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KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio]-20191216-070000

For. 94 point one k.p. If a Berkeley. Deejay's radio show of appreciation music we were raised upon sounds would lead us to in studio we have c m r And American Gods awake and you just heard that's the new single right yeah that's that old alarm new single you know your one and you haven't when I 1st heard that I'm like Ma deep. Like a sick man I want to like you know even I can rap in my head always rap. Started out as that be started out as I think was a roots remakes I was workin on yeah yeah roots Ok not a black thought I was definitely on some hip hop. But then she she heard it and yeah mediately just know bright and yeah we were going to rap on it too and then I just stayed up all night till 5 am rode it and let em know yo Bros got a view. We did get blue on the remake yeah blue on the remake so we do have we do have some rap and some really really incredible rapping on the extended mix Yeah always think I can wrap my head into the. U.k. . You can in your head already nerves even your head says no. So the project 1990. 900 RB kind of innocence. Why ninety's r. And b. I mean you I'm assuming you both grew up with it in the soundtrack of your life yeah yeah definitely you know I was reading a biography at the time zones all that kind of influenced me in the production and style that I was kind of dabbling in and then. And then yeah and I was raised on ninety's r. And b. So you know it's only right when when things get popular to do them justice you know. Raised ideas are being like I mean it came with the with whatever food I was eating in the child you know there were big sisters of my my little childhood friends who were like bumping this education all the way through every morning at top volume you know just you know going on like. That's how I learned to sing you know I would I 1st people would say you sailing somebody else you know because I'd be. Honing you know the craft listening to Army. Total I study all that total yet total for sure have people slept on total I really like your crush or pare. Back to the family that's already looking to move if you don't have a moment I followed him Ok what do you think that's really yeah call me you don't. You would have to right now no no. Restraining order or like that. Hey man. So obviously this wasn't your 1st time working together on this. You did remakes is for her 1st project correct yeah we collaborated on a track called You Don't Know Jack Part 2 which was a remakes of her original track Yeah no Jack from her 1st 719 and and yeah we've been in touch for a while like she. Connected like back in 2012 I'm going to say how did you guys you know. When I put out the bizarre tribe album Catching which was a mash up of Tribe Called Quest and she was she was just had me on my she was a huge fan of that and then when I got it amoeba they tried to take it from me and my job they let. You know. And and yeah and then I went to her Sound Cloud and started listening and she had some covers on then like she had this really dope cover of like so fresh and so clean from outcast like a bunch other stuff on there like acoustic guitar stuff and I was just really intriguing So we started kind of communicating online exchanging ideas and then when I moved out here you know it just kind of happened organically so. To openness and that seeing that's the power of the Internet yeah the whole role something my past history of work where a.b.b. Record so the whole thing with. Well. Little brother and but would find say and one of my blanket around this is now going to say it was a. Nickel a Nicolette Yeah a nickel just yeah they you know having them having produced a whole album and never met each other yeah but you know but no I mean you know. The Internet is always so people especially music wise Internet is a gift and a curse because and there's a bunch of crap out there. And it's mostly from folks from my generation because I have to you know they're always asking me like hey we listening to them like you know they don't have a lot of time but we you know a lot of people don't have necessarily you know I have time but a lot of you know my peers don't have time to kind of search for music like I do you know that's that's the role of a d.j. Is to come to filter and if you're a cure rate Oh yeah I mean you know you know the good music you know what you guys are doing here like I'm on radio and like that way. Yeah I know I'm a fiend so I'm going to look for it but then you know like I say a lot of my peers don't have time to you know look forward and obviously you guys are very wonderful project it's dope to hear like yeah I mean you hear the influences of Timberland are like you have like a new jack swing track on and you know you're you know Janet Jackson kind of influenced those one of the 1st ones that come together so the tone for the for the album yeah. So it just kind of the whole ninety's think kind of happened organically or was it like hey why don't we I think it started with that song where we made that website swing song and it was like we got to keep going like this is yeah you know it was almost like we looked at each other at that point question and said you know we've gone down this rabbit hole. In my feelings at the time and it was Dave in his bag so we went and it turned into something that I could never imagine you know being as as transformation giving us that transformation for both of our individual careers as musicians and just like showing us that we could do something conceptual without like stepping on it stepping on toes in like you know it's honest we really wanted to dig out the night I mean yeah I want to have transparent about it to like yeah I don't want to make a ninety's r. And b. Album and not let people know that's what it was you know exactly I want people to know like what they're getting themselves into thing and they listen to it and so their expectations are kind of manage. Like you know they're in tonight is on be you know should enjoy so you know I have this whole kind of set. That I play at times like you know and I know like it's really for black women I mean I know it's like if I'm in a spot like yeah you know and I know I'm going to get like a little head nod or you know people can start singing the songs and like I already don't like Ok I got you hooked and that's what I love and I love playing that you know well you know it's great seeing the reaction it's just you know like it you know you seem to means and whatnot like you know you know it's you know it's just such a no brainer for me. And it was a fun time for music you know there go to songs because you can dip into Little Mo Oh I'm just brownstone come on and it's work I love I learned so much. About me about really being a lomo the singer yeah being open to the top of your range and especially with hooks like not holding your but your vocal delivery back because like the guys on the track. Showed up Lomo was going to 1st people and I was like really examining her and my on like the kind of you know stronger vocal and softer vocal side man and they both have clarity and delivery and like punch that I really respect whom I was overlooked I mean really truly she could not I thought this is misses me by my record company guy this is what I thought I thought there should they should put together a record that was an album with 2 leads on it and it's come out in 2 different ways one would be Nate dog featuring Little Mo The other one the same record is Lo Mo to remake Wow. Can you imagine no I can't yeah. Because they never really had that major hit solo stuff but they were on so many hits Yeah and made them hits rack up from random after. All Ok so you know you were very you know as a.g. Right yeah Ok so a.j. I mean my check yeah. But you know that you know if you see me already I see I'm giving you the black girl here I checked. Ok Well he's now it's a really you know you. Get your. Knowledge too funny. We love to see it yeah exactly. And I love like. What song this call like thank you the reference you know in the lyrics you know you talk about beeper and I was just like oh like just you know so yes it has that the 90 sound the ninety's r. B. Sound but even like the references to like a beeper and you know like don't call me tell you don't don't don't be mean more and you know so you know I was you know taking the whole like you know if you're going to go there go there so yeah yeah and but. Obviously lyrically that was intended but it. Throughout the whole thing was in the back of your head like a ninety's mindstate keeping it yeah yes and on the I think both on the production side with what I like watched put together really naturally I'm I think Miss call was the point when we realize maybe and correct me if I'm wrong rather like we could actually make this a cold like a classic tribute to the time. In the sense that like that was a song that had I been my age in the ninety's I feel like I would have wanted to make with a g. At whatever age you know he would have been that was I want to be like yeah we want to hear exactly we really we really just I wanted to bust some like kind of rap like flows in Pretend like a rapper quick and you know we needed a down tempo thing and I think you already had to be set up that one. In some of the elements and then you started playing the keys and it's just yeah it came together really natural and yes we did intend after a while for it to be like a very ninety's thing with the voice mail and the page reference and all of that in the delivery of all the spoken vocals was decided you know by both of us like. Who . Who's going to ask to see when you know and you forget stuff. Oh no question about anything yeah this brother is so prolific Yeah so prolific matter of fact I just got an e-mail while we're on the phone right now I. Just put out a record. Yeah so just so prolific How do you get a chance to how do you a in our your own stuff that's what I want to go oh my question yeah like decide what to put out and yes they are going to put it out. My mind you sit on Chrome there's a bunch of stuff to sit near and he said Ok he said Ok trust me Russ and you got to know Russ is history in this whole Bay Area deejay game Russ is always asking me like he'll text me like hey do you have this in regards to your project Hey do you did you get this do you have this like you know and it's rare that he you know he'll text me from time to time about certain things but you're consistent like he's like hey you have this you know that's all yeah that's them for everything this medium t. Shirt. If I get one more unisex make sure the mail I'm good. Yeah I did you shrink a little be a little bit. I got when I was an ascot. They're homers. But back to you yeah yeah that's a real question yeah no I mean this is what I do for a living now you know as in like I quit my job my restaurant jobs and like all the other stuff that I was doing years ago and like you know I decided I was going to do this full time and so I would take it seriously and so like this is what I'm doing now but now music like consistently have got like a subscription service that I run you know every month you know like $3.00 subscription you get you know exclusive constant stuff so I'm always posting stuff then and and yeah just I just want to stay busy you know especially in 2020 and keep it pushin got a lot of like yeah instrumental like hip hop beat the tapes that I want to put out that I'm sitting on and rap to I want to put out some of that stuff more remakes is more collaboration's with the m r and other artists. So so yeah I don't know it's just kind of like it's always kind of been part of my workflow just. Scheme I had in the studio you know what props to you man I mean you know for instance in the ninety's I mean you were definitely have heavily influenced by that but some of the stuff that you're touching you were an embryo or even I thought Yeah right somebody who is as some of the things that I really did the famous stuff I really dig that stuff but your parents were embryos when that stuff was coming out so how are you digging What's your background as far as how you get influenced by all the stuff you're using Yeah I mean my parents definitely had an influence my dad's a jazz trumpet player and I grew up on records and Miles Davis and you know just digging through his collection oh you know he did a remake for Miles Davis for us yeah. I thought that was sacked relays with when I started. It By the 3rd time I listened to it and said Ok I get it Ok. But yeah and you know my mom's from Brazil so always had kind of the Brazilian jazz influence listening to a lot of that type of music in the house I grew up in Nashville just you know listening to the radio at w.r.v.a. You used to play a lot of soul and Hip Hop go to the record stores around there dig in you know in the gospel soul Stax vinyl you know sections and stuff like that and just. Yeah just absorbed it kind of through that through osmosis my older brother and sister you know were into hip hop my sister was in the ninety's r. And b. And so I got that influence to her than my brother was listening to Tang and souls of mischief you know underground hip hop and stuff and so yeah I just kind of grew from there so your mom's from Brazil Brazil is very regional What part of she from Rio de Janeiro Ok right in there and they have been there been there my favorite city in Brazil but been through it's Party is my favorite floor and happiness in their minds but I get. As so many you hear it in your production you hear to different if I will tell you this I did not hear until this is a revelation to me I did not catch the Nashville feel at all. I don't know but I guess not I Then I thinking back I guess I do hear I do hear the kind of. Collaborative That's right here the collaboration that's that's kind of a Nashville field Sure yeah I mean a lot of the soul in arm b. That came out like Stax Records was in Memphis but you know there was a lot of stuff coming out in Nashville 2 at that time and so I think it had a lot of influence on on all the Southern soul that that era definitely got played on like the Memphis radio stations and stuff. Yeah it's interesting I definitely have thought about doing like a Nashville soul beat tape or something like that to kind of pay homage to to my hometown because there's a lot of like cool underground soul and r. And b. That came out like that on Jefferson Street in Nashville that was like a hub in the sixty's and seventy's for black people in like you know clubs and b.b. King would come perform there and Jimi Hendrix and. Yeah there's a lot of history that you know and be cool to kind of dig up and share with people yet people are looking for a 2nd city in the area to perform they perform in Memphis and then the national bookings didn't come as quickly for black people did so there were little clubs there were popping up in Nashville that were supportive you know our cats will come back through that area and play Nashville in a way out. That's awesome. So why don't we hear some music I mean like in Barry 51 that's the one we've been playing on of the shelves so let's get into that we'll be back in a minute mom deejays Radio 94 point one k. P.f.a. Berkeley. This Is. Some of these radio 94 point one k.p. If a Berkeley was going on y'all happy Sunday hopefully your Sunday went well but I will do this for the all the bears sports teams this Sunday. And so that's even even the lawyers guide just they got their butt handed to him today to everybody at night maybe why did you start the dish up oh gosh. 8 or. I am a hater now I am sounds the y. Hating because I appreciate loyalty and apparently they don't. And you would have to go that I do not. Have your point but to me Well it's not the players fault it isn't the players favs. Doesn't mean apps the port don't hate the player at the game but I do so as you watch it you're right back to waging. Copyright. Yeah we all everybody it's a collective Yeah. Yeah even the Giants lost their last man but exactly. No way did the Sharks play didn't. Go away they just fired the coach this week so yeah it's yeah it's been it's been a rough week. How it's all right earthquakes are seasons over the seasons on. The open Panthers what they're up and running Yeah there is that I think I saw I saw were a guy was kind of he was like hey I'm playing for the Oakland Panthers come out to the games and you know my Barry a native and he was very he was a brother you you know whose son that is Mary Campbell sure yes that is her son well yes he was playing professionally in Europe and Ok he's going to be one of the . They can be like hanging their hat on him for a while wow that's a setting. You know those support a real Oakland team the Oakland Panthers and you know. This is real. Or real contain a lot of the moment oh no oh no come on I'm a supporter you're a you're stopper pretty much. I got a funny Stumper story I'll tell off air. Oh maybe I'll tell you but you know in studio we. See them all and Marigot guys away a g. They have a new project called 990 out so ya need to work working to get it you can get on bank. Support bank can go there and they're here in Oakland Oh yes yes all night and it's on all streaming you know all streaming platforms as well it's about a 5 music title all that and it's and it's and it's you know modest to ninety's r. And b. I mean is it's funny there was sort of there was one song I was like a mellow rube like I was just you know like I was I was here's certain things and obviously the Timberland kind of sound and it was determined soundtrack and just trust me if you guys like ninety's arm beat this is such a no brainer great project we were going to talk about if you guys want to discuss something I can carry member like I said oh yeah I was just saying that America you know we were just talking in America play a lot of the instrument yeah into instrumentation live. While we were in the studio I mean all of it really. Complicated as well right I'm learning Ok. He's saying that in 10 years we're always on we are and 200 yeah but no I mean really he played America played bass guitar lots of key you know what was it triangle. Yeah I don't know if that counts so pretty harsh on that you know what else. Sometimes the things I mean for. Sizers flutes or did you learn through the school system or just run a house I think you could say I did learn through the school system because the high school I went to high school actually had a music studio in it and they had a music studio in a digital media like studio where people like shot videos and we had like you know school news and stuff like that we broadcast but yeah so both of those classes and and also would just like skip my other classes to go to the studio like with all my friends and they had set up on a computer instruments and you could record make songs and like that was a pretty big part of me and like you know all my friends growing up I think a lot of us you know took that with us and ended up you know doing something with music and so I guess you could say Yeah that definitely had an influence or so shout out those were high for. They saw it at the studio they updated it like you know yeah you know it's so it's all in there yeah it's so rare to hear that you know. You know having music in school you know during my year obviously it was a huge thing because I was part of the drum corps and and the concert band and all that I was in then to before that Ok played trumpet. But but yeah spent a lot of time in there is there any trouble don't know. Not on this album. But I've been doing a lot of like do these live session remakes videos on You Tube where I kind of recreate some samples and or hip hop songs or the songs that sampled. With live instruments and so I let you know when was done Yeah I think I played trumpet on that one I did a week saying one Dr Dre one and a few others I mean try to keep it up this year due to a few more of those because if you ain't got enough to play. Just say. No it's cool it's a good cool way to challenge myself to learn instruments and you know learn how some of my favorite songs are made and every time I do one I end up learning all these new techniques on guitar use or whatever instrument I'm plannin and you know it's a good way to challenge myself so I talk about some of your past projects like I like you know rest was saying I mean just very prolific if you're not you know when you know. Yeah I just you know there's so many you know I mean you have so much stuff out so yeah I just think you speak and speak on a couple of your favorites are not that they all aren't your favorites but I mean it all started with a lost soul I think back a few 1011 that's the one I'm probably knows most known for this. Afro be mixed with they lost soul hip and so. Yeah I was that was the 1st project I made and. It got a lot of love and I just kept going ever since you know I did a bizarre tribe which got shut down the far side 1st truck Called Quest that was the one how me and z m r met Yeah. I did a jazzing day. Which was Marvin Gaye and most def are you guys and they get some on favorite to. Explain a lot obviously you know. No one goes that goes off the Motown forty's for sure and I did a common wonder that's another good Motown guess but I did one that's Yes Tom. And Stevie Wonder the trill is gone you take a b.b. King. List goes on man I'm trying to educate you need a way in the middle yes that's the most recent one right we're I mean you know that's like a parallel with the process that's not a moan and Lauryn Hill put together so. Yeah it's a lot of fun you know and up it's another challenge for me is it to you know learn more about these artists and their catalog and like read their autobiographies and like really immerse myself in their music to create these projects you know it takes a lot of research and time just to kind of. Let it all seep into in and turn into something so what are the artists think of the reworkings. A lot of them are really supportive actually like you know bun b. Show me some love less nice here in town far side of gone forward then in my done show Rock shows with them and you know a lot of a lot of the artists are actually pretty supportive board of it's usually the labels that are that are trippin about the copyright issues and you know using samples and. Pieces of other songs. It but yeah a lot of the artists of Show Me Love and and so it's been a real honor to kind of you know connect with some idols and people have looked up to for so many years. Who we most surprised by who checked for you was it. I was pretty surprised when Janis Gaye Marvin Gaye's ex-wife shot of me out and interview a few years back somebody was asking her about like people remember seeing Marvins work how she felt about it and this was while the Blur whole Blurred Lines thing was going on and she actually shot of me out in the interview and said like she really like what she what I did with the I wasn't gay project so doubt that really was humbling and surprising to hear that so that's huge. But yeah it's been an amazing journey and you know excited she was nice so are we I think I just got to maybe I'll. Make sure that's a no no I mean Mr e. Mail who said you know this I hope it finds you well. How does the mail find you yeah son from a mailing list. Met your own risk Ok I mean right now if you like music if you want to live it all your inbox. This is not to do to follow. You know I mean but you know back to the subscription service I mean you get in and you get all that and then so. Be well yeah 80 plus releases on there but now more stuff every month you know is killing. It on it anything to kind of let us give us a little taste of maybe to look forward to. I don't know what you get I think we're going to. I'm just always like a guy got instrumental tapes that I want to put out in 2020 am I put out some rap album or we just played some you know top of their oh yeah you were playing. Some of the instrumentals Yeah I mean he was just put out the holiday remake says of those of this guy like you know Jay z. And Biggie and Eric bust a bunch of people on so it's like the Christmas time at the Hollywood Yeah yeah that's getting a lot of rain too nice definitely more from us in the future you know you want to go ahead and I go into detail about that yeah yeah Marlene going to get back in the studio soon are you actually going to put out a tape because that's a yes we are yeah we're definitely working on that there's a lot of cassettes bootlegs flowing out there for all the mash up projects they've done cassettes really well and find those vinyls and you know now are you completely you soup to nuts or do you have a graphic Sima comes in and helps you out or does it work. I went to school for digital media stuff yeah. Ok What don't you do. Oh yeah you should make it. Your listeners and I will be you know what your age. Range of a good. Number stop asking you so it's really a Jamaican dad I'm just interested in a lot of things and yeah I mean I do web design and I did my own videos for the graphics is the kind of worse interview. As that but it was time I was on the moon. Like job as can be you know an interview . You know what you do bro. And I'm just you know. I'm excited about all these things I'm passionate about all these things that it's hard for me to keep it's it's a little distracting actually because it's hard for me you know my attention focused on one thing I want to do so many other something lighter so I think I need to do more with my life very much and I had breakfast. That was it for me I produced breakfast oh my gosh a fire breakfast that's actually really. Oh. So are we going to take $990.00 out and do shows Yeah yeah we're going to be on i Village just talking about I mean we've done some shows in the past we rocked the Apple store in store Yes you know a while back getting up to the album there was a lot of live stuff that we did but yeah post you know we wanted to give it some time to like you know again you know we want you to let people live with it for a lot and then when they come out the so they'll know the lyrics and rockin the hoodie and go sleep on the Apple Store performances you know they're so much fun yeah they're risk rate is fly art is done on the screen as people go and don't sleep yeah I scream it live yeah. $99.00 green room is 5. And that's that I would know about that we were all about were. Good people your social media contacts and when not I am Grace buggy and also show media Grace buggy young America guys away America Music dot com soul mates Project dot com That's the label. States 2020 we out here 22 and 20 they go pushes you off a slug to him play another song but I simply must call oh no way I. Got out yes yes yes yes I'm longing and. I'd like to keep this show. Done I'm going to kick my butt that's it up. Pretty sure I was led through yes. See I'm on medical Gaza way 990 do you do diligence people go pick that up to bank camp in or you know put it on your Spotify playlist and all that good stuff all right. It's it's it's. It's it's it's it's. Bike. To Sleep With me it's. The booze or something in the. Make the most of it. The Japanese nonsense the fox. The double loose and. Wrong. Hut but. It's got to be some of the pizza right clicking things you wait a minute this line of mine needs. To grow gotten past the limit for the folks. At the. Top of the mom's cousin Elizabeth had to recognize like they can do the glad. I'm real That's one of the one the. Most They say they had to say. You know from less. Than a. Week or so in a fake id so yeah it's in the right now because to even do so much in the name is the lead story. In the war and the sentencing which would. And the type to write code such. As men like you would be to. See that. We were. Great. Friends with a and we began. To work to really. Take the whole event and. Kind of press you listen to more hip hop but not make some beauty that thrift shop ship out when it's sad to think it's just them to balance it with. You know to Oh. It was a. Real challenge. My name is me even I'm one of the organizers of the crane and we are looking for volunteers for this year's fair we rely on our wonderful team of volunteers to keep the event running smoothly ships are typically 2 and a half to 3 hours and breaking free access. In the next 77 of the year the people will rise up and the gun lobby will collapse no nonsense gun legislation will take hold and school shoes can message violence and murder rates. More common sense and less need for thoughts and prayers in the next 70 years your fiercely independent radio station will be here to cover it for you. 94 point one f.m. Fag. You're listening to 94.1. 89.3. 88 point one c.f. In fact 97 point. 24 in Santa Cruz and worldwide i k a o r g. U

