beyond debilitating. it was crippling for him. w anyway, we ll let you decide now. in fact, if john , the burning sanders loving socialist spoiled brad brad trust fund hypocrite who he really cared about the people of pennsylvania, he probably step aside and let someonehehe more capable run for office. will play the tape. also tonight, democrats are now planning to give more of your hard earned tax dollars to people that just don t feel like paying back their student,l loans like most of you l did in the middle of a recession and a 40 year high of inflation. we have those full details coming . also tonight, virginia governor glenn young will join us and he is now blasting fairfax county schools for hiring a convicted child predator. can t believe we re dealing with this issue. but first, we begin tonight, this election night with a fox news alert. now we called polls are closed in florida and new york and oklahoma where several key primary races will soon be decided. he is
how sandy berger was treated. let s talk about that february letter that they got from the national archives and record administration. and let s talk about what happened in june because it seems like there is saying in writing that donald trump was cooperating apparently he cooperated in june just before this raid happened recently. so what changed in the interim? that s an incredibly good question. so first of all, what s the difference between hillaryth and he predecessors? well, it se very simple. donald trump is a republican . he s leading in the polls and that is a problem for joe biden and anybody that s going to be running against him if he chooses to run for i twenty , twenty four . that s the answer to that question. if he wastion a registered democrat, this wouldn t have happened for as far as miss walls letter, it states very clearly thathe she was told by counsel to president biden, , again, like you said,ai misinformation. they said they didn t know, but, counsel to the p
the three letter word, jobs, j-0-b-s. god rest your soul and although, wait, your mom is still alive. it s your dad passed. i promise you, the president has a big stick. i promise you. believe me. i love joe biden. i juan, not unusual for aen. presidential reelection campaign to take a look at the vice presidential candidate and there is always these rumors. do you think there is any truth to any serious consideration of this? no. i think the story would have leaked a lot bigger than just now in this book. but the thing i will say is i do believe that bill daley is right, that someone like bill daley might have thought, we re not doing so well. they were not doing well at that juncture and he probably thoughl who could we get and guess what? we know somebody who is very popular with women and independents, her name is hillary clinton. do you think that hillaryth would have considered it,