care act. i should also point out i think senate republicans understand what it takes to strengthen it because in their repeal and delay legislation, they delayed the repeal of obamacare for two years and they prescribed as a solution the cost sharing pafrts that leonard talked about, tax credits for small businesses as well as put in risk so they actually know how to strengthen the affordable care act. we just think you should strengthen it all the way into the future not put take two year deadline on it. eric makes a good point about pre-existing conditions. i ve held quite a few town hall meetings this spring. we may hold a fifth one in august. and my stit wentsz are uniform that they do not want any change in the provision regarding pre-existing conditions. and i think that that is a matter where we can agree and certainly the problem solvers is caucus agrees on that. what about orrin hatch? you just heard him a moment ago saying that or i just said it, actually, as saying