Radio-program , African-american-culture , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , African-american-singer-songwriters , Rhythm-and-blues-singers , American-soul-singers , African-american-record-producers , American-composers , Guitars , African-american-history , Columbia-records-artists , Kennedy-center-honorees

BBC Radio London-20191215-100000

We started word with the message started with the word London. Based on the story about John Lennon sunglasses selling 483-7000 pounds while item of clothing that you would like from a famous person is going to said I'd have this in December 2006. As Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's was sold at Christie's South Kensington for. $807000.00 Gina Janina I'm sure you would like that so that's the black that's the black satin evening gown that Catherine had been or as we go lightly I mean that is amazing Audrey Hepburn and Catherine had been so Audrey happened Thank you George or dampen war and that a $107000.00 What's item of clothing would you like most like to buy or have or own could be from a film could be a rock star as it could be anything that ends well but mainly pick up the phone and talk to me about your ailments and your illnesses anything you're worried about and I'll put them for you to doctor on a straight after this track which is Tom Petty and I won't back down. Because. Tom Petty they were I Won't Back Down Good morning everybody it is that time the month when I joined so I don't like being called the time in. My mouth it didn't sound right that it is sort of our sort of doctor and if anyone should not mind it should be you. Just use your facts of life I'm joined in the studio of course by Dr Reddy I had a camper for our Sunday surgery Good morning good morning I got a cold I do I have the dregs of a code I think that's what we would call it is a medical term it's my medical term to say not to put too many people off their point I'm kind of drowning in Micus and is going to put a lot of people of authority that was way more graphic than I was expecting that horrified me. It's interesting they let us talk about it because it had some people get in touch a little bit about winter colds and sniffles and things to sort of aspects to it one person got in touch and said their cold is lasting for ages what point should they be worried about at what point should they go and see someone out there but also somebody else going touch and said How long is a cold infectious for when can they not pass so I think a code is an infectious for about 535 days really and then you know the they have 25 s. Anymore you've just got all of the yuck that comes with it and it's that that makes you cough to say long we do actually say to people that oppose 5 cough so after the virus is gone can last for $6.00 to $8.00 weeks and that's completely normal and horrible but it should be slowly getting better so that's why I said you want to don't worry I'm not infectious I'm just sounding like I probably am yeah let's say that to me then I come down with things but I think that we should talk about those things now that straight ahead. But I think. When you should worry so if the fevers Don't go away you know you get sometimes a fever when we have a heavy coat at the beginning but I think if you are 2 weeks down the line and you still spike in temperatures then I think that's worrying and I think you should see a doctor about that if you're just feeling generally. Really unwell still in this no improvement because I'm still feeling unwell but I know it's getting better Yeah you know I know I'm feeling better now than I did 3 days ago so I think if there's no improvement then definitely see someone or if things are suddenly getting worse see someone but in the main 99 percent of people will be looking at 10 to 14 days for the keep it and the cough camp assist and there is almost nothing you can do about the cough However I don't buy and I'm sorry to the Big Pharma don't buy cough mixture is because they don't work Ok none of them work there's no evidence that they work however this one does work you have to ask for it because the pharmacist keeps it tucked under his care a lot of secret it's kind of a secret it's a coding linctus Yeah folk a routine is one of the names it has it's cheaper than all of the others and it does work because the code Jane acts to try out me because that's what hating does it calms down the nerve endings in us right and if you take it a night time it can help you sleep so folk are dealing to is the only one with having the rest of the match is a complete waste of money and it makes me really cross that they sell it. I did not know they're expensive as well I'm never sure what I've got as well as like tickly cough chesty cough draw I cough I'll either I'll just hack in all over the place as I can that's when none of them work because they don't they don't some you get in your body and they go you know Tim has a typically cough today I'm going to treat this one I like to sleep ago the 1st thing that thing where your worst thing is that coughing at night we can't sleep in is that actually if I just drank water almost that exact same effect as if I took any cover design so just because it just washes away the Micus and the reason you cough more night is that when you're standing you actually swallow lots of mucus naturally without even knowing it but at night you don't and it sits on your throat and it sounds really chesty The other thing the e can do is you can just buy steroid nasal spray of the counter and there are lots of different brands and that can actually calm down your nasal mucosa which gets swollen when you're producing mucus and if you come that down. That can actually slow down the because production is well good good to know there are calls more or less or to things very question if you've got a question for Dr Reddy give me a ring 17312000 or you can text I want to be 3 star in message with the word London have a look at some of the health stories in the news what if we got so I really like this idea that food manufacturers should be forced to put how much exercise you would have today to get rid of what you've just eaten yet so you know eating a pizza you need 5 hours of walking you know or take a chocolate bar 20 minutes of running I really like that I think that just crystallizes in one's mind what you're putting in inside your body and I know personally because I do care about my weights and you know my you know my health I know when I go to the big coffee shops any of them and I look at you know a Carmo shortbread when thing or I'd love that because I've got such a sweet tooth and then it has $500.00 calories which is a 3rd of my daily requirement more or less and I don't buy it it stops me buying it so I think it's really good idea so since it's but it's been quite controversial in the media this week there's several people I saw who have eating disorders who said that they thought it might trigger them to either then start. Excessively looking at looking at it but but it was a vent I gravitated to you know exercising excessively so I do understand that of course and anything we do there's always going to be some people that listen some people to win and unfortunately as awful as eating disorders are. The biggest issue that we have is that 60 percent of adults are overweight so it's massive and we have to do something about it we really do because it's a massive health problem you know we've now got people with a shorter life expectancy than they did have so I do understand that and I'm not sure how you get around that by I think the bigger problem is obesity and somehow we have to we already do it with calories in some places so I think it's quite similar and I think you know people we tell women that they need on average about 2000 calories men 2 and a half before they do any activity I don't think that's tree I think it's less than that I know my basal metabolic rate is about 1500 and then anything can top of that I guess I'd be quite quickly and we know from the research that if we put these suggestions on even the averages that people cut down the calorie intake by 200 a day that doesn't sound much but that adds up over a wake you know and I think diets like the 5 to diet where you eat 6 to 800 calories on 2 days they work in parts of the reason they were not all of it because there are some physiological changes because over the week you cut down your calories Yeah so I think it's important how do you don't use a really fine line now and I'm interested from your point of years as a doctor. How you run along this line between. Promoting good health and promoting people by their correct way or good weight for them and then this idea that we have now which is a sort of anti fact shaming society we have which is that people should be happy in their body and that society should allow people to feel beautiful whatever size they are how do you do you notice intervening is a sort of psychological side and then the physical side as opposed to there is and I actually watch that program that was on the documentary recently about the people who are overweight living in a house and I found it really really sad because you've got young people who are very overweight being sold this line that being a being fat you can be healthy but all of the science says we count and all the science shows us that it will catch up with us at some point so you might be 25 in every way and not have any health problems but if you continue you will develop them and we know that so I'm afraid I have to go with look yes we shouldn't be obsessing about it and I am I often use the term moderation in everything even moderation you know so let's not be silly let's not be obsessive So for example I in the main don't a complex carbohydrates but complex carbohydrates so I don't eat potato rice bread pasta rice but if I go out today for lunch and I want to resort of course I'm going to eat it so I'm not obsessive about it so again just moderation and tone it down and whatever you're going to do or not just and everyone should do that but whatever you're going to do a smaller portion sizes and just understand that you know you have to be a reasonable weight a safe body b.m.i. Between 18.5 and 25 and for most people the b.m.i. Is a good indicator you know not for Jonny Wilkinson the rugby player but for most of us and just know that otherwise you can suffer some sort of health problem whether it's your knees going you know because they're so painful you can't walk because of the way they go see them to heart disease and it's a myriad and not everybody is going to get diabetes but a lot of people are. On some afraid I have to go on that yeah you know I understand about being. About give us a ring if you have questions for Dr in 807312000 or text 8 want to be 3 star in message with the word London I have got a question I don't know how you do wants this but also interesting whether or not G.P.'s are even factoring this in at all at the moment and we were talking earlier about people were they happy about the election or not and what with people you know what people worried about or excited about. And got in touch and said actually that he's mainly worried about is the economic crisis that's the thing that is really worried about he's worried whether or not conservatives will take it seriously or not that's sort of by the by but James Inc in Kingston said Really John about the climate crisis please ask your g.p. The climate crisis will affect British health if we don't deal with it or doctors preparing a looking at that I think the answer is that is not of course because we just struck in a moment with the people there walking through the door every day I mean I think a lot of people don't know this but the piece in the u.k. See a 1000000 patients a day. That's how many I know a 1000000 people in the u.k. 5055 was about 60000 Yeah so 160 people yet a day visitor to pay so the workload is absolutely massive So the answer is neither and that's an honest answer that doesn't mean I'm not concerned about it today and I think oh say they will pay health effects of easily of raising a rise in temperature I mean we know that when we have stream weather in the summer and we have temperatures of 36 that he 7 degrees people die you know so it is important to me is something that we all going to have to get on top of but that's going to have to come I think from central government filtering down to what we need to do what we need to consider but we've got more questions and we'll have your calls give us ring and under 731-2000 then we'll come back with Dr Mann I. Was was. Then I called. I've a 100 amp g p of summer now. I have tree I just I just like the sound of it and I am the cause of it I should just left you know of course around you I hear I thought that the last hours I was like she's a property I said that earlier today as well you see reality not joking she's got guys and everything and if you have a question for they get in touch give me a ring 18731000 Love speak days pick up the phone goes 107312000 you can text your questions into a 123 Start message with the word London one of the questions actually joke I wanted to ask they presented for me. Is about flea jabs because she says she feels pressured by alleged to have 3 jabs and she thinks the team many people have a clue just don't need it I was Opinion Research he said ask about flu jabs should get he should be getting free jabs and then she said What is the very job actually do Ok so I would like everyone to have a few Jap obviously they're not covered to do that so the moment is if you think over 65 if you've got asthma diabetes and a long term condition cancer except for pregnant women and said please job just works exactly in the same way as the the vaccines that we give our kids say it takes 3 or 4 depending on how old you are is a different vaccines. Of the flu we think are going to come to the u.k. So they track them around the world and they try and predict what's going to come here in winter and they sometimes get it wrong you know they got it wrong last year and then they give us an inactivated. Bit of each one of these plays so that our body mounts an immune response to. It's so that when we do meet that act to fly it already knows what today and it quickly jumps on and we don't get Flay and I would recommend that I've I've always had the flu jab and I guess that's because I work with patients all day as well but just for safety and I'd rather not have flu and I did have flu last year. I went to the Middle East and I got a Middle Eastern play and I was so ho I've never been so ill so I can honestly say I've never had before. And it is totally different because I know it's not I've had flu once and it's not a cold it's a total I felt relieved my head off of the safe my baby he was only 4 months old and had to go live with Gran because I couldn't look after her and 9 days I ended up in a in a and I had pneumonia on top of the flare and I can honestly say it took me 4 months to feel well again so you don't want Flay no one wants it's hideous So I think everyone should have it and I don't think too many people are having it if I think not enough people are and is that what the actual Think moment is the age the age is there like definitely for a 50 or definitely or so that we get to have a success rate of 65 there on a day and then anyone under that but that's just a money thing right that's nothing Stephen Hayes should have it all right it's not so it's not like you're more prone to is more dangerous just like we should all have it's just we've got a limited resource we know that the elderly and pregnant women are more it's more dangerous for them so they're definitely in those grapes and we know that that's where we see some deaths every year and we have flu deaths in the u.k. Every year and not you know an insignificant number you know into the hundreds every single year so I think everyone should have it I try and convince my sometime of it because he has me and my mom has it I have it my partner has you know anything at work and I've got it so much that we got a call it's going to go to Marty Marty hello thanks for calling in have to have. Your camera question. One on one of his armor and. I want to cry are. A lot. Last word of the phrase who I was driving home well less creepy smaller now it's far more trouble in Sochi longer than the surrounding areas with a lot of. Other adults who issues of money whatsoever I don't even see between 2 groups Welling or boxing close clutch me haven't you Marty hello hello hello. Yes always always wanted me to pick you know how to move towards But also I just want off right this court. Really like a monster touch one horse ourselves so what do you know what kind of a thought to show sister has. Quickly got in her right wrist and it goes right to her. Quite well. Ok said it there are different types of arthritis the one that . Can be inherited or runs in families and is quite common is remitted authorized this and that's the one that doesn't seem quite significant treatment but the one that most of us will get in some form or another and I'm definitely riddled with arthritis because I've done lots of running and osteoarthritis. And it is possible that you've got a bit of wear and tear in your name only 31 is young but it's completely possible an x. Ray will show that you can just ask you g.p. For food and go for a walk in x. Ray or it could be almost a repetitive strain kind of injury you know so that people get it when these the mouse on the computer and their wrists cetera and because our occurs when you're in London you're constantly on off that clot you should all scarf an automatic so I let my mom. Through. This is all fix it by hand Yeah well this is a fix it is then you won't be using I drive myself to hospital once when I fractured my knee because I don't automatically. But yes I think the only thing you can try and do is some strengthening exercises for you need to build up the muscles around the joint like her use I pray friends say I made a rabbit on. Around the neighborhoods that can work quite well or take that's antiinflammatory and I'm right and they are quite often men don't like taking medications I just Robin in a scream would probably work just as well for her other than that I think an automatic Ransey answer Martin to go to marketing manager Ok. Thanks so much for calling in have a great day. And if you have any other cause got a few calls lined up now but give us a give us a ring for Dr Renee 117312000 you can text a wonderful 3 star message with the word London is just gone 1030 which means it's time for the latest news headlines from to is not. Thanks very much good morning Michael gave her said the Commons will vote quickly on the government's blanks it withdrawal Dale he's also insisted that discussions with the e.u. On the u. Case future relationship would be concluded next year Meanwhile the shadow chancellor John McDonnell has told the b.b.c. If anyone should be blamed for what he called Labour's catastrophic election results it's him Jeremy Corbin has also apologized in an article for teen used to newspapers saying he took responsibility saying his party came up short we'll hear from Mr McDonnell in the news at 11 a 59 year old man remains in custody after being arrested on suspicion of murder after a man was stabbed to death in Dhaka them last night a woman in her fifty's was also taken to hospital from the same address in Melbourne write her condition is not believed to be life threatening and crucial un climate talks to salvage efforts to tackle global warming a deadlocked they were due to end on Friday but they're still going on because of a stalemate on key issues such as a demand that all countries put new targets in place by the end of next year London's weather was a mix of sunshine and showers today with a brisk wind and highs of 10 Celsius or 50 found Hice Now here's the b.b.c. Radio London travel. On the raids on the m $25.00 southbound one lane is closed is because of a broken down vehicle on the m $25.00 at Junction $7.00 to $9.00 forget we care ports but traffic is keeping well in one state Herman Hill is partially blocked both ways and traffic is slow it's all after an accident Nelson right in Culshaw Alten the traffic lights are not working on pounce treated by on road so do preach with care on the trains they're not stopping on Southeastern at Kid Brook is because of a power failure there's a reduced service on Southern between Battersea Park and Balam is because of overrunning engineering works and they're all severe delays on the overground between high brain is Linton and West Croydon for the same reason that's the travel is more intense in 30 minutes. Except to my. Part it's my country of things going on digital radio t.v. And the b.b.c. Still except for one such b.b.c. Radio in London Stuart. There we go for lots of footy today Welcome back to b.b.c. Radio London with me to Martin I'm joined from Sunday surgery by the wonderful doctor Renee and the camp who's got to have a cold but like a trooper surviving like a train not I would come straight to bed for weeks and then make a lot out of it you know. With time. You know I don't have time or Bastille then I make it I'm going to make it sound Tamil there's only 6. Of you have got loads of callers now coming in so give me a ring as well we've got another 10 minutes time to get in some 312000 we can text a 123 Start message with the word London this is Joe interpreters Hi Joe How you doing. Well I'm quite a 60 something woman yeah but they are have had a diagnosis of osteoarthritis in my lower back which is really. Hard to stop doing some. I really like. I don't it doesn't seem to warrant any treatment but at the same time I can't get rid of this just makes it way down in the lower back and if I switch or rest for a period it's worse so I have to keep moving moving. Any tips you can give me