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Transcripts for KDRT 95.7 FM KDRT 95.7 FM 20190924 220000

I am. a better way of the way I. Am looking at it. Wow Karen Allison just bebop and scatter wave through Bud piles Parisian thoroughfare and the reason it sounds so French is because pal spent some time in Paris Karen Allison vocal Kim Parker Alto Danny Embrey guitar Bob Bowman bass Todd St drums and we ve got more Paolo right now all in fact we re going to hear 2 not composed by Powell but by his buddy His name is Charles Parker. Known Better as Bird 1st Cheryl and then chase in the bird Powells on piano. Here is chasing the bird an 8 and 8 no turkey either. Charlie Parker and friends with the couple by the bird call Cheryl in the 2nd there what you just heard chasing the bird Let s see who is playing on that well and we had the Charlie Parker on alto sax we had Max Roach on the drums Tommy Potter on the bass this is recorded in 1947 by the way that sing you do a little bit of feel of just how long ago they were bop and oh yes and there was a trumpet player in that group and see his name is Miles Davis Charlie Parker and of course Bud Powell on piano who had a birthday anniversary yesterday. September 23rd 1924 right now I m Gary Chu and I d like to tell you the American Civil Liberties Union works tirelessly to advance civil rights the a.c.l.u. Of northern California as an enduring guardian of justice fairness equality and freedom working to protect and advance civil liberties for all Californians to participate or support the a.c.l.u. Locally then to learn more about your rights contact the Yolo County chapter via a.c.l.u. Yolo County at g. Mail dot com. A c e o u y o l o c o u n t y at G.-Mail dot com and you can get more information on the web by visiting a c l u n c dot org Back to. Large ensemble music now sorry sorry about that you got me that was yeah that was what was left over from the Charlie Parker disc confused here now we re going to go to another big band sound and it s the Canton band back with music on a cd that I only acquired not too long ago and. I never I have heard this before but I really hadn t laid my ears to it really heavily in the last couple 3 months and this is really a great piece it features Terry Lane on alto. Tim Hagans on trumpet recorded in Chicago in 175 years the Canton band playing the arrangement and composition of Hank Levy called Dick Opata. Thank. You and. The to. The to cut cut. Lead. Us. To. Good old Stan can you go is count on him giving you a once a base in the root of the chord is right there with the bass trombone or in some cases a tuba and here we heard the cannon band with Hank Levy s arrangement composition called Decode pie. Terry Elaine Alto and Tim Hagans trumpet recorded in the Windy City in 1975 it s from a cd I have acquired recently called Kenton 76 This is Gary 2 with 3rd streaming on k d r t o p f m Davis this is a program mix of classical 20th and 21st century music jazz and film music and lo and behold we haven t played any film music until this very moment coming right up one of the really well known and recognizable film composers for recent decades has been John Barry doing all of us Bond movies and so many other things he s got to like can t and he s got a sound that s his own and even though it s a different piece of music a different melody the orchestras sound sort of the same and you can tell that s John Barry Ok Well here is an example of that from a 9 $182.00 film that started how to excellent cast Jessica Lange champ a Sam Shepard Kim Stanley and the guy who played on mash named Gerald s. Cole Laughlin it was about Francis farmer. A movie actress who was blacklisted back in the why I don t know I guess the fifty s I m not sure I saw the movie and have kind of forgotten it s kind of an edgy movie yes Jessica Lange is good at edgy this is directed by Graham Clifford at one nominated didn t win but nominated for 2 Oscars so here is a sort of a suite of music from the 1902 film by John music by John Barry from the film called Francis played by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra John Barry conducting. You Zick from the early eighty s film Francis. Played by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by the composer and orchestrator John Berry I remember the music and I remember the movie pretty well Jessica Lange and Sam Shepard when directed by Graham Clifford some other movies that Barry wrote music for I m sure you re out of Africa I can hear out of Africa and this is a little bit of Midnight Cowboy which was really a great movie and good music too somewhere in time Born Free Dances With Wolves Yeah. Because club. A See also the film Chaplin he s done lots of stuff and he wrote some good stuff for sure I m Gary Cherone This is 3rd streaming k d r t l t f m Devas 957 and online it k t r t dot org. K d r t As you probably know is your community radio station and we d love to connect with you beyond the airwaves that s one good title for a show if you re on Facebook Twitter Instagram or You Tube plays like follow or subscribe to Katie r t f m a fast access to Katie Artie s social channels visit k t r t dot org and click on the page top social buttons visit your favorite social channels and search for Katie r.t.f.m. And we will been there for see you. Social thing next it s more movie music but from a much earlier time more than so far back none of us were alive at the time the movie started a guy by the name of Charlton Heston Jack walk ins and. Number 2 who was very intense actor by the name of Steven Boyd this movie came out in 1959 and one catch this 11 count I m almost a dozen Oscars. Yes William Wyler directed it and we ll hear now Nick rain lead the city of Prague Philharmonic in the love theme from Ben Hur composed by Miklos Russia. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok clear. The fleet. Oakland. Police. Look. Sorry let s join that s Marni piece right now. This is the theme of the suite from the film our name. Through. Good. Music from the film Marni composed by Bernard Herman played by the Los Angeles Philharmonic it s a pick a solid conducting. Remember this movie with Sean Connery Tippi Hedren and Diane Baker I don t because I haven t seen it but I m going to soon as I hear it s really a spine tingling Hitchcock film. Marty. Back to autumn. Will. Food. Hold. And. Tenor saxophone are. Extraordinary. Good burns in Herman s early on them rust scar see is strings it s Gershwin birthday anniversary time. And who could salute George any better. And this got. The better. Singing with Nelson Riddle s orchestra who else could it be there s a some body and young molding to seen. The hope that she took. To mean. Song Born in the world. Over me. The. Motive above Muguruza lolo s in the Your the one know I like crude could. Oh I. Love the one you walk all over me. All the. Good. Think. But the are hard. To. Please to put on some speed. Follow my. Home in the. Sun warn me to walk. All over me. Long to you. As to food along some speed. Fall or mud. Hol I need. To long. Or. To chairman of the board. And Nelson Little s orchestra. Georges and IRA s Someone to Watch Over Me Gershwin born September 26th 898. That 2 this coming week it will be a his 121st birthday anniversary. Going to take you out with more girls from. The Mitchell rough duo. Piano on bass. Oh they ve got some slow rhythm for you here and it is the gas. This show will run again Thursday evening from 10 to midnight and Saturday evening from 7 to 9 also you get next Tuesday with another live extravaganza of 3rd streaming with Gary true on Katie b.f.m. Davis California the 57. Org. If you re listening live the preacher is standing by. In Iraq sure. To tune in Fridays at 2 pm for a constant groom It s a 30 minute sampling of indie rock drive from the ninety s into thousands that s guaranteed to tickle your indie and a decidedly present manner for your money back no questions asked maybe a few. This hour of k d r t programming is underwritten by OEM networks a Davis based Internet service provider now featuring OEM fusion a bundle of high speed internet and landline phone service also offering network consulting and complete Internet solutions more information at home soft dot com to. Claims gold gold.

Radio-program , Deaths-from-pneumonia , Savoy-records-artists , American-jazz-saxophonists , American-jazz-composers , African-american-musicians , American-television-actresses , Bebop-musicians , Actors-from-illinois , American-stage-actors , Symphony-orchestras , Jessica-lange

Transcripts for KBUT 90.3 FM KBUT 90.3 FM 20181214 000000

After these headlines. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I m Janine Herbst a federal judge has accepted a guilty plea from Maria enough for as acting as a Russian agent N.P.R. s Carrie Johnson reports she s the 1st Russian to acknowledge an influence campaign during the 2016 election Maria booty not entered the courtroom wearing a green jail uniform with her red hair in a long braid in a clear voice and without a Russian language interpreter booting up pleaded guilty to a single conspiracy charge she said she mounted a campaign to influence Republican Party officials using connections with the National Rifle Association and the National Prayer Breakfast she s agreed to cooperate with prosecutors and expected to face 0 to 6 months in prison and eventually she ll be deported back to Russia and the charge set a hearing for February 12th to assess buton its cooperation with the ongoing investigation a lawyer for her American boyfriend Paul Erickson attended the hearing Carrie Johnson n.p.r. News Washington the Senate is rebuking the Trump administration and Saudi Arabia as N.P.R. s Cotterell reports from Capitol Hill in a $56.00 to $41.00 vote the Senate has passed a measure demanding an end to u.s. Support for Saudi Arabia s war in Yemen the u.s. Has been refueling Saudi planes and giving strategic and intelligence gathering support to the war though the refueling missions were recently stopped from out Senator Bernie Sanders led the push for a vote the War Powers Act was passed I think in 73 so we re talking about 45 years and has never yet been successfully used to stop a war and that s what we re trying to do right now for the 1st time ever the resolution likely won t pass Congress though Republican leaders in the House won t call it to a vote but Sanders and other sponsors will try again next year when Democrats control the House and more anti Saudi bills are expected including a bipartisan sanctions measure Scott Petro n.p.r. News the Capitol in France police have killed the suspect in the deadly. Tack on a Christmas market in Strasbourg earlier this week 6 again or has more the 29 year old suspect was found in his neighborhood just south of the city center he had been on the run since Tuesday police say they shot and killed him when he fired on them the man from Strasbourg killed 3 people and wounded 12 others when he opened fire on the Christmas Market He was a known criminal with a record of violence and robbery in France Germany and Switzerland French intelligence services had flagged him for religious radicalization during a Stanton prison takes again our own reporting a federal court has narrowed a ruling that had prevented the government from enforcing new rules that undermine an Obamacare requirement that employers must provide insurance coverage for women s contraceptives the lower court ruling blocked in force one of the rules that allowed businesses and nonprofits to get exemptions based on moral or religious grounds today the 9th circuit court said the injunction and only apply to states that have sued over the policy and not nationwide You re listening to n.p.r. News from Washington. Kentucky Supreme Court struck down a pension law that prompted thousands of teachers to protest at the state capital this year forcing the closure of more than 30 school districts the court ruled a law signed in April that made changes to the pension system mostly affecting new hires was unconstitutional because the legislature didn t vote on it the correct way the state has one of the worst funded public pension systems in the country and it s at least 30 $8000000000.00 short of the money it needs to pay benefits over the next 30 years the rock n Roll Hall of Fame has announced its class of 2019 for member station k.o.s.u. To be a body has more than. Stevie Nicks and Def Leppard are in each has been eligible for the Rock Hall for over a decade but made their 1st appearances on this year s ballot actually released their 1st record at least 25 years ago can be considered and several other long eligible performers will finally be inducted next year the cura Janet Jackson Roxy Music and the zombies rounding out this year s class is Radiohead the $21000.00 Rock Hall induction ceremony will be held in New York City in March for n.p.r. News I m compere Bhatia in Cleveland mortgage rates of fallen to the lowest level in 3 months mortgage giant Freddie Mac. Says the average rate for a 30 year fixed note dropped to 4.63 percent down from 4.75 percent last week that s still much higher than a year ago when the rate stood at 3.13 percent all straight end of the day and mixed territory the Dow gaining 70 points the Nasdaq down 27 s. And p. 500 down a fraction I m joining her p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from Focus Features presenting Mary Queen of Scots based on the true story of a rebellious young queen who will stop at nothing to reclaim her throne search for Ronan and Margot Robbie Starr as warring Queens now playing in select theaters and the ne ek z. Foundation. Here s your k.b. U.t. Weather update for Thursday afternoon December 13th it s been another beautiful bluebird day current temperatures in Crested Butte 19 degrees and we have 27 degrees in Gunnison tonight clear skies again lows around negative 4 and Gunnison and 4 degrees in Crested Butte tomorrow Friday December 14th sunshine comes back as you start your weekend a bit warmer than today mid twenty s in Crested Butte and mid thirty s in Gunnison . From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I m Ari Shapiro in Culver City California and I m Audie Cornish in Washington the Wall Street Journal is reporting that federal prosecutors in Manhattan are investigating President Trump s 2017 inaugural committee specifically they re looking at whether the committee misspent some of the $107000000.00 it raised from donations Rebecca is one of those reporters she worked on the story and she joins me now welcome to the program Hi Thanks for having me so give us more detail on the allegations here I understand there s kind of 2 different sets of allegations here so it seems that federal prosecutors are looking at 2 different parts of the Inaugural Committee one of them is how the committee spent its money and whether there was any misspending there and the other is that the donors who gave to the committee and whether they received any improper access or policy concessions in return for their donations and I understand the investigation grew out of a recording that was seized in the raid of Michael Cohen s home earlier this year prison terms of former personal attorney that s right so when they raided his home office and hotel room in April f.b.i. Agents obtained a recording of a conversation between Cohen and Stephanie Winston while Coffee who was a former advisor to Trump who worked on the inauguration and in that recording. Expressed some concern about how the Inaugural Committee is spending its money the way it s been described to us so what have you learned in your reporting about who prosecutors are looking at specifically So that s an area that we re still looking into what we know that prosecutors have spoken to people one of them is Frank who is a donor who gave $1000000.00 to the inauguration and later hired Michael Cohen at to help him obtain a loan from President Trump Energy Department we know that he has been asked for documents related to his generation and for any correspondence he had with the committee. Meetings calendars things like that we also know that Rick Gates who was the deputy chairman of the committee has been asked questions about the inaugural fund and rickets pleaded guilty earlier this year and agreed to cooperate with investigators so we know that he s met with Mahler s office and with the Southern District of New York What s been the response from members of the Inaugural Committee who have you reached out to. So there are a number of really prominent donors who gave to that committee or were on its finance committee and we by no means understand that that investigators have reached out to all of them Sheldon Adelson is one for example that we know has not been reached out to he was a really believe he gave $5000000.00 and has been a long time backer of the president s And then Tom Barrett who headed the committee we also have no sign that he s a target of this investigation he has not been contacted since and by investigators since he spoke to Mahler s office last year and at that point he was asked a handful of questions about the you know a girl but it was not the focus of his interview and anything from the White House the White House hasn t responded to our questions about this matter there s no indication that there are aware of the investigation or at least they were aware of it before he reported it and not something that they would necessarily need to take to the president s lawyers because we don t have any sense that they re investigating Trump s spending Fanaa girl money but it s fair to say that if the investigation continues at that it seems like an area that they would look into That s Rebecca Paul House reporter with The Wall Street Journal thanks for sharing your reporting thanks for having me. It s been quite a week for House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi she sparred on national television with President Trump and got him to say he d take the blame if the government shutdown and she struck a deal with insurgent Democrats that all but ensures she will be elected speaker of the House in January remember Nancy. He was the target of Republican attacks in the midterm election and was considered so divisive that a sizable chunk of Democrats campaigned on a pledge to elect different leaders So now let s bring in n.p.r. Congressional reporter Kelsey Snell to explain how Palosi managed to come out on top by Kelsey there what did Posey do to get the Democratic holdouts to support her as the next speaker Well she basically agreed to term limits for all House Democrats leadership not just herself and the deal would allow leaders of her for 3 tier terms or 6 years which means that she personally would only have one term left since she was already speaker from 2007 to 2011 and I m told it was more or less coincidental that the deal came together this week it happened just a day after that big memorable Oval Office meeting but Palosi seems to be really taking charge this week even if it isn t you know that the 2 things came together simultaneously Democrats will have to vote to affirm this agreement but Palosi says she d stick to the deal even if it isn t officially adopted into house rules here s how she explained it to us reporters earlier today I feel very comfortable that what they are proposing and I feel very responsible to to do that whether it passes are not healthy doesn t sound like this is a huge sacrifice for polo see how much of a concession was this it s really easy to argue that it isn t much of a concession at all remember she s 78 years old and she s been talking about herself as a transitional figure since before the election now this is an opportunity for her to make good on that promise if anything it s really a good example of the kind of deal maker she has not just that she s a good one but what she does to get there basically everyone got to walk away from that saying they won something 1st she knocked out the only person who was a potential competitor that was Marcia Fudge of Ohio who just you can remember a few weeks ago was floated as a potential speaker possibility while she created a new job for her and now fudge will be leading a committee on Election Integrity basically Plus he s playing all of her leadership cards and she kind of slowly. Picks off her opponents and has offered them everything in the box of cards she has committee positions leadership jobs she s got a lot of tools to play and she s playing on we hear a lot about what a skilled negotiator Palosi is but does this mean the criticism against her is over well no it s criticisms criticism of her will go on she s been in power for a long time and that s not going away the criticism that she is out of touch with her party at a time when they re divided that s also still really true it also doesn t mean that she ll get unanimous support from Democrats in January actually just a few weeks when they have the speaker s vote on January 3rd a majority of the people who vote against her may well be those new members who pledged to vote against her in the campaign but she really is certainly more powerful than she was just before the election we have to remember the Democrats gain 40 seats and that s really huge no matter how you look at it she ll definitely have to referee disputes between moderates and liberals who can both rightfully claim that they made huge gains in this election and her critics aren t going to get any quieter they ll just have more demands and they ll want her to not negotiate with Trump and negotiate with them n.p.r. Congressional reporter Kelsey Snell thank you thank you. As we just heard the Democratic opposition to the speakership wasn t enormous but it was loud and committed so it sounds like he will not be able to rely on your vote. And I will not be voting for now that was Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan on the show last month today he announced he would vote for Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the house after she agreed to limit her tenure I asked him why that changed his mind I think there was a recognition from Leader Pelosi that she was going to be a transitional candidate and that we do have an enormous amount of talent in our Democratic caucus the people know that they voted for change and we re going to give them the change that they want and this agreement while it s not everything that I wanted it is certainly one that brings the party together but also puts real reforms in place for the future of our caucus with 6 year terms on the top leadership what does this mean for that new crop of Democrats though who campaigned telling voters that they would not vote for her well there was a number of the candidates that won in the lot of the purple districts across the country that came down saying they were going to vote for a new leader they were going to vote for change this also frees them up to meet that obligation that they made to their constituents which was a very important for me to make sure that they could do that but also addresses the change that is needed and puts that reform in place and you know when you re making a deal everybody gets something of what they want and everybody you know leaves some on the table that they couldn t get you had challenge the 2 years ago for the speakership you were not successful and over time there has been this perception that dissenters basically don t have anyone powerful enough to challenge police see that there isn t someone who has the votes why can t anyone else get momentum Well part of why we wanted to get this reform in places because you can accumulate a good deal of power. Over the years and so it becomes very very tough to overcome that you know we want to strong leader but at the same time you know we don t want someone that can always prevent other people from coming up because that influx of ideas and in people from different backgrounds moving into our leadership is a really important part of what it means to be a Democrat and we want to keep that in place the best we can moving forward did this debate take way time from the work of crafting a Democratic agenda for the new conference I don t think so I mean you know people always throw up their hands and say well we can t have a fight right now I mean there s there s never a good time to have an argument you know we can walk and chew gum at the same time we have very capable members of the Democratic caucus who have been crafting a agenda for the Democrats and I think that work continued while this debate was taking place going forward into this new Congress are you confident that she ll be able to keep the caucus together on important votes and big moments Well if we re going to be challenged I think it s going to be hard I mean we ve got you know obviously we saw it the other day at the White House how difficult it is to try to nail down and in the go she ate with Donald Trump we also have the Senate there and I think internally we have a very broad coalition we have a number of members who got elected in represent purple districts or you know Republican plus 5 or 6 point this tricks and we have a new crop of a few progress of us and everybody in between all the way over to what we call the blue dogs and people who represent more conservative Democratic views are all in our caucus and we only have a few seats to give away if there s a big vote that we need to have so it s it s going to challenge all of us to figure out how to come together on issues that we can all agree on and try to move the country forward it s going to be a lot of work for us to move forward as Congressman. Tim Ryan Democrat from Ohio thank you for speaking with All Things Considered Thanks for having me. You re listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. It doesn t quite sound it yet but this one s good for a laugh you re on the sound. There goes you know that feeling you get whether you re in church or a meeting or somewhere where you really shouldn t be laughing where you just can t quite. Be Ok laughing record was recorded in Germany and released in 1023 and was an immediate seller it hit the Billboard charts and reached Number 8 it wasn t listed as a foreign language record because well everyone understands laughter and it s particularly unique in that the performers were not credited making it the 1st and only anonymous record to ever chart. I m. Going to want to hear the whole thing. Right now on our Facebook page or our home on the web sound. Sound feeds the bill for audio Syracuse University library and Bradbury. How you made it in marketing strategies from film. She caramel moving home I got to meet. Are you tired of hearing stale radio the tune in every Friday we re guaranteed to hear something fresh new on a t.v. Radio from noon to 2 not sure is going to be but I guarantee you will entertain you . Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Log Me In makers of Go To Meeting a collaborative meeting platform with over 18000000 monthly users designed to connect to people from anywhere in the world on any device learn more go to meeting dot com from Exact Sciences offering color guard for average risk adults over 50 noninvasive colon cancer screening tests that can be used at home by prescription only information a color guard test dot com and from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. It s All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I m Audie Cornish in Washington and I m Ari Shapiro in Culver City California in Joan grazes long career she has watched more than 12000 movies she pays close attention to the Gore sex and foul language because graves chairs the board of parents who determine movie ratings from g. To n.c. 17 now she s preparing to retire from her role the Motion Picture Association of America so we ve invited her here into the studio to talk about how she views movies Welcome thank you her background is in commercial real estate and financial services so how did you get into the movie writing business it was accidental I was at a cocktail party and I was talking to a publisher from New York and another friend and he have a deli thought I sounded very sensible and I put that sensible in quotes and told the then chairman of the rating system Richard Hefner that I would be a good person for his board because we had talked about movies a lot and he knew I enjoyed going to the movies and taking my family what makes a good person for a board like this somebody that is sensible and that can reflect standards rather than want to set them and I know when I look to add people to the board parents with agendas if you say why would you like to join us why would you like to be on the rating board I remember one lady said because I want to get the f. Word out of movies and I said Wait that s Do we we give information about what s there we don t tell filmmakers what they can put their. The difference between a p.g. 13 rating and an r rating can mean millions of dollars for a filmmaker as I m sure you are well aware how much lobbying goes into the rating of a film I saw a trend almost 2 decades ago of the directors having to sign contracts to deliver a film rated a certain rating or less and because of that we created a position of a filmmaker liaison so that if filmmakers had any questions in the production stage even the scripts stage or stage they could talk to us if they had to craft their material so that they didn t exceed what they had signed the contract for can you give us an example of a film that wanted to be p.g. Or p.g. 13 vet adjusted the way the filmmaker was planning to do things in order to get that right a filmmaker came to me once and he said he had been thinking of doing a movie about a known person who was a womanizer and a drug user and the contract could only be for 13 and he didn t want to sign it if he couldn t print trade this man s life in a way that was realistic but also not vaulting the film into our territory and the way we talked and what you could depict and what you couldn t he ended up signing the contract and made a very very effective movie and it was the movies halfway it was Ray and it got Academy Award I shouldn t about rain on A.B.C. s suspense and I m going. Again but you re going to have to make it work right you do what you do baby. If you remember the movie you definitely got all the aspects of his life but not in a way that a parent would say Oh my goodness you should never have seen that. We hear all the time from listeners who disagree with the editorial choices we ve made about what content to put on the air do you hear from parents all the time who say how could you have rated this film this way I do I when anybody calls in our e-mails I always ask how their children are what part of the country they re from and if in fact they ve seen the movie because sometimes complaints are an orchestrated campaign with an agenda can you give us an example well for instance the South the Southerners care much more about blasphemy than the rest the parts of the country taking the Lord s name and then sort of thing yes we found that Midwesterners care more about nudity and sexuality and the coasts are more concerned about the violence because they have bigger cities and there s more violence in big cities so it s a very interesting situation when we re rating for the whole country and the parents on the board have to think in terms of the whole country because they re reflecting standards not setting them that s so interesting to think these ratings take on less importance in an era when there is so much streaming content on so many different platforms seeing a movie is a choice when you sign up for it at home or to pay per view or you go to the theater you make a choice and they want to be sure of what they re choosing so we have very very high interest in the ratings because of that I think because they want to know what they re paying their money and devoting their time to going out to see. Joan Graves is the going to share of the classification and rating administration for the Motion Picture Association of America I shall retire next year thanks so much for coming to the studio thank you I loved the movie Roma is seen by critics as an Oscar worthy masterpiece for director Alfonso cuarón but as N.P.R. s Jasmine Doris reports behind the scenes the film is part of a battle between streaming services such as Netflix and movie theaters they re fighting over who gets to show the movies 1st to promote on the big screen or on a digital streaming service that is the question it s not a new one just last year at the Toronto Film Festival the makers of I taunt you were looking for distribution and they reportedly turned down Netflix why because they wanted I Tonya in movie theaters and they probably wanted to qualify for an Oscar which actress Allison Janney won I didn t stay home making out Brown Betty said No I made you a champion No when you paid me for it that s the sacrifice the mother makes Scott Feinberg an awards columnist for The Hollywood Reporter explains the Oscars are about rewarding the best movies not t.v. Shows so that means you have to have had at least what they call a qualifying run in theaters in New York and l.a. That little golden statuette carries a lot of weight you get more audience interest more money more work opportunities and your film gets written into the history books and all this presents a come none drum for Netflix as it tries to stand out among a growing number of streaming services Michael Pachter is a media analyst at Wedbush Securities Netflix is goal is to be a major production company that makes compelling content that is available exclusively on Netflix to give consumers a reason to sign up and stay as subscribers in order to do this Netflix needs to attract a list talent and they want Oscars Netflix has yet to get a Best Picture Oscar to do so. It has to premiere its films in theaters in other words Netflix needs the movie theater to kill the movie theater the new movie might be a chance to. Buy. But it s also in black and white in Spanish with subtitles and with unknown actor unlikely to be a blockbuster so quiet on needed Netflix Jopek a former executive at Fox Searchlight Pictures says Netflix can give this movie a wide streaming audience. Right away. 30000000 people in a rare move Netflix is showing the film 1st in cinemas nationwide and just for a few weeks. But right now. Will this bring Netflix a best picture Oscar Scott Feinberg from the Hollywood Reporter says times are changing the reality is we re sort of swimming upstream at this point because people are increasingly consuming movies in other ways thanks not only to primarily to nuff flicks you know people love the convenience of being able to click a few buttons and watch from their couch but for the moment the way to win that best picture is. N.p.r. News. Support for comes from our listeners and the Gunnison Arts Center a nonprofit arts organization whose mission is to serve as a hub for cultivating and promoting the arts in our community information Gunnison Art Center dot org And from the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory whose mission is in a rapidly changing world to sustain our quality of life by accelerating discoveries about the ecosystems that replenish the world s air water and food supplies public events aren t r. And b. L. Dot. It s All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I m Audie Cornish and I m Ari Shapiro coming up the increasing number of journalists around the world put in prison for their reporting to the so-called strongman leaders cracking down on independent journalism from the Philippines all the way through Turkey and even here in the Americas Loran that after these news headlines. Live from n.p.r. News in Culver City California I m Lisa kowtow Congress is unanimously backing legislation that makes lawmakers personally liable for sexual harassment settlements N.P.R. s Kelsey Snell reports the bill was approved after a months long stalemate between the House and the Senate the legislation is being hailed by negotiators as a landmark day to 1995 law that has been widely criticized by victims advocates and many lawmakers themselves taxpayers are currently responsible for picking up the tab for harassment settlements and court judgments against members starting next year lawmakers would be personally responsible for settlements and up to $300000.00 in court awarded damages under the new bill all payments are to be made public immediately followed by a comprehensive and he will report the bill also eliminates a 30 day cooling off period before a victim can file a complaint the bill now goes to President Trump for his signature Kelsey s now n.p.r. News the Capitol different from Amazon Apple has chosen to be less high profile with news that it plans to build offices outside of California and today after months of negotiations the company s c.e.o. Announced it will open its biggest campus in Austin Texas with hopes to create at least 5000 jobs there Austin Mayor Steve Adler explains why his city is the right fit for Apple we are a young growing creative forward charging entrepreneurial friendly welcoming community and that is the story of Apple the 1000000000 dollar Austin campus is only a mile phone from another large office that Apple opened 5 years ago making Texas the company s largest hub outside of Silicon Valley Apple says it will also open offices in Seattle San Diego and here in Culver City California this is n.p.r. News. The head of the United Nations agency for combating HIV Aids says he ll be stepping down early in response to intense criticism over his handling of special harassment and other claims N.P.R. s numerate Eisenman reports Michelle cd Bay was appointed to lead us aids in 2009 for a decade long term that wasn t set to expire until January 2020 now he ll be leaving 6 months early in June the move comes a week after an independent investigation found that cd Bay has fostered a work in aids in which conflict of interest abuse of funds and sexual harassment are so rampant it s created a crisis that threatens the agency s work the findings helped swell a chorus of health experts who ve been calling for c.b.s. Ouster and Sweden the agency s 2nd largest donor had threatened to freeze funding until cd Bay was removed no rate Eisenman n.p.r. News in a 56 to 41 vote senators today approved a resolution to end u.s. Military support for the Saudi led war in Yemen this is being seen as a strong rebuke of Saudi Arabia after the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi many lawmakers criticize the trumpet ministration for not taking stronger steps to penalize the Saudi government following the intelligence community s conclusion that Crown Prince Mohammed bin so man is responsible for the murder of Khashoggi. Kowtow n.p.r. News. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Sierra Nevada Brewing Company family owned operated and argued over since 1900 proud supporter of independent thought whether that s online over the air or in a bottle or at Sierra Nevada dot com and from the pajama gram company offering 26 matching holiday pajamas for the whole family including dogs and cats with Snoopy Star Wars and St Nick themes in its fleece and flannel learn more at pajama gram dot com. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I m Ari Shapiro And I m Audie Cornish French police say they ve killed the man they believe murdered 3 people and wounded 12 others at a Christmas market in the city of Strasburg reporter Jakes again reports from Strasburg people are trying to come to terms with what has happened to their city. Is sharp and Strasbourg smells like Christmas cinnamon and hot line but the stalls of the Christmas market outside Notre Dame Cathedral are shuttered today at a nearby memorial of flowers and votive candles. Weeps as she places messages and drawings from her students she said many of them were at the market when the attack took place so are shocked to remember about the exposed birds never fear. She reads one of her students notes just to sell be able to use truth because it s horrible that you kill someone and then run the know says I pray for the victims their families and the terrorists to know hopes the spirit of the season will help to heal Strasbourg for mere Christmas it s maybe. Maybe soon far of instrument we would be to give an income of us friends inside a year but we will be together once the market reopens she plans to take her mother there on Christmas Eve Christmas Eve It s just magick that. Is a 19 year old native of Strasbourg he calls his city the capital of Christmas this afternoon he came to pay his respects at $1.00 of the makeshift memorials in the city square and sing very interesting enough to trigger the Christmas market is a tradition an old institution he says for this to happen really kills our morale. Carol Mary lives outside Strasbourg and has been coming to the Christmas market for more than 60 years she says it s a tradition for her and her family jewels to do do. We see a lot of people from all over the world she says I come for the decorations and you can. Smell the Christmas tree so someone some back it smells good she says the area admits the possibility of an attack on the market has always been in the back of her mind to his own evolved sound Millau bounty and. We think about it every year and here we are she says. In the evening people gather at the gun to 15th century cathedral for a vigil mass to remember the dead and wounded one of the victims was a 67 year old local retired man who had been meeting his wife and son for a drink the other a tourist from Thailand the 3rd victim was a 45 year old mechanic from Afghanistan a naturalized French citizen he had brought his wife and young family to the market His funeral will be at the mosque where he went to pray. After the vigil Strasbourg steady for tourism Paul mayor talked about the city s Christmas market which has been held for 450 years just children I should know I spent just for the commercial business which is true to my daughters the Christmas market is not a business issue it s a way of life he says it s a place where all communities nationalities and religions meet and celebrate this time of sharing together. They are then walked away past groups of police and soldiers on his way to a meeting at the Town Hall where he and his colleagues will decide when to reopen Strasbourg Christmas market for n.p.r. News I m Jake s again arose in Strasbourg. I am. This year has brought several reminders of the dangers that journalists face around the world for speaking out there was the killing of Washington Post columnist from the imprisonment of Reuters reporters in Myanmar now the Committee to Protect Journalists has a new report saying more than $250.00 journalists around the world are in jail as a result of their work Robert Mahoney is PJ s deputy executive director and he joins us now Hyder. This is the 3rd year in a row that you ve said more than $250.00 journalists are imprisoned around the world what does that tell you it tells us that there s a creeping all Thora Terry and his and globally dictators and so-called strong mentally that is cracking down on independent journalism and criticism from the Philippines all the way through Turkey and even here or in the Americas I also just want to clarify that this report isn t looking at the threat journalists face in war threats of injury or death this is soley cracking down on people for what they ve published absolutely this is a form of state censorship through imprisonment this is the deliberate targeting of journalists and bloggers by governments who do not want their voice to be hood now you mention Turkey and in the last few months Turkey has taken a leading role in illuminating Saudi Arabia s responsibility for the death of one journalist Jamal Khashoggi but your report shows that Turkey is actually the worst offender when it comes to jailing journalists yet Turkey has been at the top of all this for several years now and there are some 68 journalists in jail this year things got really bad as to the failed coup back in 2016 so it s extremely ironic that the president of Turkey president Adeline should be the one that is giving us the details about the murder of a journalist when he himself continues to throw journalists behind and of course Turkey has been accusing Saudi Arabia of this Saudi Arabia itself according to your report has more than doubled the number of journalists in jail compared to a year ago the number this year is 16 up from 7 what s happening there well what s happening is that despite the rhetoric and the millions of dollars that crown prince Solomon is spending on lobbyists and p.r. Consultants here and in the United States and Europe behind that image of a reformer and a young modernist is a good old fashioned or thorough Tarion who cannot stand criticism there are 16 journalists in jail in Saudi Arabia by our count 4 female journalists who were thrown in jail for report. An all women s rights and then we had that appalling murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul I mean one of the things that strikes me is that before the Arab Spring we had 13 journalists in jail in all the Arabic speaking countries of the Middle East now it s $63.00 and Egypt and Saudi Arabia account for a lot of the total another country that figures prominently on the list is China and one journalist we know who disappeared recently is the photo journalist Luke Wang a u.s. Resident who disappeared while on a trip to change on Province which is where the weaker Muslim minority lives China has been clamping down on that group today Lou gongs wife said police confirmed to the family that the photojournalist was in fact arrested how does this fit in with what we ve seen generally with journalists in China well China has always been very intolerant of independent journalism but this year there was a mocked up tick in the numbers arrested in most of those were in the west of China that least 10 of the journalist detained in China this year were in this in Jang region here in the u.s. President Trump regularly verbal attacks journalists calling them the enemy of the people are there any American journalists in the u.s. Who are actually in jail no not not in the u.s. As far as we know I mean journalists have been arrested and face increasing harassment whilst they re working but from the state itself no there are no journalists in jail that s said however the atmosphere in which independent journalists are working is pretty toxic at the moment with the president the United States using his pulpit in the White House to label him as enemies of the people and generally denigrate the work that they do in up holding democracy by holding power to account Robert Mahoney is deputy executive director of the Committee to Protect Journalists thank you for joining us today thank you. You re listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Filmmaker Barry Jenkins is best known for his Oscar winning film moonlight his new movie if Beale Street could talk is based on a James Baldwin novel and it s a love story set in 1900 Harlem critic Bob Mondello has this review Tish and funny are walking hand in hand through a park at the film s outset childhood soulmates they have just realized they re in love she s 19 he s 22 and on a plaza near the Hudson River they pause and look into each other s eyes. And. They kiss gently and the moment dissolves that was then that was innocence Tisha narrates a startling change as the park fades away. And nobody else and Manson again embodied in. Its months later and funny is now in jail set up by a racist cop for a crime he could not have committed to she is waiting for him in the visiting room and when he sees her his face lights up she s there to tell him that they re going to have a baby news that shocks image 1st and that then has both of them laughing with joy when he stops laughing and his eyes clouded to she presses her hand against the glass throwing territory. Anyway. And he and him going to take. Issue one. I m only sure path the moment dissolves again to the time before with fish remembering how funny built a life for himself starting in vocational school and then discovering he could work with wood not to make furniture but to make art today Amaryllis funny was another. Busy day Dave nominees to Director Barry Jenkins will spend the rest of Beale Street toggling between the love stories beginnings and the families in overdrive trying to. Get funny out of jail it s a rich mix of incidents taken from James Baldwin s 5th novel and brought to the screen in ways that are sometimes swoon worthy other times humorous says when Tish s family tussles with funnies judge mental mom a flashback to a scene with a friend just out of jail is so wrenching some of us have some. Day and that it s hard to imagine the film recovering and then there s dinner and Nina Simone. Hands health Grace said. The struggle to wait for another day. Jenkins wrote screenplays for both this film and for his Oscar winner moonlight in 2013 although he didn t have the rights to be a street back them his gamble that he d get them has now paid off in a film shot through with humor with righteous anger and almost always with just plain beauty cigarette smoke and sawdust swirling around a sculpture of Johnny s creating to the wailing of a saxophone. A little old that the characters must struggle against injustice is Bill streets theme but both the novel and the movie find hope in the love the Titian funny share love that actors Kiki lane and Stefan James portray with such heart in your throat rapture that it s contagious by the end of it s Beale Street could talk it was me who could barely talk. Or listening to All Things Considered. December is the busiest month of the year for charitable giving consider making your year end contribution to k b u t and support independent volunteer powered community radio in the Gunnison valley your donation brings local regional and national news and showcases local voices pumping out the most eclectic music mix anywhere your gift will help do what it does best make great community radio make your year end contribution today at dot org Thank you and Happy Holidays from k.t. U.t. . You re listening to community radio for the Gunnison Valley q.b. 290.3 Crested Butte it 8.7 Gunnison 94.9 all mountain Jack s cabin and online at k.b. 2 dot org Stay tuned. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I m Audie Cornish and I m Ari Shapiro we re going to take a moment now to remember a pioneer of computer engineering Evelyn Bures and died over the weekend at age 93 she was the daughter of a seamstress and furrier who popularized word processing and defied the gender expectations of her industry Dagg Spicer is senior curator at the Computer History Museum she designed computers in the 1950 s. At the very dawn of the computer age that it was a job that perhaps 20 people and at the time among her designs the 1st computerized airline reservation system automated banking transactions and a system that computed artillery distances for the Pentagon a turning point came in 1960 the New York Stock Exchange asked her to design a new stock ticker and then abruptly pulled the offer I said why I was probably one of the 2 people in the world who could design a machine for that sparrows in a 2014 oral history recording for the Computer History Museum and he said you have to be on the stock market floor from time to time and the language on the floor was not for a woman serious it was devastating so she founded her own company redact drawn and developed her word processor it was a machine attached to a typewriter that could remember every keystroke allowing the user to correct mistakes and print clean copy it was revolutionary for secretaries who spent their days typing. Wrote a history of word processing and says bears and saw her work as part of a large social agenda it was explicitly framed in terms of the technologies potential to liberate women and allow them to move and say to other sectors of the workforce but that liberation was limited easier typing didn t mean that male bosses were about to do it for themselves it was an ego thing and one of the hardest things to break was that ego situation between a guy and his secretary as bearers and found out office culture would be harder to change than office technology. Right here s the scenario you re hosting a holiday party and you ve got the guest list the food the drinks what about the music you stumped you know what your party to sound like you know a shopping mall. Even though your guests. Can t deal with the. You know what. I used to program music for all the Calvin Klein stores. Every year this was the most meaningful play with. What s good with stretch along with fellow d.j. . I turn to both of them for help with this party problem I don t know if it be the 1st song because you ve got to warm up the crowd but boy one of those peak records for me is a record by a group called and it s a song called. To this. I want to walk in from a cold. Case so I feel like you can the continent here for all the different influences Yeah this song has a has a very thick passport the origins of the song are folk songs from Ghana called. Them through immigration over the last 50 years a song a sort of spread out the world. In the seventy s when the cologne. . This song is amazing but there are those who want some real holiday music at your party unless they re Stretch Armstrong of course I mean I really pressed him on this and he actually had to turn to his phone to come up with a suggestion Oh my God Do you know that Justin Bieber has trauma boy Ok this this might not be so bad and I know you re you really going for a back I know what you were trying to hear so bad it s good let s say yeah well I do love some supreme singing Santa Claus Is Coming To Town. That s a classic don t sorry not sorry the Supreme is well so bad he wanted to say something really minor It was Christmas wrapping by the waitresses like feel it s tragic. That. This is a perfect song for someone like you who is trying not to be into the holiday audience is not that bad yet see. A couple of ideas for your holiday party playlist from d.j. Stretch Armstrong and Bobbito Garcia host of N.P.R. s podcast what s good with stretch and. Time again. Please. Tell. Me. How can my. Happy holidays from all of us here at All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Elsevier a global information analytics business serving scientists and clinicians with a commitment to helping them to manage their work more efficiently so they can spend more time making breakthroughs Elsevier dot com from Boston Beer Company brewing Samuel Adams Boston lager with hops that come from a small German farm that has been growing hops for over 200 years Boston Beer Company Boston Mass promoting responsible drinking. And from Zoom Zoom offers cloud video conferencing online meetings and a video conference room solution in one platform featuring digital video and audio with screen sharing account registration and more at Zoom dot us. You are listening to keep the Utica 90.3 Crested Butte and key. Point 7. Something. For Seattle. Some point you need to in the world. I come from the take out a little.

