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Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240609

Witnessed two very different realities, regardless of how you view these last few months of death and destruction, what transpired if the city raises a series of questions regarding a collective failure to end the war to bring all the hostages home and to stop the indiscriminate large-scale killing of palestinians. saturday over 200 palestinians were killed in israel on a refugee camp according to the government media office marking one of the bloodiest single days we have witnessed in eight months of war. videos of the aftermath show streets littered with debris and dead bodies, some images to disturbing that we can t even show you on screen. one witness described the scene to reuters by saying, quote, it was like a poor movie but this was a real massacre, bombs rained down on nusirat, israeli security forces were conducting a raid in the same area, after the strike, francesca alba knees, the repertoire condemns the mission saying that although she was relieved that four hostages have been released, it should not have come at the expense of 200 palestinians, she called it quote, humanitarian, flaws at another level. today s raid marks the third is really rescue attempt since october seventh. they said a hostage was brought home in the immediate aftermath of the attack. two more men were rescued after forces stormed an apartment in the area and those airstrikes also killed more than 60 palestinians including women and children according to local officials. we cannot forget three is really hostages were killed by the israeli military back in december and that happened after soldiers mistakenly identified them as a threat and opened fire on them despite the fact that they were waving white flags. so for the vast majority of israeli hostages have been released through temporary cease-fires, not wanton destruction and killing of palestinians likely witnessed today. the successful rescue missions few and far between and taking massive tolls on civilians. how many innocent palestinians killed is acceptable to rescue is really hostages especially since more than 100 hostages are still the leaf to be held by hamas and their families also want to see their loved ones home safely. family members of the hostages have been adamant that the only way to return all of those being held by hamas is through a cease-fire deal. however a cease-fire deal remains elusive with some powerful cabinet ministers rejecting any such efforts. the israeli prime minister is now using today s operation to try to ease mounting political pressure on him to resign urging one of his rivals and members of the cabinet who is reported to be quitting, to now reconsider and today may be another test for biden who has pushed for a cease-fire deal and may find the newly emboldened prime minister is inclined to defy the american president just to prolong this war to the detriment of the remaining hostages in palestine. we will follow the story and bring you any news as it develops. from silicon valley to the halls of congress, this week we learned cancel culture is alive and well and some would argue, it s surging and in this country and its targets share one thing in common, we start in the tech world where a software engineer sued mehta, a former employee is now alleging that mehta discriminated against him and unlawfully filed them after he filed complaints that the company was censoring palestinian creators. the complaint says he was simply doing his job since his role including assessing the quality of testing filters as it related to gaza and ukraine. shortly after the piece went live the long reviews website was shut down, according to the publication student editors, they solicited the peace and they followed all of the normal publishing protocols however they say they were then pressured by the board of directors to hold publication of this academic article which accuses israel of committing genocide and upholding an apartheid regime, when the editors refuse the request, the board made up a faculty and alumni from the law school and they shut it down. meanwhile in the west coast, in an industry that has a troubling history when it comes to blacklists, a prominent marketing executive is raising eyebrows over a memo she sent to her staff, ashley margolis, told employees that they should, quote, pause on working with any celebrity or influencer or taste maker posting against israel. according to variety the firm works with many top talent and public relations agency and noted that margolis was particularly adamant about not working with anyone who has used the term genocide to describe israel s actions. margolis declined to comment, taking together, these stories show the high price that is levied by those who are speaking out no matter what field you are in or how accomplished you are in the field, talking about the devastation in gaza could cost you. this stands in contrast with another story from this week, the new york times revealed that the government has been waging a secret influence campaign targeting u.s. lawmakers since october, the campaign used fake accounts and websites to spread content and mainly targeted lack lawmakers. on one hand we have palestinian voices or those who speak up for palestinians fired, cancer, demoted, marginalized or shut down and on the other we have the israeli government, secretly spending millions to amplify their message to the world and this and balance in power, this skewing of the public discourse comes to mind, when you consider this, the israeli prime minister will be coming to washington to address a joint session of congress on july 24th, invited by a bipartisan group of congressional leaders including senator schumer who took to the floor of congress to denounce the prime minister calling him an obstacle to peace and alleging that he s been placing his personal survival ahead of his nation s interest. now, and what amounts to a political win for benjamin netanyahu, congress will be welcoming him with open arms. remember, this is the same man who addressed a joint session of congress back in 2015 for the sole purpose of subverting the nuclear deal that obama and then his vice president joe biden, were negotiating with iran at this. this is a man who has a history of meddling in domestic american politics attempting to tip the scales in elections towards republicans including trump back in 2016 and now this is a man for whom the international criminal court is seeking an arrest warrant for war crimes and the international court of justice possibly believes is committing a genocide in gaza. you may be wondering how it s possible that after all that we have witnessed someone like prime minister benjamin netanyahu is getting the red carpet treatment in washington. when the debate in this country and on this issue is so skewed in favor of one side and voices of dissent are stifled, we end up with an alleged war criminal to be welcomed with open arms by our elected officials to the heart of american political power. this case that you find yourself in, and i believe there is an update, the student editors at columbia law review who have been battling with the say that your piece is up on the website, it s titled as a legal concept. tell me briefly, what was so controversial about this piece that you wrote these things? thank you for having me, i can t sit here in good conscience and talk about my piece as if this was the focal point, here especially today as you reported over 200 people in gaza were slaughtered in the refugee camp. and there is a continuum between the material reality and gaza, the genocide and the silencing of palestinian voices specifically in the u.s. this attempts to silence in this case my voice but other voices, it s a reflection of dissent that s intended to manufacture consent, now, as for the article itself, the board of directors have attached a disclaimer or a statement basically on the home page of the columbia law review, trying to undermine the peace, allegations that were refuted by the student editors and in fact, the editors of the columbia law review have announced a strike so they are striking to protest the boards statement, to protest their infringement of the process and guarantee academic freedom and independence. you think what has happened here, what was done to your piece was meant to be a chilling effect for other you know, academics like yourself who want to advance legal concepts surrounding the rights of palestinians. i asked the same question, i think what is so scary about it, it s a scholarly piece, well substantiated and the fact that the board could not did they tell you any reason why, in either case did anyone come to you and say here is what we find problematic with your scholarship? in this case the board of directors shut down the website and they didn t even contact me up until today. so i haven t officially heard from them. i think it speaks more to their sloppy manner with which they are handling the situation. up until today they could not cite any claims against the peace, we worked on this for over six months editing back and forth and i think it s extensive and i m grateful for the student enters for the work and the professionalism that they extended. shamir, i wanted to talk to you about what you and your client are going through and what you are alleging, can you walk me through the allegations that you and your client are making on behalf of what you are charging meadow with? my client was a coveted software engineer, he was recruited by facebook at meta and he noticed that the account had irregularities, so he started looking into that account and he was told to immediately stop and within a few weeks, he was terminated simply because they said that he might have known, and what s absurd is he has not met with, and the sole basis for the rationale was because my client is palestinian, they must know each other. now apply the same process for any other minority group, it would be the equivalent of firing and african american engineer for trying to fix an issue with for example beyonci s account simply because they are both african american, that is literally their basis, he received excellent performance reviews