time high because of their reckless open border polic policy. we have europe at war because of their weakness and of course, in afghanistan. and now we afghani have vladimin threatening to use tacticall nuclear weapons and today pretty much declaring that much dee third of ukraine is now his.ing on and in the wake of hurricanee-to ian , florida s gulf coastve is now lucky to have strong state and local leadershipd locl because obviously the president of the united states is no obvio mentally capable of coordinating anything. take a look. whe fema administrator who s become the mvp these days spent a lot of time in this room as well. a fema and an entire workforce. the people directly impactedk fo by hurricane. people d and i m going to usirece thi i m it made landfall yesterday. we re here to talk about america. well, we can. thank you. thank you, mr. president . i don t think he knows the name
0 her nail. ne salon and pick the crops. do they think they issue get out of jail free card on racism at the voting booth? as long as you vote democrat? yes, they do think that that s exactly what they thinkal . i don t forget, i llwith be with you again first thing tomorrow morning. foin first x friends weekend.f yo and if you will , i d love it if you check out the will cain podcast, go download it at fox news podcast. .com tucker will be back next. h and welcome to hannity. all right.ork tonight, chaos icrimn new york w criminals now are roaming the streets. we have disturbing new video that shows a violent felon fel brutally assaulting this woman . we showed you earlier in the week a random attack on a subway platforn m near the airport. the attacker previously beat his own grandmothee r to death, was out on parole for a variety of other crimes. beat woman, the victim, i can t believe after that beating she was able to get up. now, she may permanentlyanenl lose visioy n in
i would say b. motorcycle. the motorcycle is twice as dangerous. i think i have them right. the winner i will give you one of my emmys. one of oh your i took michigan name off. harris has one and i have one. what s riskier, being a commercial fisherman for a year or using hurricanee heroin for a week? a commercial fisherman for a year or heroin for a week. fisherman. twice as dangerous being a commercial fisherman. anything you do for a year. well, not anything. but commercial fishing. librarians are safe, harris. here s the thing. you can over dose one time. you don t have to even do it a week. commercial fishing is more dangerous. what s riskier, driving from new york to los angeles, going sky