Radio-program , Christmas-traditions , Christmas , Western-asian-countries , Islamic-states , Member-states-of-the-arab-league , Middle-eastern-countries , Western-asia , Member-states-of-the-organisation-islamic-cooperation , G20-nations , Christmas-in-germany , Bullying

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Now for the 1st time ever the resolution likely won t pass Congress though Republican leaders in the House won t call it to a vote but Sanders and other sponsors will try again next year when Democrats control the House and more anti Saudi bills are expected including a bipartisan sanctions measure Scott Petro n.p.r. News the Capitol in France police have killed the suspect in the deadly attack on a Christmas market in Strassburg earlier this week Jakes again Iran has more the 29 year old suspect was found in his neighborhood just south of the city center he had been on the run since Tuesday police say they shot and killed him when he fired on them the man from Strasbourg killed 3 people and wounded 12 others when he opened fire on the Christmas Market He was a known criminal with a record of violence and robbery in France Germany and Switzerland French intelligence services had flagged him for religious radicalization during a Stanton prison takes again a reporting a federal court has narrowed a ruling that had prevented the government from enforcing new rules that undermine an Obamacare requirement that employers must provide insurance coverage for women s contraceptives the lower court ruling blocked enforcement of the rules that allowed businesses and nonprofits to get exemptions based on moral or religious grounds today the 9th circuit court said the injunction and only apply to states that have sued over the policy and not nationwide You re listening to n.p.r. News from Washington good afternoon it s 404 I m Dave Meier with k.c.a.l. You news federal health officials say a Santa Barbara County Farm is one of the sources of an e-coli operate in romaine lettuce u.s. Food and Drug Administration and u.s. Centers for Disease Control officials say they ve linked Adam brothers farming in Northern Santa Barbara County to the problem they say genetic fingerprinting tying the e. Coli to settlement from an agricultural water reservoir officials say the farm is cooperating and hasn t ship let us since November 20th Santa Barbara County Supervisor Peter Adam owns the farm with 3 of his brothers f.d.a. Officials say with the operate touching 15 states more farms and other areas are probably connected to it and the investigation is continuing about. 60 people in 15 states have become sick from the gastrointestinal illness no one has died Aventura County man is accused of molesting 2 girls he met through his Newbury Park Church Ventura County sheriff s detectives say a 16 year old girl reported that she had been molested for 6 years when she was between 5 and 11 years old as detectives began investigating the report they say they identified a 2nd victim a now 24 year old woman who reportedly was molested by the same man as a child the investigators turned the case over to the Ventura County D.A. s office which led to the arrest of 69 year old Steven Schuyler abbot of 1000 Oaks on for child sex abuse charges u.c. Santa Barbara is getting an $800.00 acre ranch on the Gaviota coastline from a philanthropist Charles monger gave last hour as ranch to u.c.s.b. The ranch is about 6 miles west of the university campus and stretches from the ocean and one to less Padres National Forest monger is vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway the huge investment fund controlled by Warren Buffett the billionaire has given hundreds of millions of dollars to u.c.s.b. Over the years plans call for the property to continue as a working ranch and has more than 500 acres of pasture land an 800 acre lake this week you see regions formally approve u.c.s.b. Acceptance of the gift and Virgin Galactic says its tourism spaceship has climbed more than 50 miles high which the company considers the boundary of space virgin space ship unity was released from a carrier aircraft over the Mojave Desert early today and ignited its rocket engine the spacecraft to test pilots at the controls quickly hurtle upward and out of sight from viewers on the ground health and relish reporting on t.c.l. You made possible by contributing listeners and in part by cottage robotic surgery center it s 4 o 6 support for n.p.r. Comes from Focus Features presenting Mary Queen of Scots based on the true story of a rebellious young queen who will stop at nothing to reclaim her throne search for Ronan and Margot Robbie Starr as warring Queens now playing in select theaters and the ne ek z. Foundation. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I m Ari Shapiro in Culver City California and I m Audie Cornish in Washington the Wall Street Journal is reporting that federal prosecutors in Manhattan are investigating President Trump s 2017 inaugural committee specifically they re looking at whether the committee misspent some of the $107000000.00 it raised from donations Rebecca Paul house is one of those reporters who worked on the story and she joins me now welcome to the program Hi Thanks for having me so give us more detail on the allegations here I understand there s kind of 2 different sets of allegations yes so it seems that federal prosecutors are looking at 2 different parts of the Inaugural Committee one of them is how the go Committee spent its money and whether there was any misspending there and the other is that the donors who gave to the committee and whether they received any improper access or policy concessions in return for their donations and I understand the investigation grew out of a recording that was seized in the raid of Michael Cohen s home earlier this year prison terms of former personal attorney that s right so when they raided his home office and hotel room in April f.b.i. Agents obtained a recording of a conversation between Cohen and Stephanie Winston while Coffee who was a former advisor to millennia Trump who worked on the inauguration and in that recording expressed some concern about how the Inaugural Committee is spending its money at least the way it s been described to us so what have you learned in your reporting about who prosecutors are looking at specifically. So that s an area where we re still looking into what we know that prosecutors have spoken to 2 people one of them is Frank Haney who is a donor who gave $1000000.00 to the inauguration and later hired Michael Cohen to help him obtain a loan from President Trump s Energy Department we know that he has been asked for documents related to his generation and for any correspondence he had with the committee. Meetings calendars things like that we also know that Rick Gates who was the deputy chairman of the committee has been asked questions about the inaugural fund and Rick Gates pleaded guilty earlier this year and agreed to cooperate with investigators so we know that he s met with Mahler s office and with the Southern District of New York What s been the response from members of the Inaugural Committee who have you reached out to. So there are a number of really prominent donors who gave to that committee or were on its finance committee and we by no means understand that that investigators have reached out to all of them Sheldon Adelson is one for example that we know has not been reached out to he was there really believe he gave $5000000.00 and has been a longtime backer of the president s And then Tom Barack who headed the committee we also have no sign that he s a target of this investigation he has not been contacted since and bit by investigators since he spoke to Muller s office last year and at that point he was asked a handful of questions about the inaugural but it was not the focus of his interview and anything from the White House. The White House hasn t responded to our questions about this matter there s no indication that there are aware of the investigation or at least they were aware of it before he reported it and not something that they would necessarily need to take to the president s lawyers because we don t have any sense that they re investigating Trump s spending of the inaugural money but it s fair to say that if the investigation continues at that it seems like an area that they would look into That s Rebecca Paul House reporter with The Wall Street Journal thanks for sharing your reporting thanks for having me . It s been quite a week for House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi she sparred on national television with President Trump and got him to say he d take the blame if the government shutdown and she struck a deal with insurgent Democrats that all but ensure she will be elected speaker of the House in January remember Nancy Pelosi was the target of Republican attacks in the midterm election and was considered so divisive that a sizable chunk of Democrats campaigned on a pledge to elect different leaders So now let s bring in n.p.r. Congressional reporter Kelsey Snell to explain how Palosi managed to come out on top by Kelsey there what did you do to get the Democratic holdouts to support her as the next speaker Well she basically agreed to term limits for all House Democrats in leadership not just herself and the deal would allow leaders to serve for 3 tier terms or 6 years which means that she personally would only have one term left since she was already speaker from 2007 to 2011 and I m told it was more or less coincidental that the deal came together this week it happened just a day after that big memorable Oval Office meeting but Palosi seems to be really taking charge this week even if it isn t you know that the 2 things came together simultaneously Democrats will have to vote to affirm this agreement but Palosi says she d stick to the deal even if it isn t officially adopted into house rules here s how she explained it to us reporters earlier today I feel very comfortable about what they are proposing and I feel very. Responsible to to do that whether it passes or not so Kelsey doesn t sound like this is a huge sacrifice for polo see how much of a concession was this it s really easy to argue that it isn t much of a concession at all remember she s 78 years old and she s been talking about herself as a transitional figure since before the election now this is an opportunity for her to make good on that promise if anything it s really a good example of the kind of deal maker she is not just that she s a good one but what she does to get there basically everyone got to walk away from that saying they won something 1st she knocked out the only person who was a potential competitor that was Marcia Fudge of Ohio who just you can remember a few weeks ago was floated as a potential speaker possibility while she created a new job for her and now fudge will be leading a committee on Election Integrity basically Plus he s playing all of her leadership cards and she kind of slowly picks off her opponents and has offered them everything in the box of cards she has committee positions leadership jobs she s got a lot of tools to play and she s playing on we hear a lot about what a skilled negotiator Pelosi is but does this mean the criticism against her is over well no it s criticisms criticism of her will go on she s been in power for a long time and that s not going away the criticism that she is out of touch with her party at a time when they re divided that s also still really true it also doesn t mean that she ll get unanimous support from Democrats in January actually just a few weeks when they have the speaker s vote on January 3rd a majority of the people who vote against her may well be those new members who pledged to vote against her in the campaign but she really is certainly more powerful than she was just before the election we have to remember the Democrats gain 40 seats and that s really huge no matter how you look at it she ll definitely have to referee disputes between moderates and liberals who can both rightfully claim that they made huge gains in this election and her critics aren t going to get any quieter they ll just have more demands and they ll want her to not negotiate with Trump and negotiate with them n.p.r. Congressional reporter Kelsey Snell thank you thank you. As we just heard the Democratic opposition to the speakership wasn t enormous but it was loud and committed so it sounds like he will not be able to rely on your vote. And I will be voting for now that was Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan on the show last month today he announced he would vote for Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the house after she agreed to limit her tenure I asked him why that changed his mind I think there was a recognition from Leader Pelosi that she was going to be a transitional candidate and that we do have an enormous amount of talent in our Democratic caucus the people know that they voted for change and we re going to give them the change that they want and this agreement while it s not everything that I wanted it is certainly one that brings the party together but also puts real reforms in place for the future of our caucus with 6 year terms on the top leadership what does this mean for that new crop of Democrats though who campaigned telling voters that they would not vote for her well there was a number of the candidates that won in the lot of the purple districts across the country that came down saying they were going to vote for a new leader they were going to vote for change this also frees them up to meet that obligation that they made to their constituents which was a very important for me to make sure that they could do that but also address is the change that is needed and puts that reform in place and you know when you re making a deal everybody gets something of what they want in the everybody you know leave some on the table that they couldn t get you had Challenge closely 2 years ago for the speakership you were not successful and over time there has been this perception that dissenters basically don t have anyone powerful enough to challenge police see that there isn t someone who has the votes why can t anyone else get momentum Well part of why we wanted to get this reform in places because you can accumulate a good deal of power. Over the years and so it becomes very very tough to overcome that you know we want to strong leader but at the same time you know we don t want someone that can always prevent other people from coming up because that influx of ideas and people from different backgrounds moving in our leadership is a really important part of what it means to be a Democrat and we want to keep that in place the best we can moving forward did this debate take way time from the work of crafting a Democratic agenda for the new conference I don t think so I mean you know people always throw up their hands and say well we can t have a fight right now I mean there s there s never a good time to have an argument you know we can walk and chew gum at the same time we have very capable members of the Democratic caucus who have been crafting the gender for the Democrats and I think that work continued while this debate was taking place going forward into this new Congress are you confident that she ll be able to keep the caucus together on important votes and big moments Well if we re going to be challenged I think it s going to be hard I mean we ve got you know obviously we saw it the other day at the White House how difficult it is to try to nail down and in the go she ate with Donald Trump we also have the Senate there and I think internally we have a very broad coalition we have a number of members who got elected in represent purple districts or you know Republican plus 5 or 6 point districts and we have a new crop of a few progress of in everybody in between all the way over to what we call the blue dogs and people who represent more conservative Democratic views are all in our caucus and we only have a few seats to give away if there s a big vote that we need to have so it s it s going to challenge all of us to figure out how to come together on issues that we can all agree on and try to move the country forward it s going to be a lot of work for us moving forward that s Congressman. Tim Ryan Democrat from Ohio thank you for speaking with All Things Considered Thanks for having me yet afternoon for 18 on your Thursday I m Dave Meyer thanking you for listening we re key c.l.u. N.p.r. For the California coast a new report says more than $250.00 journalists around the world are in jail as a result of their work dictator and so-called strong mentally that is cracking down on independent journalism and criticism this is a form of state censorship through imprisonment or on the countries that are the worst offenders coming up right here on All Things Considered a new smartphone app that shows users a map of more than 1500 access points along the California coast was created with help from a tech billionaire who s elaborate wedding ran afoul of state regulators they California Coastal Commission is unveiling the York Post app at its meeting today in Newport Beach Napster co-founder Sean Parker agreed to help build the educational tool after he constructed a large movie set like site for his 2013 wedding in an ecologically sensitive area of Big Sur without the proper permits the ex-president of Facebook also paid more than 2000000 dollars in a settlement the app shows paths to hard to find beaches because information about amenities like parking and restrooms Let s see what s happening on the roads right now Southbound one of one at Lewis road in Camerino it s a non-injury hidden run there in sad a cordless Angeles Avenue at county drive a non-injury crash in clearing right now Central Coast is still looking pretty good on your Thursday 23 a little slow at Jan s road in 1000 Oaks right now Southbound one a one is slow at Garden Street in Santa Barbara clear the saving then partly cloudy skies lows near 50 except thirty s and the Ohio Valley will have some northeast winds to 25 mph this evening in Ventura County and on the Central Coast as well mostly cloudy tomorrow with highs mostly mid sixty s to around 70 or degrees with some northeast winds in the morning right now 72 and believe it is 76 degrees in Ventura and 64 and a lump of one before Craigslist and even a many people sold their old stuff by calling into local radio shows you ve been in this. Digital Age these radio trade shows are still going strong that story coming up and plus all the day s business news on Marketplace at $630.00 tonight right here Haki see how you. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Log Me and makers of Go To Meeting a collaborative meeting platform with over 18000000 monthly users designed to connect to people from anywhere in the world on any device learn more go to meeting dot com from Exact Sciences offering color guard for average risk adults over 50 noninvasive colon cancer screening tests that can be used at home by prescription only information a color guard test dot com and from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. It s All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I m Audie Cornish in Washington and I m Ari Shapiro in Culver City California in Joan graves as long career she has watched more than 12000 movies she pays close attention to the Gore sex and foul language because Graves chairs the board of parents who determine movie ratings from g. To n.c. 17 now she s preparing to retire from her role of the Motion Picture Association of America so we ve invited her here into the studio to talk about how she views movies Welcome thank you her background is in commercial real estate and financial services so how did you get into the movie writing business it was accidental I was at a cocktail party and I was talking to a publisher from New York and another friend and he have a deli thought I sounded very sensible and I put that sensible in quotes and told the then chairman of the rating system Richard Hefner that I would be a good person for his board because we had talked about movies a lot and he knew I enjoyed going to the movies and taking my family what makes a good person for a board like this somebody that is sensible and that can reflect standards rather than want to set them and I know when I look to add people to the board parents with agendas if you say why would you like to join us why would you like to be on the rating board I remember one lady said because I want to get the f. Word out of movies and I said Wait that s Do we we give information about what s there we don t tell filmmakers what they can put their. The difference between a p.g. 13 rating and an r rating can mean millions of dollars for a filmmaker as I m sure you re well aware how much lobbying goes into the rating of a film I saw a trend almost 2 decades ago of the directors having to sign contracts to deliver a film rated a certain rating or less and because of that we created a position of a filmmaker liaison so that if filmmakers had any questions in the production stage even the scripts stage or post stage they could talk to us if they had to craft their material so that they didn t exceed what they had signed the contract for can you give us an example of a film that wanted to be p.g. Or p.g. 13 vet adjusted the way the filmmaker was planning to do things in order to get that right a filmmaker came to me once and he said he had been thinking of doing a movie about a known person who was a womanizer and a drug user and he the contract could only be for 13 and he didn t want to sign it if he couldn t print trade this man s life in a way that was realistic but also not vaulting the film into our territory and the way we talked and what you could depict and what you couldn t he ended up signing the contract and made a very very effective movie and it was the movie s happy it was Ray and it got Academy Award I shouldn t about reading your names yes people misuse especially I m going to ban Ok but you re going to have to make it work right you do what you do baby. If you remember the movie you definitely got all the aspects of his life but not in a way that a parent would say Oh my goodness you should never have seen that. We hear all the time from listeners who disagree with the editorial choices we ve made about what content to put on the air do you hear from parents all the time who say how could you have rated this film this way I do I when anybody calls in our emails I always ask how old their children are what part of the country they re from and if in fact they ve seen the movie because sometimes complaints are an orchestrated campaign with an agenda can you give us an example well for instance the cell the Southerners care much more about blasphemy than the rest the parts of the country taking the Lord s name and this sort of thing yes we found that Midwesterners care more about nudity and sexuality and the coasts are more concerned about the violence because they have bigger cities and there s more violence in big cities so it s a very interesting situation when we re rating for the whole country and the parents on the board have to think in terms of the whole country because they re reflecting standards not setting them that s so interesting do you think these ratings take on less importance in an era when there is so much streaming content on so many different platforms seeing a movie is a choice when you sign up for it at home or to pay per view or you go to the theater you make a choice and they want to be sure of what they re choosing so we have very very high interest in the ratings because of that I think because they want to know what they re paying their money and devoting their time to going out to see. Joan Graves is the outgoing chair of the classification and rating administration for the Motion Picture Association of America shall retire next year thanks so much for coming to the studio thank you I loved the movie Roma is seen by critics as an Oscar worthy masterpiece for director Alfonso cuarón but as N.P.R. s Jasmine gars reports behind the scenes the film is part of a battle between streaming services such as Netflix and movie theaters they re fighting over who gets to show the movies 1st to promote your on the big screen or on a digital streaming service that is the question it s not a new one just last year at the Toronto Film Festival the makers of I taunt you were looking for distribution and they reportedly turned down Netflix why because they wanted I taught in movie theaters and they probably wanted to qualify for an Oscar which actress Allison Janney won I didn t stay home making out the brown Bettys No I made you a champion No when you hate me for it that s the sacrifice the mother makes Scott Feinberg an awards columnist for The Hollywood Reporter explains the Oscars are about rewarding the best movies not t.v. Shows so that means you have to have had at least what they call qualifying run in theaters in New York and l.a. That little golden statuette carries a lot of weight you get more audience interest more money more work opportunities and your film gets written into the history books and all this presents a come under him for Netflix as it tries to stand out among a growing number of streaming services Michael Pachter is a media analyst at Wedbush Securities Netflix is goal is to be a major production company that makes compelling content that is available exclusively on Netflix to give consumers a reason to sign up and stay as subscribers in order to do this Netflix needs to attract a list talent and they want Oscars Netflix has yet to get a Best Picture Oscar to do so. It has to premiere its films in theaters in other words Netflix needs the movie theater to kill the movie theater the new movie Roma might be a chance to change all this. On the one hand it s directed by Oscar Award winner. But it s also in black and white in Spanish with subtitles and with unknown actors unlikely to be a blockbuster so quite on needed Netflix Jopek Carollo a former executive at Fox Searchlight Pictures says Netflix can give this movie a wide streaming audience suddenly his film can be seen right away you know 190 countries around the world potential audience of 130000000 people in a rare move Netflix is showing the film 1st in cinemas nationwide and just for a few weeks is now being taken seriously at least right at this stage is still early but right now Rome is being talked about as a serious contender will this bring Netflix a best picture Oscar Scott Feinberg from the Hollywood Reporter says times are changing the reality is we re sort of swimming upstream at this point because people are increasingly consuming movies in other ways thanks not only to Netflix but primarily to nuff flicks you know people love the convenience of