for every year he was at meta and applauded for going above and beyond, and they simply fired him because they said he is palestinian and he shouldn t be looking at irregularities of another individual whose also palestinian. this is the first time meta has been accused of censoring palestinian voices. what have you learned about the company during this process, do you believe there was based on what you ve been able to learn, a systemic suppression of palestinian voices or do you think they were certain singularly targeting your client. let me provide you one anecdote. i recently learned that meta had an employer reece s fair where the muslim group had watermelons as decorations, and their booth was shut down, even though the flyer for the event itself had watermelons, because it s a summer event. that is the level of silencing that is going on for data employees, i ve heard from a number of current employees, a lot of investigations and another anecdote, they launched hr investigations for employees simply having the palestinian flag in their bio despite other employees having the israeli or ukrainian flags and their bio, this is targeted towards palestinians and these efforts at silencing them are having ripple effects for the palestinians who are still at meta and the purpose of our lawsuit is twofold, one, we want the employees who are still at meta to know that we support them and number 2, we want to send a clear message to meta, we are not afraid of you and you will not silence us. can you tell us about how your client is doing, given all the turmoil that he s had to endure as a result? he is extremely courageous, his name has been all over the media, and i think he is just one of many individuals but he is an individual who decided to speak up despite any ramifications, he s doing okay right now but his primary concern is for his former colleagues who are still at meta and have to deal with these issues on a daily basis. let me ask you about the double standards, when you see what is happening to you and when you hear allegedly, what s happening to, and you see the prime minister of israel getting the red carpet treatment into the halls of power, what, how, how do you reconcile this? you know i think it speaks more, for example, in the case of the columbia review, it speaks more on the board of directors, it s embarrassing on their behalf and i think it s shameful and you know, it exposes that fear in this country and i m proud to speak up and i m proud of my scholarship and i encourage everybody, whatever privilege they have to use this privilege to speak up. these are the times to silence palestinians and other voices who speak up against the genocide in gaza, it s only going to make us louder and stronger. thank you both, i appreciate you both sharing your insight this evening. thank you. switching gears, alarmingly report on why black women face the biggest risk of death during childbirth in the united states. united states oh yeah man, horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. 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thank you for having me, i m excited to be on here with kimberly, i use the statistic that even with my harvard undergrad and my degrees, as a black woman and i am several times more likely to die of childbirth complications than a white woman with a high school education. that is how deeply embedded systemic racism is in this country and i m so glad the commonwealth research report exposed what the solutions are that we need, there are other high income countries that have you know more midwives and have paid family leave and so when i was giving birth to my children, i was so worried, i was scared because of those statistics because i knew that i profession, my level of education, i income, was not protective. kimberly, you cofounded kindred space, addressing the black maternal health crisis, can you talk about why postpartum care is actually so important and why it is being overlooked, nearly 2 out of three maternal deaths and the u.s. occurred during the postpartum period up to 42 days after birth. right, well thank you for having me here and thank you dr. blackstock for inviting me as well and thank you for talking about postpartum care because i think that people only about complications that can happen with pregnancy and in birth, but as soon as you give birth to a baby you are in your postpartum, and complications can happen immediately in the postpartum or further out when the patient has already been discharged and are at home. and one of the reasons why these complications are so problematic is because we don t have a very good structure in this country to take care of women postpartum, most people will be seen one time by their physician at about six weeks postpartum and unfortunately between birth and six weeks postpartum, there are many things that can arise including preeclampsia, that can present itself in the postpartum period as well as hemorrhaging, that can happen in the immediate postpartum but can also happen when a patient is already home and if she doesn t have access to care, she could die and that is what is happening, and i ve kindred space l.a., one of the things that we have done is to make sure that we had frequent check ins with our clients and we are able to do that because we are not following the insurance company s motto that says we are only going to pay for one visit, and this is part of the reason people don t get seymour often is because folks aren t able to get paid for seeing patients more frequently. let me pick up on that, dr. blackstock. what do you see as other core factors contributing to this lack maternal health crisis. there s a variety of issues that we have identified among them shortages in ob/gyn s but the broader usl care system where it s not accessible or guaranteed by any means, the commonwealth fund report mentions all high income countries it reviewed the sides the u.s. mandate at least 14 weeks of paid maternity leave from work, so it seems to be a total problem on many levels, is that correct? yeah these are systemic issues, policies we know that other high income countries have, and even the fact that kimberly mentioned, the presence of midwives, a lot of people in the u.s., even myself as a physician, i didn t know about the midwife in the child birthing process, i didn t understand that midwives follow birthing people through the entire lifecycle so this is what i did not learn in medical school in the u.s., the birthing process is very medical eyes and that s because of historical policies that pushed out midwives and centered care on physicians and the more physicians that are involved in the process, the more complications can arise, the more c-sections are likely to happen or other types of invasive procedures, so we need to look toward other countries and see how other countries are having a safer process, as kimberly mentioned, the postpartum support, i only had one single postpartum visit after i gave birth to both my children. that s not enough, we know most of those deaths happen in the postpartum period and for the states that need to expand medicaid, it needs to happen and it needs to be able to cover or than a year postpartum so that birthing people are supported. kimberly, i know we were talking about the systemic problems but what do you think needs to be done in order to address and bring an end to this crisis, what is your vision for the kind of healthcare system we currently need and what changes need to be enacted that we can do in the short term to bring the rates down as quickly as possible? that s such a great question and i m all about solutions, for me, it was for me to become a midwife, i had midwives for the birth of my children and i knew the care was much more than i was experiencing in mainstream healthcare and to that end, we need more models such as what we have in california, martin luther king community hospital in south l.a. is a great model, they are it with free lead and they take medi-cal and they are accessible and they have wonderful quality care, collaborative care and they are always under threat for closure, again back to the problem of proper insurance reimbursement, even though their outcomes are excellent, at the top of their game for california, the c-section rate is very low, they have problems staying open because the midwifery model isn t well integrated into the insurance system and they are running at a deficit every year, so they resented solutions, the policymakers need to work with these hospitals and keep this care available to people. dr. blackstock, final five, we are at a point where we are seeing abortion bans being enacted right now how do you see these crises intersect at some point? absolutely, ayman, this is a racial justice issue, the fact that we have these restrictive abortion policies, especially in states where there are already high mortality rates, there already are maternity deserts, meaning there are not enough maternal providers and, we know and a lot of these states, disproportionately people of color are the ones that are seeking abortions, so we need to make sure that we don t see worse rates as a result of these policies and that is something that i know a lot of reproductive justice groups are working on. very important conversation, we ve got to do something about it in this country. it is just unacceptable. thank you so much to the both of you. after the break, congressman byron donalds, and dan bishop battle it out for our worst of the week title. t known er, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer, fda-approved for 17 types of cancer. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer, where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you ve had or plan to have an organ, tissue, or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation or have a nervous system problem. depending on the type of cancer, keytruda may be used alone or in combination with other treatments, and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it s tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. 