where they. Frustrate the whole thing to a strange. Sounds with a normally dancing with a stranger coming up off to the news at 11 o clock you know how one of those ideas where you think. It s just too simple that will never work well you re going to hear from one part of a team that come up with an idea you just think why didn t I think of that because their idea has gone from a prototype made out of a printer 2 years ago to being in 40 countries. Brilliant story coming your way after the news at 11. Am back ace is one of the U.K. s top standup comedians and. Jim Oh come on what you want Michael what do other people call your James No Maybe I ll tell you I said it s pretty scary barely. Ever called you Jim It s so much me Jim Bob sometimes Ross does kind of my me somebody come on the boats and. Yeah you guys Joey dawg Thanks James Hansen is there a show that you haven t had a chance to x. I want to bring that you back in our house that saturates says a day morning from people to yourself on b.b.c. Radio brace. Good. To see. The. Gulags. I was. Wow. Wow Wow. Wow. Wow wow wow. Wow. Wow Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. You. Remember know where he is indoors by both Coleen Rooney and. That only ground thing but they do agree on the weather so final clue for this morning s night where these this. Song. Need from you to be no where the. 1000. I know you want to. Go. When. You. See. Diana Ross of the supreme is. Just big Diana Ross in a field in Somerset next year. Where it all again so all will be revealed about this morning s noteworthy and a simple idea that s gone global after the news. From Weston super Mare to back filming to them and. B.b.c. Radio Bristol. And with the b.b.c. Radio Britain news at 11 o clock rigid laws and new figures show that it basically rates among children aged 10 and 11 in England has risen to a new high just under 4 and a half percent of year 6 peoples are classed as survey or base by more than a 3rd in 12 years the Department of Health says it s looking closely at proposals to tackle it basically from England s chief medical officer they include a ban on food and drink on local transport an idea that s being welcomed by Jacqueline Blyth set he s an expert on children s ageing behavior it might not be the easiest to implement and it might make very small changes to people s habits but that s the whole idea we need to be changing our food environments so that it makes it easier for all of us not just the children to make healthy choices counsellors in Bath and Northeast Somerset are being asked to consider formally supposing a campaign to allow 16 year olds to vote a motion proposed by the Liberal Democrats is to be discussed by bans later Bristol adopted a similar policy in 2017 is ultimately up to the government to make any changes to the voting age with Hillary. From the University of Bristol. Students Union 16 year olds should be given the vote we need to recognize a 16 year old are already able to do so much right now they can give consent to medical treatment they can pay tax into an armed forces so to say my 16 year olds can do already I think they should be able to have a say in how that shapes from that age reports from northern Syria say they have been more attacks by the Turkish military which began an offensive against Turkish help Kurdish held areas yesterday tens of thousands of people are reported to a fled their homes United States has denied it giving the green light to Turkey s actions by pulling its forces out of the region. Boris Johnson is to meet the Irish prime minister over Iraq this afternoon to try to break the deadlock in the breaks it talks they ll have what s being described as a private meeting to allow detailed discussions but assistant political editor Norman Smith says the signs aren t good Luckily the use view is that it s up to Britain to provide answers to the Bracks and conundrums and says Britain the wants to leave the e.u. Which means when the 2 men meet today it s very hard to see how they can bridge this divide if there s no new proposals or comprises all concessions on the table to try and help them through this there s a mans for a new plan for a train station so ferde is after a decade of frustration from residents and campaigners who want a new station on the Great Western line between Bath and Bristol that I councillors in Bain s will be asked to back a detail study and plan for progressing the project the loop them administration says it s continuing to explore opportunities for a new station. And you cycling charter is being launched in Bristol today to encourage more women to Cycle Research shows men in Bristol twice as likely to travel regularly by bike local charity life s cycle u.k. Wants organizations to support more women to cycle by signing up to the Bristol women s cycling. Arthur over key Cracknell is a cycling campaigner and cycles regularly to work from Henley and I m really sad when I think about the fact that I know say many fabulous people fabulous women who are fit and healthy and strong and they don t ride bikes I ve got really one very close friend who cycles to work and most of my friends are people I know through the school community say got a bike I can ride but I just don t feel safe say just as Poppy was saying before people feel really anxious about it and from a Diana Ross has become the 1st act to be confirmed for next year s Glastonbury festival the 75 year old will play in the Sunday legend slot and the weather forecast a mixture of sunshine and showers today temperatures reaching around 15 degrees Celsius a wet night to come lows around 12 degrees Celsius and a cloudy and damp day tomorrow with outbreaks of rain through the morning and afternoon and that s the b.b.c. Radio Bristol News the time now for minutes past 11 Thank you Richard.

Radio-program , Health , Psychology , Kennedy-center-honorees , English-language-singers , American-singers , American-rhythm-and-blues-singers , Musicares-person-of-the-year , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Mental-health , English-pop-singers , Social-issues

Transcripts for BBC Radio Bristol BBC Radio Bristol 20191010 060000

Hey there exasperated at the lack of progress over plans for a new train station that I councilor then Baines will be asked to back a detail study and plan for progressing the project is a reporter piece Simson salt food sits on the a for between Bath and Bristol and had its own station until 970 residents have spent the past decade campaigning for a new one but progress has been slow tonight s motion from the conservative group calls on the Lib Dems administration to outline a new plan for achieving a station the Lib Dems publicly support the idea but that commitment is useless without finances and the willing of all the bodies including the West of England combined or thorough and Network Rail residents meanwhile continue to wait with frustration one said anyone would think we re trying to build a nuclear power station rather than just a couple of new platforms any cycling charter is being launched in Bristol later today to encourage more women to Cycle Research shows men impressed a little ice is likely to travel regularly by bike than women many women said they d never get on a bike because of fears over safety and infrastructure where local charity lifecycle u.k. Wants organizations to support women to cycle by signing up to the Bristol women s cycling charter. A special service will be held today to unveil 5 new D.-Day plaques in a Bristol park the originals were vandalized and stolen from the Garden of Remembrance in Castle Park they were there to commemorate the 944 Normandy landings and unsigned letter was received from the person responsible for the damage apologising and offering to pay more than $1.00 of the half a 1000 pounds was also donated by the public. A Kenyan man who was hoped by as a child by a family from or Somerset is attempting to track them them Marco were case it was sponsored in the 1980 s. By the roaches family who at the time lived in Portishead he has a postcard from them which he s kept for more than 30 years and he says he d love to reconnect to thank them oh did I just do it. Now that my. Boredom and all. And finally around 75000 people have applied for free tickets to see said David Attenborough in Bristol later this month today is your last chance to apply to be one of the 300 members of the public at an exclusive preview of the B.B.C. s new Natural History series 7 world one planet on October the 23rd the screening at the showcase a deluxe in Amman Cabot Circus will include a question and answer with the award winning team behind the serious and he can apply for tickets on the b.b.c. Shows and tours website that s until 10 o clock tonight that Sony is moving on to the morning sport with the round up here s Richard Haas Good morning Rugby World Cup organizers have confirmed that England s pool game against France on Saturday has been called off because of Typhoon but how the Scotland against Japan can go ahead as planned on Sunday the pull the match between New Zealand and Italy on Saturday is also being cancelled tournament director Alan Gilbert says the decision to cancel matches has not been taken lightly but Center Jamie Roberts says he s refreshing ready for the start of a new campaign after missing some of their pre-season to work as a television pundit at the World Cup and in football Bristol City defender Ashley Williams is set to earn a recall for the Wales team as they travel to Slovakia tonight in our latest Euro 2020 qualifier which I thank you the weather forecast a mixture of sunshine and showers today temperatures reaching around 15 degrees Celsius and that s the b.b.c. Radio Bristol News the time now 6 minutes past 7. And the place. Radio Bristol. Welcome to Thursday s show how well you putting in official complaints about the amount of rain we ve had I feel it s not raining since the 1st of October I ve had enough I m fed up have been permanently damp I don t know about you not as bad as what they re about to experience in Tokyo though as you wake up the small in the last few hours it s been announced that England s Rugby World Cup match against France on Saturday has been called off because of Typhoon I think I m saying that right the typhoon has been described as the biggest of the year and they set to wreak havoc in Tokyo and the surrounding areas now if you already woke up farm What does that mean for Obviously there are great concerns about the the Thai food I appreciate that but from a Ripley point of view it will mean that the match is cancelled it won t be replay replayed both teams awarded 2 points as part of a no no draw an England will progress as well as pool c. It has lots of implications on some of the other matches as well check the b.b.c. Sport website for the latest So on the street today I m asking whether you should be able to vote at the age of 16 both the Northeast Somerset Council are going to discuss it after a liberal Democrat council the council to support the campaign to lower the voting age plenty of teenagers have made an impact by the age of 60 Harry just a few. Weeks I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you ll come to us young people for Hope How did you see the I Am the thing goes from getting educate. Desperate fear this big carrot I kept going to school when the Taliban head in now instead you will not go to school so I kept on going because it was the only mission I had that I have to go to school and I did it and it was risky. And. It s all right with all of you know out of your work with. Me. Was a. Huge honor to be doing it got legal scholars in England. Highly pressured moment for the county s quite nervous. Thankfully it went in and. I m such a prominent. So it s a bit like a pop quiz did you get it so in reverse order Wayne Rooney who made his professional debut for Everton at the age of 16 his wife s in the news at the moment for very different reasons but anyway William Hague who spoke at the Conservative Party conference at the age of 16 in 1977 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote his 1st symphony at the age of 8 Mulai use of his eye women s rights campaigner from early teens who was shot by the Taliban at the age of 14 Gretta term bird climate change protest a from the age of 15 and we kicked it all off with One Direction Harry Styles was only 16 when they 1st formed so this morning on the show you were asking whether or not you should be able to vote at the age of 16 what do you think 100855949 Call me now with your thoughts on this all you can text 81 trouble 3 Start your message with the word Bristol Hillary. Is from the University of Bristol students union morning Hillary So how do you I m now 21 now 21 so where do you stand on whether or not 16 year olds should be able to vote. I think it s so important for 16 year olds to be able to vie and I I was able to vote in 2016 but that was 3 I do think it s very in the referendum so I was 3 days off from them because I was $17.18 on the 26th in the referendum was an intern to that so that was really really horrible not to be able to vote but ever since I voted in every election that I ve been able to but I think 16 year olds definitely and 17 year olds need to be able to vote and their voice is socially important and really needs to be had when do you remember that day when you did your 1st ever vote what did that feel like it was it was weird I thought I thought it would feel more like dramatic or like I don t know something big. For me personally I felt proud of myself to be able to go and write and I think being able to be in a position where I could actively do something and see the results of it like in real life was so important for me but it was very anticlimactic often it s like Ok . Yeah I get that all remember as a little girl go with my mum and dad to the polling station and being told it was a very important thing but I never ever told me who they voted for it was you know it was a it was really I didn t want to talk to Mom about it but it was just a thing you didn t you didn t say it was a private thing where is nowadays it s you know everyone likes to express their political opinion what would you say to people who say 016 is too young that you don t know enough that you re not been able to form your political opinions in that way you know you need those extra couple of years and I think there s a few things I would say I think fastly we need to recognise a 16 year olds are already able to do so much right now they can give consent to medical treatment they can pay tax income tax and National Insurance join the armed forces they can join the armed forces so there s so much 16 year olds can do already I think they should be able to have a say in how that shapes from that age and I think secondly and it s really import . That we see that like right now 16 year olds even younger exposed a lot more than they were beforehand before social media before there was like the Internet and I think it s important to recognize that there are a lot more educated than people think whether it s through formal channels only more channels and and it s really really important that we recognize that they are ultimately the future generations are going to shape this country and if we don t get them involved from right now we re going to keep on making decisions that will fit the demographic of the country or here s a life then and when the facts happen there may be political parties no mention any name would be nervous of 16 year olds voting because they may not be that typical you know the typical party voter and that could end up affecting them majority Yeah but I think with political parties what needs to really be recognized and I think this is coming from a point of view where the whole party political system is a bit convoluted for young people because it doesn t seem right now that a lot of people represent what they re saying and I think when we look at political parties they should be representing everybody and they shouldn t just be trying to get the people that would normally vote for them the whole point of the government is someone like rules or that governs for the whole country and presidents have Exactly and so if you re only looking to represent the people that vote for you then you re not representing the whole country and that s not a democracy interesting isn t it yeah Ok so among your you know the students at the university how politically engaged would you say generally they are I think Bristol is a very peculiar university because students are more politically engaged than we normally see so I think I m in terms registrants of Bristol students have registered to vote like on mass and I think that s a great thing to come and I went to Bristol graduated from that. University and I work for university that has such. Politically engaged you this is you don t actually care about what s going on in the wild I miss I mean courage and I was seeing that all over the country more most leaders get involved in politics and political activities and it s great I think they re really engaged Thanks Hillary thanks for being on the show you know that s Hillary Jeb I have a bio there from the University of Bristol students union a motion calling on both the Northeast Somerset Council to support lowering the voting age is going to be debated later today the conservative groups that have confirmed that counts as will be voting against the motion saying on balance they believe 18 is a suitable age now Bristol adopted a policy for 16 year olds to vote a couple of years ago but for a change to the voting age that would requirement require the government to actually change the law so even though you may adopt the policy doesn t necessarily mean that it s going to happen he s a quarter past 7. Ok let s get the latest b.b.c. Radio Bristol News Headlines Thursday morning 10th of October his Richard the outgoing chief medical officer for England has called for a ban on aging and drinking on local public transport campaigners in the village of selfhood say they re exasperated at a lack of progress over plans for a new train station and a special service will be held today to unveil 5 new data plaques at a Presto park Scott the weather forecast Emily Wood is at the Weather Center for us this morning and many are on board have been damp now on board. And yeah I d love to say that you will dry out soon but unless you can do it in the next few hours then yes not going to happen for a little while just hang yourself on the radiator later and. I m so nervous recommendation for the next 6 months anyway we are starting off with I m a dry weather this morning but a little bit of a shower you. Rain just the south of bus or decent parts of Somerset Otherwise it s dry it s some bright weather start with the best the sunshine will be through this morning cloud is set to increase from the west throughout the day and that will start to bring with it a bit of patch light rain and drizzle towards the end of this afternoon up until then as that thumb drive weather around south westerly winds today a little bit breezy later on but still high as of 16 degrees in the cleaved in 15 southeast in Bath and Bristol this afternoon the rain has become more widespread and persistent through tonight and wet weather through tonight along with some strong winds temps there still mild lows between 12 and 15 Celsius tomorrow then still have some heavy rain in the morning easing for timing and further heavy rain tomorrow afternoon some strong gusty winds to take note of through Friday but the highs are 16 or 17 degrees the weekend it s still going to be unsettled so some rain at