According to its website, BenSCL has completed 33 projects and 16 projects are ongoing. However, according to a response provided by BenScl in an unstarred Rajya Sabha question in March 2023, 14 projects are ongoing and 36 projects have been completed. In Bengaluru, works amounting to Rs 1,076 crore have been taken up, out of which work estimated for Rs 747 crore has been completed and work worth Rs 329 crore in progress. In Karnataka, 916 projects worth Rs 15,873 have been taken up.
Citing a report by the IIT Kanpur on a fourth Covid-19 wave, Karnataka Health Minister K. Sudhakar on Tuesday the state will witness a peak after June which will remain till September and October.The Minister said that IIT Kanpur had also .
4th Covid-19 wave to peak in Karnataka after June, Health Minister issues alarm - Authorities are contemplating more restrictions after the Prime Minister s meeting with Chief Ministers on Wednesday.
Citing a report by the IIT Kanpur on a fourth Covid-19 wave, Karnataka Health Minister K. Sudhakar on Tuesday the state will witness a peak after June which will remain till September and October.