being able to click a few buttons and watch from their touch but for the moment the way to win that best picture is still to show it on the big screen. N.p.r. News New York. We should note that Netflix is an underwriter of n.p.r. . This is n.p.r. News. And was the 1st Latino woman elected to Congress who would have ever thought that I would be a member of Congress I still think I put one over somebody but here I am now she s retiring and pondering the state of her Republican Party we need to be. Congress on the next Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. Programming is made possible by contributing members. Presenting. Based on the 2000. Hello young lovers Shall We Dance and many more. The King and I at the 1000 Oaks December 27th through December 30th more info at 1000 Oaks dot com. Public radio. Coming up the increasing number of journalists around the world put in prison for their reporting to. Cracking down on journalism from the Philippines all the way through Turkey even here in the Americas after the. Live from n.p.r. News in Culver City California I m Lisa kowtow Congress is unanimously backing legislation that makes lawmakers personally liable for sexual harassment settlements N.P.R. s Kelsey Snell reports the bill was approved after a months long stalemate between the House and the Senate the legislation is being hailed by negotiators as a landmark update to a 1995 law that has been widely criticized by victims advocates and many lawmakers themselves taxpayers are currently responsible for picking up the tab for harassment settlements and court judgments against members starting next year lawmakers would be personally responsible for settlements and up to $300000.00 in court awarded damages under the new bill all payments are to be made public immediately followed by a comprehensive aerial report The bill also eliminates a 30 day cooling off period before a victim can file a complaint the bill now goes to President Trump for his signature Kelsey s no n.p.r. News the Capitol different from Amazon Apple has chosen to be less high profile with news that it plans to build offices outside of California and today after months of negotiations the company s c.e.o. Announced it will open its biggest campus in Austin Texas with hopes to create at least 5000 jobs there Austin Mayor Steve Adler explains why his city is the right fit for Apple we are a young growing creative for a charging entrepreneurialism friendly welcoming community and that is the story of Apple the 1000000000 dollar Austin campus is only a mile phone from another large office that Apple opened 5 years ago making Texas the company s largest hub outside of Silicon Valley Apple says it will also open offices in Seattle San Diego and here in Culver City California this is n.p.r. News. The head of the United Nations agency for combating HIV Aids says he ll be stepping down early in response to intense criticism over his handling of special harassment and other claims N.P.R. s numerate Eisenman reports Michelle cd Bay was appointed to lead us aids in 2009 for a decade long term that wasn t set to expire until January 2020 now he ll be leaving 6 months early in June the move comes a week after an independent investigation found that cd Bay has fostered a work culture even aids in which conflict of interest abuse of funds and sexual harassment are so rampant it s created a crisis that threatens the agency s work the findings helped swell a chorus of health experts who ve been calling for c. Beebies ouster and Sweden the agency s 2nd largest donor had threatened to freeze funding until cd Bay was removed no rate Eisenman n.p.r. News in a 56 to 41 vote senators today approved a resolution to end u.s. Military support for the Saudi led war in Yemen this is being seen as a strong rebuke of Saudi Arabia after the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi many lawmakers criticize the trumpet administration for not taking stronger steps to penalize the Saudi government following the intelligence community s conclusion that Crown Prince Mohammed bin so man is responsible for the murder of Khashoggi. Tell n.p.r. News. On the next fresh air Richard Grant He stars opposite Melissa McCarthy in can you ever forgive me he s won a couple of awards for his performance and is nominated for more he made his film debut in Withnail and I He grew up in Africa and Swaziland where his father was the director of education but was also an alcoholic and at night could become abusive joining us fresh air between $8.00 and $9.00 tonight after the world s p.c.l. You re. Taking a look at your Thursday commute on the West Telegraph Road in north Briggs road this is in the Santa Paula area going to 2 vehicle fender bender in clearing there right now so I found one at Lewis road and Camry on an injury hit and run there are about 23 is slow coming away from Leo want to one in 1000 Oaks right now and when I want to slow go from Garden Street in Santa Barbara down to Sheffield drive in mana Seato Central Coast still looking pretty good on this Thursday afternoon time is 435 you re listening to All Things Considered key c.l.u. . Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Sierra Nevada Brewing Company family owned operated and argued over since 1900 proud supporter of independent thought whether that s online over the air or in a bottle more at Sierra Nevada dot com fan from the pajama gram company offering 26 matching holiday pajamas for the whole family including dogs and cats with Snoopy Star Wars and St Nick themes in its fleece and flannel learn more at pajama gram dot com. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I m Ari Shapiro And I m Audie Cornish French police say they ve killed the man they believe murdered 3 people and wounded 12 others at a Christmas market in the city of Strasburg reporter Jakes again a row reports from Strasburg people are trying to come to terms with what has happened to their city. The sharp air in Strasbourg smells like Christmas cinnamon and hot wine but the stalls of the Christmas market outside Notre Dame Cathedral are shuttered today at a nearby memorial of flowers and votive candles to Nello weeps as she places messages and drawings from her students she said many of them were at the market when the attack took place so are shocked for them but we know about it s possible but never fear. She reads one of her students notes so to sell be able to consume Christian. It s horrible that you kill someone and then run the note says one I pray for the victims their families and the terrorists a member to Nello hopes the spirit of the season will help to heal Strasbourg for mere Christmas it s maybe a maybe soon for of instrument we will be to give our economy viewers friends inside a year but we will be together once the market reopens she plans to take her mother there on Christmas Eve 6 months it s just meant to be on this now is a 19 year old native of Strasbourg he calls his city the capital of Christmas this afternoon he came to pay his respects at $1.00 of the makeshift memorials in the city square listing very thought. The Christmas market is a tradition an old institution he says for this to happen really kills our morale. Carol Mary lives outside Strasbourg and has been coming to the Christmas market for more than 60 years she says it s a tradition for her and her family jewels to do do Zhang. See we see a lot of people from all over the world she says you know I come for the decorations and you can see. Well the Christmas tree so someone Septa it smells good she says but Mary admits the possibility of an attack on the market has always been in the back of her mind to his own new boss sound who may love. What we think about it every year and here we are she says. In the evening people gather at the Gothic 15th century cathedral for a vigil mass to remember the dead and wounded one of the victims was a 67 year old local retired man who had been meeting his wife and son for a drink the other a tourist from Thailand the 3rd victim was a 45 year old mechanic from Afghanistan a naturalized French citizen he had brought his wife and young family to the market His funeral will be at the mosque where he went to pray. After the vigil Strasbourg deputy for tourism Paul mayor talked about the city s Christmas market which has been held for 450 years just children a should know it s been just the commission business which is trying to Medusa the Christmas market is not a business issue it s a way of life he says it s a place where all communities nationalities and religions meet and celebrate this time of sharing together. Mayor then walked away past groups of police and soldiers on his way to a meeting at the Town Hall where he and his colleagues will decide when to reopen Strasbourg Christmas market for n.p.r. News I m Jake s again or oh in Strasbourg mom. Game. This year has brought several reminders of the dangers that journalists face around the world for speaking out there was the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi the imprisonment of Reuters reporters in Myanmar now the Committee to Protect Journalists has a new report saying more than $250.00 journalists around the world are in jail as a result of their work Robert Mahoney is PJ s deputy executive director and he joins us now hi there i. This is the 3rd year in a row that you ve said more than $250.00 journalists are imprisoned around the world what does that tell you it tells us that there s a creeping or Thora Tarion ism globally dictators and so-called strong mentally there is a cracking down on independent journalism and criticism from the Philippines all the way through Turkey and even here or in the Americas also just want to clarify that this report isn t looking at the threat journalists face in war threats of injury or death this is soley cracking down on people for what they ve published absolutely this is a form of state censorship through imprisonment this is the deliberate targeting of journalists and bloggers by governments who do not want their voice to be heard now you mentioned Turkey and in the last few months Turkey has taken a leading role in illuminating Saudi Arabia s responsibility for the death of one journalist Jamal Khashoggi but your report shows that Turkey is actually the worst offender when it comes to jailing journalists yet Turkey has been at the top of all this for several years now and there are some 68 journalists in jail this year things got really bad after the failed coup back in 2016 so it s extremely ironic that the president of Turkey president Edwin should be the one that is giving us the details about the murder of a journalist when he himself continues to throw journalists behind bars and of course Turkey has been accusing Saudi Arabia of this Saudi Arabia itself according to your report has more than doubled the number of journalists in jail compared to a year ago the number this year is 16 up from 7 what s happening there well what s happening is that despite the rhetoric and the millions of dollars that crown prince Solomon is spending on lobbyists and p.r. Consultants here and in the United States and Europe behind that image of a reformer and a young modernist is a good old fashioned authoritarian who cannot stand criticism there are 16 journalists in jail in Saudi Arabia by our count 4 female journalists who were thrown in jail for report. In all women s rights and then we had that appalling murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul I mean one of the things that strikes me is that before the Arab Spring we had 13 journalists in jail in all the Arabic speaking countries of the Middle East now it s $63.00 and Egypt and Saudi Arabia account for a lot of that total another country that figures prominently on the list is China and one journalist we know of who disappeared recently is the photojournalist Luke Wang a u.s. Resident who disappeared while on a trip to John province which is where the weaker Muslim minority lives China has been clamping down on that group today Lou Gong s wife said police confirmed to the family that the photojournalist was in fact arrested how does this fit in with what we ve seen generally with journalists in China well China has always been very intolerant of independent journalism but this year there was a mocked up tick in the numbers arrested and most of those were in the west of China that least 10 of the journalist detained in China this year were in this in Jang region here in the u.s. President Trump regularly verbal attacks journalists calling them the enemy of the people are there any American journalists in the u.s. Who are actually in jail no not not in the u.s. As far as we know I mean journalists have been arrested and face increasing harassment whilst they re working but from the state itself no there are no journalists in jail that s said however the atmosphere in which independent journalists are working is pretty toxic at the moment with the president the United States using his pulpit in the White House to label him as enemies of the people and generally denigrate the work that they do in up holding democracy by holding power to account Robert Mahoney is deputy executive director of the Committee to Protect Journalists thank you for joining us today thank you. You re listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Filmmaker Barry Jenkins is best known for his Oscar winning film moonlight his new movie if Beale Street could talk is based on a James Baldwin novel and it s a love story set in 1900 Harlem critic Bob Mondello has this review Tish and funny are walking hand in hand through a park at the film s outset childhood soulmates they have just realised they re in love she s 19 she s 22 and on a plaza near the Hudson River they pause and look into each other s on the days. Later. They kiss gently and the moment dissolves that was then that was innocence Tisch narrates a startling change as the park fades away. Then Nobody s ever had to look at anybody they know. It s months later and funny is now in jail set up by a racist cop for a crime he could not have committed to she is waiting for him in the visiting room and when he sees her his face lights up she s there to tell him that they re going to have a baby news that shocks image 1st and that then has both of them laughing with joy when he stops laughing and his eyes cloud tissue presses her hand against the glass during the tour. Today anyway I mean I knew him for. Sure. I m only sure path the moment dissolves again to the time before with fish remembering how funny built a life for himself starting in vocational school then discovering he could work with wood not to make furniture but to make art the day I realized funny was another destroying. It was the day Dave mom of us called Director Barry Jenkins will spend the rest of Beale Street toggling between the love stories beginnings and the families in overdrive trying to. At funny out of jail it s a rich mix of incidents taken from James Baldwin s 5th novel and brought to the screen in ways that are sometimes swoon worthy other times humorous says when Tish s family tussles with funnies judge mental mom a flashback to a scene with a friend just out of jail is so wrenching something so some. Day I bet that it s hard to imagine the film recovering and then there s dinner and Nina Simone. Hands held Grace said. And the struggle waits for another day and the thing. Chickens wrote screenplays for both this film and for his Oscar winner moonlight in 2013 although he didn t have the rights to be a street back them his gamble that he d get them has now paid off in a film shot through with humor with righteous anger and almost always with just plain beauty cigarette smoke and sawdust swirling around a sculpture of funnies creating to the wailing of a saxophone. War that the characters must struggle against injustice is Beale Street theme but both the novel and the movie find hope in the love the Titian funny Cher love that actors Kiki lane and Stefan James portray with such heart in your throat rapture that it s contagious by the end of it s Beale Street could talk it was me who could barely talk about Michael. Good afternoon it s 448 down here listening to k.c.a.l. You for n.p.r. From the California coast I m Dave wire thanking you for listening on this Thursday President Trump tells Fox News that he never directed his former warrior Michael Cohen to do anything wrong a lawyer who represents a client is supposed to do the right thing that s what you pay them a lot of money etc etc But Trump s explanations for the hush money payments that helped him earn Cohen a jail sentence have varied over time we ll have a closer look coming up just after 5 on all things. Considered a Ventura County man has received a 34 years to life prison sentence for intentionally ramming his car into another vehicle killing one person injuring a 2nd prosecutors say it was a roadless was headed westbound on the 126 on May 31st when he sped up and hit the car ahead of him that vehicle veered across the highway and hidden on coming tractor trailer rig the car s driver Benjamin Brown was killed investigators say robustus tried to kill himself and the passenger in his car the passenger in the Fillmore man s chorus cape with only minor injuries let s take a look at the roads right now so working a problem in the south all area this is West Telegraph Road North Bridge Road a 2 vehicle fender bender in clearing right now and we still got the injury hit and run going south one of Lewis road in Cameroon northbound 23 still slow coming away from the 101 in 1000 Oaks and the south Well one of one is now a slow go starting right around Christie Yost make that Korea street in Santa Barbara Central Coast is looking pretty good right now clear the seaming that partly cloudy with lows near 50 degrees however it ll be dipping into the thirty s in the Ohio Valley also some northeast winds during the evening hours in Ventura County and on the Central Coast mostly cloudy tomorrow highs mid sixty s to right around 70 with northeast winds in the morning hours we do have a high surf advisory in effect until 8 pm on Saturday for the central coast area 72 right now in Galena Ventura checking in with 76 degrees and it s 64 right now in one book coming up on the next fresh air host Terry Gross talks with Richard e. Grant who s stars opposite Melissa McCarthy and can you ever forgive me he s won a couple of awards for his performance and is nominated for more he made his film debut in Withnail and I grant grew up in Africa in Switzerland where his father was the director of education his father was also an alcoholic and at night could become abusive it s fresh air tonight at 8 on k.c.a.l. You. For. N.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I m Audie Cornish and I m Ari Shapiro we re going to take a moment now to remember a pioneer of computer engineering Evelyn Bures and died over the weekend at age 93 she was the daughter of a seamstress and furrier who popularized word processing and defied the gender expectations of her industry Spicer is senior curator at the Computer History Museum she designed computers in the 1950 s. At the very dawn of the computer age that it was a job that perhaps 20 people and at the time among her designs the 1st computerized airline reservation system automated banking transactions and a system that computed artillery distances for the Pentagon a turning point came in 1960 the New York Stock Exchange asked her to design a new stock ticker and then abruptly pulled the offer I said why I was probably one of the 2 people in the world who could design a machine for that sparrows in a 2014 oral history recording for the Computer History Museum and he said you have to be on the stock market for from time to time and the language on the floor was not for a woman serious it was devastating so she founded her own company redact drawn and developed her word processor it was a machine attached to a typewriter that could remember every keystroke allowing the user to correct mistakes and print clean copy it was revolutionary for secretaries who spent their days typing. Wrote a history of word processing and says bears and saw her work as part of a large social agenda it was explicitly framed in terms of the technology is a term chal to liberate women and allow them to move and say to other sectors of the workforce but that liberation was limited easier typing didn t mean that male bosses were about to do it for themselves it was an ego thing and one of the hardest things to break was that ego situation between a guy and a secretary as bearers and found out office culture would be harder to change than office technology. All right here s the scenario you re hosting a holiday party and you ve got the guest list the food the drinks what about the music you stumped you know what your party to sound like you know a shopping mall. Even though your guests might love it you kind of can t deal with the endless loop of holiday tunes but it was really really you know what you re not alone I used to program the music for all the Calvin Klein stores worldwide and for that 5 years and every year this was the most painful play with us to look up to if you want to call the d.j. Stretch Armstrong close the n.p.r. Podcast what s good with stretch along with fellow d.j. Puppy Doe Garcia I turn to both of them for help with this party playlist problem I don t know if it be the 1st song because you ve got to warm up the crowd but boy one of those one of those peak records for me it s a record by a group called Antibalas and it s a song called chick ole. Days the feeling of yeah you don t need to warm up to this. I want to walk in from a cold cold my code you gotta play that for a full room yeah be like yeah that s true but I understand that point. Ok so I feel like you can hopscotch the continent here for all the different influences Yeah that this song has a as a very thick passport the origins of the song are a children s folk song from Ghana called church of players. Had them through immigration over the last 50 years a song a sort of spread out all over the world. In the seventy s with a cologne turned to. Into a Latin salsa record called. And this song we re hearing right now by on to us is actually a cover of the bat and the style of this remakes is that of Hayes John or a funk out of Cameroon in the seventy s called MacOS So this record is all over the place and I think that s one of the things about it that I find sort of trying to. Say your party is on a low burn now and. It says this song will get it to a rolling. Music because I can t sit in my seat and talk calmly. This is an absolute height of the night. Record for me as a d.j. The reason why I say that is 1st of all as a samba be. As powerful horns and song as titled summer is the big band version which creates this juxtaposition of like a soulful ballad almost in the midst of this high energy dance floor banger. Brothers a jazz band there surprisingly not from Brazil they re a duo on the trombone and Andrew on the trumpet from Bristol and the u.k. . They absolutely did. Anything to spend whether as Jonah or September or December I m aiming to uplift my dance floor make them dance. To. Music and rhythm that they don t know how to dance to then I feel like I ve really achieved my job as a d.j. . This song is amazing but there are those who want some real holiday music at your party unless they re Stretch Armstrong of course I mean I really pressed him on this and he actually had to turn to his phone to come up with a suggestion Oh my God Do you know that Justin Bieber has a drummer boy Ok this this might not be so bad and I know you re you are really going for bad I know what you were trying to hear so bad it s good let s say yeah well I do love some supreme singing Santa Claus Is Coming To Town. To. Give. You a few. Miles. That s a classic don t sorry not sorry the Supreme is what s not so bad he wondered if something really minor It was Christmas wrapping by the waitresses Oh my God I feel it s tragic. That. This is a perfect song for someone like you who is trying not to be into the holiday audience is not that bad yet see. A couple of ideas for your holiday party playlist from d.j. Stretch Armstrong and Bobbito Garcia host of N.P.R. s podcast what s good with stretch and other such an outlet. Such a cute little girl. Next to me. To help. Me. Get my. Happy holidays from all of us here at All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Elsevier a global information analytics business serving scientists and clinicians with a commitment to helping them to manage their work more efficiently so they can spend more time making breakthroughs Elsevier dot com from Boston Beer Company brewing Samuel Adams Boston lager with hops that come from a small German farm that has been growing hops for over 200 years Boston Beer Company Boston Mass promoting responsible drinking. And from Zoom Zoom offers cloud video conferencing online meetings and a video conference room solution in one platform featuring digital video and audio with screen sharing account registration and more zoom us from the studios This is k.c.a.l. You a listener supported community service of California Lutheran University live online and dot org And on the key c.l.u. Mobile app the 1st Latina woman ever elected to Congress was a Republican from Florida now as she retires What does she make of her party tomorrow on Morning Edition from n.p.r. News that s from Wake up until 90 Friday morning right here on Key c.e.o. You on the road right now southbound 23 translation to the south I want to one in 1000 Oaks look like a solo vehicle crash on the right shoulder there still have a problem a West Telegraph Road in north Briggs road in the South Pole area to vehicle fender bender in clearing so I want to one a slow go right now from Korea street in Santa Barbara down into the Summerland area and a problem on the Central Coast right now Southbound one I want to Valley Road we have got a large box in lanes creating a traffic hazard there right now this is k c o u f m n h d 1000 Oaks k.c.l. You set a bar and key c.l.m. Santa Maria San Luis Obispo time is 5 o clock this is All Things Considered for Thursday afternoon. A Russian woman trying to build that table ties with the trunk campaign pleads guilty in federal court Maria is accused of serving as a foreign agent Federal prosecutors say she used ties in the gun rights community to do the work today is the Thursday December 13th and this is All Things Considered. I m Audie Cornish and I m Ari Shapiro later President Trump defends himself against allegations that he directed his former personal attorney to make hush money payments on his behalf let me tell you I never directed him to do anything wrong whatever he did he. Also the administration on Bale s a new policy on how to address problems on the African continent and to.

