want all u.s. troops out. now. not at the end of 2012. now. shepard: 61 percent? before the shooting it was 54 percent. reporter: it is up. and the fact of the matter it shows there is pressure on the british prime minister an incident where six british soldiers were killed. this has happened throughout war but as you say now that we are in the 11th year the president notes of course the american people and people around the world are getting weary. shepard: not history books when a majority of americans do not support a war effort, that war of the is able to continue. reporter: extremely difficult which is why the stakes are so high. he noted in the rose garden today he inherited this war, some republicans are not going to like the president suggested, look, the bush administration cannot have it right and they
fighting force. when do we get out of there, what suggests it will not go back the way it was five years, 10 years or 0 20 years. guest: i understand many americans have questions and doubts about the strategy and the progress. i understand a big part the concerns are that they are concerned about the health and well-being of the troops. my nephew is a marine and i had friends who have fought in afghanistan for a while and i know families are feeling the same kind of qualms but the cooperation between the united states forces and all coalition forces and afghan forces getting stronger and better each day. and relations between any two governments anywhere in the word, that cooperation is improving. last weekend the minister of defense and the general signed a
of real progress. listen. dismantling al qaeda, breaking the taliban momentum and training afghan forces so they can take the lead and our troops can come home. that transition is underway and about half of all afghans currently live in areas where afghan security forces are taking responsibility. shepard: he averaged the dip in public support for the war but added he thinks most understand the reasons for continuing the fight. and now ed henry like at white house. from the feedback we get it seems americans certainly want for us to be able to train the afghan forces so the afghan forces, led by the afghan government can take care their own security and make for a prosperous place but no one seems to believe when we leave, in a day, a year, or a decade, that it will hold. reporter: that is the challenge for the president and the prime minister. the recent set backs have only
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thank you. please, please, have a seat. in the general election, i ll be pointing out that the president took the reins of general motors and chrysler, closed factories, closed dealerships, laid off thousands and thousands of workers. he did it to try and save the business. in quiet rooms. we should only talk about this divide, this class warfare in quiet rooms. maybe you mean corporate board rooms. no, willard. we re going to talk about this right here, right now. and so is the president. and that s part of the responsibility that comes with being a leader in america. a responsibility not just to the shareholders or the stakeholders but to the country that made all this incredible wealth and opportunity possible. because the more americans who succeed, the more america