times some dry weather mixed in there but will be a bit cooler across the weekend and basically continuing unsettled into next week now were saying Q Emily we re there with the weather. It s not her fault remember it s Joe This has got to try I would remain I m blaming the weather on you I for 20 riding down here for a moment so we re a single lot of alternate traffic is in place that with time for life due to road works to queue time roughly around 10 minutes already as you pass through Brislington on the a 4 Bath road towards on as well heading into Bristol also a similar queue of around 10 minutes 5 minute queue so shorter on the I 4 pole way as you come in sobre still to try to get onto the hot war road and some brawny roadblocks in place today and filter in the I 38 Gloucester Road north as a sort of temper like now because of telecoms work there just in place new to Springfield not being taken we re told Saturday this began yesterday along well green the a 431 Bath Road has now water main work underway with tempered lights in place to Snit s of Watsons road again that should be finishing I think tomorrow Albiston also finishing tomorrow I 30 gloss. The road gas my work temper lies 40 acre lane if you have any more this morning on the roads are 800-5595 b.b.c. Radio Bristol this morning I will be addressing the urgent need for more social care funding with the people in charge. Joined by councillors. And Helen Holland from Bristol to investigate what s being done where you live to help needed most if you are a carer or affected by the cuts in social care funding then you can have your say. Your question to day at b.b.c. . U.k. B.b.c. Radio Bristol. Yeah it s a big phone inferred on the small earning and I was just talking to her about it when I went to get a bit of a drink and this isn t really about politics it is about what can physically actually be done tangible things that can be done about adult social care so join John between 9 and 10 with counsellors Rob Mike Bell and Helen Holland from both the northeast some said north some Semper still to talk about the need for adult social care funding in a special phone and with John the Smalling it is coming up to 20 past 7 in a moment we re going to talk about cycling and why not enough women getting on a bike in Bristol at 1st oh did you catch the sports store last night with Laura Rowlands Laura s guest was Jane couch m.b.a. Britain s 1st female professional boxer talking about her incredible life both in and out of the ring Jane who lives in Bristol has just released her autobiography code the final round and she told Laura a particularly amazing story from the book on the show last night what happened was we was invited to the 1st pride to walk Britain Awards and it wasn t televised it was the 1st. Pilar Yeah so we had to go and walk down the red carpet and of in saw and I go in and Jimmy call girl from Brookside south might air ball and Brookside was like you ve saw it in Liverpool and not know if we lived there and I was actually me and of how are you doing today and the next one go round to my right and there s a bit of a commotion a Princess Di s. And I m like oh my God And I looked at Jimmy call and calm accounts peak because she was saw beauty when he said princess she s real wife s beautiful skin and I m just there an hour and everyone stood up on the devil I m still stuck down and of passed on the slope and when I die nice to meet you she was very shy but when she sat down she we all started talking and she asked me what I was doing that show you a you ve been awarded if you won in a war than a white noise which is the I think to present you know an award or so the box and she went in box like yeah that s a lie fall out as a man of a new woman box lever she was like This is amazing you tell me all about or such and we had lunch together and she had to get open and go on present the awards because she was the main guest and as she was going. Jimmy Korku shouter a guy cuts were. Yes get you down because the press was really on there at that time but even though she handle stress and the press was outside even them way in for she was just saw. Nice to me we just had a proper conversation and she was really stunned that women could box just what it is are interested in Jane real what s now all about. And she was like just wish you re all you ve got a lovely smile it s really nice to me only Jane couch would go or write die How s it going Jane couch m.b.a. Britain s 1st female professional boxer she s from Bristol she was with Laura Rawlins last night on the sports store and towards the end of the chat Laura said like this book is so good Jane you know our reckon it s more than a book or reckon it could be a film and Jane while funny you should say that a couple of meetings coming up one with Saran Jones and one with the makers of Downton Abbey apparently we re going to goodness if you want to listen back because it s well worth it then there is available on the b.b.c. Sounds apt just look for the sports store with Laurel and. An abrasive d.c. Radio Bristol. If you live in Sol 13 between Bristol and Bath How do you fancy hearing this on a regular basis I apologize this is a little bit of a tease one for each. Was to service to. Yeah campaigners have been calling for a railway station insult for for years tonight a motion will be put before bangs Council calling for a detailed study to be carried out to see if it s possible all I would say is I know what s coming up on our i wouldn t I wouldn t get over excited or just trying to like you know temper your expectations should 16 year olds be able to vote is something we re talking about on the show today you ve been getting in touch and says I have for a long time been in favor of 16 year olds voting not all people including adults are able to make an informed decision or want to be. They should be given the opportunity on the other side though Clive and Stapleton says the world revolves around coma coma us if you aren t in work I don t believe you should be able to vote unless you re contributing into the system to get your point Clive lotsa 16 year olds they will be working and paying taxes but does that work the other way that any age if you re not contributing does that mean your right to vote gets taken away that would be a big thing to suggest thank you for getting in touch though should 16 year olds be able to vote we ll talk more about this later oh wait 100855949 is my number and it s free to call the show you get much for free in life these days also you can text one trouble 3 Start your message with the words Bristol right on your bike ladies. Give me a bike give me a give me a spin on the sound of the rain I have to school I love to swallow I was on my income it was that a fact bottom goes which I didn t think well it would be appropriate for me but apparently men in Bristol are twice as likely to travel regularly by bike than women lots of women have said they never ride a bike the was is my but Bristol based charity lifecycle u.k. Is launching the 1st though women s cycling charter today to try and change this and hopefully inspire more women take get on a bike Poppy Pret is from lifecycle Good morning why why women not doing this well I think one of the main reasons is that they think cycling is dangerous and we really want to change the narrative around this lots and lots of things in life are dangerous if you don t know how to do them properly cooking walking across the street driving a car and what you do is you learn how to do that. Things like learning to cook you learn very gradually over many many years but what we re not doing is teaching people how to cycle on road so they may be able to ride a bike but that doesn t mean they can ride on the road so we really want to change the narrative around this and inspire women to think about cycling for short every day journeys is this a is there a perception that women and men view the risks differently then I think there is I mean we I haven t gone into that in any great detail looking at the risks at the perceptions that they have but men a much more likely to cycle men are much more likely to think oh I can get a bike I haven t been on one for years but I can get a bike and work out how to ride it whereas women won t do that and one of in fact you were just saying oh there are many things that are free in life actually we offer free cycle training in Bristol so women and men can have 3 free sessions and the idea is really to give people the skills that they need to cycle on the road safely the other thing that we do is we show people good routes because people are like oh you know I don t do that road yeah yeah and they think they have to go the same way that they would drive a car and it s simply not true that there are a load many many other routes there are some bad cycle infrastructure there s some really great cycle infrastructure and then there s all those roads in between that you can use to to make your journey how much are the periphery so important I m thinking about so say someone was contemplating instead of our dinner getting the bus or even using their car to do that commute they could cycle but if at the other end there wasn t a shower facility or a safe place to park their bike or whatever how much impact does that have on their decision I think that s really important I mean obviously you know a shower might depend on the distance you re going you may not need a sheriff you re only going a couple of I can t believe what. I get sweaty just thinking about my show. But yes. Parkin you know if you go out and spend some money on a bike and it gets nicked a week later then obviously you re going to be extremely upset so good cycle parking is really important and part of this women cycle charter is calling on organizations to make their workplaces cycle friendly if they make them cycle friendly for women then they ll be cycle friendly for men too and when I say that what I mean is you know women for example if a workplace was to say to their female staff Ok We re going to make sure that you cycle training is available to you yet then they might be encouraged to do it men probably a less likely to want to cycle training for example so is the main excuse the perception of danger and safety yours anything else that women are so I think the main reason is is danger and poor infrastructure which is kind of part of the same the same picture to there all the other reasons I mean some people genuinely you know they have too far to go some people like me have a delicate undercarriage. And it might be. Possibly that it might just be that people buy excess out wrong for the and you know the bite slightly too small slightly too big the handle bars are a bit too far away a bit too close so there s all sorts of you know part of the training as we hope you get your bike set up now roughly Now this is a positive thing this is not about like oh it s a struggle women aren t cycling so let s remind people the benefits of getting on your bike well that I mean there are numerous bearing in mind the show finished at 9 Ok. All right Ok and be quick so well obviously it s very affordable form of transport it s very environmentally friendly everyone will know we ve got a climate crisis we ve got an air quality crisis to congestion it s crazy and it s so it s a sustainable form of travel and it s very healthy so you know if you want to get a bit fitter this is a really great way to do it you don t have to build going to the gym. Something into your day you can cycle to work and home again and you ve kind of killed 2 birds with one stone so lots of positive reasons to cycle so what s happening today what should people data find out more about your charter Ok so they can look on our Facebook page on Twitter or on our website which is lifecycle u.k. To the u.k. They can stand up to the charter so we d really love people to sign up but we ve also got through the signing up it s the easy bit then we ve got a list of different actions people can take there whether they re individuals or whether they re part of an organization that s in different actions which are things like you know get some psycho training or you know if you love cycling and you re a woman why do you take your girlfriends out for a bike ride encourage them to give it a go because we think that you know the great thing about women is that they kind of if they learn to do something they often share it with their family their children and their friends so it kind of cascades down good luck and thank you for telling us about are those poppy brats from the breast store based charity life cycle u.k. Today is the launch of the Bristol women s cycling charter to encourage more women to cycle regularly and if it s something you ve been a millionaire in about check out that cycle training because it could be something just as simple as getting your bike set up right and you could be up up and go and big bottom small bottom wide bottom narrow bottom delicate undercarriage or not. Was from Weston super Mare to bar the only way to them and. B.b.c. Radio Bristol was. Was just on 730 on Thursday morning listening to Emma Britton on b.b.c. Radio Bristol with the news Richard Lawson have a clash as a been reported in northern Syria where Turkish ground troops have joined an air offensive against Kurdish forces Turkey is facing internat. No criticism because Kurdish a Fighters it considers to be terrorists played an important role in defeating the Islamic state militant group there are now worries that i.i.s. Could make a resurgence councillors in Bath on northeast Somerset are being asked to consider firmly supporting a campaign to allow 16 year olds to vote a motion proposed by the Liberal Democrats is to be discussed by Baines later Bristol adopted a similar policy in 2017 ultimately up to the government to make any changes to the voting age well Hillary Gebbie. From the University of Bristol students union it s really really important that we recognise that they are ultimately defeats generations are going to shape this country and if we don t get them involved from right now we re going to keep on making decisions that will fit the demographic of the country oh here s he s alive again they re going chief medical officer for England says eating food on buses and trains should be banned in the sugar tax extended to help tackle childhood obesity and a final report Professor Dame Sally Davis also wants the marketing of less healthy food and drink to be phased out across all media and major public venues the government says it will study the report closely and act on the evidence their demands for a new plan for a train station and so ferde is after a decade of frustration from residents and campaigners who want a new station on the Great Western line between Bath and Bristol it s like counsellors n Bains will be asked to back a detailed study and plan for progressing the project. And the cycling charter is being launched in Bristol later today to encourage more women to Cycle Research shows that men in Bristol are twice as likely to travel regularly by bike than women and many women say they do never get on a bike because of fears of a safety inadequate infrastructure. A man from Africa who s helped who was helped by a family from North Somerset more than 30 years ago says he wants to find them to thank them for their help Marco were Kayser from Kenya was sponsored in the 1980 s. By the roaches family who at that time lived in Portishead he still has a postcard from them sent in 1905 I would like to find them again you know you want to record let us know because there are oh I know by media. You know what I mean. But and our hope there are so I need to do is you know for me . And for new contact list anation points raising money to support homeless people will be stalled in Bristol today to mark homelessness Awareness Day He s a nation points on white ladies rode the McCue or hotel on Welsh Back inside the Lloyds Banking Group building on Bristol s harbourside bring the total number of points in the city to 9 and the weather forecasts a mix of sunshine and showers today temperatures reaching around 15 degrees Celsius and most of the b.b.c. Radio Bristol news headlines the time now is $730.00 for. His job with the travel just one x. And I m afraid to bring you this morning on the Fishponds Road this is blocking one lane this is just as you had inbound need to man a road not too far from Fishponds park the bus lane was and is the one that is totally blocked if you go any more not do please pass on slow on the Fishponds Road because of that very recent incident so from arms bring along the I $38.00 so Ward s little start that queue is around 15 minutes you had need to patch where I was in that direction a full 20 that s riding down hail as you go from warmly towards wake you got a single line of alternative traffic in place with those temperate lies due to road works the queue there around 10 minutes and I ve got 3 other queues to bring you roughly around 10 minutes as well as you pass through bristling so. On the a for towards on us via poor white on to the hobble road as you head into Bristow I never used the phrase Stop stop no huge moment today on I could except that is what is happening on the I $46.00 stopping unless starting exactly right you ve got a queue then you move for a little bit more then you get another queue and then move all of it nor the queue up towards the most where the end for if you go any more 11008591. And every so b.b.c. Radio Bristol. Day is World Mental Health Day and on the show before 8 o clock a University of Bristol student who go in touch a couple of months ago saying he d really like to talk about student mental health his name s comrade and I called him this week and in our Chairman how do you come out he says well. On Thursday is his best day couldn t say no he s going to be on the show before 8 o clock I m really looking forward to talking to him now if you are a rugby fan something has happened overnight while you were sleeping the England against France game in the Rugby World Cup on Saturday has been called off because of a typhoon that s heading for Tokyo so it s been described this typhoon as the biggest of the year it s set to apparently wreak havoc in Tokyo and the surrounding areas so they ve called off the England France game it won t be replayed it will be a nil nil scoreless draw so both teams will get 2 points it means England will progress as winners of pool say 2 points ahead of fronts in 2nd place the issue being Scotland if the Scotland Japan much was to be called off under tournament rules it would mean Scotland would be likely to be knocked out of the World Cup So that s a very different situation isn t it so current situation England France cancelled Ireland Samoa on Saturday morning and Australia Georgia. Set to go ahead because obviously in different locations as it stands for the Sunday games which include Scotland and Japan a review is going to be made on Sunday morning because it will depend on the damage caused by the typhoon the day before you can read more on the b.b.c. Sport website but yet for rugby fans that sir that s a bit of a blow this morning. Trains between Bath and Bristol are as quick as they ve ever been but building railway stations Well that remains a very very long. Arduous process just ask everyone living in the village of salt on the a for between Preston and bath that could be you it s crying out for a station the line runs past the village and residents of long campaign for railway station but any new platform seem a long long way away here s our politics reporter Pete Simpson. Ok so we don t have steam trains anymore I mean