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[vroom] [train horn] [buzz] clearing the way, [whoosh] so you arrive exactly where you belong. it s time of our worst of the week, the revisionist history in addition first off we have florida gop congressman tyron donalds, the trump loving congressman has reportedly moved up the list of potential vp picks for the disgraced ex- president, so, what has donalds been doing to court black donors , he romanticized jim crow, a period of racial violence and segregation as an era when the black family was together, watch. during jim crow the black family was together. during jim crow, more black people were not just conservative but more black people voted conservatively, and hew, lyndon johnson, and now we are where we are. donalds has since utilized the don t believe your lying eyes insisting democrats are twisting his words even though he was on tape and there is north carolina congressman dan bishop who is running for attorney general, he blasted trump s guilty verdict in the hush money cover-up but bishop went even further comparing trump s legal situation to that of a black person in the segregated south. don t believe me, watch. it s as bad as it was in alabama in 1950, if a person happen to be black in order to get justice. and that s what they did in new york. that they bishop is referring to is the da alvin bragg. we are going to give both of them a f on the program tonight. frenemy hayes brown and former republican congressman joe walsh, gentlemen, it s great to have both of you. which is worst of the week? you put up a tough choice, but i m going to have to go with byron donalds, just for the sheer historiography of what he said like don t get me wrong, both of them are wrong in their framing of this, the ship tried to claim that having a tough jury pool like trump supposedly did in manhattan for his hush money trial is the same as segregation alabama, that s bad, what donalds said was making no sense especially the part that killed me was when he suggested during jim crow, black voters voted more conservatively when a huge part of jim crow was disenfranchising black people from voting at all. so, yeah, i will give it to donalds, because of just how little sense what he said makes. who is your pick? i will respectfully disagree with my friend hayes, and i agree with this, both are bad, both are despicable but i think donalds made a mistake like i think he could take back what he said. i think he wishes he could take it back because it was stupid to reference jim crow, part of what he was getting at was the rise in out of wedlock births among blacks in america, that s a legitimate interesting discussion but he didn t do that and he threw in jim crow and it just messed up and made everything he said wrong. ayman, bishop meant what he said and in essence, what did bishop say? he said donald trump is being treated every bit as poorly as black americans when black americans were discriminated against, segregated against, lynched and killed and institutional racism and our justice system. he meant it, bishop meant it, and that is atrocious to compared donald trump to that. very valid points there, joe, on the meaning of both, let me play for you donalds was on with joy reed, let me play for both of you what he said, listen. if a black man, a black father could not protect his wife, his son, or himself from lynching and violence, how is him being in the home team that that is an era that was better for the black family or that we should think of is a good thing. first of all joy, i never said it was better for black people in jim crow, i have never said that and my own words say that. so, it s remarkable, again, he is still denying that he said black families were better off even though we have the tape . he is the one that invoked jim crow and to joe s point, you know, he could ve said the 40s and 50s if he wanted to make an observation of the social behavior at the time but he decided to invoke jim crow as the reference point, you can talk about the economy and the issues but he decided to use jim crow as the contextual framework for the point that he was trying to make. absolutely, and he was trying to put it in the framework, to joe s point, i get that you may believe that donalds was misspeaking when he said jim crow, i take issue with the broader points that he was making as well, the idea that it was specifically johnson and welfare movements to try and help people. part of the reason why there was so much backlash against the welfare programs was because even though they helped white people a lot, there was a movement amongst the right to try and cut funds to welfare programs by convincing white people that it only helped black americans. there were so many things that were happening, divorce rates went up across the board, you have issues dealing with the way that even like the union worked and the way that employment worked in america, the way that you saw the rise of the war on drugs and that breaking up the black family, there are so many points that could have been brought in but donalds did none of that and he leaned on the idea that he leaned on the idea that things were better before. don t go anywhere, we ve got a lot more to discuss and we will do a second round of worst of the week and involves a guy named, well, we will tell you about it after the break, stay t with us. non-small cell lung cancer. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies before surgery when you have early-stage lung cancer, which can be removed by surgery, and then continued alone after surgery to help prevent your lung cancer from coming back. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you ve had or plan to have an organ, tissue, or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation or have a nervous system problem. keytruda is an immunotherapy and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it s tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. these days everyone is staring at screens, and watching their spending. good vision is more important than ever, but so is saving. that s why america s best includes a free eye exam when you buy two pairs of glasses for just $79.95. book an exam online today. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping. in 99% of people over 50. and it could strike at any time. think you re not at risk? 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man, some hard-hitting stuff right there from dr. phil, my panel is back, joe, i ll start with you, dr. phil fancies himself an expert on mental health and yet he thinks trump is thick-skinned and isn t needy and does not need to be loved, did he get his degree from trump university, that is my question. i will avoid the question and i ll just say this, it is impossible, i mean impossible, to conduct a more sycophantic adoring, on your knees, cultish, interview than that. i mean, and, in your earlier clip, dr. phil said, i don t engage in politics. bull crap, that s exactly what he did, he got down on his knees to make donald trump look good. that was pathetic. hayes, this was dr. phil going on cnn and i kid you not, he thinks he made progress with convincing trump not to go after his political enemies, watch. i think i really made some headway with him that that is not the way to go. i think it s a process, i think he will turn this over and over in his mind and i don t think he will do that. i mean, who is this guy kidding? it s wild to say that. on several levels. first on the idea that he could get through to trump at all it was supposedly just an interview talking to trump and the idea that in talking to him, he is now less inclined to go after his political enemies, he has said he wanted to do it, we should believe him when he said he wants to go after his political enemies and it downplays, it self aggrandizing him, dr. phil thing i know he said it but i really think i got through to him also, it s funny how many times people who have interviewed trump have tried to be like okay but you don t really want to go after people to you and trump like no i really do. i really do. no, but no, yes, i promise i do and i really think we have to believe him. joe, i ve got one more contender, alex jones, the far right conspiracy theorist has agreed to liquidate his assets in order to finally start paying the $1.5 billion he owes in damages to the families of the sandy hook victims who he spread lies about, too little too late? is this important? too little too late, he s trash, i ve got to get back to this, hayes said it, look, this is fascism, trump is saying over and over and over, if he is elected he will go after his political enemies, this is fascism and it s embarrassing and dangerous that dr. phil and as hayes said, all of trump s media cheerleaders are trying to talk him off of this, we have to put a spotlight on it. how do you explain phil coming out of nowhere trying to get on this action? i think he has a new show to promote. we are talking about it. we would not be talking about dr. phil s new show if he had not done something as wild as ring on trump and say i got through to him on not going after his political enemies. tune in next week to see who else i can rehabilitate. unfortunately, it has worked, we re talking about it but only thankfully the context of, why it was such a bad idea. was in a bad idea to have him as worst of the week? not at all because ayman, it s a serious point, the serious point is trump is threatening to go after his enemies so use the joke that is dr. phil and all the others trying to get him off of it. i m not trying to belittle the situation because we laugh during worst of the week, i m trying to say, listen this guy is influential. millions of people watching, trump goes on his show and then just says blatantly that he s going to go after his political enemies and that is dangerous. thank you to the both of you, greatly appreciate it as always and thank you for making time for us at home. join us tomorrow night 7:00 eastern on msnbc, more all-out over the support for israel, major harrison man will join us to talk about his decision to resign from the u.s. army in test over the biden administration s policies in gaza. have a good night. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? 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[sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. i have a quick thing to tell you at the top. do you have your phone th