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Choice trade it s really designed. As. We find it but. We re hoping that it s going to be complete in next couple years from my conversation with Representative can a way to visit me over David Feldman Show dot com From the studios in Southern California I m David. Black Friday and Cyber Monday and today is Tuesday. Other nonprofit organizations. Supporters to remember that we depend on you to keep us going and if you appreciate what we re doing we keep hope that you ll go to keep. And click on the donate button today giving Tuesday I think each and every one of you for making our programming past the. Hour of the season. To make a secure. To help keep free speech to keep the voice of the resistance that survived the Trump years. 98.7. 93.7099.5 bridge press in China. And all over the world that people. Are. This week on making contact leaving aside the catalogue of oppression which we are one way to. What this does to the subjugated is a strong. Case of the American. Public. That I would go. Into don t know any better every stick and stone everything is white. And since you have not yet seen a mirror this is how old you are so. It caused a great shock. On the age of 5 or 6 or 7 to the start of the character becoming less Indians when you were rooting. For the Indians were you. It comes as a shock to discover that the country which is your birthplace and which you are all your right and your identity as not in its whole system a reality about any place where you that activists public intellectual and writer James Baldwin today are making contact you ll hear excerpts from the Oscar nominated documentary I am not your negro inspired by an unfinished manuscript remember this house that brought one was working on at the time of his death in 1970 about the lives of Martin Luther King Jr Malcolm x. And maker Evers the film directed by Rome Peck and narrated by Samuel l. Jackson provides a platform to revisit Baldwin Spruance as a public thinker and delve into Baldwin s analysis of black life in America and the individuals who helped shape his views. On the law. I. I. I was the I. And the it. Was. We have invited 3 men on the well run of the negroes. To sit down and talk with us in front of the television camera each of these men through his actions and his words with vastly different manner and meaning is a spokesman for some segment of the Negro people today black people in this country have been the victims of violence at the hands of the white man up 100 years and following the ignorant Negro preachers we have thought that it was god like to turn the other cheek to the group that with. Malcolm x. One of those. Of the black bloc of a as I said your movement and your philosophy. And the fact that. The oppressed. Are. Moved. Into the stereotype of the day. You. Read the. Comments on the bread. Rob I don t think. In this context motion. I think of some strong. Organized. Direct action. Is what I ve struggled and found we were not in. A struggle step down and not. Bad as. Between resistance. Is. Looking at the 20th century was not an Uncle Tom or a religious we re doing the same thing today to keep it real defense within the think of a thing that Uncle Tom did on the plantation to keep those negroes in the face of the attack at the plant and that. We reached. Be sure that the bad but bad rows were in games and the demonstration. On the stand. Also will be able to. The brutal methods that it was without a title even with bombs because they understand bad ram of the freshest principles . Yes I willingness to be the recipient of things. Inflicting violence. As concerns Malcolm And Martin I watched 2 men coming from unimaginably different backgrounds positions the reasonably were poles apart just closer and closer together. By the time each died the possessions had become virtually the same position. It took me sitting deed that Martin picked up Malcolm s burden completed the vision which Malcolm had become to see which he paid with his life and now come was one of the people Martin saw on the mountain top. I was too young to have seen this happen . For but not a been surprised. But it was murdered 1st. Malcolm And Mark I was raised to believe that the eldest was supposed to be a model for the younger and was of course expected to die 1st. One of these 3 lived to be 40. We need an organisation that May 1 day. We need one that ready and willing to take . Any kind of. American talks or in the present Moses talk to kill 8. People he wouldn t listen to. Not to kill it is something that is something which has been in this country so well tonight as Malcolm s growth already and it was oh it s he corroborates the reality it tells it has already exist you know. To Him am. The. God. Was odd. Behavior. Now days is one of them. Will run. What you wrote is in this country what your future is in it. How precise you re going to reconcile. Yourself to a situation here and I m going to. Communicate. To the vast Kandice I m thinking. Like majority. That you will hear. I am terrified at the moral apathy that death. Which is happening in my country as people. Examine themselves with alone let me tell think I m human and most is on their conduct not on what they say. It was moving to a had become. A. Monster has. Mostly white Americans I ve ever encountered really you know had a girlfriend or Negro maid or somebody in high school but they never you know. Back to School was over what everyone came to my kitchen you know we were segregated from the police who House don t know them all he doesn t know he really does not know but it was like me to leave my house you know the school like home doesn t know how Negroes live and it comes as a great surprise to the Kennedy brothers and everybody else in the country I m certain again you know that like again like most white Americans don t count and they have no. No I m sure that whatever against it was that is not that s really not question the question is really about apathy and ignorance which is a price we pay to segregation it was a reaction to it you don t know what s happening in those high level because you don t want to know and ransom some way in those years without entirely realizing it the great black cloud of the Great White Father. Was not racist so I thought. It was a racist. Or so they thought in fact. Simply trapped in the same situation. When you put them to sleep on the living room couch you tell it to him in the morning when his mother goes out you take somebody else s kids to little well he wants a credential so great that you sneak out here and go work in somebody s kitchen all I want to make a future but this time like all I wanted to be able to stand in front of my boy like my father never was able to do to me. I must sketch now the famous Bobby Kennedy meet. The rain Hansberry I would not be very much younger than I am now if she were. At the time of the Bobby Kennedy meeting she was $33.00. That was one of the very last turns us saw her on her feet and she died at the age of $34.00. Mr so much. People forget how young everybody was. My Kennedy for another quite different example was 38. Who wanted him to tell his brother the president to personally a score to school on that day the day after the small black girl already scheduled to enter deep south school that we see. Clear. On that child spitting on the nation. He didn t understand is either. Of us moral gesture. Would like sit in the rain from you a moral commitment. He told him so soon to feel that he d been wasting his time. Frame set still marching all the while. Look Bobby Kennedy. Caps for the 1st time looked at her. Reach for say. The State of the simplification which produced photographs of the white cop standing on that negro woman s neck in Birmingham. Then she smiled. Clay that she was not smiling at me. Mr Attorney general she said. Turned and walked out of. White Americans wanted me. To. It was never been happy in this place. Rather than a terrible thing rules and then I but I do not I am an American my school really were the streets of New York City my payment record Winnsboro. George Washington and John Wayne but I you know I read a child no one would try to buy the world that you are going to read the something other than you. And you are blown by what you see you have been making way to discover but it moved me back to New York and then throughout the entire country. I know how you watch as you grow older and it s not about to get up each according to your bio and it was the higher up around you not the anything they had done. They were too young and done any. Good but one doesn t realize is that when you try to stand out. Of the world and I thought you had a right to be here. You have attacked the entire power structure of the Red Sea World. They get the Negro Problem. Don t let anybody back. We had that quality to commend it isn t it they were right and I do think well why don t look at it when it s happening in this country and what is really happening or brother and murder rather knowing I would rather. White men have been a negro No I want to be there done. White women have had legal burden only to be bad luck. If you got no racial problem. At the bottom of the not too willing to look at your life or be with the boy and then begin to change it. Great but now I come from a gunshot and I want it to matter out. In the end to most of our child at out and it because the American people are unable. To paint a pattern that I had played out there but. Oh look they have no. Agreed. My father but a big boy. That s the boy Simpsons fault in the film I am not your Niekro You re listening to making contact to hear this entire program and others check out our website at Radio Project at forward to swap to our podcast sign up for making contact updates take our survey or join the conversation on Facebook or Twitter. James Baldwin wrote about race and identity in America in an unapologetic fashion in a cross current article in 1961 but when said quote To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage all the time in quote and that point snapshot of black life in America still rings true some people 6 years later but one s ability to articulate the realities of black life in asked for was prophetic in nature rebuilding the dark and ugly truths about racism in America here Samuel l. Jackson s narration of Baldwin s words. A black man in America. By Alex Koppelman by. Parading in this country concerning the sexuality of black people. In the popular culture. Sexually. So. As a book artist and a man there s also. The. Sexuality of this country. Both he and Harry Belafonte for example are sex symbols no one is that that still list to use them as in you Hollywood he made. Have been robbed of everything in this country. They don t want to be robbed of their artist. Black people particularly disliked Guess Who s Coming to Dinner because they felt the city was in effect you want to be in here against a. Distance coming to town or maybe proving song to song our way to be a milestone. Because it is really quite impossible to go to any further than that particular direction. To Moeller who wears. The next. Star How. Much did it. Thank you. It s a man did not kiss each other an American sells nor for the most part they re. Going to let Detective run the white shirt kids here. To take care. Here. Tony Phaedo kids and classic American Sam did not speak of low and still less of sex. Reconciliation. When the only brought attention to the challenges of being black in America he also highlighted the realities of being a gay man in James Baldwin the last interview and other conversations go the way your blood beats He spoke candidly with interviewer Richard Goldstein about his experience as a black gay man in response to a question that examines America s struggle with homophobia Barwon said quote I think Americans are terrified of feeling anything and homophobia is simply an extreme example of the American terror that s concerned with growing up I never met a more people in my life. The sexual question and the racial question have always been and twined you know if Americans can mature on the level of racism then they have to mature on the level of sexuality and later when asked if black gay people have the same sense of being as a white gay people but one responded by saying quote. That I think is because you are paralyzed as it were unjustly your placed outside a certain safety to which you think you were born a black gay person who is a sexual conundrum to society. Long before the question of sexuality comes into it menaced unmarked because he s black Well she s black the sexual question comes after the question of color it s simply one more aspect of the danger in which black people live. I think white gay people feel cheated because they were born in principle into a society in which they were supposed to be safe the anomaly of their sexuality puts them in danger unexpectedly very action seems to me in direct proportion to the sense of feeling cheated of the advantages which accrue to white people in a white society there s an element it seemed to me of being older men and complaint now that may sound harsh but the gay world as such is no more prepared to accept black people than anywhere else in society. Analysis of America s racial dilemma was filled with the cute directness and fierce honesty in I am not your negro when in 1965 expose the hypocrisy and arrogance of the ex Attorney General Robert Kennedy suggestion that black progress was possible based on a timeline acceptable to white Americans. I remember for example when the Exeter a general Mr Robert Kennedy. Said that it was conceivable. That in 40 years in America we might have been the president. That sounded like a very. Emancipated statement I suppose to white people. They were not on holiday. When this statement was 1st heard. And did not hear possibly will never hear the laughter and the bitterness in the sky on which is taken was greeted and the point of view of the man of the Harlem barbershop Bobby Kennedy only got me yesterday. And now he s already on his way to the presidents we ve been able 400 years and now he tells us that maybe in 40 years if you re good. We made that you become president. Of the green. Zone mama. Brother dream. Dream dream. And elegance always compelling and now it s a race in America affirmed by existence and experiences where he was a champion of truth and justice and advocate for black America and at a time when Rachel tension is brewing high in the United States his perspective is even more relevant I ll tell you this when out of this country 948 I love this country one reason only one reason I didn t get where I when I got to Hong Kong I made it on the Timbuktu and up in Paris on the streets of Paris it was like talking about a theory that nothing worse could happen to me that it already happened to me you talk about making it as a right a bios out you have to be able then to turn up all the untenable that you live because once you turn your back on this side you may not. Make. A great. Confidant that if you re afraid of the world around you yes I m not interested one thing. They release me come back particular social terror which is not the paranoia that my own mind but I real social danger visible in the face of every cop every boss everybody. I don t know what my people in this country feel I can only mood but they view from the state of their institutions I don t know why Christians hate negroes are not but I know that we have a Christian church is white and a Christian church is it which is and I was not makes once but it is the most segregated hour in American life that I knew on Sunday that s a great deal to me about a Christian nation it means I can t afford to trust most white Christians trust Chris. Church I don t know what. Paul says really hate me that doesn t matter but I m not in that union I want to be with it Bobby is an organic book and I know the real estate lobbies keep me in that you know I don t know a lot of education hates black people I know the textbooks they get my children to read and the schools will be have to go through now this is the I have it well they make the faith risking my so I buy I will in my system my children I m some I do you live which you will surely exist in America but I have never. Allowed. Them to pretend to be with us. This means that history no more. Has no current. I am States one of the characters and dustiest is the kitty. I don t move them it s that bring to humanity. For the way they bring to humanity make believe excluding the consumer part of humanity from enjoying what is good. Spirit this prosperity calls me to people to my house. Not from the people or the most spectacular recipients of the benefits of the spa spirit. Able to endure dispense it they can even understand it without them. Imagine the price paid by the victims or subjects of this way of life and something for no one to prove who felt. Wrong. When in time the. This event or the notion that one night was population is beneath them. And until that moment until the moment. When we America we the American people. Are able to accept the fact that I separates out of the masses the both white and black. That are on that column and we have tried for the new identity which we need each other. And that I m not a wall of America I m not an object of missionary charity I am one of the people who built the country. Until this moment s. Guess any hope for the American dream. Those people who are denied participation in it. By their very presence. Will wreck. That happens a very great moment. I. Special thanks to director Pat No only a pitchers and Amazon Studios the making contact team includes Lisa Redmond. Monica Lopez Sabine blazon. And I m Anita Johnson listen to us on i Tunes and latest others me easily find us please tell us what you think on Facebook or Twitter Don t miss our news Santa for updates at our website at Radio Project or thanks for listening. This is Aloe Blacc I m asking you to help keep k p s k fiercely independent as you know in today s political climate it s more important than ever to keep free speech alive and well k p k just made it easier for you to make sure that happens simply use our new text to donate program or you ll be supporting your favorite a.p. Of k. Programs and you ll also help reduce the number of days in our next fundraiser by using yourself just enter the letters k p f k text to the number 41444 and add the amount you d like to give is that simple once again just text a p f k to the number 414442 donate 25 bucks 50 bucks 100 whatever you can want to shorten the next 100 more help you can get. Time a few small cars. Sandown bar tease history and the role of the military and us set like colonialism part 2 of 3 last you heard from historian Roxanne Dunbar a tease she told the story off the doctrine off Discovery imagine a doctrine issued by the Vatican from the mid 15th century on that allowed European monarchies to seize and our own lands inhabited by indigenous peoples and begin the slave trade in Africa. Imagine father that in 1823 the doctrine of discovery of was quietly adopted into u.s. Law by the Supreme Court. It remains and shined in federal law today limiting Native American vides treaties and sovereignty in her talk at the Lennon foundation in Santa Fe on October 11th 2017 Roxanne Dunbar tease asked why the history of Native Americans is so rarely addressed here as Roxanne Dunbar r.t.s. 3 years ago I published a history of the United States titled An Indigenous People s History of the United States which has found a wide audience and has been adopted many public and private middle of the high schools as well as colleges and universities in countless community and church reading groups. The most frequent question readers ask after reading this book is Why hasn t it been written before why hasn t this book with Merton be whore. I m really flattered by that question because it s the one I asked about texts that deeply moved me at the same time that the information or argument or story is new to me and seems like a revelation it also seems it was already hidden in the recesses of my brain or heart a truth actually also embedded in our subconscious. But why hasn t this book been written before we believe we don t suffer academic censorship in the United States but we do. Rather than being mandated by the government our will trumps a Mr Big getting into that action firing getting professors fired right at No just left. Rather than be mandated by the government professional historians so censor and response to institutionalized policing of the parameters of what s acceptable and what will be marginalized a broad consensus reached by the us history professions elite along with school textbooks standards made by states namely in the last 2030 years Texas. Plus the graduate history students desire to complete the doctorate is only as possible and start a successful career and then to get tenure. The civil rights movement of the 1950 s. And 1960 s. And along with the powerful native Chicano Puerto Rican antiwar cultural countercultural women s liberation engaged lesbian and transmute Ment s broke down the existing consensus. And created a window of opportunity that institutionalized revisions through the bottom up creation of black native Chicano and gender studies but that evolved into a a kind of multiculturalism supporting the narrative of diversity and contributions to the greatness of the United States. And achieving a new consensus the new narrative had had to ignore native issues of sovereignty and territorial rights and treaties rather twisting the inclusion of indigeneity as a racial discrimination question rather than a question of sovereign nations living under settler colonialism. One of my favorite writers. Writers William Burroughs narrator in his 1904 novel which I highly recommend the place of dead Bros observes that quote People are not bribed to shut up about what they know they re bribed not to find out this is particularly true in the writing of u.s. History my profession it s not a free speech issue but one of asking questions that challenge the core of the scripted narrative historians are validated to the extent that they remain Guardians of the United States origin narrative with various tweaks to adjust to demands of the excluded. To prevent revolutions. Even those flawed advances are currently in retreat. And us gun violence and most wars are and gimmick. Various polls show that even the educated general public doesn t know basic facts about the structure of the us government the Constitution the rights of states and the division of powers. Yet there is the widespread acceptance of the greatness and goodness of the United States along with the extreme mistrust of government except for the military. A recent tiny Associated Press story provided polling information of us American public regarding their confidence in federal government institutions. Reporting only 6 percent have confidence in Congress. Probably 0 in the. 14 percent of people said they have confidence in the executive branch which includes the president and all of the cabinet agencies 24 percent say they have confidence in the Supreme Court however 84 percent have confidence in the military. The military is the only unifying government institution the only one trusted. So we have to understand where that military has come from and what it is why is there so little information analysis or curiosity and the origins and development of the us military and history and political science text doesn t exist and teaching at any grade level graduate school the military history field small as that is as usually made up of war mongers and former military people. And people who certainly never write about what actually happened to form that military. The military isn t even presented as a branch of government as we know there are only 3 branches of government rather is placed under the formally civilian elected president and commander in chief of the armed forces this is meant to scare you because Trump isn t just President. He s the commander in chief of the armed forces. And as he said I heard him on t.v. Tonight say. That he can do anything he wants. Because he s that however from the earliest settlements in the 1600s to the edge Hisham of the 13 British colonies into an independent nation state and up to the present the military has been the engine that drives us nationalism that is patriotism. Yet generations have a little knowledge of interaction with the military but the annals of military history reveal the architecture of its formation and function and dominance. Air Force officer and military historian John Green near gives me hope that this hopefully is beginning to change right for the 1st 200 years of our military heritage Americans depended on arts of war that contemporary professional soldiers at that time supposedly at horde. Raising and destroying enemy villages and seals read Native American killing enemy women and children raiding settlements for captives intimidating and brutalizing enemy noncombatants and assassinating enemy leaders. In the front your wars between 160071814 American forwards 2 elements are limited war and irregular war into their 1st wave of war. So from this period grinning argues emerged problematic Turk to riff 6 of the Us way of war and thereby the characteristics of us civilization which few civilian historians or even anti-war activists knowledge. Here s an example of the matrix that is deconstructed when a thread from the review of comes to us history is pulled and why the public discussion of Confederate fetishism provides a teachable moment. In July 2015 to California state legislators Black Caucus I live in California. Called on state authorities to change the name of the town of Fort Bragg California the site of a former military base 170 miles north of San Francisco now just a town by that they because it was named after Confederate general Broxton Bragg. Who knew there was a Confederate general no name on the on the on Army base or a former Army base the Taliban and telephoning. In the course of his long military career Bragg an 837 West Point graduate was commander of the country army in the civil war and on the plantation and over 100 slaves to Africa. But that s only half the story of General Bragg s career as it is of most of the Confederate as well as union military commanders. The Black Caucus rightly raise this issue in the wake of the June 17th 2015 Charleston South Carolina assassination of senior pastor and state senator comment to see Pickney along with 8 worshippers at the oldest historical black church in North America a mother a man who which had been founded by Denmark Vesey a formerly in slave Africa. A carpenter by trade who purchased his freedom and later organized a failed slave revolt for which he and a dozen other insurgents were hung. This event happened on the that day of. The hanging of the mark Bessie. Shocked attention to the church massacre quickly turned to the continued presence of the kind of federal flag on the South Carolina state house in Charleston the assassin being a self identified white supremacist his Internet photo showed him toting a country red flag. A National would get bait ensued not only about the proliferation of Confederate flags throughout the south and white supremacist enclaves and gun shows all over the country but also public monuments and place names particularly army bases named after Confederate officers. There are in fact 9 other u.s. Military bases in addition to Fort Bragg that are named after Confederate officers most of them in the south but Fort Bragg reveals a more complex history. Few in California knew that their state hosted a base Now town named after a Confederate general. But the argument began immediately. Those who objected to changing the name especially the people living in Fort Bragg. Many there. Pointed out that General Bragg was a decorated u.s. Army officer in 8573 years before the founding of the Confederacy when Fort Bragg was built and named. That s certainly different from those bases in the south named after confederates all of which occurred in the post Civil War Jim Crow segregation in the early and up to the mid 20th century. In Bragg s case the naming honor recalls his actions as a captain serving under Major General Zachary Taylor and the United States Army and Marine invasion and occupation of Mexico City an $847.00 forcing the Mexican republic to see the northern half of its territory. And the purpose of us stablish ing Fort Bragg a decade later an $857.00 to carry out the confinement of indigenous Californians rounded up and forced into the newly established Mendocino Indian Reservation where a military base was established. And named after Bragg. Before the Civil War. The Black Caucus statement asserted that it was inappropriate to honor an individual who committed treason against the United States in defense of slavery nearly everyone who has argued for the change of names of military bases has invoked treason yet all of the West Point graduate officers who led the Confederacy after whom the basis are named has been honorably recognized for their feats in the invasion and brutal counterinsurgency over to Europe period Mexico occupying and terrorizing the civilian population in Mexico City until the government officials with guns at their heads signed a treaty a session. Including Robert e. Lee and several others who served and led the u.s. U.s. War against the seminal nation in Florida there were 3 u.s. Wars against the seminal nation over the period of 816-2858 all of them counterinsurgent. Irregular wars. And led by West Point graduates who then in the later years became either Union or Confederate soldiers but it seems it would have been appropriate had these officers not shown us on the Confederate side and stayed in the Us Army to slaughter Native Americans during and after the Civil War might nearly every military officer of the Union Army. Sharman frémont Grant Custer to name the most famous of the Union officers who later formed the leadership of the so-called army of the West. In fact the majority of us army bases on the con that were initially outpost for wars against ended in this nation s Fort Snelling had a Kearny Leavenworth Phil and rightly the latter the base of George Armstrong Custer 7 Cavalry now the 1st Infantry Division all named after u.s. Army officers who commanded genocide of wars. For most of the period from the Us war of independence to 89 is the sole function of the us military was to kill roundup refugees read Ok and confine Native Americans and appropriate their land and resources to replace it with Anglo American settlers and sometimes from other countries like Scandinavians particularly slave owning planters involved in model cash production got much to that land the army officers of both the Confederacy and the union had made their careers in genocidal campaigns against native nations and against the indigenous m.s.j. So peoples of Mexico. Which included where we are now and next thing half its territory and including 3 major declared wars against the seminal nation before the Civil War Both Union and Confederate armies posted regiments west of the Mississippi to invade her Tori s of the Dakota Cheyenne Navajo Apache and Comanche nation among others. Wars against the native peoples did not miss a beat during the Civil War which saw the military rounding up and deporting the entire Navajo population that Kit Carson could round up to a desert concentration camp where one 3rd succumbed to starvation exposure and disease and the ethnic cleansing of the Dakota people and their traditional to her tour in Minnesota to be replaced by Scandinavian settlers. After the Civil War when the Us Army was supposed to prioritise occupation of the defeated Confederate States forcing a reconstruction in which liberated African-Americans could become posture dissipating and leading citizens the commander in chief of the armed forces the president kept shifting armed forces from the south to the west where 25 year total war was waged to destroy the native nations in the northern plains the intermountain west and southwest. The United States is a thoroughly militarized culture all the more dangerous because we don t know what supplemental. And it has been census bloody birth the blood being mainly that of indigenous peoples in the path of the colonists relentlessly expansion during that revolution the Revolutionary War. We see the signs of militarism all around us and in the media just take the n.f.l. Playing you know last week but as military historian John greener know. The cultural aspect of militarization are not new they had deep historical roots reaching into the nation s racist settler past and continuing through unrelenting wars of conquest and ethnic cleansing. And over 3 centuries. Grinner right the undead share a military utility Americans also found a use for the 1st way of war in the construction of American identity the enduring appeal of the romanticized myth of the settlement in quotes not calling a conquest of the frontier is there by actual men like Robert Rogers or Daniel Boone or fictitious ones like Nathaniel bomb poet James Fenimore Cooper s creation. Last Of The Mohicans. It all points to what d.h. Lawrence called The Myth of the essential white American. U.s. Nationalism its national narrative and origin story is white nationalism. And any historical analysis or current social crisis cannot be comprehended without acknowledging us that our colonial was them and colonial violence central indigenous America. Historically and in the present so I thank you. And. You heard the conclusion off a 45 minute speech that she gave at the Lenin foundation in October 27 teen. I urge you to go back to t. You see videos website and listen for fried to part on the doctrine of discovery that Steve made you know Dr who are g. . Sand under our T. s had been introduced by a friend and colleague historian Nick estus Yes a member of the lower brulé Sioux tribe in South Dakota and doctoral candidate at the University of New Mexico. Now Nick estis joins her on stage for an in-depth conversation one of the things you touched on the beginning as you cited the genocide convention and a lot of people think the act of genocide is the act of killing and they don t actually read the rest of the convention. And it reminds me of when and why the indigenous international movement went to the United Nations could you explain a little bit more about the current academic debates around genocide and the memorialization or lack of memorialisation over remembering of additions genocide in the 1950 s. Native American activists like Garcia make the calls and others were bringing it up and of course it was the we charged genocide manifesto that was led by Paul Broks and then others and they also had included the indigenous peoples in that manifesto which you can find online to read it goes back to the 1920 s. When Chief discuss where on behalf of ordinary Shoni there quite a confederacy to the League of Nations. And stayed for 4 years never was allowed in but he s quite a an icon for the people of Geneva which was where the League of Nations was held in the 1970 s. The United States had not yet ratified the genocide convention they didn t ratify at home 198840 years after every other country in the world had ratified the genocide convention and that was precisely because of the genocidal past of the United States even though the treaty was not retroactive the genocide convention is sort of common wall so it can if it you know comes up as. As a discussion and accusation actually lead to a world court decision or which the United States never obeys anyway that would require reparations or some kind of compensation. So the genocide convention was promulgated in the wake of the whole cost of course the Shoah but it had no way reflects the whole cost as is the bar that has to be reached for genocide because its title is the prevention and punish of genocide so. Who was the main architect of the genocide convention and Quine that were never existed before a look back at all of the poles Europe the Nazi era was just this just the giant most gigantic horrific of centuries of pogroms the genocide convention then looks at elements like I named taking children away which of course the boarding schools for $100.00 or 100 years in the United States and Canada did taking their language away taking children out of the family and taking the child because it didn t think Native people should be raising children and putting them in white usually Christian or Mormon hands families these are all listed as acts of genocide it doesn t require killing anyone because that is one of the acts and killing of boys doesn t have to happen during war. There has to be intent that is written into it has to be a policy clearly the relocation the ethnic cleansing east of the Mississippi was an act it was an act of Congress you know it was a policy the act and I today through his call of the determination act that was its name to do away with Indians wherever they can be done and they met they re going to be another term a nation actor that they met at that s why it s so important not just a little boy s history of what happened but today what is happening that might lead to to the say another terminations I mean. That was just the beginning off a conversation between Roxanne Dunbar TE s and historian Nick estus his book may need we Kone Werder is a life death and liberation is forthcoming and 2018. Tees has been part of the international indigenous movement for more than 4 decades working on sovereignty and land rights. She s professor emeritus of ethnic studies at California State University East Bay. She is the author of many books including roots of resistance the Great soon nation and an Indigenous People s History of the United States thanks to the lan and foundation for permission to use the audio recorded in Santa Fe on October 11th 2017. You can find the Podcast or film at their website Lannan dot. You ve made it through Black Friday and Cyber Monday and today is giving Tuesday k.p. F. K. And other nonprofit organizations all over the u.s. Are encouraging their supporters to remember that we depend on you to keep us going and if you appreciate what we re doing we keep p.s.k. We hope that you ll go to k p f k dot All right.