what noise would you use to depict a train. Yeah fair enough however the overriding sound rail campaigners in the village of sorts for it make it into a horny one but this part of. The harrumph thing is because despite campaigning for the best part of a decade despite support from whichever political entities in charge of the local council and despite positive vibes from Network Rail. A new station insult for it seems as far off as it ever was. It s mentioned very briefly the station in the latest regional transport plan under the section vaguely headed old investment schemes under development a part of dosh was set aside by the council 4 years ago to progress the project but that s not been spent only listen to this people living in the village of salt food discussing the prospect of a new station in 2011 so for us a population of 5000 people the station shut in the early seventy s and since then the village is probably grown by about 40 percent of the I 4 was busy from about 7 o clock on words to about 10 o clock and 2 days ago I was a part time to come in here will cover me for 2 or 3 hours in the morning. He said no and I asked him why because he said that the traffic light tonight a conservative party motion will be presented to Baines Council it demands the new Liberal Democrat leadership and I quote the cabinet to commission a detailed study when resources allow which sets out their plan for providing salt food with a railway station. Aka pull your finger out after all it was part of the Lib Dems manifesto on which they swept to victory in Bath and Northeast Somerset in May. If the plan is to encourage public transport use remove cars from busy roads for help the environment isn t infrastructure like this but the most priority issue for you with the city is. Politics reporter Pete Simpson so the conservative group in both the northeast some a set of commotion tonight calling on the liberal democrat control Council to go ahead with plans for a new railway station in sulphide But the thing is if it went ahead it would need the support of the only the council but Network Rail on the west of England combined authority so we asked all of them where they stand on this business basically the Liberal Democrat group that controls both the northeast and that council says it supports the idea but has got no means of delivering it Wacker the west of England combined authorities say they support the idea but they didn t give us any detail on how it might happen and Network Rail statement Well can I just say it doesn t suggest it will be happening any time soon sorry self it just come 228 let s have a look at the papers our guest today is Lisa Beazley you say mindful eating and body image coach from West trim Good morning morning I m a lovely to see you what do you make of that story on the front page of The Times tell us the story 1st I guess you re probably not surprised I went for this one that s right time and yeah. So leading story in The Times this is about a proposal to ban food on trains Ok so the outgoing chief medical officer says that eating and drinking must be bound on trains and buses to tackle a.b. City keyword outgoing So I think that s what you call in the industry a mike drop I m just going to say something leave it here and then I m off what you re about I guess I mean I just. I don t I can t see this helping I really can t I think this is kind of about the nanny state to me like you know the rules we have around food and stuff like that and for me you know telling people they can t eat on trains is not going to make a difference to how people Homan things so it s for me it s much more around education. Getting to the root cause of why people may be a very and it s not even true that all people who are in larger bodies a very anyway so yeah Jenny you were doing a really long journey you know like Penzance to Edinburgh I know you couldn t eat the entire way I mean like that s just not a thing really no I think I think we need to be allowed to do what we want to do and if we ve got issues we need to get to the bottom of them not just say we re going to have portion sizes or you can t do this or you can t do that interesting Ok let s move on to the Daily Mail what you picked out from the Daily Mail Today Ok so well this so this one s in the female section of the Daily Mail This is about Sarah Ferguson and one of one of her children got married recently and stories were around have fantastic she looked anyway so Fergie has opened up around all the cosmetic surgery that she s hat Ok so it one way it s a nice story because she s being open around how she looks you know why she looks like the way she does but it turns out she s had Botox a thread lift laser facelift organic fillers and vitamin injections to look the way she does. If you can afford it. You know is that a problem I don t know is it for a cut for water now so I mean you know my head naturally goes to the serious side so for so for me this the backstory to this is all around that we re kind of not allowed to age as women you know where we re soft. Expected to not age to strive to look younger to have procedures you know all which is all around actually that we re not allowed to get older when really if you think about it getting older is a privilege why we constantly trying to not get older and I find this is a general sweeping generalization sweeping you get to a certain age and then you embrace sure aging you start every sentence with well I m 87 you know yeah you know I m not quite there yet I m not like this obviously So I mean about embracing the age and I don t know I m contradicting myself but I just I just think you know why can t we just be as we are instead of having to constantly wish people something different Yeah I always like it when famous people are nice they are tending that trait wake up in those Instagram photos with a full face of makeup and false eyelashes Yeah if I went to bed with false eyelashes on they d wake up on my chin. And then you d wonder where those Has it come from right Daily Express next yes I want to like to know I was just flicking through this them as a story 1st up a story that about Duffy leaving casualty nurse stuff a nurse Duffy is leaving after 33 years. And this just took me right back to my youth you know I used to really watch casualty back in the day and she s like this yes she s like this icon isn t she really for Bristol I don t even know her real name because she s Nast Duffy So real name is Kathy shipped in course Kathy and it says she s hanging up her uniform 33 years after she 1st appeared in the pilot episode last summer and then your final story comes from the Bristol Post Yass and I thought this was lovely actually so if the strap line is lighting up landmarks to Mark loss so basically there are 9 key buildings on landmarks across Bristol and they re going to be sought. Lit up in the night in soft pink and baby blue and the reason they re doing this is to show support for baby loss awareness week and for the fans charity which I think is really lovely. And that you know they re going to light up buildings like the magistrate court the Hippodrome the s.s. Great Britain and I thought be nice to have a chat about it so people know why the lit up in those colors left thank you so much Lisa great to see you know if people want to find out more about you how can they do that I m on the web. My body posted to call me and I m on Facebook as well as lovely to have you on the show Lisa Beasley there from Westbury on train with the papers. Just going course to right now Richard has the news headline it s tacky says this attack more than $180.00 targets in northern Syria as part of a major ground and air offensive against Kurdish forces councilors in banks are being asked to consider formally supposing a campaign to allow 16 year olds to vote and their demands for a new plan for a train station so ferde the weather forecast a mixture of sunshine and showers today highs of around 15 degrees Celsius Thanks Richard I ve had a great text from Christine Christine says I perform all those treatments Sarah Ferguson has had she looked better the night she d come to. Cheers Chris stated. number b.b.c. Radio Bristol a really big difference with the birth of your daughter and your unwillingness shoes born 6 weeks early she was towing the shin upon my hand because I know it was an emergency surgery and so was the 1st non-medical person especially older but that was a turning point for me so I mean I was I doing it to be separate from this little thing using my hands perfectly the Saturday morning from laughing that was the turning points and she s been a joy to force in ever since and for many many occasions in my life no rulings this was our family now I knew some issue for us in this was personally ours that sense of loss it just comes from nowhere safe precious d.c.u. Radio Bristol. Ok time to go last sport a big news for the Rugby World Cup is Richard Haass Yes overnight it s been confirmed that England against France on Saturday has been called off because of Typhoon the poor b. Match between New Zealand and Italy into it on Saturday is also being cancelled so England s focus will now turn to a potential quarter final against Australia a week on Saturday but after a 2 week break will they be under coach his head coach Eddie Jones we re not concerned at all we re excited right up the chain you would have thought we d have to relatives lazy gangs one tough guy. And then 2 words appear for a quarter final as I want swallowing all of the diving gods maybe organizers still hope that Scotland s crucial match against Japan can go ahead as planned on Sunday if that was called off as well and a tournament rule Scotland likely to be knocked out of the World Cup In a statement Scottish rugby say they fully expect contingency plans to be put in place his tournament director Allan Gilpin we are of course continuing to review Sunday s match is a making every effort to ensure that they will be played showed you a thorough assessment of the venues will take place after the typhoon has passed before a final decision is made on Sunday morning where same of rugby the center Jamie Roberts says he s benefited from working as a television pundit at the Rugby World Cup he says not only is he now refresh going into the new campaign but having been given permission by the club to miss out on their pre-season to work in Japan he says it offered a different perspective of the sport as well I guess when you commentating on punditry you have to watch the game like a hawk and you get a different companies overview of the game which is something or not most of you so you know want to play in you see you see in a different angle and obviously when you watch on the box you see in a different it was well so you know I was learning stuff about the game especially you know from some of the top sides of the earth so yeah 3rd enjoyed it was a great experience and as was just that break now allows me to come refresh to support often and give it everything the Susan and I think we ve got a group and go on to compete. Also for the well as manager Ryan Giggs says that the Bristol City defender Ashley Williams Well captain the team if selected for their latest Euro 2020 qualify in Slovakia Williams is back in the squad having been left out of the last batch of matches if asked plays then he s the captain it s good to have a spark obviously again last month he was just about to speak to rest or say so that s the reason I left him I had another club but now he s playing playing regular playing well so yeah he s back in Northern Ireland or away to the Netherlands the saving Scotland are in Russia and the Bristol golf across what is in Rome competing in the a tally and open duty of 12 40 pm u.k. Time thank you very much Richard Haass came with your sport Jeff 20 men here tonight from 6 o clock with a haven t Agassiz got a panel of 3 Rovers fans to talk about the season so far and a look ahead to Saturday s home game with m.k. Dons having a gas from 6 an abrasive b.b.c. Radio Bristol. Coming up after 8 o clock should 16 year olds be allowed to vote their feature that we re voting on usually So I think 16 year old most of them able to make decisions about things that they won not biting the ball they have in formulation been used by the. They haven t lived long enough in the world I would suggest to 20 world counsellors in both the north east Somerset looking at the idea of votes for 16 year olds today I ll talk more about after 8 but if you ve got an opinion get in touch let me know what you think should 16 year olds be able to vote oh wait 100855949 days my number. Today is well out mental health day now it s an annual event to raise awareness of mental health issues all over the world and a University of Bristol student go in touch to ask if he could talk on the radio about his experiences of being a student in Bristol and how that s affected his mental health. And when I found out that today was also comrade Jennings 20th birthday I couldn t say No good morning and Happy Birthday more on that like no maybe I ll start the 20th best aping life on the right you know it s very unique. You are no longer a teen and I no longer tell the grown up it s going. Ok so. When I got your e-mail which was a couple of months ago now I thought I m definitely going to do something about that because you seemed really passionate about talking about mental health to students so how would you describe mental health problems at the university is it something you see on a regular basis I say I see a lot in young people definitely I mean I ve got. A lot of friends who do suffer from you know mental health is a very wide spectrum it s not just like depression it anxiety can be anything yeah and. I ve noticed is that people don t really know how to cope or how to how to go about it you know they sort of the have a problem and the 1st the 1st thing I would say is definitely talk about it you know you have to all you have to open up conversation Yeah it s very hard trust me you know I went through it all myself and definite The hardest part is that is the starting point you know getting to talk. And do you think university life contra p. In general not just in Bristol but contributes to people s mental health as a precious thing do you think I think there s obviously a lot of pressure regarding universities you know you come from a school and then you re thrown into the deep and you know you don t know anyone really you got to make new friends you know you re away from home you ve got a long time was precious all builds up but it s more responsibility yeah lots more songs but it is exactly. The problem is like it will just. It does apply a massive pressure on the individual. And it s the coping mechanisms like people that don t know how to cope and that s when you know you see sort of like a slip in mental health and people s dog going down the slippery slope that has mental health issues now when you and I ve been chatting you described your own mental health as a rollercoaster Yeah and immediately that struck a chord with me because that s how I describe my mental health and sometimes I go on that right a coaster on a daily basis or an hourly basis and some days I can be on a really level for weeks and weeks and weeks and he s When I heard you tell it like that I was like oh my goodness it s not just me and that was a real proof to me about you know the importance of talking and sharing. Definitely I mean what people don t seem to. Think or understand is that. You talk to people that say they have Men s of issues and they don t necessarily know how to go about it but they they feel isolated I mean that is the most common thing I d say with Men s of vision is you feel isolated you feel like you re on your own you don t you feel like you don t have anyone to turn to and it will just builds often that is the problem in speaking to you before I did several because to because some days you have good days and then before you know you wake up and it s completely swept off your feet because it s just very up and down and mental health is something that needs to be talked about more. When you experience trouble with your mental health university what kind of how did you get and was it good help did it did actually make a difference when I finally got the help from the I went through the university route because Christine of us it does offer a support system when I finally got the how. Far they ll come out Steinem and I have to say the counseling was actually I had 2 or 3 I think throughout the year and all of them lovely people really helped I mean the problem is it is so over subscribed in the universe you can t cope with this oversubscription. I read an article where said the ever shoot downs to a 52 days before saying someone a lot can happen in 52 days who you might have spent 50 days plucking up the courage to say you needed help yeah now and if you then go away another 5th well to all my 1st application that I submitted I got rejected. From the counselors of a saying. I. I don t I don t know how they phrased it best I didn t fit the criteria was on this it wasn t bad enough some was up anyway for months later I had the maximum out counseling that they could give you at the university and our main Let s talk about what you ve done because you ve not only took about this you ve actually done something actually tangible haven t even designed your own claim you think Bratton is actually one of them was a cult it s almost the idea behind it basically you know cause ugh. In the name of Allah fashion if you go on in my friends when they are mad on clothes love studying history by the way not fashion I have studied fashions this thing like yeah yeah but fashion is definitely I think so I love fashion and an old friend of mine turned around to me when I was feeling I was I love you feeling like I want to do some of the stuff and I thought what can I do for myself with all the fashion one let s not get along and I was quite funny because the name into a cause is a metaphor for depression because what can a car do and those that I think nothing useless covers the truck so yeah what I ve done is a correct claim run in the car as we partnered with a great jockey to how. May who suffer from depression because it is the leading killer for men under 50 I believe. So we partnered with them or proceeds all the profits that we got from the sales they go to come and hopefully we can help some people out and I thought that thank you for giving not having to go but I knew best tight so being so I put it on I asked him for doing giving back because I think that s pretty had no With Thank you you are the perfect guest on wild mental health day if people are to find out more about what you think they. Are Instagram is in the old thought caused the clothing is not the. Everything s all not basically the cloves you can buy through the there s a link to the website. If anyone listening has meant to have issues and feel that they need someone to talk to my out is current Jennings message me I m more than happy to speak to some people if you go on that talk about we just get people talking as well myself that I think you know we need to really push. So of open more open minded speech. University of Bristol student comrade Jens that has set up a clothing brand the proceeds from which will go to calm the mental health charity check out. Online today as well mental health day. News is on the way it s 8 o clock 1st I just got the travel watch out for the fishponds roadblocks are still causing the law is blocking the bus line they re coming in just needs to man a road not too far from Fishponds park is right.

