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Transcripts For DW World Stories 20190511 20:15:00

playing the old my players. i ve played. sleep. listen carefully. don t listen to me it s going to be a good. question.
to discover the ultimate. players. subscribe to the documentary on you tube. welcome to world stories. sudan picturing the revolution in. germany fees for hire. but 1st to hungary in the run up to the e.u. elections young pro european voters are turning to a new party to challenge populist prime minister viktor orban playing.
they want their future to be in the e.u. . on a donut and cup and she are the lead candidates for momentum a young hungary movement they are set to challenge prime minister viktor or bands far right feet as party in the upcoming elections. hungary and his allies and it has obviously are sufficiency all those on line they are destroying the unity if you re up there fighting against our shared accomplishments they want to create a year of that is less stable less organized less powerful and i think that you re of these to be reformed in order to fight again these populists. despite prominent support from e.u. commissioner ma get the best aga only a few 100 momentum supporters joining today s march there s a mood of political apathy in the country but for those who came out today the view is a fundamental issue. we are against the corruption what s in the government s
right now and 100 percent supportive of the european union and what s going on around here is just unacceptable the european union is like the symbol of freedom and free speech and it s like the last hope these young carians are tired of the government s anti e.u. policies and many have moved to other e.u. countries for a better future since the 2008 financial crisis close 250-0000 mostly young carians have gone abroad that s almost 5 percent of the population. but for the governing fetus party stopping this mass exodus doesn t seem to be a priority their campaign focuses exclusively on the alleged threat that immigration poses to the country. momentums vice presidents on the donuts blames the government for failing to provide for her generation she says she is committed
to creating a future for young gary ans here at home regardless of the odds. even if the selection one tear knowledge of a hoped for it doesn t mean that next time because the more successful stronger more motivated i mean if you if you fail then you stand up and do twice as hard in last year s parliamentary elections momentum fails to pass the 5 percent threshold but with a few more weeks to go and a 3rd of hungary s young people still undecided there s a chance they could make their dream of shaking up hunger in politics and here up a reality. now to sudan where a young photographer has followed the uprising since december 28th he documents his people s protests for democratic elections.
for 32 year old mohammed this is history in the making has been documented the sudanese uprising since it started in the summer today he s taking pictures of the incoming fire bans joining demonstrators in front of the army headquarters in the capital have to. hold. my pitches are for the coming generations the suffering experienced by people in my fighter should not be forgotten. when we took to the streets we were just calling for our rights we should not have been met with some of the violence we see in the pictures. at the heart of the protest area mohammed displays his photos for his fellow students. a larger art movement has emerged from the uprising even this billboard has taken on new meaning protests. those have hung clothing in honor of military personnel who disobeyed orders and refused to open fire at them and they re all mad and
vicious. that says his photography not only documents the revolution it is also a way to help the people who needed. to get out of this picture shows a man waving a flag as he is being loaded on to the back of a truck. i will be using him and punching him so that he put the flag down a chance to sit on holding up the flag high so. that s a picture help to get this man released because it spread so much so they were able to locate him and have him freed. for passers by mohammed s work reflect a turning point for sudan and its people. i feel love when i see the details of these pictures the sadness where these pictures are an expression of the bravery the strength and the patriotism of people who have overcome 30 years of oppression under a corrupt regime that headed to the display shows that sudan has
a lot of artists and people with many talents. and good mohammad realizes to disappear found freedom is very fragile and that a lot of work needs to be done for the spirit of decision to be made a political reality and we learned as a people that we can be united and we can be one hand in this transitional period we the sudanese people have to accept each other. and. become a does not know what exactly the future holds for sudan but he is determined to bear witness to it with his camera. what a risky business it is to criticize the authorities in china in our next report e.-w. meets a former prisoner and uncovers secret prisons and forced confessions. the
detention room is like a cooling chamber where the metal door escape from this room is impossible. thomas . was one of 200 human rights lawyers chinese authorities rounded up in july 2050. one bright light is on $24.00 hours a day you don t know if it s day or night. it feels like you ve been locked up in hell. you re completely cut off from the world. you don t know anything and you re terrified to. see any was called to the administration of his apartment complex he didn t suspect anything. there several plainclothes police were waiting they blindfolded him and shoved him into a car. with his
wife and children were wondering why he didn t come back then later that day 20 police officers came to search their apartment. headhunters i was absolutely terrified nobody told me he came to taint the police such a high spec refused to give any information your. question was how to. force disappearances have become increasingly common in china the head of interpol former canadian diplomat an exiled writer a canadian businessman and activist and a photographer a lawyer booksellers. and a billionaire just a few of those who disappeared in the last 2 years. the facilities are all from inside military compounds they are secret but activists have tried to find some detainees are not in the judicial systems database. the uncertainty is intentional
or thirty s use the sites to extort confession. to guards a presence around the clock. they register every movement you make. they observe you to find your weak spot and find out what you re most scared of. using the word. that. they don t allow you to change positions when you sleep. and they deprive you of your slightest freedoms. sienese whereabouts were unknown for 6 months later he was transferred to a regular detention center and jailed for 2 years after his release he wrote to detailed account of the secret detention she and even had his license to practice law hugo qt but he is still refusing to keep quiet.