Radio-program , Racism , African-american-culture , Discrimination , Military , Military-life , War , American-culture , Unofficial-observances , Legal-professions , International-criminal-law , Genocide

Transcripts for KFI 640 AM [KFI AM 640] KFI 640 AM [KFI AM 640] 20170928 000000

Injured a ranger says about 30 climbers were on the mountain at the time of the rock slide this afternoon evacuation orders have been lifted for homes in Corona close to where a fire has burned 2000 acres that fire started Monday in Anaheim Hills it s 20 percent contained o.c. Fire Authority spokesman Steve says the fire has moved away from homes and Cern is when we did our with special family and away in northeast winds or winds out of the north that you know the embers pick up we have a new start even with in the containment lines Southwest Airlines has apologized for the way police removed a woman from a flight headed to l.a. From Baltimore I m Professor what do you do. Easily. Police were called last night after the woman reported having a life threatening allergy to 2 animals on the plane but had no proof and refused to leave the airline s policy says a passenger may be denied boarding if they report a life threatening allergic reaction without a medical certificate and cannot travel safely with an animal the woman has been charged with disorderly conduct disturbing the peace resisting arrest and other crimes a statement from Southwest says the airline is disheartened by the way the situation unfolded California is going to have an earlier say in deciding which presidential candidates go forward in the race Governor Brown has signed a bill moving up the state s 2020 primary to March the primary for state offices will also be in March President Trump says he wants to simplify the country s tax code by getting rid of the marriage death an alternative minimum tax he says under his proposal the 1st $12000.00 someone earns will be tax free and it ll be double that amount for married couples Democrats and Republicans in Congress should come together finally to deliver this giant win for the American people and begin middle class miracles jumps as taxes on business will also be cut to no more than 20 percent he says he wants America s tax code to be pro jobs and. A worker Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer says the president s plan gives only crumbs to the middle class under this plan the wealthiest Americans and wealthiest corporations make out like bandits while middle class Americans are left holding the bag. Traffic from the helpful So Cal Honda traffic center we ve got a star on the one a one in Woodland Hills this is on the northbound side just before Desoto Avenue and this stall is taking out the 2nd lane from the left over all delays and a big mass coming out of Hollywood away from Sunset Boulevard now we have Michael Bryant k.s.i. In the skies got an uptake in industry oh little good news on this accident 5 northbound passed the 60 injury actually but it is to the right shoulder at this point very heavy to what are your back to the Schloss and which at that point pretty much the choice right off the 105 the southbound side of the 6 o 5 not too bad for the wreck but that is going to slow basically for about hotseat or I should say just for a bolt out fairway down to the 5 also affected the West 64 posse of the Baltimore bike O Bryant came up by in the sky here jammed on the 57 northbound delays away from the Orange Crush the 522 split all the way to the 60 k. Advani in the sky helps get you there faster I mean to Martinez this hour sponsored by cutting dental call for your free dental exam 888640 smile we will take a look at the warm forecast next the special free money matters financial planning and retirement seminars in Woodland Hills Tuesday October 3rd Pasadena Thursday October 5th or Pelosi day Saturday October 7th learn how to help make your money last what you can do to help maximize growth in your retirement plan while helping protect it from a stock market crash the best time to take Social Security how to plan for price increases and inflation whether to roll over your 4 a one k. Plus so much more reserved Money Matters dot net that s money matters doesn t matter call 809940302. No I don t have any German to me well except after a. A couple of brought severe your top 3 since this is the one to tell her tell her satisfy tickets now for free drinks and vacation week I m here with Debra Mark coming up the latest there is any latest in the whole protest of the n.f.l. Players kneeling or otherwise disrespecting during the playing of the national anthem a few things to talk about there the desperation continues in Puerto Rico for people there affected by the hurricanes particularly the 2nd one Hurricane Maria bring you up to date on all of that we re going to start off by talking about one of the big stories of the day President Trump went to Indianapolis to outline this big tax overhaul that the Republicans are proposing It s a trump and Republican tax plan. They have given up obviously you probably know that by now repealing Obamacare that didn t work Mitch McConnell the leader of the Republicans in the u.s. Senate the senator from Kentucky said it s time to move on now we re going to work on tax reform this thing has got some really big changes in it which we re going to talk about with John Paul the president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association is going to come on and give us his thoughts and some of the main points in this outline of this tax reform John welcome back to the show always a pleasure Ken are you doing I m doing just great the one thing that s getting the most attention particularly here in the state of California which is eliminating the current deduction for payment of state local taxes Yeah that is a big one there s a lot of good things in this particular proposal but the reality is the elimination of that deduction is kind of a kind of a big middle finger to liberal high tax states including California Massachusetts New York that that is a huge impact right now Californians are paying about a little over one $100000000000.00 in various taxes to the state that they are now able to claim as deductions on their federal returns so the impact of removing that duction has a significant impact particularly for upper income Californians now you know we re running the numbers and there s no you know this thing isn t final but in concept it certainly looks like this helps. Lower income people middle income people but as as you move up the economic ladder it looks like it becomes a wash and then if you happen to be pretty wealthy you re probably going to take a pretty big hit from this so it s a mixed bag but there are many things that we like in it this tax simplification the reduction down to 3 brackets instead of as many as we ve got and. Doubling of the standard deduction which certainly helps middle income families and in terms of the elimination of some of the deductions they keep the 2 most popular ones and those are the home mortgage interest deduction again as a representative of homeowners we re very concerned about that and the charitable deduction so those are retained but it is that elimination of the deduction for state taxes that s going to cause some it s going to cause many Californians to have some heartburn That s my biggest itemized deductions I can tell you that much and now says they re going to shrink the tax brackets from $7.00 to $3.00 in the top rate would be 35 percent instead of 39.6 percent that could make up some of the difference not having the deduction I suppose yeah and of and doubling of the standard deduction and then I think there are some other other provisions in here that are going to help middle class taxpayers. And small businesses and of course I think some of the small business benefits will help revitalize the nation s economy and an unknown in those if the if that one time what s called the repatriation rate you know I think we ve discussed the fact that there s tons of money as high as a trillion dollars parked overseas and President Trump of the Republicans would like to bring that money back give them a low $1.00 time repatriation rate if you have that kind of infusion into the American economy that could have a real positive effect but again at the end of the day how we score this as Californians is going to depend on everybody s individual situation yeah and you know you might laugh but I was reading a statement from state senator Jeff Stone who said that a limb in aiding. The deduction for state local taxes might lead states like California to consider or reconsider their high tax rates as a response to this I like smile and thought really you think that yeah yeah happy legislature is going to say ah maybe on a lower tax rate 13.3 percent is pretty harsh it is pretty harsh you know and just stones a good guy and he s a good fiscal conservative but I think you know I think he s being a little bit optimistic there it may be true I mean the pressure it certainly would provide a commonsense incentive for tax reform here in the state of California now where would they be smart enough to pursue it who knows the other thing to keep in mind is one of the big deductions that we have is for property taxes and here again we have another benefit of Proposition 13 though California is not a low property tax state but at least it s somewhat moderated by Prop 13 magine the loss of the ability to deduct your property taxes if we didn t have Prop 13 your property taxes were twice or 3 times what they are now to lose that deduction be huge so again we see another manifested benefit of Proposition 13 because the impact on the property tax isn t as bad as it would be but for Proposition 13 so again I think we re going to look at this I get I think the concern I think we have. Is that we re competing against states that have no income tax at all like Nevada Texas Florida and our top rate for high wealth individuals is 13.3 percent and you know the Progressive s in the ante for people are going to say well good get rid of these slips killed all the rich people the reality is if we give them a huge incentive to move out even more in the loss of this deduction could it. Seller rate that we rely so much on high wealth individuals for the biggest proportion of our income tax revenue that would be a real big hit to the California economy you know you wonder is that because you re right that s a good point will this lead some people to go to a lower state tax state because they re not going to be able to deduct these taxes on their federal return anymore right you know already the wealthy of already you know restructured their investments for example you know it s as that tax rate is called crept up you will see high wealth individuals those who decide to stay in California shift their investments to you know tax exempt double tax exempt municipal bonds and and you know look the rich people hire very good lawyers who will engage in strategies to reduce their taxes but but at the end of the day if they lose this deduction I think that would be the straw that breaks the camel s camel s back for a lot of people also getting some attention is that the lowest tax bracket will actually increase from 10 percent to 12 percent under this proposal you know the Democrats are going to attack that it s a what do you do when you re actually raising the lowest tax bracket percentage Yeah the price say that but I think the quick answer that is that the doubling of the standard deduction is going to going to more than offset that so I they re going to make that argument of course I just heard. On the lead in here Schumer s comments about this is nothing but you know for the rich I mean it s the same old you know Democrat stuff you know lies about tax reform is this perfect Probably not but but I think people don t just tune out all the criticism of of this proposal now there are some things that you know are going to have to be adjusted and fine tuned but overall it s for the nation it s certainly a step forward for California it s more of a mixed bag but I would still take this over the current. Structure and getting a lot of attention to is reducing the u.s. Corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent and of course many of the columnists are saying oh my God that s like that s outrageous Yeah the ad the average per tax rate corporate tax rate for the industrialized words world is 22 percent we re going slightly below the average of industrial nations in the world that s not a sop to corporations it is just it s good tax policy and will help to keep major bit love them or hate them it ll help to keep businesses and jobs here in the United States it looks like the net effect of this is going to be less money to the federal coffers and the response is that well yeah but we re going to grow the economy is reminds me of the Reagan years that was kind of the idea I mean the trickle down theory was somewhat derided by the lefties but the proof was in the putting the in the eighty s the Reagan tax cuts did in fact. Stimulate the economy tremendously and and of course that was offset by huge increases in spending in the defense budget for the purpose of burying the Soviet Union but it is true that you give people more money to invest and and they turn the economy around I think you know I was criticized for predicting that trumps 1st full year we could see 3 percent economic growth and we and we may be there even without doing anything because some of the things he has done at the administrative level have already had a positive impact on the economy thank you hang on John because I want to talk about the column you wrote concerning California Republicans and what they re doing to wreak havoc with taxes sure John Kampala presses the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association is on with the we just talked about this idea to overhaul the federal tax code and then when we come back we ll talk about and this is important how California Republicans a select group of them up there in Sacramento are not too. What is any good on the subject of tax increases the way some of them are voting is next on the John and Ken Show on k f I we go to a news update Debra Mark officials over at Yosemite National Park say that a rock solid El Capitan Tan has killed one person and injured a 2nd all evacuation orders have been lifted for the burn areas in Corona hundreds of people had leave their homes earlier this week because of a brush fire that s burned about 2000 acres the relief effort from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico has so far been concentrated largely in San Juan and many outside the capital say they ve received little or no help we got some trouble on the 5 and we re going to check in with the chaos in the sky next for some people falling asleep can be as hard as the workday they just put in but that doesn t have to be that way great sleep starts with the right sheets they re more affordable than you think that s what you get with Bolen branch each sheet is crafted with 100 percent organic cotton and they get softer over time and since bowling brand sells exclusively online you don t have to pay that expensive retail mark up half the price for twice the quality try him for 30 nights and see for yourself if you re not impressed return him for a full refund everyone who sleeps on ball their brand sheets loves them that s why they have Falcons a 5 star review and even 3 presidents have slept on bowling brand shapes go to ball and branch dot com today $50.00 off your 1st set of shapes plus free shipping just go to ball and branch and use the promo code Conway that s $50.00 off and free shipping at Boland branch dot com That s b. 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We also have all major brands of guns in stock books written Wes and Daniel the fins Colt Springfield 6 our bread and fish the still abrasion starts now if you want to chances are we have it 6 true throughout Southern California camel brothers good story pro-choice and in keeping you i Heart Radio all your favorite music all your favorite stations all free and now with football season in full swing let s be honest most of your week is focused on your fantasy team over t.v. No reason to leave the i Heart Radio ad because now we have the Fantasy Sports Radio Network 247 interactive fantasy talk and advice so you can dominate your league keep your fantasy football fix right on the Fantasy Sports Radio Network. At least 6 White House advisers have been using private e-mail accounts like what it now list of one of the main arguments that Donald Trump used against Hillary Clinton in the campaign was let s read her e-mails what was she. Doing using a private e-mail server and then Politico reports yesterday that Jared cushion or that dimples had been using a private e-mail account to send or receive about a 100 work related e-mails during the 1st 7 months of the administration granted it s a 100 it s not 30000 I ll give you that but just for the appearance at how how do you possibly get caught doing something like this Gerri Custer s not the only one because after Politico looked into this and reported on dimples doing it they said also that Steve Bannon former White House strategist writes Priebus former chief of staff Gary Cohn Steven Miller even Yvonne could trump used private e-mail accounts again not the 30000 that Hillary Clinton was accused of using the sending and receiving while she was secretary of state using this private server but if that s if you know that that s one of the campaign issues can you not get White House counsel to make sure that everyone is on the same page here no more Jared at cushion or dot com No more Yvonne at Yvonne design dot com stop it be smart about this stuff and just just keep yourself clean and your argument doesn t get it now from the inside the Carrie and Shannon Levy mornings at 10 pm I am 640. Of your childhood away it is depressing it really is you know for instance and this is like maybe a small thing but John Caldwell got not emotional but you guys a little sad when I told him that the chuck e. Cheese was going to take away the band you know that autumn in auto animatronic though they called the band and they re going to take it away and the like no no that s right kid when I take my kid out there and he. I love that band we sat there was a big part of his childhood you know in my childhood I mean I did a ton of things the valley that we talk about all the time the Malibu Grand Prix we go to Lafayette or pop in taco and all these places are gone and we go to the ice skating rink on Ventura Boulevard that was just a little bit east of receded and all these places have all disappeared Swenson s ice cream in night and see you know Mike s pizza. All these joints the spaghetti castle all these places that I grew up and went to and my dad took me or my mom took me as a child they re all gone they re all it s all disappeared and so I understand when his kid says you sort of heartbroken because that was part of his childhood history you know that s respect time with your mom or your dad or both your grandparents all those that are broken I kind of felt sick I grew up here I started coming here and I was like one years old Tim Conway Jr 66. 6044 still really Tom do you remember the last time rates were in the 3 I can remember when rates were in the 3 s. But I do remember when you were 3 and I caught you reading on the right call Crestline funding at 8084967080849670808496700 Crestline funding your friend in the mortgage business 150000 other loan amount owner occupied as a car City Farms and l.t.v. 745 a rating to refinance with an Pennsbury number 01110897 M.L. s 197 hey it s Wayne Resnik here to tell you that the Sloman shield home security system is now available in Los Angeles and right now the Sloman shield is offering their best deal ever a free $1500.00 offer on a new home security system with free installation it s time to give yourself peace of mind when it comes to protecting your valuables and more importantly your family all you have to do to get this offer is pick up your cell phone now dial pound to 50 and say the key word Sloman that s pound to 50 keywords Sloman to make this offer. Even better if you call now you ll get a free indoor surveillance camera that connects directly to your phone the Sloman shield includes an l.e.d. Touchscreen pad a motion detector up to 3 doors armed backup battery and the free installation all you have to do is use Loman s low cost central station monitoring don t wait call them now it pound to $50.00 and say the keyword Sloman those who are opposing public toilets because they attract people they attract drug users I normally wouldn t mainline the drugs I wouldn t be a heroin addict but for the fact that there is a toilet over there you know I m not going to try heroin which I never did Bill Handel to right after the wake up call at 5 pm I am 640 stimulating. Can Show hours a day of high John a vacation here in Denmark as the news junkie Paul from our job as taxpayers association is with me is the president and we were just going over this federal tax reform but now we want to focus on a column he wrote it s appearing in papers around the state will taxpayers trust the Republican Party here in California again and he mentions as you well know for instance when they passed Senate Bill one that $52000000000.00 permanent new gas tax and car tax on California drivers it required bringing along some Republican votes in German like that what you pointed out people have to understand is this this provided cover for some Democrats who might have been in districts where people aren t looking too kindly at the gas that really aren t looking to kindly of the gas in the car tax as you said provided them cover so they could a vote they could vote no and look more fiscally responsible thanks to these Republicans who sold out and voted for these taxes. Yeah this is really kind of insider wanker s political stuff the phrase that we use is life voting in other words when Republicans cast bad votes they are giving a lifeboat to target the Democrats in marginal different districts who would you know if the leadership told them they had to vote for the tax increase of course they would right they would but but and leadership often times Democrat leadership will often select the assembly person or senator who they re going to let both they ll say well this person s most at risk Soror going to let him cast the the No the no vote on a tax increase to make him look good so we keep our supermajority in look the tanks increases were bad as a matter of policy and they were even even worse as a matter of politics because not only did they protect liberal Democrats but the overall in you know that our organization is nonpartisan we look at how they vote how people vote but it is helpful to us to have a strong Republican Party that fiscally conservative and when they re not fiscally conservative tarnish their own brand and right now if if I were a Republican concerned with the with the perception of the Republican Party I would say look the best way we distinguish ourselves from the Democrats is on fiscal issues to use it and so whether it s taxes or against the high speed rail. And other issues like transparency in government there are there are as is the Democrat Party is pulled left by the burning credits and the entire people that leaves a lane open for Republicans to fill that in meet the needs of middle class Californians and the question we have is are they going to do it are they are they going to stand up in opposed tax increases and look for average Californians in. And that s not for us to decide but if I were if I were in Republican leadership I would be hammering that message that look the way if you want to resuscitate an almost dead Republican Party in the state of California you do it by representing the interests of middle class Californians not before you go is it possible that Monday on the topic of the Josh Newman recall that we re going to get closer to finding out whether or not we can have that recall vote this year or allowed to be next year my understanding is that the response papers are due I m not sure that there is a decision due on Monday I have not heard that I have the all need to check with our with our attorneys but my understanding is that the calendar looks for a decision more toward. Mid October but that being what it is I think we get a that will still allow time for a special election so the timeline that the time frame is is is shrinking and we know that the Newman defenders are out there trying to get people to rescind their signatures I hear they re not having a real good luck good in that and so but we have to be cautious about this so. I think the odds are we will have a special election to recall Judge Newman and even if not he will face he will face the voters in June I hope it s sooner rather than later. But because we just saw as this legislative session that just wrapped up a few weeks just last week the last 2 months of the legislative session we see what a super majority party can do to 2 California taxpayers we need to nip that at the bud as soon as possible all right Jessica Poppy thanks for talking to me again you back in to our resident Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association knew you get a news update right now from Debra Mark in l.a.p.d. Officer has been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter in the why after us. Family of 3 was killed in a crash on the 6 o 5 My heart goes out to the victims and the families l.a.p.d. Chief back says he s angry and disappointed he says Officer Edgar Derrius worked at the police station downtown there s a very young police officer not much time on the job and remarkable career the c.h.p. Says he was speeding in his Chevy last night when he rear ended 2 cars near Washington Boulevard a teenage boy and his parents were in one car and they were killed the driver of the 2nd car was hurt reduced go broke his nose 3 gang members have been arrested for a brazen break in at a home in Calabasas l.a. County Sheriff Sergeant Michael Maher hair says the men attacked and tied up homeowners last month because of the sort of the violent her broad daylight occupied home of this car we were particularly motivated close investigation says that the robbers stole more than $2000.00 worth of stuff from that home he says investigators are still looking for one more robber the news is brought to you by So Cal for dealers another hepatitis a diagnosis in Orange County has been linked to the big outbreak in San Diego o.c. Health officials say it s not clear how the person caught the virus last month the new o.c. Patient was not homeless and had not traveled to San Diego President Trump has laid out his plan for reforming the country s tax system we want taxes for that is program of approach a pro worker pro-family and yes tax reform that is pro American he says Taxes will be cut for the middle class under this framework the 1st $12000.00 of income earned by a single individual will be tax free that amount doubles for married couples He also says the tax code will be simplified he says that includes getting rid of the marriage tax the death tax and the alternative minimum tax police in Florida have arrested a woman they say dressed as a clown and killed the wife of the man she later married Sheriff Fred Newman says the murder happened in 1997 spanking the risky walk to the front door with. Balloons in her hand. The deceased victim came to the front door and was shot she like Ian was considered a suspect but was not arrested that case was reopened in 2014 d.n.a. Tests were done King was arrested yesterday in Tennessee where she d been living with the murdered woman s husband she married him in 2002 traffic from the helpful So Cal had a traffic center it is slow on the 118 in Simi Valley and delays here eastbound loading up live from Princeton taking you ahead to Sycamore and then more slowing and stretches ahead leaving Desoto as you continue to the 5 with Michael Bryant k.s.i. In the sky with an attitude and history to cope by northbound past the 6 theater chains are still working this time it is all the shoulder but still very very tough out of what are your Also good a number on the West 60 crew posse at the height started to break stared about roses of Michael Bryant k.f. By the sky indeed to the Canyon fire on the $91.00 eastbound it s the right lane and the Green River off ramp that remain close at eastbound back up loading from the 57 freeway also affecting the 241 northbound from the 260 months split and southbound side of the 71 slow moving all the way from time to k f I in the sky helps get you there faster I mean to Martinez your daughter is gone off the rails again so one more day could be too late Where do you turn well content the team project where young women not only kick the habit in a safe clean environment with psychiatric help but learn job skills get Ged help and more so if your daughter or granddaughter someone you know is out of control contact the teen project now makes that most people go insurance go to the Teen Project dot com teen as in teenager and just click on girls rehab at the Teen Project dot com Call 83334 rehab time for recess make you know why aren t you going to go out and play I m having too much fun in here Mrs Smith I m devising a business methodology to. 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Treatment is truly amazing so dial pound to 50 and use the keywords advantage there pound to 50 advanced care or go to the website. Vance Care dot com That s advanced care dot com or pound to 50 Advanced Hair that. Has. The 2nd annual Breitling coming to be cherished. Just to be Friday September 29th or Sunday October 1st lights take place 4 pm today are to download the i Heart Radio app and listen to the h.b.o. Show channel for complete coverage for more details like we ve got the word our show I am 640 Heart Radio station. Yeah right Caleb I am 640 John and Ken Show John is on vacation I m here Debra Mark has the news in a moment we ll give you the latest on the anthem story from the n.f.l. From versus the n.f.l. I heard you mention this couple times in the news this afternoon Deborah that is somebody today a person has been killed and one injury there was a rockslide Yeah the tan if you re a climate thing No I haven t been Yosemite and a 1000000 years but about 10 years ago for the only time I ve been there it was a great a great time there I did too but I don t I don t know if I did El Capitan I m not sure because it was so long ago you know I I would not give mountain climbing I can t imagine when I see guys do that I think oh my god it s it s just that my mind of a fear of heights just the idea that you could slip or you know you stick those things in there to get yourself if I carry it doesn t look even even the ones the safe ones they haven t like r.e.i. You ever seen the little climbing wall yeah I would even do that now I don t know I m chicken it s a large rocket fell near the east buttress climbing a root canal kept a ton about 2 o clock this afternoon and as a search has been launched to see if any more climbers may have been caught in the slide but they do have reports of at least one person killed or one injured Yeah there were about. 30 at the time climbing Oh yeah. And that s something you don t think anything about maybe formally about rockslide I now now the latest in the n.f.l. Anthem protest story and Donald Trump who is quite a down a little bit about it although we have this piece of audio from c.n.n. This is Anderson Cooper talking to Trump s favorite c.n.n. Reporter Jim Acosta who has some info inside information about how Trump feels this whole thing is going with him igniting this cause against the n.f.l. For these anthem protests Let s listen what we can tell you is that last night Anderson he did have a dinner with leaders of the conservative movement over here at the White House and it was during that meeting I m told I want to get attendees in the room that the president said a couple of times this is really caught on this is really caught on in reference to his comments on n.f.l. Players and patriotism he went on to say that he is essentially saying what a lot of Americans are thinking according to this person in the room who was at this dinner last night with the president he seemed pretty pleased with this uproar that he s ignited over the last several days writers and there you go now again situation is we ve looked at a couple of polls people do believe that the players should respect and behave during the national anthem whether or not they want to take it to this level of firing suspending or threatening the n.f.l. Or even boycotting the games wasn t quite as clear there are certainly some Americans worked up over this and they re referred to as the base and that s what Trump is trying to do that s fine news coming out of this 18 tees direct t.v. Is offering refunds to people that have the Sunday Ticket if you don t know what that is if you are a direct t.v. Subscriber you can actually buy what s called direct take it and you can watch all the games on any given Sunday you pick have a whole bunch of channels set up and you just pick whatever n.f. . Game you want to watch the regular policy prohibits refunds but customer service reps have reportedly said they re making exceptions in light of the recent protests so if you really feel that strongly about it you can get a refund one subscriber told The Wall Street Journal he got a refund of about $280.00 after calling simply to make a point about the whole thing and other protest news there are people that are burning n.f.l. Jerseys in protest players are being disinvited to certain events there are bars believe it or not bars and restaurants have decided they re not going to show n.f.l. Games on Sundays anymore and there are a couple people who have quit there is an employee who apparently worked for the Buffalo Bills some sort of field job 30 years he quit I cannot work in a place for a multimillionaire is cry that they are oppressed Well they re not talking about themselves being oppressed they re talking about the problems in cities with African-Americans versus police now we move over to the Puerto Rican situation. The mayor of San Juan said we need to get our bleep together because people are dying people are really dying she wants Fema to focus on distributing basic necessities like food and water and forget all the red tape every moment we spend planning in a meeting every moment we spend not getting the help we re supposed to get people are starting to die one of the things that made the news which is very odd is something called the Jones Act or the Merchant Marine Act of 1920. Believe it or not it requires goods shipped between American ports to be carried out exclusively by ships built primarily in the u.s. And to have u.s. Citizens as its owners and crews it was signed into law by Woodrow Wilson 2 years after World War One ended it was a protective measure against foreign competition particularly Germany by restricting domestic trade to u.s. Flagged vessels with u.s. Crews America would always have a robust fleet of boats and sailors on hand in the event German submarines attacked the u.s. a Lot has since found backers in the American maritime industry would says it supports American jobs recent presidents including Bush and Obama have touted as crucial to national security but apparently it got in the way a bit in rushing help to Puerto Rico Well today Department Homeland Security has waived the Jones Act so it no longer parents dealt with shipping deliveries of fuel . So it no longer is a factor in this problem but when I return to talk about a couple of weird stories in the news Oh and by the way one of the think as we mentioned this when Harvey was going on speaking of another hurricane remember a hurricane Harvey that struck Texas and one of the stories that made the news is you shouldn t be walking around in the floodwaters because they are full of nasty things a 77 year old used in woman who broke and cut her arm when she fell into the floodwaters has died from flesh eating bacteria. Nancy Reagan died of necrotizing fasciitis an infection that spreads quickly through muscle tissue and can cause organ failure and they believe this was the story she fell in the floodwaters and must picked up a nasty bacteria it kills the body soft tissue spreads quickly and can turn fatal You have to have very quick diagnosis and treatment of antibiotics in order to survive that and sadly this woman did not because there was a story that they tested some of the floodwaters and it was a nasty brew in there but more coming up on the John and Ken show here on k. Off I go to Debra Mark for some news the states as reported cases of the s t D s are at an all time high in California c.d.c. Stats show California was number one last year in the u.s. For the total number of cases for Clemente and gonorrhea syphilis and congenital syphilis Governor Brown has signed a bill moving up the state s 2020 primary to March the primary for state offices will also be in March prison officials in Nevada say the plan is in place for o.j. Simpson to be released on parole as early as Monday from this facility near Las Vegas without some travel on the 91 and we re going to check in with the in the sky Hey let s talk about the biggest investment that most of us have it s our homes of course we all carry home insurance but you have insurance against termites you know in California. Termites do more damage than fire earthquakes and other natural disasters combined I talk to people about this they can t believe it that s why I want to talk to you about the bug man they can multiply quickly and spread to other parts of your home and now termite swarming season is here the wing termites arrive too I called the bug man they took care of the termites and repaired the damage they cause I ve been a long time customer of the Bug Man I can t tell you how excellent the services is that so many people do that they actually call them the raving fans from single homes to commercial and office buildings to an entire apartment and condominium communities the bug man will do it all for you and they have a great special offer call now get a free termite inspection That s right a free termite inspection 877 bugs want to one if you call now you ll receive a free one year maintenance program valued at $325.00 with a completed inspection and service call 877 bugs want to want. To make all right that s Ok it s free it s going to break that s like using every Saturday experiences working for it will be a different story for the commission of a few things you did for the guy keeping the peace you may remember earlier this summer our producer Ray Lopez went to see Dr phase for weight loss that s right John when I went to go see Dr phase and heard about how this life changing journey would transform my life I was skeptical but Dr phases guided me through the highs and the lows and I m here to tell you that when you re ready to change your life and when you re ready to commit to being a new healthy person called Dr face I m down 75 pounds in less than 4 months and I feel fantastic It wasn t easy and it sure wasn t a cake walk but I m so glad I did it my life is changed forever and I would do it all over again don t be afraid I ll today make an appointment to see a doctor face if you need to lose all that weight call Dr Michael face today and like Ray become a new healthier you. Just dial pound to 50 on your cell phone and say the key word doctor face down to 50 on your cell phone and say the key word doc to your face you have the option of receiving an auto dial text message from k f I Here s the country s most renowned attorney with some free legal advice Hi this is Robert Shapiro if you suffered a major injury you need the best representation with right counsel I m using my experience to get you the right attorney when you need help the most if they don t win you pay nothing See how easy it is to find the right attorney right counsel dot com when you need the right lawyer for a serious car accident call right council at 877 right 11877 right 11 or go to right counsel dot com Hey remember the mortgage meltdown of 2008 Have you tried to get a mortgage since then and been turned down or maybe you haven t even tried because your credit score is stuck at 585 or your tax returns have too many write offs Well cash com mortgage has great news for you we ve just introduced programs for people who ve been told no and what s doubly exciting is that we can solve your mortgage problems with no closing costs no points title screw and no t s wait cash are you saying you now have credit in income solving mortgages with no closing costs are you kidding you heard right a credit or income solving loan with no closing costs call 877-8900 cash and we ll work with you to solve your mortgage issues make the cash colonnade 778900 cash impact Mortgage Group e.t.a. Cash home mortgage utilizing letter call 856579104 terms of restrictions Reliford an apartment a business oversight residential mortgage lender license for 131083 and or less 128231 that s 877-8900 cash fall is common in the kids are back in school so you re back to the normal routine and might find yourself spending more time in the kitchen truly the centerpiece of anyone s home it s a place where everyone s going to gather whether having a party watching a football game whatever. It is and if your kitchen needs a facelift or it s just outdated let me recommend reborn cabinets reborn can give you a brand new looking kitchen with signature re facing in a process that takes about 3 days they did this with my kitchen last summer and it looks fantastic Plus right now reborn will get a 15 percent off all new projects and no interest on your purchase until 2018 what makes reborn different will they manufacture their own products on the premises at their Anaheim location from start to finish so that means better pricing total quality control and their showrooms in Anaheim Torrence Lake Forest and now in San Diego call them triple 8 the number 2 reborn 888-273-2676 turn that ordinary kitchen into extraordinary like I did reborn cabinet s dot com. 27 regular music. Store Some are pretty good I heard Raiders fans from around the world are holy grail are sold out 2017 are real music festival Coldplay d.j. Kalai Thomas regular weekend. Catch our eye harboring the music festival t.v. Special points to Thursday night October 4th a very clear mystery and Pacific on the c.w. Dan Richard is the chairman of the high speed rail he whines and complains about how many handcuffs and constraints were put on this project that have been a deal a challenge to deal with can you show me anyone and I mean this in all honesty I don t know anyone in the state of California outside of Dan Richard and Jerry Brown who feel like this is a good thing the high speed rail is a thing that we need I don t know where they got 9000000 or 10000000 people to vote for this thing I remember the number was off they go back and check that I don t remember where these millions of people came from a voted in favor of high speed rail in 2008 I don t know any. But then again I also don t know anybody who voted for Nixon but that s a long story I was an even born Gary and Shannon when he was a 10 k. Yes I am 642 with a talk. With a new house and I was a mile away from work now and 2 miles away from you and you know what belly up before you start with those noises if you doubled your commute from Irvine to Los Angeles a you would complain about it too so I knew you were going to be the 1st one to start with those noises no no no no stop. Stop I knew it I said I was going to my commute I knew something was going on I like ooh. Ooh. Tim Conway Jr 66. 644 stimulating talk. You. Catch our eye harboring the music festival team special Wednesday and Thursday night October 4th at the 8 pm Eastern and Pacific on the c.w. And I should go work for Home Depot I m there every day anyway I know as much as some of the people who work there you know I can tell you where things are and that s 90 percent of what the guy in the best does anyway and where the ball for there where the washers and dryers lower them so I may get a job I ll report back how that guy Tim Conway Jr tonight at 6. 644 stimulating talk. Day of 5640 John and Ken Chan John Cobell Ken sham Paul but not this week well I m John back next week and the 2nd annual Breitling having to be chair show will soar over the coast of Huntington Beach is Friday September 29th through Sunday October 1st featuring the Navy Blue Angels Royal Canadian Air Force snowbirds and many other performers lights will take place noon to 4 pm daily now the air show is free you can buy tickets though for a 1st class experience at the aviator Beach Club featuring buffet bar and a premium viewing location download the i.r.s. Radio app and listen to the h.b.o. Show Carol with complete piano and exclusive coverage by k f I host I wonder what hosts we know. 2 for more details log on to k f I am 640 dot com The key word is air show. People behaving badly in the news in the 1st one. It looks like drinking was involved in both these stories a man renting a room as an air b. And b. Guest allegedly tried to sexually assault a 7 year old girl in a home in Minnesota the girl s father found him lying naked next to his daughter and bed the creep s name is Derek Aaron Pynchon He s from Michigan but I guess he was in Minnesota and he decided to he was going to rent a home and he found this home on a or b. And b. And he did rent a room there the girl s father told cops that kitchen was a guest in their home he rented a spare bedroom he told police he and his wife put the girl to bed in their bedroom and then heard Kenson return to the home he kitchen had been at a wedding which is why I think I got got got. Got a little double happy 15 minutes later the girl s father walked toward the bedroom found the door open like someone inside the room he spotted Kinch and lying nude next to his daughter a 7 year old girl I was just going to. The defendant was naked in his penis was the father said the girl s night gown was pulled up in the father could see her stomach in her underwear and yelled at him he grabbed his suit coat and Wallaby ran out of the house they had to use a police dog to find him he was arrested inside a partly covered fishing boat at a nearby home and he was wearing nothing but the suit coat the girl later told police she woke up to find this naked guy entering her parents room before he whispered something into worry or something about wanting to keep this a secret from mom and dad you know kidding. And then pull down around to where I was touching himself on the father walked into the room so it sounds like Dad got there just in time Story number 2 involving people behaving badly is you know you hear much about these things anymore a swinger s party I magine they still go on this happened in Bay City Michigan 1030 at night the cops had to come to a home complaint of an assault when they got there they saw a Dodge Caravan in front of the home and a 28 year old woman by the name of Amber showed maker trying to enter the home with a screwdriver in her hand also outside was her 33 year old husband who was blue he was bleeding from a wound to his forehead apparently a woman inside called 911 told deputies she and her 31 year old fiance had arranged to have your party and the show makers came over Amber show maker was downstairs with the fiance or the female resident was up stairs with Amber as has been I guess Amber didn t like what might be going on upstairs and she freaked out when the pair up stairs came down Amber show maker slapped her husband went outside they followed her she gets in the minivan and she starts driving towards them the minivan goes over the curb onto the sidewalk and toward the porch with the husband and the other 2 people were standing both men had to jump out of the way to avoid being run over Amber show maker then drove away but came back a few minutes later and resumed the physical or to cation with her husband which is why he ends up with a deep cut to his forehead bloody scratch marks on his right shoulder a bite mark on his left shoulder he was bleeding from the mouth. Amber herself had a scratch down the middle of her back and a swollen right cheek and yes it wasn t just a screwdriver in her hand according to this story Amber show maker appeared to be intoxicated she claimed that she had the screwdriver to start the minivan really. And said she consumed up to half a half 5th of vodka within the previous 2 hours they administered a breathalyzer or blood alcohol was point 156 in Michigan you re pretty intoxicated when your point oh wait so clearly she was really really feeling good and also feeling angry apparently jealous of her husband going to a swingers party and she s jealous that doesn t really make sense and you know the idea is you re going to swing with the other couples husband or wife right Tim Conway James Yeah thank you very much you know they say in in sailboat racing a tactician his best friend his boat speed boat speed boat speed all right wingers party your worst enemy is jealousy jealousy jealous the yeah you can t be jealous of a thing like that can t be just gotta let you know you got to share all you got it like that s the only reason to go and it was her 1st and maybe just couldn t Well you know that maybe they could get over a priest winger s party for people in the right actress Yeah but it s money like you know but you know before you go golfing you know that s right all right women dragged off in l.a. Bound Southwest flight after telling the crew she had a life threatening pet allergy and they had to get those pets off craziness going on there I ve flown on Southwest Nabi 200 times in my life never an issue never an issue no praise the passengers I was not the one issue not good I wasn t oh you know how we will Bowl tickets and parking passes are going to increase so the tandem parking you are going to holler will I have and what point a concert you saw that I do there at one point a concert you start thinking about leaving like how the hell am I going to get out here like half way Oh you mean the poor Yeah you know I stay for the whole thing but I can understand that s got to be a real grind it is when you leave it you know the 1st time of the 1st song hitchhiking having to get out here and into this thing and that s what I do a Dodger games Oh yeah let s see doctors got they got 9 exits or 8 x. That s correct but he s not taking us in this. Well this one. Is the 11 way and one way out one way out well you know how the ball was built when the valley didn t exist you re right you know it was the end of the city as the edge of the city Jane Fonda gets pissed that Meghan Kelly joined the crowd and also the Royal Caribbean sends a cruise ship to help the evacuated people from Puerto Rico How long is Megan Kelly going to last she s not she said going to shows and she pissed off the Will and Grace people now she s ticked off Jane Fonda Yeah but they know they re willing great people didn t realize that that she was going to do the interview and I and I said to my wife I said Will and Grace is still on the air it s coming back and she s know it s coming back you idiot and it s a run out of ideas they re bringing back all the Flintstones will be back oh I know I know well the kills Navy will be back I am thrilled that the of the Comes back come back because I can if you re a senior member full house yeah fuller house is even better than fall how you watching Netflix I don t know I just it s on the t.v. And I look at it pretty going see it s Netflix Fuller how I didn t like Full House is that right now in fact I had this conversation some of the day I did not want to eat he said comes the facts of life oh my god who s the boss doesn t know is that I could not watch any of those what was the one where the small wonder member than the girl with Vicki you have Vicki that Small wonder I don t know if that was only for pot smokers this is really like it was a robot you know here yeah. Keep her yeah that was going to come back to that all the guys with weed or on didn t try to go. There with a night I ll be back tomorrow at 2 k. If I am 6 or. 6 come to the cell slam time to start whining about how much you miss summer oh you already started.

