Huddlestock Fintech AS announced that announce that John E. Skajem is stepping down as the groups CEO as the company is entering the next phase, aiming for profitable growth. Leif Arnold Thomas is.
Huddlestock Fintech AS Q1 2023 Financial Report and Capital Markets Day Huddlestock delivers growth and is well prepared for the future after solid increase in revenue. | June 1, 2023
[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] PRESS RELEASE Huddlestock Fintech AS : Signs the first Family Office to use Portfolio Management System and reporting. | May 3, 2023
28.3.2023 10:40:40 CEST | Huddlestock Fintech AS | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state
Huddlestock Fintech AS – Completion of acquisition. | March 28, 2023
On February 24, 2023, the shares in Bricknode Holding AB (the "Company") were
given observation status with reference to material adverse uncertainty in
respect of the Company's financial position. Today