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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240609

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we re talking about cashbackin. not a game! we re talking about cashbacking. we re talking about. we re not talking about practice? no. cashbacking. word. we re talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? american democracy after the hardest of things. it to believe that you are part of something bigger than yourself. we have never had a significant anniversary of d- day where democracy and western democracy felt as under threat and as fraught as it does this year. both in europe and at home. what do you make of donald trump s threats to jail his political opponents? i will talk you in about three years from now. you have to take donald trump at his word. i think there is nothing that will stop him from doing such things. the jury in hunter biden s trial was just dismissed for the weekend after emotional testimony from hunter s daughter. will wait to see whether hunter biden will testify in his own defense on monday. will you accept the jury outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is? yes. and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. i just went to a riggs trial in new york. s first public campaign stops and says guilty convictions. if we don t win this country is finished. i really believe that, i think it is finished. i simply refuse to believe that america s greatness is a thing of the past. good evening once again, i am stephanie ruhle. we are now 151 days away from the election, and the contrast between the two presidential candidates could not be any clearer. this week president biden took action to close the border, and then traveled to france for the 80th anniversary of d-day where he stressed u.s. support for our allies. at donald trump, on the other hand, rallied against his guilty verdict, the judicial system, and then threatened to seek revenge with any possible person who has slighted him. let s bring in our nightcap and discuss all this. my friend, steve liesman is here. lizz winstead, cocreator of the daily show. she is also the cocreator. pablo torre, host of the public toray podcast. and to ray, host on thegrio. we look at this week you have president biden talking about freedom and the fight against tyranny, both 80 years ago and today, and then you have donald trump talking about how revenge is justified. liz, talk to us about where these two campaigns are and where they appear to be headed? tyranny of the past and tyranny of the present is basically what we are talking about. where are they heading? sometimes i honestly look at these two things and i think will the selection simply come down to will trump have more disillusioned people that won t show up or will biden have more dissolution people that won t show up? and that scares me. because i feel like for those of us doing the work, in the streets every day defending people s freedoms, if trump wins again, what we are facing is no dissent. and with no dissent we cannot challenge any of it. but, if he wins again there is no surprises about who donald trump is. in 2016 you can make the argument. people don t realize who he is. remember, he had all these people like no, no, you don t realize what you are in for. america knows exactly what they re in for. you say no. you know, there seems to be a lot of delusion. we hear a lot about the trump era was great, the trump administration was great. as if coven just did not happen. as if there was some reason why those last two years just don t count against his record. i don t remember covid but i definitely remember infrastructure week. infrastructure week was every week. i feel like trump is the most selfish person in the world, and everything revolves around me personally. every political issue comes back to me, myself. this woman asked him, this reporter asked him, katie from alabama wants to know what is your relationship with god? and he said i do very well with the evangelicals. that is not the question you were asked! and biden, to me, seems very outward. he is thinking about others. how can i help other people? think about the key moment of his life, losing a major chunk of his family in one horrific moment, as a relatively young man. who learned empathy, and to think about others and the importance of family. and this other person, who every bad characteristic we don t want our children to have, he has. i think what you said, you know, what is the question being asked and what are we trying to answer as instructed to what the biden campaign, i believe, should be trying to do? framing this even beyond needing to pay attention to the newsday today. more choice between extremism and not. i just wonder why we are not generally describing trump more as an extremist. forget about, again, let s not forget about the issues, people on the ground doing good work. when it comes to what are we expecting out of this, do you want someone who feels like they are attacking every institution, who is, again, do we need to recite the litany of felons and felonies? let s just talk about not being that. okay, but here is possibly why i think this is playing out. because, though they shouldn t be, president biden is focusing voters on democracy and on freedom. and these are fundamentally important things, but somehow they get viewed as kind of lofty ideals, and trump goes straight to the gut and grievance. because people don t know what it is like not to have it. i lived in russia for six years. they didn t understand democracy. they didn t know what it was like to not be, sort of the possibility of randomly being arrested and otherwise having appeal. but can i just go back to the beginning of the show? did all that stuff in this montage happened just this week? and there is 151 days, which means 21 weeks if my math is right. i m wondering if i have the stamina to make it through this, if this is just one week s worth of stuff. i really think this is going to be rather a dramatic, caustic, and i think biden is going to have to really bring home what is the absence of democracy, which is a very tough thing, whereas trump has only to say look, we can do all these things, everything can be great, and full of wall is not a sinitic and thing people think about. trump is a great salesman for his diseased ideas. biden has not yet shown himself to be a great salesman of his ideals, of what he has done. and there is a very significant and real and honest critique of biden from the left. that he has not done enough on what is going on in gaza. and there are a lot of people who would be democrats otherwise who will not support him because of that. i hear you. what s the conversation to have with that voter about what former president trump will do with the situation in gaza? was it not nikki haley a few weeks ago, when she went over there and said it is the job? you know, what lizz said about the margins is important. don t think about the potential, the imaginary hypothetical biden trump voter. i don t think that person really exist. there are a couple, but not many. there is a lot. know, the election is going to be about can trump get people who will say it is either trump or stay home? and can biden get people who say it is either biden or i stay home? the election is going to be won on those margins. and biden does have this significant issue, that a lot of people. there is agoing around on it tiktok . i don t know if using it. tiktok, home of misinformation central. we can talk about tiktok later. but they asked with man, gun to your head, would you vote for biden or trump? and he said the gun would go off . it is a meme that has been shared by people who are saying i will not go with any of them. this is my point about extremism or not. biden should also be as popular as the field broadly. do you want trump or anybody else? we are at a point where trump is not just specifically dystopian in the ways that we may remember or not, based on our experience during the pandemic. he is also just clearly against the will of all is the concept. so i think the question of democracy is how do you make this a tangible, scarier thing? because currently i think talking about democracy as a concept is a little pie-in-the- sky. the thing about democracy dying in darkness did not really work as a slogan for the washington post. it this week, with the remembrance of d-day, it was not just the stark contrast between president biden and donald trump. it was also between donald trump and ronald reagan. ronald reagan gave one of the most important speeches of his presidency in normandy. he stood against russian aggression, he stood with his nato allies. so isn t there question to ask of all republican voters, where has your party gone? because the current gop and what donald trump represents bears almost no resemblance to ronald reagan. correct. it is why you saw joe biden looking almost like reagan and referencing him while he was in france this week. i mean, i am just not going to go down that path, because i am somebody who doesn t have friends who are alive because of ronald reagan. so when i think about waxing back to the people who laid the foundations for this evolution, trump did not come to us in a vacuum. trump came to us because people laid foundations for hatred and bigotry and sexism. and i feel like i don t want to go back to the party that i could recognize of ronald reagan. but what i do want to say is people that we are leaving out of this conversation are the voters. i am constantly saying to people the election is not the end game. it is the starting game. you get the democracy you want and you get the democracy you participate in. and who do you want to fight? that is my whole thing. who do you want to fight? do you want to fight a madman? or do you want to fight somebody who might listen to you where you can get the needle move? because these other people. i do not think the election is going to be won by biden if he is taking democracy his issue. i think it has to be the economy. all of our polling shows people are most concerned about inflation, most concerned about jobs, most concerned about the economy. democracy should be like the sprinkles you get with the ice cream cone, if the ice cancun is the economy. but without a functioning democracy you can throw your economy out the window. that the economy is always the number one issue. finish your thought. i was just going to say that if he does not win it on the record that he is running on which is a strong one. which is a pretty strong one , and a vision of the future, i don t think he wins it by saying i am the democracy guy and that guy isn t. we are talking two different languages as far as the folks who may vote for biden and the folks who may vote for trump. i mean, this is not about issues at all. this is about personality. this is about who you believe. and the people on the right, like joy reed talks about earth one and earth two. the people on the right live on earth two. and we can sit here and believe the nothing that you believe is factual. we can go on and on. january 6, climate change, the election, the trial. but they are affirmed in their miss belief constantly, and they think we don t know what is reality. this is why i feel like the whole felonies thing should and hopefully does cut through to a silent majority, not to evoke reaganism s, but a silent majority of people who are like i am in earth one resident that i am just not that proud of it. it is, for me, a bridge too far, when we have a convicted felon surrounded by felons being again in the white house. i feel like i just want to simplify it down to do you want the felony guy or anyone else? that is a great