Radio-program , Tax-law , Macroeconomics , Former-spanish-colonies , Taxation , Real-property-law , Business-terms , American-racehorses , English-language-journals , California-democrats , Thoroughbred-racehorses , County-seats-in-california

Transcripts for KFI 640 AM [KFI AM 640] KFI 640 AM [KFI AM 640] 20170924 020000

Because well when Pyongyang did a nuclear test a couple of weeks ago had registered a magnitude 6.3 earthquake Democrats are urging the Senate to reject the Graham Cassady health care bill Kentucky Democratic Congressman John Yarmuth says the latest version of trauma care will take health coverage away from over 30000000 Americans he says the Graham Cassady bill makes American health care significantly worse than it was before Obamacare president wrote was always something one called the House Bill Meehan but he stopped too soon with some the bill is monstrous cruel even Yarmuth says the Graham Cassady bill was never intended to be a health care bill but is a desperate attempt to fulfill a campaign promise free speech has been cancelled at Berkeley organizers of a free speech week festival scheduled to start tomorrow at u.c. Berkeley say it s not happening a campus spokesman says the Berkeley patriot group has just informed them the festival is canceled and no reason was given the spokesman says it s unfortunate the group cancelled at the last minute especially since the university has spent a lot of money preparing for what he called a disruption to campus life in order to provide security for these events my lawyer Novelis was scheduled to speak you know says the university had tried to sabotage events by making it difficult to meet deadlines to work out logistics Amy King k f i news traffic from your helpful So Cal Hunter traffic center we got a stall in Norwalk on the 5 that s on the northbound side a pioneer Boulevard it s right lane stack and if you drive from Alondra Boulevard crash continues in Pomona 60 east at the 71 that s taking away the carpool lane loading up your drive solid from Phillips ranch road if you get caught up in that see it clear enough for some miles on the road give us a call on the route saving time traffic line AAA 5 105003 Santa Monica crash on the 10 east of Bundy Drive slow enough to drive through Sennen El Ave and in Mission Hills a fender bender 1000 East at the 4 o 5 that s in the right lane slow on a few drive from Woodley ave you can find this guy helps get you there faster on Jack you out for gradually warmer your forecast the next one. So Paula time there was a running Baron did not understand a running back Where s the gold jacket a Hall of Famer Speaking of back I believe Jefferson is back with l.a. Football Monday music to 1 am 570 l.a. Sports Eric Dickerson really broke it up for right 2 hours of chargers friends Bruins trojans and everything l.a. Football. By the Southern California forward they have this season s winning lineup of cars trucks and S.U.V.s how many times have you looked in the mirror pulled up the loose skin on your face and neck and long for that profile you had before you looked so tired and Dr Wendy Walsh I know it s hard seeing your face age especially when you feel so young inside it used to be the only answer was a facelift but now we have lift eek a skin lifting procedure developed by Dr Robert Apple bomb a Beverly Hills board certified plastic surgeon you get a years younger looking face without a facelift see the. Plan whether Gail 5 going to be clear tonight through tomorrow If I had 640 hours stimulating talk Kelley here our 2 of them Kelley show got a tweet before we go into Debbie t.f. News this is from political shark. Teeth it s at t.d. Bear 81 at Mr Kelly stick to discussing superhero movies you don t have the depth to discuss foreign policy or social issues talk about Wonder Woman. Well thank you for that played a shark but with the exception of my career as a political analyst. You might be right I mean 7 I mean except that. I ll just give up talking about politics because you said I won t go on the b.b.c. Anymore I won t go on c.n.n. Or c.n.n. International I won t go on. I ll just stop writing my column I won t appear in The New York Times or the l.a. Times I ll just give up all that and just talk about Wonder Woman because you political shark who ve done none of that said so I doubt that they ll be jealous don t be bitter be better. News. Larry my god that is was. Yelling. At me Get me but. Sometimes I think I m curse curse it away because I miss out on all the good stuff. I m the guy when I was younger I would always go out because I was afraid I was going to miss something because the time that I would decide to stay and I wake up and people say oh you should ve gone to the party so and so was there or something happen and I believe I m always at the wrong place in the at the wrong time in the other way not that something bad happens and miss out on all the good stuff when I read that strippers were holding a topless carwash fund raiser to benefit 2 cops injured in a shootout and arrest a foreign pot farm I said there are there we go again yeah I miss out on all the good stuff I need my car washed my car s dirt is ill and I m thinking why not get my car wash rub down and lose. And a car wash featuring strippers because I really can t go to the strip club in the war I m right now I can t justify that but if my wife were to say were you on going to get my car washed be right back see death sounds better I can t say they were you going to a strip club no 2nd say that but I can see I m going to get my car washed and come back with a clean car so it s not like I m lying or stretching the truth I m just. A group of strippers held a topless car wash for these 2 police officers to dancers at City Limits Showgirls raise $2600.00 at the event in Marysville California up north to benefit Yuba County sheriff s deputies Philip Branson and Andrew Everhart the 2 law men were injured last month after responding to a report of an employee acting erratically at a marijuana farm didn t imagine that a radically in a marijuana farm. This is here s what the strippers had to say. We re giving back to the community that we re a part of bartender Anita Ashby said the sheriff s department said it had looked into the legality of the event and said that since it was held inside an enclosed tent and I.D. s were checked to make sure everyone was over 18 that it was perfectly legal Yes that s something I do know because I used to be a connoisseur of many a strip club all I know is that according to their car wash service the higher tip you give the better the show higher tip Oh you mean like you mean like gratuity Yes I completely misunderstood you know I think that it. Does you know. And I as a former member of the music industry you former member of the music industry I wouldn t say I knew Tupac but I have met him on more than one occasion as I did many people who worked in the industry I m quite sure you would probably come across him on a number of occasions I remember where I was when he was shot and killed it says on and killed I remember you told a story many times about your station and how it was I ll say. It was right in the middle of the east coast vs west coast war between rapper and so forth stations grounds or when I read that should Knight someone else I ve known and worked with over the years says that Tupac could still be alive and Shook said this while in a jail cell I have to wonder what the hell is going on that s a no no if you don t remember Tupac was shot in a car in which should Knight was driving on the last Vegas trip he was there physically when Tupac was shot and killed why he supposed at least of the belief that and I m not so sure he s even serious at this point why he s of the belief that Tupac could be alive why Tupac as a successful rapper even though there was a lot of heat on him back in 1996 would somehow go underground and be able to hide his whereabouts for more than 20 years is beyond me why he would hide his whereabouts and not even go to his mother s funeral is beyond me someone else I knew and worked with why is should saying this right now what does he hope to see hope that he s going to be freed because he can provide like and they never ask He s never getting out of jail Tupac was shot 4 times 4 times back in 1906. They said the shooter was wearing a bow tie yet never identify there have been plenty of conspiracy theories as far as whether should not himself was a part. Of the I want to call it assassination but the plot against Tupac there was always that because Tupac I guess if I remember correctly he was threatening to leave Death Row Records there was talk of. You know him wanting to be free and go about and you know supposedly individuals have gotten to him to say Hey Pocky this isn t you this isn t what you do and there are other rappers that you re familiar with like Dr Dre and also Snoop Dog who were on death row and left because of the shady business practices or logically should not so it was reasonable that Tupac wanted to leave and it was reasonable the best way to keep that from happening and also keep all the royalties because of the shady contracts was for Tupac to die in and then and in an unfortunate accident or a shooting in a public place it s all part of the conspiracy theory I mean people have gone into the day the time the hour how it all lines up to some Illuminati code in he s busy living on an island because he actually knows the truth about the government s plot against him pop you have some damn nervous talk about anybody in a conspiracy theory no I have lost your mind if I get on this show and complain about someone else with a conspiracy i m not be smirch ing I m So I m I m leading in adding to to lead to being known and to clarify that you know what she is expounding upon is all of the many conspiracies that are out there surrounding 2 POCs mysterious death . Larger question here and this is also musing on this more like a generational question why is it we are so obsessed with the idea of someone who dies and in timely death who is a music star or a superstar we need to somehow bring them back to life or say that they re actually still alive obviously I m talking about Elvis Presley. And for decades people it was it was not even a joke people were serious no Elvis was alive they would talk about Elvis sightings and it s like no he died 6 feet from his toilet but asked naked how high his heart probably exploded from all the drugs he was taking I mean this but still people want to resurrect him for any number of reasons there are people who get to pot tattoos and I m not talking about just that his name and their actual face and picture you know of of this young man on their body going full circle should not Gnosis and should not also knows and this is my conspiracy theory when you start talking about a dead celebrity like that and you re still financially tied to that dead celebrity that means especially if you re in need of legal funds that means that there s a way that you can increase revenue I would be willing to bet that to POCs album sales do increase over the next week connected to the albums that were on death row that should Knight still profits from especially if you can drum up some interviews and some other things like that maybe he s got a book in the works. Remember Michael Jackson when he died he was in debt. And now his estate is is drowning in money because of all that extra album sales after he died there s no there s a lot of money to be made after the death of a very popular celebrity especially a recording artist I would have to believe that the only reason he made this statement is because one we would discuss it on radio and t.v. And there s a financial carrot dangling out in the distance because I d be willing to bet let s check on it whether Tupac sales increase over this next week well next month or so because that means he directly profits it could have said it because the world is any tonight yeah I m still waiting just let me like it 8 o clock Pacific time or is it that world in the thing at 11 o clock central time I mean when is that because it s a lot of our Central Time in Australia is already tomorrow so yet to be really clear on when the end of the world is coming because I got to do tonight and I mean I want to make sure that I use my time wisely before the world in the world doesn t end the maybe North Korea will bomb us one of the 2 and as far as I m concerned the same thing because that means my world is ending. This is the most Ok if I am 640 more stimulating talk Michael ship a has a news. Bombers have flown to the farthest point north of the border between North and South Korea by any sense u.s. Aircraft this century the Pentagon says the mission in international airspace shows how seriously President Trump takes what s being called North Korea s reckless behavior over its nuclear threats officials say the death toll from this week s magnitude 7 point one earthquake in central Mexico has climbed to at least 305 so the defense chief Luis Philippe point they sent out a tweet today saying 167 of those deaths were in Mexico City paramedics revived got his forty s a fell from the Belmont pier at Long Beach t.m.t. Said the man had no pulse when he was pulled from the water yesterday afternoon but they got a pull from that guy while they were taken to the hospital no word on the man s condition going to check out your warmer forecasts and the drive of the 210 that. There are different ways to look at gender according to the gender bred person when I read through this and looked at it in terms of you know adding layer upon layer of identity an expression is going to ology thing it s not only is it confusing it gives people reasons to treat you differently and if I had this in front of like it my kids brought this home from school yeah I would say to them I would go like this listen it s Ok it s Ok to know this stuff like it s Ok to know that that your friend Tommy is not certain where his gender bread person lies on the baking sheet of Life Ok it s Ok to know that maybe Tommy has some questions or is different feelings than you do about it but the bottom line is don t be a d. To Tommy right don t be this is a very personal and difficult issue for a kid to deal with Yeah don t be mean to him Don t be a jerk to him just because he s having these things that are different these feelings or expressions or identity issues that are different than what you re feeling. That s that should be the bottom line not use a gender bred person diagram to to marginalize somebody because they re different if you re a little girl and you don t like Disney princesses that s fine it doesn t mean anything it doesn t mean you need to be labeled a certain way you know and I mean just because you re not into the stuff that you don t go to the back of the baking sheet Jack has you exactly I would do this if the kids brought it home. Gary and Shannon we knew it was a 10.58642 weeks. Earlier but I was driving eastbound or southbound however wherever you you call it on the 101 and the guy in front of me has a convertible and he takes is in and out bag right outside the convertible then the cop then the straw and the lid but in that order the bag 1st should open about it gets caught the wind and disappears I think sure that the bags go on nearly hit my car and then the cup goes push it s gone and then the lid and the straw. And it flips out and he s just now he s driving a clean car freeways filthy but he s a nice clean car and I sort of honored that with a tip of the cap to him you know he s an a hole he knows it and I sort of celebrate how big of an a hole Tim Conway junior 666. $644.00 stimulating to watch the game going down some $2.00 dogs and trap field number for summer nice cake cooler Fridays night parties like to chase drink specials 3 you could win and. 2 yes we re giving them away he s got that number to join us this Saturday Ok for 2 for one champagne brunch buffet and 6 where else can get and the number one reason to go to Morocco Casino Resort Spa still fight this anyway. 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To get there from disappear handling and sleek design of the x. 3 to the luxury an unrelenting power of the x 5 to the thrilling performance and versatility of the x one there s a b.m.w. S.a.v. For every kind of journey plus all B.M.W. s T.V. s have more than enough cargo space for any outing so head your local b.m.w. Center for exceptional offers the b.m.w. Financial services define your own adventure in a b.m.w. S.a.v. Even if it is a local farmer s market b.m.w. The ultimate driving machine right now Lisa 27 team b.m.w. 530 I sedan for as low as $539.00 a month details and So Cal b.m.w. Dot com Monica excited once some good news well here it is in just the last year the median price of a single family home in California has increased by over $43000.00 that means you may be able to refinance at today s low rates and eliminate your mortgage insurance payment or revive for the new higher value and use that. 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More stimulating talk starts now. K.s.i. Car radio station. Am 644 stipulating talking Kelley here. Yeah we are due overdue for a good dose of nerd a llama from comic books to superhero movies on tech gizmos show us that you know it s time for another. 7 step feeling about. Learn. Your. Lesson. In that never Rama intro you hear that music and nerds nerds What s the dirt that comes from the movie Revenge of the Nerds and recently I was sad to learn about the passing of actor Bernie Casey who played you in Jefferson in Revenge of the nerds if you enjoy anything that we have to say about nerd talk or geeks and that kind of thing it has evolved largely because of that movie it s a movie in which reminded me it was Ok to be in the band it was Ok to study science it was Ok to think about things which are not sports and related and appreciate them and I just want to say Godspeed to Bertie Casey and well wishes to his family on his passing. With that let s get to the nerd news of the week there was this trailer which dropped Netflix Marvel Universe the Punisher for some reason to all my dumb ass since you a link to the trailer thinking like you hadn t seen it. And I know that I should have known better that you had already seen it 452 times by the time I sent a 10. At least I ve been waiting for for the full trailer. Since daredevil season 2. Was I found out that they were going on a head and shooting the full season in that it would be out this year I ve been waiting for the trailer of the teaser trailer where he s breaking concrete that they debuted at the end of the defenders for anyone who watched all the way through the last episode the defenders this trailer has given me everything that I need in something having to do with the representation of the Punish I mean we could play the trailer but it s just he see someone he shoots someone he s angry he s killing folks into what you know forgot to state the obvious what are you wearing right now look I m double down and Punisher in honor of Punisher day is I m going to call it I got on my sweater I got on my shirt I should warm up under socks but they were going to yes I do yes I do I have Punisher sux. Look vis is hands down my favorite character my favorite care you say Sure favorite character but it s been portrayed by different actors and different properties over the years I mean prior to now did you have a favorite like Thomas Jane or no for I mean for me it s it s the prior to Dolphin longer in. I would put an issue. That sounds like Ivan Drago I don t know I was here a Q I mean it pretty much was it was really really rough Thomas Jane. Ray. I want to say Ray Fischer but. Ray Stevenson who also took a turn with was a much darker more bloody violent Punisher I like Thomas Jane s. Self-made Punisher film he did with Ron Perlman called dirty laundry if you get a chance to go on You Tube You can probably still find Thomas Janes Dirty Laundry which prior to Jon Bernthal portrayal of Punisher in Daredevil season 2 was the best I ve ever seen Punisher done live shot out to Thomas Jane for that comes to me while the act is a quality actor and he took on the Punisher because like me he is a Punisher fan he was hoping by doing the 1st film they would give him leeway into doing his own so he took his own money and shot his own short to say please I m begging you give me a sequel this is what I can do not unlike Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds Yes very much and I think that s where Ryan rose got the idea because but ended. Thomas been drummed up so much support through dirty laundry but Marvel didn t really have the rights for and they were they were there was a whole fight to get the rights back so by the time they got it they re like sorry times and we re moving on. But but in this trailer I m I m I m so happy I m so happy that they re not going some type of heroic but what about the criticism that I ve heard that it s it s too dark it s too violent he is not a redeemable figure he is not. I mean that s one of those like yeah he s no no no he s not an antihero he s closer to a villain than you know what in the end see here s the thing when you watch. Season 2 a daredevil you ll see you know people taking the stand during the trial. Episode when they were trying to convict the Punisher and you had police officers and just regular citizens saying hey this guy is is is doing things that need to be done in our neighborhoods where you ve got some people like this guy s a murdering psychopath but you know what he only kills criminals you gotta love a guy like that. You gotta love it we ve got to pause for a moment because we ve got to go to break but when we come back on the other side we re doing the 2nd half are known around the what are we going to what are we going to get as a you know there s so many things that that that have hit I mean since this is like the 1st murder Rahman like 3 weeks ago when we got some some Han Solo news d.c. Is doing something really really interesting with with the c.w. D.c. Shows one definitely hit on that I didn t watch the premiere of Gotham but I heard it was really really good so we ll skip that but there s also news from h.b.o. And watch minute to so much to talk about you got to come back we ll hit that on the other side of the break this is the most Kelley show were right in the middle of nerd a rama $640.00 more stimulating talk Michael ship a has the news a former Orange County Superior Court clerk that accepted more than $400000.00 in bribes to fix tickets and other court cases has been sentenced to 11 years in prison Lopez Jr was convicted of getting into court computers and making it look like more than 1000 defendants either pleaded guilty paid fees or did community service when they had not even created documents showing some charges including deal wise had been dropped firefighters had to close 3 lanes of the eastbound to 10 through Pasadena So firefighters could attack a brush fire near Madres St Authorities say the fire is suspicious in origin and was in an area near homeless camps it was reported about 330 this afternoon flames scorched about an acre of brush before firefighters called a knockdown of that fire before for this afternoon u.s. National Hurricane Center says people along the Carolinas in the Mid Atlantic coast should watch the progress of Maria hurricanes about 285 miles east of Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says the spirit and strength of the Puerto Rican people is astonishing and damage to the island is devastating the devastation of the island is really breathtaking there are parts of the island that had as much as 7 to 8 feet of water. In homes at a global has returned home after seeing firsthand the damage done by Hurricane Marina Maria he says the number one challenge now is to get the power back on power was knocked out of the entire island apparently there are estimates showing that will be months before the entire power grid is restored traffic from your help the traffic center crashes Elysian Park on the 5 at is on the southbound side at replace your belongings and to live and eat elsewhere while repairs are made get the strength to rebuild contact your home insurance company about earthquake insurance or learn more at 1st quake authority dot com to get tested so getting it tested solely on it s more Lopez let you know that the Toyota players countdown is on now. Test Intel you know that we said the $27.00 teams you know are to $79.00 per month plus tax this part is so comfortable and easy to take the entire fan out start shopping now attempting to go to dot com to check and I don t . Like her because part. Here if you just know they re all stock market for some people falling asleep can be as hard as the workday they just put in but that doesn t have to be that way great sleep starts with the right sheets they re more affordable than you think that s what you get with Bolen branch each sheet is crafted with 100 percent organic and they get softer over time and since bowling brand sells exclusively online you don t have to pay that expensive retail mark up half the price for twice the quality triumph for 30 nights and see for yourself if you re not impressed return for a full refund everyone who sleeps on ball their brand sheets loves them that s why they have thousands of 5 star review and even 3 presidents have slept on bowling brand shapes go to bowling branch dot com today $50.00 off your 1st set of shapes plus free shipping just go to a ball and branch and use the promo code common way that s 50 bucks off and free shipping at bowling branch dot com That s be o.l. L. And branch dot com promo code Conway Heart Radio. Your favorite music. Your favorite station all free to break from the World Open the i Heart Radio app because song play list artist or even a podcast and immerse yourself in your own personal get away space sometimes you just need to tune out the world to tune in to i Heart Radio download or open the free i Heart Radio with. The old George Miller joke there was a spider in South America and these type of spiders only. Eat ants but he was a vegan so he wouldn t eat any ants he would just eat plants but then somebody asked the spider if there were tofu in the shape of ants would you eat him he said Oh yeah. So in the shelter Oh yeah that oh yeah I d eat all of those and Tim Conway junior $6.00 and $6.00. 644 stimulating talk Pyrrhic Jr 5 we re all about whether you listen to whatever you want to hear that s why whenever the Chargers play each weekend you ll still be able to catch your favorite j.-a by shows on the i Heart Radio Hour I try to. Listen to k.l. Via radio or the Chargers at CIO my car radio because this is America buddy you deserve it you just do you can I am 640 i Heart Radio station. I am 640 more stimulating Tom Odell here keep it tuned right here Monique my visit be coming up again and also dark secret place with Brian suits at 10 o clock no need to change the station right now we are in the middle of nerd a rama it s been so long since we ve had a chance to weigh in on all things comic and geeky in that regret in that regard to Wallace sharp you were teasing a lot of stuff going on in d.c. And h.b.o. Where do you want to go I want to start with the hand solo tease there Ron Howard dropped this week it s a clip. Of what looks to be an area facility planet side with the word spicy back up Ron Howard who has stepped in to direct the stand to. Home and solo movie yes he has he took over for. Chris Lord in the other cat who who gave us the Lego movie. Howard is now taking over so far everything is looking good especially with this Instagram hit with the spicy I ve always wondered whether a director if you come up with come in step in late and not have to reshoot the whole damn movie to suit his vision because obviously there was a problem prior to that and n. And on with him with is because the main thing that we won and seen in this film is the Kessel Run why would we want to see that because it is lore it s something that we ve heard and thought about and wondered if the Millennium Falcon ever made the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs and an end by spicy. Deep deep deep super deep Star Wars lore nerds know that. That on the planet Kessel live spice mines which were big in you know which were big among traders and pirates in the in the empire so saying spikes again showing what looks to be a mine or mine shaft or something leads everyone to believe that he s talking about the Spice mines a castle which I think we re going to see the Castle Rock I would like to see the Millennium Falcon in his prime I would too I would to. Speak in a prime coming back to prime time in October. The c.w. Arrow verse shows are back. Supergirl season 3 premieres on October 9th flash season 4 and D.C. s legends of tomorrow both from near on October 10th and arrow airs on October 12th just set your counters but I bring all that up to say that in November D.C. s are our d.c. T.v. Elise s already moving forward to let you know that vicious season s Epic 4 part crossover is crisis on earth x. Yet explained some because not everyone knows d.c. Every single year they will have a cross crossover event in which each show will tell a portion of the story on consecutive subsequent nights of end bringing each character into everyone else right world so you know flash an arrow and legends of tomorrow and Supergirl all take part in this 4 part. It s not just show it in each show and this one is interesting because it s almost. It s almost going back to to say Crisis on Infinite Earths where you ll have the heroes from Earth s prime facing off against almost clone like there s another Earth Earth x. Where where Nazis one which I think they re trying to get real political with this show where Nazis won and and just heroes and everyone just fighting against Nazis where you have like the Arrow and different heroes who actually turn out to be villains but because the flash has been jumping around throughout time and whatnot that he They ve got a hose I messed up the whole thing so now they ve got to do battle on earth x. And I m just curious to see how they re going to be able to do this what is it about Earth x. Own care about this earth I do too I care about this earth but. We re going to see ransom because this is big news some really cares because they may turn this into They ve been teasing the whole infinite earth by way back in flash and now we re about to see how they re going to either bring this to a cold so we can get back to just dealing with a with our Prime Earth and stop worrying about all the same every Earth you can t save ever damn it so just listen it s going to focus on this one focusing on this earth h.b.o. Has officially ordered the watch have been as a series the watchman is is probably one of the most revered comics in all of comic history because with that comic book came a darker realisation of who super heroes can be is x. Snyder production No No No Zack Snyder did the watchman film yes which left a lot of people scratching their head going w.t.f. Men like seriously what are you doing here this series it s being put together by Damon Lindelof Damon Lindelof Lind Lyndall. In other words he s that he s an unknown he s an unknown and and so h.b.o. Is going to brave this show we will see what happens I m curious to see how if they can do maybe like a game of thrones Khana like level of production on a watchman series that to be really really interest for me everything with watchman revolves around how they can portray Dr Manhattan if if that if they can successfully portray his power his intellect his idiosyncrasies and all those things then that for me will be a good sign if they can t get that right then it won t work for anyone working quickly before we get out here there is a new charity that is looking to help retailers comic retailers specifically through what many are calling hard times there are a lot of comic shops that are falling on hard times because it s getting harder and harder to get. The d. Diehards and the nerds to keep coming to the shop while also generating interest for new fans so there is a new organization out there helping comic retailers with issues that s clever helping comic retail s with dozens on through yes yes it is and and there are new charity that helps comic book Real tells remain in business to hard times this charities funded and was announced by its board of directors and whatnot so if you are a comic shop owner and you need some help getting through the hard times look them up look them up comic helping comic retailers with issues only had their address they I didn t find their phone number let s look at what you posted on the Web So yeah I find it and sukkahs I know there are a lot of shops a lot of people I know that every time I talked on there like do we are really going through it it s tough keeping people in the shops it s difficult because people of have a shorter attention span they re less inclined as a generation to be looking for a physical. Yet it s difficult and then a lot of what with with new or with newer fans and people who are being introduced to the world of superheroes and nerd to med large they may be going into the stores looking for what they see on t.v. And in films right but you walk into a store and you realize that this world is deep this world spans you know almost 100 years now in just comic lore he just with everything you can get lost just trying to follow with one story line much less the multitude of comics that are in the shop but I m floor you man kids going to shop Parents take your kid into a comic shop in knowledge your kids learn reading from something that they may like speaking of kids when we come back toys r us has filed bankruptcy what does that mean for toys What does that mean for the industry and what does that mean for memories of our childhood when we come back this is the most Kelley show k f I am 640 Michael suppose he has the news call about a puppy locked in a car ended with the arrest of the owner after police found drugs cash and a gun inside along with the dog cabin at about 130 this morning on West 2nd Street Pomona cops say that a gun was in plain view and they later found another gun some pot and cocaine in a more extensive search of the car the pilot the passenger in a single engine plane the crash landed on a street in Glendale were able to walk away from records no one on the ground was hurt in that crash last night very smart and final story in the death toll from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico is now at least 10 a number includes 2 police officers a drowned in the flood waters in the western town of a lot of the number of deaths is expected to go higher. Just your forecast which it could drive a 710 next. To reassure and inside studio coming up later on the Gary and Shannon show you know Mike coming up later this morning on the Gary and Shannon show have you heard about those. Coming up later this morning on a Gary and Shannon Chad you heard. All right some of the sea org Coming up later this morning on the Gary and Shannon show I felt like the whole show was off the rails it was something where is it you re going to New York the home of all places I m going to Estonia Oh I m standing there she tells us all about it there s I hated me trying to think get out of the pancakes there s a totally naked ladies in the u.k. Of all places they exist all right I ll try that is. Coming up later this morning on the Friday edition of the Gary Indiana show. Right Ok sorry. Coming up later this morning on the Friday edition of the Gary and Shannon show you hear about this Navy commander who was dressed as Santa Claus at the Pentagon and the trouble he got into. Know well. This is. Science to. Say thank you school. Gary and Shannon we do mornings at 10 pm I am 644 still really. Driving through the bad and I pull over in the desert to leave the show and walk behind like these cactus thing and by the time I go back to my car there s 3 unmarked cars around me not close enough where I can see them they re all tinted windows but one was up the street but was down the street the other one was like about 20 feet from my car and I walked towards them to see where they were and they just started backing up and I got my car and I took off nails but it had to be one of those Area $51.00 deals but I thought you know this is this going to be buried here Tim Conway Jr 6 it s 6. 644 stimulating touch. When I was a kid our family had a big scene a console television that was about the size of a small hit bottom is poing for sure legs your family probably had one too anyway captain was always talking about when bicycles and what made them better than other vices sitting there cross-legged on the floor kept in fishmeal always by good quality made with real craftsmanship because it works better last longer and saves you money and when it comes to air conditioners that s the way it gets even weirder I only hire technicians installers remind me of Mr Green Jeans happy hardworking he just wants you to be happy called g o e d t l but it s hard if you see one of my technicians ask them for a good question like contractor license 10237 I know you ll find the phone number of people dot com g u e t v dot com. 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Fornia has increased by over $43000.00 that means you may be able to refinance at today s low rates and eliminate your mortgage insurance payment or reside for the new higher value and use that cash to pay off your nondeductible debt credit cards car loans whatever and replace them with cheaper mortgage interest which may be tax deductible check with a tax advisor make the cash call 88778900 cash and in about 5 minutes we ll tell you what your home s current value looks like and what a relief I could do for you so make the cash call 88778900 cash and take advantage of our fixed rates and a.p.r. As low as 2.99 percent with no closing costs so call and get the news that will make you smile in fact more work to be a casual marginalising lender call 856-579-9104 terms of restrictions California Department of Business oversight residential mortgage lender license unless 128231 that s 877-8900 cash are you looking to meet people but don t want an online dating site if you want to meet people face to face and experience a real life social network check out my social calendar it is so cool there is no pressure and you can go out on your own schedule whether you re looking to relax at a wine tasting or zip line your way through an afternoon there is something for everyone you can even go kayaking or head to a football game you ve got to check out my social calendar whether you re new here in the area or your newly single it is a great way to meet other single people in person not on line check out my social calendar dot com Come on try something new and you just might find that a whole new life will open up for you my social calendar brings you together with other singles that s a whole lot better than staring at a screen and typing messages to a total stranger right check out my social calendar dot com That s my social calendar dot com. You see more stimulating talk in your future that future starts now k s r And i Heart Radio station. 640 more stimulating saw no Kelly here just a programming note tomorrow because of the Chargers broadcasts we should be on after the post-game show approximately 5 30 pm if the game ends and post game show ends on time we ll go from 530 to 6 then Rick Adelman will go from 6 to 7 pm and will be back from 7 to 8 pm Yes I know it s confusing but just stick with us we ll still have quality content for you so roughly it will be 530 to 6 tomorrow and then will go away for an hour and will come back from 7 to 8 pm and we have a wonderful interview schedule with the silvers fever. All that you know how we do our music interviews more of the same tomorrow and speaking of things which hearken back to our childhood or. It really broke my heart to read this week that toys r us had filed bankruptcy and whether that means they completely go away or are going through a reorganization that s neither here nor there for me it just speaks to the larger trend of traditional brick and mortar retailers struggling to survive regardless of the nature of their specific industry and it made me wonder why is it or how is it toys r us could not find some way to succeed online or as an online focus business as opposed to some of these other retailers it s not like toys are not being sold it s not like there is a lack of need or desire to purchase toys is just not going specifically to the physical location of toys r us or. Maybe it is maybe kids don t actually play with toys anymore they just play with smartphones and video games and they don t seek out toys in a way that you did or I did as a child and into all it didn t you work for time at toys r us I did I did I loved it I was I was an am a Toys r us kid so that was one of the greatest joys of my life to actually work there after shopping there and going there for so many years and just knowing so much about the store walking into it I still go in and check it out so reading this story and seeing this it it hurt my feelings but it reminded me that you know last year you know when I work during the holidays you know during Black Friday shopping you know we open of him in night expecting this big rush you know we had Black Friday 2016 yes we had loads of pie phase games and shopped in and Nerf guns and you know we had stance instead of to create the lying to organize the crowd and and I think maybe 100 people walked through the doors that evening. And that and that s not good you know in our store shelves were packed and even the next day there were lot of people they came in you know you know just but but not enough to justify. All that product and really the staff we all know it s a tough thing you know and then I think probably the busiest time that we had was was the returns people coming in who had gotten gifts and were bringing them back but you have a business like Amazon which sells a little bit of everything I wonder why maybe they did try I don t want to assume that they didn t why toys r us did not be able to say they were unable to see the future where it was headed and possibly try to pair with an online retailer or to create that online presence so the name has or is that they have a serious online division I mean like like we have a whole section of the store dedicated to boxing in packaging in fulfilling online orders. I think I think what the some of the biggest things that we saw were the in-store play sessions work where we switched set up a thing where kids could come in and play with the new Lego sets come in and play with different things so they could get an idea if they liked them or not you know even even bicycles you know you would see kids riding around the stores on bikes and I hang get off that bike before you crash or hurt yourself but if toys r us is going to survive with all that real estate that these stores have they need to find a way to open up their stores for 4 more in-store experiences for children because otherwise you don t need all that space just to sell stuff that you re right people can get on Amazon easier in fact probably faster and it ll be in stock Yeah and deliver probably that day or the next latest That just breaks my heart I remember when I when I got the news that f.a.o. Schwartz was going through bankruptcy and closing stores is just another toy store closing it s almost like another portion of my childhood dying unfortunately hopefully toys r us will have. Some way to survive beyond this bankruptcy and at least keep that name alive this is the most Kelly show coming up next is Monique Marvis we ll see them all hopefully around 53536 and then we disappear for an hour I know it s weird it s very weird and then we come back at 7 o clock. am 640 more stimulating talk. Has come to the sales land remember that road rage can help alleviate the cold experts recommend wearing full length big boy jeans if caught outside while wearing capris wrap your ankles with duct tape or you might get goosebumps on your shins remember these tips and stay warm in public service Ok if I am 640. Was too hasty to Los Angeles I 44 hours like ceiling joists double murder likely salt Michael supreme life and 24 hour k. a Fine news room cops in Glendale say they are investigating what looks to be a murder suicide at a home on East Windsor Road Police say they responded to a call of an unknown The problem at about 1230 this afternoon and found a man and a woman inside the hall both are said to be in their forty s Police say it s not clear who shot who and at this time they are not looking for any other shooter or shooters in the case and he was brought to you by you know calm global. 6 point one magnitude earthquake has hit Well hockey Mexico that earthquake hit at about 8 this morning local time it was felt hundreds of miles away in Mexico City that s where search crews briefly Poz their rescue efforts as they continue to dig through rubble from the 7 point one magnitude quake that hit Tuesday and killed more than 300 people the u.s. Geological Survey says today s quake was not an aftershock of the Mexico City quake but was an aftershock from the 8 point one magnitude quake that hit Mexico September 7th killing at least 90 people about 400000 people are into bondage dominance another fetishes and they are about to hit the streets of San Francisco it s the annual Folsom Street Fair the world s largest leather and fetish fair Organizers say the event tomorrow will have more than $200.00 vendors showcasing their latest role playing and bondage gear and toys 6 city blocks along historic Folsom Street will be closed for the fair which also features games beverage booth and even a spanking booth with all the money going to charity and.