Radio-program , Edwardian-era , University-of-bristol , Youth-rights , Political-science-terms , National-newspapers-published-in-the-united-kingdom , Observances , English-boxers , Somerset , Legal-terms , Areas-of-bristol , Radio-bbc-bristol

Transcripts for BBC Radio Bristol BBC Radio Bristol 20190920 130000

The scheme providers a guaranteed a specific price for the electricity they produce in order to ensure they have a steady income and reduce the risks they face in this case the so-called strike price ranges from $39.00 pounds $65.00 per megawatt to $41.00 pounds $61.00 around half the levels set out in the cheapest contracts awarded during the 1st phase of the scheme 4 years ago and considerably less than the government s forecast market price councillors in South Gloucestershire have approved plans for almost 800 new homes in Harry stoke the development which also has a community center nursery and shops have been met with opposition from some locals the plant s main the so-called Harry Stoke moat and that evil fish pond will be built over and organizers of an annual strictly theme charity down south on and Weston super Mare looking for new couples to take part in next year s event strictly fun dancing has been raising money for Western hospice care for the last 2 years they now want couples to sing for 20 twentieth s competition with the final being held at the Winter Gardens next March and in sport in rugby Japan have beaten Russia in the Rugby World Cup opener and the weather the rest of the day will be dry and fine with long sunny spells temperatures around $22.00 degrees Celsius b.b.c. Radio Bristol News is coming up to 4 minutes past 2. Let s get the latest on the road situation with James Amos Good afternoon Queen s Road to 4018 it involves park around the junction with Richmond Hill there s the climate change demonstration I m going to right there completely blocked now long queues of traffic completely blocking the road eastbound at this moment in time so westbound traffic can still get through but there is moving very slowly Queen Charlotte Street around the junction with Baldwin Street again climate change demonstration they re seeing long queues of traffic in both directions as the marches there continue on into words the city sent. Blocking various roads as they go the. Not climate change rebellion there that s the road works just causing the usual slow traffic for an afternoon Victoria Street into Bristol bridge volume of traffic just looking quite slow on that stretch and Bond Street into the back seeing the usual congestion Fishponds Road the 432 around the junction with Manor Road heading southbound partially blocked that s following an accident and his affection traffic between Fishponds and Clay Hill and the ring road the 4174 heading eastbound between the with roundabout on the rosary roundabout heavy traffic that again just volume of traffic for the time of day no major problems on the public transport and the motorways flowing quite nicely so for now that s it for me I ll have more for you in half an hour. B.b.c. In the ocean. I remember the start as a puddle Oh no yes Ok nice of the river was all the water we ve had in recent weeks . Really Hurts Without you welcome to the 3rd and finest hour of the program in this out of the show joined by the wonderful singer songwriter Amy start you ve already met some awesome was she like what an incredible charismatic wonderful singer she is she going to be with incredible looking forward to it also in this hour the show had to find prepare and. Cook when courses just think about that Martin 1st of all you ve got to locate them guess where would you look for when cause yourself well I tried my street corner they re not there now has to be the sea shore doesn t it you re right and then you ve got to prepare them how would you prepare you when course I think you know there s a little shells you ve got to shock them I think shock is that I got a shock and I would like a little teaspoon and actually cooking them that s a delicate skill you don t overcook Martin when you shut them out you got to make sure they don t ping in your oil because I can be very dangerous that s why they re very rarely made by school children they just won t take the risk has the band away sis enhanced or negatively affected the image of Real away says but I think it s definitely did them a favor and it s brought into the modern meant mainstream conversation I ve got a romantic idea of a desert oasis is a being a lovely place with palm trees and a little bit of water maybe some dates and camels knocking around and yet you look at Oasis basically unruly bunch of thugs I mean is that really the image you want to perpetuate probably not have a little bit about on mine as well just next to the river little swimming pool as well gosh Plus does the queen know how to tie shoelaces to shift after bend then up with this is it I wonder whether she ever learned maybe when she was a young girl there may have been occasions but see Mum had someone who did it for her Come to think of every time I put them on for she s always one slip ons you know this is it plus if you were the farmer Martin employing Little Bo Peep How would you react to her I think rather tardy import keeping of the sheep because they re always going astray on the other yeah I mean she doesn t even have a very good action with a crook Yeah what I would say is on a farm like that people drink cider they do it for relaxing but actually if you take your eye off the sheep they will stray So you re right if you ve got a view on that maybe you re a landowner we d like to hear from you or a dude of the day suggestion is the 20th of September give Martin a call it s 08805949 Do you like a large red Corvette or a Little Red Corvette on quite posh The little ones without. Because I think that he want to go with me today. With the. Kids. With. The solo. Told. You ll. Soon. See. The. Huge public. That is Prince and little red call that your local radio station this is b.b.c. Radio Bristol the time now is 30 minutes past 2 and I m delighted to welcome you to the seat of the wonderful singer songwriter and multi instrumentalist Amy Stewart hello I m a hi it s Amy stuff I sang What time is I should know this I could name I m so sorry is it Danish Yes. Well I knew it I ve always had a problem with the Danes your family going back from Denmark clearly and they used to organize travelling funfair as Didn t I Yes So they came from I guess Denmark with travelling musical fun fact is that I had lion tamers and that I have about but the but you know they really living wagons were. Trimmed everything is usually I mean at the time of course animals were integral to entertainment I mean there was no such thing as caring about animals so it was all part of the fun wasn t it and I ve always had a soft spot for Denmark house like Peter Schmeichel the old goalie with the national team I was like advertised bacon on television at one point on the. Vegetarian Well we had a group of violinists called with the starts in the 1700s that used to play in the world Danish school orchestra and I think that s as far back as we ve been able to go yes with the family tree stuff but let s talk a bit about your family you are from a very musical family your dad Richard himself was a violinist and conductor and perform with some great artists overnight Yeah just give me an idea of the range of artists he s perform with so he s toured with like Shirley Bassey Roy Orbison The Rolling Stones The Beatles. I mean the list is endless and he s only every bit of film music you could think of Star Wars he s even like he s even the violin solo in the snowman cartoon when all the snowmen advancing with Santa I see some to that to be honest I forgot on but you know it ll be on again this Christmas Day Well he s obviously a prodigious Lee talented individuals he s still busy these days and it s you know I mean he does the odd thing I mean he conducts still conducts the symphony at The simply answer. And just does Christmas concerts I think and then you know his He s really well known in that side of the industry so I think you know friends ask him to do things but I think he s eased back a lot and that someone saw him get on a better very busy career just quickly talking about it working over the years I mean Roy Orbison has become an icon so. What a voice I mean he nobody could touch people like Roy Orbison couldn t his voice What do they do with the Beatles your father they don t do you know what he played strings on a tour I think are fantastic I think it s even just like with Bowie and he kept that secret until like 6 months he was writing a book on my. Face Now your mother is also a musician a name is Delia you know I thought they I think they met at the Royal Academy of Music they said yes yes and there was a meeting of minds I suppose Do they ever play together. They do you know Yeah actually they do they put together this little thing where my mum paid plays piano and my dad. Play strings when they met I think my dad was dating my mom s friend could used to be known as juicy Lucy harsh Oh yes she probably dried up since and now your childhood in Bournemouth was marked by your rebellion you were rebellious schoolchild Yes well cause I was a boredom was it just because your mind is so sort of all over the place I don t know it you know I think it was a mixture of things I think it was natural inclination to be known and also I don t think I was very well because I because I had a hip thing that happened and then I think that sort of Chick it my mental health and then so for years I was undiagnosed bipolar but I didn t know about it so it wasn t taking any medication so I think that was sort of affecting and then rule the whole mines of being a teenager did your parents despair at points when you were a bit naughty Yes Yes Do you feel guilty about my mom read my diary once was not. It was not I don t know what we were allowed to talk about my radio but I m going to keep it p.c. And and yeah I know but she was very upset and I was very sensitive so well you mentioned you re a problem you had a rare bone disease in your hip you how rare is it to many people really really rare how did they get to oh my God it took forever to get diagnosed everyone thought that the reason I couldn t walk was because I was getting a paying was. Because my bones were going to fast for my muscles all these other theories I was doing all this physio that. Was actually making it worse and it s because. This hadn t been seen since the 1920 s. And it was only ever seen in knee sockets and essentially what it does is it fines like. A blood clot sort of the knocked my hips somehow just being a kid and it gets in there and it just basically eats and dissolves your Byron course it s all in the control and I go yes fine but you know I mean I skip I missed being in a wheelchair for the rest of my life by like a hair and I remember I mean obviously this is I was like 12 but I remember my mum the muscle wastage and not being able to walk having to learn to put one foot in front of the other again because you just came back from the brink really didn t you yeah I mean I was in hospital for a really long time for that and. You know my mum brought keyboard in so I could carry on writing my songs and used to go down to the cafeteria and play music on the piano in the cafeteria to the other sick people in hospital in fact that s why I m going to be I want to put together a hospital tour and tour all the hospitals around the country just playing shows in the well the audience won t get a walk out well they should be good enough to stay as you mentioned you hone your songwriting when you were on well I knew eventually recorded your 1st 2 damn demo albums and got signed to poly door didn t you yes your debut single just to go released in 2002 and then misfit which went to number 6 in the charts people might recall did and just so go the 1st one went to number one and on radio play in the States as well Blimey I didn t know that and the debut album for Smalls went gold quite extraordinary I mean for you as a young girl at that time how did you feel in middle of a whirlwind when you yeah I mean when it was quite it was quite a dramatic life shift Yes because one minute I m just this girl that spends all her time in the writing room and on breaks at school and then the next. You know I m I m in this office and there are all these awards everywhere and I m talking to these really quite intimidating I mean I found it when you were 1314 you wrote a 30 year old is like well that s a really old person and yes and I was quite intimidated by the whole thing but it was amazing it suddenly launched me into this I was suddenly flying all around the world and traveling to meeting all these interesting people and writing songs with these other people that I ve never written with other people before and it was it was just so nice you know it was amazing experience but often it s really obviously a lot of pressure as I used to try to deal with that pressure by pretending that it wasn t really happening. You were I think on the tail end of when it was actually possible to make real money for music is thing yeah since I haven t though it literally was at that moment because that s why we didn t carry on I think we didn t carry I m releasing music in the States because we released the 1st single went to number one on radio and then something happened with m.t.v. Which was a big deal at the time Universal Records didn t put out freaked out Napster happened new universe freaked out didn t put enough records out into the shops so everyone downloaded online and that literally was the moment that online downloading started happy and the income stream for artists like you suddenly vanished and these days the way I make money is from touring isn t it where you did end up making a 2nd album my paper made men you moved to New York briefly what was the impetus for that. No one s asked me about that part of my life yeah. Was it for love it was yeah it was for love I was madly in love with somebody and which a lot of this album is about how it is about. My current album it is about that transition from 2 of my 2. Great loves that I had in my life and this was the 1st this was my 1st full long sledgehammer hit falling for somebody and it wasn t very healthy and it wasn t he wasn t very nice to me and I was very sick at the time and I didn t know why that was that this was sort of just as I d had a nervous breakdown and then I was put on medication which actually you shouldn t be I later found out if you have bipolar because actually it makes you super manic so I just had this whirlwind move to New York with this guy and it didn t go great how long we were actually there for. A few months I was there for. I did a few very regretful for what was not right almost well because you moved back to this country to look at some of your family and one thing another but you went quiet for a while and now you ve come back with your your 3rd album which is actually going to be released I think in October isn t it properly is the actual official release yet you ve done it together with Toby Kidd Now for those unfamiliar with Toby tell me a bit about him Ok So Toby kid is probably one of the few actual geniuses that I ve ever met in my life. When I met him I was instantly fascinated with him. I could I could just I could just you know. Right away to say waxworks lyrical wax lyrical about him but we ended up starting to see each other he became a very important figure in my life and we would write music together co-produced together. Live together I mean I think you know it was kind of like a marriage we would to gether about 6 or 7 years. And he was there throughout all of this 10 year journey and you re still probably with him or you Yes So when we when we split obviously like I knew that when we split I just didn t want to lose him from my life. Very different to other exes it was someone that I wanted to sort of ease ourselves into a position where we were like family and I actually didn t take too long and and now he is like he s like a member of my family and one of my best friends and I you know I love him dearly but the album proper happiest girl in the universe is released officially next month but you ve been sort of releasing tunes from incrementally haven t you let s just briefly talk about those tunes because you were saying when the record was on a moment ago they tell the story of your life don t know yes so I didn t know at the time but I was writing about what was happening during those 10 years. For example overdoses after an overdose attempt when I found myself in a hospital and they had a piano there and I wrote overdosed so these sort of. At the end of these 10 years I realized that it looked to me and felt to me like a book of my life a sort of autobiography of those 10 years and the songs were chapters and so I thought so I ordered the album in order of succession and I just thought I m not doing the whole singles thing I m just going to release every song every chapter of this. Book. Every 6 weeks and so that s what I ve been doing when you had that overdose How close did you get to succeeding I tried it a few times to be honest but because I was so physically used to the drug. You were immune to it where you just said. My tolerance level was I was taking way over the lethal dose but it but my tolerance level was too high say what I was one point where I did feel like the life of me was kind of like going up into the sky outside of my back window but that s what I put into that I was I Well thankfully you re right now you seem by and you seem like a bundle of joy which is nice so that the story