Actor Lee Jun-young, who was recognizable for his villainous roles in “D.P.” and “Mask Girl,” has shown another level of villian in his first film “Brave Citizen” directed by Park Jin-pyo. In "Brave Citizen," Lee stars as a student named Han Soo-gang (Lee Jun-young), dubbed "crazy dog" for his bullying antics, constantly beating up not-so-well-off classmates. Hi.
With a new face and new life, Nana finally becomes the center of attention. However, the ghost of the past haunts her in episodes 4 to 5 of “Mask Girl.”
#MaskGirl #Nana #YeomHyeRan
Nana made her small-screen return through Netflix's "Mask Girl." However, the actress received mixed reviews regarding her character in the series.
#MaskGirl #Nana