regarding her how if at all to treat and if there are any specific exercise classes or when I have had or have better not go private work help may I can hijack. Your description of the stiffness which is worse when you're still is actually the classic osteoarthritis symptom so we have to say that it's worse in the morning and then once they get out of bed in the water around for 10 minutes or 20 minutes it starts to get better and that's sort of as a little bit more patient gets into the joints and they start moving a bit better unfortunately there is no long term treatment for steel with writers other than joint replacements which we don't really do in the back obviously we do need hips and things but what you can do each trying to help is strengthen the muscles around the spine so that those bones have a little bit more support there is a brilliant You cheap channel cooed you. Fix letter and it's written by a spinal surgeon and he's got pictures and he's got descriptions of the exercises and it just helps you. Fix yourself I mean does what he says in the chain you fix you so that's well worth a look and it is as I said about just doing lots of core So lots of planks that you can do at home to strengthen those muscles and keep moving and then obviously paying killers along the way and I'm sorry that sounds really negative but that really is when we have forced yes right has he taken a good vitamin d. Every day I tell you I take calcium and vitamin d. For osteo pre-mixed so. I k pretty and have you ever taken h.r.t. Years ago I had. But I came off it when the scare flared up about you know the link with cancer that's a shame because h.r.t. Does keep our brain strong as well really well but yes Richmond d always the time as you know I've been using turmeric lately which has been helping me with my last year so I just make some pains. So good turmeric and I'm a big fan of osteopaths as well you know are you doing the right so I used to do yoga and I have I can go back to that I do think that's probably helpful yes because yoga is good for the core So we support the common Joe Good will be cheering in the background for me doing that she's a pig and I also too used to do ballet exercise for adults which I absolutely love and of course that's marvelous exercise for the body Generally yes but I thought maybe for the moment it's a bit too much but I'm going to try and go back to their old would you not to go back to it just because I did buy your body if something really really hurt with you don't do it I must say someone once bought me the New York Ballet Company video workout home in the nearly killed myself trying to do it was so hard. I won't go that far. Nope you're doing the right things in keeping me even is k. Jo thank you so much for calling and then by I if you have any calls or any issues that you want to talk to the 20 back in the ring have 8712000 and she she tosses out into the corner I've got Neil in Northwood on that I hung in there how you doing. Not so bad at the moment Ok How can we help I want to talk walk or talk don't like talk talk to Ronnie is all I've heard very bad stomach aches when I heard a lot about it for 20 years my sister. Or my sister in law was actually telling a hospital she reckons it's all right if there is court how you kiss her in the correct Oh oh I don't know that would have been top of my list to be honest with. I'm just going to ask a few more questions. Is there any food always a particular feat Well it's. Looking to sightsee my Christmas jumpers account 15 knowing is out and I pretty much John Kerry and it's probably the junk food that causes this thing in my stomach and I choke back that I have these tablets are not going to mine so I'm going to mine the indication tablets very well now I want to say the 90 minute my name. Making sure that you see Ok yeah you know g I g I but all of that we exist on this one right right so I typed a lot for each bicycling artist my my local chemist loves me because every comma go in there we know what you want and but you get them straight away I. Think Up to this now no I haven't run scared I am on 59 is out and I'm scared. To sit there because if they find something else wrong or mean I'm fairly have a smoke too much right believe me right I smoke too much and I drink too much I drink a lot with lemon ice and I drink smoke a lot of cigars so I am very unhealthy in my last hour and I'll strike where you're going to psyche about the pros give up a smoke and are you going to say that right. I wasn't going to say that no what I was going to say was this your stomach may be a hiatus hernia but the only way to find it now is to put a camera down and there are topless that the doctor can give you that will work much better than the goddess gone so I would say go to the doctor and don't be scared because you know what you're doing wrong no one needs to let you because you know and it would be much better to know about things than light and wispy twistings 20 s in the 1st. Place. They help but they only help for a few or few hours if you know our mind exactly so I think you need to. Get a camera down the have a bit of an mit and a health check and don't worry about other things they might find because you know that's out job and if we find them to treat them and expected to be treated early then late for anything they might find out I am scared i'm scared so either that's why I haven't been I wish she would go. Troy Troy given your voice mail on the phone Ok Ok I'll next week Ok really we'll let us know I am sure like a. Furnace number many times I would get for being special you know I try my talk I'm not promised program so on the next right here station so I talk about many things but yeah Ok You know what happened to you Look I'm sorry but I can tell you know I was in exact same position as you about 10 years ago and I went to the doctor and I'd been hammering the anti. In just tablets and they put me to think. That none of that was all and it totally sorted it out and actually it was more story was I can't. Think of another tablet then it was a tablet and it absolutely sorted all the pain one day months that I was revolutionary and what I did then and that was just me then you know not just needy gave me the break I went actually maybe I'll tell you about that I'll try some different things out and I sort of worked out what things actually made my stomach react and what didn't and I saw a change there and then then I was able to come off the map result as well so I'm not on any more I don't have the stomach pains but I had almost the exact same as you I had massive bloating as well you see it really painful East really blood. But I went to the doctor and and I was a hypochondriac me a lot I didn't want to go for existing reasons but I went there and they just talked about what was wrong with some of the chart I'm at Brazil it worked brilliantly and. Transformed my life and I promise you not just mental toll now we've been you know we just wanted to be healthy and we don't want to be spending a fortune to have a scone when the market heard. Ok girls are going to say thank you very much for the call but I've got to get the other caller saké but thanks for the call and also thanks for offering our call and I won't get but doctors next week really have to give us a ring back they'll give us a ring which I would like to hear exhibit nice to pass on as well as the rest of listeners Thanks Neal I probably have a good day thanks a lot of you as well I. Mean it's interesting how many people I mean I mean I know you're saying people saying a 1000000 bucks or a 1000000 people a day but how many people out there aren't going because they are scared of scared of what I find than men more than women think you know it's a common thing when we see a man and I look at my screen with have a quick glance at what's going on and they've never come before so I have no idea and this will be a man in the late forty's fifty's say I think men are worse than women and that's quite a lot I think is the things where is that thing that you think is going to be. At the worst the worst possible for his name and I think to reassure people you know the mantra that we use as doctors is the common things a common so usually isn't the worst thing because the West things usually read say usually something quite simple I saw someone last week who is convinced they had cancer and needed a scan and they did and they needed a few really simple tests and then sorted peace of mind is work that that's what people sometimes that's what people need isn't it is just is just our idea of it's Ok and we would rather see some more and I think it's a brain isn't just about nails and when I when I went it was a sort of ad and it was officially i.b.s. Or not what it what it was but but actually just it was a lot of stress related so just having it recognizing somebody is going yes that's fine that's something that took a little stress out of it in the 1st place yeah and then you represent really count it down and then when I changed my diet seemed to really help and I kind of lepers and see a combination of what we can do for a patient but also what they can Day Yeah absolutely. Time for one more call probably to give us a ring 107312000 while the newer stories in the news have you got up to running. We had a few didn't when I'm cold. So we had the calories. That screaming is impacting us oh oh I thought Yes really quite Yes this is this is about injuries that any department to seen from people walking around texting on their phones and I can absolutely see why this is happening because if you were down any street now you will almost get bumped into by someone staring at a screen and apparently the kind of injuries that people see because if they said it's about 500 that was seen in the study period or less aeration to the head of the pastes neck injuries and other head injuries and I just think maybe it's time we all put a science in our pockets because I think it's stopping us from communicating with people we know that communicating with people is good for mental health you know it's probably you know doing. Sometimes I saw I reckon. And it's causing injuries that I'm loving because this way you did it by now. I. Sort of did that but it's where a woman walked into me he was on her fine and I talked to her really loudly that you know that because we just. Started right after I was already got way past that I'm pretty sure she knew him and somehow you just talk to cheat or to come but it was his way and then literally 2 minutes later I was on my side and I walked into somebody so like I just did I'm not sure how how could she say you know they talked now that we've got let me they probably thought it off they're going to notice like Anyway we got Barbara on the line Hello Barbara how you doing Hi Fine thank you good morning sorry I know I'm. Not a question it's a comment so I don't have a health nutritionist now is this new to you and I was at my run and it's a comment about the question because I think they food packaging labeling in size legal entity and so in all public health nutrition well being discussed quite a lot and some of the criticisms that we have all expressed is that. You think I think you. Think labels are really not well I'm just stood by the general public say that maybe understood why the worried well off people you know who already convinced of the value will weight management but they're not necessarily well understood. By general public and I apologize if it sounds but you know I think. We need to make it more accessible to everybody. There is also obviously a difference in. Energy expenditure in terms of it exercise intensity and of course duration and it differs in terms of gender and age of cool so. Generally we're quite worried that there would be a lot of expenditure involved in this kind of labeling which actually may not really address the issue very well interesting yeah I do write I think that's really interesting and I take things and I agree with you and I am someone he thinks about weight management and exercise say for me it's completely meaningful. So I understand what you're saying but I think it's a fairly simple message from people you need to run for 20 minutes to get ready. But who is running 20 minutes is a 16 year old boy 60 year old man how hard are you running and is it an excuse it's a bit like me. That's what she's saying and I am a big Obviously I used and I think they're really helpful in terms of addressing exercise expenditure but what they don't tell you is what you're eating so people will go 1st to have a $10000.00 that Wark which we know is a bit of an art. And see only what they. 100 calories that. It's a carrot cake and not think about k. Because nothing's looking that I think you know I could not agree more with that and I really could not agree more with that and I think that's actually part of the issue we have we have convinced people to get. Anything because they've been to the gym and they come to peace because you count out train you know diet. And so I agree with you 100 percent I just think as a broad brushstroke it would have some effect and obviously it would have a different effect on a 16 year old to a 16 year old but we have to do something. Really cool and again some time to be loved to continue that are going to get some of the coals Thanks Barbara Ok. I've got in Bethnal Green and how you doing oh I'm fine thank you Jim. It's just a doctor in a good morning who will run it over had some a blood test from my g.p. But I can't get an appointment until the 23rd of December so I just wonder if you can just ease my mind tell me I haven't an underactive thyroid and. About a year ago they took me from quite far down to 1.25. Grams daily that was done with my g. Pain not into canola just yet I don't normally get diagnosed everything via him but anyway the g.p.s. That I needed to come down so my my blood all of my blood tests of come back to here safe level is point 25 which is low that is they coalesced I've got cholesterol one point I which I've never had a problem with cholesterol before and I don't understand what that would say my red blood count is 4.8 story so I just want to know if the Colette's clips on the red blood count is to do with the saw I ordered as well Ok so there is a correlation between thyroid and cholesterol for sure. And if your thyroid is usually underactive it can push up your cholesterol Ok so I'm not when you say 1.8 I'm not really sure what reading that is and what the range is is that showing that it's low because it sounds like to me Yes yes. Love Yes that's because your thyroid is over active so I wouldn't worry about that there's no problem with that being low in terms of your red blood count I'm not sure which reading that easy that. You're doing that is high or low it's this they're saying that that is love the red blood count is it's I think so yeah there are so many parameters within a full blood count so it only Yet there are so many if you're hemoglobin your h.p. Is that normal. Of course right here and. When I train and. There are 12 strokes I woke up and I would it mean to say and that's why I want to speak to the doctor and they won't speak to me. And 27. Say Ok so I'm not sure we treat in that is pop up I'm going to say that if the range is 10 to 12 it sounds quite like whatever it is so I think why would you 5 years find your g.p. Tomorrow so you not prepared to wait until you see some of the 100 new would like a telephone appointment Yes an old G.P.'s will have telephone appointments within the day and I think just be a little bit firm and say look you can't give me these blood results that are abnormal and then leave me to wakes to actually speak someday I'd like to speak to somebody on the telephone plays. Did she actually text me and said file make a telephone appointment of course work the receptionist transcript for a few exceptions now. Over there so I think the answer is you also I would be still a little bit overactive so you might need to come down on the dose a little bit your t.s.h. You. Know you're not you know under active at the moment Barbara if you're t.s.h. . So we add and I apologize. If your t.s.h. Is no 2.2. 5 Then you are over active because t.s.h. Reflects how much thought see your body needs and is saying I don't need any I've got too much and I may not come down to your deisel bit and then your cholesterol will come up right Ok. Thanks very much thanks so much let's have a good weekend thank you very much Ed when he got in touch as always people were going to tell him to thank you for getting into I'm not saying in general I'm having a holiday I'm sorry it was a tough. Go on holiday where you get to sit. Is it better than coming on the show it's tough going it is a tough call and you I thank you so much for coming in as a way that you have a wonderful Christmas thank you using. Saying That's Tina Arena there with Sorento man of the 4 track you listen to him after here on b.b.c. Radio and I thank you very much Dr Rennie for coming in thanks everyone who got in touch as well because I did get 3 some of the text and the e-mails as well sorry about that but as always when Dr and I come back next time get in early is always of the key talking a little bit today about John Lennon's glasses he sunglasses sold auction 413-7000 pounds how much money do you have to have by the way you can get. Some broken sunglasses 137000 pounds some people aren't rich and I was asking for a what what clothing or items of clothing would you like from your favorite celebrities and people got in touch thank you very much Laurie is going touch with a pen sent me a picture of David Bowie just said This suit is an incredible team I don't mean it was quite late in life looks super sharp just go to said Kurt Cobain's cardigan looks cozy to sell for a fortune I think it did pose go in touch and said let me hat let me from Motorhead see is going to Doris Day's Calamity Jane outfit is a good thing fair play to that one John good as it Adam and Jack it why not Frank got in touch and sent me a picture actually. Of that Ronnie would want to use Ok Ok think it's Keith for Rolling Stones he's got a skull ring on his finger anyone Charlie going to see Hendrix and take military coat he bought it in the portabello market claimer a said Diana's revenge dress and sent me pictures well lots and lots of people lots of things like buy a get in touch if there's anything that you are an item of clothing buy famous person that you think you would absolutely love I would like to hear from you and if you want to text and send me a picture it's always nice to see them 123 star a message with the word. And. So coming up from 11 I will be joined by filmmaker Jamie bacon he joins me to talk about his new show which is called Film new film which is called into America I watched it yesterday it's a fascinating film it's quite dark actually and really moving about I find myself about right density and sexual identity really interesting Gabby Rosalynn will be in the hot seat from 3 and then from 6 pm tonight Sonny and Cher I will be joined by a mass chef professional semifinalist about how he handled the pressure on the show all of that and lots and lots walked out to see anybody and he's going to be some of the lessons headlines from tennis not. To see right here 95.9 f.m. The b.b.c. Said this. Isn't going to. Be as b.b.c. Radio. London is news at 11 I'm Tanya snags if I want to blame it is May forestall the shadow chancellor has told the B.B.C.'s Andrew Marr Show that Labour's wost election result since $935.00 it would down to him John McDonnell made the comment softer suggestion that neither himself all the Labor leader Jeremy Corbin had apologised after the party lost 59 seats and make it clear that it's on me so on me let's take it on the chin I own this disaster so I apologize I apologize to all those wonderful Labor M.P.'s have lost their seats who worked so hard apologise all our campaign has but most of all our problems are those people who desperately need a Labor government would Jeremy called enhanced now said sorry writing about his regrets into all of today's newspapers Meanwhile Bryce Johnson's new legislative program will include a bill requiring the governments to raise spending on the health service in England bunny $34000000000.00 pounds a year by $22320.00 full It's also been. That the government has ordered a review to consider decriminalising nonpayment on the b.b.c. License fee well still with the prime minister Nicolas Sturgeon has told the b.b.c. That the pm saying no to holding another vote on Scottish independence won't hold the s.n.p. Leaders revealed she spoke to the prime minister on the phone about the issue on Friday I think the risk for the conservatives who I should be quite relaxed about it is that the more they try to block the will of the Scottish people the more water content they show for Scottish democracy the more they're going to increase support for independents which in a sense of them depict my job for me a man his forties has been stabbed to death at a house in Dagenham it happened at around 10 pm last night in Marlboros a woman in her fifty's was also taken to hospital from the same address her condition is not believed to be life threatening a 59 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and remains in custody if you use the trains you're being urged to check your train times before you travel as a new winter timetable comes into effect today the major changes are aimed at cutting journey times increasing services and adding new routes across the country similar changes last year it cools to chaos London's weather now his Lucy Martin hello there feeling cool with a mixture is sunny spells and showers those showers carried in on a brisk south westerly breeze that wind also helping to make things feel fairly cool highs around 10 degrees Celsius or 50 and Fahrenheit every night tonight there will be.