question. donald trump wanted more than his face, wouldn t he be doing everything possible to court the nikki haley voter? he disrespected nikki haley in every possible way and still she endorsed him. if she actually wanted to win, it wouldn t he say she is my running mate, let s go for the gold? he hasn t, instead it is president biden who is putting together a coalition to try to go to for those voters and risking losing progressive voters in the mix. i wonder when we say nikki haley voter, i would wonder if they were not so psyched about nikki haley, or if they were just like i don t want trump. i am not like everything about nikki haley is just awesome. people weren t saying that. i feel like him going for that voter after he saw emma we saw the numbers after iowa. was it 28% of those people who said if nikki haley is not the nominee i could possibly vote for biden? i think when trump doesn t go out and try to expand his base he never has. but let me finish. why is even doing that? that should be the sign to everybody, he is not trying to expand past due. he is not looking at a world for you. can i do some reporting here with lizz ? i might be messing up the order of your show here. but when roe was first overturned we saw abortion rise up to the top of issues. since then we have seen it fall down. and i know the democrats are making a big deal of the abortion issue. do you think it is something that motivates voters? i don t think it is going to be democracy, and i am wondering if it is going to be abortion as something that trumps the economy, for lack of a better term, and becomes a real motivating issue. well, i am the right person to ask. no, no, only because you might not know this, i am on the ground all the time talking to people. and this is where democrats are actually making a mistake. i do think abortion, abortion polls better than politicians. in these ballot initiatives we are seeing in over a dozen states were initiated by the people, not by politicians. by the people. people who held their abortion stories to themselves for years, saw this as a time, and this isn t a couple people. you have to get 200, 500 in florida, 900,000 validated signatures to get it on the ballot. the question is will people vote for biden and the initiative, what we saw in kansas, the very first one, that people voted overwhelmingly for their abortion initiative and still voted for some of the people who created the laws in the first place. what? so, what we should carefully be looking at is these initiatives, i think, are going to greatly help down ballot. they are going to help senate races and places that will be surprising. congressional races. and will people say i am going to vote for everybody but biden? that is the question somebody needs to answer. we can do that in the next poll. we can ask about that. please do. the president took pretty aggressive action on immigration this week. it has been a vulnerability for him. republicans are going to say it is too little too late. how do you think it is going to play out? and just to be clear, republicans have done nothing on immigration, and thanks to donald trump, blotch doing anything legislative. this is how the republican party has shifted the overton window in their direction. we talked about the border, and about immigration. immigration is not a central issue in american life. it is not the source of crime, it is not changing the economy. republicans have made it this central issue. and people believe it. whether it actually is an issue in daily life are not is somewhat irrelevant, because republicans have been successful in convincing the american people. that s what i m saying, they have made us think about it when it is not as important as they wanted to be. i think this is the frustration for anybody who is not trump, joe biden specifically. your running election campaign, and administration based on it, i think, a practical execution of hopefully reasonable and increasingly moderated policies, and donald trump is running on vibes. it is a vibes based campaign. and the question, fundamentally, returns to turnout. vibes is too polite award for a period anger, resentment, ancient nightmares awake into the bloodstream of people who feel like they re being threatened by non-threats. i m sorry, i have a different view on this. i want to see the person advising biden on the politics of immigration fired. i think he has been behind the curve on this. he has let the republicans take this to a place where it shouldn t go. from a narrative perspective, but not a policy perspective. what have they done on the policy front? from a narrative perspective, if he is doing what he is doing now, why couldn t he have done that months ago? okay, fine. but hold on. you can argue with when he did it, but now he is doing it. now he is doing it. what have republicans done? nothing. they have objected to a deal that was apparently done that was agreed to, but the second thing i wanted say they want to continue to set this up as a problem. the second thing i want to say is there are some issues where you want to take on the lack of facts and the misdirection had on. this issue of immigration, i think, should be one that should be approached with much more sympathy for the people who are afraid and scared, and i think rather than head on white, which people? the immigrants? the people in montana who are worried about people crossing the border in xcode. you don t make it to montana. never make it to montana. so we should worry about what people in montana and west virginia should think about it? we already do. this is what is motivating them. and i think there is a way to address this in a way that is more understanding and less in- your-face. more understanding of what white people in montana think? exactly. here s why, because they vote. i don t think steve is saying because they are white. hold on a second. i don t think it steve is saying that person in montana is right. i think what he is saying is they vote. at the very least you have to acknowledge who that person is, where they are, and speak to them. the issue has already coddled them immensely by wrapping them in this notion of the demonization, i mean, so many americans would think of immigration and think of somebody getting murdered by an immigrant. but that is not the core of our relationship with immigrants in this country. and the right has made it that. yes, but the most important word that you said right there is made. because they made it that. because they solidified this falsehood, you have to at least address it and try to start solving for them. and you understand how people are scared? but who is scared? white people? white people. but we are continuing to be asks to be sensitive to the fears of white people? that are not real fears. it does not matter if they are real fears. they vote. i guess it is my question. genuine human empathy is being considered anybody s peers. i think we are trying to do empathy but also cold calculus about getting their votes. we are trying to disabuse them of the lies and ways that damages them in terms of their sense of security and sense of self. but before we get back in, i just want to ask what does it take to coddle the abstract montana and that is afraid that someone in mexico is coming over to take their job? there is a community i know in wyoming. they had no people from south america. all of a sudden they had 12 people. this was a huge change for them, and everybody, all of a sudden they had to teach esl. great, and guess what? that town in montana or wyoming had jobs for those people. they absolutely did, and those people added to the jobs and there were not people to do the jobs they were doing. all that is good stuff. i am just saying the change, the challenge makes people uncomfortable. i am wondering before we take them head-on if there is a way to talk to them. in an understanding way. last point. this is bigger than the immigration. because this is the republican pattern. create a fear that is not real, pass legislation that only harms other people, then the fear stopped because it never existed. and they think they won. they have done it with abortion, they have done it with lgbtq, trans people. there s kids who are pooping and cat boxes in schools! no, there isn t. if they were kids pooping in cat boxes in schools, high school kids would have put it on instagram. so, to me, it is a microcosm of the playbook and how do we dismantle that playbook to stop having that fear, and stopping the bs around it? we have to go to commercial, but i don t actually think you and steve disagree. i don t. no, i am not prioritizing the feelings of white so we do disagree. but i think that all steve is trying to say here is these people and their fears, he is not saying let s appeal to them. but if we simply ignore it then we are sending this people into trump s arms. we can practically see the statue of liberty when we walk outside this building. we are supposed to be a nation that welcomes immigrants. i mean, none of us were born here, right? but now we have this very hateful, xenophobic approach to a certain kind of immigrant. it is disgusting, and the notion that we should kowtow to the fears that have been grading these people. i am not saying you are kowtowing to anything, but if you don t at least speak to that person you are sending them into the arms of donald trump and going wild are that these people voting for donald trump? because they are getting it to work. and i am not saying they should be coddled. i am saying shouldn t we at least acknowledge them and get a basis of truth back to the center? this is part of what we are talking about when the new york times does what is going on in the world? we ask trump voters. they don t care, we don t care what they think. we don t have to be constantly checking in with what they think. i also think it is the responsibility of white people to educate white people. it should not be placed on lichen brown people and immigrants. i would like to know what it would take to achieve the persuasion that immigrants are not so scary. i would like a practical proposal before i decide to sort of center the feelings of people who are fed lies. what if you didn t reject the fears? and by the way, i am wanting to correct the record. i m not talking about coddling the fears of white people. i feel like there 20 a black and brown people concerned about immigrants coming over the border, taking their jobs. no one is taking anyone s jobs, we have a labor shortage. you have been there could be a rainbow coalition of people who believe that there isn t. i think we acknowledge the people have a right to have fear and be concerned, and not dismiss those fears. besides the four of you, someone else is screaming at me and it is the producers. we have to go to a commercial. there s five people yelling. when we return, the last four years have been great for the wealthiest americans. so i want to know why so many of the richest of the rich are opening their wallets, their hearts, their minds, and buying into his propaganda and pushing donald trump. i need some answers to this. and later, phenom caitlin clark gets hip checked and starts a bigger conversation about women s basketball when our nightcap and the 11th hour continues. s. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: marnina learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don t stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don t take dovato if you re allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: you could stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about dovato. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. you could stay undetectable with fewer medicines. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. in the week since donald trump was found guilty of 34 counts in a new york courtroom, some of the wealthiest americans have come out to announce their support for him. steve, i really, really want to talk about this. because just in the last week donald trump has this new crop of not even your average wall street is disguised. i mean the top of the top most successful. coming out, throwing parties for him, supporting him, and even making arguments that are not true. in the last 24 hours i have heard some of these guys say well, when joe biden asked that last covid relief, which, you know, killed us in terms of inflation. unemployment had already completely recovered. that is a lie. and an uninformed voter might not realize that. but i am talking about the most informed voters, the most successful guys in business are pushing trump lies on their, in a field that is their own expertise. why is this? the corporate tax cuts are going to be on the table in 2025. if you end up supporting trump you are most likely to keep those corporate tax cuts and lower tax brackets, because, by the way, i don t think trump is going to address the deficit at all, either. the record shows that perhaps some of the fiscal spending had a part in the inflation, but it was more about supply shocks, the inability to get stuff into the country, the reduction in the ability to spend on services, so all this money to buy patio furniture and stuff like that, all of the sudden that shot up and all of a sudden we had problems with some food distribution. and that has come off in a very big way. there has been extraordinary progress on the inflation rate but has not brought down the inflation level. and don t overstated, biden has plenty of very, very wealthy supporters. but you are right to point out how extraordinary it is that some of these folks, especially in tech land, are the ones who are out there saying i am going to vote for trump or support trump. and to read, for example, david sachs tweet today on the economy is just to be amazed that a guy with that much money . here s the thing. i get that inflation is difficult. these people who are now supporting donald trump have had extraordinary, extraordinary last few years. bill ackman this week, what is it announced? he is worth $8 million. think of everything president biden has done for electric vehicles. a huge win for elon musk. yet they are railing against this disastrous economy, when it has been a perfect one for them. i think, first off, taxes, let s start with that. and then get to realizing that for these guys, in silicon valley especially, shame feels like a market inefficiency. wait, hold on, if i don t have to care about the judgments of people who are paying attention to the news, maybe i can do the thing that donald trump offers uniquely, in my memory, of american presidents. which is the ability to dictate actual policy. the ability to get favors. i feel like this is the other part of the trump administration that goes underrated because we are talking about the bed of nails that is every single scandal. he is for sale. look at the adelson family. go down the risk of donors and what you get. if you are tech billionaire, ceo, philosopher, king. that is what these guys want to be. they know better. they may think trump is an idiot, and i think they do, but they also think they can puppeteer hemenway s, and they can help run the country. and that is something that joe biden does not offer them. the white house is for sale. and in some way, is this like re-creating putin s oligarchs, but here? you know, i have been listening to you, and i can t believe we are here, again. and a real chance that he might win. and something i ve read the criminologist talk about, the reason why jail does not work as a deterrent. because a lot of people do a stint in prison and they come out and they go oh, i can do that. now i m going to go back to the street, because that wasn t that bad. and for a lot of people they are like we survived trump. it wasn t that bad. covid does not count on his record, for some reason. and they are like we could do this again. and it doesn t make any sense. and i get a footnote to the oligarch story? a lot of those guys ended up exiled and dead. i don t know that all the people who are supporting trump understand the final end result of kleptocracy. okay, because you are asking for people to have something beyond short-term. it works for a little bit. but, see, we are talking about hugely successful masters of the universe who believe well, that will never happen to me. you know that is the way they all think. i think that is right. they re not thinking it through. i think they are also missing, getting back to the first conversation we had, the essential connection between democracy and free markets. what makes free markets work is the rule of law, and if the rule of law is something that is on the whim of the president you have a real problem with your free markets. lizz, let s talk about sort of these loud, influential voices were suddenly backing former president trump. why they would be doing it. i understand, inflation is a really difficult. you want to buy a house, rent an apartment, get any insurance, things are really difficult. but suddenly this group of people backing the former president, it does not really make sense from a policy perspective. why do you think it is happening? well, when you look at how many of them are feel adjacent, this is not my will house. but i d do see and have met and have been hit on by very, very, very rich and powerful men. and all those zeroes don t add inches, and somehow i think they do. and if that stays in the show i am proud of you. i promise you it will. because honestly, i don t have an answer. we are on life. is a family show until now. but honestly, what is the thing you are missing? what is the emotional thing you are missing? you are talking about the intellect of these individuals, and so much of it is about the performance of this analogy that trump offers, the ego. and if you have a massive ego, one of these masters of the universe, wall street, silicon valley, i completely understand why you rock with trump. because that ego seems to be like that is my guy, that s the guy want to be with. i am also just not convinced that they actually like him. that s correct, they don t. they think he is a puppet. i think that they are unbothered by the performance that trump does, which is a key, visceral distinction that i have with these people. but also, i think, what they want is power. trump offers them power. these guys right now believe they can purchase a bat phone into the oval office if donald trump wins. and it was funny, somebody on tv said to me the other day, yeah, but what if donald trump turns on them? what if he doesn t deliver than that? he might, though. and joe biden definitively will not. so they will roll the dice. i think we make a mistake in this country, that because you made a lot of money here you must be smart about things over here. we do it all the time on cnbc, and it is something that i disagree with. but like we will have a billionaire and asked him what he thinks about healthcare. and unless he made his billions in healthcare i am not really sure i care. it s a great point. it s interesting, but it is not essential. it is interesting as we talk , that the pronoun hymn has been used to bunch. because we ve been talking a bunch about men. and even when you said because they make money here they don t do it over there, when you think of somebody who is a billionaire, like the woman who invented spanks. sarah blakely. people are not going to sarah blakely, what do you think about what is going on over there? i don t anybody is asking these guys. these guys have realized they can become business celebrities. do you think somebody a year and half ago said what does bill ackman think about anything other than investing? no one asked him. but now he is posting tweets. it became a twitter personality. so the adrenaline addiction is real. they are all addicted to dealmaking, and now they have become business celebrities. this is a part of capitalism. the people who succeeded the most and capitalism must be the most intelligent people in the country. trump succeeded in capitalism. soon enough, he did not. he did! he took a big chunk of money from his dad. lost a bigger chunk. right, we think of him, he is so dumb. he is proof that you can be wealthy and done at the same time. is also not a successful business person. everyone is staying right here. when we return, fans love her. but caitlin clark is getting a mixed reception from the players in her first year of going pro. why one foul has people talking when the 11th hour in the nightcap continues. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. - so this is pickleball? 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(bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let s fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. annika. i found the bomb. ok johann. there should be a blue wire and a yellow wire. choose acid prevention. cut the blue one. they re both blue! visionworks. see the difference. (man) every time i needed a new phone, i had to switch carriers. (roommate) i told verizon, everyone can get that iphone 15 on them. (man) now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade. i m officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon it s time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california s premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much. or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. basketball star caitlin clark continues to crowd the spotlight as her wnba career kicks off. but it is a foul against her from nearly a week ago that is still in the headlines. pablo, she got body checked by another player. so why are people still talking about it? walk us through what happened in the line of all these new threads. on some level it is a simple story. it was a hard foul, should have been called a flagrant. wasn t, had to be assessed as such retroactively. but the reason it has continued is because it fits into this larger story, which is less and less about caitlin clark, and is a through line for today s show, perhaps, and more and more about us, the voters, so to speak. because it is a perfect culture war story. uninformed voters versus informed voters. and it is about vibes. so i want to address the feelings, because these are sincerely held. it is more than just the great white hope. it is more than just a minority group in this sport actually being a majority outside of it. wnba famously is 60% black women. so you have this star who is bringing attention, record ratings, real business for the first time in the history of the sport. and simultaneous to that you have a lot of people who pre- existed in this sport, who built this sport, who are saying we have not felt the advantages of being the majority group in a business that now everybody cares about. and so, a lot of people have a point, is my point here. caitlin clark is a great player. she deserves the conversation and the height and the attention and the money. and at the same time, those are advantages that are not granted to others because there is a novelty, as well as the substance to it. it is an endless culture war story which everyone can get mad at everyone for a very long time. i think i feel also the resentment of the women who are already there, who are like oh, you think this college kid is going to come in and dominate us? and at the time it seemed you guys are being rude and resentful. and no, actually, it is very hard to move from college to the pros in any sport, even if you are, maybe, one