economy. wanda sykes. you thought i had a big mouth before. she s not afraid of anything or anybody. tonight she s letting loose on politics we didn t get bin laden until after he repealed don t ask, don t tell. just saying. marriage? you ve been married to a man and a woman. not at the same time. no. you don t want to start rumors. to president obama. i think michelle must be growing some weed in that herb garden and that s how he is staying so relaxed. and something i ve been wanting to do for years, spend the evening with christy super model. tonight she ll tell her story to me. this is piers morgan tonight. good evening. mitt romney officially threw his hat into the crowd and told the crowd what he thinks of president obama. let s take a listen. when barack obama came to office, we wished him well and hoped for the best. now in the third year of his fourth year term we have more than slogans and promises to judge him by. barack obama has failed