back by popular demand, chad program is here to break it down by the numbers. 2018 marks the end of one of those were times republicans control the house and senate, good time to take stock of what the gop did and didn t do. take the longtime gop promise to repeal and replace obamacare. after one failed attempt house republicans muscled through their own healthcare measure which then died in the senate was republicans reengineered the nation s tax system for the first time in 3 decades. gdp topped 4% in the second 1:45,018 for the first time in four years. economic average, 3% for the first time in 13 years was nevertheless political observers blame the tax law for republicans losing house seats in new york, new jersey and california, residents can no longer deduct high-level local
healthcare measure. all this is mccain released another memoir in his final da days, the restless wave, a brutally honest assessment of his highs and lows personal and professional. the maverick senator offered the candidate assessment writing i m not sure what to make of president trump convictions his reaction to unflattering new stories calling them fake news whether they re credible or not is copied by autocrats who want to discredit and control prepress. lottery secures his friendship and criticism, his enemy. an audiobook expert the man who made public services life passion reflected on what he considered his unfinished legacy. maybe i ll be gone. my predicament as well, rather i am predictable. i prepared for either contingency or at least i m getting prepared. i have things like to take your first, some work that needs finishing and people i need to see and i want to talk to my fellow americans a little more,
afghanistan. we need to have strategy to win. strong as nation on earth should be able to and. as the 2016 presidential election candidates begin to emerge and campaign for zone senate reelection mccain is to support the eventual rebellion harmony. he pulled his endorsement of donald trump citing their differences in public policy issues like national security entrance controversy over comments about women. in the midst of the six senate armed he underwent surgery to remove a blood clot above his left eye was later diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor. despite a poor cancer prognosis he remained at them in a voice in the senate and the times were against his own party s efforts to repeal and replace obamacare. in july 2017 some senators audibly gasped as arizona senator give a memorable thumbs down gesture on the floor. mccain cast the deciding no vote which killed the gop s healthcare measure. all this is mccain released another memoir in his final da
he can live with everything else, the tax cut that doesn t materialize for the wealthy, could you? yeah, we ll look at the package. what i m most focused on, everybody knows the corporate is too high. the highest in the world. that needs to come down. our tax code is too simply kated. the burden on the middle class needs to come down. let s focus on lowering the tax burden for everyone and focus on controlling spending. that s what republicans are supposed to stand for, not some fancy revenue neutral idea where you raise taxes on some, cut it on others. that game the lobbyists win and the corporations win a and families lose. neil: thanks, jim jordan. we ll watch that very closely. you can see this is beginning to fine tune itself when it comes to tax cuts here. that it might not be so big or broad but it will still be. there will still be a healthcare measure. the senate is debating as we
about president obama. the president enjoys a little chaos under him. the signal is sent engage in chaos. there s no down side to doing it. no question the behavior starts at the time. neil: thanks, ari. good seeing you. thank you, neil. neil: the president gets ready to depart washington. going to west virginia addressing a huge gathering of boy scouts. 40,000 of them in west virginia. not surprisingly, shelly capito, the republican senator from that fine state will be juning him. she s one of those antsy about the last healthcare measure the senate was cooking up. this provides an opportunity for him to chat with her and maybe she with the president of the united states. the president gets ready to address our nation s boy scouts. more after this. ke? yeah, cause i got allstate. if you total your new bike, they replace it with a brand new one. that s cool. i got a new helmet.