Radio-program , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , English-new-wave-musical-groups , Health , English-male-singers , English-singer-songwriters , English-language-singers , Political-science , Nutrition , Neuroscience , Mind-body-interventions , Psychiatric-diagnosis

BBC Radio Scotland MW-20191211-200000

To back. But after there we're going to have. Which Let me see vegetables Yeah what a Christmassy theme you know I suppose yet you post these in a lab you can have you can have sprouts carrots I want I want some sprout released related music on the program tonight I know I'll be very disappointed here the Beach Boys vegetables. Yeah past nips there but there must be a song about past year. There's got to be some sort of vege related out there so have a think about vegetables while we play a couple of frost related tracks back to back starting with this one for Andy in Scots than in fact should we read a few of these frosty will introduce us to a few frosty ones Ok John reckons Rene Frosty the Snowman Hi Uncle Vic how about cold as ice by foreigner. For frosty says Chris from Hope Mn and Denise and Nathan again in the ship and Denise chained to the sink while I stand watch how about cold cold heart would that do you never know when to play 2 back to back in a minute the Maxwells want Frosty the Snowman by the Cocteau Twins love is a wonderful color by the icicle were for us and a little girl by ice house those are all good you got few have got a couple on Facebook people been very quick posting on Facebook and yeah it's a great night your Grace had never thought I'd ever request this Ice Ice Baby by the needle ice of course and he's a Pink Floyd song I've never heard of before Hugh says terminal flossed by Pink Floyd terminal Frost No went for Celtic Frost Ok pretty pretty self-explanatory really Ok We're going to go for this one Andy in Scotland because of the lyric Jack Frost nipping at your nose knocking Cole. Christmas. Chesnuts roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost nipping at your no. Yuletide can see being sung Bob. And folks dressed up like skimmer. Everybody. Is the turkey handsomeness the move will. Help to make this season the bride. Tiny Tots with a odd Zollo dog. Will find it hard to sleep in the. Room. They know that sat. Is on his wall. He's loaded lots of toys include it on. And every mother's chart. Has done a spot. To see a frame did really hot through. Although it's been. Many times many ways. This law. Says nude. Now there's a track that I have not either never heard or haven't heard in such a long time and forgotten it the great choices all everything but the girl frost and fire for near me for Neil Manley and Donald instantaneous and Nat King Cole The Christmas Song for Andy and Scott's and for our frost related Chines. We're going to go for vegetables next right here before we read out a few of those and when to play a couple of veggie tracks back to back on we can do I know if you're popular yes clean popular Ok well I'm going to I'm going to spend that tumble a more timely go and what will our post vegetable theme be. Turkey had to happen at some point is the next an artist or song I mean this there's plenty of turkeys could be going to go for a song that's a complete turkey you could do yeah we could do that we could do a song by an artist from Turkey Ok specially specialist occasionally play to Turkey artists on my show on a Monday night you get a bronze Turkey. It's a type of Turkey that you get your turkey plods Turkey Bruns Yes it's a type or to I can explain why but there's a special kind of Turkey called the turkey brown if you go and you butcher blonds Turkey is one of them you could do a crown Ok Turkey crown I was hearing or something that's beautiful or maybe not Ok So Turkey think you think of the you know a song to do with Turkey. In terms of vegetables we've got some really good ones here the damned Neat Neat Neat Ok very funny we've got John and done the same Manfred Mann Sweet Pea that you join me in the farmer that skids the house Martens lonely this Christmas by muds the Maxwells anything by prefab prefab or sprite says Donald Sterling Santander's and the result 2 is ready says John goes Jasper Carrott funky moped songs with vege the monster mash says the unnamed texter mascot the most. Even uncover it got to be cars and girls by prefab sprout even and dentist and Booker t. In the N.G.'s green onions. And Andy from air having a fish supper boo. Yeah Ok some good ones there in Texas you got a few yeah got another Pink Floyd I've got a feeling this might be more the pun title he says How about Barry's Piper at the gates of dog so it actually got Dicky my potatoes Lonnie Donegan from Kent the. Cabbage. Vegetables Ok. Chili Peppers Ok Well we're going to get our vegetable tracks back to back a couple of them after this this winter on b.b.c. Radio Scotland We'll bring you the stories that much of a week open that you guys reason would be that the latest traffic and travel news and weather of the elements time. Concentrating on the primary routes the biggest gain picture to make. Her. Words a best of I'll do the job Ok I'm sent to the seas at the white to be joined by some of the base musical town the school in ties to all for winter on b.b.c. Radio Scotland. Ok couple of age related tracks coming up but remember our next song has to have something to do with Turkey to get it in. The. Way. But you. Still. Say. With. B.b.c. Radio Scotland. But. They might. Be the new light on my monster moments last week. To my surprise. He did come out saying. It was a great. Moment he. Belongs to a local Colin Soloway. Group. Gold from the road to get a job from. The Hmong. The long long news with long long long. Long. Long. Long long journey and his. Long slow song would. Go a long long long long time. Like. The Crips long as they played along. With a brave. Young adult life that. I played a. Long way from those long legs for years it. Seems it was just one long long loop and shook me. Up and my thoughts being with me now that I. Know my mom. And the brave young as. Long as. It's no use. Being screwed right now long as. You took my long living to smash me. Too hard or tell them things you can. Come along. And do ma a crazy all. Good long long long long. Long long long. Long. Long. Long. Haul be Boris picker in the crypt. Kicker's and Monster Mash for our vegetable of the nes got an early and going for that but for that of course and I demanded it I wanted sprouts on the radio and I got them prefab Sprite the king of rock'n'roll especially for Melissa MacDonald in and Dennis and Donald pizza right in West Kilbride near me in Glasgow Hugh and Grimm in Anniesland the king of rock n roll was the track that you heard a couple of vegetable related tracks back to back it's get it's on here on b.b.c. Radio Scotland I'm Vic Gallo in for Brian Burnet nickel I'm Ian is actually doing the show tomorrow night and Brian are we back on Monday with a whole new week of themes Still to come on b.b.c. Radio Scotland tonight well if you want a double dose of your Uncle Vic stay tuned because I'm back 11 o'clock there's a repeat listen of my Monday night show I've got loads of excellent records vintage Flaming Lips and Boards of Canada and a session recorded in Maida Vale from the band cloth a trio from Glasgow a really really hot at the moment one of my favorite bands of the year so that's coming up at 11 and that's 9 o'clock after the news here on b.b.c. Radio Scott and Bruce McGregor will be here we're travelling folk celebrating the life and work of him shen or some folkloric poet songwriter and political activist travelling folk with Bruce up at 5 past 9 after the news at 9 year old b.b.c. Radio Scotland yet we're spending the Christmas Tombo I think I'm going to do it again right now for the next track. Ok Ok Ok so excited I'm still excited Richard can you tell. The word it is true that Ok so treason lyrics in Inferno Yeah Ok something about Christmas leaves leaves yakker and we've already had a few Christmas tree suggestions needles Yeah yeah pine Yeah yeah Ok trunks roots roots and culture I don't know treaty is the next. The next word that you have to think about only go about 2 and a half minutes of the next song to play yes and the next so think about it pretty quickly if you don't mind tree please yes 80295 you want to suggest a tree related track 802951 the Tx get on at b.b.c. Doco dot ukase the e-mail this Facebook and Twitter and we're going for a turkey real it track and have a couple of I'm doing this you're beautiful James Blunt says Mack t. In back killer. Would be a turkey at Christmas but besides Elton step into Christmas as Mike from Lynn let's go these are all in the text by the way to 295 an unnamed one just saying middle of the little turkey turkey cheap cheap I'm not sure that exists but will take it even Let's Turkey Trot and John Lennon cold turkey says John and dandy Turkey Sultans of Swing from Pat. What else we got get it on cold turkey by John Lennon should be played on Boxing Day says Andy Mack and one more from and in Scotland says George Benson's forgotten classic giblet gravy from the album of the same name does not exist I don't know I would think that we're going to check that out and in Scotland thanks very much one more for cold turkey on the text by John Lennon Steven in Stoney Byrne You've got some more turkey related lies to you Robert came up with a good one we mentioned the crown of the crowd by Gary and the g.b. Experience. Other Turkey suggestions we've got another one for Elton John from ho ho ho who'd be a turkey at Christmas. And lots for the song about play Ok one final Turkey one John and done deal saying Rod Stewart and Young Turks Ok Hugh Mari Puerto Monte fi Troon and various other people going for They Might Be Giants and Istanbul not Constantinople. Now how to think of that tree really to track where you help us out Go on enjoy They Might Be Giants here on b.b.c. Radio Scotland's. even the old gold was once stirred. People just liked it better that way. But. Just as. Well as one day. You'll just like did better. They Might Be Giants not Constantinople for humor a Monte in various authors thank you for getting in touch and you know why I put that cry for help they're about trees because that was only just over 2 minutes long that track I love you all I really do because we've probably had more requests for tree related tracks and anything else we've had on the show tonight so many of you get in touch with in the last 2 minutes thank you very much shall I read some of them out well I tell you what I will do after we spend that's all. You getting ready. To do you think you sleep i know i know that's a trouble well we got half an hour to sleep with us we've got half an hour still to go and we're going to be spending this tumble as many times we need to get our next scary next track come on and come on love. Is there a song about love Richard Alley be a song about love I think we're on dodgy ground for this yeah this is going to be tricky. Folks a love song please something to do with love oh perhaps just the band love I love love as superstar once said Ok let's go through some of your tree related goodness tree needles and pins trail of the Lonesome Pine who let the dogs bark bark says Ted in sterling these are all text by the way. A vague feed the tree by barely please tip top tune Dave says on the text it is indeed so barely life back in the day but no roots by Alice Martin for the subject trees says Dave. Can't read that my frayed sorry pope the trees says John Don't Leave Me This Way by the communal herdsman the the Maxwells the tree song that somewhere only we know by keen for the lyrics I came across a fallen tree felt the branches of it looking at me says Green from dumb Friess get on chestnuts roasting by being anything by Wishbone Ash says Neil from Motherwell Polwhele are trees a skull in Lenzie you've got some more there Peter says Lonesome Pine by low and hardy few that Chris and Chris movement says that as well Judy says Brenda Lee's walking around the Christmas tree another one for Barry feed the tree for Cherry We've got baby I love you I can run it from. Wildwood a suggestion that Adele are so magic number because tree is the magic number Thanks David Campbell Ok if you're Irish tree Yeah and again. The magic number in Eric tree coins in the fountain Ok market around half way up the m 6 going for Laurel and Hardy ash go from mind says Helen in an ember Kip Ash get it. Timber by Pit Bull Forever Autumn by Justin Hayward say the Maxwells again I like this one bark at the moon Ozzy Osborne poor head says Jamie in bowler no Norwegian Wood says Moss Well we're going for this one Billy McCune suggesting simply a forest. What's the next one again oh yeah love love please you've got to just under 5 minutes to think you want so plenty of time enjoy the cure. You. Great to play that on b.b.c. Radio Scotland the Cure a forest for Billy McCune they played out of course in amongst whole load of other classics a goth pop classics at Bellahouston Park in Glasgow over the summer I was there was a great thrill Mogwai Twilight Sad and the cure all in a row brilliant stuff and I never actually seen the cure or been listening to them since is about 101112 years old that kind of time and never had a chance to see it and saw them in Glasgow in the summer they looked and sounded as good as ever they really did it was wonderful thank you believe for suggesting that for trees let's win the Dom boat. We're going to play a couple of love songs back to back but let me think about our next lean thank you so much for getting involved in this Ok the next word postman Yes postman busy man at this time of year indeed yes me about deliveries Yeah yeah letters it must be songs about the postman Yeah letters parcels boxes you know I kind of thing yeah what what does how does a man yes exactly Yeah Ok Yes So postman I have a think about that we're going to play 2 tracks back to back to love related songs you're going to read a few suggestions that we try to to suggest give me all your love in the top rabbit So everybody's got to live by love or l.-o. V.-e. Love by Al Green or the fantastic always discover of course we've got George you say Love to my mind it has to be Sugar Baby Love by the bets I mean come on it's the best pop song ever Ok and Jordy Max's Love to Love You by Donna Summer right well Norma antiviolence All You Need Is Love a fine Christmas message Norma you're not wrong there thanks for that lobby Sifry must be love love love says. Ellen on the text 80295 and I've got my love to keep me warm Frank Sinatra says Judy on the text Hi guys. Malin Inverness wanting a bit of Spinal Tap there which I'm not going to redux a little bit rude not Kinko When I Fall In Love evening veg. From James embarrassed Beatles All You Need Is Love to look like my love or wings my love John into Aunty Vic how about level tears apart Joy Division Steven in fooled in another one for love all tears apart to calm go for Joy Division also it's a love related songs as you might imagine going to play 2 back to back have a think about postmen related Stracke and we'll get to in a few minutes time Ok Ruth hang festive stuff in Fife and says This one was a Christmas hit I think such a strong song it certainly was brilliant to play Frankie Goes To Hollywood the power of love. And. Dreams of. Key. Was. Just. Lead. Lead. To tell you with Galileo on b.b.c. . Still an absolute Chewton Simple Minds love song for Neil Sinclair in Inverary probably in fact the best track I ever danced to he says you know Satie's just been in touch as well saying Jim care esque dancing at college discos guy liner and ponytails back then fantastic track it was indeed Simple Minds love song and before that Frankie Goes To Hollywood the power of love for Ruth. Yes Ok I think we can fit into more themes I throw in there is track Yeah so strolling the tombola let's go again running out of bits of paper actually Ok shopping Miss b. If you're listening this is your theme I would imagine yes shopping also presents gifts. Could be specific shops yet he could be the act of shopping the art of shopping the artist shopping if there is such a thing I think there is yeah I'm not mastered it let's not get ours in records you could have markets you could do your shopping online sick Ok your. Bags so shopping and the next track is 2 minutes long so start thinking about getting in touch with their shopping related tew nage please 80295 is the text there's a Facebook page Twitter is at b.b.c. Get on and the email gets on at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Now before we get to shopping we're going to our postman related tracks so a few of your text for postman How about Postman Pat Pat Kane hue and cry labor of love would also be a good link from the previous word love says Alan Wilson in Clarkson Thank you Alan good choice postmen message in a bottle says Neil from Motherwell a couple of Postman suggesting we could send letters as to camera letter from America the Proclaimers says keris from Kilmarnock evening again for postman. Stand and Deliver Adam an eon It's late to the show tonight so try a suggestion for each topic until the end says James in bear's den Thank you James Proclaimers letter from America says John in done the Denise and Nathan say rip it up for the postman song The Maxwells one Please Mr Postman by the Carpenters or love letters by Alison Moyet all sorts of good ones in a you've got some more on faded couple quick ones Terry Cooper Stevie b. The post man song and a good one here signed sealed delivered I'm yours Stevie Wonder Ok lots of you going for the letter by the buck stops including jail on the text. From done the Says message in a bottle as well so good choices remember the next one shopping get them in I'll get them on we can probably fit into more tunes after this for postman related shenanigans Elvis Presley return to send. To the man. And his. Son on my needs. As an especial. And came back to. That. And. The barrier to. Invent. Elvis Presley return to send here on b.b.c. Radio Scotland for might contain Catherine Renfrew joining down the in Josephine Lindsay Ok Do you know what it's the final spin of the top because after the next track it's basically the end of the show did the end of the show so we're going to choose the very last track on. The site and almost killed me tonight. Where we see. A good a good one to finish. Something we all know and love I certainly do cake please so you've got about 3 minutes 30 Give us your cake suggestions. And yeah go what's the next one shopping that's right let's go through a few of the shopping suggestions John and done these window shopping are doing tailor Adam Faith lonely pop in the Christmas shop How about the fabulous lost in the supermarket by The Clash says Alan McKenzie from Tilak Yewtree That's a great track Stephen and stony Byrne wants shoppers paradise by. Carter the unstoppable Sex Machine a tangential shopping song might be stupid you can buy a King Creole and the coconuts says. Kenny from Paisley and more coming in you go a few more quick one for supermarket flowers by 8 Ok. Let's just keep going. We're going for this one Jillian Glasgow Billy and Gino Saturday. Shopping. I was. Showing how the the the I want the out the the I was the the out the the a. Koan was the the I was the the a koan. Was. You a thank you I was thankful that the hour. Was the hour go a few hours ago the Cohen thank the a out. Was. The that was. Which. Was. Ok spin a crazy show tonight doing the Christmas tombola and having a different thing for absolutely every song I really enjoyed it thank you so much for sticking with us right to the end of the show Richard and I bought a ball a nickel a mian is here tomorrow and pantomime is that the Prince Charming Puss in Boots that kind of thing coming up after the show after the news at 9 Bruce McGregor will be here with travelling folk and celebrating the life and work of Anderson and then 11 o'clock I'm back with all sorts of music for you including a session from cloth when a finish with a track by credit for Greg marks and Terry MacDonald thanks for listening here's credit cake. All in the digital radio. Medium Wave. B.b.c. Radio. The the. It's 9 o'clock b.b.c. Radio Scotland News I'm Duncan Kerr cope good evening the leaders of the political parties have been travelling the country making their final plea for votes ahead of tomorrow's general election a series of closing day rallies are being held tonight Jeremy Corbin has been focusing on improving public services while the Liberal Democrats have been campaigning to stop Rex it as leader Nicholas surgeon arj voters to lock out Boris Johnson who says the country will be part of life unless we get brakes a done the Lib Dems leader to Swinson has been campaigning in Guilford and sorry I'm excited about these final hours of the campaign because they can make a crucial difference whether or not Boris Johnson will gain a majority or whether we have the real chance to stop. A man who raped a teenager after she became separated from friends on her 1st night out in Aberdeen City Center has been jailed for 6 years a judge branded Daniel take a loss of violent predator at the High Court in Glasgow David Shanks reports 20 year old tag last phone the intoxicated 18 year old on her own then dragged her to a secluded spot in the roof area of the ball a court center he raped her then abandoned her in a flower bed where she was found by passers by in July this year police later traced tag less who had arrived in the u.k. From Romania only weeks earlier using c.c.t.v. He admitted the rape at the High Court in Glasgow George Gordon little told the father of 2 he hoped that the victim and the other residents of Aberdeen would sleep a little easier knowing he was off the streets Tegel a smiled as he was led down to the cells aren't his victim who was in court shouted at him Don't smile at me a 2nd boy has been charged in relation to the fire at people's high school the school has been closed since the blaze at the end of last month which damaged around a 3rd of the building no one was injured senior pupils are being taught 20 miles away in Galashiels and Junior pupils at other locations in peoples a statement from the Scotland set a report will be sent to the Children's Reporter The naturalist and broadcaster David Bellamy has died at the age of $86.00 the Conservation Foundation which he co-founded described him as a larger than.

Radio-program , Geffen-records-artists , British-rock-music-groups , English-language-singers , Christmas-characters , Capitol-records-artists , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , English-male-singers , Deaths-from-myocardial-infarction , Traditional-pop-music-singers , Scottish-musical-groups , American-gospel-singers