of the best, the best college players ever. we are going to do this entirely differently. we are stronger, faster, more experienced. it is going to be hard for you. so slow down, don t think you re going to walk in and take over. i have nothing to say. remember how i said that i didn t think rich people should be talking about healthcare? i am pretty sure the economics reporter should not be talking about sports. but how is there so much confusion here? suddenly the wnba has all these new fans, and they are watching a game. a game, a rough game that is played year after year. but suddenly the first game they have ever seen, the player who they love, they are seeing get pushed around and they are going, i mean, there was a republican lawmaker who was complaining about this. where you are going this is just how the game is played. yeah, would they feel that way if it was angel reese who got knocked to the ground like that? no. she did get knocked to the ground like that, and nobody cared. this is the other part of the story. sports are supposed to be fueled by hatred. by bad blood. by feuding. this is stuff that is great. part of the reason why i want to buy stock, business metaphor, buy stock in the nba is because people are actually invested in it emotionally, and that comes from having bad blood. the thing that is dystopian, lizz, which movie you can appreciate on this level, too. i love dystopian. yes, we are talking not so much about the story, and more about how everybody hates everybody else because they see themselves in it. and for me it becomes a culture war story, and when i say it is an endless forever war of a culture war story i mean it is because, in sports, we are still arguing about whether lebron james or michael jordan is better. we have been doing that for decades upon decades. some precincts have been reporting that it is jordan. but the point is this is not a thing that can be solved this positively by play. it is going to be, again, about how you feel. and being a minority group in a majority female, black sport that outside of that sport affords you advantages that track with the money and the attention and the privilege, it is like it is fair to object to all of this and it is fair to also say you are making too much of it, because isn t she just a basketball player? and this i will also say. i think it is also fair to say that caitlin clark knows the game that caitlin clark is in. caitlin clark is not saying anything. it is like taylor swift, when the whole taylor swift beyonce feud was happening, they were both like there ain t no feud. this happens in this sport. i just feel like caitlin clark is not screaming. there is a whole lot of pundits speaking, there is a whole lot of things. and what you said is real. the pundit point is important. because race is always a part of sports, we don t always talk about it, but it is always there. and not just what happens on the floor, but also because the vast majority of people who cover sports are white, and male , and generally they are covering, especially in basketball, covering a lot of black people. so, in this situation you see the white girl who is supposed to be the new star, who is changing everything, and she gets thrown to the ground by somebody. the white pundits especially are like oh my god, how could you do that to her? but it is not just about race. it is a lot about the fact that these sports analysts are men. as i have seen black sports analysts this week go on and on, shocked by this saying these girls out there are being mean girls to each other. in the same sports analysts watch football year after year, they watch rookies get the crap kicked out of them going that is on the game is played. but when it comes to women doing it they are like look at these mean girls up in here. and that is bull nonsense. and i agree with you. overwhelmingly it is not that the rest of the wnba is jealous and deceiving like this is a high school cafeteria over caitlin clark. but there are a couple of people who feel that way. if you were to tell me watch this clip of angel reese celebrating caitlin clark falling to the ground i can t convince you objectively that she is not taking some enjoyment. now, does that rise to the level of jealousy and mean girl stuff? i am not going to categorize it as such. but i believe in that he and bad blood can coexist. it is just a we over characterize it as this is a sport where this should not happen, all sports are fueled by this. this is my observation. i want to know if this is true. is less contact countenanced in the wnba than the nba? is even more physical. we have to take a commercial. it s more physical? yes. does ladies know how to get it done. what i want to know is all this talk about the wnba, is it helping the game? we don t know yet. everybody is staying put. when we come back are nightcap returns with our mvps of the week. you do not want to miss it when the nightcap continues. e night kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live life and long live you. ask your doctor about kisqali today. welcome to the wayborhood. and long live you. with wayfair, finding your style is fun. [ music playing ] yes! when the music stops grab any chair, it doesn t matter if it s your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] i m sorry, carl. this is me in chair form. i don t see you. -oh, come on. this one s perfect for you. but you. love it. i told you we should have done a piñata. i explained it so many times. um-hum. they re not sitting. -and it rocks. you need to sit down. wayfair. every style. every home. i don t know how long it s been there. long enough to produce eggs, it seems. it would appear that it has begun moving towards us! visionworks. see the difference. are nightcap is still here with the mvps of the week. who had the biggest we can your mind? one of my heroes, peppermint patty murray from washington state who took on an antiabortion physician who spoke in front of the senate and actually lied about that iuds were actually an abortion, and patty murray called her out on it. it is a public service to everybody. an iud prevents implantation of a fertilized egg. you cannot have a pregnancy unless the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. that is a fact. and this doctor, who is somebody s doctor, lied in front of the senate. and patty murray was like smacked down today. go, patty. another yelling at me because we are going to run out of time, but we should just think about this for a second. that person who sat there and told that lie with a political agenda is somebody s doctor. who is your mvp? i wanted to go in a different direction. corey harris, who became viral out of driving to his resume hearing about driving with a suspended license. hold on, walk us through. because people are not going to know this name but everyone saw this video. he drove to his resume hearing with the judge on his suspended license hearing. and everybody is like oh my god, what an idiot. and surely he made some bad decisions. and it came out that he has actually never had a driver s license. but the end result of all of this is that he ended up in jail for a nonviolent offense. he was not even intending to hurt anyone, and it is easy to look at an individual and say you should have behaved differently. more important to look at the systems and the institutions and say you should behave differently. why are we using jail as a corrective for something like this? a nonviolent offense like this? we are over incarcerating nonviolent offenders way too much in this country. and this is a prime example of somebody who should not be in jail. there are many, many other ways to make the situation work. cindy eldon is the clerk for esmeralda county in nevada. and she is undergoing a withering criticism at a recall petition. she is a republican from supporter, and there are people in that county the believe that there was problems with the election because trump only one of the county of about 700 people by 82%. and this wonderful story in the new york times about this clerk who is being criticized by her neighbors and all the people she has known for life is a reminder that democracy is not a mountain. it is not a building. it exists because of local officials, and the reason why the 2020 election was not overturned is because of these actions by these local officials . these people, i think, democrats, republicans, non- partisans all our heroes that make democracy still exist in this country, and don t take it for granted. and i am on a bipartisan crusade of my own. good luck with that. red panda is somebody that you may know if you have seen a basketball game. she happens to be the greatest halftime performer of all time. red panda is the older chinese woman and immigrant to this country who gets on a unicycle, elevated many feet in the air, balances holes on her foot, and kicks them off to her head repeatedly. and the crusade i launch after watching her perform in game one of the nba finals yesterday is simply this. at the basketball hall of fame has never inducted a halftime performer. it should be red panda, and i want to address america, the world, on my various social media platforms i have a petition. this is a real thing. all of you guys at this table need to sign it. i am begging you. we need to demonstrate that this person, read anda, is a part of history and should be remembered to me as such. right on. we are ready to sign it. my mvp, the families from the sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut. if you remember, talkshow host alex jones spread lie after lie of what happened in that elementary school in connecticut. the families of those children, those five and six-year-old children who were killed sued this man for defamation and they won nearly $1.5 billion in damages. but all sorts of cynics out there, me included, thought they are never going to see the money. a guy like this is going to move his assets, put them under family members names or friends, it will never happen. on thursday, yesterday, alex jones filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy, basically liquidating all of his assets. why? for the families who face the most devastating loss and then had to hear the lies that he pushed. this was all made up, and these families have said the money is not the most important thing. the most important thing is that he stops doing this. that might not ever happen, but we are one step closer to these families having one ounce of justice, and i welcome it. thank you all for being here. it was a pleasure to have you all. have a great weekend. thank you, thank you, thank you. we are going to be right back. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping. in 99% of people over 50. it s lying dormant, waiting. and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you re not at risk for shingles? it s time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you re over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. hi. my name is kim and i am 41 years old. i ve been given the opportunity to work from home, so that means lots of video calls. i see myself more and i definitely see those deeper lines. i m still kim and i got botox® cosmetic. i wanted to keep the expressions that i would normally have, you know, you re on camera and the only person they can look at is you. i was really happy with the results. i look like me just with fewer lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow s feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at sup? 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Game , Word , Cashbacking , Cashbackin , Cashback-like-a-pro-with-chase-freedom-unlimited , People , Person , Art , Organism , Human , Tree , Adaptation

