Erin Gillaspie, MD, MPH, FACS, a faculty member of Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s (VUMC's) department of thoracic surgery, discussed trials that helped lung cancer surgeries evolve.
Erin Gillaspie, MD, MPH, FACS, a faculty member of Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Department of Thoracic Surgery, discusses new technologies making surgery on lung cancer tumors easier and expresses what currently excites her within the lung cancer space.
Erin Gillaspie, MD, MPH, FACS, a faculty member of Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Department of Thoracic Surgery, discussed the role of immunotherapies in lung cancer and how they are used.
Erin Gillaspie, MD, MPH, FACS, a faculty member of Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Department of Thoracic Surgery, explained what testing needs to be done to identify the best treatment for patients with lung cancer.
Erin Gillaspie, MD, MPH, FACS, a faculty member of Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Department of Thoracic Surgery, discussed improvements in lung cancer outcomes due to new screenings and therapies.