quote diversity is under threat and fees are at an alarming risk through farmers dependent on be falling nation in germany have come up with an idea. to be sharing . how many of the apple blossoms in her orchard will be pollinated this year it s a question that fruit farmer sabine adama asks herself time and again because a northern germany as in other places many bees are dying. losing up to 40 percent of a colony as a regular occurrence and those are the bees that you miss now when plants begin flowering whether it s rapeseed or fruit they re just not there. so here i am delmon has turned to a new digital be sharing platform for help it brings together beekeepers and farmers on line. the bees that will pollinate dull months trees arrive on
a truck from the neighboring netherlands she ordered $500.00 colonies. and after taking a little while to a climatized they cut straight to work. platform operator nails galba has assumed responsibility for the hard working insects it would be terrible for the startups image if they came to harm. because a disease prevention is a big issue of bringing healthy bees plays a central role on the one hand on the other we have close agreements and binding regulations with the farmers to ensure that these aren t damaged through the improper use of pesticides that could hurt or destroy them that hasn t happened yet . so far galba has registered over a 1000 beekeepers on his platform the bees cost $60.00 euros per deployment so did they get the job done.
we re lucky because our orchard is pretty far away from other orchards like it so we thought about it and decided to take a chance on it to give it a shot and see how things go and so far the cooperation has gone very well we haven t been disappointed. because it was important for. the beekeepers get to keep the honey it s still early days for the be sharing business in germany but there is potential demand for hundreds of thousands of colonies among farmers all over the country beast for hire could help improve harvests of all kinds of produce and at the same time provide their owners with a great source of income. mysterious
storyteller. a struggle for survival. arts 21 percent share is on. the symphonic suite by mc a live risky korsakov. on t.w. . eco africa meets a woman on a mission to save the environment. well yes and no problem but throughout that look for solutions to get that interest period is a reporter in a zombie she knows that nature has all been pushed past its limits here because people simply don t know any better but she s determined to change that good stuff . in 60 minutes.

Fetus-party , Viktor-orban , Elections , Allies , Prime-minister , Lead , Cup , Feet , Candidates , Momentuma-young-hungary-movement , Hungary , Line

Transcripts For DW Arts And Culture 20190812 21:45:00

revisit the berlin wall through the eyes of a west german author of the way and see how german the business factor both sides and west and i mean working. and speaking of all the berlin based artist collective inner fields use them as their canvas for some of the most sought after street art around. well anyone who s a fan of the sound of music will remember julie andrews yodeling her heart out in the song the lonely goatherd heard and indeed long before the advent of smartphones cow and go herds used yodeling in the alps as a way to call from one mountain to another but what began as a melodic language in switzerland and austria has evolved into a sophisticated musical form in itself and it s one that has remarkable staying power. but be totally meaningless and loudly.
we don t know when the 1st alpine dairy farmer let rip with the 1st yodel. perhaps the most plausible explanation courting the scattered herd of cows in for milking but with so much artistic creativity be invested into such a monday in toss. you can go far you know no more my thesis is that the 2nd variation is much more penetrating that s the reason the german police or the fire department have this. that goes just like that. goes up and down and that s basically a yodel. the order was originally a distress call the invention of. someone high in the mountains feeling threatened
by the uncanny silence someone who felt they must release this feeling of lost most in a primal yell and this became an entertaining form of music. it s rather hard to imagine now but there was a time when yodeling was considered revolutionary. you could even say there was a kind of republican yodel for example in switzerland one of the 1st democratic countries or roll of the was to free it from the podium at the beginning of the 19th century. these countries were associated with freedom in the eyes of the rest of europe. for the euro zone s that came down from the out to europe were transformed into songs of freedom. an interesting theory where the battles are
just great p.r. measures for alpine folk music well christoph doctors research does suggest that there was a yodel at that time one which gripped the whole of europe and soon produced its 1st superstar. family from silla tar. they were adored and got rich and that energized the same mate this opined song into a kind of 1st pop music so instead. in addition to the rhinos hundreds of alpine singers and even opera divas took yodeling to the living and to overseas pastures near 0 balance yards at the new york metropolitan opera their views were not great but that didn t stop yodel mania gripping the us. the whole world met in the usa in the 19th century and a mix of languages were spoken my idea is that yodelling was the lowest common denominator. to give my. music market was soon such as i did with
a new sound and some began to find it just plain irritating mark twain generously rewarded the 1st yodeling shepherd he encountered to ascend into space mountain but after encountering every moment at 10 minute intervals he soon resorted to bribing them to just shut. border. train did not live to experience the blue yodel jimmy rogers went from graduate brakeman to record which. was allegedly inspired by howling coyotes and steam locomotives. in the us a yodel mania lost its luster in the 1950 s. . 2 decades ago yodeling was liberated from being solely the preserve of german folk music t.v.
