Asteroids X RepliCade Mini Arcade Cabinet
There are countless ways to re-play classic video games of decades past, but few recreate the experience of hunching over an arcade cabinet. If your home doesn’t quite have the room for even Arcade1Up’s scaled-down cabinets, New Wave Toys’ RepliCade line scales them down even further to just 12 inches tall while preserving the original controls and gameplay. First released by Atari back in 1979, the new RepliCade
Asteroids cabinet features five action buttons and a pair of taller volcano buttons for piloting your vector-rendered ship and destroying a non-stop field of flying space debris. On the back is a charging port and access to a series of dip switches letting you customize the game (like adding more lives) and is now available for $120, but limited to 3,500 units. (Plus another 500 featuring a special paint scheme.)