of the old music scribe is a narrative story of depression hope and redemption I suppose there is light and of the tunnel is there it s funny I mean I was seeing this album as quite a depressing album but actually the people who have listened to it said to me that they find it very hopeful and that she kind of triumphant and that they find it really comforting to listen to so so that s I think that s actually quite nice that s come from and where it s described as haunting cinematic pop the album itself is going to be released properly next month in fact you got some to launch party haven t you yes we ve got an album launch gig slash party on the 9th of October at Victoria and Alston How do you feel about going live with the album doing performances my lover can t wait it s a great and I love sitting there and talking about the story we told you think ultimately yeah I was already got I ve got a Northern Tool book which I m just about to announce for this November December and then hopefully a servant or just after Christmas well if people are more details they even have to look at Amy s website although her name is Amy start it s a nice day yeah which is a dot com I should mention that you find details there of course of all the music and any future live dates we re going to play the track which is called Sleepwalk which is 10. About the lyrical content what s it about I m especially about it s about having successfully and it s about when I just fast retire and from. New York and it s about being lost in London and finding comfort with somebody else and it was during the London riots so the streets were literally banning outside of our windows and yeah that s when it was written well thank you so much for coming today I mean every success in the future with a musical career and your continued recovery as well I can wish you well she is likely. a forthcoming album the happiest girl in the universe which is released next month more details about Amy at her website. Dot com spell. Dot com. Shortly on today s program we will be looking at Winkles nothing wrong with that. But the ladies on the road there with James Amos Good afternoon so good news for the center of Bath and Bristol the climate change demonstration that we re receiving word that has now ended in both places and so traffic is easing and people are disbanding so I ll keep an eye on it just to make sure but it is looking a quite a bit better in the center of Bristol at the moment the temple circus directory system though still looking quite slow and Victoria Street into Bristol bridge again seeing a bit of extra traffic there at the moment bomb St near the bear pit traffic quite heavy through that stretch good news as well for Fishponds Road the full 3 to that early accident has now being being cleared and traffic is returning to normal on the ring road at Brislington between the Hc skate roundabout the deanery road roundabout heading westbound traffic quite heavy on that stretch and on the Ring Road westbound between the rosary roundabout and the wick roundabout again busy but moving no major problems on the motorway so if you re heading in towards South Wales today that is looking slow now up from the Prince of Wales bridge down towards a bring us towards just the usual Friday afternoon no major problems on the m 5 in the public transport generally running to time that s if an animal for you in half an hour and do less with Richard Harris on the b.b.c. Radio based on. The lifestyle issue where you were apart from drinking coffee etc Now you know not some guy in the fish shops and we ll see you play some bishops then we ve been to the chart was pretty Grimes Yeah we ve been through a few days reasonable want to start a coffee shop on the existing road to radio stations to teens who are nearing the next running back to where somebody else pays a lot of them a nice tools isn t it insultingly demonstration that the tones on the movies mostly give you Larry my Sunday morning from Tino extraordinary was a mainstay on b.b.c. Radio place too. Still to come on today s program we ve got our due to the day of course coming up with Martin before the end we ll be looking at when cools how to find them how to prepare them how to cook them shortly on the show has the band Oasis enhanced Oh negatively affected the image of real desert. I ve got rather nice romantic view of the odo ISIS with the palm trees and little spring in the middle where you can get refreshing water after trekking through the desert and being famished maybe some of the date palms there as well I wonder whether the above a boy s oasis of negatively affected the image of Oasis does the queen know how to tie shoelaces has she left it too late to ever learn I mean what was in Bend over these days plus if you were the farmer employing that oboe paper how would you discipline her after she repeatedly lost your shape if I slack practices in it would be instant dismissal or maybe a final written warning if you ve got a view or not maybe you do have strong views give us a call. 8 find. Next up on the show then your guide to winkle. After the Super Bowl. Please. To. Sierra I m thinking about you the time now is 22 minutes to 3 Steve Yabsley with you on this Friday afternoon thanks for tuning in let s take a look at tell Winkle shall we the common peril when coal or when coal it s a species of small edible welcome or see snail a Marine gastropod mollusc it s got Gail s and a little shell need to protect its soft body Here s a bit of information about finding them preparing them and cooking them if you want to have a crack at it. When Calls are a robust intertidal species native to rocky shores and the wonderful forage of Monaco Why would you look at her websites Monica wild with an e dot com She s got tips on how you can deal with them she says you can identify when caused by that color their dark gray when they re black when they re wet but they re dark grey with a white edged opening and their shape and size is small and rounded try not to confuse them with well which are much more pointed and lighter in color and they ve also got a mushy texture which is worse. Head to the sea shore with a bucket low tide and collect them from the rocks if you visit sandy areas you ll have a job getting rid of the gritty sand later on unlike limpets Winkles detach easily from the rocks and they like to collect together and hide in damp clefs and the edges of the rocks together when coals with the freshest flavor of void foraging for them in the warmer months of May June July and August purge the wing caused by putting them into a bucket a sea water make sure all the wing calls a covered in water you can do this by using a pram that there is small enough to fit into the bucket and then pushing it down so that all the Winkles are in the water. If you don t do that then the the Winkles will make a bid for freedom they ll climb up the sides and they ll end up being sand in gritty leave them soaking for 3 to 4 hours but never longer than 12 hours next you want to steam the wing course which I must say does surprise them by putting a small amount of fresh water in a big pan and bringing to the boil and you might want to add a splash of white wine brandy or cow for dos once the liquid is boiling at the wing close to the Palm. The Winkles a small and they were packed tightly together it s best to do in smallish batches that will mean that they steam even the steam for about 4 minutes and then drain with a calendar remove the wing course from their shells either with a specialist Winkle pin a fine skewer or unfolded paper clip take a winkle in one hand and the pin in the other at the entrance to the shell was a little late small brown hard flake of shell that cannot be eaten if the lid is a little open put your pin in and catch the Winkle and pull gently the cold body will come out on the lid is discarded if the lids a bit closed gently prise or open with the pin once all the wing calls a dish out put them to one side and they can be stored in the fridge like this for only a day or so and then serve them warmed through with a little bit garlic butter delicious Hello Jane in prison 10 she says her friend went when called picking and got a good hole in a bucket the next morning although when course had escaped and they were all over the caravan this is it you ve got to incarcerate them in some way because they re plucky little characters. And talking away Channing King s words been in touch she would feel sorry for Little Bo Peep if she lost her sheep she thinks Little Boy Blue leads her astray most of the time she often loses her sheep when she s trying to count them as she s trying to sleep many thanks to an in King s word lovely Next up on the program or Martin will join me with. Due to the day. After Little became wild and she really is wild she s furious. Cause all over a caravan and that is not a euphemism. Insult And she is really Mexican color and vibrancy and just joining we are just one big community of different cultures and religions spend your weekend with us it s really is a privilege to come volunteer work on b.b.c. Radio bring. Martin with me in the studio the dates say the 20th of September do you know in 2004 Martin the legendary Nottingham Forest and Darby came to pass Brian Kluft died at the age of 69 what a legend you were he was a legend he liked to drink they did a lot we all used to say. The double was an ambition it was his breakfast. Heartless I thought saying well if double eggs whom was going broke for us double sausage or the terrible rasher of bacon or whatever I always write rather like Brian Clough he was always very difficult in interview situation you never knew what he was going to say he was told it like it was didn t know what character and when nothing of forest got promoted and became champions in the old Division one I thought it was a remarkable feat it open top bus tour yeah nothing wrong with that what are we going to get an open top bus stall next Monday Martin falling or when he dies and he way let s turn our attention to today s Do the day someone who was born on this date the 20th of September who have you gone with Mark it s Philip or Forrester Oh I like her but on this day in 1960 everything s done a lot over the years and she ever she s a television and radio presenter producer and author she s best known for dissent in shows such as tomorrow s world and also Robot Wars I remember yes the heaven and Cher was well yes she even presented on this very station fresh I did she did indeed So that alone makes her deserve in. A day. Yes she did a programmer for a little while and she was always popping in and out she used to wear leather trousers I remember one 0 yeah well I don t why because they squeak and the way Martin that s almost the end of your commitment to the program but listeners will be pleased to hear they can hear you over the weekend they can you know waking up the west I m 5 o clock on Saturday and Sunday and. With us for the 100 and 99th edition of. Sunday from 10 can you believe up with another. 419900. Between you have you before we flew a few times has been quite a few feuds over the years and lot of arguments most of feet below attention we pushed on to the cough action Yeah but it s 199 next weekend it s the forgotten as it only be 200 seconds some alive that he was. Looking forward to it and. The at. The. How. Long are. The way to. Go shake in the. Shit. Outta. Calvin Harris together with rag and bone man a final mention of Louisa was putting the clothes away in the wardrobe I ve collected up some for recycling in charity shops however I ve been slightly distracted as I came across my wedding dress and ended up in it I admit it s a bit of a squeeze but I m happily dancing about the music it s a puffy dress so dusting simle Taney a sleigh I think about too much coffee Jette he sent me a photograph of it looks very nice actually rather a pretty wedding dress keep that for your 2nd marriage many thanks to the easy done Luisa Dunford who s going to be a battle we must make our listener of the day. The day today of course is the 20th of September let s look at another few bits and bobs of happened on this day in $854.00 the Russian army was defeated by the British and the French at the Battle of Alma considered to be the 1st battle of the Crimea war also on this day in 1906 the Prince of Wales who later became king Edward the 7th visited the United States it was the 1st tour of North America by an heir to the British throne and that she went down really wow a 917 on this day the 1st r.s. P.c.a. Animal clinic was opened in Liverpool and in 1930 Edward Elgar ass 5th pomp and circumstance March was performed for the very 1st time in 64 the Beatles 1st u.s. Tour ended with a charity concert in New York and finally in 1967 the line a Queen Elizabeth the 2nd the old Q e 2 was launched a Clyde bank in Scotland by Queen Elizabeth the 2nd Yeah well you can t blame or can you she was the woman it was named after and she launched it now that s almost if today s program but why. About Monday s program where my guest on Monday is the remarkable wildlife expert filmmaker author raconteur market cowardy and he s such a super fella Mark Howard Dean in fact what I found him up to arrange the interview I think it was in Antarctica he goes all over the world he s a lovely fella so mark out he will be my main guest on Monday all next week will be hearing from Mike Tobin the local musician who s been in band since the $960.00 s. As he picks his top 5 musical memories that will be a bit of fun plus we re going to be joined by the very talented flautist Nicky Barnes and you indorse and you ve got the details of a lovely live music event at St Georges in Bristol Plus we re also looking at Nat King Cole Les Sagna the top 10 frivolous wastes of money and more besides join him in the studio as my colleague and close personal friend is Johnny rarely has another top 10 ways to for this waste of money Johnny Ray I think booking you is not a waste of money because you re very cheap Well I ve got poems for you so hey well the poems today are about bells you ve got 2 poems have you Yes Has one been written by you and one been written by Maggie yes I don t know which is which you know Ok well let s hear a poem number one the chime of bells ringing in your is the sound you like for years and years or years and years but it s a hard old job being a ballerina I tried it messed up I made a humdinger Ok that s poem number one what about poem for to day yelling ding bang bang bang bone talking the bell rope is a heavy thing I druther a game of ping pong Well I would say they re both atrocious. But I m actually going to go with the 1st one really knows that they are out there I sorry Johnny you should just write better poems for is the point I try to make them a stupid as this show our pingpong which is nice exactly what s on your show today Richard Hawley of pulp Oh really on the show yes Pope he s imposed was what he was . I don t know you Jim Pope I just know Minnesota watch Yeah oh fantastic he s on the way also in Proust s is coming to do some lights the 1st 2 because he s a thunderbolt tonight Yes So that also you look at the day s news a lot of a protest action in Bristol Zola focused on that yes and you want to over the weekend as well. Yes tomorrow morning at 6 you know it s only morning I ll quote sure from and then when I thought I was a bit disorientated you threw me then what they re throwing work at you at the Smokey Robinson and his milk will bring in the program to a close like you so much for you come here the last few hours if you ve been with me thank you for this into the show you ve enjoyed the program back as usual on Monday with the wonderful mark our day looking forward to talking to him. Thanks also to Martin this and I for him over the weekend have a super weekend yourself stand by to join me right following the news. From what s to Superman to back to them and. B.b.c. Radio Bristol. Time it s 3 o clock in the newsdesk it s Edwina had thousands of environmental campaigners of marched around Bristol to share their concerns about the worldwide issue of climate change the March is part of demonstrations that are going on across the world today from the clothing company been sold in Bristol says they do what they can to was keeping that business eco friendly everything made in the u.k. Made in Bristol and we also have launched 2nd hand game so we take stuff back and we resell it once people say that things keep the cycle going kind of thing what about biggest things as a business is making sure we deal with like waste and I have a consumption in a really environmentally friendly way and try and kind of fight back against that sort of fast fashion. In a way to. The well known environmentalists Professor Ben Gerrard who s based in Bristol for most of his television work but heading to college during going to show his support this lunchtime after telling us why he feels so strongly about environmental issues at the moment the worst we have is we have slightly longer summers was lovely and that low is very hard for us to see these big global changes me because problems but as a global network we are interconnected and that will come back and it will affect us all sleep there is fear mongering there really is scare tactics and wily So this is the single greatest threat facing our species in other news the back Secretary Steven Barclay has ended talks with the e.u. Is chief exit negotiator Michel Barnier by insisting there is a common purpose to get a new deal the European Commission set a fully workable solution to managing the Irish border had been put forward earlier the Irish deputy prime minister s son uncovered a sad there remain serious problem.