shows indie folk music bands and everyone s gone vocalists have breathed new life into the. and why not what could be more beautiful than transforming those cries of distress into a positive heartfelt yeah that echoes around the world. aug 13th marks the 58th anniversary of the day the berlin wall went up practically overnight here in the city itself it preceded to divide berlin into communist east and capitalist west and for 20 years it was the most tangible symbol of the cold war and during that time author and journalist picked us not into was one of the 1st west germans to write a novel about it 30 years ago i could have been shot to death just for standing here for space on the east side of the berlin wall it was called the death street. people risk their lives trying to escape from. communist east to the west but who
would have been crazy enough to try to jump over the wall from the west to the east . the wall is about germans from both sides trying to overcome the border. mr who was in his mid forties and on welfare 1st came to the attention of the police when with a running start from the west he jumped the wall heading east the guards of the other german states arrested as a border violator he wore out his interrogators who wanted to know why he hadn t used a border crossing by pointing out time and again that he lived right across the way and had taken the only direct path over the wall when the book came out in 1902 the wall was already part of people s d.n.a. hardly anyone here believed that east and west germany would agree unified and most people didn t even want them to go in the wall. weaves together political analysis and report ties with his own youthful adventures and his complicated friendships
with germans from both sides the book to be prophetic it will take us longer to tear down the wall in our heads than any wrecking company will need for the wall we can see. the wall jumper is still one of the most important works written about german division and it s probably the coolest history lesson you ll ever read. nice little slim addition to your summer reading list walls play a central role in our next report because we re going to meet the guys from inner fields who specialize in massive street art murals now for a decade there are has reflected how ai and technology are taking over our lives and the more surface they manage to cover the more they hope that they can change the world. and hold. in a field collective for 10 years now they ve been painting giant sized colorful and very precise one. it s using building balls as they campuses and giant size tools.
is and so on. and these are our surprise brushes our favorites if you were to do the same thing on canvas this would have to be a mini brush. many many pinned. their theme is the effects of the digital revolution on people s lives via splog sees transforming huge facades into murals like this one in fribourg as both a challenge and a responsibility that it does with the mukesh have an opportunity to paint something like this also imposes a great my sponsibility on us to express something to the community. when you locate something on a public space where lots of people see it you have a responsibility to produce something lasting that advances society otherwise in the end it s irrelevant a few weeks early on. live and work in berlin they 1st met in the mid ninety s when they would prefer sprite as not everything they created was entirely legal.
i believe that they. actually not all that much has changed about our passion from the 1990 s. i think the one small transformation that s happened is that while there was a hobby and a parish and back then today it s serious and oppression and now we re allowed to do it we don t get left out anymore. over the years they ve stayed true to their things the only present smartphones are one of their favorite subjects the critical view of the breakneck pace of technological progress often finds expression in a mural in berkeley in. hamburg and abroad. such as georgia. israel. norway or ukraine. for us it s fantastic that we re getting so many requests from all over the world
to come and paint these works. i know we have to think about how we re going to coordinate the year and choose what we re able to take on and realize and finish. that. in addition to the meals they paint to get the 2 artistic projects on their own as well here it s all about the relationship between humans and technology the finished canvases look a bit like miniature versions of the murals but you do want to accept any artistic limitations. these works could indeed become a mural. there canvas as we ve created individually to deal with the subjects of social media and technology and. i think it s great because in a way we re putting together a cache of ideas. their latest mural is an
initiative at the university of freiburg with philip kelly is conducting research on intelligence he supplied the basic idea for the work. it s been our experience in the projects we ve done so far that art is a virtually ideal means or public forum for or approach to instigating dialogues on such complex topics as artificial intelligence technology and things like that. greta superimposed on the study helps to transpose the proportions to the wall 4 days of work 6 liters of paint and 10 cans of spray paint went into the freiburg mural it purposely leaves much room for interpretation. we want to mention. we hope to reach people but we don t want to play the part of the educator here we just want to put down a few stumbling blocks and trip people up we want to trip up people s minds and.
this is what in the fields hope to achieve with them here on artificial intelligence. it s science alone makes it almost impossible to avoid engaging with that. time without it is time for us to sign off but don t forget about our web site e.w. dot com slash culture any time i hope to see you next time same time same place for more arts and culture news and until then i must go to one chased. the.
