away. they want it improved and enhanced and the law enhanced more, but people are not saying as the republicans tried more than 50 times to kill obamacare. and another enrollment period in november 15th. yes. and so we will see and hear a lot more of it between the midterms. dafna and amanda, thank you. stay with us for live coverage of the president s announcement coming up at 11:00 at the top of the hour. and checking the news feed, first look at the man police say that was behind the wheel of the suv involved in the horrific car crash at a day care center. the man appeared before a judge, and 4-year-old lilly was sitting at her table waiting for the snack when the car came crashing through the wall and killed her. 11 other children were hurt. this is lilly s heartbroken mother. she was a princess and soldier at the same time. she would run around in a tu tu
meet the october deadline. i am as frustrated as anybody with the flawed launch of so let me say to the americans, you deserve better. and in fact, she was noticeably absent last month when president obama said they had met the march 31st goal of 7 million signups, but she did have a chance yesterday to tell the senate finance committee that total enrollment has reached 7.5 million. 4,000 additional americans have signed up, and we expect that number to grow. and let s bring in dafna l d lindser and amanda terkel from huffington post. and what do you make to the timing of all of this, dafna? well, it is ideal time the ing and she said that there were