account. joining me now is kenneth, a professor of economics at harvard university. ken, you re the guy i turn toe1 when we have these 5a■questions. these are at the same time. jittery markets, a jittery banking system,w3 we have got stubborn inflation, interest unemployment and generally speaking a country that thinks the economy is doing okay. when you put tat allñi into a p and mix it up, what do you get? sounds like it sçó very hard( read. with the economy iszv■ u pretty b%ujy if the federal reserve is5a■ willing to leave the inflation and bring it down really slow,vo so maybe instead of a maybe it s possible to avert a recession. but it s very tough. they are worried that they will leave inflation too long and it will end up feeding into
Outrage has been expressed over the inclusion of media personalities Bujy Bikwa and musician Big Zulu in MTV's new documentary series on gender-based violence.