onboard, the cdc says there s no evidence the virus can spread through the ship s ventilation system. president xi jinping making a rare visit to a health center in beijing. earing a mask. taken. president trump saying two tha talk with the chinese president. i had a long ith president xi two nights ago, and he f weels very conftaident. during the april, the heat, lls kind of virus, but we re in great shape in our country. ag m rue gijoll we just heard president trump today saying we can expect to see the virus at least to start go away in the spring and the ay g erabrmwaout pe t repter:hat the pe, thatht tigon david, and health experts do say respiratory illnesses, we often start to see it go away in the warmer weather, buviirdat .hi t, s experts caution say we don t know how it spreads. or if warmer weather will actually slow that spread down. david. maggie, thank you.