Vijay Utsav was celebrated in the state BJP office on the victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party in the Lok Sabha elections across the country including Madhya Pradesh. Senior leadership including Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, BJP State President and MP Vishnudutt Sharma, former Chief Minister Shivraj
Congress is struggled to save its lone seat from Chindwara which was finally lost. After the last phase of elections, the exit poll figures came out on June 1, which were almost around 2019. In the last election, BJP got 28 seats while one seat went to the account of Congress.
However, this time
Alert at many places Bhopal: The entire Madhya Pradesh is in the grip of intense heat due to the hot winds coming from Rajasthan. The effect of heat is being seen since morning even today. The harshness of the sun is continuously persisting. There is a heat wave alert at many places in the state today.
Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh is expected to continue experiencing scorching heat even on Friday, with severe heat waves forecasted for regions including Gwalior, Chambal, and Malwa-Nimar. Temperatures are anticipated to remain above 45 degrees Celsius. Gwalior and Chambal regions are on red alert for heat waves, with 33 districts in total expected to face intense heat.