good evening. brighter news, then, for the british economy. inflation fell more than expected last month. so what will that mean for the british economy and our mortgages, which are getting ever more expensive? also tonight, the owner ofjaguar land rover, tata, confirms it will build its flagship battery plant here in the uk, but in return for some huge government hand outs. the government s critics say it is no substitute for a proper industrial strategy. and the heatwave in europe intensifies get used to it. the world health organization warns this is the new normal. so, it might taste ghastly, but the medicine does appears to be working. across the board, inflation was down today. the headline figure that s the consumer prices index fell injune to 7.9%,
why not? they should. the only welfare entitlement reform, when bill clinton was in office. wall street journal editorial page points out about the child tax credit and what the biden administration wants to do, designed to make middle class dependent on government hand outs. what biden wants to do, not just child tax credit, it is universal pre-k, paid leave, free community college. as dan hineger writes, this is killing the american dream. our ability to make decisions about our lives with our money and to strife to be better, to have a better job, to make more money, again, through work, we find honor and dignity and
day i saw a new ad from one of these outside groups that frankly, i think crossed the line. i know governor romney says he has no control over what his super pacs do, but can we show the ad real quick. back in 1983, you took your dog on a 12 hour road trip tied to the roof of your car in a kennel. he climbed up there regularly, enjoyed himself. my guess is he liked it a lot better in his kennel than he would have liked it inside. finally, a candidate with the courage to fight for a dog s freedom to feel the wind in his fur. what about barack obama? under his failed leadership man s best friend has been forced into government controlled automobiles. just imagine the european style dog socialism obama has planned for the next four years. more government hand outs. a life of government dependency.
enterprise. that is walter and his wife in the background and aptain marti crel. one in the tan shirt. he launched it in 1978 on the kitchen table with one employee, himself. and walter has built the company in a model of corporate conscious. by sharing profits with 700 people who work for him and built a government not on government hand outs but on hard work and integrity in deal customers and doing a business with a hand shake instead of a room full of lawyers. companies like blessy marine don t need president obama to bail them out. but if you are travelogue the river and you see captain marti crel and the crew, give them a wave and a salute and know they are creating jobs one nautical mile at a time . by the way, they are doing it without the government bailing
teach the president about free enterprise. that is walter and his wife in the background and aptain marti crel. one in the tan shirt. he launched it in 1978 on the kitchen table with one employee, himself. and walter has built the company in a model of corporate conscious. by sharing profits with 700 people who work for him and built a government not on government hand outs but on hard work and integrity in deal customers and doing a business with a hand shake instead of a room full of lawyers. companies like blessy marine don t need president obama to bail them out. but if you are travelogue the river and you see captain marti crel and the crew, give them a wave and a salute and know they are creating jobs one nautical mile at a time .