Wed February 03, 2021 - Northeast Edition
As a part of the
Maine Department of Transportation s three-year plan, Rep. Bill Pluecker, from Warren, announced on Jan. 28 that $7,341,000 worth of road and bridge construction will be coming to Appleton, Hope, Union and Warren.
During 2021, Maine Route 105 will undergo maintenance to replacing culvert in various locations along the road in Appleton, Hope and Camden:
Between Appleton and Camden, the work begins eight-tenths of a mile south of Searsmont Road and extends south 8.65 mi. to Hoffses Drive in Camden. The total cost for this maintenance work is $300,000. An additional $59,000 is set to replace culverts in various locations on Maine 105 in Appleton and Hope, beginning at Rt. 131 and extending southwest 11.56 mi. to U.S. Highway 1
AUGUSTA Senator David Miramant, D-Camden, is pleased with Maine’s three-year transportation infrastructure work plan, and what it means for Knox County.
The plan is released annually with an outline of the Maine Department of Transportation’s strategy for road, bridge and other transportation upgrades and maintenance projects.
“I am excited to see all of the investment in our infrastructure here in Knox County,” said Sen. Miramant. “I appreciate the dedicated workers who make these projects possible, and I’d encourage everyone to read more about their plans.”
According to the MDOT, the work plan covers approximately $2.71 billion worth of construction and maintenance, which includes 2,180 work items. The three-year plan estimates MDOT will invest in 100 miles of highway construction and rehabilitation; 893 miles of pavement preservation; 2,175 miles of light capital paving for roads and highways; 222 safety and spot improvements; and 166 bridge projects.