to fork that are incompatible going to have to fork out that are incompatible going to have to fork out for super unleaded petrol to fork out for super unleaded petrol which will be available in the old petrol which will be available in the old e5 format, but it is not quite the old e5 format, but it is not quite as the old e5 format, but it is not quite as widely available as e10, so if you quite as widely available as e10, so if you are quite as widely available as e10, so if you are relying on e5 field going forward. if you are relying on e5 field going forward, you will have to do your homework forward, you will have to do your homework to make sure that the forecourt homework to make sure that the forecourt you are visiting will have the feel forecourt you are visiting will have the feel that you need. the feel that you need. really interesting the feel that you need. really interesting to the feel that you need. really interesting to know. - the feel that y