heavy clouds loom over this paradigm submit clouds of bricks it took the caribbean island of nk well it was a british overseas territory and its neighbors are french and dutch territory. if britain leaves the e.u. the consequences will also be felt here. breaks a curse in the caribbean. from close up in 30 minutes on d. w. . her 1st day of school in the jungle. first the clueless of the.
doris crane moment arrives. join during a taping on her. churning back to freedom. in our interactive documentary. store on the right to tame returns home on t w dot com arena tang s. robots are still in the development phase. but what s going to happen when they grow up. with humans and machines able to peacefully coexist. or are we on the verge of a remarkable life. if we just bumble ever this totally unprepared with our heads in the sand fusing to think about what could go wrong then let s face it it s probably going to be the biggest mistake in human history. artificial intelligence is now spreading through our society. is this the beginning of

Way , Yodeling , Austria , Mountain , Language , Alps , Switzerland-one , One , Form , Staying-power , Welfare-1st , Dairy-farmer

Transcripts For DW Shift 20190811 03:02:00

things look a lot different there than elsewhere facebook and google are blocked for example what s the internet like behind the chinese firewall i want topic today. most of the world uses products from google apple facebook and amazon or. but not china there are 3 homegrown tech giants dominate the industry they re called by do . and handsome also known as b. 80 in china but i do replace a google. for e-commerce and is more popular than facebook is here but that s not all. my dues map service instead of google maps where instead of twitter and tweet charts instead of what s. in china
separate providers for almost every online service available in the west but they re far more than just copies in many fields like live streaming. and online payments chinese providers have become global leader. stockman is a professor at the hattie school of governance in berlin and an expert on china s digital trends she says uses play a big role in these developments main difference between chinese users and european users that chinese internet users a fast adopters so when there is a new platform they were. try it out. we chat alone has more than $1000000000.00 users a month. pain is the leading mobile payment service it works in supermarkets and at restaurants hardly anyone uses cash in china anymore users can even doctor appointments. like this without it getting around in china is. and easy.
social media platforms like we chat for example emphasize less the distribution of information more social networking so we chat was invented as a means to develop what s called in china. social connection. video streaming services are especially popular in china. instead of future and their flicks 10 cent video. and your cool are popular platforms for short videos that last around 15 seconds off flooded with $800000000.00 visitors each month. the current market leader is by dance with a program. outside of china we know it as tech talk. another innovation to video streaming is on the platform billy billy user comments are displayed live as the video player. things are
trending more and more towards live streaming the market leader who counts 25000000 active users every month and the company takes uses supervision very seriously with the help of ai more than 1000 schulmann contemn managers monitor streams for violations they look for pornography depictions of violence and calls to violence but smoking on screen or showing. could also get your account blocked the chinese state has started much earlier than us based and european platforms to develop a vast institutional infrastructure in order to control and censor content in the west this is called clinton moderation in china they call it content management but china doesn t stop at moderating content it s created an enormous fire wall to shield his users from the rest of the digital world this
comes in handy for many chinese path forms because it eliminates foreign competition but it also makes it easier to silence uncomfortable opinions how does it all work it is basically a huge huge vast either net connection that is connected by a very few stormers to the global internet and. because all traffic has to go through these servers the chinese government is able to block certain content in china foreign websites are mostly inaccessible when the content is seen as not conforming to chinese government regulations their ip addresses are simply blocked that applies to google the most you search engine in the world as well as the user administered online encyclopedia pedia and even less websites. chinese online services are usually censored before they even reach the public show
chang is familiar with this phenomenon is a human rights activist and editor in chief of the china digital times the advantage of those chinese companies are the promise of the government they harbor compasses to censor and control like contents so they will not they will listen to the government or they will actually preemptively deleting lot of the contents before the internet police even take a look the messaging up we can use algorithms to prevent the transfer of photos in real time. kind of his university of toronto citizen lab found this out the image of an empty chair commemorating a dead human rights activist simply doesn t go through to chat partners in china. so if upload a picture to share with a friend it s immediately compared to a database if it raises concern there the picture is simply not sent the whole
process is completely automated with image recognition software while it s technically fascinating socio political consequences are terrifying she was young says online censorship has massively increased under general secretary xi jinping now the chinese internet is much more a politically quiet place. it s still commercially very vibrant culturally still full of activities innovations but the in the last of its political action intense of a lens has all but politically silenced china s internet but the government is not satisfied with just blocking and filtering out on one of the opinions it also keeps looking for new ways to use technology to its advantage the communist party of china has its own app and it s been especially successful. digital politics the communist party of china keeps citizens in line with the little red
