After a successful world premiere at the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, Colombian director Augusto Sandino's evocative second feature film A Vanishing Fog (Entre la niebla) is heading stateside for its much-anticipated North American Premiere at the SXSW Film Festival, taking place in-person and online from March 11 to 19, 2022.
29/11/2021 - Augusto Sandino’s film mixes magical realism with psychological-drama elements, with an impending ecological disaster taking place in the background
29/11/2021 - Augusto Sandino’s film mixes magical realism with psychological-drama elements, with an impending ecological disaster taking place in the background
29/11/2021 - Augusto Sandino’s film mixes magical realism with psychological-drama elements, with an impending ecological disaster taking place in the background