MemberS of the community and who inSpired many children to take up athleticS. Earlier in the day, local councillorS met here at Bukwo DiStrict and paSSed a motion to name a Street and a SportS Venue after her. Earlier, we heard from pariS, which iS the city She ran her laSt marathon that they are alSo planning to to name a SportS Venue after her. Her death, atjuSt 33, haS Shocked many memberS of thiS community. She iS the third athlete to die aS a reSult of DomeStic Violence in kenya, where She lived in juSt three yearS, and therefore thiS death haS caSt a Spotlight on an endemic iSSue in the country. And thoSe converSationS are going on here today. Fellow athleteS are wearing black T ShirtS with the inScription, Say no to gender baSed violence. A former Senior uS official SayS preSident zelenSky S fruStration over the uSe of long Range MiSSileS againSt ruSSia iS palpable and juStified. Kurt volker, previouSly the Special repreSentative for ukraine negotiationS, waS Speaking to the bb