into default? let me go back to the beginning of your question. you say republicans wouldn t be willing to do this. the president sat twice with speaker boehner who was willing to put as much as $800 billion in revenue on the table as part of tax reform. 16 republican senators have been willing to agree with the gang of six to have revenues as part of tax reform, much more significantly than this president. so what the president really said is that there is just a faction in washington that is keeping us from this type of a comp roar mize. this type of ball llamas that could get us there. i know that everybody wants to go now to the doomsday scenarios. we should start with what are the constructive approaches we could get there. the has bent over backwards for bipartisan, balance, compromise. time for others to do the same. that s the sole focus this morning. you re right. there are republicans that have supported the closing of the tax loopholes. tom coburn came up with, i
beginning of your question. you say republicans wouldn t be willing to do this. the president sat twice with speaker boehner who was willing to put as much as $800 billion in revenue on the table as part of tax reform. 16 republican senators have been willing to agree with the gang of six to have revenues as part of tax reform, much more significantly than this president. so what the president really said is that there is just a faction in washington that is keeping us from this type of a comp roar mize. this type of ball llamas that could get us there. i know that everybody wants to go now to the doomsday scenarios. we should start with what are the constructive approaches we could get there. the has bent over backwards for bipartisan, balance, compromise. time for others to do the same. that s the sole focus this morning. you re right. there are republicans that have supported the closing of the tax loopholes. tom coburn came up with, i believe, $1 trillion.