Night we add cspan here with some of new ground rules please put your phones on silent or turn them off for questions afterwards please stand up so they can get the microphone to you i am thrilled tonight to have jim here because this is a great book yet i read it i finished it last night and i thought why did i not read this earlier this is all about my family. My mother was a Third Generation graduate from his High School Graduating in a 1950 but she went to Sweetbrier College and had a friend of hers that was an Exchange Student from st. Andrews is in scotland and one day she said are you from their . She said i have never heard of it. Said she had to learn about it from somebody from scotland so whether she came, she was a little bit upset but my a grandfather was a republican type and his first cousin is quoted in the book as he had to leave town in 1957 but the person who cater tried to ask them to leave said she was bright as she went off to Sweetbrier College and good for my mo