BBC Radio Bristol-20191209-220000

Best Actor for Rocket Man and Phoebe will abridge for Fleabag the gongs will be handed out next month and the ceremony will be prior will be hosted by Ricky Gervais' one of the last surviving Aria pilots who force in the Battle of Britain has died at the age of 101 flight left Tennant Morris Manston was one of only 4 remaining members of the group of them and who defended the skies above southeast England from the Luftwaffe a in 1940 Patrick tootle is from the Battle of Britain Association one of the best . Appreciated people recognising that it was a battle from the other hand. He went on for a full last over a 100 and it was a lot like b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 10. To abandon b.b.c. Radio best the best. We've got the balance of that stuff so I'm. 90 s. Am. With you in Miami. Would. Be. That way I. Just get. To like him in the bottom like get me to use in the sense that you know every day like a big brother got a job. So we said to me Charlie get the man in less than a week with you every time you ladies have to out to use his real sweet uses the British in Spanish. To take you. To a week or 2 days ahead but every time I was just attracted to you in my game you decided to do. Same in the Met but I can feel it for the strip which ladies dress and a busybody. Think a number. I miss some of. The great secret visit with mommy screaming. At me in the truck. So she is back to show. In a. Shot gotta go. To sleep and we all know the. Biggie but only snakes Miami Heat. Understand I've never seen so many many get wind of this and it's a. Place to go on the beach to. Look. In the scheme. Of the trees which. You. Thousands. Of this is. My home use. Why. Are they quite as price to be at this moment in time when a Miami a well and that was down from number 3 to number 10 on this day in 1998 and yes Chris with the top 10 a down every night at this time 5 of the best from a top 10 in a certain year and I do know all this week in fact as we count down towards election day are still be doing this on Thursday and then after May we will have a special local program as the votes come in but we'll do on Thursday as well as we head towards Christmas as more and more little Christmassy Tunes popping up in the top 10 a 10 but back to tonight's event the boys are at number 9 with up and down and steps number 8 with a heartbeat and tragedy it was a double a side and then there was this do you remember. This music will be familiar to you and this was a number 7 for black string. Doing With. Women it's like. One. Want to. Thank. You. This. Isn't a black street smile I'm a some Blinky bling can take me there from the original soundtrack of the ridge motional practice soundtrack of our regrets the movie and I want to say that to you 12 minutes past 10 this is Chris backstab and is the light show through to 1 am what else was in the top 10 on this day than boys own a number 6 with love the way you love me and then there was this number 5 brand new n for a 1000000. It's . A. Quarter past 10 this is the light by the way lots of requests already coming in for Friday and the West's biggest requests Friday 11 till midnight I think actually this way shall we just do Christmas tunes for a whole hour on Friday are not be rather nice not particularly unusual ones particular ones it don't normally here let's make it really cows the on Friday between 11 and midnight if you want to get something in them we've already got a few coming and then one of them attacks to backstab a x. T. R. And a message to a twang triple 3 will get the tinsel out and some mulled wine Babs. As well but it's to show a b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Backs to Charlotte b.b.c. U.k. And we're going to be opening the lines a little later on tonight for the quiz anyway. You can call them with a request but back to 998 for now and 5 the best from the top 10 Robbie Williams was brand new in at number 4 with no regrets it was a double I side with music and Bryan Adams a Mel c. Or number 3 you have that track next. To be happy in that size head to Philly much in favor of things aging the top spending time my family planning about Christmas is when I get to spend time in my family and know happy more light playing Play smoke with my cousins my small along next to these old flame I know is quite silly I just want to see I want to see the sun tolerable a choice is open question most. Foolish need can seem down to Christmas 29 t. And may stay exciting thing about Christmas is staying with a family I love that even. Hour as it was it was massive at the time thinking of using that technology is used everywhere now isn't even to to improve rather dodgy voices but you can't say that about Cher that was number one then on this day in 1998 Have you enjoyed the tunes tonight on the top 10 or 10 will bring it back tomorrow from a different year at 10 pm on The Late Show this is Chris Baxter alter the weather for you very soon we'll do the quiz questions for the random course as well any that went to the end of last week I'll tell you about what I think carefully I'm pretty sure we're all square from the end of last weeks of the nothing to update you on there but I'll bring you all the questions if you want to pry the chorus between 11 and midnight tonight or little bit of travel news dimensions is just new in and it's the m $4087.00 bridge which is modest restrictions because of the strong winds there in both directions between junction one it asked and junction 2 that's the y. Value link road in chaps there it says that everyone comes off eastbound a junction 2 and West a junction one around the roundabout and then back on to cross the bridge which does remain open at the moment but might have to be closed any point because of those strong winds so you might want to avoid the and $4087.00 bridge just in case that's all there really is to mention the right amount unless you know otherwise still let me know if you've got something to say Baxter and your message to a 23 you can email the show as well Linda thank you very much for your email tonight says Chris as it's the 39th anniversary of John Lennon's death I wonder if you might be able to include one of his songs as a tribute it was actually that it was the 8th of December wasn't it John Lennon's death but I figured right and I think we should market in some way or another and in fact as luck would have it I've got a Christmas record beautiful. Coming up between now. It's on the way very soon. Christmas to get. This isn't one of. Gosh that was released in 1988 of our album rattler. And Angel of Harlem no Christmas a but the lyrics also for the beginning for the big Christmas Eve and there was a cold and wet December day when we touched the ground at j.f.k. Snow was melting on the ground as I guess you in the movie doesn't it but more Christmassy stuff to come for you. If you want. Christmas in terms of the weather well it's feeling a bit like that tonight clear and dry for much of the night temperatures falling away clouds will build towards dawn which will bring some milder weather later on milder temperatures but we will get frost early in the morning and Zillow temperatures in I could go down to about minus one or a bit lower than that it's 30 found night now for tomorrow bands of rain spreading in from the westerly around some dry patches as wow cloudy and windy and in the evening we're going to get a sharp band of heavy rain sweeping through with some very strong winds as well 8 to 11 southeast the high 46 to 52 Fahrenheit now windy again on Wednesday with sunshine and some showers during the day but big cooler dry and cloudy start on Thursday but turning windy again with rain moving in could be heavy and persistent for a spell Friday looks continuing to be windy unsettled but rain starting to clear to the east during the day in the winds easing by the weekend as well so that's I was looking over the coming. It's b.b.c. Right here and your Tuesday morning breakfast show from half past 6 with Emma Breton and informant offices in Bristol are taking a new approach when it comes to people dropping litter and you'll hear about that and the light up cross on a church in South Bristol is being restored thanks to some community fund raising and you'll meet Emma's latest Christmas here as well from 9 o'clock it's debate time with John Dhaval live from the Park Center in King's words with candidates from the Conservatives and Labor Liberal Democrats and the Animal Welfare Party from midday Steve Yabsley with a sing and mic pricey from a number of local tribute bands celebrating the music of the 1980 s. And also chatting to the really talented song singer Heather Williams from 3. And Plan meeting the West Country comedian and actor John Money about writing the scripts for this year's panto beauty in the beast a baths Theatre Royal and just a reminder that from 7 o'clock it's for much commentary on Bristol City's Championship clash with Millwall and that's a bit of a taster we're getting this Tuesday right here on b.b.c. Radio Bristol. The mood shock to a. Clue and . The a. Clue was clear. 6. Clock. At the clock the a clock back. Was close to a. Clock clue a preview a move to move to a . Clock any of the a. Clock clocks back. To a clock. Close to a clock. Cleaned. Up. As Perry wide and let the music play its crest with a light show through tour Tuesday morning always love it if you drop in on the show no matter what it's about if you want to send a text or I give you a mention tonight is Baxter and the message to 81 trouble free press your family arriving very soon for the Christmas period prompts Eram you're heading to this part of the world for your own little holiday in a cottage or something for Christmas and we're going to enjoy hearing the stories as we head up towards Christmas very soon. You must just mention by the way you might remember earlier on in the year that I did a whole week of features behind the scenes of the circus that was all about Gifford circus which is based in Gloucestershire but travels far and wide in this part of the world and very sad news that over the weekend Nell Gifford who was co-founder of Gifford circus died at the age of 46 after having breast cancer a number of occasions it was 3 separate occasions but you know. Incredibly sad news and Giffords is a wonderful thing that lives on and I know there's been many tributes on social media today I mean just reading one I can see in front of me from Sophie he says so sad to hear about how Gifford she was responsible for bringing so much joy laughter and magic to many people she leaves an amazing legacy behind and. Amy says on social media as well I never wanted to run away with the circus until I saw Gifford . I pay now get out and she was somebody who did it right at the circus she said that's what she wanted to do she's written a book about her life which is beautiful as Wow And yet just really sad news just 46 years of age and I thought we might revisit because when I when I did the behind the scenes of the circus features early this year I did quite a long interview with now and she wasn't well at the time but was talking about the theme for this year and it was a massive success this summer if it is not how it will be again next year so as we reach the end of the week I'm registering a little bit of that interview and perhaps are some a behind the scenes of the circus again in tribute to now very sad news 90 minutes to 11. It's great as Ned John Lennon Yoko Ono and happy Christmas War is over it's quarter to 11 and it's nice suggestions coming in for Friday's Christmas requests between 11 and midnight to keep those coming back to show b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. And you can also send a text back Stephanie message to right one triple 3. Joy thank you very much in Barry for your email to see evening and some good answers to the quest will get to those very soon and you also mentioned that I didn't mention your grandson and his name now I did mention here but it was a bit weird on Friday because I wasn't broadcasting on all the radio stations for the whole 3 hours it was it was a bit strange so I did mention it but I forgot to mention it again so Luke Perry was your grandson this related to a question on the random Chris last week which was the 3 t.v. Series that he appeared in as a child actor and we got them in the end Torchwood one of them was Torchwood one of them was Dr Who and the other one was grandpa in my pocket and if you want to look him up it's called Luke Perry and you can you can put it into a search engine you're find out more about is his acting career now he's got a really it's got really interesting job now completely unrelated to and to being a child actor so I it with your permission Joy I think we'll run that as a quiz question in the coming weeks because I think it's really interesting what he does now compared to what he did as a as a child actor I'd like to run that's a question that I think is a good one I think we could run without one how about it Joy and thank you very much for your email lovely to have a good weekend as well so thank you for drop me a line tonight and if you do want to drop us a line the lines are now open in terms of the phones I give you the number very soon and you can e-mail back to show a b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. And you can text. In the message to white on triple 3 the random quiz crazy cryptic comically clever Well we do this every night of the week and we're looking for some Christmassy questions to take us up to Christmas if you can think of a nice cryptic Christmas question. Might be something as simple as many bubbles if you got your tree you know the kind of thing you listen to the show regularly cryptic. Might be. Something related to your family during this Christmas of this bizarre present you've ever gone send your Christmas questions in as we get towards Christmas because what we're going to do. Is ask the questions gradually disappear. As we head up to the big day the last chance for a new question to get on the quiz before Christmas is this Friday and then we'll do a knockout until the 23rd of December 7th question goes it will be replaced or does not come out until we get to Christmas then we start with a fresh bunch in the new year to keep those questions coming send them to me head of Christmas festival. What we got them on the chords question number one this is on day 4 in the questions last for 7 working days of a question yesterday 7 you know up and. Leaves the chorus. My guess in the meantime let me check in the struggle. Over Christmas wrapping paper we recycle of course. So question number one day for from Martin in the Forest of Dean Martin recently went on a canal boats holiday on the back country ring. In 7 day how many. Did he get to travel for. And I'll give you the answers that have come in. Question number to. Day 3 for this one from. Now over the last few years. As I feel over the years. To see many many times. The 1st concert he went to. Was the 1st female singer. Of. Question number 3 day to tell us is a classic example of you have to give me the answer I've got written down in front of maybe varieties if. You may have a variety of answers but it has to be written down. There is enough. In the human body to make. It was enough in the human body to make one comment on. The end of last week so I think this one. Nice question number 4 day 2 from ball. This is a bit cryptic this one about. What connects. Michael Jackson. And. To think about. Aggression number 5 is on day 4 this is the sound of facts that was e-mailed from Michael informed. Of a festive Santa Fe You can record it and email it to backs to the b.b.c. . This is day for question number 5 for Michael. I was there Mistretta. What is it. Go on. 3. The only 100855949 b.b.c. Radio Bristol texting or you start the message right back so the message the right one trouble free email box to show at b.b.c. Dot com. Shore Mendez and send your return on the 6 minutes to 11 and this week's featured artist by the way I mentioned this yet it's so going to be playing a song from every night awake the 1st one is coming up tonight at about 1115 is from the last few years so looking forward to playing that I was trying to come out of my day about next week's featured artist Are you think I wonder whether we might do the who. They fancy that because they're heading for their 1st u.k. Number one album in almost half a century on the official album charts it's a long time since the. They've released an album it was a while back now isn't it 2006 they released an album called Endless Wire and it's their 12th studio album and it's ahead of the moment of its nearest competition for the Christmas number one album Robbie Williams is just behind with the Christmas present and it's a it's by about 6000 sales at the moment. The only other number one album The who have had is who's next which was 1971. So I wonder whether we might just play a who track every night in x. Ray the some wonderful wants to play and I haven't heard the new album yet so I'm really looking forward to spending some time listening to that and you might have already got hold of it and you might have a Who song in mind for next week's are if it will bother will do that thing next week it will be featured artist the Who and will will rock our way through the week I think heading towards 11 o'clock on the Late Show thanks for your your e-mails and your tax if you want to keep keep em coming will do the quiz between 11 and midnight and I'll read out the answers we've got so far in those questions but do drop me a line Baxter be a x. T.-e. R. Like you see on a can of soup and send it to a $21.00 triple for e. In the requests the following Friday but we will. To your point Stephen this is a fair point or a musical away from the script from r.e.m. a Modern guy it's all coming up off the news at 11 tonight and I'm here until 1 am . Across the West on f. And d. a B. And on the. B.b.c. Radio Bristol. B.b.c. News at 11 am more on listen the prime minister of New Zealand says it's unlikely that there are any more survivors on the island where a volcano erupted during a visit by a party of tourists from a cruise ship including Britons 5 people are known to have died on White Island 8 others are unaccounted for more than 30 people are being treated in hospital just into Dan says New Zealand as share in the grief of all those affected the police Eagle helicopter restrict helicopter in Indian t.v. Craft have undertaken and number of aerial reconnaissance flights over the island since the eruption. No signs of life had been singing at any point a mother who photographed her young son sleeping on a hospital floor in Leeds says she doesn't want his treatment being used as a political football Boris Johnson's been criticised by his opponents off the he initially refused to look at the photo of the 4 year old who was being treated for suspected pneumonia the prime minister was challenged by an i.t.v. News journalist who attempted show him the image on his phone like my phone put it in your pocket prime minister his mother says the n.h.s. Is in crisis what's your sports story I don't think it's a terrible terrible fighter like I probably obviously to the families always you who have to have experiences in the interest but what we are what we are doing is supporting the n.h.s. Labor and the Lib Dems say the way Mr Johnson behaved today is proof that he doesn't care the serial rapist Joseph McCann has been given 33 life sentences and ordered to serve at least 30 years in prison the 34 year old was found guilty last week of a series of attacks on 11 women and children in April May this year across south east and north west England senior Crown Prosecutor Ted Turkson spoke outside the Old Bailey the court heard today the impact that McCann's brutal campaign of rape. And will continue to on his victim are hoping victims of this place all of them so I meant bravery and I will be home with their lawyers following the truly horrendous. About $40000.00 customers owed money after Thomas Cook collapsed in September have been refunded within the $60.00 day deadline but officials say they need more details to verify around $17000.00 further claims $1800000.00 S.U.V.s are estimated to have been sold in the last 4 years that's compared to $47000.00 electric cars the u.k. Energy Research Center which looked at the figures says it makes a mockery of attempts to reduce harmful emissions the World Anti Doping agent. You husband Russia from major international sporting events for an unprecedented 4 year is including for next summer and winter Olympic games on the 2022 football World Cup An investigation found that the Russian authorities had tampered with data from an Anti Doping lab athletes who can prove that drug free will be able to compete under a neutral flag b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 11.

Radio-program , Capitol-records-artists , Childhood , English-language-singers , Mass-media , Geffen-records-artists , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Political-science , English-male-singers , Email , Actors-from-ohio , Human-anatomy

