he s instantly gone. they found zip ties by the mailbox, duct tape here. right now we have not experienced the violence they have in mexico. people beheaded, piles of bodies, people hanging, we have not seen that, at this point. one of our concerns is, the mexican authorities told us 10 to 15 years ago, they looked at this and said this is a criminal versus a criminal. we don t care. we don t take that approach. they did and then it continued until it became legitimate victims. we ve drawn a line. we said we will come back there. sean: still ahead, politicians say the border is more secure than it has ever been. we ll show you proof it is not secure enough. hidden cameras capture armed drug and human smugglers operating with impunity on [ male announcer ] an everyday moment can turn romantic anytime.
people beheaded, piles of bodies, people hanging, we have not seen that, at this point. one of our concerns is, the mexican authorities told us 10 to 15 years ago, they looked at this and said this is a criminal versus a criminal. we don t care. we don t take that approach. they did and then it continued until it became legitimate victims. we ve drawn a line. we said we will come back there. sean: still ahead, politicians say the border is more secure than it has ever been. we ll show you proof it is not secure enough. hidden cameras capture armed drug and human smugglers operating with impunity on operating with impunity on u.s. soil that i was driving in northern california. my son was asleep i really didn t see it coming. i didn t realize i was drifing into the other lane. [ kim ] i was literally falling asleep at the wheel. it got my attention, telling me that i wasn t paying attention. the car hit the brakes faster than i could. i had no idea the guy in front of me had stopped s
bodies, people hanging, we have not seen that, at this point. one of our concerns is, the mexican authorities told us 10 to 15 years ago, they looked at this and said this is a criminal versus a criminal. we don t care. we don t take that approach. they did and then it continued until it became legitimate victims. we ve drawn a line. we said we will come back there. sean: still ahead, politicians say the border is more secure than it has ever been. we ll show you proof it is not secure enough. hidden cameras capture armed drug and human smugglers operating with impunity on u.s. soil that is coming up. i really didn t see it coming. i didn t realize i was drifing into the other lane. [ kim ] i was literally falling asleep at the wheel. it got my attention, telling me that i wasn t paying attention. the car hit the brakes faster than i could. i had no idea the guy in front of me had stopped short. but my car did. my car did. thankfully, my mercedes did. [ male announcer ] a world you c