app in the beginning of 2019 she jungle which means as much as study to make the nation strong was the most downloaded app in china even more than we chat and do you mean. the propaganda tool spreads the views of the general secretary of the communist party xi jinping uses must register with a telephone number and their real names in order to study political articles to comment or to solve little puzzles voted coupons and prizes just like in mobile against hunger an activist joshua long is critical of the way millions of chinese people are directly manipulated in this way he says the voluntary civic education platform is a surveillance tool just implied to rise off digital. in china and it shows how. true it propaganda and ideology there we go muslim minority in northwest china they are
being monitored very closely. region it s like a testing ground for total states of aliens police officers into what s called the integrated joint operation from the program collects extensive personal data and flags individuals who appear potentially dangerous the organization should. when rights watch analyzed the program on its surface most of this information looks like standard fare for police but as we dig deeper into the hour we can see that ordinary routine regal behavior is being treated by authorities as suspect the data gathered in citizens is shockingly comprehensive and includes information ranging from religious affiliations and driver s licenses to employment records and even gathers data on residential energy consumption movement patterns filmed by the ever present surveillance cameras if something appears out of the ordinary
consequences can be devastating for example it s helped single out and detain approximately 1000000 people from the week are minorities. recent studies show that the state is not only monitoring residents but also foreigners who end of the country by land at the border police install an app on their smartphones that scans contacts images videos and voice messages for certain key words there are 73000 terms deemed suspicious even the picture of a mosque could raise eyebrows and other chinese regions surveillance is not as massive here the internet can also polls a great up as unity this is possible in theory as long as you stick to certain rules. one way to start online discussions and spread news is way about it s similar to twitter and this time is not just micro blogging platform when they use wave or they re using it as a means to. come out with new stories that then often are picked up and go
viral and they re picked up by market based media and then funneled into the center of public discourse one example is a discussion of a working hours that the founders of the startup dimension of kicked off they developed encryption software but on the sign they engage in the fight against the heavy workload from the tech industry. the so-called. 996 phenomenon working from 9 in the morning till 9 in the evening 6 days a week is a violation of chinese labor laws. they also speak with successful business men like ali baba founded jacques mom who compares work to love. despite all this it s very important to them to not be perceived as political activists here s what they had to say in an interview the 1st question he asked me is our 1st. part of this what.
i know. despite various battery is online political debate is possible in china to a certain extent. chinese internet users are incredibly politically active and they can criticize policies specifically leaders becomes more sensitive because as soon as you mention a specific person by name topics become more sensitive and if you organize collective action chances are that your information your messages will be removed. when we look at the internet behind china s fire wall we get a glimpse into the future there s live streaming and mobile payment but there s also reaching surveillance and heavy state control users and platforms alike are quick to censor themselves to avoid sanctions this makes a free and open democratic discussion practically impossible beyond satisfy while the internet culture and economy surprisingly dynamic vibrant and diverse but
personally the prize i d have to pay for that would be too high for me what do you guys think that was on you tube facebook and e.w. dot com that s all for today take care and your next. birth. home to millions of species of home worth saving. those are big changes and most start with small steps global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like to use those critical

Things , Charts , Tweet , Twitter , Google-maps , Chinese , Service , Providers , Stockman , West , Leader , Payments

Transcripts For DW Shift 20190811 14:15:00

the meter is what cleared last month an increase of 278 percent from a year ago. it watching data b. news live from berlin up next. the world is getting worse and. moore s catastrophe a lot of problems. the global 3000 talks with team of british researchers who take a more optimistic view. the world is not always a good place but it s much much better than it was. is the world really getting better. a global $3000.00 special reports. starts august 19th sunday to. over 800000000 people use the internet in china but things look
a lot different there than elsewhere facebook and google are blocked for example what s the internet like behind the chinese firewall our topic today. most of the world uses products from google apple facebook and amazon or. but not china there are 3 homegrown tech giants dominate the industry they re called by do . and handsome also known as b. 80 in china but i do replace as google is for e-commerce and tencent is more popular than facebook is here but that s not all. service instead of google maps where you go instead of twitter and tweet chats instead of what s up. in china separate providers for almost every online service available in
the west but they re far more than just companies in many fields like live streaming. and online payment chinese providers have become global leader. stockman is a professor at the hattie school of governance in berlin and an expert on china s digital trends she says uses play a big role in these developments one main difference between chinese users and european users that chinese internet users a fast adopters so when there is a new platform they will immediately go and try it out. we chat alone has more than $1000000000.00 users a month. pay is the leading payment service it works in supermarkets and at restaurants hardly anyone uses cash in china anymore users can even book doctor appointments. which is like a super app without it getting around in china isn t easy.