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Transcripts for KARN 102.9 FM [Newsradio 102.9 KARN] KARN 102.9 FM [Newsradio 102.9 KARN] 20170301 230000

Orthopedic surgeon Dr Christopher Beauchamp says surgery to fix her hips would be complicated standard hip replacement implants wouldn t work she needed a custom designed surgery and custom designed implants 3 d. Printing technology helped with both using information from a c.t. Scan the printer spits out a 3 dimensional model of the patient s hip joint we are now able to take those models and actually do the planned surgical procedure on the patients model 1st a practice run that increases accuracy during the real procedure then they send the model of the patients joint to a manufacturer who makes custom designed implants technology that helps give Brooke a part of her life back from a clinic radio I m Tracy McRae. To talk Washburn live in local on News Radio 1029 k. a r n F e m a Sharon in Little Rock a cumulus station. C.b.s. News I m Deborah Broderick Gaz President Trump speaks and Wall Street reacts the Dow shot up 303 points to close at a new record high c.b.s. News business reporter Jason Brooks schools were unleashed on Wall Street as the Dow cruised above $21000.00 just over a month since it closed above $20000.00 for the 1st time investors cheered the president s plan to ask Congress to spend one trillion dollars on the nation s infrastructure bank stocks rallied on the prospects of a Federal Reserve rate hike later this month investment adviser Michael Farr market surging to new levels is a good thing but of course it also means that things are becoming more expensive and if the rule is to buy low and sell high these are new all time highs and investors need to be cautious s. And p. Gained 32 today Nasdaq ahead 78 all s cool between presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway and the White House C.B.S. s Steve Dorsey says the administration has closed the chapter on ethics questions involving that free plug for the 1st daughters clothing the. Up White House ethics attorney says Conway unknowingly promoted Yvonne good trumps fashion line during a live t.v. Interview when there wasn t anything nefarious behind it she was accused of violating rules that prohibit Administration employees from using their official position to indorse products or services Conway reacting to Nordstrom dropping the Evangeline Pricewaterhouse Coopers accountants take their lumps for the big mix up over Best Picture at the Academy Awards C.B.S. s defender Mint has details the 2 accountants who are in charge of the all the upset Sunday night s Oscars are out they have been given the boot a lifetime ban they will not be back at next year s Oscars or ever this according to Academy president sure. One of the 2 accountants Brian Cullen and was seen taking cell phone pictures just before the mix up took place he has been tabulating the Oscar vote since 1934 but says the relationship is still under review the widow of the man who gunned down $49.00 people at again nightclub in Orlando is out of jail in Oakland California north Salmond s attorney Charles Swift a magistrate order today that she be released on a $500000.00 bond secured by the properties of her family into the custody of her family Federal officials say Omar machines wife knew about her husband s plan and made up a cover story for him her trial will take place in Florida they didn t know how much damage there was in a plate Illinois until the sun came out really got hit hard 100 we thought last night when we did the final assessment courage morning air James Rick grateful like to thank all the people from the surrounding communities. Come together and supplied us with food water and other services for the folks here think that tornadoes are blamed for 3 deaths in the Midwest hundreds of homes damaged or destroyed this is c.b.s. News. Chris single mother. Latest from Newsradio 1029 k. R.n. Fort Smith police made an arrest in connection with an apartment complex fatal shooting 25 year old Jeremy Palmer was taken into custody at 9 am on charges of 1st degree murder committing a terroristic act and felon in possession of a firearm according to Arkansas on line Palmer is currently being held in Sebastian County jail he s accused of shooting 35 year old Jason Thomas in the face in the parking lot of the West apartments complex Thomas was pronounced dead at the scene Palmer s not a resident of West apartments storms ripped through White County last night destroying multiple homes Fox sixteen s Mitch McCoy describe some of the damage and can sit there are half a dozen tree that have been completely our lives are on the ground and there we ve come across a couple homes that are completely torn off the initial reports say 10 to 15 people are injured thus far in White County there were some minor injuries people had to go to the hospital for broken arms or whatnot but nothing like j.b. Hunt transport services will implement a fleet wide container tracking Arkansas Online reports the local based company will use a New Jersey company to provide machine to machine communication systems that can track and monitor fixed and mobile assets j.b. Hunts 90000 pieces of trailing equipment the nation s largest $53.00 foot container fleet will feature solar were chargeable g.p.s. Tracking devices and sensors to detect cargo and Arkansas lottery game has a $165000.00 jackpot drawing if someone claims the winning ticket in a release the Arkansas Lottery Commission says the natural state jackpot hasn t had a winner since January causing the jackpot to climb to the 165000 dollars prize next news in 30 minutes I m Chris Ingram Newsradio 1029 k. Or n helos hey this is talk Washburn inviting you to join me and other k.-r. In listeners on why m.t.v. Cations 13. For island tour of the tropical islands of Hawaii departing Aug 30th specialize in travel to Hawaii for almost 50 years and this itinerary is fantastic We ll tour Pearl Harbor and visit Waikiki Beach on Oahu take the y. Little river boat cruise on the romantic explore the capital of behind on Maui and on the big island tour in. National Park and more included hotels baggage handling escort and sightseeing on every island and flights between the islands call why Mt vacations at 187-160-4274 reservations and details all this for only $3418.00 per person and that includes taxes and airfare from Little Rock. For a limited time safe $200.00 per couple call today 187160427 again that s 187160427. Continues you ve got. A. Red Door want to. Get a great price How about 20 percent off every steak with all the trimmings every Wednesday night enjoy. Some of the best wine prices in town Wednesday evenings that read. What we re saying out of volume right now for a 67167 northbound that s going to be in between 440 and Jacksonville as well as 31 that s going to be in between Scott Hamilton up to Alexander 430 northbound that s going to be between 630 all the way up to Interstate 40 kind of lining University. Georgia. And Louisiana at $630.00 all those accidents. This is Chris counts with the Arkansas traffic network driven by. Turning much colder tonight under a clear starlit sky $36.00. Will continue to see sunshine for Friday. A match the weather meteorologist. From. The. Time This is rather. Than get. Time to. Enjoy listening to. Radio. That. Will drive. Now what a difference a day makes the the weather we re sure rocking about this time 24 hours ago I mean we had a guest in near talk about school choice and hardly let me get a letter get a word in edgewise because we had all this breaking weather stuff going on it looks nice today but to give us an idea what all happened yesterday afternoon evening and even into the middle of night I know my wife woke me up at 4 45 in the morning pushing me pushing me like listen to that song like hail like you know Ok I m going to sleep. Anyway we want to go to the news radio want to do 9 k. R.n. News maker line and welcome senior meteorologist from the National Weather Service in Little Rock Chuck Rickard to our program in the vain hope that he may be able to help us re instill some sense of decorum today s proceedings Chuck l.r.u. I m doing good thanks how are you I m doing pretty good but I guess some of the folks north of Little Rock really got hammered last night. Yeah we actually saw kind of 2 waves of severe weather impact a good part of the state the 1st round came through. The most this time yesterday a couple. Storms that moved across the central Arkansas and up across northeast Arkansas produced. Right now we ve got 2 tornadoes. That we surveyed today want to take its And like county and then cans in one county as well and that storm continued on into Tennessee and points east and then we actually had a 2nd wave of line of storms come through the overnight hours which as you were mentioning walk quite a few of us up. Predawn hours this morning and that was actually a soldier with a cold front that came through and brought us all this cooler weather today so let me let me just correct the record on that Chuck storms don t wake me up that was definitely my wife that woke me up because she wanted me to hear the hail but I think I saw it through to my wife was awake but I myself so you go well so the 2 tornadoes that were sure of that hit the 2 small communities in White County was that around like maybe 7 or 8 o clock last night yeah just after 7 the 1st one right now we think happened 7 o 5 and Gibson and then the next storm the next 20 to touch down just up the road again to around 7 o 9710 so they were pretty close just just after 7 o clock hour Ok I remember the 1st time that I saw anybody talk about Doppler radar weather and it was like golly I don t know probably 20 some years ago when I was in Charlotte North Carolina hanging out my mom s house for a little bit. And the meteorologist on t.v. Was saying Ok so the storm s going to be right here at 5 o 7 and then over here at about $510.00 over here $513.00 and my brother and I look at each other like how they do that I guess the advances in technology over the last 20 or 30 years have have really helped you guys to be able to do your job a lot better than like say meteorologists say 40 or 50 years ago Oh most definitely I mean I m dating myself when I started the weather service but when I 1st came in it s almost 30 years ago I mean we were doing were in our. Pen and paper basically wearing out where the storms were and then when the new radar station and their early ninety s you know computer power wasn t that great then which improved over the years but yeah it was a I mean just a night and day difference as far as what we could see as far as data wise with storms and it s still even today I mean they re still there in research on just you know really what we see and what the radar interpretate some how we have Turkey the data so I mean it s you know we re just at night and day from what we had to deal with 2030 years ago so yeah I remember in the Carolinas there was a tornado outbreak in 1984 and in late March in 1904 and some of the the really small towns that got hit and you re going from the South Carolina into North Carolina I remember thinking at the time well they didn t really have a t.v. Or radio right there not much you would think of these real small towns how would people even know back then before the internet before Doppler anything you know and a lot of the death and destruction so you know we have a lot we thank of war in this day and age what s what s the biggest. I guess challenge that meteorologists and you guys the National Weather Service have even with all this technology. Oh I wouldn t have. Maybe not whole a problem I probably just data overload today there are so many ways to get warnings and information the information is all out there that we provide the tablets and yeah it s all free and you know people are programming doing different apps for your cellphone and you know it just are so many ways to get the information out just making sure you get the right information for where you are and you know basically know where you are and have a plan once you get that information a warning or a watch and such so yeah because I was telling people yesterday like. Depending upon what county they were in if you re out on the road you need to get into a you know really starting shelter right away you know yeah you really I mean need to be really aware where you are and you know the surroundings if you re not familiar especially you know if you get stuck on the interstate somewhere and there s a tornado I mean just comes on the you know if you don t have any warning via your phone or anything so I mean there s a lot of. A lot of different things that you know can apply to a situation like we said you know each situation is different for the public so yeah you know what we got a listener here who has a quick question about whether satellite of if if if that s Ok if we can take a listener call here real quick get us on Ok Roscoe in Conway you had a question about the weather satellite for Chuck Rickard from national weather service or a check Roscoe here I ve heard about the new geo says it geo 16 weather satellite Yeah yeah yeah and outside is just going to revolutionize the way you all do everything I can to hang up and listen to your comment on it yeah Ok sure hear that thanks good call Roscoe. Chuck your thoughts about that well we re we re kind of in the early stages ourselves of saying we having seen the data yet we ve just seen some snippets of the. People that are actually brought the satellite on on line that we get to see and really we re not going to see real time data probably for right now maybe within the next year or so so we re actually working in the training process are so kind of. Out of beta testing right now yeah they re testing out the satellite themselves so it will come online in the next 6 to 12 months and they will you know be able to actually look at some of the data but it s going to be totally revolutionized as far as what we re you know instead just pictures of the cars around me so much more than we ve ever seen before so how how the 1st pretty colors 1st one so yeah all right what Chuck thank you so much for for being available on such short notice and and come in to come on and tell us what what happened overnight and we preceded all you guys do and as we say here in the natural state y all concious Oh yeah that s just what 5 minutes whether we change is so dry that it was a dry weather for the rest of the week so we should be nice for a few days absolutely God bless you have a great day sir thank you hi to thanks. Me so concerned about power outages stuff love somebody off energy here in just a moment as the doc washer show continues. But again every 10 minutes you ve got a news radio want to tune. In. Are you hiring over 3000000 businesses. For hiring your next job opening on the world s number one. Little Rock Police working Colonel Klink University at Melrose Georgia 42nd Ludwick and Louisiana at 630 this is Chris counts for the Arkansas traffic network driven by crane automotive team. But what if you make a mistake. Go with Jackson Hewitt have your back and get your maximum refund guaranteed. Terms and Conditions. Clear skies and much colder tonight dropping down to although of 36 degrees tomorrow plenty of sunshine high 62 will stay bright and sunny for Friday with a high of 61. And now you re up to date more ways want to really want to a r. 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Are this run into Arkansas s tornado and hail alley Unfortunately your insurance adjuster may be in a time crunch when he comes out to check damage he may actually miss some of what the hail storm or high winds to your roof so how do you know he didn t miss something due to his busy schedule how can you be sure that when the insurance company cuts were checked you re actually going to get all the money they owe you that s where AK human contracting comes in your roof is the biggest investment in your home but Acura will do a full inspection of your entire property not just the roof but your windows garage mailbox everything for free and report all the damage to your insurance provider right away to make sure you get all the money they owe you why wait when you can have the peace of mind that your property is in good shape after a major storm hits AQIM and contracting will hold your insurance company completely responsible for any damages to your home check out the great reviews on Google and the Better Business Bureau when the storms hit your home go to their website make my roof great again dot com AK human contracting will make sure you get everything the insurance company owes you make my roof great again dot com. Career burn outs can affect anybody follow the short tips to help you stay focused at work and not flame out by the end of the year I m Pat O Brien with a business rockstars minute step one change your work environment if you can try working from a different place if the weather is nice find a spot outside to spend the day working from a coffee shop or a library sometimes a simple change in scenery can be fresh enough to help you recover from burnout step to get an outside opinion sometimes you re too deep in your problems to be able to see a way out an outside influence whether it s a trusted friend a counselor or family member can be instrumental in helping you fashion a healthy plan to move forward step 3 Don t give up think about battling burnout is everybody s different what works for somebody else might not work for you but the bottom line is to never give up I m Pat O Brien and this has been a business rockstars minute. With your Mayo Clinic radio health minutes I m Tracy McRae running from your heart down through the chest and abdomen is the aorta about the size of a garden hose that s the main vessel that supplies blood to the body but just like a garden hose it can weaken balls and burst because most patients with down in that hour to can your reasons don t have symptoms that s why Dr Peter Gleick Wicki was pleased to see the recent recommendations of the u.s. Preventative Services Task Force the panel recommended one time screening with an ultrasound for men 65 to 75 who smoke or who have smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetimes at downing that hour to Kenya as in which is a deadly disease and if you don t know that you have abdominal hour to gain your resume and your aneurism ruptures about 75 to 80 percent of the people may die the panel says more research is needed to determine whether screening women in that age group who smoke or have smoked would be helpful for more information talk with your doctor or visit Mayo Clinic dot org. Even local radio 1029 k. r n. What I tell you. What a mess what a storm yesterday. All right delighted to go now to the news radio one of the. Newsmaker line. Our next guest is Julie months so she s a communications manager at energy organ saw and we welcome this month s soul to the program in the vain hope that she may be able to help us really instill some sense of decorum to today s proceedings how are you. Good afternoon and how are you hate doing pretty good and thankful that we didn t have any power outages in our neighborhood but obviously with. Some of the really bad weather that passed through I guess what we just had. A meteorologist of National Weather Service and it looks like there were basically 2 waves the 1st wave late afternoon early evening and then the other wave overnight and I know that any time something like this happens you guys get your your guys out there as quickly as possible to try to get everybody s power back on what what was the the damage. Right well as you can imagine probably from some of the images each saying lot of broken pole a lot of wire down particularly in the Northeast Arkansas and central north central that a Q a confirmed tornado now in The Hague and Kenseth area around 30 a lot of damage there I bought a lot of damage in the Harrisburg and walnut Ridge quadrille area and up and they are looking well a lot of there s a lot of work to do. Get that stuff replaced and that picked back up a lot of the straight line winds high gusty winds a lot of damage in Mother Nature was was really kind in some parts not so much in others yeah that s for sure I mean basically yesterday about this time on our show we pretty much suspended regular programming and we re just warning people about this warning here this watch is there take a look at the. The radar for people who were driving and telling them to stop driving and you know get in a really sturdy building not a not a not open or formers market in you know in something brick and mortar So where were you guys right now as as far as as outages in and putting people back online Sure Well we ve I have restored about 20000 of the outages they were at the peak about 33000 We re now down to about 14000 I m most of those in that northeast corner that we talked about you know the Batesville was ill want to reject every a we have a good group of about a 1000 in the Mountain View area as well that will be working on into this evening sure so yes there s there s work to be done this evening some will be restored tonight of some will be restored into tomorrow and into tomorrow evening so and then there may be a few here and there that would carry over into the following day but the majority of those risk be restored by tomorrow evening and I guess the the best advice is we re trying to get this done as quickly as possible please be patient and you know we try to I guess under promise and over deliver right Well absolutely and listen you mentioned safety. During the storm and I want to take just a minute you talk about they. Hang on line hang on just a 2nd hold at all Julie Don t go anywhere traffic and weather together on the 6 is . If you buy Jackson he would tax service filing your taxes online may sound easy but what if you make a mistake or the i.r.s. Send you a letter go with Jackson Hewitt they ll have your back and get you the maximum refund guaranteed visit jacks and terms and conditions apply Little Rock Police 40 working kernel Glen a university take a look at Bella Rosa Georgia Cantrell 42nd Ludwig and Louisiana at 630 this is Chris counts with the Arkansas traffic network driven by crane automotive team crane team dot com. Turning much colder tonight under a clear starlit sky low 36 for tomorrow bright sunshine 62 will continue to see sunshine for Friday when the high of 61 a Mackie weather meteorologist Danielle Nidal John Washburn taking you home until 6 o clock on the radio 10 tonight. Are talking to Julie months old communications director at energy organ saw and before we had to jump to a travel weather there you want to do to give some sound advice on safety during storms. Well you were right you know you were talking about them being safe during storms and finding having a safety plan but we find that when a situation like this there are a lot of wires and poles down and people are trying to remove debris and a lot of safety concerns about people being too close to downed power lines and try to get out and remind people that you know there really is you know no the safe distance from power line is the furthest distance so severely lines lying on the ground please stay away there s a lot of people that are tempted to get out and try to put their you know their homes and their yards back together and move debris but would we just can t quite get it picked up fast enough for people you know to make sure that it gets up off the ground we really need for people to stay away from downed power lines absolute want to make sure the people hear that message thank you yes ma am absolutely and we appreciate your concern for folks because you don t get a 2nd chance if you get a live wire you and you taught Chad I mean that s. You know a pretty pretty good way to. Unfortunately you know leave this world for good so yeah downed power lines stay away call 911 if you need be but you know just don t get anywhere near it right exactly and also want to want to just say all as always thank you for for helping us spread the spread the word about what s going on and where the restoration process is and sure thanks to your to your listeners for for those who might be out or have family members that out our kids are such great neighbors and they always help their neighbors in need and they re very patient in a situation like this and that s really helpful they re very encouraging to the to our workers out there in the field and we appreciate that very much so it s ongoing in a lot of work left to be done but we re going to keep keep calling the long and. Get there as quickly and safely as we can now for future reference you know next time we have a storm somebody has a power outage I m sure that I guess there s a 1800 number to call half sure Yeah well there s a there s a couple of ways that time that you can look at it so you can download We have an interviewee app Oh yeah that way you can follow along and look at your outage real time that will give you those updates on what s going on with that outage you ve got Entergy Arkansas dot com and look at our view outage page gives you the same information and you can also call the one $809.00 outage and that will also provided a way for you to communicate about that outage also signing up for text alerts. A lot of people may not be aware they can sign up for text alerts with our with our services so there s just multiple ways to be able to be connected and stay connected throughout the storm for customers 1809 outage is the number to call and just you know another word to the wise if there s a bad storm coming make sure that your cell phone is charged. I absolutely when you get it actually just to be prepared I know there you go there you go All right Julie months old communications director for energy Arkansas we preach coming on the program with such short notice and as we say here in the natural state y all come see us thanks thank you have a great day presented already so there you have it now coming up after the bottom of the hour news the only conservative law professor from William h. Bowen School of Law University of Arkansas Little Rock Robert Steinbach very concerned very concerned about a bill that seems to be hurtling through both houses of the legislature and I share his concerns and I m not the only one. And I think you need to hear about. I don t think you ll be too happy about it either I don t know what s going on at a point I just moment. C.b.s. News update when it comes to the stock market think old Hollywood a West said that too much of a good thing can be wonderful and I think today s markets are finding out that she was right investment adviser Michael Farr on today s record numbers on Wall Street the Dow up more than 300 points to close above the 21000 level for the 1st time ever investors feel heartened today and the Trump rally that began on election night has been renewed c.b.s. News business analyst says it s the proposed deregulation traders are crazy for if you look at specific industries from election day to today what has seen the greatest appreciation banking and that s because without a lot of those regulations those banks may not have to keep as much capital on hand that means that they could probably return more of their profits to shareholders record highs for the s. And p. And Nasdaq as well each up more than 1.3 percent c.b.s. News update I m Deborah Rodriguez. I m Chris single with the latest from Newsradio one a 29 k. R. And a little rock man was injured early this morning in what s believed to be a drive by shooting around 1240 this morning on Boyd Street 32 year old Cesar Morgan was hit in the leg just above the ankle according to Arkansas online he was taken by private vehicle to Baptist Health for non-life threatening injuries 6 other people 4 of the miners also were in the home during the shooting but no one else was injured Morgan told police he was on the front porch and saw a car drive by with shots being fired toward the house Plaskett County man is accused of stabbing his mother Arkansas Online reports 20 year old Tao Cumberbatch of North Little Rock was arrested last night he s been charged with 1st degree domestic battery Cumberbatch is being held in Plaskett County Detention Center north Little Rock Police responded to a list to drive address around 1 30 pm last night they found 55 year old Debra Cumberbatch unresponsive on a porch she had a parent stab wounds to her neck and back she was taken to u.m.s. Medical center for treatment with serious injuries a man wielding a rock was shot by an employee at a Fort Smith business 4029 news reports 41 year old Michael what with was carrying his rock and creating a disturbance according to police he ran down the street to Fort Smith blueprint he began yelling and shouting broke things and then threw the rock he was wielding an employee shot with and hit him in the shoulder he was taken into custody with non-life threatening injuries police say well it was high on meth at the time a central Arkansas man died in a fatal Mississippi county crash 2 others were also injured the crash happened shortly after 4 pm yesterday on Highway 61 just east of County Road 474 the driver killed in the crash has been identified as 62 year old Donald Roberts of mom l. According to chaos he was heading southbound then crossed the center line and hit 74 year old John Moore of o.c. Old his vehicle next news in 30 minutes I m Chris. Newsradio 1029. Large in size tornado alley and we get a lot of hail storms here too fortunately as soon as the storm has passed most of the insurance companies will get their adjusters out to survey the damage and cut your check pretty quickly unfortunately the same adjusters are usually at a real time crunch and they may actually miss some of the damage the hailstorm or high winds did to your roof insurance adjusters are only human just like you and me we all make mistakes so how do you know they didn t miss something to do their busy schedules how can you be sure that when the insurance company cut you a check you re actually getting all the money they owe you and that s where AK human contracting comes in your roof is the biggest investment on your home Ach human contract he will do a full inspection of your property not just your roof but your windows garages mailboxes the whole deal for free and report all of the damage to your insurance provider right away to make sure you get all the money that they owe you so why wait when you can have the peace of mind that your property is indeed in good shape after a major storm has passed through Ach human contracting will hold your insurance company completely responsible for any damages done to your home check out the great reviews on Google and the Better Business Bureau website when the storms hit your home go to their website make my roof great again dot com Accu meant contracting will make sure you get everything the insurance company oh shoot . There s one man who really truly gets it why isn t the present United States pushing Congress to repeal Obamacare immediately that s what he said he would do where s the legislation why isn t the White House taking the lead on this I mean this should have been ready from day one where is the legislation on slashing individual corporate taxes once again we were told this would be done almost immediately put their views on the radio weeknights at 6 after Doc wash for this is Ben Gordon coffee tea or smoking power swabs is the answer in 5 minutes you ll see 2 shades whiter teeth and in 7 days 6 shades there s no messy strips or trays that you have to leave your mouth for an hour just watch your teeth for 5 minutes and you re done your bright white smile will have your friends talking about how great you look trite risk free call 180-544-2352 that s 180-544-2352 again 180-544-2352 extension 2 use those savage nation that s the from and I think you need to focus on domestic issues 1st I think he s flying too far too fast on an international things that are very important by the way the government is penetrated with a slam the government is penetrated by a slam of files if not outright Islamists everybody who studied this knows I m not making this up I would just say it for a fact Michael Savage host like no other Savage Nation weeknights at 9 News Radio 1029. A Little Rock Police much heavier volume 430 northbound that s going to be in between 630 all the way up over the river bridge of course 40 westbound just before 430 is also show you re going to mount a volume there this is the Arkansas traffic network by a crane automotive team. It s duck season Duck Duck Go season that is Mom s get your shopping boots on go find the best bargains in town on head shoes to. Baby items at the bake sale Arkansas State Fairgrounds this Thursday through Saturday clear skies and much colder tonight dropping down to well though of 36 degrees tomorrow plenty of sunshine high 62 will stay bright and sunny for Friday with a high of 61 degrees I m Accu Weather meteorologist Danielle Middle East weather traffic and documenting much colder tonight under a clear K.R. s. You know woman one of the one of what I like about Danielle a little is she always wants to give you more information. That s the thing it s all about Accu Weather baby they always want to give you more information. And boy she came in handy yesterday about this time oh my goodness when all the storms are on through speaking of people killing a handy. Law professor Robert Steinback the only conservative law professor from William h. Bone School Law University of Arkansas Little Rock. Whose views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of the staff and management the board and whoever else that you are but m.r. Obama bring in Asia. He is trying to raise the warning bell. About. A little piece of. I think I call a mendacity called Senate Bill 373. Brother Steinbach you seem to be kind of hot under the collar about this what what is going on here a lot of people who may have heard you talk about this earlier. Well let me let me I mean I m going to backwards people listening right now maybe people who didn t get out of work till 5 or 530 so they may have never heard you even bring this up before perhaps you can express to them your concern and then tell folks who did hear about it earlier what happened today Yeah absolutely it s my pleasure it s a pleasure to be back on the radio with you my friend thank you sir so so Representative Andy Davis and Senator Bob Hester introduced this day all they made a slight amendment today that is of no moment it s absolutely no change in fact and they re trying to hoodwink you into thinking to thinking otherwise but putting that aside in general this deal says that they re creating a whole new exemption to the state Freedom of Information Act which you know is my interest my area and they want to say that all attorney client privilege the information shall not be disclosed under the foyer Now let me be clear when I see it turn it client privilege information the attorney government attorney the client government client Yeah who pays their salaries you and me do yeah I do it s taxpayer So here s what they re saying after you shelled out hundreds thousands tens of $1000.00 thousands of dollars in taxes to the government to hire more bureaucrat to hire more lawyers to represent the bureaucrats everything that they do with each other to each other whatever that might be. That s all that was shielded from the foyer so you won t get to know what they re doing if what they re saying if this passes through well repass the Senate passes the House and the governor signed it which I m sure what well apparently it passed the Senate and now it went to the house. A committee passed the committee today that s the update but it passed a committee with a slight amendment so it s got to go back to the Senate and it s got to get passed through the House as well and now it s time for all of your listeners to call all of your all of their representatives and senators and tell them to vote no on s b 373 basically say what do you guys trying to do to us anyway by the way we re not starting off the year you mentioned that the great Dan Greenberg who we both have the utmost respect for actually testified against or attempted to testify against right Bill in in the House committee today how did that go well of course Dan genius I mean yes he is sincere really and Dan spoke very well about the problems with this bill and said look you re trying to cram this mistaken piece of legislation through you haven t given it any attention you haven t given it any thought frankly chairman Ballenger kind of dismissed and I thought it was insulting how the chairman Adele Oh yeah yeah and and and and the Davis looked like you know it looked like a fish out of water he thought he heard the legal terms a day and as a lawyer was saying and Andy Ballenger was proposing this bill Sr and he Davis and a few minutes and yeah and I ll tell you this then he didn t even seem to know what he was doing he had with him listen affectively and he Davis was walking on a leash by the university he walked in with 2 university folks in much more expensive suits with expensive hair cut one of them from you a mess gets up there and says listen if some poor little citizen doesn t like what we re doing after we enact this bill well I m sure that s his recourse as Jack man Jack you know and by the way guess who is paying for that mouthpiece you are I am That s right these are these are mouthpieces for us that we re paying for it. This is outrageous No it s beyond outrageous these this is the archetype of cronyism and corruption this is not a Republican bill I m going to tell you that right now this is a Democrat bill that s being brought forward by by people who either don t know any better or who have been bought and paid for effectively by big education do your craft and now and I will personally campaign against anybody who votes for this bill this is a bad bill it s a dumb bill it s a fraudulent Bell you know they are looking to steal from the public their own record and they want to say level playing field tell me when the last time when you heard that that the government is disadvantaged when it comes to a public citizen and I thought that in it s not just is not just attorney client it s not just. You know attorney client communications but also attorney work product so that you know you re the impression in you know I had an attorney tell me yes the evening that. I m blown is all of a proportion and and he does not work for university he actually you know ordinarily has a pretty low view of the state government but he said Oh attorney work product is already covered already exist therefore I m like I don t think so no he s wrong he s wrong and I ll tell you this Arkansas where a small southern state and we well know that we re not on the top of the list for many things why because we re not big we re not rich but we ve got a lot going for Arkansas and one of the things that Arkansas is known throughout the country throughout the world is for having an excellent Floyd and you want to go from 1st to last you want to be on the bottom of the list. Enact this bill our foyer garbage at the county this disgusts and by the way from listeners any time professors time because foyer that stands for Freedom of Information Act But this would cut the Freedom of Information Act because. Anybody any attorney who works for the state and that would include state colleges universities but also you know State Department Human Services Division of Children and Family Services right any government attorneys that work for say Crimes Against Children vision Arkansas state police after i can t get any of their records if this passes in it s already passed the Senate and frankly I m shocked that Bob Ballenger is trying to push this through because you know I ve had plenty of conversations with him before and I always seem to be a real conservative guy hold out I wanted to hold that thought because I want you to tell us after this break what what resident of Ballenger said in committee today to grant dang Greenberg who we re trying to get on the show want try to get Bob Alger on to I d like to have Bart has stronger trying to get dang Greenberg on because I agree with the brother Stein book Dan Greenberg is a genius and we love Him back want to talk about this specifically and whatever else he was talking about all right more coming up straight ahead of the doc Washburn show. Every 10 minutes you got it News Radio wanted to know and care and indeed. Are you hiring join the over 3000000 businesses that use dot com for hiring your next job opening on the world s number one job site. Very heavy volume 630 spam getting to 30 east as well as 30 westbound that s going to be in between the Scott Hamilton up to the outer Creek area we re also seeing a Little Rock Police working accidents Georgette Cantrill Chester a 16th business park at Barrow and university a Colonel Glenn this is Chris counts for the Arkansas traffic network driven by crane automotive team crane team dot com. Clear skies and much colder tonight dropping down to although up 36 to graze tomorrow plenty of sunshine high 62 will stay bright and sunny Friday with a high of 61 a Mackie weather meteorologist. And now you re up to date on news radio want to know and care and hey yo hey hey hey hey hey look this is Doc Washburn we talk about a lot of controversial stuff on my show recently we re actually talking about some folks whose goal is to try to stop the 10 Commandments monument from being erected on the grounds of our Arkansas state capitol a listener named Bob called in from bright he said if they are able to stop that 10 Commandments monument from going up on the grounds of our state capitol he said I ll be happy to put it in front of my visit a highway for 5 Bryant So thousands of folks can see it every day so yes it was great Bob what s the name your business he said Arkansas Auto Group and he s the proprietor. Of course I was happy to give a free plug to a business owner who volunteered to put the 10 Commandments monument front of his business of need be let me tell you something I actually went over and sat down and talk to a group Highway 5 Bryant and I believe I found a car dealership I can trust and they could put you in a late model low mileage vehicle with a deal that award for you whether you have good credit bad credit or no credit markets Auto Group guarantees they ll get you approved or they ll give you $102.00 now they have finance companies that guarantee approval for everybody that s kind of how it works over there but if you ve got cash you want to pay cash they ll sell it to you for wholesale. For that matter tell Doc Washburn sent you and get a $1000.00 off your deal check out Arkansas auto group their $49.00 town highway 5 and Bryant if you want to see the complete inventory before you go over there just go to the website Arkansas Auto Group dot com to watch for live from Little Rock they were telling us radio want to know. Hellos but central Arkansas sometimes can really be tornado and hail alley Now unfortunately when your insurance adjuster shows up he may be in kind of a time crunch he may actually miss some of the damage the hail storm of the high winds did to your roof or other part of your property for that matter so how do you know he didn t miss something to do is busy schedule how can you be sure that when the insurance company cut you a check you re actually getting all the money they actually owe you that s where accurate contracting comes in your roof is the biggest investment on your home but actually many will do a full inspection of your property not just your roof but your windows garage mailbox everything for free and they ll report all the damage to your insurance provider right away to make sure you get all the money they owe you so why wait when you have the peace of mind for your properties in good shape after a major storm hits. Back human contracting will hold your insurance company completely responsible for any damages to your home check out the great reviews on Google and the Better Business Bureau when the storms hit your home go to their website make my roof great again dot com. Contracting will make sure you get everything the insurance company Hi Jason Stapleton here are you interested in political talk without all the rhetoric you can find it on my podcast The Jason Stapleton program we get 5 star ratings from i Tunes because I keep it simple straight talk about the issues without the left or right leanings and bloated opinions the Jason Stapleton program is about American individual ism liberty oriented discussions and the clarity to think for yourself go to New Liberty Talk dot com and listen now that s new Liberty Talk dot com. 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Put it up on my Facebook and put away Facebook page right now who says this is crazy. This is crazy. Let me let me tell you what I m what I m what I m putting up here go back to law professor Robert Steinback from ular from bone school law. This is this bill this bill Senate bill 373. Will exempt Arkansas government lawyers from Freedom of Information Act requests if you think Arkansas governor is getting away with stuff now just wait you can t even find out what they re doing call your state rep and tell him or her to vote against it it already passed the Senate. By friend my friend you know think about it you ve got the university and their lapdog and the Davis going to the legislature and if and turning on its head they ll say you know they say you can t fight city hall you know what you know what the university in the lap dog and the Davis are saying there s a core city hall they need some further protection from the big bad citizen who wants to know how his or her money s being spent Yeah really really yeah now tell me. Tell me about the interaction today between Dan Greenberg who I have the utmost respect for and to and Bob Ballenger the chairman of this House committee about the Senate bill to basically got the free with make sure that what what what Dan say and what a bob say I so I was a little surprised that to be honest because I agree with you generally about Bob but Dan says look we re never going to know if there s misdeeds being done and not turning over documents if you don t in this huge gaping black hole of an exemption by Andy Davis and so you ll never find out you ll never find out if there s wrongdoing you ll never find out if the attorneys are hiding something if it s the bureaucrats who actually answer the for your requests are claiming the privilege not withstanding the claims by the attorneys and that was his response was effectively I don t you know I hope we re not hiring those kinds of bad people well like here until you have Bob we have I mean because and you know how I know it s because I sat in several joint performance review committee hearings with Alan Clarke and I saw some of those bad people. Testifying under oath and saying crazy stuff what about the $5000000.00 that was lost by the University of Arkansas that was exposed by the Democratic jet and in their eggs in their spirit used. And the only reason they got that information was because of the foil and I know for a fact that those reporters would not have gotten all of the information they did get if this suggestion was built into the statute that or that I know it for a fact this is the problem when this is your money this is my money these lawyers are not private lawyers these bureaucrats are not bureaucrats are not private individuals they work for others and what ever you give power to the state you only have to check it because if left on track it will run wild and that is that you have Harry and operation of governmental power that s why we have a Freedom of Information Act and that by a Republican 50 years ago and Andy Davis wants to kill the foil and he wants to kill the Freedom of Information and he s not the only one obviously hang on just as I get more coming up with medicine doc washer show continues you got a new thread you ll want to tonight are an brought to you by it s duck season Duck Duck Go season that is Mom s get your shopping boots on to find the best bargains in town and get clothes shoes toys and baby items at the Arkansas State Fairgrounds this Thursday through Saturday forcing accidents right now being worked by a Little Rock Police tester at 16 business park in Vero and the last one being University at Colonel Glen all being worked by Little Rock police at the moment this is the Arkansas traffic network driven by train them out of team train teams. Turning much colder tonight under a clear starlit sky 36 for tomorrow right sunshine. 62 you will continue to see sunshine for Friday when the high of 61 a match the weather meteorologist jock Washburn live from on Radio one and 2. Brother Robert Steinbach we ve got about a minute left we re going to try to get Dan Greenberg on tomorrow and we re still reaching out to Bob Ballenger and. Kim hammer and a number of other people in the legislature to ask him what do you do with this I want to hear from Bart Hastert to I d love to talk and he Davis Anyway I got less than a minute sir your thoughts. I hope every one of your listeners listeners call their representatives tell them to vote against s.b. 373 and go out make up for your request make up for your request of the university make a fully request of any department in. The Arkansas State Government how easy or not it is even now and then you will see why this amendment is a killer to the Freedom of Information Act as a great philosopher Ed McMahon would say rights are you are correct all right always in thanks for bringing this to our attention because if you hadn t we wouldn t know about it and we preach hate you so much brother Robert Steinbach own school law you ll yell Come see us thank you God bless you God bless you too thanks very much. Yeah I d love to talk about it he s trying to raise the alarm to of talk to your Kim hammer and he Davis. At a time it s my. Career burnouts can affect anybody follow the short stay focused at work and that s flame out by the end of the year I m Pat O Brien with a business rockstars minute step one change your work environment if you can try working from a different place if the weather is nice find a spot to spend the day working from a coffee shop or a library sometimes a simple change in scenery can be fresh enough to help you recover from burnout step. To get an outside opinion sometimes you re too deep in your problems to be able to see a way out an outside influence whether it s a trusted friend a counselor or family member can be instrumental in helping you fashion a healthy plan to move forward step 3 Don t give up think about battling burnout is everybody s different what works for somebody else might not work for you but the bottom line is to never give up I m Pat O Brien and this has been a business rockstars minute. With your Mayo Clinic radio health minute I m Tracy McRae understanding a disease is the 1st step in finding ways to battle it in a recent study researchers looked at over 4.

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