the race is called for governor mitt romney turns out that rick santorum won when they really counted the votes sometime later. senator santorum the sneaky candidate. he is there knocking on doors. even though scott walker is governor scott walker is way ahead, he is at 17% and santorum is at 6%. i think that s who will win, who is knocking on the doors. you don t want to be a front-runner too early because you can sneak up on someone. if walker is able to win iowa then he has a definite path to the nomination. you can t say the same about others including santorum. he still has a lot to prove. but i agree, there is still time for someone to break out. eye iowans love a story.
appreciate that. jenna, we re having a little fun, going to breathe a huge sigh of relief pretty quickly when all of our men and women are safely evacuated, safely withdrawn from the bloody nation of iraq. back to you in new york. jenna: incredible day. no easy mission this final part, geraldo. please tell them we are so proud today and we appreciate your reporting as always. geraldo rivera throughout the day there in kuwait. geraldo. thank you so much. jon: well, happening now in iowa it is the final stretch before january 3rd s caucuses. 18 days from today. there will be no more gop debates before eye iowans make their choice. did any republican contender help or maybe hurt their chances in last night s debate on fox? let s ask paul gig goat, the editorial gigot the editorial editor of
one of them is leading the republican presidential pack. the other is bringing up the rear in this hour. newt gingrich and jon huntsman are facing off in a lincoln-douglas stale debate in new hampshire, where the first in the nation primary is just 29 days away wp. with the calendar closing in, flying between gingrich and its nearest rival, we are talking about mitt romney. jim has the latest for us. jim? with the holiday ises the debate, it could be summed up as newty versus nice. but the real fight is with mitt romney and it is anything but nice. there is enough journalists swarming around newt gingrich under this pharmacy to givefully candidate a migraine. just enough room to talk with handful of voters and a parrot in the store. but the real squawking in gingrich s ear is coming from mitt romney who said the former speaker should give up the big money he earned advising the housing giant, freddie mac. one of the things that i think people recognize in washington is th