Radio-program , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Transport , Deaths-from-myocardial-infarction , Dresses , Clothing , Streets-and-roads , Types-of-roads , Coastal-and-oceanic-landforms , Areas-of-bristol , Weather , Textile-closures

Transcripts for BBC Radio Bristol BBC Radio Bristol 20190905 170000

Because of 16 to 18 degrees that still B.B.C. Radio presto news is 4 minutes past 6 Time now for your travel with all of the head there doing roadworks in one of the worst places the A 4 Bath Road between cane sugar and salt foods a snail s pace is the best case scenario it s backed up on the end of the canyon bypass and the other way coming from buff into the globe around the bass as people are going the longer way around that bar thread heavy coming from swine food heading towards Britain Emerson s green on the ring road like green roundabout there s lane closures for works there queues in both directions and slow coming from the deanery road from about warmly heading towards Longwell Green where connects the Rose and Crown on the high street that s roadworks to laze restore on St Phillip s causeway towards Lawrence who is heavy coming from Bedminster towards Ashton Gate stadium when to start road and Bruno way coming in same story as well all around them hill heading away from the city the M 5 south busy in places between 17 Cribbs Causeway and 19 for Porter said so including across the A from mouth bridge Weston super Mare it s busy inbound on some sort of need towards the airport roundabouts and bridge still a few hold ups on the A $38.00 Bristol raise because of the temperature at lights there north on the M 5 still no lorry fuel at MCO would services between 14 and 13 next ones a Gloucester between 12 and 11 a next update is with Jools in called for now it. Is B.B.C. Radio play still with an arrow sports every weeknight from 6 to 8 it s having I guess just 20 men on B.B.C. Radio best tell it is indeed having a gas radio for Rovers fans. Coming up on the show between now and 7. A flavor of a glorious afternoon it cost from St last Sunday. The Martin Belsen memorial football game. In 2 parts will hear from former players fun Sam the organizer. Also between now and so now we re joined by Adam trucks from the chief executive of the Rovers community trust. Now look ahead to Saturday s home game with Akron turn . If you re out of gas if you want to get in touch it is your program the telephone number 080-085-5949 extension 8 text 8 want trouble 3 if you re texting put 20 man at the front of the message that way it comes through to have an advance. Or drop me a tweet via Jeff 20 Man that s what I am on Twitter. Well incredibly over 16000 pounds has been race for charity the sun shone over 2000 gas heads turned up Rickie Lambert scored from 40 yards as the former players beat the fans in a charity game the Martin bells to Memorial match was a resoundingly success bigger better than ever before Well coming up 2 features from a great day here s part one from caution Street the home of Monk gets feel Football Club there s a. Good night. Scene for stuff. Like 4 months ago I was pictured with the legends manager Dave Mayo How s it going and yeah quality from the best player on the pitch for he Lambert bring in bring in plays and well actually missed the chance of the players coming on in a minute and yet this lead with a great finish again from a layer from Ricky you ve got a heck of a squad yeah when actually asked me if I knew the people who are playing and this is the hardest bit is you know having to leave plays out and get him on because you know the fans will I favor play so we re going to do it in 3 half hours and we re coming up to the 30 minute stage people come see Ricky and rich will play together but the aerial shot a fantastic career as a basically everyone as good as it s always great players are said to him before the going is a bit of history from from our era with with me in the direction you will see on the sideline there so I think it s Mansell was last there to put the shirt on and there s a lot of extreme between Certainly years and they don t lose or do they make it to bits. slow but they don t lose it witching that with a 2 goals yeah we re you know the linkup which or karone you know i think they ve gone strike back and swear and yeah you know of him quote quite impressed ready to sleep like not mean interest of an so what we ship final where it s the lodge when they came out a place which just an a choice of a minute to stop so all royal just pete chua just just enjoy he sells and all that i did psych troyan have a little bit of the stretch because on tuesday when study when everyone s for go on the power yeah you ll probably be fail you know which this buckle might the change is now showing television it i don t yet fantasticks you know i think what s 2000 there are and oh yeah you know welt on so watch for arrange an ex takes a lot of work you know in the rewards to tie tot mom got a world on a i think you will with craig a.z. Now i ll just come off for a for a breather what you like out there than craig hall bone ice a stick great occasion yeah just see old boys going brillion in oxy on oscar if we goals as well on believe of from ricky you know us what he s on about you know he s not kicked of all for a wobble saw that vision and technique you is some goal for yours was and bud by the way off and i bow to the swing a actually school long simly yes the they ve of who leave aside saws or cost ross myself a n i c go and what it said i was well the people it today yeah it s mendel her and she speed to stevie s been downey the last couple years me said you know the growth from what it was quickly is go to now it s different class and no pope pleasing be a lot money raised also a great causing the proper of those people who d ever being in a football team and understood water a team spirit is all about of your 6 play what today is like for you coming back in see in your former teammates wife it s amazing you know you don t see these guys for falling 10 years now and in i m you know amy of against and a slight never left each of a he s just don t you know the camaraderie in the bunch of the owner foot will dressing room is as different to anything else and i think so brilliant see to guys again unlike safe been a great day so far who with a buncha king s here than said i hear the shop that s what i said i m not about go can you hear i m already ari lescott he sed lawyer days old now any saw go in uk so the what i was allowed his manner of a heard in my life i know Great cracking He s a brilliant for a dresser and he said he was in my time of the money we won fair play to watch belts in organizing this incredible yeah you can imagine the stress of it and you know trying to get trying to get a lot you know when you saw and everything like that and you know it s an amazing job and I fully you know raise a lot of a lot of money for him and you know towards the cherry going to see a PAUL BARRY JONES Well. I sat with Ricky Lambert you ve got the opening bell what you like about the big man how it s good you know I was. Gonna say I m blowing now I need to talk I need to come out there. With a lot to get. Yeah what do you say it s really blown a little bit say the least you Richie just like you mean playing with still playing together week in week out a little bit and let into play you know that the Mongols are still there to be fair are still nowhere where he is and it s it s it s good to know Joining me. Like we re the right so I ll just say it comes back so quick you know what I mean it s like a little alarm goes the passes it s it s 1st I remember I we supply they you in the sense of tense Riverland just. Yeah. I ve gone back to the days retcon breach the box no more so after a shoot. Going to the inmates great saying I was well I don t know many sent it s a fair few and I m. Staying and staying on for future boys so yeah . I know I m just starting to go yeah I am going myself I mean what I m saying. Yeah yeah I think you. Get when. You go back on the picture yes yes. Yeah. 3 minutes. Left to me and then it was that s the bump. Let s talk about what they missed when the research yeah I don t mix a crowd let s be honest. This is a big. Thanks for just recharging reenergizing city folks they just sat on the on the side of the pitch Good to see Apollo Yeah yeah good talking Circuit City south . To recharge in the Boches not quite warm out there and tried to have a couple of ball Monza not a lot to get forward and takes a bit longer to get but so enjoyed it yes could see a lot of faces seeing for quite a few years now it s amazing and it when you reconnect we seemed a long time it s like you ve never been away yeah exactly that s what we re saying that when we got in the dressing room I mean you don t keep in contact. Over the years and. You go out and do different things in your lives not but then soon as you see to it you re never going away and it s not flying again and. Yes with a good atmosphere again you came from Woking and went to tell me what you know or if that s what was right for you came provoking Yeah yeah came from woke in the. Same time as is Barry came from his leavin it s like we played in the same game and . We both got signed off the bus and. Yeah so I had 5 years 5 seasons Bristol and and then moved on to the don t count only one after the. Next best moment in a row but shit then apart from tonight. We had quite a few. Life you saw moments for me and. The game where we got into the playoffs in the 1st season I mean the atmosphere of see we. Bury our school dead in the large white light on the cause and into the playoffs in which we knew we d be in. 31 in the 1st leg and 2nd one on the 2nd leg Yeah exactly but the that Miss fair or not De Marte to get in the playoffs was brilliant . And then obviously over the game spring some of you got ready in B.M. 6 nil and. The game although we got beat 42 that mean that was a great atmosphere guess it was like yeah yeah say we took about 56000 as well. All good memories. And like not was the foster where you basically yeah a little Durham in a place called such fields so it s a small light small little village but. I moved up there when I was a dog and 2 and. A little boy 9 year old so. Basically stayed. To be to be very much on. A quality control a for a slot case complete among. Small Company to that s based in such field and we just let s build the cases and then give them in general to give them back the wrong. Reasons Oh yes I saw right slowly going like a great beat out against up in the pit trying to play very yes yeah just on a on a Sunday morning I have the run out for there before Islam and. It s not a fast paced is light used to be big it gets the limbs open get your legs on and not so we don t ever stop to mourn and I say so right again on a Sunday morning when I saw this. The when we had the when you saw look outside or shall I. Have a good salads I was rather joy that. Isn t Fair play to you mate you Jane it comes down oh yeah the family got into. I mean he s done a great great job I mean look around and look at the spores of coal and. It s brilliant a lot of soul comin and internal. Feverish. Touch of a chalice enjoying yourself. Game of come and support ash. And love love love came back with a poise reminiscing about how times. Competitive and you still see why some of you go in you re nothing in the times to set the can pay face the win it the way he makes how they speak they got when it was his with a gun when he got a. Great see the logs in it would lodge you probably not seen for a long time for he come down last night before last night Barry s down his website . Some of Brian new associates right at the post of mine here I read a great a great few gays together and you know where Tommy gets coverage fantastic. Great scene elevator might be a bit slow but technically the lads are still the can still play currently. And loose is coming with them on the pipes. A belly summit. And on my cup. You need to go back on how about the last 15 minutes give it a thought and I feel the next few days I ll feel stiff about for. About 45 months or a change of that Paul thanks much to thank you. With rich Kenny. The fans as you go so far for you. Think. We got the new national story to receive a. Second Matthewman 2nd both of us because we re trying to keep the middle but most will chip circle rebuilder to know because. You can get back in the game to go to. The striker s out from or to transfer him a little bit more. Workers to you know they re enjoying her. Creature an amazing fantastic. Place everything in New York a brilliant Well India s golfing part of a top montage wait to see just. As a flavor of the last name more to come before 7 from caution street belts than Bravo chip the hot the organizer sent me an email today 16000 plus is the figure the of raised from the day last week on the option that s going on the Save new world on the lads who turned out David Mayhew manage the group they start with Steve Phillips are unless Scott travel Chalis Byron and today Stevie Elliott Steve Foster will Hoskins Leaman soul Craig Rickie Lambert and Richard Warka coming on also in the 2nd half Craig Henson and began a bari Hales Louis how they Louis hawg SIMON BRYANT Mike Trout Dave Gilroy Danny Coles Mark McGregor and Tom Power unalloyed on each and every one of them turning up last week at my Angus Ferranti you if you were there supporting the charity more on that one before 7 Also coming your way ADAM SUTTON The chief executive of the Rovers Community Trust live in the studio after 6. To 20 minutes after 6 on this Thursday afternoon let s check out your roads with Jules Yeah hello Jeff thank you good evening evening everyone the start and then work the High Street is looking slow there s some cones by the rose and chrome pub for roadworks amounts one has been looking slow one afternoon still is not too far away from the around the cold ass around about a little bit heavy in patches but it is starting to improve Now if you heading through Kingston the moment of the moment the bathrobes which in the Broadmead roundabout and sold for is looking slow congestion marks all the globe around about temporal lights for emergency repairs calls keys all day it is improving but it s pretty much still the case on the Bristol ring road pretty heavy in both directions from the light green roundabouts and the tail and back towards the drum way roundabouts and again hitting around the temple circus theory theorem. City center that slow going as well there also may be heading further north from the M 5 just setting up 2 of the Michael Wood service is still new fuel available at the lorry pumps heading into his West End on the A 370 of the M 5 slowing patches and still the late in Rock Springs for the A 30 Bristol Road not up on the previous collision the course in amongst the road work section for me Geoff in 15 minutes strolls tot mom thank you. Was on here. Was very. Easy and presto. People who. Can in terms of. Reconciliation can help when you 1st say it was it was a part of being the way forward for sincerity or Joe mind coming through Terry your rights. To play and to be on air again loving this level of the notion. That it was OK and we know was going to actually have to be seen radio Bristol have a gas B.B.C. Radio Rovers fund that your programme your thoughts are welcome on the yes season so far early doors I know early doors I know but it s a good home record not so good away from the Memorial Stadium your thoughts are welcome gives a call 08805949 text 81 trouble free with 21 at the front of the message or drop me a tweet via. 20 Monrovia s at home to turn on Saturday or say home form is good a draw and 2 wins in the league 3 defeats away from the Memorial Stadium they lost on chewed it Plymouth and the Football League trophy this is what Graeme Cochrane said about that one after the match was a home now God knows this and it might be penalties and might be. A young team that we put out tonight but I still want to when I still want to win and failing and that mentality to the football club that one is. Going to sound like a broken record but that s another one another want to take. Not a hard one to swallow not a bitter pill we we ve seen chances to put into bad. Luck it was a very very spirited and pleasing display yet again against a really good team they were really good to a stronger experience which is the source of their squad but I was pleased I was I was relatively placed with their performance and I am with. I you. Who came in a quick themselves actually knocked anything serious they were nickels you know what it was just cramped and I just felt this quite tighten up so I don t need to be looked at I ll need to be investigated as to war or what s happened so it s something that we really put a head in the pillow tonight we wake up in the morning we ll have a look at. Our help and we re not too bad hope we ve come out of a relatively injury free. We got a clean bill of health fingers crossed for Saturday Gronkowski that was off to choose they in is on the line big Rovers family thing you know the season so far that. I m well yeah really going to be company Yeah I think for me yeah but I think the see the safe. Option dying I think is best way to describe it for my wife. I mean last season the concern was the home form what is so far out of any alley these impressions not conclusions but home but away from home I d say it s a struggle Well why d you kind of what s the rush gnowledge eating I think I think things go brighter in the last couple of weeks when I took the kids up to Coventry away. As who always and I was a charge if I didn t meet her effect on them. Or myself. But since then things got a bright turn. Back to play while I just. Said we haven t got that much struck that Josh has been extended a real good side of Barack probably keep it side the baby which is a real surprise. And that you know you got the positives of Alfie Kilgore signing a contract as well. As you know we need to we need to turn around the whole last season we had a great result heads against Oxford. We got back the team on Saturday that turns a velocity I think 1st game of the season. Be nice to see it improve the fold and get on the 3 points with a little sustained effort so we can yeah I mean I shoulda trun me a game on the Oxford game with your back to back home much and I tell them times I ve seen a performance an improvement in performance so much is