BBC Radio Merseyside-20191208-080000

This has died at the age of 87 he was born in Birkenhead and played for the Blues 3 times you can club says his players hailed their 1st clean sheet since late September after beating Bournemouth yesterday Liverpool are now 11 points clear at the top after the 3 nil win and the Reds boss says the display was clinical it was professional it was controlled scoring one of 4 goals we didn't want to do or make it then all the exciting again so really had to control the game and we just we had to bring it over the line most Jews were dressing on a moment to scream sheets or try and over sell it out of was of course halves wonderful performances to the really good game of a lot of players so that held elsewhere caretaker boss Duncan Ferguson inspired habits into an impressive 31 win against Chelsea at Goodison a results which left them ounce of the relegation zone tram a true one all without Clinton Stanley leaving them 20th in League One Southport are level on points with 3rd place Chester after beating Gloucester City at Hagan have a new chance to themselves fail to defeat at Darlington and Anthony Joshua has reclaimed his world boxing title from Andy Rooney's who won them in a shock result in June Joshua has become only the 4th heavyweights in the sport's history to win them back in a direct rematch and the weather the Met Office of put out a yellow weather warning for strong winds it will be unsettled with frequent and heavy showers possibly thundery at times highs of 9 Celsius b.b.c. Radio Merseyside news just filled about with b. 0 at 9 o'clock I certainly will be hearing it all. Daybreak with Al in general use b.b.c. Radio mezze side. I've done a. Good thing see you mean one couldn't get by yourself. And I don't know. Like you'll be able to bring his into the final hour of daybreak and that you. Great. Between now and 9 o'clock we'll have an act of worship at around 830. This week for the 2nd Sunday an advantage brought to us by Reverend Phil jump Baptist regional minister for Matthew Stanley I'm the last. What else we call kept in the ways Brown is in the building from the Salvation Army at Strawberry Fields she'll be talking to is about to ring and plans for Advent. I'm going to comes to church music you more traditional person. You have the kind of additional stollen him old maybe more contemporary to go as far to say the type of music in your local church is pushing he was going. Which. Morning I went out. A great guest who was written many modern hymns to get them to tell owes what they think. Maybe later on this morning you're off to your church to keep your mouth shut or just a couple looked through the newsletter but didn't want to sing you. Will talk it over I went to get in touch if you have any thoughts on this particular subject then why not get in touch right now. Text 8133 feet start your message with the magic text charge your standard network rate see our previous you know just b.d.c. Dot co dot you can slash local radio privacy Radio Merseyside Cohen. And want remember to have a little let's think about modern or traditional your favorite particular style just as a few later on Spencer may is with his with on the plate at 7 o'clock and the guests on the show all mud capped John and Wild Willy Barrett also he'll talk about Rex It's a great tribute band and the reason that I'm sharing this with you now is Spencer a great listen if you doing the dishes after say to clear up all of the at the bits and pieces and you can hear more with the man from 7 through until 8 wait on the Beat it was. So. Don't start now. People say that a lot to me this week. We're talking music and modern altricial for his local church music pushing he was actually going to church we're going to talk now to pulpit last that you may know a lot of pools what he's written many Best Live hems like open the is of my here Lord and above all and of course I was on a pool is in the u.k. Promoting his latest new single behold him and he's got an album coming out as well going to talk about that exact same old mixing up modern and traditional pull Good morning good morning 1st of all that isn't it straightforward it's either new or old mixing it up does that kind of risk not pleasing everybody. Well that's it's sad that we feel like we have to use music. That's it becomes divisive it doesn't have to be in my opinion as a worship pastor in the u.s. For 25 years at the same church you know I look out of my congregation every week and I see multi generations I see the 20 somethings teenagers I see the middle aged folks I see the retired folks over here in a 2nd row and and just my heart as a pastor was just you know to keep us together as a family and to promote kind of a mutual respect and as I would prayerfully plan my set list each week. I think you know let's let's make sure we incorporate a classic in him maybe like a great is that faithfulness on a holy holy holy something like that and oh hey here's a say here's a new song that came out a few months ago that seems to be resonating with a lot of churches and let's let's maybe give that a try and so you know you had this image recently like almost like a buffet when you walk into a restaurant and they have a buffet you know that's just not one just one style if you will that you walk in and there's a selection and not in the name of trying to please everyone will never please everyone but with the heart of respect we're trying to respect each generation and create more of a sense of unity and encourage each generation to tolerate the other you mentioned if you will and pull feel expertise on the thing what makes a good question song then or heaven why does it what other special ingredient that is a great question I mean. Somebody Yeah. Somebody pointed out I had 400 some songs published with c.c.r. I recently I like I wasn't keeping track but it dawned on me like wow. You know that's only the 400 that actually got recorded there's another you know 400 that that were terrible that never were recorded right and so you know I think I'm always striving for over the years or try to find a way to write a song that will help others worship that to me is the key in my heart is to take biblical truth either from Scripture or a prayerful idea and craft it in a way that makes it easy for others to sing and as they sing it that it would it would feel like they're singing a prayer to God So that's that shit because that's what they say Paul is now sadly time has beaten us but I think it's warm for us to think about over the day to day thanks that. He was a hymn writer Christian leader he's written some of the best known wash of songs such as Open the eyes of my heart and above all if you put his name into a search engine you will get the lowdown on his brilliance what thanks to 1000000 run cool she likes both styles of worship song and hymns I think it's such a personal choice what question to answer. B.b.c. . Travel and 15 Let's get the latest traffic and travel here is some good morning some good morning hello I'm well we've had rain overnight which means there is quite some large pools of standing water out and about on the road so if you are heading out just take it easy this morning in Liverpool old whole streets closed an unsafe building there from Brook Street to Edmond street a large window fell from the building on Thursday evening so that's been closed since then imma go 59 this length improvements take place at Liverpool Road south and. John Lennon Airport cancellations to flights at the airport and delays possible because of strike action in France passengers are advised to check before they travel anything you spot though give us a call 101-517-9495 extension 3. B.b.c. Radio travel thank you so much but you're back with the lovely Paul Beasley in about an hour's time I certainly have a great week doll and hopefully if the 6 numbers don't come in we'll see each of the next and I will be here next and don't my Flynn's birth. Populus and if there is something. I know I know so it can't be too much excitement for a 14 year old this moment I don't beg so yes but it'll be a nice day anyway so great memories I have a bowl yet some Thanks a lot you don't have them by. Christmas carol service if you're still available now on Friday the 13th of December will be at Liverpool's Metropolitan Cathedral for an evening of Christmas magic will be performances from family brass band The Sing me Maizie choir Soprano Rachael on the Metropolitan Cathedral gales choir Plus of course your favorite radio presenters will be joining in as well tickets are available from the b.b.c. Radio made you sad studios here on how mobile streets for the suggested donation of 5 pounds in aid of Children in Need to fly between 9 and 5 to be part of it on Friday December the 13th follow a lot of the cold nights away you know it wrong. Will be that this Friday will be doing a little think. The great old Nancy and and Frank and Nicole and Robbie that were not singing thankfully doing a festive reading as part of the carol service and what delighted to be involved. Come and say hi wrap up warm it is Friday the 13th about the date put you off but enjoy is a great way to bring in the festivities for your plans for 2019 and Christmas and again we broadcast the cow service on Christmas Eve at tea time and again on Christmas day. To you. And I'm talking to the Salvation Army next. The at the at. Eye out. The out. The out. To our. The at. The at you. You At. The out. More great music and from the eighty's from now on the club will join as for Sunday brunch will have his competitions just a phone. From the eighty's trucks that he plays and I thank. Davies dialect and I'm a he'll be asking you to guess the name over. The song as well as the maestro self David all put you through the paces to work out what the particular song is all and more stay tuned after the act of worship from 9 o'clock today is the 2nd Sunday in Advent and Advent is a season of served in Christian churches as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christmas the term Advent is a version of the Latin word meaning coming and we marking each of the false and days in Advent and today I'm delighted to say I'm joined by Captain Louise Brown is the fresh expression leader with the Salvation Army at Strawberry failed Good morning good morning Helen must be a Willie lovely time to be involved with stroppy field the 1st Christmas Yeah it's beautiful it's a really exciting time and we still meeting people from all over the world which makes it even more exciting and explain more about the the role leader of fresh expression that's what does that mean yeah because the Salvation Army is a Christian church so we're looking at new ways of engaging with people around faith in spirituality so maybe people who would never think about going into a church will never want to go into a church we want to meet them where they are hear their story and journey with them and for examples you've obviously had loads of people thousands of people through the door since the site opened others transformation stories that maybe already Luis u v 18 year or give you an example be of the day a man walked into our press space which is open all the time anybody can come into that space and just find some stillness and a man walked in and he just said to me I've been wondering about this God Where can I find out more and we're having all sorts of conversations like that where people are very open up. The questions they're asking and people are seeking and wondering and it's such a privilege to be on the site where John Lennon did a lot of wondering and we can kind of. Share that story and with that help people to join in with that story in the biggest story of what's happening how can you signpost listeners to prepare for ADFA and give us some top tips maybe using strawberry failed or the Salvation Army generally how because it all is about taking time to polls and to stop the machine that and them being between now and December 25th was signed to pull on my way in this morning I've seen people who are just on their way home from a night out and you know the world today is just 24 hours of can be craziness for people and with social media and our mobile phones we're constantly having the pressure to be connected so this year what we're saying to people is can you imagine Christmas differently and to help people do that with inviting people to join us in a time of stopping so every day at $1130.00 we are stopping and we inviting people to come as we reflect and be still and hopefully become aware of the presence of God So people talk about making space cheering at Fenway preparing for something but for me it's also about being aware so how can we help people to be more aware rather than our heads being full of all this other stuff and want your advice on how can we achieve take a moment to be still and if you need someone else to do that with you you know come and be with us or find someone else and just be still and I think you know for the God I know. There's no pressure on us to do anything to to say anything I think Mother Teresa once said when someone said to her What do you say to God when you pray she said I listen and they said what has got sigh and she said he listens. So you're both there in that listening and it's just stepping off the the hamster wheel isn't it personally ways how do you prepare. I think they should hear I'm finding it really interesting and I'm trying to take that time to be more aware so trying to slow down so even when I'm walking down the street being aware of what I'm seeing in my conversations with people really trying to listen to them and be aware of what they're saying might be from their heart might be what they're not saying a verbal a but what they're trying to say so just trying to slow down trying to not concentrate on 20 things at a time because that's what we really try Are there isn't it this time of year Yeah and and for you as a personal goal and what are you looking forward to I'm really looking forward to celebrating with people over Christmas time it's terribly failed we've got things going on for people to come and join in with we've got a family Christmas party we've got breakfast with Santa and we sing in the Christmas story on the 23rd so I'm looking forward to those times on Christmas Day I'm joining since Mary's a move to in for anybody who's on their own can come and have a Christmas meal I'm really looking forward to those times and for people that may struggle the ways we're trying to get off the race and trying to say no to things and prepare for the 2nd week of Advent Wow How would you steer people to really try and take that time here I'd say try and focus on what is Christmas all about and it's about the light of the world who came to us and today he's saying the same thing is saying is here they slide to the world is here so just for a moment focus on that light that's what I'd say Happy Days give us the all important website and I mean times for Strobel failed yet so it's sure prefilled Liverpool and we're open from 930 until 5 brilliant Luisa. Pleasure to talk to you today Louise at the leader of fresh expression at Strawberry Fields at Louise Brown an absolute star Many thanks for sharing your top tips today for the 2nd Sunday of Advent My thanks to you for your company this morning thank you so much for choosing b.b.c. Side for Sunday breakfast will do it all over again next Sunday morning between 6 and 9 and you get in touch with the show could be an event or little item you want to allow myself to the want to e-mail Jones at b.b.c. Dot co dot you can be 0 follows the act of worship at 9 o'clock my thanks to him for studio production today and has a say for Copley with the times gone from earlier today he was back again on b.b.c. Sounds to today Pryke if at is a choice that you prefer next it is time to welcome our leader for the regional but just community Reverend Phil jump who takes this part of the program it's called act of worship and I hand you over to Phil jump have a great Sunday and a fabulous week out catchy next weekend to. A I. Am. A I. Was. A I am. Hi this is Phil Jones Baptist regional minister and I'm delighted to welcome you to our active worship here on b.b.c. Radio Merseyside they break program on what is recognized in the traditional Christian calendar as the 2nd Sunday of Advent and that's why we began with that classic Advent tame come down Oh Love Divine Of course these days we're far more likely to mark this time of year not so much by counting up the Sundays of Advent as counting down the shopping days till Christmas which in case you are concerned is 16 not including today but of course this year for the 1st time in almost a century it is also the last Sunday of a general election campaign for more campaigning days to go including today and this Thursday the nation will go to the polls in what is probably one of the most intriguing and potentially significant elections we've ever witnessed. And here we are gathering together in our act of worship amidst all these realities and I guess there's a very real question to ask do we gather in worship to try and escape these things to focus our thoughts heavenwards instead of being in broiled by Christmas shopping days and political electioneering Or does our worship help us embrace and make sense of these things well if you know me well you will know that my answer is very much that we should engage I have to admit it's a fascinating contrast seeing children excitedly opening the windows of their advent calendars and then hearing the latest raft of promises and policies on the various political parties though in some respects is quite a similarity as every day there seems to be a new treat and a new promise in store perhaps one of the party should have published their manifesto is an advent calendar but if you think a general election in the midst of Advent is a bit unusual then perhaps we might remember that it offers a striking similarity to the events that we remember at this time of year here's Polly McAdam reading the words of Luke's gospel that anyone who was a regular at carol services will recognize as the classic opening of the Nativity story in those days Caesar Augustus she did a crane that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world this was the 1st census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria and everyone went to their own town to register so Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea to Bethlehem the town of David because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary he was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child Ok it may not have been an election campaign but the story of Jesus' birth took place and appeared to be influenced by the political comings and goings of the day they didn't have general elections in those days Caesar Augustus was the ruler of the Roman Empire but they did have electoral rolls and you were signed up to the electoral roll so that you could be registered to pay your taxes to Rome and you had little choice but to obey the decrees of Caesar Augustus and when the local rulers write out that decree summoning people like Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem I'm sure that there were the equivalents of Brenda from Bristol who would have declared I don't know not another one but the people went the people obeyed Joseph went Joseph obeyed and Mary in the most difficult of personal circumstances went with him. And this is where we start the story writes in the middle of all those comings and goings the chaos and complaints of another political maneuver by the pound was the baby and this is where we start the story because we believe that in the midst of all these human stories God story is to be found. RINGBACK Your way. Would one day. Every did you know. You all day I would say. That your. Test. Is such that you. Know that. His. Walk cliche. Did. A. That was the song Mary Did You Know performed for aspiring Mary j. Blige reminding us again of the incredible mix of human circumstances and divine purpose that we remember and embrace during this season of Advent and today on this 2nd Sunday of Advent We've also reminded ourselves of the political backdrop against which that story took place a decree went out from Caesar Augustus It's a simple and familiar phrase but I want to invite you to stop and think about that for a minute history tells us that before Augustus became emperor of Rome was in a bit of a state of political chaos here stablished a new order he gave himself a huge amount of political clout so when Caesar Augustus made a decree people sat up and took notice and if his decree was going to make it to the farthest flung corners of his empire then there would be a whole network of scribes and bureaucrats and Koreas he would be involved in transmitting its message local councils and governors would no doubt have to make sure it was declared an announced in the required public squares and market places and then the legions of the Roman army would make sure that it was carried out and that's how come Mary and Joseph find themselves or should to Bethlehem helpless victims of a set of circumstances that have probably taken some weeks and months to one fold and that's why we celebrate Advent our election campaign doesn't get in the way of that but rather it helps us recognize that when emperors send out decrees God can be out work when civil servants put the necessary arrangements in place God can be at work. When clocks and administrators update electoral rolls God can be at work when ordinary citizens feel bewildered and bamboozled by all the political comings and goings God can be at work and when a helpless couple. I feel that all of these political machinations seem to take no These were grand words and promises that echoed across the life of God's people for centuries words of hope words of promising new possibility and one of those profits was. And these are some of his words read for us again by Paul in the royal line of David is like a tree that has been cut down but just as new branches brought from a stump so a new king will arise from among David's descendants the spirit of the Lord will give him wisdom and the knowledge and skill to rule his people he will know God's will and honor Him He will not judge by appearance or his say he will judge the poor fairly and defend the rights of the helpless he will rule this people with justice and integrity wolves and sheep will live together in peace and leopards will lie down with young goats the land will be as full of knowledge of the Lord as the seas are full of water the royal line of David is like a tree that has been cut down but just as new branches sprout from a stump So a New Canaan will arise from among David's descendants and Joseph belonged to the house in line of David and because he belonged to that line he was forced by the powers that be to make his way to Bethlehem the could be no greater contrast the words of the prophet Isaiah speaking of how our great new beginning would sprout from this broken defeated in a state and the track of his descendants into the chaos of a Roman census in Bethlehem book God was with them and though few might have recognized the god was directing their paths and in this season of Advent we hold fast to that belief that no matter how hard it might be to see God remains with us . God is with us not despite the events happening around us but God can be with us even in there taking place as opinion polls predict results and outcomes God is with us as leaders just for our attention and seek to convince us that they're worthy of our support God is with us whether brags it happens or brags it is consigned to history God is with us no deal New Deal good deal bad deal whatever the deal God is with us as promise is a made and their consequences costed as leaders debate an audience's challenge as canvasses in leaflets as seek to convince us that theirs is the best option God is with us as votes are cast in results are announced God is with us and when His purposes are obvious or when we struggle to see his hand in anything. God is with us. No less than all those years ago when Caesar and his cronies seem to be calling all the shots. These with us. truth still echoing in our minds Let's pray together Emmanuel God present in places we see and circumstances we could never expect grant us the wisdom to recognize your heart and work on the faith to trust in your promises when they are impossible for us to see with all that is happening around us and the political narrative Sousa volume will no doubt increase may we not lose sight of this season of Advent the timeless values that it calls us to embrace the hype and trust that kindles in our hearts and the unimaginable possibilities that might be hidden even within the events we encounter and if we are drawn to the light of your presence maybe also not lose sight of the events and of those of the world in which we are apart we pray for those who seek office we pray for those who will be granted office and for those who will not be called to. Give them humility honesty and realism and as we become Ingolf by this final stage of electioneering. Maybe listen well and listen wisely maybe acts not only in our own interests but seek the well being of all and as our votes are cast and counted maybe not take for granted our freedom to participate in the democracy that prevails and help us to remember that no human ruler no political agenda no manifesto or spending pledge can achieve everything we might aspire to so help us to work together to challenge those who need to be challenged and to trust those who deserve our support to build a society and around us a world where justice prevails hope is possible light shines and your will can still be done through Christ our Lord. Well thanks for joining me Phil Jones this morning I hope you have a great Sunday Don't forget to vote on Thursday and don't forget to pray for whoever is elected or whoever is not elected as events take that course we finish with a song that reminds us that our hope does not ultimately rest on left or right or center but that Jesus is the hype of the nations take care and journey well through Advent. It is now 9 o'clock exactly on Sunday the 8th that he's somebody in here with the b.b.c. News it's films Good morning politicians are spending the final Sunday before Election Day pushing their cool messages to votes his Jeremy Corbin says the poll is a chance to vote for hope while Boris Johnson is itching people to choose to move forwards after prank says the Liberal Democrats a folkie focusing on infrastructure while the s.n.p. Says a vote for them is a vote. Lock Boris Johnson out of office with just 4 days to go many of the papers have published opinion polls this weekend Professor John Curtis has been taking a look the honest truth is that the message of the polls this morning is that nothing very much has changed we've had 5 polls come over the weekend 5 conventional polls that return them suggest the Tories are still around 10 points ahead and the truth is if that kind of lead words who appear on the ballot boxes then Boris Johnson should go to a reason to count for majority 5 people have been arrested after 2 people were stabs touring a fight in south poles police were called to the incident outside this Carisbrook hotel on Lord street just after 6 am yesterday one woman picked up a knife wound to her arm while a man was downed in his head neck and head none of the injuries were serious and they've now been released from hospital another 2 women and a man were also hurts a system man suspected of raping a woman in Liverpool's been arrested in the early hours of Sunday the 1st of December a woman was found distressed on great Homa street after being dragged into Bushy's and attacked the 23 year old man from Kensington has been released on bail pending further enquiries there's a new name on the West Coast Main Line linking Merseyside and Cheshire with London and Scotland from this morning of anti has taken over from Virgin which held the franchise for 22 years Leon Harper reports event he was awarded the franchise in August and is a partnership between 1st group and the Italian state owned operator trying to Tahlia its successful bid promised more trains between the pool and the capital from December 2022 and later departures and a refurbished fleet which it claims will be cleaner and greener and the company's planning to add stops at Liverpool South Parkway and an upgrade to facilities at Liverpool Lime Street in sports Duncan Ferguson got off to a winning starters Everton caretaker manager with a $31.00 victory over Chelsea at Goodison Park it lifted the Blues out of the relegation zone Ferguson says it fell bigger than anything he achieved in his time as an.

Radio-program , Christian-group-structuring , Christmas , Premier-league-players , Evaluation , Elections , Calendars , Christian-terms , British-journalists , Christmas-traditions , Geffen-records-artists , English-male-singers

KBCS 91.3 FM-20191202-050000

91.3 f.m. Key b.c. Yes I'm your host Mike Vernon and kickin office inaugural show for the new 2 hour time period which I will be doing every single Sunday from 9 pm to 11 pm beginning tonight and moving forward Big 10 inch record by Aerosmith from their toys in the attic album in their 3rd album release back in 1075. Devil Woman by Cliff Richard his hit song from I'm nearly famous the album that he released back in April of 1976 composed by Terry Britton and Christina Holmes. In the coming set we have Quincy Jones I can Tina Turner and this famous song from the outlaws I got to see them in concert back in 1982 and the reason I went to that concert was I wanted to hear this particular song one that really got my fascination going when I heard it on the radio and wanted to hear it live and they didn't disappoint this is from the 1975 album their debut album titled outlaws the green grass and high tides forever great jam and soon be whole 91.3 f.m. Key B.C.'s. Man. 91.3 f.m. Ke b c Yes the great Steppenwolf what Haiti lobby mama their single from 1970 uptempo 12 bar blues tune very good for the innards. Quincy Jones and Bill Cosby with Hickey Burr and that was the theme song to the original Bill Cosby Show was put on the smack water jacket album from Quincy Jones from 1971. The next music sent we have some tracks from j.j. Johnson Pam Grier the actress and singer and this one by Rainbow This is our 1st hit song from 1975 from Ritchie Blackmore is rainbow album man on the Silver Mountain era music and ideas and key B.C.'s. Lovelies. It's. 91.30 b.c. Yes. Sir I'm straying. From the road so.

Radio-program , Kennedy-center-honorees , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , American-actors , Capitol-records-artists , Geffen-records-artists , Chemical-elements , Radio-kbcs-91-3-fm , Stream-only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News]-20191128-100000

a lot of other cities on the air but Alameda never really gets any air time so it's neat that when they receive the series on h.b.o. The b.b.c. Series gentlemen Jack was a good one and the theme song was created by antenna gentleman in Jack from the album the fragile 00 Molly from Kyoto Creedence with Bad Moon Rising and from a remaster of working man's dead Grateful Dead with Cumberland blues its undercurrents on the radio I'm Greg MacVicar Let's take a quick break and come on back with one of the early songs a great one from Elton John in just a minute. Hi This is Laurel Reynolds from the folk show tuning in this week and hear new music from Neil Young Charlie Crockett dory Freeman and lots more from your host Robin Terra Nova that's the full show Sunday evenings from $6.00 to $9.00 right here on the rhythm a new service of Jefferson Public Radio. I believe in. I'm originally from Oklahoma one of my faithful companion on my trip out I have been an average and. No wait to be supportive very important service it's really an easy process. After donate your car today call it for Ford p.r. Auto. It's undercurrents coming to a support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and you with your support of the station Thank you. Remember the very 1st time I heard this record we're living in a big house in a college town and the strains of this this record came on and my girlfriend the time heard in the background and said well my God it's John and ran downstairs with that record turned out as Neutral Milk Hotel one of the indie darlings out there the king of carrot flowers here on undercurrents Richard Thompson from his still album pony in the stable and we heard from Tim O'Brien phantom phone call and Elton John Bernie Taupin with Burn Down the Mission from Tumbleweed Connection graduate us thanks for hanging out listening to the radio glad to be here for you John Hiatt coming up Traveling Wilburys and right now she's so great and we've ever so much this is Mavis Staples . The man who is going to. The blue agave school. It's getting down on the solo piano that's George Winston with wind Pixie number 11 from the new album restless wind George Winston Traveling Wilburys on undercurrents with end of the line John Hyde gives a Says up your sleeve and it was Mavis Staples with all over again. If Thanks for stopping by this hour I'm Greg MacVicar undercurrents is produced at the solar powered studios of Radio camp with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting the friends of undercurrents and stations like k v y a n c devel Oregon and k.t. N.a. Intel keep Alaska when you search for undercurrents radio you'll find the playlist streaming and more this is show number 5182 I always tell executor after her g.p. Are in appreciation of the generous support of our listeners C.P.R.'s celebrating Giving Tuesday with an open house at the Jaipur broadcast center in southern Oregon University campus in Ashland join us on Tuesday December 3rd from 3 to 6 pm to meet a p.r. Staff and take a tour of the place we broadcast from every day we'll have complementary wine from true Vineyard cheese row creamery and some say every bite being whipped up by j. Pierce staff featuring mama Stamberg famous cranberry relish We hope you'll stop at the j. Pier given to the open house on December 3rd from 3 to 6 pm more information and I j p or dot org or by full at 541-552-6301. This is j p r southern Oregon University's Jefferson Public Radio 89 point one k. S. About Ashley n.p.r. News and all things. You're listening to World Cafe on collab today it's Robbie Robertson. It's the 50th anniversary of the band self-titled soft more album and Rob is celebrating with a brand new box set you'll hear stories about the band backing Bob Dylan and Robbie's brand new album cinematic plus his collaboration with filmmaker Martin Scorsese they worked together on the film The Last Waltz and began trading music and movies it just became a ritual and some of the music that I had turned him onto ended up in Raging Bull too and then we did the king of comedy and then we the next one and the next one that's what we do they teamed up for the new movie The Irishman Perhaps you've heard about it we'll talk about that and a whole lot more because it's Robbie Robertson of the band he's coming up today on World Cafe. News in Washington I'm ginning Herbst the Navy is dropping the review of the 3 remaining SEALs involved in the Gallagher case as Steve Walsh of member station k.p.s. Reports questions still remain over the future of reforms for the Navy's elite sailors the Navy is announcing that Edward Gallagher is leadership will keep their tridents the symbol of the SEALs Janessa gold back is with the Truman National Security Project she says taking this case out of the hands of their commanders since a message to others in the military review board a seal's making a decision about this case is the appropriate next step and it's disappointing to see the president undermine his leadership in this way the head of Naval Special Warfare Rear Admiral Collin green pressed for the review boards as part of an effort to restore good order and discipline the decision by the acting secretary of the Navy brings to an end the review process for Lieutenant Jacob Portier Lieutenant Commander Robert Bryce and Lieutenant Thomas McNeil each faced being ousted by the seals for n.p.r. News I'm Steve Walsh Afghan intelligence officials released 2 human rights activists after an international outcry they were detained last Thursday after they told journalists that dozens of children had been sexually assaulted by education officials N.P.R.'s Dina who did reports from Karachi in neighboring Pakistan the 2 men were released after one was forced into making a video retracting his claims the crisis began after the men told reporters that they believed a pedophile ring was operating out of schools in the east and Afghan province of logo on the sea said the men uncovered more than $100.00 videos of the lead.

