On July 26, 1948, President Truman changed the course of American history when he issued Executive Order 9981 officially declaring “there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion or national origin.” This order desegregated the United States military.
They don’t get to puff out their chests, talk about national security and profess the love and respect they hold for every man and woman who wears a uniform.
American history, as conventionally taught, includes a number of agreed-upon stories. What seems to get remembered is much less than the full tapestry of our history. There are some stories that have been left out but which have considerable.
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Remember His Name: Isaac Woodard
Has justice in America really changed?
Army Sgt. Isaac Woodard served America during World War Two. He enlisted at age twenty-three at Fort Jackson in South Carolina. He served as a longshoreman and was promoted to Sergeant while serving in the Philippines. He earned a battle star for unloading ships while under enemy fire in New Guinea along with the Good Conduct Medal, Service Medal, and World War II Victory Medal. Isaac was proud of his service to his country. He was in a segregated unit as was typical for the time, but war tends to bring people together. On February 12, 1946, after returning to the states and receiving an honorable discharge. Woodard found himself in full uniform on a bus returning home to Winnsboro, South Carolina