Barking dog and that appears to be what alerted the hostages captors to what was going on. During the firefight that then followed, u. S. Forpdss saw a militant go into the shack where the hostages were being held. It is believed that is when he shot both of the hostages, both of them died as a result of those injuries, as u. S. Forces were transporting them away. U. S. Intelligence did not know the identity of the other hostage being held with somers. He has since been identified as South African teacher pierre korkie. A char that worked with korkie says he was due to be released today. To discuss this and many of the other top stories for the week, joined by our panel, bring in democratic strategist basil smythe, jr. , political consultant and former adviser to mitt romney, cater packer gauge and msnbc correspondent, casey packer hunt. Obviously on this hostage story, we are learning the details, obviousiously a heartbreaking story, another report i know in the New York Times this mo
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Cuando hablamos de las acciones de incidencia política que realizamos las organizaciones de mujeres y feministas, no basta con mencionar el marco constitucional que reconoce los derechos humanos y en particular los derechos de las mujeres, como base para exigir avances. Algunas anécdotas sirven para ilustrar nuestros esfuerzos de años, a veces décadas para lograr avanzar en el reconocimiento de nuestros derechos, pero también para mostrar cómo, permanentemente y de manera recurrente se nos pide que ofrezcamos evidencia para justificar nuestras demandas. Hemos aprendido que para lograr “arrancar” decisiones a quienes tienen el poder de tomarlas, en el caso de las mujeres, tenemos que presentar estudios, datos e información para mostrar que lo que pedimos es justo.
of the pandemic. the question is to phil s point, will democrats compromise, do a smaller package, but my point, where s the president? he has other priorities, wants to deal with covid relief. but this is the core issue for the country, and a giant issue for his party, when will the president call manchin down and say what do we have to do? that s a good question, i do think it was interesting when he put out his statement, his statement was about congress should pass s-1, which is the big, you know, comprehensive bill, and the voting rights restoration act, which is a much narrower bill but he called for both. the problem with s-1, the problem with the big bill, which, again, would basically set a floor, nationally, so that you actually couldn t make the kinds of changes that texas and other states are trying to make right now, is that not only does joe manchin not support getting rid of the filibuster, he doesn t support the substance of that bill. he thinks it s too broad and h