Radio-program , American-musical-groups , Kennedy-center-honorees , American-rock-music-groups , Mass-media , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Elton-john , Musical-quintets , Island-records-artists , Broadcasting , Musical-quartets , Mca-records-artists

KALW 91.7 FM-20191117-230000

Peeper you're going to lead us off tell us what you're starting with Well Jim I'm going to play a record that I've actually been meaning to play for quite a few months it's been out since earlier this year but I'm glad to get an opportunity to play it now it's a Philly trio called Control top their debut album covert contracts just blew my doors off when I 1st heard it I went back to it again a week ago and realized this record still holds up it's one of my favorite records of the year sort of a trio female lead vocalist Allie Carter is a real pistol. In tandem with a guitar player who's really bringing a sort of inventiveness to his guitar playing and I'm going this guy is one of those guys who looks at the guitar as a sound machine rather than something it's meant to be like chords or specific notes his pedigree includes working on the 1st album by Washington d.c. Post-punk priests another band that you and I both love and it makes sense because control top has much the same sort of political bent to a lot of their writing sort of mixture of punk surf no wave totally wired big on dynamics playing songs together and then breaking them apart a powerhouse drummer behind it all basically this whole notion of how society sort of encoded with all these structures designed to keep people in line and that song type a that I'm going to play we've all run into that guy and wherever we worked or wherever we are in our social encounters he's the kind of person and it is a guy usually that is entrapping you even though you may not realize it because of the expectations imposed upon you and Ellie Carter has a response why don't you get out get out of my way and she says it pretty much expresses the way we may all feel some day when we encounter this type of individual it's type a from control top and sound. I've Control top type bag Greg leading us off with the buried treasure I was thinking wow here's an update on that great Lettie grow a sound yeah with a lot of like roots in classic girl group early sixties pop good stuff Greg speaking of pop power pop I'm going to play a song by Tommy Zander who is one of those people on the Chicago scene who has worn so many different hats He's a singer songwriter he's a studio gun and live band guy for hire He's played with Jewel and he's played with Nora Conner John Brian comes to town and he may tap Tommy Zander He teaches at the Old Town School of Folk Music he's a great talent who has been so busy he hasn't made a solo album for 15 years now I am immune to bribery I truly am but every once in a while on Facebook Tommy sends me I just came up with this great Brian you know am discovery right I don't like I know he's getting my butt right but but like you know they know but he goes off like really good right and because of that I was I a listen the Tommies 1st record in a long time and songs about time is a fantastic record what a great concept to you know the ether theory old nature of time to get kind of physics professor odd year you know what is time and it's a last take and Dolly and all these concepts and he's really having fun with it one of the standout songs from this new album of his songs about time is your time is more important and we know those guys right again will also often guys the guy who is going to cut in front of you on the highway even though everything's bumper to bumper just because he's going to get there half a 2nd earlier or they do it at the grocery store they do it wherever. And this is a great piece of. thank you. Tommy Zander your time has more important. Stuff like that time a keen. Little power pop one man band to write that I think it plays on I think you played almost everything on this record himself yeah automatic is the band I want to go to next jam they put out their debut album a few weeks ago it's called Signal Los Angeles trio named themselves after a gogo song one of the 1st singles put out by the Go-Go's and they would have fit right into that sort of early eighty's post-punk scene in Los Angeles 3 women since drums bass shared vocals very chilly kind of a post-punk vibe and the music deadpan vocals danceable but there's an ear Enos in almost every track here this may be neither here nor there but the drummer is the daughter of buy a house drummer Kevin Haskins I thought that was just a little Tristan you know a little connection there they go Well that kind of makes sense you know the chili vibe and lo and behold like to mess around with some dark themes in it's music and and the song I'm going to play is essentially a track about zombies walking around in the streets of Los Angeles who you know have too much money. To know what this is how to spend so it's definitely an indictment of the sort of the social scene that they consistently seem to be on the fringe of it's too much money from automatic. Too much money from automatic is one of my buried treasures you're hitting a groove here because I think automatic and control top would make a good double bill and I'm all for that any club really good trio similarities but 2 distinct approaches to come out at that same sort of electro girl group sound I'm going completely different now there's a project that came out of music schools across the country New York Washington Chicago Nashville Boston Philly called Falcon mixtape Motor City classics timed its release is to. The 60th anniversary pretty much of the heyday of the great Motown Records where a wide variety of students at music schools across the country took on a cover of a Motown classic using the school's recording people and fellow students as musicians and producers and that sounds perhaps a little precious right except there are some great moments on this compilation there's also some that are just like I don't know if the world needs full covers of any Motown songs but the one that stood out to me as again a Chicago Connection Kingsley is a young woman who grew up the 3rd eldest of 8 sisters who could sing before she could talk surrounded by house music and then goes out to the Pacific Northwest to attend school on a track scholarship but health reasons Sidewinder and she went back to that thing that she knew before she could even talk saying what a great cover of the Supreme's classic you keep me hanging on reimagined with a heavy dose of that eighty's house sound that we all love in Chicago that you ought to love no matter where you're from this just stood out to me instantly from this compilation here is Kingsley on sound and. Alex. By Kingsley and infinitely better than the Rod Stewart. Yes I do love the deep house stuff Jim that's that's a cool vibe as well you know very northern soul too yeah that those kind of clubs in England would be playing this kind of attractive because she's got a repeat of our own out and it no. No John rebounds I really recommend it so we put the same question to our Facebook discussion group about buried treasures and we were just overwhelmed by the responses Mark Lescott buried treasure pic is Lux Prima a really good collaboration between Karen o. Of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Danger Mouse he calls the music quote sparse and atmospheric and slyly cinematic I think Marc wants both of our jobs German factory he's better than both of us right now who cannot say this often sound opinions everyone's a critic he is and he adds that the songs with a chill there's usually something embedded within. This. That's a little of Knox alumina Karen and Danger Mouse a really good pick by Mark there were a lot on there there were also people who I don't think get the concept we're talking new music not necessarily this week but but this year Ok that really got us excited if you have a suggestion for that kind of buried treasure that we need to hear call and leave a message on our hotline 888-859-8900 as I said you can find us on Facebook and even Twitter after a break Greg and I'll dig up some more buried treasures in a minute. Unsound opinions from w.b. Easy Chicago n.p.r. And. Earning all my. Thank you forwarded. Me. Guess we're just all current it is love. Welcome back to sound opinions I'm Greg caught with Jim dear goddess and we're going through some of our favorite recent records that haven't gotten as much attention as they should Jim what you'd expect great I got a great pitch from Washington d.c. From a new collective label called this could go boom with the exclamation point they have a manifesto this could go boom believes in the potency of unheard under promoted musical narratives and their potential the spark action and cultural change this is a feminist led collective in d.c. With a gender activism bent their 1st release is by a 5 piece group called the 060 s. Y. X. Apparently it's a reference to a legendary alpha female wolf but I don't nothing about but it sounds it sounds harrowing and so does the group this debut to me seems to be rooted in some ways in the 80s noise rock scene that post-punk noise punk scene that gave us the Swans and Sonic Youth but taking it into a very new and modern direction and at some points there's even a little bit of kind of doom metal stoner rock you know is it's heavy heavy music brought to us by 5 women wonderful magic connection to INEC you love. Remember that Carry it with me by the 6 I think I'm thinking you're going to dig that. Vocalist I like this I like that said I notice they had like a string section like a mini string section in the band a cellist and a violinist there is this like art rock thing happening as well as what I'm saying reminds me of that eighty's scene in New York yeah my band here that I'm going to be playing is one that you and I both have touched down in the last few weeks I remember getting this kills birds record a few weeks ago Jim and I don't understand why more people aren't raving about it it should have to be a very very small record it's just a phenomenal record I put it on I was blown away by the moxie of this Bosnian born singer No I'm sure I'm mispronouncing her name but she is a dynamo and the arrangements near silence into these car crash were she and oh yes despite the frenzy in the songs they keep their eye on the melody the hooks so it's a combination of a lot of the elements that I love in this type of music the band got a big job keeping up with her but with guitarist Jacob Loeb is a another one of those inventive guitar players that comes up with a lots of great ideas both texturally and in a more traditional sense to keep the songs constantly. The song to me that you know I mean well named volcano that's an anthem and I don't think we need to describe it Well Kanno from kills birds Jim you'll love it too I am all over this record you and I had a thumb wrestle in order to succeed which of us would highlight it you know an interesting observation as we approach our year and show more and more drag with major labels in pretty much extinct and indie labels even falling by the wayside sadly for some of them you know a lot of contenders this year for Album of the year are coming just from artists who say here's my track on Bandcamp Here's my track on Spotify I'm on this small label I run it myself and I find that you know very exciting it's just like it's 985 again very true my last pick rate for this buried treasures episode is by moths and locusts they are a long running 6 piece psychedelic rock collective space rockers from Vancouver Island Ok they've been putting out records for at least a decade many of them very very good and they've gotten to work with some of their heroes in the great psychedelic tradition of collaborating with these standout names giants in the field at one point they back Damo Suzuki one of the great vocalists from Can one of the 2 vocalists and can now they have made a record with twink who is tweak the heads out there in our listeners will know that Twink was this psychedelic era British drummer and character who played with tomorrow one of the 1st great psychedelic rock band Steve Howe was on guitar he played in the pink fairies which are a real trip he made you know some solo music with Syd Barrett. Backing Up Sid after said left the Pink Floyd and all yeah every once in a while he'd get together with his buddy Jimi Hendrix right twink is a character twink converted to Islam he is now Mohammed Abdulla but he went back to make great mid sixty's era psychedelic rock again with moss and locusts they have put out this record thank pink for it's a real treat it is the best of what moths and locusts do you very much in that hall when space rocked by and it's got twink on it here is the song fear the unknown on Every little case with we fear the gym of all the tricks you played. That one didn't know it and you know thank you for pointing out that Moxon locus says music I was not aware of that this is fantastic stuff as you know them before yeah I mean I love their music before and I thought this was a kind of a real cool twist to have twink. Their new music but it's you know for the sake heads out there this is this is right up your alley for sure the next group that I want to highlight is also psychedelic and in its own way woods and Siegel with a album called hiding places who is woods and Segal It's Billy Woods a veteran hip hop emcee from the out of the New York scene of the ninety's he's been releasing albums since 2003 and Kenny Siegel a classically trained l.a. Producer and d.j. Initially in the Drum and Bass scene of the ninety's and then moved into hip hop more recently has put out his own albums as well here's a collaboration you know the cover of the for people who still care about these kind of things people actually looking at album covers is kind of like a lost art in itself but there's a what looks like a condemned a 3 story house on the cover that ready to collapse. And that's kind of what the music sounds like it's like I mean like a haunted house each each track is its own little room in this haunted house containing a lot of bad memories and the verge of falling apart Billy Woods has seen a few things you can just imagine being what it's been like to be an underground hip hop artist of the last 2 decades it's not an easy life for sure but he's a very astute mc This reminds me a lot of one of my favorite records of all time cannibal ox is the cold vein then basically made that one great album for the deaf jocks label right around the turn of the new century and then disappeared and here we have in some ways a record of very much harkens back to that dystopian vibe Billy Woods is a guy who does not suffer fools easily he is no man of the people as he will be glad to say you know in on this song the hook is I don't want to go see no as with an orchestra in Carnegie Hall Right that's the hook and it's that I love that attitude is woods and Siegel with the spider hole from hiding places and sound Cold. Spider hole buried treasure for this episode you know you've said cannibal woks I was thinking I know why Greg's like he's the world's biggest m.f. Doom fan that's true and I was hearing some m.f. Doom there that's true to our now vibrant Facebook discussion group has had a lot of suggestions for buried treasures Greg Lawrence says that like d.c. The murder capital are another band with the poets. This is their debut when they have for years is a. Indeed Mr. Beaty . The murder capital plane the life from Luke a good suggestion appreciate it I also like the front page d.c. Mention a another new group that put out an outstanding album earlier this year if you've got an album Flying under the radar I'm not talking to you our listeners let us know give us a call at 888-859-1900 or connect with us on Facebook or Twitter coming up blues man Bobby Rush tells us about the jazz song that got him hooked on Sonics and Jim is going to drop another coin into the desert island jukebox Jim what he got for us we're going to play one of the sexiest dance songs of all time it's shocking we haven't put it on the desert island jukebox play a little snippet of it back in 2014 very cool that's coming up after the break on Sun opinions from Chicago N.P.R.'s. Serial succession and liberated scream culture has to say about the worldwide imbalance of class and wealth and entitlement different from the impeachment hearings but not disconnected. Next on open shores. Heading your way in the form. San Francisco. Welcome back to Sun opinions I'm Greg here with Jim dear a goddess and that's a bit of chicken head. 71 here for the blues legend Bobby Rush he's been writing and recording music for 50 years and along the way many many multiple awards for his distinctive laidback funky brand of blues a natural storyteller and our producer contrarious spoke to rush to find out about how cold track got him hooked on Sun. Ladies and gentlemen. Got me hooked I'm Sonny straight up. Straight and right. Right. Street. Right. Top. He talks about. And a buzz a good. Soft palate Michael's friend to the puzzle but the puzzle is like kind of jabbing him. So he tricked the market to rot in now with him and he want to. It's not a monkey wrapped around a naked kind of choked him and he can tell his his head. In the muck and say when you straight right just like the brother tried to throw them all get all of his back grab his big. Street and right. That right. Street and right. On. Top. And press me with that would they come right in and you know I got so many. Little here right through the plate and say. And you can hear a lot of the elements in what I write and. And you put him on a boat just dumb up you get a Bobby Rush. So I have this record that you put out called Get out of here. But. I wanted to talk about what happened to me when I was you know. I was gone which is clearly. A rainy. She wanted to marry me being a Blue singer when I did a poll even when a real job so I went like this in a less shot down by the bay not far from New Orleans amid this pretty woman down there when I was about 19 she went and told her dad if she wanted to marry me and the look on a dad space really was a sight to see he said get out of here which is still to come back number 6 with the. Think that. With. The. With the. With what I wanted to meet her dad a lack of young made. But I notice he didn't want to loosing it to marry his daughter because when I went out that day he met me at one of her brothers and sister in the big bad. Thing and get out of here which until she come back not while we sneak down to get married to j.c. Do you solidness Wow Take this will play a lot for the wife not a one night love a big mouth to say I do guess who walked in the Old Dad Mom big and the dog. And I thought read it if I wanted to get mad at his mom. We decided to get a plane to go to Vegas to get away from my nose pokes so they got the last bag of fame and a Canon friend and. Some of the so that. They had no blue saying get married did then I can't blame him because I guess I had would make it into my listing like I don't have a real job then to begin in about 11 you can still about the music about I want to get paper to not enough to steal but me purchase the south the. Us. Because. That was blues legend Bobby Rush the song that got him hooked. To the phone was. As often as possible we'd like to take a trip to the desert island and pop a quarter in the desert island jukebox to play a song we cannot live without Jim I'm really looking forward to this one I know you are your I think to the extent that anybody can tell us apart which is amazing after all these years that some people can't you are the house guy you know and I'm the psychedelic guy or whatever among other hats we wear but I want to go to your love being credible collaboration between Jamie principle and Frankie Knuckles pretty much considered in the top 3 songs of all time as far as house music goes a sound that is immortal and on top of that I would say right after I feel loved by Donna Summer her 77 hit the sexiest dance song ever period fight me for it Ok You know I teach music and media in Chicago to 301st year students in the fall semester and man when we get to the house class you know it's it's 9 am on a Monday morning and it's getting cold out you know and it's winter and it's Chicago and you can play this music and some of them you know from growing up you know older people in the family playing house and in real back yard barbecue every And some of them I've never heard it and it's the ones who think they're so hip in the e.d.m. Scene or like oh. Oh my God this sounds like it was made tomorrow right and it does Frankie Knuckles with that incredible staccato beat and the pulsating synthesizer getting together with Jamie principle that's the name that is lesser known knuckles is known universally as the godfather of house music he'd come from New York based himself in Chicago at a club called the warehouse and the name house music but Jamie was was just a kid but nobody knew too shy under-aged couldn't get into many clubs and would have gone anyway it was a religious household and he you know he they listened not to popular music at home he had a girlfriend who broke his heart and he sat down and he wrote a poem and then it kind of became a song and you know friends were saying you got to bring this to Frankie and you got to make this a track and he was too shy to do it somebody brought a tape to Frankie Knuckles and this collaboration was born they had other house hits that followed but I think that your love when it exploded 1st in the Chicago clubs in 84 and then really around the world bringing the unique Chicago thing to electronic dance music which was this soul element this gospel element mix with the machines as opposed to Detroit techno which was wonderful happening at the same time too but that was a lot more mechanical Chicago was the mix just like Donna Summer and Giorgio Moroder of the human and the machine and people didn't know it was Jamie principle a man a woman it's a rather high pitch vocal there's this kind of orgasmic gasping sound and it's really in his head it was a song of heartbreak not of of lust but it became a last full dance floor celebration in the best way Jamie principle Frankie Knuckles your love on Sound Opinions. Move. Funny. I stole a track from Greg's desert island box but he's been on the not the only house band here Jamie Principal Frank you know you know Jamie came back last year and made a tribute to a very touching tribute to Frankie Knuckles we lost Frankie in 2014 you know they split kind of in a difficult way Jamie came back collaborating with another Chicago great Felix to housecat with a song called touch your body Yeah which is a really nice tribute to the great Frank you know could have come from 2 more well intentioned gentlemen in the Chicago scene and you know brought a tear to my eye theory not again you know oh my God And next week Jim on the show we're going to play some tracks that make us cry in a good way in a good way indeed for more sound opinions you can listen wherever you get your podcast thing he's joined us in discussion on our active Facebook group the show was produced by Brendan banish x. Alex Claiborne I am the contrary and true. And Sound Opinions everyone's a critic so now it's time to hear what you have to say. I arrived at the game from Los Angeles California I just wanted to come up and join songs about the radio I actually have a playlist and i Tunes That is. All about the radio many and I'm kind of all excited to hear the radio topic off radio j h j t j and once upon a time in Hollywood the spammers and Robin with exclusive news for k j listeners stopped what you thought that you didn't name check and I really liked your piece was great radio song but he did qualify as great but life as a rock but the radio wrote me by reunion and oh no the radio but Owsley are 2 of my favorite go to radio they're just so funny I can't get enough of them my weakness. Is to. Keep up the great work I. 0 just got through via. My favorite radio song of all time. Tom Petty the lad be. There goes the. Good old to an old school radio deejay who doesn't let the corporate machine tell him what to play and also we need that done a number. Get on it. 0 with. Our . Own Money aircraft. And the radio. Ok There were one tongue that you guys didn't play I could immediately came to mind for me and that with Alice and you traction Radio Radio plying the killing and the commercialization of radio in a quick half against that I can do Ok thank God and banned from death and now he had it at Rock and well to get you a little bit. Ago The ago Egypt not the film Thank You for all you don't get 0. It is to smack from Las Vegas and as long as you're talking about things about radio an entire album you're overlooking which is Thomas told the golden age of wireless it particularly the song Radio silence. Eliminate little. Thank you. It's time. To share what I got through. Them when they had it back on life Tronics what I didn't have much of a social but. Years later I did work at a company that was partly funded by time most All these were anyway that album's worth a look have a good day. This is an hour from Sandy you just heard your care about radio rock n roll on the radio and it has nothing to do with rock n roll but it's about music on the radio check out why. Country western singer from way back when and get in touch with God Turn your radio on. For your great great show we keep what I buy. For you. If you. # If you know more messages to give us your opinions on Sound Opinions call our hotline 888859800 we'll be back next week with more sound opinions produced by w.b.c. Chicago and distributed by p.r. X. . We sample modern works which take their cue from Mozart including contributions from Lowell Lieberman Aaron Jay Kernis and Peter Schiff also to more Andrus fills in the blanks with his Rican posed version of Mozart's coronation piano concerto it's most certainly composed next time on new music from Bowling Green. That's how your Monday evening music will conclude in the 11 o'clock hour with new music from Bowling Green exploring music attend an explorations in music with us truly David to lead his host at 9 with Robert Greenberg in the Ogg's and a string quartet at 9 tomorrow evening if you're interested and in inspiring and informing future Journal generations through the programming here on through your will or other estate plan is a wonderful legacy to leave to those in need a trusted place to hear about what is going on in the world talk with your financial planner about will and trust for Kail. And Christopher by this is open source the most honored movie of the year looks to be parasite from Korea with subtitle about the soul crushing advance of. The heartbreak of poor people with a dream of catching up from the Pacific Rim It's a movie that mirrors us the same time from Hollywood h.b.o. Series is succession coming up in Season 3 all about cruelty green and family power games under a vulgar tycoon who won't let go of his company the family name might have been. Alongside our impeachment drama it's pop culture stream culture is telling and under story of concentrated wealth the lost confidence in the middle class. And a regular people's democracy billionaire new are on our screens is next on open source. With tsunami. Pro-democracy activists have been forced deeper into Hong Kong Polytechnic University after a night of clashes at one stage the protesters set fire to 2 of the entrances as police moved into the campus Those fires have now been extinguished and police appear to have temporarily moved back the Batla so far lasted for a whole day and night as they had to step up their campaign against the Beijing back to Thorazine who administer the semi autonomous territory. Details from the scene after an initial and intense storming by police at the main entrance of the campus with rubber bullets being fired and lots of fire itself the police now seem to have vanished from the streets and the sound that you might be able to hear in the background is. Common putting out the fires that have consumed 2 of the main entrances to the campus here. Effect of this has been that the police have cleared the protesters away from 2 of the main roads at their century occupied but the campus itself is still held by the protesters the former mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg says he is sorry for the strong backing he gave in office for the stop and frisk tactic used by the city's police that just.