social media platforms like we chat for example emphasize less the distribution of information but more social network for which i was invented as a means to develop what s called in china. social connection. video streaming services are especially popular in china. instead of future and there s flicks tencent video. and your cool popular platforms for short videos that last around 15 seconds are flooded with $800000000.00 visitors each month. the current market leader is 5 dance with a program. outside of china we know it as tech talk. another innovation to video streaming is on the platform user comments are displayed live as the video place. things are trending more and
more towards live streaming the market leader who counts 25000000 active users every month and the company takes user supervision very seriously with the help of ai more than 1000 human contemn men it does monitor streams for violations they look for pornography depictions of violence and calls to violence smoking on screen or showing last could also get your account blocked the tiny state has started much earlier than us based and european platforms to develop a vast institutional infrastructure in order to control and censor content in the west this is called clinton moderation in china they call it content management but china doesn t stop at moderating content it s created an enormous fire wall to shield its users from the rest of the digital world this
comes in handy for many chinese path forms because it eliminates foreign competition but it also makes it easier to silence uncomfortable opinions how does it all work it is basically a huge huge vast either net connection that is connected by a very few servers to the global internet and. because all traffic has to go through these servers the chinese government is able to block certain content in china foreign web sites are mostly inaccessible when the content is seen as not conforming to chinese government regulations their ip addresses are simply blocked that applies to google the most you search engine in the world as well as the user administered online encyclopedia we could p.d.f. and even websites. chinese online services are usually censored before they even reach the public show chang is familiar with this
phenomenon is a human rights activist and editor in chief of the china digital times the advantage of those chinese companies are the promise of the government they have a compasses to to censor and control like contacts so they will not they will listen to the government or they will actually preemptively deleting lot of accountants before the internet police even take a look the messaging up we can use our good rhythms to prevent the transfer of photos in real time. canada s university of toronto citizen lab found this out the image of an empty chair commemorating a dead human rights activist simply doesn t go through to chat partners in china. so it s a lot of pictures to share with a friend it s immediately compared to a database if it raises concern there the picture is simply not sent the whole
process is completely automated with image recognition software while it s technically fascinating the socio political consequences are terrifying she was young says online censorship has massively increased under general secretary xi jinping now the chinese internet is much more a politically quiet place. it s still commercially very vibrant culturally still full of activities innovations. in the last of its political action intense of a lens has all but politically silenced china s internet but the government is not satisfied with just blocking and filtering out on one of the opinions it also keeps looking for new ways to use technology to its advantage the communist party of china has its own and it s been especially successful. digital politics the communist party of china keeps citizens in line with
a little red app in the beginning of 2019 she jungle which means as much as study to make the nation strong was the most downloaded app in china even more than we chat and do using. the propaganda tool spreads the views of the general secretary of the communist party xi jinping uses must register with a telephone number and their real names in order to study political articles to comment little puzzles. coupons and prizes just like in mobile games hong kong activists joshua young is critical of the way millions of chinese people are directly manipulated in this way he says the voluntary civic education platform is a surveillance tool this implied the rise of digital. china and it shows how. true it propaganda ideology there we go muslim minority in northwest china they are
being monitored very closely. region it s like a testing ground for total states of aliens police officers into what s called the integrated joint operation perform the program collects extensive personal data and flags individuals who appear potentially dangerous the organization should. and rights watch analyzed the program on its surface most of this information looks like standard fare for police but as we dig deeper into the are we can see that ordinary routine regal behavior is being treated by authorities as suspects the data gathered citizens is shockingly comprehensive includes information ranging from religious affiliations and driver s licenses to employment records even gathers data on residential energy consumption movement patterns of filmed by the ever present surveillance cameras if something appears out of the ordinary
consequences can be devastating for example it s helped single out detain approximately $1000000.00 people from that we are minority. recent studies show that the state is not only monitoring residents but also foreigners who enter the country by land at the border police install an app on their smartphones that scans contacts images videos and voice messages for certain key words there are 73000 terms deemed suspicious even the picture of a mosque could raise eyebrows and other chinese regions surveillance is not as massive here the internet can also polls a great opportunity this is possible in theory as long as you stick to certain rules. one way to start online discussions and spread news is way about it s similar to twitter and this time is not just micro blogging platform when they use wave or they re using it as a means to. come out with new stories that then often are picked up and go
viral and they re picked up by market based media and then funneled into the center of public discourse one example is a discussion of a working hours that the founders of the startup dimension of kicked off they developed encryption software but on the silly thing gates in the fight against the heavy work in the tech industry. the so-called. 996 phenomenon working from 9 in the morning till 9 in the evening 6 days a week is a violation of chinese labor laws. they also speak with successful business men like ali baba found a jack mom who compares work to love. despite all this it s very important to them to not be perceived as political activists here s what they had to say in an interview the 1st question he asked me is are you aware of just. why this. is that. i know.
