Maintaining its stance as a strong ally to the LGBTQIA+ community, Future Generali India Insurance Company Limited (FGII), celebrated PRIDE month in support to the community with a dazzling event and PRIDE parade at its offices across India.
Am 31. August endete der Tankrabatt und die Spritpreise steigen seitdem wieder deutlich an. Jetzt droht der nächste Ärger an der Tankstelle. Der deutsche Logistikverband befürchtet dramatische Engpässe.
Kolhapur (Maharashtra) [India], December 4 (ANI/Heylin Spark): The TEDx Event organized in Kolhapur by Gaurav Ghewade and Shubham Kharade on 14th November, 2021 was based on the theme Protopia.
Kolhapur (Maharashtra) [India], December 4 (ANI/Heylin Spark): The TEDx Event organized in Kolhapur by Gaurav Ghewade and Shubham Kharade on 14th November, 2021 was based on the theme Protopia.