Radio-program , American-house-musicians , African-american-musicians , Archaeology , Communities-on-us-route-66 , Hippie-movement , Capitol-records-artists , American-rock-singers , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , African-american-culture , American-magazines , Virgin-records-artists

BBC Radio Scotland FM-20191116-000000

Football Scotland's Under 20 one's have missed the chance to be top of that your twenty's once one qualifying group as they lost one nil to a last minute penalty at home to Greece who played the last which had meant jock Ross is the new head coach of hip he says he's proud to be joining one of the leading clubs in Scottish football has been available since being sacked by Sunderland in October and Scotland's Linsey shop is taking a break from athletics after surgery to remove precancerous cells she says she will take it's easy for a few weeks the sports Bazza crave for the weather and overnight it's set to be cold with Apache Frost especially in the Highlands Temperatures there will fall to Iran minus one or 2 degrees further so it's closer to around 3 or 4 Celsius however will be mainly dry for most with just a few showers in the far north of the country on Dawn in the borders and Saturday will start fairly chilly the best of the dry weather on the brightness will be in the west of the country it's cloudy in the east will remain drizzle or the damp weather will start heading westwards day progresses and it's still cold out around $5.00 to $8.00 Celsius that's b.b.c. Radio Scotland news late radio with Ashley story on b.b.c. Radio Scotland. You. Are a. True . That was Casey in the Sunshine Band you can get up for chatted to tonight as children in need and you can go to the b.b.c. Don't quit your case forward slash Pudsey and an a for a good cause I don't even know where the tally total but I'm going to guess is somewhere in the great 30 millions close to 40 millions so many people being did so many things to raise so much money Me and Paul are not those people we've just been playin you old chatty singles from days all of your open up my take so we manage Paul we've had a wee message and this is how I actually impulse lot in here fantastic show love the songs and so glad about the money dazed shame you I. Playing said Tim Palmer say it has fantastic I'd never thought the David come where we would have said See a and. 5 and the high school God Your chicken and and a big hole to bleach to his lesson and then I'm going to play another shot a single it's not one I'm fond of because if you know me you know I get funny a bit here too ever since they kept on Morton on my phone and I couldn't stop and it was the end of Jonathan to the what do you know I sometimes like when you're just setting you say to a coffee shop and you're not homeless you're just kind of scruffy lookin and somebody throws money at you which has happened to me twice in my life a skein of what you are to the to me by a Peter norm a fool and they just made me feel bad about myself and then I couldn't delete it because it just kept coming back but here's your to what the song they released and all proceeds went to Aids research as one. That was geared to one I haven't done my Would you rather have 45 minutes left in the show I want to git my bag hash tag charity edition with all that you've got 45 minutes to heat a test would you rather a golden color every day for chapter or sneeze a golden nugget every day for charity at all costs shot at say either way you've got a sore about your body war would you rather so that is typical in calling every day or sneeze a golden nugget the coin a nugget conveyed in size and shape depending on the day but each coin in the would be the same gold and weight as their home Sinai. The size of the garden but some of them might be 50. But the Nuggets The Nuggets are just like gold nuggets they've 80 in size and shape I don't know if you've ever watched gold Dan Noble if you discover his name was the same volume of gold then what you'll find is the. Coin and go is all gold it's filled gold as a bag no get a gun. I'm going to go with my noise because I know of a lot coming and I am a noise and also I wouldn't want to clean the paper off the call but. How do you know that the coin is going to have pip on it because I had invented the situation . And it's coming at your pit bull that's it doesn't matter how you clean it how many. Tactical light she is still going to. Pick in a calling I'm going to see the ball go to peg Ok you know Jade can I let you know what the statistics are right nature on 60 people. So did 60 people have voted and yet in the majority the same yes 64 percent have said only 36 percent say not get noise if you look at my diet. Sorbo many we sentence fetish for diet. So you're picking Yes I get no ones I have a drug or sneeze and I get. Every day than I'm just saying get in touch via text to name 5 it's the big question we want to know the answer to nugget noise or coinage balm. Next up we have so it was. This song was released for sport Tate and it was changed to everybody wants to run the old because it was a big thing on that was run the world and I'm given away by myself partly as a child it was very important. In the world the world in fact but my father steps were sponsored by a will of people of school and I refuse to wholeheartedly to walk for a very long time and the pill got by getting bigger and bigger but my mom when she gave birth to me she strapped me to her front and she ran the waddled so I was the youngest tension that was literally 3 days old of the youngest engine in there on the water old a modest and there's pictures of me as a baby with madge your cat in me. I don't I don't really understand what happened but every once in a while I find a news paper clip that should read the top one has a frighteningly large skull that is the main takeaway but it's labeled baby actually still refusing to walk. Holding the money. Yeah so you've always just been some sort of Lake rigged Vaillant 100. Was could talk so clearly before I was widen like would have civil conversations my mom and her best bangle pregnant at the same time gave the same time and one of my nieces being put in a high chair next to this baby who was born the same day as me tired and ready to go and what's your baby called and the women so he can I because it was typically the voice for a small infant but yeah which is weird because now I get accused of having a baby voice but yeah while I was a big part of a I'm going to fight and go to fight in the club. And I've got a giant giant giant head for the baby the people I met here. Also And when Tommy from the most handsome member of it but we are Cademy about Israel well Popstars caught him a bit in the eighties and you make your c.f. So fierce but never carried me saying everybody wants to build a bottled. The Music for everyone every day on b.b.c. Radio Scotland if you mess any of the shows on b.b.c. Radio Scotland you can listen again on the b.b.c. Or website for example if you've missed the 1st terrible Ishall and you're like that's kinda weird to play Grange Helen they're talking a load of nonsense I wonder if it was bad at the begetting then you can listen again and find out that we are a lot more professional and slick and every one tear. From them by over 30 just the Sens enter nonsense which is not a favorite out of the show the ever of the show where we can play Grange Oedipal just say no that the not a better of all. That much to him actually given. Had a lovely message and something say thank you Abbey says I was made homeless in January of this year 2001000 for nearly 4 months my ex-husband let me sleep on his couch the night before I was working day shift and after working night shifts to kind amazing thing to do my kids are still of a Muslim my mom also kept me and let me stay hydrated free for the whole time 4 months Telegu and say I don't know what I'd done with the support of my friends and family the sheer care for my mom the whole of that time to that are really good people in the world also my friend Berna day offered me support and advice about it narcissism a don't know what I would have done with a sport the sheer so they were goal Abbi thank you so much and thank you to Abby's friends and family for looking after her and those tough times if you want to get in touch and tail is anybody's guess when you're helping hand and you want to say thank you you can do so via text 0 to 95 even if it's after the show you can tweet me and just let me know let me know who's done something nice. I stop with a song which features again a lot of artists I think this was B.B.C.'s attempt to recapture the pair. Dave magic it may be dead as whale but as Brian Wilson featured and God only knows how many artists with God only noise. That was God only knows West Brian Wilson and a plethora let's really put up with all that are has there been a lemming we've had a wee message on from an analyst from Mrs hardest because I recognize that and she says I only have one thank you to say to Ashley in silent poll they help us forget in a bad day a bad week a bad month Ashley with her laughter Paul what text message. Comes through this is. This it comes the polls call it's little story and little life was actually just that we. Think you put that in the year to let Because you dead. I applaud your timing gimme taming I didn't choke a day but that is I love that Ashlee with her aloft are there are people out there who do not like my laugh and say yes I really. Just nodded in agreement which makes me think thank you. But thank you Mrs Hardesty was said to create for you or to Mrs Hardesty see sometimes didn't us it can feel a wee bit cyclists and then we get has had its message and it just but I may so thank you 2 year to this next song is especially for your it's not as is this is this is bad this is save for the star die why are they. It features steps. I bought beyond. I mean I like them as a youth I'm went to see them alive. Yet met them backstage a Petra's of me with Lee even though I only wanted a picture with Lee who was the Ben Affleck of steps if you think. It was to. Score some to Lisa score Lisa skull. And then a brawl in with the brothers on a bond one brother was on a bond cold wheels. Even f. That was a joy. Because these always did we were. The opposite of stamps and even just because you can concede that we have. To Mom we like rollerblades you know she had left bottom Saudi haven't tried to make her to educate she needs. A slave anyway. That says Denise Van Outen and joining for one who are the let Traill the coolest people in the ninety's late late ninety's I mean the big break 1st and Channel 4 s d where was held on time they were phenomenal I mean we to this day talk about The Big Breakfast and what an impact it's had on us as human beings but Johnny and Denise where they were they were the cause of the men. They were kill everybody loved them and they'd said. And they'd said that child in the steps it is bad is really really bad but we have played out on lots of lessons but I get to play the Viet stuff it's a nice man named Johnny Vonn featuring steps with the full you. I didn't think I've ever said this before one of my life I don't think there was a nuff said and that's. Don't know where it's that swear and that song pole explained to me. And I using at the start the book harmonize and it was much like Denise finite in saying I'm probably a whale and then Johnny following comment on one of the better the stock. So that is the guy who said yeah then I'm disgusted that's not that's not good featuring steps man made me think that was going to be like a classic breakdown in the metal or a classic I don't think h. Was known for these break then I don't think you know went off of a step speaker. Of the equation. Did you though that leaves the bad off like a stat Thank you no I do the least but although it was an I bond and then we went phone day with the band will be school at least 3 a say over the 3rd maybe. We don't tell you the next one coming up I think we need to discuss this once more with discuss the wife on air before we need to do it again that's Am so on top the charts in 1900 all peace proceeds went to video chat as he sailed in John and George Michael sang in don't let this Hunger Day To me there is a book there's a point in the song where George Michael and it's a live record yeah. Ladies and gentleman Sir Elton John and the credit goes wild but Elton John said. Where was it you did you think that. But there was a what we've the Sadie's that there was a tarp over George Michael says Elton John the top 2 men just come on and left off very quickly and enjoyed like. A rough Uzis way get out of this and let they've been that week off it almost makes fall off but it manages to stay on glasses all askew I think at a specks of of we don't join with Hayden for the farce Verso the song what we can say is this is probably one of the greatest life record tunes of a song ever and one of the best of us all have a poll is not an agreement it's George Michael Elton John Doyle at the song would owe me. The be how. Runaway train now in the of the shoal and Steve Kang who are driving from. Said place plate Did You Know It's Christmas and I have been fighting your car and I guess. But Paul was very much from the camp No no I think do you know it's Christmas as the pair for song and the shore Paul because it's the best charity single 16th of November so they don't know what's Christmas so the question is out . Because it's not. But Christmas is just a construct and a case let's not get into that didn't Know It's Christmas classic Chata take single the single that could have saved the dead kid of do you like any of the remakes normal apart from when does a rascal wrapped in the middle of one that was quite good and busted what Ana I mean it was a bad bad that was bad but it was good because there's a rascal I'm busted but I'm not but come on you've got status quo you've got banana drama you've got all of the classic Paul Paul Paul knew not Paul was the name of the guy Paul Young That's the one with a bad heat you've got you've got all of the gay Can we play it we were going to play up today in the day also you need to be a gays we're going to goal and this is Do They Know It's Christmas after that you can be handed over to a very capable friends of b.b.c. Radio 5 Live Me and Paul will be back next Friday where we'll continue to be good to be a night time lovers Did You Know It's Christmas. Glug Radio. It's 1 o'clock on 5 live as we welcome local radio stations from across the b.b.c. This is up all night I'm Dawson at a bar the main news on 5 life the chief of York addresses his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein for the 1st time and didn't support top seed Rafa Nadal misses out on a last ball spots at the a.t.p. Final you can listen to this program by downloading the new b.b.c. Sound up for music radio and you make sure that you subscribe to the program so you don't miss the next episode. Is b.b.c. The Big 3 babies are news of our lives because Emily Prince Andrew says he's let the side down by staying at the home of a convicted sex offender Geoffrey Epstein in an interview for the b.b.c. That you could also have just allegations made by a woman who claims they had sex with she was 17 correspondent is Nicholas Witchell Buckingham Palace has repeatedly and emphatically denied any impropriety but when challenged on the allegations from Virginia Roberts he simply says I have no recollection of this lady now is that really. The sort of categoric absolute denial that one might have expected emergency services are tackling a fire to student accommodation block in Bolton they were called to the scene and Bradshaw gate is about half past 8 it's not yet known if anyone's been injured the former Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer has written to Scotland Yard calling for police inquiry into clane the conservatives offered parishes or jobs to Prexy Party candidates to withdraw from the election the Tories deny the allegations are political reporter is Helen Capps Lord Falconer wrote that the allegations raised serious questions about the integrity of the general election in particular whether senior conservatives had breached electoral law Nigel Farage has claimed that candidates were offered government jobs or places on the BRICs it negotiating team to persuade them to stand down he also suggested that been hints of peaches more details have come out about the legal action the Duchess of Sussex is taking against the Daily Mail in the Mail on Sunday in court documents Meghan accuses the paper's of waging a fake news.

Radio-program , English-pop-singers , Mercury-records-artists , English-male-singers , Lgbt-musicians-from-england , Blue-eyed-soul-singers , Kennedy-center-honorees , Geffen-records-artists , British-singers , British-soft-rock-musicians , Legal-terms , Psychology

BBC Radio Shropshire-20191109-230000

Love the stuff that we have it. Yes Todd Rundgren and it wouldn't made a difference this program sort of before that we had Nina Simone and I were borrowing or alleged to be Yes Nobody Loves You When You're Down and out and this probably was a bit like would association in a musical version you know would association football match cigarette that sort of thing and I was playing your x. T.c. Last night last night last week on the program. Saying that I would do what your documentary about and the party's next scene it was fascinating I didn't realise just how much they put into the course if you don't carefully if you got a couple of the singles or one album or every don't realize the full body of work by an artist and they had been tremendous array of choose and did require a lot of large a large amount of work over the years and Todd Rundgren produced an album which I played track Dear God from last week and he and the parts didn't necessarily feel see eye to eye but the end result was marvelous and so I thought oh Todd Rundgren Yeah I want to play some top drugs on the progress if that's how it works to want to order a good story and to see Todd Rundgren and trial just love live music and he was tremendous just it after hit after hit and all sorts of wonderful stuff he worked on as a producer as well and you bounce around the stage play the guitar etc You have to be a bit careful and he fell over. But you know I suppose the adrenaline rush coursing through his veins he got trees feet fairly quickly no damage done to slightly sheepish I suppose if you're friends of you know several 100 people 800-2000 people and you fall flat on your face when I meet Bob on this occasion. To be embarrassing I remember someone saying that they'd been the siege around you ran some of the bone and decided to have a leap over the stage monitors and tripped and fell. Today just because being on stage at the age was there from you 2 fell off one occasion you can enjoy it so badly because of those days a quiet start love again by the music. And . They. Give me. A. Day by. Day. Let. Me. When. They were. Done. Then. Sandy and spying glass apparels a living space in the small community or whatever I lived in a small village once it was actually true I couldn't afford to be late. And so I would be sitting there and I would hear footsteps in the street outside which would go clip clop clip clop click. Click there is a slowdown to pyramid with a film like some sort of exhibit Let's get back to the question Ali and Clay has tweeted it was the Facebook he's Facebook and say can he possibly put North Country Boy by Roy Harper please put him on now. Here is. Aerosmith the love elevator every track in music is full of memories is Mrs Wells every teleplay that I think about the time we that we all know family we do this sort of the trip of a lifetime we went off to Orlando to do the politics of the amusements with my stepchildren who spent most of times on upside down on roller coasters we should absolutely terrified no dog laid himself who just took walks and took photographs how if we did go on the Aerosmith ride which is to put it actually we had to say about it we'd like to say what you had twice and it was to that. The right you know you sitting in what it looks like a limousine and the next thing is you're inside this this tunnel upside down and within about 40 feet with that blaring in your is and was the best thing as well about it is that. At some point during the ride a photograph is taken of course when the federal you come out the other on the other side the photographs are waiting for you and there's a. By 2 step children with their sort of love to get their arms outstretched and this is the dog that it was looking to or if it. Happy memories let's change the music entirely and play Mary Duff. Any. Long words be. There. On her. Really. Need me. Like. Around any longer. To eat. Eat. Eat. Meat. Was to. Be. First. It was love. It. Wasn't. Super mom. Loved. It it was. If. There. Was a. Force. To eat. There's no man. To. Be. Supermom and. Love. Love. Liveness. If need be a. Need . I guarantee you know if you sit in a boozer somewhere and that comes on comes on the jukebox got a couple of drinks as well even tears in seconds ask right Mary Duff and if anything happened to you we all are a broad church a phrase or use often on this program exist so much music out there so that it doesn't get played which is a real shame so it's our job to try to redress that balance also bring you new stuff from time to time as well Ben Lester no relation has a new single out called The Moment. I. Think. It's time. That's Ben Lester sayed no relation and a single called the moment he's been described as being a cross between well he's a bit like beach boy Flaming Lips and voted compared to Paddy McAloon would you want a bad comparison really when you think about it so I hope you enjoyed that they only paid less trying though is actually you know all I knew off was a friend of mine who. Was a freelance clown one summer and was hired by Ben Lester a clown called Bad Lester had a crazy car where the doors fell off and that sort of stuff and you know custard came out of the radiator and and so they were they toured various sort of fairgrounds etc and county shows and things during the summer and with these crazy car had to he got a wonderful piece of advice as advice which is this make sure you pitch it by the entrance was it means the punters are the 1st that you know the 1st thing the punter see when they come in they got some money and at the age of 1st out which I think is probably a freight rate why is peaceful advice and in between shows I had repaired to the beer tent there already is one and bearing in mind this was the seventy's and it was I who are 16 pounds a week early. And they would be always in their clown makeup etc Having a point to prove he was a hot day in between their routines and people would take the mickey out of the job as a clown I. Get a lift 0 dollars fall off a cure was sought you out of that for would you do that to each pay less to would look at the from behind his clown make up and say $100.00 pounds a day that's why. They . Want. To. That was the last time we hear that the 5th dimension of one less Bell 2 ounce on came across because a lot of stuff I got home is all compilations of things like that I'm not I am a new tile admit that but I've alphabetize miles and I haven't done by track listing and also I've not actually done the track listing things like compilations So I come across stuff by accident from time to time and that's actually from the Motion Picture Soundtrack of Running with Scissors a film I have yet to he but it's got a good soundtrack alst You know Elton John Phoebe Snow not King Cole and the 5th dimension now let's get back to 946. Onto a problem. Oh routine she drank a cup full most every night and see you and drink until something rubs got in the stomach and made her name to scream. Plug the billions of green and Mrs movies would be choosers she knows to play those little it didn't even get his name in the way did she get that stuff now honestly just can't get enough and Mattapan the man was soon but. This class he may have ever was a good instinct to say that everything is. Now Mr Mayfield No one it's all about how she went through the oh man clear out who put things in a dream and in this is move blue team now she wants to sling Diallo fleeces Lipans the dreams of thing that makes her spring. A spring in our games to. Do so you can call me. Names cause called. The name you tall and Mr Murphy says. She bought a can hold most legal so. And she knows can't the next can. Just in case did she know she never never been so happy to see them. Do. Not plan to be sure and tamper with her can wind. Blows. Get his. Guys. From 146. To Gibson and who put the bed straight in Mrs Murphy's oval to live in Iraq or actually even back then you stand up at the piano that it's been said he may want to be the model for Jerry Lewis a few years later on but that's a great. I think it was heritage Gibson one of the artists who did this wild wild and crazy Joy of stuff. As he invented entirely new language called a visit. To research on that one if I could find some examples. I'll get back to you on that still as to the show we're not to hear this from the Frank has. The Franken Walters after all especially for Stuart Graham who's tweeted a lot here that with the greatest pleasure all the stuff you request doesn't get played on the radio very much these days so keep them requests those requests coming in if you would like start Lestat b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. That is my email address and you should be familiar with this by now if you're Regulus of the program and thank you if you're new Thank you for joining us as well Alex a dog Lord that's a Twitter Alex left of the best time of day shows the Facebook and as I would put see things on their Twitter the Facebook during the week and also give you a bit of a heads up of some of the artists I'll be playing each Saturday night into Sunday morning and the Postal Service is not to be neglected either and that's Alex Lester at the b.b.c. At the mailbox in Birmingham so it's an easy one to remember Have a think about some of the songs you'd like to hear and then just get in touch and I'll see what I can do for you. Saturday Night Lights with Alex Lestat on the baby safe across the West Midlands.

Radio-program , Musical-quartets , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , British-singers , English-male-singers , Musical-trios , Blues-rock-groups , Blue-eyed-soul-singers , Aerosmith , American-rock-guitarists , English-songwriters , Liberty-records-artists