one to the other. That kind of Oxford performance is going to be the benchmark isn t it really is the going to do everything we know that we know the score capable for Tejpal of it we ve got that we ve got talented players I think grains are created Well I just I think we ve got the budget to recruit as much as we want so I m sure if you know you don t sit on high for the supply line show that if we work with we have the budget to get more rate we cannot stress the strength to depth that we would like but we know that the squad is capable of playing better than it did a commentary we know this guy capable of playing better than it did a lot to. Take the biggest balls if I may say for the season this is TELL ME Nichols is a science Corp I m not sure any other club in the country would have given it the patients that we ve given him you know off. Times as well as a club Cyrus amazing by being repaid in the face and being repaid less happy keep up but we know the scope capable of doing good things. We just need. A place to turn around the cold last year play to our strengths Try to our capabilities and you know we we can have the results of the ball to the credit for yeah I mean you re right about Nicole a lot of other clubs may want to jettison them but I think the fact you can see is a good football account you technically is good in her bright brain but you ve got a school goals even a front man you ve got a school goals Yeah absolutely and I think the thing that kept this kept so many calls go it is were right you know you get you hear people in Sarasota get frustrated with him and I ve been frustrated with him but you can see he s got the call to say what you know way where the staff are painted and you look at the reception he got. The little time we ve got to Stefan pay Tahmeena has not been fined that is the back of the net until the work rate but at the athletes but there are people can see the talent is gone and the why did they start buying because he put the effort that no one can complain about not a lot of clubs probably a chest in the middle of the effort because you know it is a strike you have been scoring goals but we probably if anything does to our benefit we can t afford to just get rid of players because now we have. Thankfully the faces did we paid and hopefully will continue to repay with going to continue to school grow you mentioned already Dr Paul Alfie Kilgore s and I looked them up on absolutely fantastic yeah he s replaced lucky in a way that I think anyone thought he could look he was a great player and he s doing pretty things Charlie Weis a fellow locks on social media he looks like he s up to a really good speller child and I m saying well that we ve got a replacement in Alfie That was a. Is as good as not I would say yeah Tom Davis is going to be funny looks it looks yes as well I stand that I have satisfied Tom Davis that Coventry were when I left what it could take. Coverage you gave me was the only will this place Tom Davis of the part was absolutely fantastic any is a critically. Standing as well you mentioned I cringe and I wrote it down and he said it all bogey team do you believe in both the teams can you do you really factor in what happened last year in the year before last and what will happen this weekend I m sure the players. As a fan I just you know I just think things like not going to. Say Viking members. What was right said is a loving a lot. I think they could i was in the bank that comes to my place when I m just never seem to we never seem to get results and certain that I say running. Is not return it s just one of those teams that they take their strengths you know I m amazed of what they ve done with the budget they ve got or so much respect for that for that chávez you re actually out there but they are tough to beat they term is a velocity isn t strong enough once to go. You know they re there to fight to be a place their strengths Well let s hit on the break and we just need to you know it s great I m always says 90 percent of. What we need today when we ve got the talent and it s got to be the best just say we can get rid of the baby. I know and I want to pitch your I mean the forcing the Mona tally day 6 games played but I mean do you expect Rovers to be a problem Obama not league table. Being realistic I don t think we ll be doing anything to set the world alight this season I think the ball is started spending money again. I think we ll be lucky to get anything that isn t Top 10 To be honest with you. But I tell you what just I think twice about their attention take away from the squad slightly just by what well said before the Blackpool David was way of. This consortium You know this is huge I say the latest artist to see this before whether stadiums on the horizon but you know. It does seem what with your letter that is taken as well the best approach there is something in it and I ve worked out a way to know why that is it credible and the folks who always take it apart see I m a pretty happy that we re not going to time the season on what I see so far as any sets but I don t think we re going to set a world like either because I think we re treading water under those who ve got something in the pipeline to take the club forward and so fullest potential I think we have to tread water and so we could get some news off the presses what we deserve for all these years Yeah sure thing and you re the chap our time in question or just he told me I. Am big Rovers fan a talking about his team Australia declared 49748 that I ve been a bowler England in the last half hour or so Mitchell Starc 54 not out Nathan Lyon made 26 not out of the main man shocked Steve Smith true 111 he made today let s get the news. From Weston super Mare to bring to the man. B.B.C. Radio Bristow Thomas 61 your new swith class Thanks Jeff good evening the Prime Minister Barak s Johnson has insisted again that a general election is the only way to deal with Bracks it in a speech in West Yorkshire the soft name Mr Johnson reiterated that he did not want to send the country back to the polls but that s a public judgement would settle the debate opposition parties have said they will not back an election until No Deal legislation is passed the prime minister outlined the choices facing voters the only way to get this thing done to get this thing moving is to make that decision do you want this government to take it s not . The 31st or do you want Jeremy called in the Labor Party to go to that crucial summit in Brussels October 17th. In a speech Mr Johnson also praised his brother Joe who announced earlier his decision to quit the government and stand down as an M.P. The Liberal Democrat leader Gerry Swinson has claimed her party is growing in strength off to another M.P. Decided to join them Luciano Berger who represents Liverpool Wavertree quit Labor earlier this year to join the independent group she said her decision to switch allegiance again was to provide a positive alternative to the 2 main parties hurrican Dorrian is expected to bring life threatening storm surges along the East Coast of America off to causing widespread destruction and at least 20 deaths in the Bahamas the US states of North and South Carolina being lashed by strong winds and rain parts of the city of Charleston are already flooded and tens of thousands of residents are without power power scuse me the Bristol and Bath railway path is set for an upgrade off to winning funding from the Department of Transport saw strands a charity that campaigns to make it easier for people to walk and cycle has secured 1100000 pounds in funding for the path it s part of a 20 $1000000.00 pound package to make improvements to the national cycle network across England James creates and is England direct to south trends but what we re going to be doing now is going to be reaching out to the communities people who use the past and the people who feel excluded from using the past to really fall for me not coded on process it s not an expert sitting in an office somewhere saying in a specified me to watch a tarmac or something like that it s not really making sure it fits with the people who use it everyday. And finally a hotel has apologised after an Australian cricket journalist was charged $55000.00 pounds for a pint of beer Peter who is meant to be charged 5 pounds 50 has been told by the bar in Manchester to expect a refund within 10 days that s your baby right here Bristow news it s 634 a class A great story I want to say that guy he s got a lot of money in his current account or he s got a massive credit rating I think it s a credit card I m a premonition to go through for that amount of money and I think he s too upset today I do Jeff I think I think you ll be in a very sort of the giving me you know. Face of her looking out information story well told Claire with our news next news at 7 after our approach with Adam Crowder Let s get the latest on the road. And another man with a loads of money jewels how the roads if only Jeff actually do you think just north of red star Jeff and climb down the Barclay road the A 367 just getting words are sketchy details of a collision coming in really slow but train climb down a road structure that bears out the reports I m getting more on that in 15 minutes but certainly want to avoid on the Barclay road at the moment certainly partially blocked at least still fairly slow through work for the high street in those cones by the Rose and Crown still heavy to the east of Bristol on the ring road but certainly at a romantic skate roundabouts and if you re heading through Keynsham as well the bathrobe the A for it looking slow still for those emergency repairs still heavy in Bristol City Center in the temple circus to retreat in those roadworks we re heading for the mall to raise though it s not looking too bad at all course still no feel available at the Laurie pumps at the Michael Wood services and the A 38 in Brooks bridge still never quite recovered from a terribly a collision again in amongst the roadworks sections are adding to journey times more for me in 15 minutes having a gas with Jeff trying to N.P.C. The radio Bristol. Having a gas with Adam Trotter in chief exact of the Rovers community trust a moment Fessor sports news England all bought. Open warning won without loss in reply to Australia s 49748 declared top scorer was Steve Smith made 211 of the declaration Mitchell Starc was 54 not out Nathan line 26 not out had made 19 weighed 16 Payne 58 A Cummings made for. 2 wickets Craig Overton that s one quite a day for Steve Smith dropped on 65 then a reprieve when he was on 118 when he faced Jackley Schmidt 99 around him and if it s any fixing no one was if I m know the main goal and everybody was. Here reprieve he went on for an amazing innings Estie Smith made 211 elsewhere in sport today had a sphere have been fined 50000 pounds for wearing a kit that contravened advertising regulations are well known but make was on a big sash diagonally from shoulder the hip in appreciation friend it was a spoof but has proved to be a bit costly for the club and the Sheffield Wednesday striker finance for us the areas we ll see. A 6 month suspension for using racist language against Munns feel a pre-season friendly in July of 2008 having a gas jets $29.00 B.B.C. Radio Bristol more from the Martin belts than memorial much before 7 1st though Rovers continue to blaze a trail in the community I m delighted the chief exec of a community trust Adam Thompson is here to talk about the initiatives they re delivering at the moment and plans for the future always good to see you well yeah very well Geoff Good evening and thanks for having minutes Good to have you on board I mean that was the very essence of being in the community wasn t what happened at Monk s field on on Sunday yeah we were quite closely with our structurally and obviously we support the event with him now he does a fantastic job and it was a fantastic turnout of X. Rovers Legends a great day and I know they ve raised a great great deal to finance as well which is fantastic nowadays awesome So what do you do every other moment what s on the what s on the agenda in terms of your delivery Well we re back to well school started you know usually for students and I m so we are up and running again with R.B.C. Which is just growing from strength to strength we ve just built a whole new education suite that the men because of the number of students we ve got we have 31 sign up this year. Alone so it s a great project and there has to be to level 3 in support. In the West and I as I said big suite then there are 2 classrooms we ve got open evening coming up on the 19th September so funny ones all finishing G.C.S.E. This year not sure what to do come along to the Memorial Stadium on the evening of the 19th September and find out about the Course OK 19 September at the ma am the ladies teams up and running that s something again you re helping to deliver and yeah that s initiative run purely by us at the trust so some of the trust start heading up that project Nathan and I ll be leading both the 1st team in the development team and yeah we had our 1st. Pre-season friendly on Sunday put the Sports Center and the girls played Gloucester ladies we had Yeah we had a big wind up there and over 120 people so it was fun while the show shows that the women s game is growing Oh it is it is for sure I mean the Super League starts this weekend the record united against Man City is going to be a huge crowd of the reality I think a lot of our goals are all working forward to watch in that yeah it s great I think the women s World Cup has really kicked it on and we ve got massive interest we you know when we set the project up with over 100 women took part in the project for some reason we ve still got the 1st team the development team but we ve not said no to anyone so we run in sessions for all of the players. And given everyone the opportunity to play football where will they be affiliated or are they affiliated to really get Yeah so the 1st team are in Gloucestershire Division one and then the development team in Gloucestershire Division 2 so the season actually kicks off this Sunday for them for real but as I said on the back of Saturday s story Sunday s game where we want to 111 things are looking good for this season and with that amount of people over 120 for a preseason game show you get a game is you know and the mental health delivery that you re involved with I mean I know it s really important and I was I still remember vividly coming that evening at the man season before last in the room was I thought it might be a couple of dozen that it was absolutely heaving to call is that still something you re drawing Yeah absolutely we re trying to put on a large scale event everywhere obviously last year you were at the event at the Memorial Stadium this year we re doing another one with a W.P. And the staff that we were with from the N.H.S. This time rather than being in a way aniseed them are actually going to concentrate on coaches and players from the grassroots level we re going to invite them along to the Memorial Stadium and find out a little bit about how coaches parents players can sort of find. And hear this. Symptoms that they might see in some of the younger players boys and girls that might be indicating that there could be some mental health issues so it s important for us to keep that project going delighted action in a couple of weeks that Stuart Sinclair is up at Walsall here but he s an ambassador for the program and he s come in one to work with our group again so I do take my off to it you know he s coming all the way down from Walsall to support the project but yeah it s a great project the recovery through sport doesn t surprise though some likes to your I mean you are great in a human being as an absolute fantastic ambassador obviously when he was at the club he was a Antarctic ambassador for everything we did the trust and the fact that he s you know he s left Rovers but he still supported the project I think it goes to show the mark of the man yeah sounds Tell us about sounds yes sands is Sanjay night it is a new project reinvolved with is the stillbirth in the N.H.L. Death society we find out about the charity it s about 40 teams across the country and the idea behind it is that it s an opportunity for fathers that lost a child by the year in childbirth during pregnancy or very early in the birth and I thought it was really important volved I was really really taken with the guy so people remove runs a club we met up and Bristol Rovers have said we have to them as well because they they paid for the donation of a kit so we ve actually sponsored the sand United team in this year and they ve got a game on the 28th of September up at lot really is where they re going be plain sand United Wales now so it s an opportunity for dads to come in May have lost a child and support each other because as we know Geoff and we ve spoken about this before of the men don t want to talk about issues that a painful or you know her so yeah it s a great great project the community trust the sponsor in this season you know and you are linked I mean I show us that our charity day for the Empire fighting chance chair. The football club is also involved with them is not yet what we we re part that the community did with Empire one of the one of the projects we work on together is that on the B. Tec program I was talking to you about earlier it s not just football so you have students come along to us they study with us at the Memorial Stadium and then instead of going off and playing football we ve got students that go down when Parise and do the boxing training and what we re trying to create the education suite is an opportunity to keep people in education through whatever ways we can and if it s an interesting market box and that s what we re trying to help them with yeah no it s all fascinating and these are all these are things I want to cover on how many gas over the next year actually just come along to some of the sessions if we can do that and the like so the food banks have gone at something really important that a little immunity issue official charity partner last year that we were working with food banks we re still supporting them in any way we can we were delighted that the few weeks ago we managed to give him a donation of a 1000 pounds which came from the Charity Shield. Give out some charity money so we shared that with them last year so so it s