Transcripts For CNN The Source With Kaitlan Collins 20240608-3420

Feel good in? can you just explain vibe session because there are probably some lotto more like my dad who is what exactly is a vibe session? yeah, it s not necessarily a new concept. it s very similar to keynes. animal spirits. george soros, and reflexivity it s just this idea. as you said, a disconnect between how people feel and what the economic data is saying. so a strong labor market ish, strong economic metrics like gdp, inflation going down. but yet people are feeling bad and what you said there about the numbers that people are feeling and what they re paying attention to because we hear from the white house a lot, they ll say, okay, well, look at what wages are, look at, look at what the job numbers is, look at what the unemployment rate is. but but what you just pointed out there, the housing market affordability, those are things that people feel because they re not able to buy a home. they re not able to make these a big life steps that typically they d be able to take. yeah. i think that s kinda why we re seeing this disconnect. i think it s just

Dad , Vibe-session , Concept , Vibe , Animal-spirits , Lotto , Keynes , People , Idea , Disconnect , Data , Metrics

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240608-1200

Have an actual real election where we the people get to decide the outcome. what a concept thank you. coming up day 5 and the hunter biden begun trial prosecution arrested today will hunter take the stand in his own defense we tell you what his lawyer said and some breaking news the judge pointing out that on a facebook page that somebody who claims to be the cousin of 1 of the jurors the day before the verdict comes in said trump is getting convicted. cause for mistrial, gregg jarrett ways and straight ahead.

Election , We-the-people , Concept , Outcome , Hunter-biden-begun-trial-prosecution-arrested-today , 5 , Facebook , Judge , Breaking-news , Hunter , Defense , Stand

Transcripts for MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240608 03:04

Say it is either biden or i go home. the election is going to be won on those margins. and biden does have this significant issue, that a lot of people, there is something going around on tiktok, i don t know if using it. we can talk about tiktok later. but when they asked this man, gun to your head, would you vote for biden or trump ? and he said the gun would go off. and that has become this that has been shared by people who are like i will not go for any of them. this is my point about extremism versus not. biden should also be as popular as the field, broadly. do you want trump or anybody else? we are at a point where trump is not just specifically dystopian in the way we may remember or not, based on our experience during the pandemic. he is also just clearly against the rule of law as a concept. so i think the question of democracy is how do you make this a tangible, scarier thing, because currently i think talking about democracy as a

People , Something , Lot , Election , Issue , Home , Margins , Tiktok , Hunter-biden , People , Man , Gun

Transcripts for MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240608 03:05

Concept is a little pie-in-the- sky. think about democracy dying in darkness, did not really work as a slogan for the washington post. but this week, with the remembrance of the day, it was not just the stark contrast between president biden and donald trump. it was also between donald trump and ronald reagan. ronald reagan gave one of the most important speeches of his presidency in normandy. he stood against russian aggression, he stood with his nato allies. so isn t there a question to ask of all republican voters, where has your party gone? because the current gop and what donald trump represents bears almost no resemblance to ronald reagan. it is why you saw joe biden looking almost like reagan and referencing him while he was in france this week. i am not going to go down that path, because i have somebody who does not have friends who are alive because

Democracy-dying-in-darkness , Contrast , Concept , Slogan , Remembrance , Sky , Washington-post , Prosecuting-donald-trump , Hunter-biden , Question , One-of-the-best , Voters

Transcripts for MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240608 06:04

Would say, it s either trump or a state home. and either it s biden, or i stay home. the election is going to be won on those margins. and you know, biden does have this significant issue, right? there s a meme going around right now on tiktok, you may have seen it. home of misinformation? we can talk about that later. but gun to your head, would you vote for biden or trump? and he said, the gun would go off. the meme has been shared by people who won t go for any of that. biden should be also as popular as the field, broadly. you want trump, or anybody else? we are at a point where trump is not just specifically dystopian in the ways we may remember or not, based on our experience during the pandemic. he is also just clearly against the rule of law as a concept.

Hunter-biden , President , It , Issue , Election , Meme , Margins , Home , State-home , Gun , Head , Misinformation

Transcripts for MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240608 06:05

I think the question of democracy is, how do you make , this a tangible, scarier thing? i think talking about democracy as a concept is a little pie in the sky. democracy dying in darkness didn t really work as a slogan for the washington post. but this week, with the s remembrance of d-day, it wasn t just the stark contrast between president biden and donald trump . it was also between donald trump and ronald reagan. ronald reagan gave one of the most important speeches of his presidency in normandy. he stood against russian aggression. he stood with his nato allies. w is there a question to ask of ue all republican voters where has your party gone? because the current gop and be what donald trump represents there s almost no resemblance to ronald reagan. you saw joe biden looking almost reagan -like and referencing him while he was in france this week. i mean

Thing , Functioning-democracy , Question , Concept , Slogan , Pie-in-the-sky , Democracy-dying-in-darkness-didn-t , Hunter-biden , Prosecuting-donald-trump , Contrast , Wasn-t , D-day

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Hannity 20240608 06:20

And we an actual real electionll where we, the people get to decideecwe t the outcome. what a concept. yeah, what an interesting concept. very well said. lisa, thank you. governor, thank you.5 coming up, day five in the hunter biden gun trial. the prosecutorane hunter and they rested today. will hunter take the stand in his ownl hu defense?hi we re going to tell you what his lawyer had to say. and breaking news, judge merchan pointing out that in the state facebook pagea that in fact, somebody who claims to be the cousikn of one of the jurors the day before the verdict comes in, the actually said trumps getting convicted. calls for mistriause for ria frank jarrett weighs in straight at. been there, done that best around. i m having fun don t put me down on that with allegro. allergies won t hold me back. i want you allegro starts working two times faster than claritin and unlike zyrtec or won t make me drowsy, nothing

People , Concept , Electionll , Lisa-let , Governor , Decideecwe-t , Outcome , Five , 5 , John-merchan-b , Breaking-news , Will-hunter

Transcripts for MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240608 03:04:45

Transcripts for MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240608 03:04:45 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Thing , Democracy-dying-in-darkness , Question , Rule-of-law , Concept , Pandemic , Experience , Tangible ,