despite various barry is online political debate is possible in china to a certain extent. chinese internet users are incredibly politically active and they can criticize policy youth specific leaders becomes more sensitive because as soon as you mention a specific person by name topics become more sensitive and if you organize collective action chances are that your information your messages will be removed. when we look at the internet behind china s fire wall we get a glimpse into the future there s live streaming and mobile payment but there s also far reaching surveillance and have the state control users and platforms alike are quick to censor themselves to avoid sanctions this makes a free and open democratic discussion practically impossible behind china s firewall the internet culture and economy are surprisingly dynamic vibrant and
diverse but personally the prize i d have to pay for that would be too high for me what do you guys think there was on you tube facebook and e.w. dot com that s all for today take care and see you next time. if you called me. country. this introduced organization and its history. what s become of its former members and supporters. behind. dealing with change is defining. the around the time present. next on d w.
lynas up with endearing moods on a. visit them now that this piece. to talk about the future the autonomy meeting and the situations. how are they doing. we know they must. return to russia. in 45 minutes long. periods a sex phone operator who works her masters thesis on the potato raring to treat. not a turn on well it gets more ridiculous from their. literature list 3 surely st.

China-s , Things , Example , Internet , Lot , Firewall , Google , Topic , Facebook , Elsewhere , World , Tech-giants

Transcripts For DW The Bundesliga 20190922 03:15:00

in us. all but so for now the bundesliga is up next on t.w. chris harrington a standing by with all the goals from all the guys on match day 5 stay tuned for that and don t forget as always he has the lead news and information from around the world around the clock on our website that s come on anyhow thanks for watching . the adventures of the famous naturalist and explorer. too soon to bring to clicks on the from the books from $250.00. working on the for you to discovery. expedition in blood on the dino. with your family scattered across the globe. the chances that you get
to. turn back to the roots the true government of the. shah s family from somalia live around the world to someone to come needed urgent assistance. the family starts october on. the rebirth of the royal blues shall go under new coach david von drehle open to match day with the big 3 over might sort of friday night the deciding goal came in the 89th minute and it was a mean one i mean i regained his way through the mice the fields and suited to one victory that s a moroccan 3rd goal of the season put more importantly so has now hit a streak 3 wins in a row. that when 1st elevated them up to 2nd all the table but
riddle me this. at last the match day probably not if teams on saturday took care of business. like byron munich who are back at home hosting cologne with the billy goat get in the way of the defending champions as they get their season back on track and. table top in leipsic head out to better frame a stadium you mean i was months up stars looking to show the home side why they re so special this season. welcome to the but if they get a hero and e.w. i m chris harrington byard munich brothers in arms i ve been a bit shaky 50 percent of their matches have ended in draws despite the prolific scoring of robert levin dusky now facing cologne at home with philippe could seno increasingly part of the buying family might be the remedy they need besides pre-match buyer were already toasting as if they ve taken care of the billy goat as
you can see it s october fest time in munich the world s biggest beer fest is underway so which one of these guys would start the party on the pitch. october fest is the happiest time of the year in munich but last season by and took just 4 points from 4 games during the festivities visit his cologne turned up in qana villa tire but that was won by an player ready to spoil their fun robert leaven dusky had 7 goals from 4 much is going into the game and it didn t take him long to get his 8 at the bundesliga season. 5 in just the 3rd minutes yes you re kimmage put the polish striker through and he made it one nil with the help of a deflection. philippe continuo had been desperate to open his account and by and he went close to doubling that lead the free kick the can and back of the post. a half time late may the home fans beers taste even better and just
a few minutes into the 2nd half they were celebrating again. who else but that an 11th of skate. to nil and by and were cruising. then just before the hour mark coccinea was brought down in the books. kingsley a.z. where he got his marching orders and love until he passed up the chance of a hat trick to let kaci know score his 1st goal for by an. relief for the brazilian and the champions had the points in the bag. there was still time for even parachutes to slam home a 4 foot by end to sink the line for good and get the up to the fest party off to the perfect start. you re going to the october 1st tonight i think so you have your little hose no ready you know we have to you like it here i m starting to like it s not fun to buy and plays in particular will enjoy that well and nights out robert
levon tusky now has 9 goals in this campaign while one is enough a new boy coccinea. you can feel i m happy they get on so well it wasn t just the goals that showed that but also the way philippe put livy through several times their understanding is getting better and we re going to have a lot of fun with those too along with the other players. to cologne it was an afternoon to forget but at least they can drown their sorrows at the best be a festival on the planet no less. i ve norbi life sick have been ball in this season a perfect record with the exception of last week s drop means you must take the bull seriously but they are still young in a few ways but as they get experience a handful of boy wonders and even the coaches young looking to keep their top table spot the nearly new kids on the block travel to vienna brame it far from young the green and whites are the most seasoned side in the league since it all started in
