facilities. ukrainian officials say that they are a fire hazard and may hold explosives. during the visit, russian officials are keen to re-enforce their claims of ukrainian attacks on the plant, pointing out spent rockets. a local woman shows the chief nuclear inspector a dossier on alleged ukrainian attacks. refugees who arrived in zaporizhzhia from the town next to the plant tell of russian helicopter gun ships and worse. these are the latest refugees to have arrived from the dormitory town. we have spoken to launch number of them. none want to risk being identified because many still have families in the town, but they all tell us to a man and a woman that they have seen the evidence of russians shelling their own positions. they say that they hear the flash to bang, the outgoing
zaporizhzhia from the town next to the plant tell of helicopter gun ships and worse. these are the latest refugees to have arrived from the dormitory town for the zaporizhzhia nuclear power station. we ve spoken fto a large number of them. they don t want to be identified because they tell us they still have families in the town. but they all tell us they ve seen evidence of russians shelling their own positions. they say they hear the flash to bang, the outgoing mortar and the incoming bomb landing within one or two seconds of each other. i was able to see myself and my team the impact, holes, markings on buildings, of shells. reporter: his pledge to keep inspections going is falling short of ukraine s demands that russian troops leave the power plant. translator: unfortunately we haven t heard the main thing from the iaea which is the call
during the visit, russian officials are keen to reinforce their claims of ukrainian attacks on the plant pointing out spent rockets. a local woman shows the chief nuclear inspector a dossier on alleged ukrainian attacks. refugees who arrived in zaporizhzhia from the town next to the plant, tell of russian helicoptered gun ships and worse. these are the latest refugees to have arrived from the dormitory town for the zaporizhzhia nuclear power station. we ve spoken to a large number of them. none of them want to risk being identified because many of them still have families in the town, but they all tell us to a man and a woman that they ve seen the evidence of russians shelling their own positions. they say that they hear the flash to bang, the outgoing mortar and then the incoming bomb landing within one or two seconds of each other. and i was able to see myself and my team impact holes,
u.n. inspectors encountered russian troops and russian trucks inside nuclear facilities. ukrainian officials say they re a fire hazard and may carry explosives. armored personnel carriers armed with cannon marked with russian in invader z also visible. they are keen to reinforce claims of ukrainian attacks on the plant pointing out spent rockets. a local woman shows the chief nuclear inspector a dossier on alleged ukrainian attacks. refugees who arrived in zaporizhzhia from the town next to the plant tell of russian helicopter gun ships and worse. these are the latest refugees to have arrived from the dormitory town from the zaporizhzhia nuclear power station. we ve spoken to a large number of them. none of them want to risk being identified because many of them have families in the town but they all tell us to a man and woman they have seen the
there given the russians recently increased their military presence to the power station and there is this on going acccounter offensive comi with recent admissions the ukrainians have indeed struck with precision weapons tar gets in the dormitory town nearby remains to be seen, jessica. sam kiley, thanks for that reporting. joining me is the former president of the plow shares fund, which is a pounfoundation focussing on reducing the threat of nuclear weapons and the author of nuclear nightmares securing the world before it s too late. great to see you. thanks for being here. my pleasure. we heard from sam. another reactor was shut down amid the shelling. that means five or six have shut down. how wering concerning is that?