another project you know really really important Bristol during our fun days up at last really they supplied us with food so we were going to feed some of the children that came along to those events and your team I mean your chief exactly I mean how many people you go and you re in your team. 10 full time is not really this many I know it has grown it s really growing sort of rapidly over the last couple of years that was recognized a few weeks ago by the Gloucestershire Football Association we were delighted that we the charity won the Jeff a grassroots project of the year for all of the work that we ve done be it within health education social inclusion so yeah we got a great team as I said Nathan is a Stu s a great example he came through the program we did a B. Tec with us He then stayed on for another 3 years did a degree in some coaching courses and now he s head of women s football community trust so. Shows that the projects work he s heading up the women s team he s doing a fantastic job as do all the team there and I know you know a lot of them are brilliant and how you funded I mean yeah I mean what I mean 10 people full time is a big Yeah how does it work financially the way it works normally or in the main is that we are funded through the Premier League and through the E F L the English Football League they fund various projects such as our kids project our women s projects but we are a charity. And we face the constraints all of the charities there is that we have to try and raise money in any way that we can I can put in forbids with organizations like Comic Relief and such like. We ve we ve recently launched on our website a fund raising page so that people can come along and help support us Ken Marsh s one of the directors is going to be doing the bath half marathon and he weighs in some fund Yeah which is quite fantastic at 70 plus years of age going somewhere so yeah we constantly on the search for you know trying to raise funds in the many many ways that we can because the more finance that comes into us the more work we can do in the community yeah where you keep growing is the ambition to get Yeah yeah we want to keep growing that starts the idea as I said the education program we ve got to expand that now we ve got to move into other parts of the stadium and a big thing that we re working on now is plans for a new facility in LA please and you indoor facility that will enable us to be why not reach for that because at the moment we re unable to do any indoor sports or any will sports and that s a new area for us is we ve recently signed up with an organization called goals beyond grass and we re running a power chair footy OK It s amazing how many places you can go and source money and get benefit from you must be a bit of an expert in a particular field Well yeah I think I think you have to ask you have to go you know we re cup in hand as such Jeff we re very well supported Bristol Rovers fan. It s a fantastic they always support any event that we have known and when we re looking at more ways of raising funds brilliant you re enjoying it as much as ever you had lovely there for years now from what I ve been chief exactly 3 years here left nearly 12 years a long time in my role with the trust but yeah it s a great you know it s a great job. We were you know right in the community radios make a difference different and it s very it s a very satisfying role that we ve got there and I know the staff enjoy the job and what we do it is amazing I mean I go back to when I played in you know the community apartment with respect to the time use used to sucker cotton in the holidays they didn t go into the community like you do now yeah I did for exhibit changed I think you know we are taking it in a slightly different way where there is a need Bristol Rovers commune littlest will try and source the funding so that we can provide provision you know for people yeah people the great were created as a show and we re going to thanks a lot Jeff I m talking to be exact of the community trust C W gas has a great show tonight loads of positivity all round hash tag the gas time is 11 minutes to 7. Days on the roads once again with Jules Hi Jeff thank you still dealing with some problems I m afraid Jefferson climbed down and ran stock in the Barclay road is the A 367 a collision reported around the small commercial junction it is looking slow currently being dealt with I understand Keynsham still heavy both ways around the Broadmead roundabout on the A for the Bath Road and those on going temporary light cones also causing delays in work on the High Street near the road and crime still buddies ing off heavy slightly still on the ring road to the east of Bristol particularly around the HC skate roundabouts and the light green roundabout as well but again it s improving as it is too in Bristol City Center in the road works around the temple Circus tour a 3 is heading in and that s about the London Road heavy as ever but improving not too bad in and out to western and the motorways fairing well but of course still no feeling. Billable pumps out the middle with services on the northbound side of the M 5070 Jeff more throughout the evening thank you B.B.C. Radio Bristol. This Saturday Gloucestershire face Darbyshire in the quarter finals of the T 20 plus tunnel. Way over the top and GUESS IS 100 Michael Klinger that is a monster 4020 all need to choose a way and this is the law school Johnson told him I. Was the ground I toss a sure what to do. And they reached the final day and. Who won by now with commentary from the County Ground this Saturday evening from 700 D.A.P. And on line B.B.C. Radio. It would look to our gloss to the contrary on the A B. Or so on lining the date without loss trail by 489 still playing into the evening sunshine out Old Trafford in Manchester for 97 for 8 declared Australia and Steve Smith with this double century and history and his 3rd century of the current. Made 211 other more from caution St On Sunday it was the furred Martin bells to memorial game Ashley organizers email me today it s raised over 16000 pounds this year 22 for players turned out we hear from Rickie Lambert Craig did at least the foster travel he has more from a great day he was. With that Lehman so I reckon you re the kind of youngest of this group see I am players Yeah apart from Tom I think it s going to me it s always just. Good fun being out there brilliant loved every minute play for. US was never really been nearly 2 years I think so most of us converts often have a run around and enjoyed it so to thought with what you do with that with the youngsters. The plane most days would have. Yeah course to join in what was done there was a young. Young young fast and strong. Joined in numbers dictate and stuff but. It s all about their development. And I tend to stay out here all. Day for a little fantastic numbers for Gates and play for a different eras of players here as well and raising the money for charities 2 for him and some decent dancer in the air has been good to be fair has been could. Get more as the day goes on everyone will get used to each other again so it s been good so far to the How to watch belts in organizing this is that what is yeah sure the brilliance of the fact is ignorance of the 3rd year and obviously from troll can swim year every year each year it s got bigger and bigger and bigger so. It probably looks that there again next year you know you get probably a few more players there and more enticed to come in as well and it could be a yearly thing as well which I think is brilliant they go back home for more fun oh yeah 100 percent under 7 and if you get a penalty you re going to slice it I ll get a lumber going to pay the money. We re just there to make up the numbers that s going to say well. So what if you guys said C.M. Rimmel would you make it today that this kid could load a Ashton amazingly incredible Pretty see if you legends Ricky rolling back the years for your strong Lucky was never away so who been you all you know you mentioned who also been your favorite place in the east this group today how this over Stevie Stevie. Corps harness Lee push ever since he was. A real son are where you are it s you got everybody. So you re going to get to enjoy the great 100. 0 you don t wash really well I would say you know much going into this from his perspective last night some to scrape scorn and unfair play the lads who travel to beastie Faustus come down from such field for. Hales you made the trip made the trip the real commitment to seize up in Britain today any say yeah. Everyone s point to and I was just a great thing about this you mentioned days I mean it looks the same athletes almost 30 young ladies pumped he does still do a job can you think you think he could make it through this what is going to these guys says I says for them Martin a Monday OK MARTIN Well you made today that very good record of fans they serve a goal Geoffrey deserve a golden to the fans to what a great experience for the fans claim against the lads they kind of idolize Yeah hold up suit me to work right now is fantastic making making chances like some. Really good going on the former pros I mean they don t lose it they get a little bit slower but they don t lose it is artistic America s about talent Iraq s going to mark I mean that s just that s for sure but I was good. I totally get support we don t really muscle to some of it and I was pretty and this is really no Sassoon s friendly atmosphere without a phone. Number of a brilliant. You know what I mean no matter what the OK Are you enjoying the afternoon going to what it s like to crush lines here what a great day May I just just spoke to wash. Of come today suppose 2 years on the 1st year I was probably few people around the outside. Last year was good and also you know the work he s put into this and it s a big chary to my to my family and myself so obviously of support all along the way but my family along and. Plays and look at the Maze and yeah quite inspiring that one person can drive a day like today it s incredible so I just said to myself You literally done all this on your own like you ve got all these players coming in you know like chucking money of our them away for you. You put all these players and I went and dress really and it was good it was great seeing any of the old faces a little bit do. Condition I last seen. Yes but amazing look at it it s on a sofa a massive massive calls and quite a few of these lads are former teammate to yours when you get a human when you have. Your own H one. Son or a C.E.O. Out of T. He says. These are the lads when I was a young kid I used to come for you and i use of players so it s nice to see I m old today. I still feel good because like I said some. Things go well about 6 fields yet all good playing games so we ve got a good bunch of lads who got a good team 3 thing it s going to take a while for us all to Charles governmental all of us who last saw you there was so much well signings. Yesterday would be Plymouth to everybody so you d be on fire this season if we play every week then we ve got a very good charts which obviously on a training and over promotion I know now I see I had nothing surely not a number of. Lives he took mongers like sign. With the main man the organizer of the not what you don t run into question Street today what are your thoughts walking around today I can t say that on the on the radio. But no look it s incredible isn t it you look here with things tonight for Senator Gus I m sure there s a recent good money for good schools and we ve got a crack and then I say grateful to everyone who s used her nice legs it makes a 6 months my life into this completely worth it all going to bed Somalia and all of the copy Yeah I understand at a loss or a chef to be honest years it s not like me because this is a lot more live respected this would be when I set this game up in 2017 and we had 7 people up there you look and I would place him into the World Cup I think simply primarily thought travelled far more you dying to mindlessly oldster a game of all of it last summer s fight just to be honest I don t know if you ever think about it but it got us from is it a chair in a dinner for the club and they were were special cup Geoff and Ricky set the ball rolling that was caught want to shout from inside the Senate did you see it I just said I said. To see the end of the thing it does not only does NOT TO RAIN thought but have an offer to run some snow will see the ping Internet wailing for a laugh this is going to be an annual fiction can you maintain this it would imagine some. Here now and I am going to live as I must spend some time with my Mrs Hughes so I do not see diamonds or the last couple of months put up of me was like going you know everywhere. I know revaluing see what we can do next you have any idea as to what kind of forms what kind of dollar you ve raised on the last 2 it s really all I know is that we started off the day it was 6 and after London apart from sponsorships that we sold so I m very excited will be at last year s national event what was last year s figure $11108.00 pounds right so we did 15 grand issue an idea. For you and we go again next year still trying to get me to commit to. I let the other think probably let me have a think Tamanna reservations to see why you don t think you don t like. Mazing day it really was quite a day 11108 last year pounds the aim was 15000 e-mail me to south the noon there s been an auction Post Sunday raising more money and 16000 plus pounds have been raised for that charity which is an amazing effort from everyone but the ash belts than has driven the whole thing right on cue a tweet as you re strapped in to my Twitter feed from the Martin belts the memorial match at Jeff 20 Man what a listen thanks for this emotional hour for my family I m a thanks to all the lads who played on the fun base for being so amazing you see. Is the message from ASH about us not my absolute pleasure to be with you on Sunday and that taught so many great people who made it such an amazing event bravo to the How to you ashes are your the one who drove the occasion big fans for the. I think to having a gash enjoy the rest of your fares. From Western Superman to film going to them and it s. B.B.C. Radio Bristol B.B.C. News 7 are more on this and the prime minister is insisting that a general election is the only way to deal with threats it in a speech in West Yorkshire bars Johnson reiterated that he didn t want to send the country back to the polls but a public judgment would settle the E.U. Debate opposition party said they won t back an election until No Deal legislation is passed Mr Johnson says the choice for voters is clear the only way to get this thing done to get this thing moving is to make that decision do you want this government to take us out a lot Taber 31st or do you want to join the globe in a Labor Party go to that crucial summit in Brussels October 17th the prime minister also used his speech to praise his brother Joe earlier today he announced his decision to quit the government and stand down as an M.P. The Tory M.P. For all content says he s torn between family loyalty and the national interest Tony Owen is Secretary of openings and conservatives show probably went when his brother on the basis that there d be a revised negotiation deal showed that would not necessary row Cho out of feeling he could continuous member of parliament I think the last 2 or 3 days as clearly changed but the spectre of that reality in other news a coroner s concluded there was significant failings in the care of a 14 year old girl a great omen Street Hospital Amy Allen died of multi-organ failure in September last year following a spinal operation the hospital has apologised and says it s already made changes to the way it works Linda Reynolds is a solicitor for the Alan family she says they were already not happy with the cam provision given to their daughter a family raise concerns before a meteorite. There had been failures in planning and the timing of extirpation following a surgery. That went through an enormous complaint process. The family received a final complaint response and disagreed with much of it a metropolitan police officer who bought panache graffiti while on duty at the family home of a dead child has been jailed for a year P.C. Of a Maharaj was guarding the house last year when he downloaded 4 films to their television union leaders say planned strikes by British Airways pilots could be called off if the airline agrees to hold fresh talks over paid members of a Jew to walk out next Monday and Tuesday be a says it s still open to new negotiations the Made in Chelsea star Jamie Lang has been forced to pull out of this year s series of Strictly Come Dancing because of injury he says he s devastated to miss out on being part of the show and the weather tonight rain in the northwest will become more widespread and move southwards during the course of the night staying largely dry and clear in southern parts of England and the south of Wales there will be overnight lows for many places of between 11 and 10 degree celcius B.B.C. News It s 3 minutes past 7 Why thank you more about. The A.B.C. Radio Bristol travel. She s a get a can she will right then let s get a check of the road to start with the Bath Road in Keynsham slow emergency repair works between Keynsham and suffered looking as it s causing some delay with those temporary lights in operation still a pity for you if you make you on the rest rode the A 38 through Rocks bridge at the moment very slow there through which the High Street the A 420 is stop start and on the like green line about ever since green ring road is a king quite heavy there as well not so bad for you if you make your way around the deanery road right about curing though up towards Hicks gate sex but a bit of destruction in the east bank structuring my debt improving no one can down the road the A 367 there s action there earlier on which has since been cleared not seeing any major disruptions on the motorways or the I m thinking up late every Phil King and Nicholson feel all that stuff got sent to us via the B.B.C. Upload death and that s where you can send them.

Radio-program , Streets , Blackpool-fc-players , Political-science , Streets-and-roads , Types-of-roads , Association-football-forwards , Premier-league-players , Bristol-rovers-fc-players , The-football-league-players , English-footballers , Areas-of-bristol