1963 this season they ve been hit or miss their last 2 have been hits 2 wins on the bounce will we see 3. brave and we re missing many of their key players making it harder for coach florian call felt to field a competitive side. his opposite number a union novice man had no such worries though. and i ll be like. sequel ruthless captain villi all but heading in the go ahead golden the 13th minute with life 6 1st chance for bond beat out the whole brim and defense to get on the end of christopher and concludes corner. in the 55th minute more leipsic efficiency this time it was muscle sabots with and on stoppable free kick to nil to leipsic. the embattled host soldiered on but was lacking in the final 3rd this red braman
attempt from davi close and she got off the line by life 6 diot hoopla mcconnell in the 2nd half leipsic found themselves a man down conrad lima got his marching orders off to a 2nd yellow for a needless handful of coach novice money not impressed but his team didn t blink marcellus or rocky it sealed the field victory with his 1st win this new goal of a solid away win for of the leipsic to confirm their bundesliga leading credentials . 5 we ve got 3 games left for you in our match day wrap but let s start with the team that also found itself at the top of the table after the 1st few games surprising everyone talking about freiburg 3 ways in their 1st 4 want to start for the small club this time at home against hausberg . christian strikes men started strongly pay to send testing the out to keep
off to just 3 minutes. fright book were playing with confidence and lucas tell us much time in the 24th minutes 5 the but they lost their lead just before half time for anita left no one posses all clubs he stood goal of the season the be. sure to see if you go far left and it was a nice feeling to come back after playing here for almost 4 years. and it was an important result for us today but i focus here so it was a very nice goal for the month of june was unsure mr. rockwood had chances to win the post for us annoying nicholas hertha above and then pages and of the hosts having to make do with just the single point. shots about that is disappointing because the victory was possible hitting the post twice in the final minutes and playing at home of course we wanted all 3 points but we have to remain humble and
fight for every point we saw once again today that this is a tough league that you got. on your bellies tough start to the season continued they faced their 3rd champions league club in by later coups and and the favorites asserted their dominance early on was deflected struck from kevin fall and left drop out because it stranded on 20 minutes and a 2nd soon followed lukas allow rio s long range bell time at the end even one cause of the he could hit just helpless once again. on young s day got eden was just off the yellow mark substitute sebastian poulticing bred for this horrid challenge and julian bond godling up and it could have been 3 nil harvard s on lucky not to convert to goals were nothing however as later couzin fired themselves back into form and handed on your on their 2nd consecutive defeat. like the showed us wasn t everything we did well in our 1st few games wasn t there from the 1st
minute. and we ll have to address that those kids. that s a belly coach and take charge which is already under pressure after a winless start to the season by hosts an equally winless had a boy shot fired tillerson waved his whites a goal after 10 minutes i was it was a fine individual effort from the touch with the. oh until recent was at it again in the 2nd hoss he teed up marius both support hats off to mellow the new calmest 1st go to the right. but a handsome match wouldn t be complete without a defensive lapse and selenski took full advantage make the stock s mocking left much to be desired to pull and push for an equaliser but i only couldn t find a way through. and move the hood a mile also let
a good chance go begging the. pats and held out sealing their 1st win of the season 210 it will be nice if you make a bad start to the season then it s always difficult until that 1st victory we worked hard for it and now we ll be able to breathe a little easier on 6 well before those with. so here are the results from match day 5 so far byron munich gave colo the media sun media treatment and life that dealt with brave men in their own backyard freiburg in alex burke share the spoils leverkusen didn t give you know the chance hansen finally found a team they could beat without a board on friday saul got a crucial win against mike s coming up with a host to savor while bookman travel to frankfurt last but not least one monday the wolves most often ha let s see how those results affect the table live 6 dalan stop but buyers are breathing down their necks shoka end up stuck in
a 10 point sandwich with freiburg and labor couzin but there s actual left don t mean could move to 2nd with the win on sunday in the bottom half of her limbs when lifted thin out of danger for now still to play dusseldorf and hoffenheim could give themselves a lift and clearly although at the bottom pot a boy still looking for a win number one that brings us to our play of the day as voted by you on twitter and the. winner is buyer s newest goal score philippe could see the presumably coolly smashed his penalty home for bias 3rd goal his just a staggering run up helps in cologne keep her team on the wrong way there it is. well with fancy footwork like this in a few more goals could she could well become a fan favorite at allianz arena.
well that s full time for us here on international bet man day be sure to join us on sunday for more highlights and plenty of expert analysis until then we ll leave you with some of the best sees from the match day so far. i ll be listening.
to see the cars of the future i mean i am frankfurt. and europe s most important auto show keep pace with the big changes in the bill i think. this year the carmakers will show off their lead doesn t feel like turning model. we ll show you the winners and losers the tops on the floor. trying to. we re wondering how exactly. one out of 6 goals is scored a head or. is this a lot. more a sophisticated mental calculation. in search. for the perfect 10. and 13 that.

Family , Chances , Dino , Globe , World , Assistance , Someone , The-roots , Shah , Government , Goal , Way